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            Chance of a Lifetime

by Erastes
Copyright 2017 by Erastes
Chapter 19 - Giving Thanks

The next event on the calendar was Thanksgiving, so I sat down with Pam to see how she wanted to handle it. 

"Are we going to be having company for dinner?" I began. 

"No, all of our parents live in other states and don't really like to travel here because its so far away.  They also hate the traffic." 

"Understandable - so will you be inviting anyone locally to join us?" 

"No, everyone we know is spending the day with their families." 

"Then are we having the meal here, or would you rather go out?"

"I'd prefer having a family meal at home." 

"Then I'll help you prepare everything, but I've never fixed a turkey before.  Chicken yes, but never a turkey."  

"I'll take care of that and you work on the other dishes.  That would be a huge help." 

"Ok, make a grocery list of what we'll need for that meal and I'll do the shopping for you as well." 

"I'm beginning to like Brad's idea about inviting you to live here with us more and more every day.  You sure are a lot more help than he is." 

"I guess it must be the gay genes," I joked, causing her to laugh. 

"Then I hope Reid got those same genes." 

I spent the day before Thanksgiving preparing the stuffed celery that we could nibble on before the turkey was done.  I also prepared a JELL-O Watergate salad, a green bean salad, the candied yams, butternut squash, a pumpkin cheesecake, and a chocolate silk pie.  They all were then placed in the refrigerator, and we'd take out the items that needed to go in the oven the following day, so they'd be warm for the meal. 

"Damn, it looks like you've fixed most of tomorrow's meal, along with what we're having for dinner tonight," Pam said when she saw me in the kitchen after getting home from work. 

"Yes, ma'am.  I've been busy a fixin' the dishes for you, master, and the chillin'," I replied in my mock servant mode.  "You shouldn't have to spoil those delicate hands doin' this work." 

Pam was laughing hysterically, but when she stopped she posed a question.  "Did you make the stuffing for the turkey too, since I see you thawed it so it would be ready for me to work on." 

"No, everyone does their stuffing differently, and I wasn't sure how you prepared yours, so I didn't do that," I responded more seriously this time. 

"That's fine, because it won't take me very long to whip it up.  I'll prepare that and stuff the turkey after we eat.  Then, it will be ready to pop in the oven in the morning." 

"It's a good thing the house had a really large, four-door refrigerator when we bought it, because it sure has come in handy.  I've also stored a few items in the fridge in my apartment, since I was running out of room." 

"Yes, I think the previous owners had several children, plus one set of parents living here as well.  With them having such a large family, it sure worked out great for us too." 

We then called everyone out to eat, since tonight's dinner was done, and during the meal we talked about what we anticipated doing over the four day holiday weekend. 

"Have you kids made your Christmas lists yet?" Brad asked first.   

"Yes!" they all screamed. 

"I think we finished them just after Halloween," Reid added.  "I had to help Evan and Ashley a little, cuz they couldn't spell some of the things they wanted." 

"Thank you for doing that, honey, so we'll just need you to give us your lists," his mother confirmed.  "I doubt we'll go out and buck the crowds on Friday, but I think your father and I will do some shopping over the weekend instead.  In the meantime, you kids can help me decorate the house." 

"Can I help you with the stuff outside, Dad?" Reid quickly followed. 

"I suppose we can find something for you to do, because Uncle Quinn has offered to help me hang the lights and put up the decorations outdoors." 

That made Reid glow, but I think he'd suspected I was going to be helping his dad, even before he offered his help.  I thought it was a pretty clever and sneaky way for him to make sure we were together. 

Pam said she was going to go to bed after she got Evan and Ashley in bed, seeing she had to get up early to put the turkey in the oven. 

"Do you need me to get up and help with anything?"

"No, you've done so much already that I'll probably be able to go back to bed for an hour after I get the turkey started.  You've taken a huge load off me already." 

"It was my pleasure, but you can let me do a little extra for you.  Why don't you let Evan shower with us tonight?" 

"I think that's a wonderful idea.  You're certainly proving to be a blessing." 

When we told Evan about this, he quickly thought of something else.  "Can I sleep with Unka Quinn too?"  

Before I answered, I looked at Reid first.  He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, but then he nodded too.  "Yeah, and I'll sleep with Uncle Quinn too," he quickly added. 

"Looks like I've got two bunkmates this evening," I joked as I looked at Pam. 

"Ok, as long as you don't mind, but I've seen that coming for a while now." 

As Evan went upstairs to get something to put on afterward, I spoke briefly with Reid.  "As soon as he falls asleep, I'll suck you off in the bathroom.  I just don't want to risk him waking up and seeing what we were up to if we did it in bed." 

"Yeah, that will be ok, since this is a long weekend.  Maybe we can do something Sunday night too, to make up for tonight." 

"Ok, I'll do that for you too." 

Reid was just going upstairs to get his things as Evan was heading downstairs.  "What took you so long?" 

"Uncle Quinn wanted to tell me something before I came up here." 


"He just said he'd sleep in the middle, so you could be on one side and I could be on the other." 

"Yeah, I like that."

When Reid returned, Evan and I were already undressed.  "I'll go start the shower while you're taking off your clothes."

"K, and I'll be there in a minute."

"Hurry up so we can do this," Evan urged his brother. 

"You can go with Uncle Quinn if you want.  You don't have to wait for me." 

"K, but hurry," he agreed before taking off.

I had Evan partially washed by the time Reid joined us, but seeing it hadn't held things up for Evan, he didn't seem to mind.  After I finished with Evan, I washed Reid next, and then the two boys washed me.  When we were done, I dried us all off, and then we went to the bedroom to get dressed.  As I was helping Evan put on his PJs, Reid was smart enough to put on his underwear, because he knew his brother would ask questions if he slept nude.  I put on a pair of boxers as well, and then we climbed into bed. 

Reid slept on his normal side of the bed, and I slept on my back so it didn't appear as if I was favoring or ignoring either boy.  Evan held onto my arm like it was a teddy bear until he drifted off, and once I was sure he was asleep, I nudged Reid to get out of bed and head to the bathroom.  After we closed the door behind us, I lifted him onto the counter, pulled down his briefs, and attacked his penis. 

It was definitely what you'd call a 'quickie', since it didn't take him very long to explode into my mouth, so I was pretty sure he had needed to cum and was glad he didn't miss out on this opportunity. 

"Can't I do you too?" he wanted to know when he saw I was getting ready to leave.   

"Not tonight, but I wanted to make sure you were taken care of." 

He smiled weakly, nodded, and then we went out and got back into bed.  Since Evan was sleeping peacefully, this time I was able to cuddle with Reid for the rest of the night. 

Seeing I woke up before either boy, I kissed Reid on the cheek and broke the embrace I'd shared with him while we'd been sleeping.  Then, I rolled over in the other direction and placed my other arm across Evan's slender chest.  I stayed like that until he awoke, about forty minutes later. 

"I like sleeping with you like this," Evan beamed when he realized I was holding onto him. 

"Yes, I like it too," I concurred, as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

As soon as we were all up, Reid and I dressed quickly, since he'd brought down his clothes for today, and then we went out to have breakfast.  I was surprised to see that everyone else was already up, and Pam had things ready to prepare a meal for us when we joined them, since Brad and Ashley were already at the table.  

"Thank you for the lovely breakfast," I told her once we'd eaten.  "I was ready to fix breakfast for everyone when I got up, but we stayed in bed and waited for Evan to wake up first." 

"Yes, he can be a sleepyhead, and sometimes gives me a tussle when I try to get him up and moving on school days." 

"Nuht uh," Evan objected. 

"Uh huh," his mother countered, not giving in.  "Some mornings you're so bad that I'm tempted to get a bucket of ice water and dump over you so you'll get up." 

Evan's eyes shot wide open, as he gawked at his mother.  "You wouldn't do that." 

"Then don't tempt me by giving me trouble getting you out of bed, or you may find out."  I wasn't sure, but I had a feeling that Evan might be a little more cooperative from now on. 

When we finished, I asked Pam what she wanted Evan to wear today, because I was planning to take him upstairs and help him get dressed.  As soon as she explained which outfit and where I'd find it, I took Evan to his room and helped him get ready.  When we came downstairs again, Evan went to watch the parade with his father and siblings, while I went to the kitchen to help Pam fix the remaining items for today's meal. 

"Can I help?" Reid asked when he saw what I was doing.  I guess when I didn't go to watch the parade with Evan, Reid decided to come looking for me. 

"Sure.  Come here and I'll show you what to do," I offered. 

"I find this interesting," his mother observed, "but I really like seeing you doing things like this.  How come you've never asked to help me when I was working alone in the kitchen?"  Reid suddenly looked like the kid who'd just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 

"Ummm, I didn't know guys did this kinda stuff, but when I saw Uncle Quinn doin' it, I thought maybe he could teach me." 

"Good answer, so listen and learn.  That way you can help more often in the future."

I mentioned earlier that I wasn't a very good cook, but since I'd been helping fix the meals I've found that Pam's cookbooks and her suggestions had moved me up a level as chef.  I was still a long ways from becoming a master chef, but I was definitely better than when I first arrived here. 

Since we weren't going to eat until 3:00, just before noon I fried up some cheese raviolis and filled a small bowl with marinara sauce.  Then, I put those items on the dining room table, along with the celery I'd stuffed yesterday.  I'd filled it with a mixture of cream cheese and sour cream that I'd added chopped black olives and chopped walnuts to.   Then I called everyone out to fill up a small plate so they could have something to snack on until dinner was served. 

"Wow!  These are good," Reid gushed after tasting one of each. 

"Thank you." 

"And how did you come up with the idea of frying ravioli as an appetizer?" Pam wondered. 

"I found the idea online, along with the recipe I used to stuff the celery." 

"Damn, you're turning out to be quite handy," Brad added.  "These are pretty good."

"And I like them too," Evan chimed in. 

"Yeah, me too," Ashley agreed. 

That seemed to tide everyone over until the meal was ready, and then at 3:00 we sat down for an early dinner.  Before we filled our plates, however, Brad had something to say. 

"I'm not usually one for saying grace, but today I think we should take time to not only give thanks for this wonderful meal, but for having such a terrific family.  Since Uncle Quinn has joined us, we seem to have the perfect mix, where everyone benefits and we're all very happy together.  So thank you, God, for granting us all of these marvelous gifts."

"Amen," Pam quickly added, as the rest of us followed suit.  Then we began to fill our plates. 

When we finished eating, we all pushed away from the table quite stuffed.  "Man, that was one fantastic dinner," Brad stated.  "Thanks, hun."

"A lot of the credit goes to Quinn," she quickly replied.  "Outside of putting things in the oven, I basically only fixed the turkey and dressing." 

"Then thank you, Quinn.  You're definitely earning your keep."

"Yeah, thanks Uncle Quinn," three little voices chimed in. 

"And God Bless us, everyone," I added in my best child's voice. 

"Huh?" Reid mumbled, looking at me strangely. 

"It was my best Tiny Tim impression, because this was starting to sound like a scene from 'A Christmas Carol'," I quipped back, gaining an expression of understanding. 

"So does that make me Bob Cratchit or Scrooge?" Brad asked.  None of us bothered to answer and we merely shrugged our shoulders instead.  "And Merry Christmas to all of you too," Brad sneered, mockingly. 

"Sorry, honey, but you set yourself up for that one," Pam said with a giggle. 

Reid and I offered to help Pam clean up and put things away, and then he and I went in to watch football games with his father.  Reid was sitting so close to me on the sofa that he was nearly in my lap. 

"Are we all comfy?" Brad said in jest after noticing the situation. 

"Yeah," Reid answered, not catching his father's drift. 

"I thought so," Brad replied with a grin. 

Around 8:00, we took a break to fix a snack.  We each had a turkey sandwich, although Evan and Ashley only had half, and then we heated up whatever else we wanted from earlier.  Once we finished with those items, we had our dessert, before going back to watch TV together, but this time we found a movie instead.

When the movie ended, Evan and Ashley were nearly asleep, so Pam said they could skip their bath and just get in bed.  Since Evan was so sleepy, he asked me to carry him upstairs and help him get undressed, so I did that for him while Pam helped Ashley.  Then, I went downstairs to take care of Reid. 

"Lets skip our shower too and just do the other stuff." 

"I'm afraid I might be a little ripe, seeing I worked up quite a sweat working in the hot kitchen.  If you want to do what you usually do, then I think it would be best if I showered first." 

"Ok, then I'll shower with you, cuz I worked pretty hard too." 

"Yes, you certainly did."

We then undressed and jumped in the shower.  I told Reid we should wash each other thoroughly, especially the areas we felt we'd be focusing on later, and he wanted to do me first.  It didn't take me long to realize he was doing more than merely washing my penis, and then I felt him inserting his finger into my rectum while he was washing my backside.  When it was my turn to wash him, I retuned the favor, and just before we finished, Reid made a comment.

"I think it was cute that Evan asked if I liked you washing me as much as he did," Reid said with a grin.  "He really thinks I only shower with you when we all shower together." 

"And I want him to keep believing that, or else we might have to stop.  Either that or he'll want to do it with us every night too." 

"Yeah, ok, I see what you mean." 

Now that the foreplay was out of the way, we dried off each other and headed to bed.  Seeing I'd only sucked Reid off quickly the previous night, he wanted to do everything tonight, one at a time.  I didn't have a problem with that, and it had been a week since we'd last done this with each other, so I needed it as much as he did tonight. 

As soon as we were laying side-by-side on the bed, we began kissing each other, but I soon took control because I wanted to work on him first.  Once we finished dueling with our tongues, I went to work on one of his ears, which caused him to moan quite loudly.  Over time I'd learned that Reid's ears were much more sensitive than anyone else I'd ever been with.  In fact, he got nearly as much enjoyment out of having me suck on his lobes and run my tongue around his outer ear as he got from oral sex.  I wouldn't be surprised if one day he cummed just from me working on his ears. 

After I finished on the first one, I kissed and nipped my way across his neck, as I made my way to his other ear, and then I repeated the same process on it.  Once I had worked on that ear as well, I moved down to his chest and used my tongue to tease the little nubs on his chest, and when they were standing erect, I began to suck on them too.  I did the same thing to both of his nipples, and then I decided to try something that I was afraid Reid might consider odd, but I did it nonetheless.  I carefully lifted his arm and buried my face in his arm pit, so I could attack that area next. 

As I ran my tongue over that area and nibbled on his nearly hairless flesh, Reid began to squirm and giggle.  He obviously thought my actions tickled, but he was also releasing sighs of satisfaction and contentment in between the giggles.  Once I finished paying attention to the first side, I moved across his body and did the same thing on his other arm pit, eliciting similar results.  When I finished there as well, I kissed and nibbled my way down the center of his chest until I reached his navel. 

Reid had a really cute innie belly button that was also extremely sensitive.  It seemed like every time I attacked his navel with my tongue, he started to squirm and giggle uncontrollably.  On some occasions I would do it more aggressively to get even with him for something he'd said or done, but most of the time it was just a brief stop before I moved on to my ultimate goal. 

Once I finished up there, I stood up and moved between his legs next.  As soon as I was in position, I lifted those coltish limbs and attacked his butt, because I knew how much he enjoyed it.  This was something he'd never even thought about trying before I started doing it with him, but he seemed to fall in love with it from the very first time.  Seeing I knew how much he enjoyed this, I greedily attacked his anal opening and licked, sucked, and probed the area with my tongue.  This caused Reid to writhe around in ecstasy, while moaning, cooing and panting in sheer delight. 

When I stopped doing that, I licked my way up his perineum so I could attack his scrotum next.  First, I ran my tongue over every square inch of that fleshy sac, and then I began to nip and tug gently on it with my teeth, before sucking on the grape size watery baby makers contained within.  His body was shuddering with anticipation and absolute pleasure as I slid higher and zeroed in on the straining organ that made him a boy. 

As I began to lick up the length of his penis, his body seemed to spasm in pure joy, and when I reached the glans and began to run my tongue around the coronal ridge, he was groaning audibly.  As soon as I lowered my mouth over his erection and allowed my lips to slide down its length, his hips began to buck upward, as he started to unconsciously hump my face. 

As soon as he did that, I wet a finger and slid it into his rectum, gently easing it in and out for a minute before inserting it all the way so I could stroke his prostate.  When I found that sensitive gland, I ran the tip of my finger over the surface, catapulting him into a momentary period of euphoria.  He was grunting 'unh, unh, unh' as he began to ejaculate and filled my mouth with his delicious boy-cream.  I swallowed every drop and continued sucking until he was completely drained, before I released that gorgeous piece of flesh from my lips.  Then, I gave him all the time he needed to enjoy his post-orgasmic bliss. 

I was totally focused on the peaceful and angelic expression on his face as he slowly came down his climactic high.  Then, without warning, he sat upright, wrapped his arms around my neck, and started kissing me again.  When he finally released my neck, he was nearly glowing when he spoke. 

"Man, it just keeps getting better and better.  I loved everything you did to me and it felt even more terrific than the last time you did it." 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, because I know I enjoyed doing it with you." 

"Dang, I love you so much.  I'm really glad my parents asked you to do this with me." 

"As am I," I agreed, as I pulled him into a very loving embrace. 

About a minute later, Reid pulled away, looked me in the eye, and spoke.  "Now it's my turn to do that to you." 

I didn't argue and immediately got into position so he could repeat each of those steps on me.  He never skipped a beat and did everything I'd done to him, bringing me as much pleasure as I'd given him.  When I finally fed him my man-cream, his reward for such a fantastic effort, he drank it down and then moved up to kiss me again.  After that, we just laid side-by-side for a brief time, as we both panted in pure bliss. 

As soon as our bodies began to calm down, we finished our nightly preparations and then cuddled in bed.  I had no way of knowing how long Reid would stay with me, since I realized there was a chance he might one day find someone a little closer to his own age, but I'd relish every moment that we were together.  I could only hope that he'd choose to stay with me forever, but since I was so much older, we both knew I'd probably pass away long before he did.  However, I'd sell my soul to be with him until then and could only hope and pray that he felt just as strongly about me.

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I wish to extend my thanks to Donny and Emoe for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:





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Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.