Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 19:35:22 -0500 From: Keith Yates Subject: Devyn's Struggle 59 This is a fictional story involving sexual acts between two or more men. If this offends you, why are you here? If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material then do not read any further. This story in no way represents any person living or dead. Any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and no copying or posting to any other website is permitted without the author's written consent. To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture. Thomas Paine Please help keep Nifty going by making a donation to this important service. Readers Note: This chapter in Devyn's Struggle starts off after Devyn visits Brent for the second time at the hospital. The events in this chapter correspond to those in chapter 41 of Brent's Struggle. I've never written a series like this before so I'll be looking forward to your comments. You can send them to me at I do not believe that you have to read Brent's Struggle to follow the storyline but it might help. You can find Brent's struggle here: Now on with Devyn's Struggle. Devyn's Struggle Chapter 59 Devyn stepped out of the way of a man pushing a gurney with a patient on it. He was trying to not think too much but was finding that hard. He had just left Brent's room and seeing his former boyfriend was no easier this time than it had been yesterday. He just could not figure out how he was feeling. He had believed he hated Brent for tossing him away the way Devyn's parents had. He had been so mad at Brent, but now Devyn was not feeling the same. He was feeling sympathy for Brent. He just was not sure if that was because Brent was hurt and in the hospital or for some other reason. "How are you holding up?" Bryan had maneuvered around the gurney just as Devyn had and was again next to the teenager. "I'm fine," Devyn responded. His voice, however, did not match the words. There was a bit of a tremble in it that he had not been able to cover. "Are you?" Bryan had heard the words but had not believed them. He could tell that it was hard on the boy. Devyn had put on a fantastic front in Brent's room but it was more obvious now that the guy was hurting. Devyn really was not sure. He had held it together in Brent's room but seeing his former boyfriend had been hard. It had been even harder when Brent was trying to apologize for how things had ended between them. Devyn knew now that Brent had been afraid and had pushed him away out of some sort of effort to appease his folks. Devyn guessed he had always known that. It did not make the rejection hurt any less. Bryan paused and put a hand on Devyn's shoulder to stop the teenager. Devyn turned towards the former Marine. "Look," Bryan began, "I know this is hard on you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you too. So is Matt. We both care about you." Devyn glanced down at the gray tile floor of the hospital lobby. He felt his throat getting a little tight. "Um...thanks. is not turning out even a little to what I had expected." "Oh, you got to be kidding." Bryan had a teasing tone in his voice. Devyn looked up from the tile floor to Bryan's handsome face. "I expected to hook up with Matt..." Bryan raised an eyebrow at Devyn's term. "Hook-up with my husband." There was a sparkle in his deep blue eyes. Devyn chuckled. "Well, your husband is hot." "He is. I can't argue that point. But he is MY MAN." "He is and I expected to MEET with both of you." Devyn placed extra emphasis on the word `meet'. Devyn's lips curved up into a smile. He did like Bryan teasing him. It was helping him release some of his stress after seeing Brent. "It is good to see you smile." Bryan gave Devyn's shoulder a squeeze. "I know this has been hard on you. I'm sure you were not planning on all of this emotional stress." "I was prepared for some stress. Just not seeing Brent." Devyn paused. He had not planned to see Brent at all. He had only planned on the stress of seeing his parents. "I think that I'm glad I am reconnecting with Brent. I think in the long term it is going to be good for both of us." "I think you are right about that." Bryan studied Devyn's face. The boy had been so innocent before and somewhat shy. There was little doubt that Devyn was growing into a hell of a young man. "You know Matt and I always knew you were special and seeing how you are coping with Brent is proving us right." "Um...thanks." Devyn felt a warmth in his stomach at Bryan's words. "I...ah...was half afraid that once Matt learned how badly I messed up that he wouldn't have wanted to have anything to do with me." "You did not mess up." Bryan's voice was firm. He placed his hands on both of Devyn's shoulders. "Your parents are the ones that messed up. You proved just how strong you are." "Did Matt tell you what I told him yesterday?" Devyn looked down at the floor between himself and Bryan. He did not want to see the disappointment that he was expecting to find on Bryan's face. "You mean about getting caught up in some circumstances that you could not control?" Devyn nodded his head without looking up at Bryan. "Matt did tell me some. He mentioned how someone manipulated you and took advantage of your innocence." Devyn nodded his head. "It wasn't exactly like that. Tom...ah..." Devyn's voice trailed off. How did he tell Bryan that Tom had turned him into a whore. "You know no matter what you did with him or for him, it doesn't change you in my eyes or Matt's." Bryan took one hand from Devyn's shoulder and lifted the teenager's head so their eyes met. "If you want to tell me, that is fine but trust me; it doesn't change a damn thing." "I told Matt some but I didn't go into a lot of it. I just don't want to disappoint..." "Hey, stop right there." Bryan's words cut over Devyn's. "We, Matt and I, are only impressed by both you and Brent. You both seem to have an inner strength that is beyond amazing. I know the hell Brent went through and I have to say, it would have broken most people." "I'm not sure I'm as strong as you think." Devyn blinked back a couple of tears. "I let Tom use me. Hell, I didn't just let him but on some level I...I...think..." Devyn swallowed. He was not sure how to admit to this big macho Marine that some part of him enjoyed it. He enjoyed the sex. He enjoyed some of what he had done for Tom's customers. He had not enjoyed it with every man but there were some like Paul and Robby that were good to him. He had not minded at all having sex with the television star or with Paul Fairbanks. There were some others that he had not minded. "It's alright Devyn. You don't have to tell me but again it won't change a thing." Bryan wanted to help Devyn understand that no matter what he did, he was still an amazing young man. "Let's just say that I did stuff that I shouldn't have I was enjoying what I did." Devyn was not sure that Bryan would fully understand but at least the way the man was looking at him had not changed. "I've got some idea of what you might have been pushed into doing and the fact that maybe you enjoyed it is perfectly normal." Bryan paused. He hoped that Devyn understood that regardless of the acts that he had been forced into, it did not change the man the teenager was becoming. "You know as a soldier; I did things that most people would consider wrong. The fact is, unless you were there in that situation at that moment, no one knows what they would do. We can be forced by the circumstance to do things that in any other situation would be wrong. But what I did, I did to protect and keep us all safe." "And I for one appreciate what you did. I thank you for your service." Devyn then moved in close and hugged Bryan. "I guess we both have some darkness in our past. But we both turned out alright." Bryan thought he heard a question in that last statement. "You sure as hell did." Devyn moved so he could look up into Bryan's face. "So did you. You're a man I'd be proud to call my husband...or maybe daddy." Devyn added some extra emphasis to the word `daddy'. It caused Bryan's lips to twitch. Bryan hugged Devyn tight for another moment. "I think maybe you and Brent should talk about these past two years. I think it could help both of you." Devyn released Bryan. He stepped back and looked at the blonde man. "Maybe, some of it is hard for me to talk about. I've never told anyone everything. Not even Joe." "It's hard for Brent too. I don't think he has talked about all of it yet. I wish he would. I think it would help him heal." "Do you think he would talk to me about it?" Devyn was curious about what Brent had gone through. There was a part of him that wanted to help Brent. There was a part of him that was still hurt by Brent. The hurt, however, was shrinking. "He might. It might help if you told him some of what you went through. It could help both of you." "Some of it is really bad." Devyn glanced down at the tile floor again. He concentrated on the design of the large tiles. "Brent's special, and I don't think it will change you in his eyes. I know it won't in mine or Matt's." "You don't know how bad it is." Devyn looked back up into Bryan's face. He only saw sympathy and compassion there. "So why not confide in Joe? From what Matt told me, he sounds like a heck of a guy." "He is," Devyn said. "He's awesome." "Then I bet you can talk to him about what happened. It sounds like it wouldn't change anything between you," Bryan said. He slid his arm around Devyn's shoulders and started walking towards the exit. "It wouldn't. I know that. He knows a lot. More than anyone else. It has never changed his feelings for me." "He's a good man. I'm looking forward to meeting him." "Maybe tomorrow when we come back to see Brent before heading home." The two walked through the sliding doors and out into the cool afternoon air. There was a brisk breeze that made it feel even colder outside. "Do you need a ride?" They had reached the parking lot and Bryan was turning towards where he had parked. "No, Joe let me drive the truck. It's over here." Devyn gestured with his thumb. "He's being driven around by Matt's assistant." "Albert is awesome. Matt would be lost without him." "He seems like a good guy." "I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll come in early to see Brent so I don't miss you." "'t be leaving too early. I' with my parents in the morning. Then coming over here." "That's right, you said you were going to meet with them this weekend." Bryan studied Devyn. He could see a turmoil of emotions in the teenager's expressive eyes. "Damn, it will be an emotional day for you." Bryan's heart went out to this kid. "Are you...a...planning to reconcile?" "I don't know what will happen. Joe thinks I need to have some closure with them. I...I think it would be better to just skip the whole thing." "I think Joe is right," Bryan said. "It might help you more than you know." "We'll see." After hugging Bryan one last time, Devyn moved off to Joe's truck. He climbed in and watched as Bryan pulled out of the parking lot. He could not help but think how different Brent and his lives would have been if they had both ended up with dads like Joe, Matt, and Bryan. Devyn glanced up at where he thought Brent's hospital room was. He could not help but wonder if they would be together right now. Would they be boyfriends or maybe have even reached a deeper level of commitment to each other? Should he give him and Brent another try? How would that work with them living so far apart? Devyn knew he was not leaving Joe and Travis. He was not sure he could picture Brent living at the farm. He could, however, see Charlie living on the farm or on a farm with him. # # # # Devyn rested on the bed in the hotel room. They had just returned from dinner and Travis was continuing to tell Devyn about all the fun stuff he, Joe, and Albert had done. To Devyn, it sounded like Travis had a blast. "He sure seems to have had some fun," Devyn said to Joe. Joe was on the other bed resting. "It was fun," Joe confirmed. "How are you doing?" Joe had been able to tell that Devyn was stressed. He had seen it in the boy's expressive eyes. He just could not determine if it was seeing Brent or the meeting tomorrow with his parents. Devyn shrugged his shoulders. "It's hard." He did not know how else to express what he was feeling. Hard did not seem to accurately describe the emotions but Devyn did not know another word to use. Joe looked over at Devyn. He waited but Devyn was not volunteering any additional information. Joe rose from his bed and moved across the small space that separated the two beds. He sat down next to Devyn. "I'm going to need a little more than that." Joe placed his hand on Devyn's knee. "I'm sure it has stirred up more emotions than you would have thought." Devyn glanced around the hotel room. He looked from the dark wooden desk where Travis was currently sitting doing something on his iPad. He glanced at the window framed with its blue drapes. It was dark outside and there was only some light coming through the window from a security light somewhere outside. Devyn licked his lips before he spoke. "Seeing Brent was...well...emotional. I kept it together but...barely." "You don't have to be the rock this weekend. I'm here for that." Joe slid his arm around Devyn's shoulders. He pulled Devyn tighter to him. "He tried to apologize today. He wanted to tell me he was sorry for how our last meeting went." Devyn paused. He could hear the tears in his own voice. He tried to push them back. "Let it out, Devyn." "I was so mad at him. I hated him for how he treated me that day. He was so cold. I needed him. I needed him and he wasn't there for me." Devyn's words were getting caught in his throat. It took him a few moments to regain his voice. "Should I have given him another chance? I mean I know on some level it had to be his folks poisoning him. Did I walk away from him too quickly?" Joe waited a few moments before speaking. "You were both young. You were both scared." "You were young. Lee was young. He didn't turn his back on you. He stood up for you and by you." Joe's lips curved into a half smile. "He did but that is Lee. He's many things and one of his best traits is loyalty." Joe paused for a few moments. "Keep in mind the difference. Lee's straight and we were not caught having sex." Devyn knew that was true. The situation was not the same. "But Dan..." "He did not really stand by me. He also did not exactly turn his back on me. We were hiding and sneaking around to steal a few moments together. It might have been better in some ways if we had ended things the day we were caught. I think that was part of the reason he joined the Marines. He made it like he was running to something but he was also running away from something." Joe understood why Dan had done it but it still hurt that Dan had left him. "So, you are saying I should give him a second chance? Should I give us a second chance?" Devyn was not sure his heart could manage a second chance with Brent. Plus, he wasn't sure where that left his feelings for Charlie. He knew he did not want to hurt Charlie. "Only you can answer that. I know it is hard but you will do the right thing." Joe kissed the top of Devyn's head. "Remember you can forgive Brent and be friends. Forgiving him does not mean picking up your old relationship. It would be better for both of you to start a new relationship, as friends." "Maybe," Devyn said. "You know both Matt and Bryan, I think, want us to reconnect. They both say Brent has been through hell." "Maybe he has," Joe said. "That doesn't change what he did. That doesn't justify his actions." "No, it doesn't but maybe that hell is punishment enough for him." "Maybe. I just don't know what to do." Devyn's voice was filled with his frustration. "If things were different, maybe Brent and I could be together again." "By things being different, you mean if Charlie wasn't in the picture." "That one's a big one." "It is," Joe agreed. "That boy cares deeply for you." "I know. I care for him too. I'm just a little afraid." "Afraid of Charlie?" Joe found it hard to believe since Charlie was one of the nicest kids Joe knew. "Charlie's afraid of coming out. He doesn't want to tell anyone he's gay. He won't even tell Sam and Sam has been totally cool with me. Hell, Sam and I shared a room. At his house, we even shared a bed. It didn't bother Sam a bit." Joe's lips curved up into a smile. "Sam's a great kid. He's like his mom." "I'm positive that Sam would not have a problem with Charlie being gay. Yes, he's going to be surprised but he's going to be fine with it." "I'm sure you are right. Give Charlie time. It is hard for him." "I know." Devyn sighed and looked down at Joe's leg pressed against his own leg. They were both still wearing jeans but Devyn could remember all too vividly sleeping with Joe at Hannah's. He knew he should not be having those kinds of thoughts about Joe. He had Charlie. Why was it that he felt sexually attracted to so many different types of men? "Charlie will figure it out in time," Joe said. He held Devyn a little tighter. For Devyn, being there in Joe's embrace was more comforting than just about anything else. "I don't mind giving him time. I know it is going to be hard on him. His brother is never going to accept him being gay. Howard has the same mindset as Frank and I think having that rejection from his brother will hurt Charlie deeply." "I'm sure you are right. Charlie has idolized Howard to some extent." Devyn looked up surprised that Joe knew how much Charlie looked up to Howard. Joe could see the surprise in Devyn's expressive eyes. "I've seen them together since they were little. It's been obvious that Charlie worshiped Howard." "I think some of that is wearing off but he still worries a bunch about Howard's opinion." "He'll have some good support when he comes out." Joe gave Devyn's knee a squeeze. "I'll do what I can." Devyn felt his phone vibrate. He picked it up and looked at the screen. "He must have known we were talking about him." Joe chuckled. "The boy is perceptive." Joe got up to leave Devyn to his phone and texting with Charlie. Charlie: How you doing Devyn: ok Charlie: are you worried about tomorrow Charlie knew that tomorrow Devyn was meeting with his parents. He also knew how much that meeting was stressing Devyn out. Devyn: Yes, I'm thinking about just skipping it. Charlie: That would be easier Charlie: I wish I was there Devyn: Me too Charlie: I'd go with you. Devyn: That would help Charlie: Wish I could give you a hug right now Devyn: Me too Charlie: not to mention do more than just give you a hug Devyn: Like? Charlie: Kiss your lips Devyn: I like the sound of that Charlie: nibble on your earlobe Devyn: Oh yeah Charlie: Oh, you like that idea? Devyn: definitely How about we get together this week so you can show me Charlie: YES Definitely Charlie: My place or yours? Charlie: you could come over after school. We could do homework have dinner and then work on exploring those earlobes and some other body parts Devyn's lips curved up into a smile. He liked the idea of that. He and Charlie had not been able to spend much time alone the past couple of weeks. Devyn: I like it but how about my place? We might have more privacy for you to check out my body parts. Charlie: I like the sound of that Devyn: I could check out your body parts too Charlie: I'd definitely like that Devyn liked the sound of that too. He also knew he needed to fill Charlie in on seeing Brent. He just was not sure what his feelings were for Brent. How did he explain his feelings when he did not understand them himself? Charlie: Seriously I do wish I were there to hug you Devyn wished that too. It would be nice to have Charlie here right now. It would also be good to have Charlie next to him tomorrow. Although he would not want to subject Charlie to Frank's homophobia. Devyn: knowing that helps Charlie: text or call me anytime Devyn: thanks Charlie: I mean that Charlie: Anytime Charlie: day or nite it doesn't matter Devyn: TY I will Travis tapped Devyn on the arm. Devyn looked up at the younger boy who was standing next to their bed. Travis had changed into swim trunks. "Can we go swimming?" Devyn smiled at Travis. He could not tell him no. "Sure. Let me just finish this and then we will go to the pool." Devyn returned his attention to his phone. Devyn: Travis wants to go swimming Charlie: Have fun Devyn: wish you were here Charlie: Me too I like how you look in your trunks and wet Devyn's lips curved up into another smile. Charlie was making him feel better. He was going to have to be upfront with Charlie about seeing Brent but he was not going to do that in a text. Devyn: I like it when you are wet and wearing nothing at all Devyn: Remember our shower Devyn was sure Charlie did remember that. It had been a while but they needed to have some more clean fun like that. Charlie: I'd never forget Charlie: best shower ever! Devyn: for me too Devyn: going swimming Charlie: have fun Devyn started to put his phone away but felt it vibrate again. He looked at it. There was only the image of a heart looking back at him. Charlie was a sweet guy. If he would just come out, their relationship would grow. Devyn was sure of that. "Can we go now?" Travis asked. "Would you rather stay here and chat on your phone?" Joe had seen Devyn texting and figured it might be better for Devyn to spend some time with Charlie. Even if it was just through a series of text messages. "I could go swimming with him." "No, I don't mind. You could join us though." "No, I think I'll rest. It is nice getting to kick back." Devyn began undressing. He grabbed his swim trunks. They were dry from last night's swim. He stripped down and pulled them on. # # # # Travis' enthusiasm was a bit infectious. Swimming with the younger boy helped distract Devyn's mind from worrying about the meeting tomorrow morning with his parents. He was still torn about that meeting. Part of him wanted to skip it and part of him wanted to see his parents. He was partially wondering why they had agreed to the meeting. Were they coming to terms with his being gay? Travis splashed him to get his attention. Devyn pushed the musing about tomorrow out of his mind. He returned to playing with Travis. Devyn looked around the pool and noticed that there were only a few people left. He looked up at the clock and saw there was still time before the pool closed. He was surprised when Travis jumped on him and forced him under the water. Devyn came up spluttering and made some exaggerated signs regarding getting even with the younger boy. He proceeded to chase Travis around the pool. He made a couple of halfhearted attempts at catching Travis which caused Travis to giggle loudly. "Looks like you're having fun." Devyn looked up at the voice and saw Pete standing there. The college student was smiling down at Devyn and Travis from the side of the pool. Pete was clad in only a pair of red and blue swim trunks. His tan chest was muscular, his arms were well-defined and his lips were curved up in a smile causing his dimples to pop out. "Um, yeah, we are," Devyn stammered out. He felt his heart rate quicken at the sight of the bare chest and the seductive smile. Part of him wanted to run his hands over that muscular chest and through that head of curly brown hair. "Mind if I join you?" Pete enjoyed watching Devyn playing with Travis. He had enjoyed watching Devyn's sexy body as he chased Travis around the pool. Pete could not stop himself from being attracted to Devyn. He was damn attractive and the guy had some sort of "IT" factor. Whatever that factor is, it made the teenager desirable in Pete's eyes. Devyn swallowed. He was attracted to this man and seeing Pete standing there with a bare chest, tan legs, and broad shoulders was sending surges of excitement right into Devyn's teenage equipment. "Um...sure." Devyn turned to Travis and signed so he would know what was being said. Pete dove into the water and came up beside Devyn. His dark curly hair was now hanging in wet ringlets around his handsome face. His lips were curved up into a warm smile. "Um, don't you have to work?" Devyn was looking into Pete's eyes. He thought he could feel those eyes almost burning him with the man's desire. "I'm on my lunch break." Pete had planned his break to coincide with when he thought Devyn might be back in the pool. When he had seen the guy heading to the pool with his little brother, Pete had clocked out. He had wanted to spend more time with Devyn and he had gotten lucky that the opportunity had presented itself. " planning" Devyn was not sure why he was nervous. Maybe it was the desire in Pete's eyes or maybe it was the attraction Devyn was feeling for the college man. "Find you here," Pete supplied. "I was hoping." Pete reached out and placed a hand on Devyn's wet skin. "I wanted to see you again before you left for home." Devyn felt a fluttering in his stomach at Pete's touch. He could also feel a stirring in his trunks at the idea that this college hunk had wanted to see him again. Devyn opened his mouth. He was starting to remind Pete that he had a boyfriend. He did not get the words out before Travis jumped on Pete's back and forced Pete to slam into Devyn. For a few short moments, Pete's wet body was pressed against Devyn's. They looked into each other's eyes before the college student went under the water. Pete surfaced spluttering. "You sneaky little twerp." Pete was swimming towards Travis. "I'm going to get you." Devyn had recovered enough to sign Pete's words to Travis. Travis began swimming away from Pete and Pete began swimming faster. Devyn could tell from the playful gleam in Pete's eyes that he was enjoying the game as much as Travis. Devyn watched from the center of the pool as Pete chased Travis around. It was fun for Devyn to watch the attractive college student with his athletic body swimming after Travis. Seeing this playful side of Pete was only fueling Devyn's sexual attraction to the older boy. "You've got a boyfriend," Devyn reminded himself. He should not have feelings for Pete. He had Charlie. Hell, he had Brent. What guy was he attracted to? He guessed the truth was he was attracted to all three of them. Travis swam towards Devyn and then around behind him to keep out of Pete's reach. He was laughing as the older boy tried to swim around Devyn to get to him. Travis kept Devyn between himself and Pete. "Hey! Stop using me as a shield." Devyn was speaking and signing but he was not sure Travis was paying any attention to his gestures. Travis squealed with laughter when Pete finally was able to reach around Devyn and grab him. Travis pulled away which forced Pete to collide with Devyn once again. Their two wet bodies were pressed together and Pete's arm was around Devyn from where he had tried to hold onto Travis. Devyn felt his breath catch at the physical contact with the other boy. He could feel his heart stop for a moment and then speed up. He could feel his body responding in ways he did not want it to. "Sorry about that," Pete said but he made no move to pull away from Devyn. His eyes were looking into the dark chocolate of Devyn's and he could see those golden flecks glowing. He hoped they were glowing with desire. Pete knew he was feeling more than just a little attraction to this guy. He also knew he should not be feeling that interest. Devyn had already told him that he had a boyfriend at home and home wasn't just on the other side of town. Pete wondered what he was doing to himself. Was he just trying to open a new wound so maybe the old one would not be as noticeable? Devyn both wanted to pull away but he also wanted Pete to hold him tighter. He could feel the heat of the older boy's eyes looking into his own. He could feel himself growing hard inside his trunks. If he didn't move away soon, Pete was also going to feel it. Pete removed his arm from around Devyn. He turned to see Travis looking at them from the opposite side of the pool. "You win, little dude." Devyn swallowed and tried to push down his sexual attraction to the college student. He had almost leaned in and kissed Pete's inviting lips. They had been so close and it had almost been impossible to resist. Devyn proceeded to sign to Travis so he would know what Pete had said. Devyn knew he had to get these feelings under control. He had Charlie at home and maybe he had Brent. Which guy did he want? "You've worn me out." Pete moved up beside Travis. He turned to look toward Devyn at the end of the pool. "How about we take a break in the hot tub for a bit." Devyn looked from Pete up to the clock. It was time for the pool to be closing. He hoped that was why it was now empty and not from Travis' squeals. "Don't worry about the time," Pete said. "It can stay open a little later tonight." "Are you sure? I don't want to cause you a problem." "It's no problem," Pete insisted. Devyn asked Travis if he wanted to soak in the hot tub for a while. Of course, the boy said yes and jumped out of the pool heading towards the recessed pool. Devyn moved towards the latter and could not stop himself from watching Pete pull himself out of the pool. He watched the water cascading down Pete's back. He watched it flow over Pete's round ass and then down Pete's tan legs. Devyn licked his lips. He felt his body responding to the sight of the sexy college student's muscles flexing as Pete pulled himself up and out of the pool. Pete stood there as he watched Devyn climb out of the pool. He held out his hand to help the younger guy off the latter. "Um...thanks." Pete's hand lingered in Devyn's. Devyn wondered if the other boy could feel his heart speeding up again. "Come on," Pete said, pulling Devyn along. "This is going to feel good and you need it after all that playing." Devyn could feel the heat of Pete's hand on his own. The older boy tugged him towards the hot tub. Devyn wasn't sure he needed to sit in a pool of hot water. He thought he was feeling hot enough with Pete touching him. Pete released Devyn's hand when they reached the recessed pool. He stepped down into the hot water. He let out a sigh as he took a seat next to Travis. He draped his arm around Travis' shoulders and leaned back against the tile wall. Devyn stepped down into the pool and took a seat across from Pete and Travis. He almost wished it were him sitting next to Pete with Pete's arm around him. He liked how comfortable Travis was with Pete and how easy-going Pete was with Travis. It was important for Devyn to have a guy that was comfortable with Travis. If things were different, Devyn could see himself having a relationship with Pete. Devyn had to clear his throat before he could find his voice. "Are you sure you aren't going to get into trouble for this, are you?" Pete smiled at Devyn's concern. "Don't worry about it. I'll work a little later than normal but it will be fine." "I just don't want you to get into trouble with your boss." "You're sweet," Pete said. He then ran his foot along Devyn's bare leg. "Just relax and enjoy it. Devyn sucked in a breath as Pete's foot went higher. Devyn wasn't sure what he was being told to enjoy. Was it soaking in the hot water? Or was it Pete? "Pete," Devyn paused and swallowed, "I...I have a boyfriend." Pete smiled. "I remember." Pete let out a sigh and removed his foot from contact with Devyn's sexy leg. "I'm being bad. I know. I just." Pete paused. He wasn't sure how to explain what he was feeling. "I felt a connection to you last night. I thought you felt it too." "Um...well, I did, and if I wasn't involved..." How did Devyn tell Pete the hunky boy was someone Devyn could see himself with? How did he tell Pete that he was more than just a little attracted to the college student? He should not be feeling such a sexual attraction. He had Charlie and he wanted a relationship with Charlie, didn't he? "If it wasn't for that boyfriend, then I might have a chance." Devyn smiled. "You would have more than a chance." If Charlie weren't in the picture, Devyn would take Travis back to the room and then hook up with Pete for some one-on-one activities. "I've got horrible timing. I'm always a day late and a dollar short." Pete looked down at the water and then back at Devyn. This guy reminded Pete of Alex. Was that why Pete was so attracted to him? He did not have a shot with Alex and it was obvious that he didn't have a shot with Devyn. He never seemed to find a guy that was available. "I honestly can't believe why a great guy like you isn't in a relationship." If Trevor were a little older, he would try and hook Pete up with him. Maybe they would hit it off but Devyn thought Trevor would be too young for Pete. "That's the problem. I'm looking for a relationship. It seems to drive away most of the guys. They are only looking for..." "A quick fuck," Devyn supplied. "More or less," Pete said. "Then they're stupid. They have no idea what they are missing out on." Devyn was surprised he was being so blunt. He barely knew this guy. Pete was right though. There was some sort of connection between them. Devyn just did not understand why it was there. "Thanks." Pete brushed Devyn's leg with his foot again. "It's nice of you to say that." "I don't know you well, but I think it's true. You're a good guy. You deserve a great guy." "It just seems like the great guys are taken." Pete once again rubbed his foot along the smooth skin of Devyn's leg. "Not all of them. You will find Mr. Right." "Maybe I should just settle for Mr. Right Now." Pete glanced over at Travis. The boy was leaning more against his side now. "Well, that can be fun too." Devyn's eyes sparkled with his suggestion. Pete smiled. "It can at some stress." Devyn looked up at the clock again. He should probably get Travis up to bed. He could see that the warm water was making Travis sleepy. "I think he's getting tired," Pete said. Travis was leaning against Pete's side. His head was resting on Pete. "Um, yeah, I should get him up to bed." Devyn half wished it were him there resting with his head on Pete. "I'll get us some towels." Pete shook Travis lightly to get the boy to sit up. He then moved out of the tub to bring back towels. Devyn could not help himself. He checked out Pete's ass and how Pete's wet trunks clung to the muscular globes. Pete returned in only a few moments with fresh towels for Devyn and Travis. He was handing Devyn a towel. " I didn't make you uncomfortable. I mean with" "Only in a good way," Devyn said, flashing Pete a smile. "It's nice to know a hot guy like you is interested." Pete felt his stomach flip. He couldn't believe a guy as damn hot as Devyn was calling him hot. "Shit, if you were only single..." Pete's voice trailed off and he flashed Devyn a seductive smile. "I'm not and I've got strong feelings for my boyfriend." "He's one damn lucky guy." Devyn felt his face blush. "Thanks, but I'm the lucky one." Devyn and Travis moved around the pool helping Pete do the cleanup. Devyn thought they owed him that for letting them stay late in the pool. "Thanks for the help," Pete spoke and then made the thank you gesture for Travis that he remembered seeing Devyn use. "He says your welcome and thanks for keeping the pool open for us." Devyn deposited the last of the towels into the laundry bin. "Do you think you will be back this way?" Pete asked. He honestly liked Devyn and would not mind continuing a friendship with the guy. Devyn knew he would probably be back. He just wasn't sure how often. It depended on things with Brent and things with his parents. He did not expect them to go well but if they reached out maybe he would need to make some sort of effort with them. "Probably, but I don't know when or for how long." Pete reached into a pocket on the side of the laundry cart and pulled out a small pad of paper and a pin. He quickly wrote on the pad. "Here's my number. If you're back, we can hang out. I could even get you a discount at the hotel." Pete tore off the piece of paper and held it out to Devyn. "Thanks, Pete." Devyn took the paper. "I'd like that. It's good to have friends." Devyn wanted Pete to understand that it would be only friendship. "I agree and I'd like you as a friend." Pete stepped closer to Devyn. "Thanks, Pete." Devyn was a bit surprised when Pete pulled him into a hug. He returned the hug. Pete liked the feeling of Devyn's bare chest against his own. He liked the feeling of holding Devyn in his arms. "Safe Travels." Pete turned and kissed Devyn's cheek. "Thanks." Devyn could feel the blood surging to his male parts. He lightly rubbed Pete's back. He was glad the embrace did not last too long. If it had, he would have not been able to stop his reaction to Pete's sexy body from showing. The two parted and Devyn and Travis headed towards the exit. He glanced back at Pete and watched as the man pushed the laundry cart towards the staff-only door. Devyn wondered why it was that he was so easily attracted to every guy. He had Charlie and that should be enough. Pete was hot and that explained some of Devyn's attraction. Devyn had also felt some attraction to Sam and Sam was his best friend. Was he always going to be looking at every man as a possible fuck? He hoped not. Maybe once he had a commitment to Charlie it would resolve some of these sexual desires. # # # # Copyright 2023 by Keith yates ( all rights reserved. Character is much easier kept than recovered. Thomas Paine A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right. Thomas Paine