Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 08:14:10 -0500 From: Keith Yates Subject: Devyn's Struggle V2 - 22 This is a fictional story involving sexual acts between two or more men. If this offends you, why are you here? If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material then do not read any further. This story in no way represents any person living or dead. Any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and no copying or posting to any other website is permitted without the author's written consent. Please help keep Nifty going by donating to this awesome service. Devyn's Struggle V2 Chapter 22 Don brought Lee back to pick up the car and to ask Devyn a few more questions. "don thought you might be more comfortable talking to me," Lee said. "I'm sure it probably isn't easy to talk abut this stuff at all." Lee glanced at Joe and then back at Devyn. "Do you think I'll have to testify?" Devyn asked him. "I don't know," Lee said. "Can you tell me about how you met Tom?" Devyn glanced at Joe and then back at Lee. He felt strange telling Lee about this. So far, he had only told Joe and Hannah about his life before moving to the farm. Devyn took a deep breath. "The guy seemed so great in the beginning," Devyn said. "I was so stupid." "No," Lee said. "He was a good manipulator. Don't beat yourself up about this. Just relax and tell me what you are the most comfortable with telling me." Devyn thought back to the rainy night. He could still feel the dampness and the cold. He had been sleeping under a tree with a stray dog. Devyn woke up when he felt cold drops hitting his face. He opened his eyes and could see nothing but dark. It was pitch black under the tree and he was not sure what time it was. He only knew it was dark outside and that it must be raining. "Damn!" he said wiping the water from his eyes. The rain was cold and his clothes were already damp. He knew he would not be able to stay outside tonight. The cold rain was going to be too much for him. Devyn crawled toward the edge of the low hanging branches. The rain making the branches lower and heavier. He pushed out of them causing more water to fall. He was getting wetter and he was getting colder. Once out from under the tree, the cold wind seemed to cut right to his bones. He wondered if the rain would be switching over to snow. It was still winter after all. Even if it was late winter. "So where are we going to go?" Devyn asked the dog who had crawled out with him. The dog just looked up at Devyn. He looked about as lost as Devyn felt. "Well, come on. No sense standing here in the rain," Devyn said. Devyn began walking quickly. He held onto his sleeping bag and his backpack was on his back. They felt heavier than they ever had. Devyn wondered around the deserted streets. It seemed everyone was staying inside on a crappie night like this. He saw on the bank clock that it was after midnight. He had slept quite a while. He could not believe he had slept so long. He must have been tired. Devyn walked past a church and wondered if he might be able to get inside. He tried the door, but it was locked. "Figures," he told the dog. Devyn had no idea where he was going. He had no purpose or specific place in mind. He just wanted to get out of the rain. He only had to make it thru the night. He would figure out something else tomorrow. Devyn had not been in this part of town much. He had never been here at this time of night before. He heard loud music coming from one of the streets. He followed the sounds hoping that it would lead him to somewhere that he might be able to get out of the cold rain. He saw the neon signs in the window and heard the music get louder as the door opened and a couple walked out of the bar. Devyn had just a few dollars left. Maybe he could go inside and get a bag of chips and a Coke and that would give him a chance to get warmed up. The bar might be open for another couple of hours. Devyn pushed through the doors and was greeted with the smell of cigarette smoke, beer, and food. His stomach began rumbling at the smell of food and his body began to shake now that it felt warmth again. It took Devyn's eyes a few seconds to adjust to the noise. He started to push his way thru the crowd. He wondered what he would do once this place closed. He knew the temperature was only going to get colder. He knew that tomorrow night might be even colder than tonight. "Kid, just where do you think you are going?" a man asked from behind Devyn. Turning around Devyn looked up and up at the tall man. His shoulders were broad his face was rugged and covered with a dense beard. The man crossed his arms. Devyn could see the muscles bulge as the man stood there looking Devyn over. Devyn swallowed before answering. "I, um, thought maybe I...," Devyn stammered his teeth chattering as the heat of the bar started to seep into him. "Look kid this aint no homeless shelter," the man said. "You need to head on down the road." "I have money," Devyn said. "I was just going to get a drink and maybe something to eat. "You have money?" the man said looking Devyn over for the second time. The man was taking in Devyn's slender farm. The clothes were hanging on Devyn as the teenager had lost weight over the past several weeks. It was obvious that Devyn's long hair had not been washed for a few days and it looked like the boy was carrying everything he owned on his back. the man wondered if the kid in front of him was even fourteen. The kid definitely did not look older than fifteen at the most. He was probably younger. "Yes," Devyn said. "I can get a drink and something to eat?" The words were more a question at the end. Devyn wanted something to eat. He wanted something hot in his belly. "Kid we don't serve minors in here," the man said. "I um, wasn't going to get that kind of drink," Devyn said. "We also don't serve kids without an adult," the man said. "But, I, I..." Devyn began but was not allowed to finish. The man uncrossed his arms. "You need to get your skinny little ass out of here kid," the man said putting his hand on Devyn's shoulder and starting to push the boy towards the door. "Wait one minute," another man said coming up to Devyn. The man had been watching the boy from almost the moment Devyn had entered the bar. "It's okay, he is with me." The man said moving up beside Devyn. Devyn looked at the man. He had jet black hair, a friendly face, almost black eyes, and a smile that never seemed to touch the eyes. The man was good looking with his strong jaw and his crooked nose. Devyn wondered if the man's nose had been broken. "He is?" the man asked skeptically. "Yeah, he is. He's my nephew," the man lied. "I have been looking for him." The man had been looking for a boy but that opportunity had not materialized. It looked like maybe fate had stepped. "Sure he is," the other man said the skepticism obvious in his voice. "He's going to be joining me at my table," he said. "Be sure and send the waitress right over to take his order. He just got into town and I bet he's hungry." Before Devyn really understood what was happening, the man had grabbed him by the upper arm and pulled him over to a table near the back of the bar. "Um, thanks," Devyn said after being pushed down into a seat. His backpack and sleeping bag on the floor next to him. "Not a problem," the man said. "My name is Tom fisher." "I'm Devyn, Devyn Roberts," Devyn said. "It is very good to meet you Devyn," Tom said holding out his hand. Devyn put his hand into the man's. It felt so warm compared to his slightly damp and cold hand. "You too," Devyn said. "What can I getcha?" The dark-haired waitress asked. "Go on and order anything you want," Tom told Devyn. "I'll, um just have a Coke," Devyn said knowing he could not afford much else. "Oh, you need more than a Coke," Tom said. "Um, well, I um..." Devyn began. "Bring him a bacon cheeseburger and fries," Tom told the waitress, "and the coke and bring me another beer." "Sure thing," she said. "I, Um, I don't have the money to pay for all that," Devyn said. Devyn was embarrassed about having to admit he was broke, but he had little choice. He could feel his ears burn and face growing warm with his humiliation. "Don't worry about it," Tom said. "My treat." "I, um, appreciate it," Devyn said. "But we don't know each other." "We don't," Tom said. "But you look like you need a break." "Why would you want to give me a break?" Devyn asked. "I'm just helping out a kid who appears to be a little down on his luck," Tom said. "But why?" Devyn asked being persistent. "Never ask why Devyn, just enjoy it," Tom said. The waitress soon returned with Devyn's food and the drinks. Devyn tore into the burger with gusto. He never thought he had tasted a bacon cheeseburger as good as that one before. The fries were disappearing as fast as he could pick them up. Tom sat and watched Devyn practically inhale the food. He knew the kid was hungry but had no idea. He did not think he had even chewed the food. "I guess the food was good huh?" tom said as Devyn pushed the last of the food into his mouth. After swallowing Devyn said, "Yeah, it was really good. Thanks for um treating me." "Not a problem Devyn. Glad to help you out son," Tom said. He looked into Devyn's brown eyes with the golden flecks. He could see the neon signs reflected a bit in those eyes. He could see the dark circles under them and the hollows in the kid's cheeks. The kid looked maybe 14, but tom guessed him to be a little older. Not too much older, but maybe a little. If they got rid of the dark circles and cleaned the kid up, well then, he might look even younger. "Since you are carrying a backpack and a sleeping bag, I am guessing you don't have a place to stay for the night." It was more a statement than a question. Tom knew Devyn was out on the streets. He could read it in the kids face. He had seen it all before. He just wondered how long this kid had been on his own and what the situation was. "I have a place I can go," Devyn said half lying. "You do?" Tom did not believe that Devyn had a place to stay. "Well sort of," Devyn said looking down at his empty plate. "Well let me do one more good deed for you Devyn," tom said. "I, um don't know," Devyn said a little uneasy. "Trust me Devyn," Tom said. "You can't just wonder the streets all night. This rain isn't going to let up and it could change over to snow or ice by morning. You can't stay out in that." Devyn looked at the large plate glass windows at the front of the bar. They were covered in condensation. The windows were fogged over with the dropping temperatures outside. "Where, where do you think I could stay," Devyn asked hesitantly. "You could spend the night in my hotel room," Tom said. "Maybe even take a shower and get cleaned up a little bit. Sorry to tell you this, but you kind of smell like wet dog." Devyn felt his face burning with his embarrassment. He knew he looked bad and he had to smell too. The dog had been sleeping against him all night last night and early today too. "Um sorry about that," Devyn said and felt his ears burning. "No problem," tom said. "Just come back to my hotel room and take a hot shower and get a good night's sleep. You will feel a lot better in the morning." Devyn was unsure what to do. He knew he had no reason to trust this man. He knew he had no way of knowing if tom fisher was even this man's real name. He also knew that he had few options. If he went with Tom, he would have a warm room to sleep in. He could get cleaned up. He might even get another hot meal in the morning. "I just..." "I know you're a little nervous Devyn," Tom said. "I am a complete stranger after all. I just want to help you a little bit. Trust me Devyn. You can get a good night's sleep, a hot shower, and a nice hardy breakfast. We can try and figure out your options tomorrow. You need a place to stay tonight and I have a warm place for you." Devyn heard two voices in his head. One was saying trust Tom and the other was saying get up and walk away now. Just leave tom sitting there. Grab your stuff and leave. Devyn listened to the first voice. "I would really appreciate the place to stay," Devyn said. "Great!" tom said his voice sounding happy that Devyn had made that choice. "Let's get you back to my room and let you get into a hot shower and a warm bed. I don't want you catching pneumonia or something. As Devyn left the bar with Tom, he looked around for the dog. He did not see the stray anywhere around. Devyn guessed and hoped that the animal had found a dry and warm place to spend the night. He slid into the passenger seat of Tom's Acura. He leaned his head back against the seat and thought he could fall asleep right there. He could not believe he was this tired. "You okay kid?" Tom asked concerned. "Yeah," Devyn said. "I'm just a little more tired than I realized." "Probably has something to do with getting your belly full," Tom said. Devyn could feel his eyelids getting heavier. He felt himself falling asleep. He let his eyes close and drifted for what he thought were only a few minutes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to just about fall asleep on you." "What do you mean just about?" Tom asked. "You were out for quite a little bit." "I was?" Devyn said surprised. Devyn could not believe it. He looked out the car window and wondered just how long he had been out. He wondered exactly where they were. "Um, just where is it you are staying?" "We are just about there," Tom said. "It is probably only another 10 minutes or so." Devyn began to worry a little bit. Nothing was looking familiar to him in the dark. They should have been able to make it to Tom's hotel in 20 or 30 minutes. Devyn could feel a panic starting to build in his stomach. What if this guy was a murderer? What if he was taking Devyn out into the woods to cut him up into little piece. "Stop that," Devyn told himself. "You have watched to many horror shows. Devyn began concentrating more as he looked out the window. He tried picking up on landmarks that he knew and was not able to find any. "Just, where are we?" Devyn asked trying to keep the panic out of his voice. He did not want to let this man hear his fear. "Relax Devyn," Tom said his voice soft and soothing. "Just relax. You are completely safe." Devyn relaxed his unease must be showing up in his voice. He tried to pull his nerves under control. "I just would like to know where exactly it is your hotel is." "It's in Belleview City," Tom said. "Belleview city!" Devyn said surprised. Devyn could not believe it. He had no idea they had gone that far. How could he have been so stupid. How could he have been such a moron. "I, I, didn't know you weren't staying in town," Devyn said. "Oh, didn't I make that clear?" tom said innocently. "Um, no you didn't," Devyn said. "Oh, sorry about that," Tom said. "I was sure I mentioned it." Devyn wondered what he was going to do now. Not only had he let this man take him to his hotel, but now he was going to be in a strange city where he knew no one and had nowhere to stay. He also did not know how he was going to get back home. He kept telling himself that it would be alright. He was sure he would be able to get this all fixed tomorrow. "Here we are," tom said pulling up before a hotel. Devyn was not sure if he should get out of the car and go into the hotel with Tom or not. He no longer felt has comfortable with Tom as he had earlier. "You okay son," tom said reaching over and squeezing Devyn's shoulder. "Um, I am just a little surprised that we went this far," Devyn said. "I should have been more clear Devyn. I am sorry if I misled you. That certainly was not my intention." Devyn felt the warmth of the man's hand on his shoulder. He picked up the warmth in Tom's words. He began to relax a little bit. He would find a way back home. He just needed to wait and deal with that tomorrow. "Sure tom. I probably didn't pay enough attention to what you were saying back at the bar." "Well, that doesn't matter now," Tom said. "Come on in and you can get a good night's sleep. Oh, and take that hot shower too." Devyn liked the sound of the hot shower. He also liked the idea of sleeping in a real bed. He had not slept in a real bed since he had spent the night with Brent. Devyn grabbed his stuff and followed Tom into the hotel. They passed by the night clerk who raised an eyebrow but did not say anything as tom lead Devyn to his second-floor room. Tom inserted the key card into the lock and pushed the door open. He stepped inside and flipped on the light. Devyn followed tom into the room. The room was large and comfortable. It was no suite, but the queen-sized bed looked very inviting to Devyn. "Come on in and drop your stuff over there by the window," Tom said. "I know you are tired, but I bet a good hot shower would feel really good wouldn't it?" "Oh yeah, it would," Devyn said. "The bathroom is right through there," tom indicated a door to Devyn's left. "Take as much time as you need. There should be clean towels and wash cloths in there and soap and shampoo. Get all cleaned up." Devyn began pulling off his clothes as soon as he pushed the bathroom door shut. He stepped into the warm water and let out a sigh. He did not know taking a shower could feel this good. Devyn let the hot water soak into his bones. He had been cold all day and was letting the water wash away the cold that had soaked into his bones. He then began washing away the dirt and grime. He hoped he was also washing away the wet dog smell. Devyn took the longest shower of his life, and he felt ten times better when he stepped out and began drying himself off. He looked down at his clothes and realized he had not brought his backpack into the bathroom with him. He also did not want to put his clean body back into dirty clothes. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. He saw how pale he looked and how his eyes had bags and dark circles under them. He wondered if those would ever go away. Devyn took a step back from the mirror and looked at the rest of his body. He had lost weight. He looked a little too skinny. Devyn wrapped the white fluffy towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom. "Ah, do you feel better?" Tom asked seeing Devyn coming out of the bathroom. Tom's eyes ran over the teenage body. The smooth chest, the flat belly and the towel wrapped around the narrow waist. "Um, yeah, it feels a lot better. Thanks," Devyn said. Devyn felt very self-conscious standing there in only a towel with Tom still dressed in khaki pants and a sweater. He wondered why he felt as though he were on display. Tom studied the youthful appearance. He knew the minute he had seen the kid walk into the bar that the kid had something special. Once the kid got some sleep and got his hair trimmed, he was going to be one fetching boy. "I am sure you are very tired," Tom said. "so, if you want to get right into bed that is okay with me." "I, um, well, I mean where are you going to?" Devyn felt very silly asking the question. But he wondered just how they were going to work the sleeping arrangements. Tom smiled at the youths unfinished question. He could tell the kid was nervous. He also knew that once he got the kid to relax everything would be fine. "It is a big bed Devyn. You take one side and I'll take the other." "I, um, don't really, um, have anything, um to sleep in other than my, um briefs," Devyn stammered out. He could feel the back of his neck burn with his embarrassment. He looked down at the blue green carpet that covered the floor. "Well, I normally just sleep in the nude, so that isn't a problem for me," Tom said. Devyn felt his face blushing again. He did not know just how comfortable he would be sleeping next to tom if the man was completely naked. "Of course, if you are uncomfortable with that," Tom said his lips quirking up into a half smile, "then I could keep my briefs on as well." "Um, if you, um wouldn't mind," Devyn said. "Sure, not a problem kiddo," Tom said moving to Devyn. Tom put his arm around Devyn shoulders. He could feel the smooth skin beneath his palm. He could feel the softness of that teenage skin. "I think we are going to be good friends," tom said. "Someone once helped me out and I would like to do the same for you." "Sure Tom," Devyn said. "I do really appreciate it. I, um, just have, um never been, um in this sort of situation before." "I am sure that is true," Tom said. "I bet you have felt like you have been thru hell the past couple weeks. You can relax now. I'm going to help you." Tom gave Devyn's shoulders a light message. "Just relax," he said. "Just get a good night's sleep. You will see how much better things are going to be for you." Devyn hoped tom was right. He was hoping that this was the darkness before the dawn. "Now, um, if you need clean underwear," tom said moving to a suitcase. "I have some extra briefs here. They might be a little large on you, but I think they will work." Tom passed Devyn a pair of wine-colored briefs. "Are you sure?" Devyn asked. Devyn had another pair of briefs in his backpack, but they were not exactly the freshest either. They were better than the ones he took off, but they were not freshly washed. "I am sure kid," tom said smiling. Just go ahead and pull them on. I'll go use the bathroom and be back in just a few minutes. Devyn pulled on the briefs that Tom had given him. The elastic would keep them up, but there was a little extra material since they were a size or two too big. Devyn slid his tired body into the crisp sheets. He kept as close to the edge of the bed as he could without falling out. Devyn heard the bathroom door open and turned in that direction. He saw Tom stepping from the bathroom in nothing but his underwear. His chest and belly were covered with a dusting of black hair. His briefs were filled out with his ample or what Devyn assumed was an ample basket. His legs were covered with the dusting of black hair. "Not asleep yet huh?" Tom said. Tom smiled as Devyn blushed again having been caught looking at his body. "Um, not yet," Devyn said. "Well, you did have a good nap on the drive over here," Tom said. Tom pulled back the covers and slid into the bed. He moved toward Devyn but stopped far enough away from the teen that he would not make Devyn feel too uncomfortable. Devyn lay there in the dark listening to Tom breath. He was not sure what he should do. Should he just go to sleep? He wondered if maybe Tom expected more from Devyn. Was Devyn supposed to have sex with the man? "Can I do that?" Devyn silently asked. He was wondering what it would be light with Tom. Would Tom be more gentle than Brent. "Do I make the first move?" Devyn was wondering as he heard Tom beginning to snore. Devyn looked at Tom and saw the man's chest slowly rising and falling in the dim light. "He is just a nice guy," Devyn thought. Devyn knew he had gotten lucky finding a great guy like Tom. Devyn turned on his side facing Tom. He was listening to the man's soft snoring sounds as he too drifted off to sleep. "So that is how the two of you met," Lee said. "It was completely random?" "Yeah," Devyn said. "I guess it was all just crazy chance. Just chance and my stupidity." "You just trusted the wrong person," Joe said and rubbing Devyn's shoulders. "He was looking for a kid and you met his criteria." "Dumb and full of cum," Devyn said. "Stop that," Joe said again slapping the back of Devyn's head lightly. "Joe's right," Lee said. "You were not Tom's first." "No, but you will be his last," Joe said. "Because of your strength, Tom will go to jail." "I think I can pull the rest from the old arrest reports," Lee said. "That will give me a chance to call Hannah. We can catch up. Maybe I'll even drive up there." "You have a girlfriend and she is married," Joe reminded Lee. "Sure," Lee said. "Do you have a thing for Hannah?" Devyn asked looking into Lee's Blue eyes. "Just a schoolboy crush," Lee said. Lee looked at Devyn then and swallowed. "Thanks for telling me about that. I'm sure it wasn't easy." "Seeing Tom again has stirred up several old memories," Devyn said. "I'm sure it has," Lee said. "I'll talk to you two later." Lee gave Devyn's good shoulder a reassuring squeeze before he was striding down the porch steps and to his car. "I'm sorry you had to go thru that," Joe said sliding his arm around Devyn's shoulders. At least he did not want to know more," Devyn said. "You know you can talk to me about any of it," Joe said "I know," Devyn said. "Maybe one of these days I'll be able to do that." Copyright 2020 by Keith yates ( all rights reserved. No copying, reposting, or distributing is permitted without the author's written consent.