Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 14:43:25 -0600 From: Keith Yates Subject: Devyn's Struggle 56 This is a fictional story involving sexual acts between two or more men. If this offends you, why are you here? If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material then do not read any further. This story in no way represents any person living or dead. Any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and no copying or posting to any other website is permitted without the author's written consent. To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture. Thomas Paine Please help keep Nifty going by making a donation to this important service. Readers Note: The events in this chapter of Devyn's Struggle take place the day after the events in Chapter 38 of Brent's Struggle. If you have not been reading Brent's Struggle, you may want to read that before reading this chapter. You can find Brent's Struggle here: As always, I appreciate the feedback. Please send me your comments to Now on with Devyn's Struggle. Devyn's Struggle Chapter 56 Devyn knew that today should be a day for him to celebrate. He and Travis had just been legally adopted by Joe. It made it more concrete that Travis would permanently be with Joe. That was exactly where the boy belonged. Joe loved Travis and Travis loved Joe. Unlike Devyn, Travis did not have a name change. Travis was keeping his father's name of Cooper. Devyn's name on the other hand had been legally changed. He had kept his first name. He thought it would be too confusing for everyone including him to change that. His last name however he definitely did not want. His parents did not want him and he no longer wanted a connection with them. He wanted to be connected to his grandmother and to Joe. They were the people that had supported him. They had been the ones that had come to him when he had needed them the most. He still spoke to his grandmother every week. Regardless of where she was, they would call or zoom. Devyn was still sometimes surprised his grandmother could figure out the technology stuff to make Zoom work from Italy or a cruise ship. It never mattered where in the world she was, they would talk for at least a few minutes. His relationship with her had actually become stronger. They were closer now than before Devyn had ended up in the police station. Roberta had been understanding that Devyn wanted to give up the Robert's last name. She had been honored when Devyn had told her she wanted to take her last name. "To honor you and grandpa." "He would be so proud of the man you have become." Roberta could not believe the change in her grandson. She wished she had been there to witness the transformation firsthand. She would never be able to repay Joe enough for what he had done for Devyn. "Are you sure you would not like Joe's last name?" "I thought about that but I wanted some kind of connection to my roots. You know my family on your side. I'm not sure about the rest of the Roberts clan. If they are like Frank, I don't want a connection to them." "It is your decision. I'll support whatever you decide. Did you talk to Joe?" "Yes, he understands and is not hurt but I want a connection with him. That is why I'm also changing my middle name. I'll take Joe's last name as my middle name. I even thought about throwing in Cooper for Travis but that was just going to make it too crazy. "It would make a lot of writing when signing documents.," Roberta said with a slight giggle. "Since my first name, Devyn, comes from your side of the family, I'm keeping that. The rest is gone." Devyn felt like those had been burnt away by the struggles he had gone through from being homeless to being Tom's high-priced whore. Not to mention some of the trials that Tom's customers had put him through. "I think you are wiser than your years," Roberta said. "How's it feel?" Joe's voice pulled Devyn back from his musing. "How does what feel?" It isn't every day you are officially a new person." "I've been a new person for a while. Devyn Allen Roberts ceased to exist a while ago." "I think he just grew into a brand-new man." "He did for sure." "So how does it feel to be Devyn Erikson Vitanova?" "It feels good." Joe looked over at Devyn. He could still see some stress on the teenager's face. They had left the courthouse and were driving to a possible meeting with Matt and for Devyn to see his parents. "You don't look like it is that good." Devyn turned to look at Joe. "I'm" "It will be alright. Travis and I are there with you. You are not alone." "Thanks, Batman." Devyn watched the scenery passing by. He could not take his mind off of meeting with his parents. He was not sure what to say to them. He wished Charlie had been able to come along. But Charlie had not been able to. He wanted to but it would have meant missing a day of school and his weekend shift at the hardware store. "I really want to be there with you," Charlie said. "My folks were not keen on me skipping school. I...ah...couldn't say it was so I could give my sexy boyfriend emotional support as he confronted his parents." "You could have left out the sexy boyfriend part. Maybe just friend?" "Yeah, I did say that, and Mom, I think, was going to let me but Dad did not want me missing school. He also said I need to put in some time at the hardware store." "It seems like you have been working there a lot. How much more time do you need to put in?" "I have and it's because of Howard. Whatever is going on there has him and my parents at odds. Dad wants me to learn more of the business. I'm wondering if they think Howard is not up to taking over the store." Devyn could not help but wonder if it was more. Mr. Atwood had seemed fine whenever Devyn had been in the hardware store or at the Atwood's. But maybe he thought Devyn and Charlie were becoming too close. Devyn was worried that maybe Mr. Atwood was more like Howard than Devyn had at first thought. If Mr. Atwood were not accepting and even a little part of a homophobic prick like Howard, what would that do to Charlie? "So, you have no idea why they would be thinking Howard is not up to running the store?" "My guess is that it is because Howard took this year off. I thought they had all agreed to that. I mean Mom, Dad, and Howard. Howard had pleaded that case at Christmas last year and again this summer. He pushed for it really hard. Dad and Mom thought it would give him some sort of hands-on experience that he could then apply in his business classes." Devyn could not help but wonder if it was more than just learning the business that was pushing Howard to not go back to school. "I'm going to be so glad when I can go away to college. If things are like this, I'll not be coming home for the summer." Devyn was a little surprised by that statement. He and Charlie had not talked much about their future past the end of high school. They had both mentioned college and going to the same school but Devyn had always planned to come back to the farm during the summer. He wanted to help Joe as much as he could. He also knew that he would miss Travis and wanted to spend time with him during the summer. As he thought about it, the more he realized he was going to miss his new family. It felt like they had just found each other and in only a couple of years, he might be going away. It made him wonder if college was the right course for him. He did not want to give up what he had found. He had lost that before. But had he truly had that family? His parents had thrown him away without much thought. So had the three of them been a family? He had believed at the time they were. He could remember the fun of going to work with his dad and the fun Frank had showing him the construction equipment and even taking him for a ride on the large machines. Devyn could remember how much fun he and his mom, Judy, had teasing each other and just being silly. It had felt like a loving family. He was sure to the outside world; they had seemed like the perfect little family. That was until Devyn discovered he was gay. That destroyed that perfect picture. Devyn glanced over at Joe and then back to Travis in the back seat. The three of them did not look like a traditional family. But Devyn believed the bonds of family that the three of them had would not, could not break. Devyn looked back out the window. The trees slid by as Joe drove them towards Matt's office. Travis tapped Devyn's shoulder. Devyn turned so he could read the signs that Travis was making. "You don't look happy. Aren't you excited? We're always Uncle Joe's now." Devyn's lips curved into a smile. "Yes, I'm happy about that." "Then why do you look so sad?" "It's complicated." "So, tell me. I want to know." Devyn glanced at Joe. "He wants to know why I'm not as excited as he is. He doesn't understand about the rest of the day." "Try and explain it to him. He's old enough to understand it some." "How do I do that? It's so complicated and I don't want to worry him." "In every way that matters, he's your brother. He loves you and wants to understand what's going on. If he had been able to listen to all of our conversations, he would have a better idea." Devyn knew Joe was right that if Travis could hear, he would have heard some of their kitchen table conversations. They tried to sign everything for him but if he wasn't in the room, then he would not know what was said. Other kids might have listened while watching TV or playing but Travis did not have that. Devyn hated that so much of the world was closed to Travis. It felt like a punch in the stomach to him. Devyn set about trying to explain about his parents and how they had reacted to him being gay. "I don't understand the big deal," Travis signed. "So, you like boys. So does Uncle Joe." "It shouldn't be a big deal," Devyn said. He was signing and repeating the conversation aloud for Joe's benefit. "So just because you liked a boy, they threw you out?" "Yes, then I ended up with a really bad man who mistreated me." Devyn did not want to go into all that Tom had seduced Devyn into doing. Or when seduction had not worked, blackmailed and physically abused Devyn. "He got me involved in some bad stuff." "That's when my mom found you." "Right." "So, Mom helped you because your dad and Mom wouldn't?" "Right, they wanted nothing to do with a gay son." "They're stupid. But I'm glad they're so stupid." "You are?" Devyn wondered if he had correctly understood the signs Travis had made. "Yes, because it lets me have you as my big brother." Before Devyn knew it, Travis had unbuckled the seat belt and moved so he could reach Devyn. Devyn had been twisted around in his seat signing to Travis. "I love you. No matter what!" Travis then hugged Devyn and kissed him over the back of the seat. Devyn returned Travis' hug and kiss. "I love you too, little bro." "Please don't let them make you sad. We've got each other and we've got Uncle Joe." Joe could not be more proud of Travis. "You did a good job, Sis," Joe said silently to Hannah. He felt his throat tighten up. He still missed her and knew he always would. Devyn knew that was the way it should work with family. It made this family, with Joe and Travis, his true family. The family he had prior to this was just a shadow of what the love was here. # # # By the time they were pulling into the parking lot at Matt's firm, Devyn was feeling better about everything. He had been reborn and given a new life with Joe and Travis. It would make the next part of the day easier. They had decided to try and see Matt before going to visit Devyn's parents. The social worker had set things up with Devyn's parents so it was not like the visit was going to be a total surprise. Frank and Judy knew that today was the day the legal stuff would be completed. They would be expecting Devyn later today. Devyn was half tempted to just skip seeing them, but maybe it would be good to have closure there. He just hoped he could hold it together. Joe was circling through the parking lot looking for a place to park. "I hope Matt is here." Devyn did not see the truck that he remembered Matt driving. That could just mean that the man had traded vehicles. Devyn had tried to reach Matt again but he had been out of the office. The receptionist said she would pass along Devyn's message but she had told Devyn that before. So far Matt had either not received the messages or he did not want to talk to Devyn. "He's going to be glad to see you," Joe said, almost able to read Devyn's thoughts in his expressive eyes. "He just has been busy." "How did you know what I was thinking?" "Never play poker." Joe reached over and squeezed Devyn's shoulder. "He is going to be glad to see you. He's just been busy or not getting the messages." As they were getting out of the truck and starting towards the entrance, Travis signed that he needed to use the restroom. "You go on with him," Devyn said. "I'll see if Matt is here today." "Sure, Boy Wonder. Remember that no matter what happens today, Travis and I love you. Nothing will change that." "Thanks, Batman." Devyn wondered if maybe he should have changed his first name in addition to his last name. Maybe Robin would be a better fit. He just did not believe he would ever get used to answering to anything other than Devyn. It was going to be hard enough to remember to sign Vitanova instead of Roberts. He would also have to remember the "E" for Erikson as his middle name and not the "A" for Allen. Devyn shook his head clearing it over his random thoughts as he was approaching the receptionist's desk. "Can I help you?" She asked, looking at Devyn's youthful face. Devyn pushed his hair back and tried to act professional. He thought he looked the part. He was still wearing his dressier clothes from the meeting at the courthouse. As he began to explain who he was, he could see her eyes dismissing him. Devyn guessed she should also not play poker. "We are a busy firm. Children can handle their activities after working hours." She turned away from Devyn. "Look Miss, I just need to know if Matt, Matt Chancellor is here. If he is, then if you could let him know..." "He's one of our busier project leads. He does not have time for a school project." "What?" Devyn had not said anything about a school project. She had not even been listening to his explanation. "This isn't..." "Call him and leave him a message." "Look, lady." Devyn was more than just becoming annoyed with this woman. It was turning out to be obvious that his messages were not getting to Matt because of this woman. She grabbed the ringing phone, turning away from Devyn. He wanted to grab her and spin her back around. He glanced for Joe but saw that they were not out of the restroom yet. It was then he spotted the directory on the wall. He moved to it. If he knew where Matt's office was, he could just show himself there and screw the bitch at the receptionist's desk. Devyn saw Matt's name but it did not give his office number. It just gave his credentials. Devyn turned back to the receptionist's desk. If this had been some fat old fart into teenagers, Devyn would have known exactly how to get what he wanted. He knew all of those tricks. Devyn also wished the woman had been a little like Amanda Fairbanks. He also had learned how to deal with that woman. But sweet-talking this woman might be beyond him. She only seemed to see a teenager and nothing else. Devyn could remember all too clearly his first meeting with Paul Fairbanks' wife Amanda. It had been almost as strange as his first meeting with Paul. # # # Devyn could feel the sizzling summer sun beating down on him as he worked in the yard. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue and there were only some fluffy white clouds passing overhead. He had been out here for about 30 minutes and was already sweaty. He glanced up at the large house. He knew someone was up there watching him. He just was not sure who that someone was. Devyn peeled off his green polo shirt with the "Lawn Boy" logo on the chest. The light breeze felt good against his sweaty skin. He went back to work trimming the rose bush. He had done research last night on how to trim the bushes and the other things on the list Tom had provided him. "This shit is crazy," Tom said when giving Devyn the list. "With a mouth and ass like yours, this fool wants you to actually do yard work." Tom shook his head in disbelief. "Mr. Fairbanks is a bit odd but he's nice." Devyn liked the older man and was glad that he had requested Devyn's services again. Devyn knew there would be more than just yard work going on at the Fairbanks estate. "Just keep that old fart happy. With his kind of money, there is nothing you won't do for him." Tom had left Devyn to do the research to make it appear Devyn was a true lawn boy. "My you are working up a sweat," the female voice said. Devyn guessed now he knew who had been watching him from the house. "Hello, um, Mrs. Fairbanks?" Devyn could tell this woman was much too polished and elegant to be one of the Fairbanks' staff. He was sure there were several people that kept the large house maintained. "Yes, and you are the new lawn boy my husband hired." She made it a statement and not a question. There was little doubt since Devyn was pruning the bushes that he must be the newest member of the Fairbanks staff. "Yes, ma'am." Devyn wiped the sweat from his forehead and pushed his brown hair back. He could feel her eyes looking him over from his head down to his toes. She seemed to pause on the front of his too-tight shorts. "Why don't you take a break? I've got some nice cool lemonade on the patio." Her eyes slid over Devyn's glistening skin. Her tongue flicked across her red lips as she looked Devyn from head down to his tight shorts and tan legs. She could not see a hair on the sexy young man. He looked so innocent. He looked good enough for her to eat. She wanted to eat this boy up. She wanted to swallow down his young essence. "Oh, Um, I don't know," Devyn said. He looked nervously at the yard. "Mr. Fairbanks..." "Is not home right now," she said. "I'm in charge and I said it's time for a break. Now put that tool down and come with me." Devyn put down the pruning tool. He reached for his green polo shirt. He picked it up from where he had dropped it moments ago. "You don't need to put that on," she said. Her lips were twitching at the corners with her amusement at this young man's innocent face and his shyness. "It is far too hot out here for that." "Um...I..." "It's fine. You are nice to look at with or without your shirt." She took it from him and dropped it back on the ground. "Now let's have a break." Devyn wasn't sure what she would be taking a break from. It was obvious though she had and was continuing to enjoy looking him over. He was still a little hesitant but Mrs. Fairbanks looped her arm through his and began pulling him towards the patio. "It's such a beautiful day, you should get to enjoy some of it. Slaving away out here in this summer heat is not good for a boy like you." She could feel the heat of the boy's body against her skin. It was causing her own body to heat up. Her fingers lightly caressed the skin of the boy's arm. Devyn did not have to say a word as she did all of the talking as they walked to the patio. He knew she had more on her mind than just getting him to enjoy the day. Mr. Fairbanks had made it clear what her intentions would be once she laid eyes on Devyn. "You know you are stronger than you look," she commented. Her hand was wrapped around Devyn's upper arm She squeezed his bicep. "This is very hard." Her eyes momentarily flicked down toward Devyn's crotch. She hoped that the young man's bicep was not the only hard muscle she would be touching. Devyn knew this was part of her game but it still made him feel a bit warm. He knew most guys his age would love having Mrs. Fairbank's attention. She was still an incredibly attractive woman. Her body was in awesome shape. Her hair showed no signs of gray. If she had any wrinkles, Devyn could not find them on her face. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with vitality or was it lust? Devyn was not sure. Likewise, her summer dress fit her well. The yellow skirt might be a bit short but she had the legs for it. The top emphasized her full breasts and it was cut low enough to accentuate her cleavage. "You young men are always so energetic. The way you tackle your job. Women like that you know." She had led him to the patio table where the large glass pitcher of lemonade sat. There were beads of condensation sliding down the outside of the pitcher. She already had two glasses waiting for them. " we do." Devyn watched as she poured the lemonade into the two glasses. "You know my husband told me your name but it is not coming to me. Must be a sign of my advanced age." She handed one of the glasses to Devyn. "It's Davy Ma'am." Devyn accepted the glass. "That's right. He said you were a remarkable young man. Devyn was not sure how to respond to that comment. He believed that Paul Fairbanks was fond of him. They had seemed to make a connection that first time they were together. Instead of responding, Devyn took a long drink of lemonade. It was sweet and refreshing. She ran her tongue over her vibrant red lips. Her eyes never left Devyn's shirtless form. "Tell me, Davy, do you have a girlfriend?" " Mrs. Fairbanks." Devyn was looking up at Mrs. Fairbanks through his long eyelashes. The golden flecks in his brown eyes were reflecting the summer sun. "I find that so hard to believe. You are such an attractive young man." She moved towards one of the patio lounge chairs. The short skirt revealed her shapely legs. "I did have one when I was in high school." Devyn could be truthful about that. Sue had been his girlfriend and they had been in high school. The phrasing would make her think that now he was in college. "Well, I do not know what is wrong with the girls today." She sat on the lounge chair. Her short summer skirt slid up to reveal even more of her creamy skin. "Please come and sit Davy." She patted the chair next to her. Devyn walked towards Mrs. Fairbanks and the indicated chair. He could feel her eyes watching him. It felt as though she was looking at a piece of food that she was about ready to devour. Devyn could not help but wonder if that chair was the one, he and Mr. Fairbanks had fucked in the last time he had been at the Fairbanks estate. Or was it the chair that Mrs. Fairbanks was currently sitting in? "Oh, before you sit down, would you mind pouring me another glass of lemonade?" She held the glass out to Devyn. "Of course." Devyn took the glass and turned towards the table. He was sure he could feel her eyes sliding over his bare back and down to the snug-fitting shorts. Devyn was not sure why but the attention that she was giving him was sending his hormones surging. He could feel his body responding to the sexual tension. His teenage equipment was growing inside his tight-fitting shorts. He tried to will himself to not become hard. It was hard to do when he was being sexually stalked by the older woman. It also did not help that Devyn's mind had pulled up the memory of him and Mr. Fairbanks having sex right there next to the pool in one of those lounge chairs. Her tongue moistened her lips again as she watched Devyn. She watched the way the shorts hugged his ass. She looked at the tan skin of his teenage legs and the way his body flexed as he lifted the crystal pitcher and poured more liquid into her glass. The summer heat was intense but looking at Devyn was causing her temperature to rise in different ways than from the summer sun. Devyn turned back toward her and saw her watching him. He felt like a rabbit being watched by the cunning fox. He ran his tongue over his lips. His mouth was suddenly dry. "Here you go, Mrs. Fairbanks." Devyn handed her the glass. Their fingers met and she lingered there touching him. Her eyes however were not looking at his face or their fingers. They were looking at his shorts. She was eyeing his basket which was emphasized by the tight tan material of the shorts he was wearing. He tried to think of something besides sex but it was hard when that was the reason he was there. He could not stop his young cock from plumping up. He knew he had to be pushing out the front of the shorts a bit. "Please do sit Davy and tell me about yourself," she said. She took the glass and broke the lingering touch. She brought the glass to her lips and took a sip. Devyn quickly moved to the chair. He wished he had brought his shirt with him. He needed something to put on his lap so he could hide his arousal. He placed his hand on his crotch and hoped he made it look casual. He needed to try and hide his growing cock. He took a sip of his drink. He ran his tongue over his lips and then ran the cool bottom of the glass between his pectoral muscles. He hoped that would take her gaze from his crotch and to his chest. Her dark eyes followed the movement of the glass over Devyn's chest. She could not take her eyes off his body, his amazing eyes, or his ample young basket. She did not know which part of him looked more inviting. "So, I'm assuming a smart young man like you is going to college." She reached over and put her hand on Devyn's knee. "Um...yeah, sure." He had not even finished high school yet. He wasn't even sure if he would ever go back to school. Tom had kept him too busy for him to even think about that. With how the last semester of his freshman year had gone, he would have failed his classes. If he did go back to school, He was going to be behind the rest of his grade. He wondered if Tom would let him go to school in the fall. It would take time away from the business. How could he do his schoolwork and study and keep up the pace of the work that Tom had him doing? Devyn knew if he did not see the customers that Tom would put Todd to work. Devyn could not and would not let that happen. "What is your major?" She was lightly caressing the smooth skin of Devyn's leg. She ran one of her red fingernails along the muscle of Devyn's leg. She was enjoying the feeling of his tan skin under her fingertips. It was so much softer than her husband's and more smooth than the sexy pool boy's skin. Devyn could feel his cock beginning to grow harder. He did not understand why he was becoming so aroused. He was gay after all...well, wasn't he? Devyn moved the glass of lemonade to his crotch. He hoped it would help hide the growing bulge in his shorts. "Um...Architecture." That had been the last thing Devyn had considered majoring in. He could still remember talking to Matt about it. "Oh, you must be so smart then." Her hand was sliding higher on Devyn's leg. Her fingertips were touching the tan fabric of his shorts. She gave his leg a squeeze. She could tell he was enjoying this attention. She knew that the pool boy had enjoyed it. This boy might not be as muscular as that young man but he was better looking in many ways. If they kept him around working through his college career, then he might turn out to be sexier than any of the other workers. She wondered if she could convince Paul to hire him. Could they rent him a room...she liked that idea. She could really have lots of quality time with him. "Um...I guess." He could feel her fingernails tracing a pattern on his leg. He wondered what it was. He was not sure if it was random or if she was suggesting something. Devyn felt exposed due to how tight the shorts were but it also kept her hand from sliding up into the leg opening. He was sure she would like to get into his pants. All of the signals had been there. "Will you go to college around here or away?" She was curious and she would need to know that for her to develop a plan. "Um...probably away." Devyn hoped that was the right answer. He did not know how long Paul Fairbanks might want him to continue to play this role. When Paul lost interest in him or this game, then he would not be coming back to the Fairbanks estate. She ran her hand back down Devyn's leg and across his knee. She felt along his calf and then back up. She was glad that she had positioned these chairs to give her easy access to be able to touch this boy. He did look more like a boy than any of the other men working around the estate. She wondered where Paul had found him. She would have to ask him what company was now taking care of the grounds. "Your skin is so soft. Mine used to be like this when I was your age." Her fingers were now caressing his inner leg. Touching the smooth skin was sending surges of pleasure from her fingers to between her legs. "Oh, I'm sure yours is even softer." Devyn moved his hand to her bare leg. He lightly caressed the fair skin. "Feels silky to me. All nice and smooth." He glided his hand higher on her thigh. He heard her breath catch as he slid a little up under her skirt. He could not believe that he was doing this. He had never been with a woman before. He had only that one experience with Sue and it had been the first time for both of them. This was so much different. He did not know why this was exciting him so much but playing this game the way Paul wanted was exciting for Devyn. He wondered if he would be this turned on if Paul was not in the picture. Would he be this bold if he had not been instructed to be? He wondered what kind of sexual pervert Tom and Tom's customers were turning him into. "Oh, well, thank you Davy for saying so." Her breath caught again as his hand slid back down along her shapely leg. The pool boy had not been quite so bold. She had to practically put his hand on her leg before he got the idea. It appeared that this young man was a bit smarter than that pool boy. Her inner fires were burning hotter with his hand touching her skin. It felt almost like his touch was scorching her. Her heart was racing and she could hardly stop the thrumming his touch was causing inside her. "I should really get back to work." Devyn took another long drink of the lemonade. He then moved to get up from the lounge chair. "Oh, don't go yet," she said. She placed a hand on Devyn's chest to prevent him from getting up. "I really should." Devyn took her hand from his chest. Then on impulse, he kissed it. "It has been a pleasure chatting with you, Mrs. Fairbanks." She gasped at the sensual touch of his lips on her hand. It sent another surge of desire right into her. She wanted him more. She wanted him inside her. She wanted to taste him and to have him totally. "Really Davy, you do not need to be in a hurry," she said. She was a bit surprised at how polite and conscientious this young man was. There was something special about him and the way he had kissed her hand had made her breath catch. "No, I should really get back to work. I don't want Mr. Fairbanks to think I was slacking off." Devyn stood up then. His basket was right at her eye level. He turned to put his glass back on the table but felt her grab his pocket. As tight as his shorts were, he was not sure how she got her fingers in his pocket. The sight of the boy's swollen equipment was almost too much for her. She wanted to rip the shorts from his body. She wanted to touch his hardening male organ. She wanted to taste him and then she wanted him deep inside her. He looked like he had more than the average allotment of endowments between his legs. "Don't worry about Paul. He's nothing. He's going to be gone all afternoon." She held onto Devyn so he could not walk away. "But Mrs. Fairbanks..." "Please Davy call me Amanda." She pulled hard on Devyn's pants pulling him down onto the lounge chair with her. "Whoa!" Devyn was surprised and he tried not to fall but could not stop it. She was stronger than he expected. He landed on her in the chair. "Oh Davy, I hope I didn't hurt you." She was giggling as her hands were sliding over his smooth chest and down to his flat belly. "Sorry," Devyn was trying to get up but she was also trying to prevent him. He felt one hand on his chest, then on his stomach, then she was pinching his nipple. Her other hand was on his leg, then it was on his inner thigh, and then she squeezed his cock and balls through his shorts. Devyn wondered how she could have her hands in so many places at the same time. "My, you are a healthy boy, aren't you." Her hand was once again squeezing his basket. Her fingers fondled Devyn through his shorts. She was working on getting his zipper down so she could get her hand inside the shorts. She wanted to have her hand on his manhood. She wanted to show him how good it could feel having someone else enjoying that piece of male flesh. She could not help but believe Devyn was a virgin. Devyn could feel his face burn a bit. He had never been touched like this by a woman before. Oh, he had been with Sue but she had not been this aggressive or touched him like Mrs. Fairbanks was doing right now. "Um..." Devyn was not sure how to respond to her comment. With her hand groping him, he knew she could not help but know he was growing more and more erect with each beat of his heart. She moved her hand from his basket and ran it up the smooth skin of Devyn's side. That started Devyn giggling. "Oh, my your ticklish." Devyn squirmed more in the lounge chair as her fingers danced up and down his sides. He moved around so much that he fell off the chair onto the patio. They were only a few feet from the edge of the pool. He quickly got to his feet but she came after him. He backed up but Amanda came closer. She was wiggling her fingers at him. "I'm going to get you," she said. >From the gleam in her eye, Devyn knew she meant more than just tickling him. She was more of a predator than her husband. Well, maybe not. She was not paying him. She was just trying to seduce him. Devyn wondered if that was what she had done to the pool boy. Amanda moved closer and reached for Devyn's side to tickle him. Devyn backed away trying to escape her. He did not realize how close he was to the pool and when he took another step, his foot met only air. "Shit!" His arms cartwheeled as he tried to regain his balance. Amanda reached for him and grabbed him but he only caused her to lose her balance. The two tumbled into the pool. Devyn was stunned for a moment and breathed in at the wrong moment. He surfaced coughing up some water. He looked around and saw Amanda surfing near him. Her long dark hair was streaming out on the surface of the water. "Are...are you alright?" She was laughing so Devyn guessed that was the answer to his question. Amanda moved towards Devyn. "You got me all wet." Devyn was backed into the corner of the pool. There was nowhere for him to swim to get away from her. "So now you are going to get it." "I'm sorry." Devyn could feel the roughness of the cement edge of the pool against the back of his shoulders. He could not go back any further. Amanda moved up against Devyn. Her wet body rubbed against him. "You naughty boy getting me all wet." Her hands slid over Devyn's chest and then down to his shorts. "Now you are going to be in big trouble." Her fingers were rubbing him through his shorts. She moved in and kissed his lips. Devyn allowed her to kiss him. He grabbed her hand to pull it from his cock. He did not want her to get too familiar with his equipment. His equipment belonged to Paul and Paul had given directions on what Amanda's limitations were in regard to Devyn's cock. Devyn's lips parted and Amanda's tongue slipped inside his mouth. She was aggressive at exploring him. Her hand pulled loose of his and she returned to his basket. Her tongue pushed against his tongue and she grew even bolder. Her fingers were working on his zipper. Devyn tried distracting her by pulling her body against his. He slid his hand down to her butt and lightly felt her firm ass. It was obvious to him that she worked out to keep her youthful shape. Her fingers were still working on Devyn's zipper but having her hand pinned between their two bodies was slowing her down. She was not, however, giving up. It appeared she was determined to get into Devyn's pants. "You're so beautiful," Devyn said after their kiss broke. "You have such beautiful eyes." Her fingers paused as he tenderly caressed her cheek. "You also have amazing lips." He leaned in and kissed her again. This time he pushed his tongue into her mouth. "Your eyes are the most striking of anyone's I've ever seen." Her voice was throaty as she looked directly into his eyes. "I've never seen anything like them." She leaned in and kissed him again. With her body rubbing against Devyn and her lips on his, her insides felt like they were on fire. She was lowering the zipper of Devyn's shorts. Soon she would have him out and then she would get him inside her. Devyn felt her fingers going back to work on his shorts. She had the zipper down and he needed to stop her before she got to his penis. He ran a hand over her breasts. His thumb stroked her nipple through the fabric of her clothes. He could feel it was already erect. He then slid his hand lower down to her leg. He ran his hand up under her skirt. She took in a deep breath as Devyn's hand slid along her skin. She could feel her body tingling as he slid his hand higher. She moved in again to put her lips on Devyn's. Her body was tingling with lust for the young man. She wanted to get his remaining clothes off and then her own. Then they could satisfy each other's needs. Right here and right now. It would not be the first time she had taken a young man by the pool. She had paused in her fumbling with his shorts. Devyn knew he needed to keep her distracted and he thought he knew how to do that. He slid his hand between her legs. The thin material of her panties was easily pushed aside and he felt her gasp as he touched her. The kiss broke and Amanda looked into Devyn's eyes. "I knew you wanted me from that first moment our eyes met." Devyn knew she was reading more into a casual look but maybe, just maybe, he had been playing his part correctly. Maybe he had put more desire into his looks than he had realized. "Oh, Davy." She was almost quivering in the water as he teased her. "Oh yes." She was pressed against him now. Her hands slid over his wet skin. She felt his arms and then his shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested them there as she ground against his probing fingers. "Oh, Oh, Davy. Oh yes." She needed him more with each passing moment. She needed him inside her. She yearned for the feeling of him penetrating her. Devyn could not believe he was doing this. He also could not believe how hard he was. His cock was pushing out through the open fly of his shorts. The organ was trying to get through the thin fabric of the underwear he was wearing. "Oh, Davy. Oh please." She was pushing herself against Devyn's probing fingers. She was growing hotter with each tantalizing movement of those digits. Devyn thought he might get her to climax if he kept it up. He wondered if that would satisfy her for now or if it would only make her want more. "Just what the FUCK is going on!" Paul's voice was loud. He moved to the edge of the pool and looked down at his wife and Devyn. "Paul," she cooed looking up at him. She did not try to move away from Devyn. "Mr. Fairbanks!" Devyn put the right note of shock and fear in his voice. He hoped he sounded like someone that had been caught doing something he shouldn't. "I'm paying you for landscaping, not for screwing around." Paul's voice was cold. "Yes, Mr. Fairbanks." Devyn pushed at Amanda and removed his hand from between her legs. He could tell she was still aroused. Her face was flushed and her breathing was rapid. " and Mrs. Fairbanks was just helping me." "Yes, I can see what she was helping you do." Paul was frowning down at the two of them. "Do you not know what time it is Amanda?" "No, I wasn't watching the time." Her voice was breathy as she tried to resist the urge to do more with the sexy boy that she had pinned in the corner of the pool. "Your charity event is in about thirty minutes." Paul was watching the two and smiled inside at seeing the look of desire on Amanda's lips and eyes. He knew he had interrupted the two at the right moment. "Right. I almost forgot. I'll have just enough time to put myself together." She swam to the latter and pulled herself out of the pool. Her clothes clung to her slender body and all of her curves. "I think it is time for you to get out as well," Paul said to Davy. "Get back to work and I'll check on you in a few minutes." "Um...yes Sir Mr. Fairbanks." Devyn swam to the same ladder and pulled himself up out of the pool. His tight-fitting shorts had left little to the imagination before. Now they left even less. The wet material clung to every boy part. "Come on Amanda." Paul grabbed her arm and maneuvered her towards the house. "Are you a bit jealous?" Amanda looked up at her husband as he escorted her to the house. "No, of course not. You were never going to get anywhere with that boy." Paul knew she was not going to get Devyn in the same way she had the pool boy. Devyn watched them disappear into the house. He quickly zipped up his shorts. He hoped they would dry soon. "Oh, I think I will. He's cuter than the pool boy and he's..." "He's what?" Paul asked as they walked through the house. "He's bigger." Paul chuckled. "Damn Amanda what did you do? Pull it out and measure it." "Don't be jealous, Paul." Paul had given up being jealous about any of the men his wife flirted with. After finding her being fucked by the pool boy he had found his own way to amuse himself. He was also going to get even with that pool boy. "When does Davy come back?" They were in their bedroom now and Amanda was slipping out of her wet clothes. "It depends on how well he does. If he's just out there screwing off, then he won't be back." "He was working extremely hard before I coaxed him into taking a break." Amanda had removed her wet garments. "It was just too hot for him out there in the sun. He needed time to cool off." Paul knew that was just an excuse for his wife to try and sink her claws into the young guy. He could tell that the boy had gotten under her skin. He wondered if it was how that kid had gotten under his own skin. It was hard to not become attached to him. "If the boy wants to keep this job, then he needs to work his ass off." "Oh Paul, don't be that way. He's just a boy. He's probably working all summer to pay for college." Paul wondered if the boy was going to college. Paul doubted the kid was even out of high school yet. He had wondered about that but did not want to go too far. He liked being able to pretend he did not know the kid's age. The boy had said he was eighteen and Paul was going to accept it. "You should give him a tip." Amanda had moved into the master bathroom and was stepping into the shower. "Give him a tip for trying to fuck my wife." Paul's voice was loud enough so Amanda could hear it over the running water. "Oh Paul, don't be crude." Amanda was lathering up her hair. "He's a boy. We were just teasing a bit. You know, playing the flirting game. "Sure, you were. I'm sure it would never go beyond the flirting game." Paul knew that Amanda was not going to get anywhere with Devyn. That boy belonged to him. "Well, it is true. He's a nice young man. Just tip him well. He needs the funds for college." "Oh, I'll think about giving him a tip." Paul planned on giving him more than just the tip. # # # Devyn went back to where he was working before Amanda had drawn him up to the pool. He finished up with the rose bush he had been working on and then went to put the tools away. He knew his lawn boy duties were over for the day. He wondered if Paul would be wanting his other duties today or if that would come at a later date. He thought that if Amanda was leaving for some charity event, Paul might want his other talents. Paul had after all paid for those talents. He wondered if he was the most expensive lawn boy the Fairbanks had ever hired. By the time Devyn had finished putting the tools away and cleaning up the clippings from the bushes, the sun was sinking down. His shorts were starting to dry and he started hunting for his shirt. He thought he had left it by the bush but it was not there. He did not remember carrying it with him up to the pool but maybe he had. He took the last tool to put it away in the garden cottage. That was when he spotted Paul walking towards him. "Davy," Paul said, his voice sounding serious. "Um...yes Mr. Fairbanks," Devyn said, politely. "You had a busy afternoon." "Um...yes Sir. Did, alright?" Devyn hoped he had played the role the way Mr. Fairbanks wanted. "You had her extremely bothered." There was a glint in Paul's eyes. "Whatever you did was getting her hot." "Um...I hope that you wanted?" Paul put his arm around Devyn's shoulders. "You did exactly what I wanted. Although when I saw her with you in the pool, I was a bit surprised. It looked like she had you cornered." "Um...well, she kind of did." "Why were you in the pool?" Devyn shrugged his shoulders and then looked up sheepishly at Mr. Fairbanks. " It was just a clumsy accident." Paul chuckled. "Well don't let her back you into a corner like that again. She was going to have your cock out and inside her any minute." Devyn swallowed. "Yeah, I know." Mr. Fairbanks ran his hand down over Devyn's chest, down over Devyn's flat belly, and down to cup the teenager's package. "Remember the deal, Davy. I'm the only one here that gets to play with this cock." Devyn moaned as Mr. Fairbanks was massaging him. Devyn glanced up at the house. He was never sure if there were other staff in there watching the yard. He knew that the Fairbanks had to have cleaning staff and others attending to them. "Relax Davy." Paul had seen Devyn looking at the house. "Amanda has left for her function. We are alone. I sent the maid home and my chauffeur is with Amanda. It is just me and you here now." "Um...thanks, Mr. Fairbanks. I was hoping we some time together." "Then I guess that means you are ready for your next assignment." Paul was opening Devyn's shorts. He then used both hands to push the tight-fitting shorts down Devyn's narrow hips. Devyn's cock was semi-erect and beginning to strain at the wet fabric of the white briefs. The material was clinging to his equipment revealing every aspect of his growing erection. "Dang Davy, those little tight white undies can barely contain that impressive boyhood of yours." Paul began to fondle Devyn through the wet material of the teenager's underwear. It did not take long for Devyn's cock to grow fully erect as Paul was fondling him. He let out a gasp of pleasure as Paul's fingers rubbed across the sensitive head that was pushing out the elastic of the waistband. "These are definitely too tight for you." Paul hooked his fingers into the elastic and pushed down the too tight underwear. Devyn's cock sprung free. He was hard and throbbing from the attention Paul's fingers had just been giving him. "I like this young cock of yours." Paul had taken hold of Devyn's erect cock and was stroking it. It only took a few strokes to have Devyn moaning in pleasure. Paul teased the piss slit and felt Devyn's cock giving up some pre-cum. "Oh, Paul, that feels good." Devyn was enjoying Paul's fingers. The man knew how to tease the head of Devyn's cock. "You horny little Lawn Boy. Now do what you do best. Down on your knees." Paul had released Devyn's cock so the boy could do as instructed. Devyn's shorts and underwear were at his knees and he quickly did as Paul instructed. He dropped to his knees on the green lawn. He was now looking at Paul's crotch. He looked at the attractive man. Paul was still dressed in his tailor-fitted suit. He looked good and his cock was starting to push out the front of those pants. "Good job Davy. Now you can take your reward." Paul pulled Devyn's face to his crotch. He could not wait to have those lips and that tongue working over his cock. Devyn did not hesitate. He knew how to take care of Mr. Fairbanks. It actually wasn't that bad for him to service Paul's needs. The guy might be a little eccentric but he was nice enough overall. He was not as big as Vince so Devyn had little trouble servicing Paul. He also did not get as rough as most of the customers and Devyn liked that about him. Paul was actually probably the nicest guy and for being old enough to be Devyn's father, he was a fine-looking man. Devyn lowered the zipper of Mr. Fairbank's slacks. He could feel the rich fabric of the man's slacks. He reached inside the fly and felt Paul's silk boxers. That material also felt rich to Devyn's fingers. He soon had Paul's cut cock out. Devyn's hand was wrapped around the shaft and he was stroking it. He started by just licking the head. He could taste the day's sweat and probably some piss on him. Devyn was used to those by now. He was glad that was all there was. Some guys were not as clean as Paul Fairbanks. "Oh yeah, Davy." Paul was moaning and running his fingers through Devyn's thick hair. The hair was still a little damp from Devyn's trip to the pool. "Yeah, Davy. Suck it. Oh yes." Paul did not know what it was about this kid but just looking at him got Paul's juices flowing. It had been hard for him to not jerk off while watching Devyn and Amanda by the pool. Paul had to admit that he had gotten jealous while sitting in the office watching the two on the security cameras. The surprising thing was he was jealous of his wife getting to run her hands all over Devyn's smooth body. Paul knew soon he would also get that chance but he had been a little annoyed that Amanda was touching his boy. If she had actually managed to get into Devyn's pants, Paul would have lost it. He did not want her to have Devyn's cock or mouth. The boy knew how to use that hot wet mouth. He also knew how to work cock like an expert. Paul wondered if Devyn could give as good as he received. Devyn had put his lips around the head and was sucking on that part of the man's cock. His lips were just behind the crown. His fist was pumping the shaft. Devyn's hand was inside Mr. Fairbank's pants massaging the man's nuts. Devyn could taste the pre-cum leaking from the head and he did not mind the taste of Paul's juice. He had grown to like the taste and he swallowed it down. "Oh, fuck yes. Go all the way down Davy. Come on. I know you want to. I know you're a good cock sucking Lawn Boy. Go all the way down." Devyn did as he was instructed but he did it slowly. He could hear Paul's moans growing louder. Paul was leaking even more pre-cum now and Devyn swallowed it down like a good cock sucker. Devyn had to admit that he enjoyed sucking Paul. He knew he would not have enjoyed this with Amanda. Although part of him wondered how good she would be at sucking cock. He had never had a blow job from a woman before. He knew he liked receiving them from other men and he liked giving them to other men. He wondered how it would feel for a woman to do it to him. "Come on Davy, all the way." Paul's hand was on the back of Devyn's head pushing him down on the cock. "You know you want to so just suck it all. Let my cock into your throat." Devyn felt the head at his throat and he swallowed. He pushed passed his gag reflex to take Paul down to the base. Devyn's nose was pressed against the fabric of Paul's pants. "Yes!" Paul loved the feeling of Devyn swallowing his cock. He loved having this boy to suck him off. He also enjoyed the other things this boy could do. Devyn was working his mouth up and down the length of Paul's cock. He was taking it repeatedly into his throat. He would come up for air and take a few deep breaths. He would then swirl his tongue around the head before going back down. "Oh, yes. You hungry cock sucker. You do know how to treat a cock. Fuck yes!" Paul was holding Devyn's head now and thrusting into the teenager's mouth. He was face fucking him and loving every moment of it. Devyn choked a little but soon recovered and was matching Paul's thrust. He was able to keep up with the man's thrusting hips. Devyn had one hand on his own cock stroking himself. He was enjoying taking care of Paul's cock and it was making him excited listening to the man groaning above him. Paul thrust down Devyn's throat and held it there. He waited for a few heartbeats and then pulled his wet cock from Devyn's sucking mouth. "Fuck you do that so well." Devyn used the back of his hand to wipe the spit and slobber from his lips and chin. "Thank you, Sir." "Good job so far, Davy. Time to give you your tip but I'm not going to stop with the tip. You want the whole thing don't you, Davy?" Devyn looked at the spit-covered cock in front of him. "Yes Sir. You know I do." "On your feet." Devyn got to his feet and looked up into Paul's eyes. The man's eyes were hard to read in the evening light. "Lose those shorts and those shoes. You won't be needing them right now." Paul could not believe how sexy this kid was. He had been told the boy was eighteen but the boy looked more like fourteen or fifteen. Paul hoped that the kid was eighteen. The guy definitely had a cock big enough for an eighteen-year-old. Devyn kicked off his shoes and then pulled off his shorts and underwear. He had not been wearing socks so he stood there naked with Paul looking him over. Devyn's cock was sticking out from his smooth crotch. He reached down and fondled himself as Paul was watching. Paul was still dressed in his dress shirt, jacket, and slacks. The man's dress shoes were polished to a shiny glow. Paul's rigid cock was sticking out the fly of his dress slacks and with Devyn's saliva coating it, it glistened in the evening light. Paul took Devyn by the arm and pulled him the few steps to the garden cottage. "Bend over with your hands flat on the wall. Stick that fucking hot ass out for me." Devyn did as he was instructed. He leaned forward with his palms flat on the side of the cottage. His ass was pushed back towards Paul and the row of shrubs that lined that part of the property. Despite the fence and shrubs, Devyn felt exposed being naked in the open. He still wondered if there were any staff that might see them or what if Amanda came back early? Paul did not seem to be concerned about those possibilities so Devyn tried to push them from his mind. "Very nice." Paul's hand caressed the smooth skin of Devyn's ass. He ran his fingers up and down the boy's trench and then across the tight little pucker. He could not believe how hot this ass was. He could barely wait to be balls deep inside that hot little hole again. "Oh!" Devyn gasped as Paul used a finger to tease his pucker. "Oh, you do like that." Paul's lips curved up into a smile as he rubbed his finger against Devyn's opening. "Yes Sir. I do, Sir." Devyn could feel pulses of sexual pleasure flooding his body as Paul used his finger to tease the tight anal ring. Devyn's cock jumped with the teenager's sexual excitement. Paul pulled a small tube of lubricant from his pocket. He squeezed some onto his finger and then worked that in and around Devyn's tight hole. "Fuck it is hard to believe you aren't a virgin. You are so fucking tight." Paul was pushing a finger in and out of Devyn's tight sphincter. He twisted his hand left and then right as he was moving in and out of Devyn's anal chute. Devyn let out little gasps of pleasure as Paul worked his pucker. He felt the finger going in and out and then felt Paul add more lube and a second finger. "Oh yes!" Devyn could not believe how good it felt having his hole opened up. He knew that soon Paul would be plunging his hard cock into that lubed-up opening. "You do like that, don't you? Well, you are going to like this even more." Paul rubbed the dripping head of his cock against the smooth cheek of Devyn's ass. There was a glistening trail of pre-cum on Devyn's smooth skin that was left behind by Paul's cock head. "I do. Please, Paul. Please fuck me now." Devyn wanted more than just Paul's fingers. He was ready to accept Paul's erect cock. "You want fucked bad, don't you Davy?" "Yes, Paul. Please do it now. Fuck me." Devyn knew he sounded like the whore he was and he could feel his neck and ears burn with his shame at sounding that way. The problem was Devyn enjoyed sex and he was ready for the pleasure that was to come. He wanted it. He needed to have that release. He was not sure if it was all him or something that Tom had done to him. He did not know if he would have always turned out to be so eager for sex or if it was conditioning or something that Tom was giving him. Paul pulled his fingers from Devyn's hole. He moved into position with his cock jutting out from his dress slacks. He rubbed the dripping head up and down Devyn's smooth crack. He passed it over Devyn's hole. He paused, rubbing the head against those anal lips. Paul applied a little more pressure and heard Devyn groan in pleasure. "Oh yes, please Paul, put it inside me." Devyn bent his arms a bit at the elbows in preparation for Paul to push into him. Devyn still had his palms flat against the white siding of the garden cottage. He could feel Paul pressing harder and then the head popped inside. "OH, Ah!" "Oh, you are just as fucking tight as the first time." Paul pushed harder forcing another inch into Devyn. "So, damn good." Paul reveled in the pleasure that Devyn's tight anal chute was giving him. He could feel the boy flexing those anal muscles. It caused Paul to moan in delight. He had never had his cock in anything that felt as good as this. Paul could not decide which felt better, the boy's ass or the boy's mouth. Devyn pushed back against Paul and accepted another inch of the man's cock. He then felt Paul pull back until just the tip was left inside but then thrust forward again. This time more of Paul's length slid into Devyn. "Oh, Paul." Devyn whimpered in pleasure as his hole was penetrated. "Oh yes, Davy. Oh, Davy." Paul thrust into Devyn driving more of his hard meat into the tight channel. "Oh yes!" Devyn felt more of Paul forced inside him. He braced himself against the shed as Paul began thrusting harder. Devyn could feel more of Paul's cock going inside with each thrust. "Almost there. Almost." Paul thrust again and was fully inserted inside Devyn. He held there for a moment. "You got me now Davy." Paul ran his hands over Devyn's sides and then around to pinch Devyn's nipples. He leaned forward more and licked the back of Devyn's sweaty neck. Devyn flexed and relaxed his anal muscles. He could hear moans of pleasure coming from Paul. He felt the man's wet tongue on his neck and Devyn moaned aloud as Paul pinched his nipples. Then Paul trailed his tongue along Devyn's neck and then kissed his shoulder. "You alright Davy?" Devyn let out a breath. His ass muscles were becoming accustomed to having Paul inside. "Yeah, just another minute and then..." "Then I fuck you good Davy." Paul slid his hands over Devyn's smooth chest. He ran them over Devyn's belly and then down to grip Devyn's leaking cock. "You must like having me inside you. Your dick is rock hard and look at all this juice." Paul coated his fingers with Devyn's pre-cum. He then brought them up to Devyn's lips. "Suck them clean." Devyn did not really need the instructions. He opened his mouth and licked Paul's fingers and then sucked them into his mouth. As he did that Paul was stroking Devyn with his other hand. "You are so fucking, hot kid." Paul removed his fingers from Devyn's mouth and then released Devyn's cock. He brought his hands to Devyn's waist and gripped him tightly. Devyn used his ass muscles to give Paul's cock a few squeezes before the man slowly started withdrawing it. Devyn felt it slipping from his hole and then the thrust as Paul drove it back in. Devyn grunted as the cock went once again balls deep inside him. "Oh shit," Paul moaned. With his hands holding Devyn by the waist, he began thrusting in earnest. His cock going deep into Devyn's anal chute. His balls were churning with the need to deposit his seed into this kid's ass again. Devyn could feel Paul thrusting faster. He could feel them coming harder as the man drove his cock in and out of Devyn. Devyn braced himself with his arms against the side of the building. He wanted to stroke his cock but could not because he needed both hands to brace himself. "Oh, Davy!" Paul's moans of pleasure were getting louder. The setting sun was hot on Paul's back. He pushed harder and faster. His pants slid down his hips to pool in the grass at his feet. The pleasure of Devyn's tight ass was driving Paul to new heights of sexual enjoyment. Devyn's arms were braced against the side of the garden cottage. He hung his head looking down at his jumping cock. He wanted to stroke himself. He wanted to jerk his cock and cum but he needed both hands to brace himself. He could not pull one from the wall while Paul was plowing into him. "Oh yes, Paul!" Devyn could feel his orgasm building. He was yearning to have his sexual release. He wanted to cum. Paul slammed hard into Devyn's ass and held his cock there. He leaned over Devyn and licked again at Devyn's sweaty skin. "Mmm, you taste good. You need to cum?" Devyn took the pause in Paul's thrust to pull his hand from the cottage and reach between his legs. He began stroking his dripping cock. "Yes, yes so badly." "Yeah, I bet you do." Paul reached around Devyn and pushed the teenager's hand off. "I'm going to do that." Paul wrapped his fist around Devyn and began stroking him. "Oh yes! Oh, Paul!" Devyn closed his eyes as Paul was stroking him. He was enjoying the feeling of Paul masturbating him. He knew his climax was close. Paul kept his cock inside Devyn as he stroked the boy. His fist was pumping hard and fast up and down the slick length of Devyn's cock. Paul used his other hand to play with Devyn's chest. He tweaked first Devyn's left nipple and then his right. He was rewarded with moans and whimpers of pleasure from Devyn. Paul took Devyn's nipple and twisted it left and right. He felt Devyn's cock swelling. He knew the boy was going to cum. Devyn wanted to hold back but between the hand stroking his cock, the teasing of his nipples, and the cock in his ass, he could not hold out any longer. His balls pulled up and his cock swelled. He cried out as the ropes of cum began blasting from his cock. The first blast splattered against the side of the shed. The rest of his load sprayed across the green grass. "That's it, Davy. Shoot your load. Yeah, Fuck yes!" Paul's cock was massaged and milked by Devyn's ass muscles as Devyn shot his load. For Paul, it was an amazing feeling being balls deep inside Devyn while Devyn was shooting his load. Devyn felt a bit weak as his orgasm began to subside. He could still feel Paul inside him and the man's strong hands gripping him. He let out a breath he had not even known he had been holding. "Did that feel good Davy?" Paul still had one hand on Devyn's cock slowly stroking the last of the load from Devyn. Paul's other hand was on Devyn's chest. He was almost holding the boy up. "Yes Sir!" Devyn had enjoyed riding the waves of pleasure that his ejaculation brought. Some were more intense than others. This time had been one of the better climaxes. "Yeah, you like shooting your load with my cock in your ass?" Paul had milked the last of Devyn's load from his cock. He was now massaging Devyn's balls. He knew this boy was one horny kid. His other hand was still fondling Devyn's sweaty chest. "I love it, Paul." "What do you love, Davy?" "Having your cock in my ass. It feels so good to cum with you inside me." Devyn could feel his cock already starting to swell again. If Paul kept playing with his balls and tweaking his nipples, Devyn was going to be fully hard again. "Want me to breed you now?" Devyn knew there was only one right answer to that question. "Yes." Paul gripped Devyn's waist and began thrusting into him. Paul drove his erect cock in and out of Devyn's well-lubed hole. Faster and faster, he thrust into Devyn. Devyn was meeting each of Paul's thrusts and working that hard cock with his ass. "Oh fuck!" Paul could feel his orgasm building. He had been close to the edge when Devyn was coming. With just a few more thrusts he knew his seed was going to be spraying out. He was going to dump his load into Devyn's ass. "Come on Paul. Harder! Faster! Cum inside me." Paul thrust harder and faster. He could feel the surge beginning and then his cock blasted his seed. Jets of his hot man seed was deposited deep inside Devyn. "Yeah! Paul. That's it. Fill me up with it. Shoot me full of your cum." Devyn could feel Paul's cock jumping inside and shooting the ropes of cum into him. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on using his ass muscles to pleasure Paul. "OH! Ah!" Paul gripped Devyn tighter. He held him there his cock ejecting ropes of cum deep inside Devyn's fuck tunnel. It took the man longer to recover than Devyn. His cock was deep inside Devyn as the sun sank passed the tree line. "Oh damn!" Paul's breathing was still fast and his heart rate was rapid. He wondered if at some point he would have a heart attack while fucking this boy. Devyn stood there still with his palms against the wall and Paul's cock balls deep inside him. He could feel the silk fabric of Paul's underwear against his smooth cheeks. Paul's cock was still protruding through the fly from when Devyn had fished it out to suck on it. "Damn Davy. You may be the death of me." "Hmmm," Devyn moaned in pleasure. Paul rubbed his hands down Devyn's sides and his legs. He leaned over and kissed the middle of Devyn's back. "That was better than the last time." "Um...thanks. It was good for me too." Devyn had enjoyed the feeling of Paul's load being blasted deep inside him. Paul rubbed Devyn's back and kneaded his shoulders before he extracted his softening cock. Paul's cum followed his load back out of Devyn's hole. "Damn, this is the best I've had." Paul patted Devyn's tan ass. "Um...thanks." Devyn was not sure how he should feel about that compliment. Was all he was a fuck toy? Was that all he was ever going to be? Devyn straightened up and felt more of Paul's load oozing from his hole. "Damn kid," Paul was looking at Devyn's legs as his load oozed down them. "I shot a hell of a load." Devyn snickered. "Yeah, it was bigger than last time...I think." Devyn turned and faced Paul. He could feel the cum oozing from his hole and sliding down the smooth skin of his legs. "Um...Paul, could I take a quick dip in the pool?" Paul looked down at the sexy teenager. "Sure Davy, but it will have to be a quick one." Paul was pulling up his pants after wiping his cock clean with a handkerchief that he had pulled from his pocket. It was after cleaning himself, that Paul noticed Devyn's cock. "Fuck, you're hard again." "Um...yeah, quickly." Devyn felt his face blushing. "You fucking horny little shit." Paul could not believe this boy's stamina. He wondered how long it would take to suck him off. Paul glanced at the setting sun and then at his watch. He was sure there would not be time. "Come on, let's get you rinsed off." Devyn bent and picked up his discarded shorts , underwear, and shoes. He still had not found his shirt. He wondered where he had left it. Could Amanda have taken it? As Devyn was picking up his shoes, Paul patted his ass. "Damn, I'm not sure if I'll ever get enough of this. It feels so good. You are so damn good for me." "Um...thanks, Paul." Devyn was looking up at the man through his long eyelashes. "Come on Davy. Go for that swim and then we will decide when you will be back." Paul put a hand on Devyn's back as they walked towards the pool. Devyn wondered if he played his cards right if Mr. Fairbanks might help him. It was obvious the man had the money. If Devyn could work something out with him, he might be able to get himself and Todd away from Tom. Devyn walked towards the pool with Paul's hand on his back. He wondered when the time might be right to approach the subject. Not yet but maybe the next time. He hoped he was reading the signals correctly and that he and Paul had made a connection. It felt a little different with Mr. Fairbanks than with the other men. Or was that all in Devyn's head? # # # Devyn pulled his mind back to the present. He could just start going through the building looking for Matt. He might find someone else more helpful than the woman at the front desk. Of course, if Matt was not here, then he would just be wasting time. He plastered what he hoped was a winning smile on his face. Maybe if he used a little of the charm that Amanda Fairbanks had liked, he would be able to get through to this lady. If only she was into young guys like Amanda. Devyn walked back to the front desk. "Hi, sorry to bother you again," Devyn began in his most polite voice. "I was just wondering..." "Are you still here? Just call him and leave him a message. He'll get back to you." Devyn wanted to slap her but controlled his voice. "I'll be happy to do that. Do you have his direct line or even better his cell phone number?" Devyn put on his most innocent face. He pushed his hair back and looked directly into her hazel eyes. He thought for a moment that he just might be getting somewhere with her. "I'm not allowed to give out that information. Now I'm busy." She turned away from Devyn to take another call. Devyn swore under his breath. He turned away from the desk. He wondered if he should just start hunting through the building. He would have to run into someone more helpful that would know where Matt's office would be. "No luck Boy Wonder?" Joe's hand was warm on Devyn's shoulder. "She is as unhelpful in person as she is on the phone. I bet Matt has not gotten any of my messages. She dismissed me because of my age. She did not even listen to my explanation of who I was or anything." "Typical dragon guarding the gates. It's common. The more personal interactions kept out of the office, the more work they can milk out of the employees. I'd never survive in that kind of environment. Let me see if I can get through to her." Joe moved to the desk. "Howdy Ma'am." Devyn watched as Joe began sweet-talking the woman. It was obvious that she might not have been attracted to Devyn but Joe was a whole other slab of beefcake. With his sexy body, warm smile, and those bedroom eyes, Devyn was sure the man was going to get what they needed. Hell Joe might even be able to nail the chick right there in the middle of the lobby. Devyn listened as Joe told her how delicate her fingers looked and how beautiful her eyes were. Devyn wondered if Joe might get in trouble for sexual harassment. But no, the woman was hanging on every word and giggling like a schoolgirl. Devyn could do nothing but shake his head. Travis tapped Devyn, drawing the teenager's attention away from Joe and the receptionist. "You seem better now." "I am. Thanks to you little bro." Devyn was signing but not repeating what he said. He kind of liked being able to talk in public without everyone listening. "When we get home, can we talk about something?" "We can talk about anything. Are you sure it can wait?" "Well, if we can talk tonight... If you are alright with it and have time." "I always have time for you." Devyn could feel a few passersby watching them. He did not really care and he hoped Travis did not either. "That is very impressive." Devyn turned towards the voice. "Thanks." Devyn was facing someone who was probably 10 to 12 years older than him. The man was only an inch or so taller than Devyn. His shoulders were broad and his chest filled out the dress clothes nicely. "Is he your brother?" "Yes." Devyn was continuing to sign so Travis would know that he was the topic. "There was a guy in college that was deaf and I was always impressed with the interpreter. I never knew how they could translate the lecture so quickly." "It takes a lot of practice." "I bet it does. Well, keep it up." "Thanks." Joe was coming back to Devyn now. The man was starting to move off. "Bad news," Joe said. "Matt's not in. He's got some sort of family emergency." The man paused hearing Joe's baritone voice. He could feel the hairs on his neck prickle. "Shit!" Devyn could not believe his luck. They had driven all this way and he was not going to get to see the one person he actually wanted to see. "On the good news side, I got his direct line. She said his assistant was at lunch but would be back soon." "How did you get that from the dragon lady? She barely would give me the time of day." Joe smiled. "You just have to have the right kind of...personality." "Or maybe the right kind of body to attract" "Knock it off." Joe could not stop his lips from twitching at the corners from Devyn's words. He knew he had flirted with the woman to get her cooperation. "Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt." Both Joe and Devyn turned towards the voice. "I truly did not mean to overhear your conversation." "Sorry about that," Joe said. "The comments..." "Oh, the comments are very accurate when referring to HER." There was extra emphasis on the `her.' The disgust in the man's voice was evident. "They are also accurate when referring to you." He was looking up at Joe and fluttered his long eyelashes. "But that is not why I'm interrupting. I thought, I mean I heard you say you were wanting to meet with Matt. Would that be Matt Chancellor?" "Yes, he's a friend. Do you know him?" Devyn had felt a gay vibe from the guy earlier but now it was a little more pronounced. It could just be Devyn's wishful thinking as the man was damn attractive but he thought it was more than that. The man was nicely built and his chest and arms filled out the dress shirt and sweater he was wearing. "Yes, did he know you were coming?" "No, I've tried to reach him but my messages seem to be getting lost." Devyn could not stop looking over at the receptionist. "Look, my name's Albert. I'm Matt's assistant." "Hi, I'm Devyn Vitanova." Devyn was impressed he used his new name and only stumbled a bit. He held out his hand to Albert. Albert's eyes went wider at the name. He could not believe what he was thinking. This could not be the kid he and Matt had been searching for, could it? Albert took Devyn's hand. "Um, Devyn that is not that common of a name. I know Matt knew a Devyn..." "Right, he would know me by Roberts. Devyn Roberts." Albert felt his stomach flip over and almost wet himself. His hand tightened on Devyn. "Holy Shit! Come with me. Come with me!" Devyn was almost drugged towards the stairs and then up several flights. Albert's grip was still tight on Devyn's hand as the man pulled him up the flights of stairs and then down the hall. "I just cannot believe this," Albert said as he pulled Devyn into his office. "You do not know how hard we've been searching for you." Devyn looked at Joe who had followed Devyn and Albert. Travis was also looking confused. "I, um, have been trying to get in touch with Matt for like weeks." "You have?" Albert's eyes conveyed his surprise. "I've left messages," Devyn said. "So have I," Joe said. "They never seem to get to the right person." "Um, well, I did return a few calls to numbers we did not know. One was to a Devlyn." Devyn chuckled. "That was probably me." "There was also one to a Joe." Albert looked from Devyn to Joe. "Yes, that would be me." "The sexy baritone." Albert realized what he had said and felt his face blush. "I did get a voicemail stating something like that. I thought it was a joke and deleted it." "I am so going to bitch slap that twat, Lucy!" Albert could not believe all the time he and Matt had wasted because of her. "Sorry about that. I shouldn't have said that out loud." "She said he had some sort of family emergency," Joe said. "WE would like to see him but if we would be imposing..." "Yes, and No," Albert said. "It's a bit crazy but you have no idea how good your timing may be." "Then we might be able to see Matt today?" Devyn hoped that Matt was at least in town and not gone due to the emergency. "Yes, I think so. You have no idea how shocked he is going to be." Albert pulled out his phone and quickly scrolled through his numbers. Then stopped. "No, there is a better way to do this." He muttered. "Hey, it's Albert. How is everything?" Albert paused listening to the voice on the other end of the conversation. "Listen Bryan, something very important has come up. Can I come to the hospital and talk to Matt?" There was a pause. "I have some important news for Matt that I think will help." There was another pause. "Alright, we'll be there in a few minutes. Bye." Devyn looked from Joe to Travis and then back to Albert. "If Matt is in the middle of something we could come back tomorrow or..." "No, no he needs to see you. He has to see you." Albert was adamant. "Is Matt alright?" Devyn was worried that maybe the emergency was Matt. "Is he sick or..." "Matt's fine. Well physically fine. It has just been a hell of a day or two. Seeing you is going to blow his mind. He's at the hospital right now. Would you have time to go there?" "We do not want to intrude into a family situation," Joe said. "I mean if this is a family emergency..." "No, I mean yes, but this is too important. Matt's got to talk to you and maybe you can help. Do you have the time for a trip to the hospital and to spend some time there?" Devyn could almost see the pleading in Albert's eyes. Devyn turned from Albert to Joe. "Do we have the time?" "It is very important." Albert focused his intense gaze on Joe. "Trust me Matt needs this." Albert then looked at Devyn. "I think it is important for you too." Albert did not want to explain too much. He thought that should come from Matt. Joe knew how important it was for Devyn to see Matt. Albert also made it sound like it was equally important for Matt to see Devyn. "Sure, we can." "Um, what about..." Joe held up a hand cutting off Devyn's words. "It is up to you on what we do," Joe said. "If we go to the hospital, we probably won't have time to make the other appointment." "I hate to ask you to change your plans but this is important." Albert's eyes were pleading with Devyn. "Matt needs know we found you." "We can push that other appointment off until tomorrow," Joe said. "Are you sure?" Devyn knew that the other appointment was meeting with Devyn's parents. "I'll call and take care of it." "Thanks, Joe." Soon they were back on the road following Albert towards the hospital. "I feel a little strange about meeting with Matt at the hospital." Devyn rubbed his sweaty palm on his pants leg. He was feeling more nervous now. Something about all of this felt odd. "It isn't how I had expected today to go. But then nothing about this has been going the way we planned." "It really hasn't." Devyn's lips had turned up into a half smile. Soon they were following Albert through the corridors of the hospital. The man was walking fast and was forcing Travis to almost have to run to keep up with the two adults and Devyn. Albert led them into a small private waiting room. "Just wait here. I'll be right back with Matt." Before they could say anything, Albert was gone. Joe and Travis sat down on the warm brown chairs. Devyn began pacing. He was filled with nervous energy. He was both worried about seeing Matt and excited. It had been so long and now the time was upon him. Devyn wondered if something had happened to Bryan. Could that be the family emergency? Devyn liked Bryan almost as much as Matt. The guy had to be special to be Matt's husband. Devyn kicked himself for not asking Albert about Bryan. He did not know how he could be so stupid. Travis made a noise and Devyn turned towards him. He watched as Travis signed. "Sorry," Devyn said. "I am just nervous." "Relax. Sit down." Travis did not fully understand everything that was going on but he could tell his brother was worried. Devyn moved over and took the seat next to Travis. "I am sorry this isn't being much fun for you." "It's alright," Travis said in sign. "We can have fun later. Uncle Joe said the hotel has a pool. Can we go swimming?" "Sure, we can." Devyn was glad that it took little things like that to make Travis satisfied. Most of the time the younger boy did not care what they did as long as he was spending time with either Devyn or Joe. Devyn heard movement in the hall and jumped to his feet. He thought it would be Matt and Albert but it wasn't. Devyn began to pace again. "You are as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs," Joe said. "What?" Devyn turned to look at Joe. "It was something my mom would say. But Travis is right, sit and relax." "I can't. What if, and what about my folks? How do we explain this..." "We don't have to explain anything," Joe said. "I'll call them after this and just let them know we were delayed. We will see them tomorrow if that works for them. Or we can try on Sunday morning before we leave for home." "Thanks, Joe. For, um, you know everything." "Stop thanking me. It is what family does. Plus, I'll be resting in the hot tub tonight while you are wearing Travis out in the pool." "That is a deal." # # # Copyright 2023 by Keith yates ( all rights reserved. Character is much easier kept than recovered. Thomas Paine A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right. Thomas Paine