Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 02:06:04 -0400 From: Tom Cup Subject: David's Fortunes - Chapter 2 Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by the Paratwa Partnership: A Colorado Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, except in the case of reviews, without written permission from the Paratwa Partnership, Inc, 354 Plateau Drive, Florissant, CO 80816 This is a fictional story involving alternative sexual relationships. If this type of material offends you, please do not read any further. This material is intended for mature adult audiences. Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. ************************************************************************ Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by the Paratwa Partnership: A Colorado Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, except in the case of reviews, without written permission from the Paratwa Partnership, Inc, 354 Plateau Drive, Florissant, CO 80816 This is a fictional story involving alternative sexual relationships. If this type of material offends you, please do not read any further. This material is intended for mature adult audiences. Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. ************************************************************************ Author's Note: These chapters were written some time ago and are based on "David's Christmas Present" which can be found here on Nifty. The original author was unable to finish the story and asked for others to do so. For reasons that I won't go into here, these chapters have been only available to the members of We are releasing them now for the enjoyment of Nifty readers. Because "David's Fortunes" begins where the original ended, at chapter 11 of "David's Christmas Present", the reader may wish to read the original eleven chapters before proceeding here. If you are familiar with the original story, we hope that you will enjoy the alternative ending in the following chapters. ************************************************************************ What's New at KOA Boy Chapter 6 Added 04/23 Of Our Teenage Years Chapter 10 Added 4/20 Stephen Miller's Journal Chapter 12 Added 4/13 Mentoring Brandon Chapter 8 Added 4/13 Raptors By Richard Dean Chapter 7 Added 4/13 Age Before Beauty Chapter 4 Added 4/08 Calvin: Identity Crisis Chapter 12 Added 4/02 Private Lessons Chapter 5 Added 3/06 In Memory of Steve: Chapter 9 Added 2/13 Short Story: Ambrosius Added 1/29 Short Story: Blair Manor Added 1/29 Sexfiles File 10 Added 11/30 Short Story: Can I Stay With You Added 11/30 Terms of Living Chapter 11 Added 11/16 Short Story: Boys Will Be Boys Added 11/15 ************************************************************************ David's Fortunes By Tom Cup Chapter 2 Reunion "Mr. Dennings," David said, "This is a surprise. Come in... Come in." "I was under the impression that you would be expecting us," Dennings said. David didn't answer immediately. His eyes were on Gwen. She looked sheepishly at him and then to the ground. David smiled. He scanned the faces of his parents. His mother looked older and wearier than he remembered. His father still had the same angry aloft look that David remembered so well. David took a deep breath, stepped aside, and allowed his visitors into the entry. "Yes, I was aware that you would be coming. However, I did expect a call as to the time," David said. The statement had the effect that Dad wanted. Everyone was put on notice; this was David's domain. David made the rules. Dennings had made a violation of courtesy. David forgave the violation but it had not been overlooked, nor would it be forgotten. "I suppose you could just put your family out," David's father sneered. David smiled. You can jump in a fucking lake for all I care, David thought. Don't dare try that family guilt bullshit on me. "I wouldn't dream of doing any such thing. You have always been welcome in my home." David's mother understood the meaning to the statement immediately. Yes mother, David thought seeing her fidget, you have been welcome here even if you made me feel unwelcome in your home. You could have come here any time. It was never me that put distance between us; it was you. With every missed opportunity, during my youth, to show me you cared about me you pushed me further and further away; you told me I was not welcome. I could repay you in kind but I won't. I'll punish you with my kindest. Yes, mother. You are welcome. Gwen was staring at the floor and shifting nervously. David still couldn't figure out just what she was doing there. How had Denning conjured her from the past? What did he hope to get out of her? "Hello Gwen," David said. Gwen looked up as if startled by her own name or astounded that David had remembered it. "Hello David." "What are you doing here?" "I..." "There will be plenty of time to discuss such matters in the coming moments but..." Denning interrupted. David's head snapped toward the man. David was in no mood for games. His eyes burned into Dennings yet his overall demeanor remained composed, nearly majestic. His voice was low and calm when he spoke. "Mr. Dennings, I was not addressing you and before you say another word let me remind you that this is my house. You are here because of my graciousness. Do not try my patience." Dennings' mouth opened as if to say something and then closed again. David turned back to Gwen. He waited. Gwen nodded knowing that David deserved an answer. She was about to speak when Adam came into the entry. "Excuse me Dad but it's not polite to keep them standing there like that. You really should invite them in." All eyes turned to the boy. Gwen gasped at Adam's beauty. Dennings nodded as if Adam was somehow aiding him. David's father showed immediate distaste for the ethnicity of the boy. David saw all these things, recognized all these things. But he couldn't read his mother. What was it that her face registered? Was it pain? Regret? Guilt? David just couldn't put his mind around the emotion that so strongly showed and then disappeared behind a veil of subservience. She looked shyly at her husband, saw his hatred as clearly as David, and lowered her eyes. "Hi I'm Adam." Adam stepped forward and extended his hand. David's father gaffed and rolled his eyes. Both Gwen and David's mother were embarrassed but David's father's rejection of Adam's politeness. Gwen stepped forward and took the boy's hand. "I'm Gwen. Gwen Matthews. David and I were... um... old friends." "It's a pleasure to meet you," Adam smiled. Adam turned to David's mother. He offered her his hand. She looked at her husband who was looking angrily at the back of Adam's head. -- David thought, if you dare to say anything to upset my kid, Dennings will get what he wants cause I'll be in jail for murder. -- She struggled but overcame her husband's rebuking look and took Adam's hand. "I'm Betty. Betty Saunders. David's mother." "So that makes you my Grandmother," Adam said cheerfully, "It's a pleasure to meet you!" "Like hell it does!" David's father roared, "I don't know what the hell is going..." "John please," Betty begged, "please..." Adam and David saw the tears she fought. David knew there was something that he was forgetting, something about his childhood that he had long ago buried. He left home thinking that his parents hated him. He was beginning to remember that it wasn't his parents that hated him it was his father. His mother just seemed afraid to show him love. Why? Just as at this moment she looked to David's father to see how he reacted before responding, she did the same as David was growing up. Since his father only showed hatred for David, his mother showed dispassion. That was it! She couldn't -- wasn't allowed to -- show David love. She couldn't show him hate, so she showed him nothing. She didn't hate David. She simply wasn't allowed to love him. Why? David wondered, and why didn't I ever notice this before? "Dad," Adam said breaking David from his thoughts. "Hmm.." "Invite them in." "Oh, I'm sorry. Adam's right. Where are my manners? Please, everyone, come in." David led the way into the living room. John and Dennings stomped after him. Adam smiled again at Betty and Gwen, took both their hands and escorted them into the room. Betty's eyes roamed the large spacious home in awe. Her youngest had out done them all. With no help or encouragement David had succeeded. A tear fell from her eye. ***** The doorbell rang again. Adam excused himself and returned a short time later with Ben. Ben was annoyed at Dennings. David knew the lawyer well enough to read the annoyance on Ben's face. Dennings was supposed to let Ben know of the time of this meeting, not to simply show up on David's doorstep. David smiled knowing that Dennings had taken the gloves off with a man that loved to fight. No, David corrected, himself chuckling inside, Ben doesn't love to fight he loves to win! Poor Dennings, you have stirred a hornet's nest! Ben sat opposite Dennings, silent, staring at the man as David introduced the rest of the group. Ben's eyes never left Dennings. "OK then," David said, "Where were we? Oh yes, Gwen was telling us why she's here." "She here because I asked her to come," John said, "She here because we all think you have lost your fucking mind." David suppressed the urge to lash out at the man. He took deep breaths while focusing on Gwen. She again nodded. Her heart was breaking. She had loved David deeply. After the break up she had stayed in touch with David's folks, not because she wanted too but because David's father had said that surely David couldn't be such a fuck up that he would throw her away. She held on to the hope that whatever David was going through would pass. She hoped that one day he would want to settle down, settle down with her. She followed his success, reported it to his parents, and hoped that since he had achieve everything else he would reflect back and think of her. She hadn't realized that John's statement were simply a continuation of his hatred of David. She hadn't realized it until this trip. "That's not why I'm here," She said, "When Mr. Dennings called your parents and started asking questions about you adopting kids, I couldn't believe it. David, I wanted to have your children so badly. You didn't seem to want any. And now you've adopted one and petitioning for two more." "I don't see what that has to do with your being here." "I just wanted to know if it was me. Was it me David? Was it just that you didn't want to have my children?" Gwen was crying. David had been relieved by the break up. He hadn't thought of how it affected Gwen. Now he learned that she had never married. She had followed his career on some foolish assumption that when David achieved success he would be ready to marry. David felt a sickness to his stomach. He would have to explain this to Gwen but now was not the time. He felt bad for her but he had never asked her to wait for him. He'd assumed that the relationship was dead, buried and forgotten. He shook his head. "No Gwen," he said, "it wasn't you. I wasn't ready for marriage. I don't know if I ever will be." "That's the problem," Dennings said, "Why do you say this? Why adopt these kids if you have no plans for marriage, ever?" "Mr. Dennings, whether or not I plan to marry is not the issue here. As stated in court, over have the households in America are single parent homes. Single parents can, and do, provide for and demonstrate love for children every bit as much as two parent households." "Yes, however a single man wishing to adopt male children," Dennings said. "I'd be very careful with what you are suggesting," Ben growled. "Suggesting!" snapped John, "He's a fucking faggot! What you don't think I know about you and that fucking Bulman kid? Fucking faggots!" Ben looked at David. David nodded. "What exactly does that mean?" Dennings asked, "Are you gay?" "My clients sexual orientation is not of concern here," Ben said. "Bullshit!" John said, "The boy couldn't even get it up for his fiancée! He's as queer as they come!" Gwen was crying. She had admitted the fact in a moment of weakness so long ago. She hated the memory of David and her failed attempts at lovemaking but she hated John's use of the memory worse. "OK," David said, "Sure, I admit that I experimented with Gary. That's all it was. Youthful experimentation. You got something else." "Well," Dennings said, "I think the court would be very interested in this information." "Why?" David asked. "The agency feels that in the case of two such impressionable boys it would be better that they not be in a home with a homosexual history. We do not want them exposed to further temptations." "Further temptations?" Ben questioned. "Yes, their former foster parents have reported that they have been tempted to `experiment' with such activities." David laughed. "Mr. Dennings are you telling me that you are going to stand up in court and tell Judge Bennet that because of an incident that occurred when I was sixteen that the twins should be denied the stability of this home?" "It is a question of what is best for the twins." "And how are you going to explain your earlier support of my adoption of Adam?" "I would not have supported the adoption had I known all the facts of this case. Your inability to have normal relations was not known to me." "I see. Mr. Dennings what happened when the twins were discovered `experimenting' sexually with one another?" "They were rebuked." "And that's all?" "To my knowledge." "Hmmm... that's interesting." "Interesting? How so?" "The twins told me about the incident that you mentioned." "Oh?" "Oh yes. They also told me that clothes pins were placed on their penises as punishment." Mr. Dennings eyes enlarged. David smiled and Ben nodded. "That certainly sounds like child abuse to me," Ben said, "Now, let me say a few things Mr. Dennings. First, what happened between two sixteen-year-old boys is hardly grounds to deny these children a home. Second David's, how did you put it, `inability to have normal relations' does not equate to him being homosexual. I have known this man for many years, and know others that will swear that David has never had a homosexual relationship. If anything, we can prove that he is a-sexual. Thirdly, if you proceed in this direction we will sue you civilly for libel and slander. I personally guarantee that with the resources that Mr. Saunders' possesses you will be broke and destitute far before we are through." "You can't threaten me!" "I can and I am," Ben continued, "Make no mistake about it Mr. Dennings, I will make it my life's mission to ruin you both personally and professionally. You have made enough missteps in this case to insure your own defeat. Not only did your agency place children in home that neglected them, but the home was abusive and bordered on dangerous. We are expecting nothing less than your stamp of approval on the next court date." Dennings' mouth fell opened. He was noticeably paled. He looked first at David and then back at Ben. He was an arrogant man but he wasn't stupid. Maybe he could get the judge to keep the twins from David Saunders but at what cost? Was it worth it to lose everything to prove a point, to prove how much he loathed homosexuals? He nodded. "What!" John screamed, "You are going to let this happen? You're going to let this piece of shit win?" "What is it that you hate about me?" David asked, "And don't tell me it's the Gary Bulman thing. I was sixteen by then. You hated me long before that. So what is it? You've treated me like an unwanted all my life. Why? You coddled everyone else, but me not a word of kindness, not a word of encouragement. You wouldn't even let Mom encourage me or show me any kindness. Even when I was a little kid you ignored me, treated me like I didn't belong -- like I was unwanted. So let's get on with it Dad. You finally showed up. You're finally here. So let's have it. Why do you hate me so much?" "I don't have to answer a fucking faggot like you!" "Is that the best you got? Sorry, doesn't do it. You wouldn't let Mom pick me up or hug me even when I was four or five years old. Faggot? Even if I were gay, I wouldn't have known then. But as far back as I can remember you have treated me with utter contempt. What did I do to make you hate me so? Was it just the fact that I was born?" "Stop it! Stop it!" Betty screamed. Everyone turned to her. She had fallen to her knees in tears. She was shaking her head. "It's my fault. It's all my fault." "Don't say another word," John cautioned. David finally understood. He laughed. "You're not my father are you? That's the real reason you came. You don't want my kids to have your name." "You're fucking right! I don't want those nigger kids and some fucking savage walking around using my good name." "Stop it!" screamed Betty again, "Oh God, oh God, how long do I have to be punished for this? How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" "It's OK Mom," David said, "I understand now." "No it's not David," Betty cried, "I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you. I wanted to but I couldn't. I wanted to hold you, honey I really did, but..." She wept. "You don't have to worry about my kids having your name John," David said, "You don't have to worry about me having your name. Ben will make sure we all have new ones. I'm not your son but birth or any other means and I don't want your name. You are a heartless, selfish, mean spirited asshole. There is nothing good about your name. Get the fuck out of my life. You're dead to me. I don't want to ever see you again." "Well, that's fine by us," John said, "Let's go Betty." "No," Betty cried, "No. I can't. I've had enough John. You've kept me away from my son long enough. You don't want me anyway, not really. You just want someone you can remind of her sin, someone you can beat down to make you feel better about you. I can't take it anymore." "Get up!" John screamed, "We're getting out of here!" He moved toward her but David was on his feet and standing in between him and his mother. "Give me any excuse," David whispered, "Any." John looked down at Betty. Gwen and Adam were kneeling beside her trying to comfort her. He moved cautiously toward the door. "You won't get a penny," He said before he left, "Not a penny." "She won't need one," David swore. ************************************************************************ Send comments to: To support this and other stories by the author, join at If you like this story, check out Tom Cup's "Calvin: A Coming of Age Story." Available at Barnes and Nobles Bookstores, and our local independent bookseller.