Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 16:50:11 -0600 From: Keith Yates Subject: Devyn's Struggle 61 This is a fictional story involving sexual acts between two or more men. If this offends you, why are you here? If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material then do not read any further. This story in no way represents any person living or dead. Any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and no copying or posting to any other website is permitted without the author's written consent. To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture. Thomas Paine Please help keep Nifty going by making a donation to this important service. Readers Note: This chapter in Devyn's Struggle starts off after Devyn visits Brent for the second time at the hospital. The events in this chapter correspond to those in chapter 41 of Brent's Struggle. I've never written a series like this before so I'll be looking forward to your comments. You can send them to me at I do not believe that you have to read Brent's Struggle to follow the storyline but it might help. You can find Brent's struggle here: I am sorry for how long it took me to get this chapter posted. Life has been busy. My job is crazy and I've been working 60 hours and it hasn't left me much time for writing. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll hopefully have the next one posted in a more timely fashion. Now on with Devyn's Struggle. Devyn's Struggle V2 Chapter 61 Joe had known that this weekend trip was going to be hard on Devyn. He had just not realized how hard it had been on the boy. The teenager had been able to hold himself together during that meeting with Judy and even while visiting Brent in the hospital. Joe was not sure where Devyn found the strength and emotional control. Devyn was watching the trees passing by the window. The leaves had turned and the fall colors were amazing. If he had not had so much on his mind he would have been able to appreciate them. He wished he knew how he should feel. It seemed like his mom wanted a relationship with him but she still was not fully accepting him being gay. He also was not sure how to cope with the revelation that he had an older brother. Yes, it was a brother he had never known and would never know because Frank Junior had died but Devyn still felt like he had lost something. Add to that reuniting with Brent again. It seemed like Brent had been just as much a victim as he himself had been. It had just been in an unusual way. How did he manage to deal with all of this? The only way he had made it through the time with Brent at the hospital had been due to the ability he had learned while with Tom at compartmentalizing. If he had not been able to do that, then he could not have acted as the virgin nephew for Judge Green, the lawn boy for Paul, or all the other roles he had played while being a whore for Tom. Devyn could still not believe he had blurted that out to his mom. What had he been thinking? Telling her he was not just a common whore but a high-priced call boy. He had not even said that to Joe and yet he had told her. Had he wanted to hurt her? Had he wanted to make her realize what her rejection had done to him? Was he blaming her for his poor judgment? He had not needed to go into that bar. He had not been forced to leave the bar with Tom or to get into Tom's car. He could have walked away but he had not. He had trusted Tom. He had given in to Tom's demands. Did that mean that there was a part of him that liked being a slut? Could Frank be right? Was he just a pervert? Was he sick and twisted for liking sex? Devyn felt a tear escape and wiped it away. He hoped Joe had not noticed. He then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to look at Travis. "You alright?" Travis' face clearly showed his concern. "Yes. Don't worry about me." Devyn hated that his messed-up emotions were causing Travis to be worried about him. "Uncle Joe and I love you and we want you even if those stupid people don't." Devyn liked Travis' bluntness. "Thanks." It was then Devyn noticed that he was not sure exactly where they were. "Um, are you taking a different way back?" The road was curving, twisting, and going uphill more than it should. He turned to look at Joe. "You could say that. I thought we could use a slight detour." "Detour? But this seems more than a little out of the way." Now that Devyn was thinking back, he realized they had turned off the way home a while back. He had been so wrapped up in his own musing that he had not processed the change in direction. "It isn't that far out of the way," Joe said. "I just thought some fresh air would be good for all of us." "Um...don't we have fresh air at home?" Devyn watched as a deer ran across the road. Joe slowed enough that he could stop easily as two more bounded from the woods and followed the first deer. "Wow." Joe started driving on then but he was going a little slower now. "There are lots of deer in these woods." "Don't tell Lee." Devyn knew Lee spent a lot of time in the fall hunting deer. Although Devyn never remembered Lee actually bragging about getting any. He wondered if Lee just did not brag or if he wasn't getting any. Devyn knew Lee could not be that bad of a shot. Like Joe what Lee did, he did well. "Nope," Joe agreed. They turned off the main road and onto a gravel drive. It went round between the trees and then pulled up to a log cabin. It reminded Devyn of the one his family and Brent's family had shared but this one was smaller. It looked a little more rustic. "Does someone live here?" Devyn did not see any other vehicle or any sign of anyone around. "No, a friend rents these out. He's got around half a dozen that he rents. On down the road is a big lodge that has some rooms and a restaurant. I thought we'd have dinner there." "Dinner? Are we spending the night?" "Yes, unless you really want to get home so you can go to school tomorrow morning." Joe thought Devyn needed an extra day off. He did not believe Devyn had fully dealt with the emotions of the past few days. "But...but what about the livestock?" Devyn was surprised that Joe had postponed them going right home. "Lee can take care of them for another day or even two." Devyn knew Lee was one hell of a friend. He would do almost anything for Joe. If Lee had only been gay, Devyn could see Joe and Lee having a relationship. Those two together made a little more sense than Joe and Ethan. Although Joe and Ethan did seem to genuinely care about each other. "Come on, let's see it." Travis signed before jumping from the truck. "Well, he seems excited," Devyn said. "I guess he likes being able to miss another day or two of school." Joe then slid from the truck and followed Travis. Devyn got out of the truck and stretched. Then he followed Joe and Travis up onto the front porch. The porch stretched across the entire front of the cabin. The door was in the middle and he followed Joe and Travis inside. The place was also a bit rustic inside. It had a small kitchen and a living room. There was no television or satellite like in that cabin where he and Brent had stayed with their families. The floors were rough wooden planks but there was an oval area rug in the living room. There was also a fireplace with a stack of logs ready for a fire to be built. "This is kind" Devyn continued looking around the room. He noticed only two other doors. He hoped one of those was to a bathroom. He hoped the place wasn't so rough that they were expected to go outside in the woods. "I thought we could take a hike and then clean up and go have dinner." Joe was watching Devyn closely. He hoped that the teenager would relax enough to unleash some of his pent-up emotions. Other than that slight outburst with Judy, the boy was keeping everything inside. "That sounds good." Devyn thought he would enjoy the hike and maybe they would see more deer or some other wildlife. Devyn followed Joe across the room to one of the doors. It opened up to a back porch. The woods were only a few yards from the porch steps. Devyn saw a path that led to a rough bridge that crossed a small creek. He followed Joe who seemed to know exactly where he was going. "It's peaceful here," Devyn commented after they had crossed the bridge. "It is," Joe agreed. "I've only stayed here a few times but I've found it relaxing each time." They walked along in silence. Devyn was trying not to think about the events of the past few days but his mind kept going back to Brent. He was curious about what Brent had gone through. They were going to have to have a long talk when Brent was home. Devyn was just worried that listening to Brent, talking to Brent, and spending time with him would reawaken those old feelings. Devyn knew they were still there but he was not prepared for how strong their bond was. Did he belong with Brent? Did he still love Brent? Prior to that Sunday afternoon, he would have said he was deeply in love with Brent. Did Brent's one bad choice erase those feelings? Devyn tried to push away thinking of Brent, it was doing him no good. He would not know how he truly felt until they had some time alone together. He could not sort anything out while Brent was in the hospital and there were people around them so they could not talk and be honest with each other. Devyn was so deep in his thoughts that he almost ran into Joe when Joe stopped. Devyn caught himself and placed a hand on Joe's back to prevent himself from crashing into the man. "What..." A soft shushing noise from Joe made Devyn stop. He then followed Joe's gaze and saw the deer. It looked like a whole herd of them. "Wow," Devyn breathed. They stood there for long minutes watching the animals. Then without warning the deer started bounding off. Joe started moving again and Devyn followed. It was crazy how close they had been to the wild animals. Devyn thought he would be able to reach out and touch them. "You are being too quiet," Joe commented after they had been walking for a while longer. "Um,'t want to scare the animals." That was true Devyn had been quiet in hopes they would come across some other wildlife. He wasn't sure what they would do if it was more than a deer. What if they walked up on a bear? Devyn trusted Joe to be able to manage anything that they came across. "Are you sure you aren't lost in your thoughts?" Joe did not want to push Devyn to deal with all of the events of the weekend but he could tell the boy was going to need some pushing. "Well, I do have stuff to think about." Travis had stopped to pick up some interesting-colored rocks. He showed them to Joe. "Way cool," Joe said. Travis nodded and then began looking for some other rocks. "We're going to end up taking back a truckload of rocks," Devyn commented as Travis picked up and sorted rocks. "Probably," Joe said. "That could weigh us down but not as much as the baggage." "Baggage?" Devyn looked at Joe. "The emotional baggage." Joe moved to a fallen tree and sat down. "I think talking would help get rid of some of that." "I'm not sure it will," Devyn said. "Let's start with Brent." "You aren't going to let this go are you?" Joe's lips curved up into a half smile. "You know me too well. Talk to me." Devyn sighed. "Alright." He moved to the fallen tree and took a seat. Joe waited a moment but Devyn was apparently going to need a bit of a nudge. "How do you feel about him now?" "I don't know. Honestly, I don't. I thought before that I hated him. I wanted to be mad at him. He hurt me." "He did but just going from the bits and pieces it sounds like he's been through his own kind of hell." Joe had not gotten much of the story but he had talked to both Matt and Bryan while he had been waiting on Devyn. The two men seemed to be holding back what all Brent went through but Joe guessed for the teenager that it had been just as much a hell as what Devyn had coped with. "That doesn't excuse what he did. That doesn't mean I just have to forgive and forget." "No, it doesn't but it does shed some other light on the boy's actions." "So do I just give us another try?" "Do you want to give you two another try?" Joe was watching Devyn closely. Did Devyn love Brent enough to overcome the hurt? How deep were Devyn's feelings for Brent? "I don't know." "It's alright not to know. It is alright to take time to decide. It is a lot. You and Brent have both changed. You need to get to know each other all over again." Devyn knew that was true. He was different than when he and Brent were together. Hell, even his name had changed since then. "There is so much that has changed for both of us." "That is true," Joe said. "It seems you both were forced into growing up the hard way." Devyn looked down at the leaf-covered path. He then watched as Travis sorted through a few more stones he had found. "Yeah, I guess we were." They sat there in silence for a moment. The only sounds were the birds in the trees and the rustle of the dried leaves on the forest floor as some animals scurried from place to place. "You said something today that you had not wanted to talk about before." Joe paused and looked over at Devyn. Devyn was not looking at him but off across the forest towards the path the deer had taken. "I blurted shit out without thinking. I was hurt and pissed and..." Joe placed a hand on Devyn's shoulder. "I know it is hard for you to talk about what you did while with Tom." "I shouldn't have said anything." Devyn cut over Joe's words. "Did you see how it disturbed her? She is disgusted by me and she should be. It just shows what kind of person I am." Devyn started to get up but the powerful hand on his shoulder held him in place. He turned to look at Joe. His brown eyes met Joe's blue ones. He did not see any disgust in those blue depths. He only saw love and tender caring. "Devyn, what you did while you were living with Tom does not disgust me. It does show what kind of person you are. It shows how strong you are. It shows how far you will go to protect those you care about. I know some of what you did for Tom was to protect Todd." "It was. He would never have understood what was happening to him. He would not have understood the treatment that some of those men liked to inflict." "I've always suspected that some were rough." Devyn snorted. "Rough is putting it mildly." "Tell me about it." Joe was still sitting with one hand on Devyn's shoulder. "We don't need to talk about this. You don't understand..." "You know," Joe began thoughtfully cutting off Devyn's protest. "Like you, I don't talk about the tough times in my life. That is a mistake I've made with you." Joe's blue eyes looked into the warm chocolate of Devyn's brown eyes. He reached up and tenderly pushed Devyn's long hair back. "Our roads are so similar and yet so different." Devyn thought about that. He and Joe did have remarkably similar backgrounds. They both had a father that refused to accept their son being gay. Devyn had been thrown out and Joe had left. Or maybe more correctly Joe had been driven out. "I guess we do have that same unaccepting father." "We do and we both did what we needed to do to help ourselves and others along the way." Joe paused for a moment listening to the soft rustling of the leaves. "What you said to your mom about being a prostitute. You almost sounded proud of it." Devyn looked down at the ground. "I'm not. I was just...well hurting and...hell I don't know...I guess I wanted to hurt her. I'm ashamed of what I did for Tom. I did so much that I shouldn't have. She's right to be sickened by..." "No, stop right there." Joe cut off Devyn's words. "Nothing you did was sickening. You offered a service to someone that was willing to pay for it. It is no different than me hiring myself out to harvest crops for another farmer or Lee hiring himself to help me with the harvest. "Yeah, but those are honest jobs. I was a common whore..." Joe spoke over Devyn again. "I suspect there was nothing common about you. I believe it was a high-priced prostitute." "A fucking twisted pervert that's what I was." Devyn took in a breath and let it out. "I got off on having sex with men. Men that were older than me...much older. "It is alright to like older men. Ethan does. Hell, that is why the boy is with me. I'm quite a bit older than he is. "That isn't the same and you are not that much older than him." Devyn knew most of the men had been old enough to be his father and in the case of Judge Green his grandfather. "Devyn, you have this hang-up with sex. I suspect it comes from how you were raised. You are supposed to enjoy it. It is alright that you liked the men or at least liked the attention from some of them. It is alright that you enjoyed the sex." "We really don't need to talk about this. You can't want to hear this." Devyn started to get up but Joe's strong hand pulled him back down on the log. "Devyn, it isn't as bad as you think. It isn't like you are the only person that has been paid for sex." "Hell, I never got paid," Devyn blurted. "Tom got all the money. I have no idea how much he was making but judging from the apparent wealth of some of the men, it was a damn lot." "Well, there is something. Like you said earlier. You weren't a cheap whore but a high-priced prostitute." "Yeah, at least I wasn't just a common slut." Devyn's voice was laced with scorn at himself. "You keep putting yourself down for selling sex. There is nothing wrong with it. Society has made it a taboo topic. It is a profession as old as society." "I guess that is true." "Be proud that you were high class and not just selling blow jobs in a back alley." There was something in Joe's words that made Devyn look at him again. He saw the flicker in the blue depths of Joe's eyes. "Did...did you..." "I think I've made a mistake by not talking more about what I did after I left home. I don't know why I didn't tell you about that time. I guess I've come to terms with that time in my life and I...well hell...I just don't like talking about myself." "You know I wouldn't tell anyone what you tell me," Devyn's voice was soft. He was curious now about Joe's past. "I know you wouldn't. I'm not ashamed of what I did then. Like you, much of it was outside my control." "So did you. Um...I mean were" "A high-priced whore," Joe supplied. His lips twitched at the corners. "No, I didn't have your, ah, sex appeal factor." Devyn found that awfully hard to believe. Joe was damn sexy. His blue eyes were striking. His well-defined body was a wet dream. Plus, his firm jaw and perfect nose. He was just one extremely hot man. "I'm not sure you see yourself accurately." "Trust me, I did not look like you." Joe looked at Devyn and could see why the teenager had been well paid for his services. You would not find a more attractive guy anywhere. Devyn had that certain something that made him more than just sexy. It made him desirable. Joe was sure that Tom had seen that right away and the man knew exactly what he had with Devyn. Tom knew how to capitalize on the sex appeal that the boy exhibited without any effort. Maybe that was part of the appeal, the fact that Devyn just did not consciously know how attractive and sinfully sexy he was. "But you know you got paid..." "When I left home, I did not have much money. Lee gave me every last penny he had but it wasn't much. I was able to buy some food for a while but did not have enough to find a place to stay." Devyn knew Joe had left home as a teenager. He clearly remembered Joe telling him about him and Dan being caught a second time having sex. Devyn had thought before how similar he and Joe were with their fathers and being caught having sex. He thought that had been the extent but maybe they had more in common than Devyn had known before now. "Like you, I really had nowhere to go. I was young and stupid. I did look for some honest work but most folks were not going to take a chance on a scrawny kid. It wasn't so bad at first living on my own. Sleeping in a field or a park was just like camping. The problem was getting enough to eat and then when the weather grew worse finding a warm dry place to sleep." "I remember that all too well. Being cold is one thing, being hungry is another but being cold, wet, and hungry is fucking awful." "Watch the language but you are right. It was miserable. I was so dumb and naive but I got lucky. I found what I thought was an abandoned building to crash into. It was boarded up but I found a place where I could slip inside. It got me out of the rain and the wind." "Sounds like it wasn't all that lucky. I mean still no heat or water, right?" "Sort of," Joe said. He remembered finding that old run-down building as if it had just happened last week and not years ago. "It was barely a step up from sleeping on the street, at least, that is what I thought at first. What I did not know was that there was already someone living there." "Someone?" Devyn pictured someone like Tom who was ready to take advantage of Joe. Listening to Joe helped Devyn to take his mind off all the emotions of the weekend. It was giving his subconscious mind time to sift and process them while his conscious mind focused on Joe's story. Yes, this guy was probably nineteen or twenty with his two little brothers. They were around twelve. He also had some other kids that crashed there from time to time. He was basically giving homeless kids a safe and dry place to sleep." "Sounds good except for it being in a boarded-up abandoned building." Joe's lips curved up a bit. "It wasn't that bad. In fact, in the basement, the place was actually not too bad. Yes, we were sleeping on mattresses on the floor and the facilities were kind of crude but it was safe, dry, and warm. He had somehow found some electric heaters to take the chill off. I'm not sure how he wired them into the grid but he did. He had quite the talent for making things work with just a pair of pliers and a paper clip. "He sounds awesome." "He was," Joe said. "I learned quite a bit from him. "He also kept us fed. There was always a pot of stew ready for anyone. You just had to not think too much about what might be in the stew pot. I'm sure sometimes the meat was...well questionable at best." "Um, that doesn't sound very appetizing." "You just had to pretend it was chicken." Devyn chuckled. "I hope you had a good imagination." "It was better than nothing." Joe paused. He could tell that telling Devyn about himself was taking the teenager's mind off the emotional upheaval. "I had been staying there for a couple of weeks when Max, which was the older boy's name, told me it was time to start contributing to our meager supply of cash. He took me with him one night to his job at this hole-in-the-wall male strip club. We were going to pass me off as eighteen." "You were a male stripper?" "I was nervous and knew I did not have the body they were looking for. I mean I was a skinny kid and was sure the owner would take one look at me and toss me out." Devyn still found it a bit hard to believe that Joe had been a shrimp when he was younger. The guy was built now and no one could call him scrawny. "Did he? I mean toss you two out?" "He told Max that there was no way I was eighteen. I looked younger than I was, so I'm sure he thought I was fourteen or thirteen." To Devyn, it sounded like Joe had the same problem he did with looking younger than he was. That had worked to Tom's advantage in arranging Devyn's clients. Tom seemed to know a number of rich and influential men who liked an innocent-looking kid. "I think he believed that I would be too scared to do anything." Joe could remember the events as if they had just happened weeks ago and not years ago. "He said I needed to pass the audition. That was when he told me to strip." # # # # Joe had been nervous when Max had proposed to Joe joining him at the strip club. He knew he did not have the body that he needed to be a stripper. Max was older and well defined so Joe could see why Max could work at a male strip club. "Don't worry," Max said. "I' you and you've got muscle in the right place." Now Joe was standing there in front of the owner in a dingy office. He was still nervous but if this brought in money, then he'd do it. It was much better sleeping in the basement of that abandoned building than out on the cold streets. Joe looked from the man sitting behind the scratched and cigarette-burned desk to Max. He was nervous and a bit self-conscious. The man had been looking at him like he was more a piece of meat than a kid looking for a job. Max nodded at Joe. Max had known that a kid who looked like Joe would be just what some of the men in this place wanted. Joe pulled his shirt up and off his slender body. He had lost a few pounds after leaving home. He was not getting regular meals and his slender body looked even more boyish than before. His hair had also grown a bit long and shaggy. "Look at how smooth his skin is," Max said. He moved closer to Joe and slid his hand across Joe's smooth chest. "It's as soft as a baby's." Joe felt a tingle up and down his spine as Max's hand caressed his chest. He could not stop his teenage body from responding to the other boy's touch. The fact that a man was sitting there watching them did not stop Joe's blood from surging into his groin. In fact, having someone watching them seemed to be fueling Joe's excitement. "Go on kid, let's see what else you got there." Joe nervously ran his tongue over his lips before he began to undo his pants. He kicked off his shoes and then lowered the zipper. He glanced at Max and got an encouraging wink. Joe lowered his pants down and then stepped out of them. Max quickly took them from Joe. "Well Son, looks like you like what's going on here. Those white briefs are getting stretched there. Looks like for a little guy, you've got an ample cock." Joe could feel his face beginning to blush. He started to move his hand to hide his growing erection but Max gave a slight shake of the head. "I told him he had the muscle in the right place," Max said and winked at the man behind the desk. Joe wanted to hide his growing boner but knew Max wanted the man to see Joe's package. Joe could feel his neck burn and the blush creeping up his cheeks. "Oh, and don't you look even younger when you are blushing like a virgin bride on her wedding night." The man laughed as Joe's face grew more pink. "Go on kid take off the little briefs. Let's see it all." Joe looked at Max and could see the older boy wanted him to get this job. Joe knew that the group needed the extra cash. If Joe were able to bring in some money, then maybe they would not have to have that mystery meat that Max found for their stew pot. "Come on kid," the man said. "If you are this shy, then you won't make it up on stage." Joe slowly lowered his white briefs. His cock sprang free and swung there as he pulled his underwear off. Max took them from him so now all he had on was his socks. "Look at him. Doesn't he have that innocent look? Max placed a hand on Joe's back and pushed Joe forward a couple of steps. "He definitely looks like he just got off the bus." The man then made a gesture to have Joe turn around. "Let's see that ass." Max grabbed Joe's shoulders and turned him around. He also forced Joe to bend forward a bit so his ass was pushed back towards the man. "That's a hot ass," the man said. "So does he have the job?" Max asked. "I still think he's too young to be up on stage. He'd get me shut down." "Oh, come on," Max said. "Who in this joint is going to turn you in?" "You just never know who will walk through that door out there." Joe turned back around to face the man. His teenage cock was mostly hard. He was not sure but on some level, this was sexually exciting. He guessed he had never really minded being naked around other guys. His friends had seen him naked a number of times when they had gone swimming. He had always had to fight down his erection then. Now he wasn't fighting it. He was letting it grow. "Look, Sir, I'll do anything. Just give me a chance." "Anything huh?" The man's lips twitched at the corners. "Son, do you even know what you're offering there?" "Ah...probably not but I'll learn know, do my best." "Well, I can't put you up on stage," he said. He rubbed his chin. "But if you were snuck in here by your friend there." The man gestured at Max. "Then I guess you could probably find a way to earn some money." Joe looked from the man to Max. He wasn't really sure what the man was offering him. "Ah...I'm not sure..." "He's too young for that," Max said. "Come on, Joe," Max passed Joe his shirt and underwear so the teenager could get dressed. "I thought he was old enough to be up on stage?" The man was looking at Max. "I'm sure you have...ah...been tipped for providing private shows in the back?" "Look, just forget this," Max said. Joe was looking from Max to the man behind the desk. He had an idea that the private shows were more than just stripping. Joe was still holding the clothes that Max had handed him. His cock had deflated a bit but he was seeing an opportunity here. "Ah...what would I...ah have to do?" "Forget it, Joe," Max said. "Just get dressed. I'm sorry I suggested this." "It's simple kid," the man said. "Just give the customer a show. Maybe you know let him cop a feel for ten bucks or maybe cop more of a feel for twenty." "That's it, just let them touch me?" Joe did not believe that sounded too bad. "Well, some might want you to touch them. You know..." "Jerk them off," Joe supplied. "You're getting the idea," the man said and smiled at Joe. "Joe, you don't want to..." Max began but Joe cut him off. "Look, Max, it's fine. I can jerk someone off. For twenty bucks." "Some might want to pay a little more for some services." The man looked at Joe's slender body and the boy's still semi-erect cock. It was obvious the kid did not have a hang-up about being naked or about taking care of some customers who wanted a little more than a show. "You mean sucking them off." Joe understood now what he might have to do to earn the extra money. "Yeah, you alright with that kid?" "Joe you don't need to do this," Max said. "It's alright Max. I...ah...can handle it." "I bet you can kid." The man paused before speaking again. He glanced from Joe to Max and then back at Joe. "Then let's finish up this audition." "Ah...what...ah do I need to do?" "Joe, are you sure?" Max looked from Joe to the man at the desk. He had noticed how the man had been rubbing himself while Joe was taking off his clothes. He had also guessed what Joe might have to do next. He felt guilty for getting Joe involved in this but it was not something he would subject his brothers to. As far as his little brothers were concerned, he had a boring and regular night job. Joe looked at Max. "Yeah, it is for all of us, you know." "Then come around here kid. Show me how you are going to treat my customers." Joe realized what the rest of this audition was going to entail. He handed the clothes that he had not put on to Max. He then began moving around the desk. The man swiveled to face Joe as the teenager stepped behind the desk. He was rubbing the obvious bulge in his pants. "Ready to show me what you can do?" Joe nodded. He was a bit nervous but he had sucked cock before. Dan had told him he was good at it. Greg had also thought Joe was great at sucking. In fact, Greg had almost blown his load before Joe had gotten the other boy's cock in his mouth. "Then come on kid. Let's see what your mouth can do." Joe moved towards the man and then dropped down onto his knees between the man's spread legs. He reached for the man's crotch and began opening the man's pants. He could feel the heat of the man's body as he began fishing out the erect cock. "Ah, you can't wait can you kid." He sighed as Joe's hand closed around his shaft and the teenager began stroking him. Joe pumped up and down on the man's cock. He could feel the heat of the organ. The last cock he had touched besides his own had been Dan's. He wondered if doing this was being unfaithful to his friend. He knew he loved Dan and that Dan loved him but Dan had moved on with someone else. Yes, they had done that one last act where Dan had taken his anal virginity. "Come on kid. Suck it. Treat it like a fucking lolly pop." Joe leaned in and ran his tongue along the underside of the thick shaft. It tasted different than both Dan's and Greg's. It wasn't really bad but simply different. It tasted a bit more sweaty than the other two cocks. "Oh yeah," he moaned. Joe ran his tongue up to the tip of the cock and tasted the pre-cum that had started to form in the piss slit. He swallowed it down and then ran his tongue through the piss slit. He then slipped his lips over the head and took the man into his mouth. "Oh, fuck kid." Joe swirled his tongue around the fat head and then let it pop from his mouth. He looked up at the man in the chair. "Am I doing alright?" "Shut up and suck me, kid." Joe took that to mean that he was doing better than just alright. He took the man back into his mouth and went back to work on the man's cock. He worked his mouth part way down the shaft. He felt the fat head hitting the back of his throat. He had learned with Dan how to not gag on a cock. This man was a little larger than Dan but Joe knew he could manage it. He took more of the man into his mouth. He swallowed and let the head into his throat. He pushed forward until all of the man's cock was in his mouth. His nose was pressed into the man's dark pants and his lips were at the base. "Oh yes, suck it. Oh, fuck deep throat it." Joe backed off letting the cock come almost all the way out before forcing his mouth back down the shaft and taking every inch back into his mouth and throat. "Damn, you are one good little cock sucker." The man tangled his fingers in Joe's shaggy hair. He pushed Joe down holding the teenager in place. "You are about to git it kid." The man's cock swelled and jerked in Joe's mouth. Joe knew what was about to happen. He was finding it harder to breathe with his head being held in place. He swallowed as the first shots of cum began erupting from the man. The man moaned louder as the jets of cum fired from his cock and right down Joe's throat. The wave of pleasure swept through his body and went with his cum into Joe's mouth. "Wow, kid." The man released Joe's head. Joe pulled off the cock but paused to lick the last of the man's cum from the head. Then he looked up into the man's face. "So did I pass the audition?" "Fuck kid you did. I'll even be your first paying customer." The man pulled out a couple of bills from his pocket. Joe got to his feet. As he moved, His young cock swung back and forth. He was rock-hard. "Damn boy, that turns you on, doesn't it?" Joe used the back of his hand to wipe the spit and cum from his lips and chin. He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I guess." The man reached out and took Joe's erection into his fist. "Such a big cock for a scrawny little shit." Joe could not stop a moan from escaping his lips as the man's fist slid across his sensitive head. "Yeah, you're a horny shit." The man released Joe's cock. "Go on, let's see you jerk that boner." Joe hesitated. He could still feel Max watching him. He wondered what Max was going to think of him now. Would Max think less of Joe after watching the teenager going down on the man? Joe decided it did not matter. This had all been Max's idea. Well, at least Joe working in this joint. Max might not have planned on Joe doing something besides stripping on stage. "Go on kid. Stroke yourself. Let's see if you're old enough to cum." Joe wrapped his fist around his ample cock and slowly began stroking himself. He could feel both Max and the man watching him. It had been a couple of days since he had last released his sexual tension. He normally didn't go a day without jerking out a load. He just had not had a private moment and did not want Max or Max's brothers to see him jerking off. "Yeah, stroke it like that. You do that for the customers and they might give you a better tip." Joe used his other hand to massage his cum filled balls. He stroked faster and rolled his balls around in his hands. He could feel the pre-cum oozing from his piss slit. He could not help but remember all the times he and Dan had masturbated. Or the times they had sucked each other. Dan might not have been his only sexual experience but the other boy had been his first. Joe's fist pumped his cock. He could feel the pressure building. He knew he was going to shoot soon. He picked up his stroking and felt his cock swelling. He felt his balls pulling up and then his cock exploded. He shot jets of cum out and towards the man. The first couple of shots landed on the man's pants. The rest splattered across the dingy carpet between where Joe was standing and where the man was sitting. "Fuck boy, that's a fucking canon." Joe was panting but could not help but chuckle at the comment. "Ah...thanks." He was not sure what else to say. "That deserves a little extra." The man added another bill to the two he had removed from his pocket earlier. "Here you go, kid. Just don't forget that I gave you your first shot." "Ah, thanks." Joe took the bills from the man. His cock was deflating and the last of his teenage load was oozing from the head. "Your best nights are going to be Thursday, Friday and Saturday." "Sure," Joe said. He walked towards Max who was still holding his clothes. "Wear something tight or get some shorts so you can get naked easily." "Yes Sir," Joe said. He took his shirt and underwear from Max. He began getting dressed. "It's up to you what you charge, but that's a damn good blow job you give. Start it at forty." "Ah, thanks," Joe said. He was pulling his pants on now. He felt a little less self-conscious now that he was dressed again. Max and Joe walked in silence as they left the bar. Joe hoped that what he had done did not damage their friendship. "Max, we...ah...could stop and get something for dinner. I...ah...have the money now." Joe held out the cash the man had paid him. Max looked at the bills and then at Joe. "Are you sure about that?" "Fuck that was what this was all for, wasn't it?" Joe stopped and forced Max to stop. "Well, I guess." "What's the problem?" Joe's voice was hard. He could tell that what had happened might have damaged their new friendship. "Does it bother you that I suck cock? You can't be that much of a homophobe if you're stripping for men like that." "No, I'm not. I just..." "You just what?" Joe demanded. "You think I'm just a little pervert? I got that shit from my old man. He didn't want a fucking little faggot for a son. If that's how you feel then I'll leave." Joe turned and headed towards the building. He'd find his own place to live and Max could just have the fucking crappy abandoned building for himself and his little brothers. "Joe, wait..." Max hurried to catch up to Joe. "Look I was just well surprised." Joe kept walking. He was not going to put up with someone looking down at him. He'd been doing that all of his life and it was going to stop. If Max could not manage Joe being gay then fuck Max. Joe was going to just move on. "Come on Joe, stop." Max grabbed the smaller boy and pulled Joe to a stop. "I didn't want you to do that. I mean..." Max paused and took a deep breath. "I didn't want you to feel like you had to do that for me or the twins. I don't have a problem with you being gay. It's cool." "You sure?" Joe's voice was less hard now. "Honest bud. I just...well...feel like I pushed you into that." "You didn't. If blowing someone can keep us from having to eat rodent meat, then it's worth it." Max chuckled. "You dislike my cooking that much?" "No, it was just the idea of what you were cooking." Max slid his arm around Joe's shoulders. "Then let's take your well-earned money to the store and pick up some meat. You already had some beef today, so how about pork." Joe jabbed Max in the ribs. "Not funny but pork is alright with me." They walked in silence for a few minutes. Ah, Max?" "Yeah?" Max could hear the question in Joe's voice. "Ah, are you really alright with me, ah, being gay?" "Sure, Joe. That's cool with me." "Ah, are you gay?" Joe thought that maybe Max was like him. He had felt a connection to the older guy almost from the first moment Max had found him sleeping in the abandoned building. "No, I like girls but I also like guys sometimes. I guess I'm Bi." # # # # Joe looked at Devyn. He could tell the teenager had been listening closely. "So do you think less of me for jerking guys off for a few bucks or sucking them off for money?" "Of course not." "You sure? I mean I was slumming. You know down on my knees in a disgusting men's room sucking cock for a few bucks. Sometimes in the back alley." "Joe, that doesn't change how I feel about you." "Just like you working for Tom doesn't bother me. You can tell me anything about that time and I'll love you just the same...well maybe even more for understanding better what you went through." Devyn hesitated. Even though he knew now that Joe would understand, he was still not comfortable talking about the work he had done for Tom. Joe picked up on Devyn's hesitation. "You don't have to go into graphic detail. I don't need cock size but tell me a little bit. Was it so bad that you just can't talk about it?" Devyn could tell that Joe was just trying to help him. Maybe telling him a little bit would help. "You know some of the guys were actually really nice. The richest guy had tendencies but he treated me nice. He even gave me extra money. I mean money Tom did not know about. I was actually working up to see if he could help me and Todd. I think he would have. He could have set us up in an apartment and never missed the money." "Why didn't you?" "I was going to but then got busted by Dean and Hannah. It worked out better for me and I think for Todd." "You know being his...ah...kept boy might have led you to a life of ease. I mean if he were that rich, he could have set you up." "Maybe he could have. Maybe he liked me enough to do more than just pay me out his fantasies." "Did he have some kinks? I mean besides liking his guys on the young side?" "He actually thought I was older. I'm sure he suspected that I wasn't the eighteen that Tom told him but he pretended I was older. He liked pretending. We did quite a bit of role-playing. The first time we did this thing where I was the pool boy who he had seen having sex with his wife. It was like a revenge thing for him. After that though it was me being the lawn boy and teasing his wife. She was into younger guys. I think as long as it had a dick, she was into it." "They sound a bit messed up." Joe was glad that Devyn was talking about this. He thought it was a good way for the boy to come to terms with his sexual feelings. "You know role-playing can be fun. I might have to try some of that with Ethan." "Ethan's adventurous enough to probably enjoy some of that." Joe would agree with that. Ethan was fun and would probably enjoy pushing the boundaries. "Nothing wrong with having fun as long as you are both into it." "I guess I was into it some too. I mean Paul was nice and treated me well enough. I mean I did feel a connection with him but well I was young and...maybe I was seeing what I wanted rather than what was there. In the end, it doesn't matter." "That is right, you are where you belong." Joe could not imagine his life without Devyn being a part of it. Devyn placed his hand on Joe's. He tangled his fingers with Joe's. "I'm with my family. It is where I belong." Devyn squeezed Joe's hand. "Yes, I was a prostitute and I enjoyed some of it...not all of it but some of it." "Nothing wrong with enjoying your work. That's why I farm. I enjoy it. I like raising cattle. I like watching the crops grow. I guess I like the gamble of whether this year will be a good year or a bust year." "I like that too. I would have never guessed I would. I mean, if I hadn't ended up here with you, I'd never considered farming. I'd probably either done what Frank did and got some job at the construction company and maybe went to school to become some sort of manager or something. I think that was what Frank had planned for me. Oh, and to get married and have a couple of kids." "Well, if those are things you want, you can still do them," Joe said. "There are construction companies around. I know a couple of guys that are always looking for good workers. You could try that during the summer." "That was Frank's plan for me. I'd go along with it because..." Devyn paused trying to explain why he had never considered anything else. "I'd have done it because I looked up to Frank. I stupidly wanted to be just like him." "That's not stupid," Joe said and slid his arm around Devyn. "I looked up to my father and wanted to be like him. Hell, part of me took over the farm to prove to him that I could do it just as good as he had." "Do you think you proved that?" Devyn could not help but lean into Joe's embrace. It felt so good having that powerful arm around him. "I think I did. I've added more ground and run more cattle than he did. It took me some time, but I came to understand I had nothing to prove to anyone." "I don't need to prove anything to Frank. I'd rather try my hand at farming and raising livestock. Um, have you ever thought of raising goats?" "Goats?" Joe's voice did not hide his surprise. "What the hell would we do with goats?" "Well, there's a market for them. Mr. Hanks and I were talking about it." "I'm going to have to have some words with him." "Plus, they're cute." Joe chuckled. "Yeah, you're gay." "HEY!" "But I love ya." "So, no goats?" "When you sell your calves, you could use the money to buy a few goats. But you are taking care of them." "I like the calves too...Could I do both?" "We will talk about it. I think you should stick with calves. We are already set up for that." "Travis might like a few goats..." Devyn realized then that they had not been paying much attention to him. "Um...where is he?" "He went in that direction." Joe pointed down the path. "He's only been out of sight for a couple of minutes. We should probably catch up to him." The two got up from the fallen tree where they had been sitting and started down the path after Travis. They walked in silence for a few moments enjoying the soft sounds of the forest. "You know it was a place like this where Brent and I first understood that our relationship was more than just good friends or even best friends." "On that camping trip, you told me about?" Joe said. "Right. It was then we first had our sexual experience together. I think we realized that weekend that there was no going back but we just could not admit it to ourselves or to each other." "Once you've stepped over that line, you can't go back." Joe slid his arm around Devyn's shoulders. "Are you thinking you want to try having a relationship with Brent?" "I don't know. If you had asked me a month ago or even a week ago, I'd have said no way in hell." "But now things are different." "Seeing him" "It stirred up those old familiar feelings again." Joe knew how that was. He had once thought he had buried his feelings for Dan to only have them come roaring back when he saw the man again. "It seems like he's sorry for how things ended between us. Matt told me things were not easy on Brent and to let him explain everything." "If he is truly sorry and if he was pressured to push you away the way he did, that's going to shed some new light on those old feelings." Joe knew how having a little new perspective could bring those old feelings back to life. "Yes, and I hate myself for being such a fucking sentimental sap." "Watch the language," Joe admonished but not too firmly. "Caring is not being a sap. That generous and caring heart of yours is one of your greatest strengths." "But what do I do? If I go back to Brent, I will hurt Charlie." "Yes, and if you move on with Charlie..." "It will hurt Brent. I mean I think it will. It seems like he still has feelings for me." "You are both basing your feelings on the past. You need to get to know each other all over again. You may find that the feelings have grown in different directions and that you will just be friends." "You think so?" Devyn looked up at Joe. He wondered if Joe was right. Part of him hoped he was. If he and Brent's feelings had changed and they were no longer in love with each other then he could move on with Charlie and not hurt Brent. "You need time with each other and to get to know each other all over again. You need to let Brent get to know the new Devyn." "Right, he knew Devyn Roberts and I'm not that guy any longer." "No, you are Devyn Vitanova and that guy is one hell of a good young man. I am so proud of him. You've made both me and Hannah proud." Devyn looked down at the forest floor and then over at Joe. "Thanks, but I' learned from your example." Devyn felt his heart swelling. Having Joe's approval was almost the most important thing to the teenager. He blinked back tears at the overwhelming emotions that were surging through him. "Fuck!" Joe's voice conveyed his shock. It forced Devyn to look at Joe and then where Joe was looking. Travis was visible ahead of them now. He was on a footbridge that crossed a fast-moving stream. The issue was the bridge looked like it was about ready to fall apart. Travis had his back to them and was struggling. As they hurried forward they could see his foot had slipped between the planks of the bridge and was caught. They could not let him know they were there as his back was to them. Joe grabbed a small piece of bark from the ground and threw it. His aim was true and it lightly slapped Travis on his shoulder. The boy looked back. "I'm stuck." "Stop struggling," Joe ordered. He then turned to Devyn. "I think my weight would cause that whole piece of shit to drop into the creek." Travis was at the halfway point on the bridge and was probably over the deepest part of the stream. If the bridge gave way, the boy could get hurt by the debris from the bridge or whatever was under the water. "I'll go out there and get him." Devyn moved to the bridge. "Take it slow and easy," Joe said. Devyn softly stepped onto the bridge. He wasn't particularly scared. He knew that both he and Travis were good swimmers. His biggest concern was Travis getting hurt when the bridge came apart. The bridge creaked as Devyn stepped onto it. He could feel it give a bit as he moved further out. "Slow and easy," Joe reminded him. Devyn wanted to just dart to the middle and grab Travis. It was obvious though that his own weight might be too much for the bridge. It groaned as he moved towards the halfway point. "My foot's caught," Travis said. "I can see that." Devyn took another couple of steps. He thought he felt the bridge sag under his weight. "You should not have come out here." "I was following the fox." "Of course, you were." Devyn thought the words but did not sign them to Travis. The boy did not seem to be afraid of anything. Devyn finally reached Travis. And looked to see how to get the kid's foot dislodged from the boards. "Does your foot hurt?" "A little. I twisted it or something." Devyn reached down and tried to maneuver Travis' foot. "Slide your foot to the left and I'll get this board out of the way...your other left." "Sorry." With Travis' foot out of the way, Devyn was able to wiggle the broken board free and drop it into the water below. He then guided Travis's foot up through the hole. "You're the best big brother!" After signing the words, Travis threw himself at Devyn. The impact of Travis caused Devyn to lose his balance and he fell backward. There was a loud groan and Devyn felt the bridge shift. He hugged Travis to him and held his breath. Joe heard the groan and could see the bridge shutter. He saw some other loose boards drop into the water. He wanted to run out there and grab both of his boys but he knew his weight would send the bridge right down into the water. All he needed was for one of the kids to end up with something broken at this last-minute stop. Devyn thought he felt the bridge sag more but it seemed to be alright. Maybe they were not going to end up in the chilly water. Devyn released Travis so he could sign to him. "No sudden movements." Devyn guessed they should have told that to the kid before now. Devyn started to get up and heard another loud crack and then the whole bridge shifted. He grabbed Travis and pulled the smaller boy to him as the world tilted. Time seemed to stretch as Joe watched from the bank. He could see the whole bridge twist and the two boys dropped into the water. Without thinking Joe charged into the water. Devyn lost his breath with the impact of the chilly water. He tried to shield Travis from any possible falling debris. Before Devyn fully understood what was happening he and Travis were both being pulled out of the water. Joe had them both by their jackets and drug them up onto the bank. "Are you alright?" Joe was asking Devyn and at the same time signing to Travis. "That water is cold," Travis said. "I think I'm just wet," Devyn said. Devyn started to get up. He was drenched from head to toe. "I think I hurt my ankle," Travis said. Joe picked Travis up. "Let's get back to the cabin. Can you walk?" "Yeah, I'm not really hurt," Devyn said. "Just wet." "Can we get in the hot tub?" Travis asked as Joe was carrying him back down the path. "There wasn't a hot tub," Devyn signed. Then he looked at Joe. "Was there?" "I didn't notice one," Joe said. Devyn could feel the cold starting to settle into him now that the adrenaline rush was behind him. "Shit, it is cold." "Funny we had just talked about how uncomfortable it is to be cold and wet." Devyn chuckled. "Yeah, and I'm getting hungry too." "You and Travis are always hungry." "I can walk," Travis said. "I can walk." "You sure?" Joe asked and Devyn translated the words for Travis. "Yes." Joe put Travis down and the boy took a couple of tentative steps. "It only hurts a little." "You sure you're alright?" Joe was looking at Devyn. Travis was walking ahead of them a little ways. "I'm just cold and wet." Devyn pushed his wet hair back. "And hungry." Joe's lips curved up. "We will get you dry and warm and then feed you." Devyn chuckled. "Thanks." "It's a relief that neither of you got seriously hurt." "I wasn't really scared. I was just worried that Travis would get hurt." "That's that big heart of yours." They walked along in silence. Devyn could feel himself starting to shiver. The wind was cutting right through his wet clothes. "I didn't realize we had walked so far," Devyn commented. "It isn't much further," Joe said. After they took a few more turns in the path, they came out to the back of the cabin. Travis ran over to the side of the back deck of the cabin where there was a hot tub that both Devyn and Joe had not noticed earlier. "He doesn't miss a thing, does he." Devyn watched Travis hurry toward the side of the deck where the hot tub was located. "No, he sure doesn't." "Can we get in for a while?" "You up for it boy Wonder or do you need food first?" "Um...well the food would be good but that hot water would feel awesome right now." "Alright, we'll soak for a bit and then get cleaned up for dinner. The lodge is not too far away and they have really good food." At confirmation from Joe that they would take a soak and then get dinner, Travis began stripping off his clothes. Devyn chuckled. "I guess he's not going to wait for his swim trunks." "No, it doesn't look like it." In only a few moments, Travis had stripped off his wet clothes and climbed naked into the tub of hot water. "The water is great!" Joe moved to the tub. "No suit little man." Joe could not stop himself from smiling down at the boy as he submerged himself in the water. "Don't need one. It's only us here." Joe chuckled and then began pulling off his jacket and shirt. " trunks for you either?" Devyn could not help but look at Joe's broad shoulders, strong back, and flexing muscles as the man removed his clothes. "The boy's right, it's just us." Joe kicked off his shoes and then peeled off his damp jeans. Devyn wanted to pull his eyes off Joe but couldn't. He could not help but check out how the wet fabric of Joe's underwear clung to the man's ample package. "You going to join us?" Joe slid down his underwear and tossed them onto the pile with his other clothes. The late afternoon air was cool against his naked body as he climbed into the hot tub and joined Travis. Joe settled into the hot water. It felt good after splashing through the icy water of the creek to pull the boys out. Joe turned to Devyn and raised a questioning eyebrow. "It does feel good." Devyn felt a little nervous about getting into the hot tub naked with Joe. This was not going to be his first time in a hot tub with a naked man. He had been nervous that time too. Tom had stressed to Devyn how important the customer was... # # # # "He's royalty," Tom said. "He's a prince from some stupid little country and the congressman wants him to have a good time. Who's better to give him a good time than you? The way you can suck cock will blow his mind and when he gets into that tight hole...he'll blow more than his mind." When Tom talked like that, it made Devyn feel more like a slut. He knew he should be used to Tom talking about him like that but it still made his face burn. "Oh, and if you blush like that...well it will make him think you're still a damn virgin and we both know you are far from that. Devyn knew that was true. He had had sex with far too many men to be a virgin. "At least your hole still feels as tight as that first time," Tom said. Tom was driving through the gates of the estate. The fence on this estate looked more fortress-like than some of the other wealthy men that Devyn had visited. Devyn guessed that since this man was a prince, that he needed extra security. "Now don't mess this up," Tom said. "Make the Prince happy. He's the apparent heir to the throne. "Do you ever get any complaints?" Devyn knew the answer was no. The way Paul and Judge Green were always asking for him back, Devyn knew no one was complaining about his performance. Vince had also requested him a second time. He was sure that if Robbie, the actor, had not been so far away, he would also be wanting Devyn's services again. "Not yet, so don't make this one the first one. This guy is too influential and far too important to the congressman." Tom stopped in front of the mansion. "Now just go give him what he wants...whatever that is." Devyn did not say a word as he got out of the car. He moved to the door and heard Tom already driving away. He wondered what would happen if he just took off. He knew he could probably go to Matt and Bryan and they would take him in or help but what about Todd? Tom had already threatened to turn Todd over to that congressman he had just mentioned. Todd would not know how to handle that kind of physical abuse. Would Matt and Bryan take them both in? He knew his best option was Paul. Paul Fairbanks was growing more fond of Devyn each time he went to the man's house. Devyn's finger had barely touched the bell before the door was opened. Devyn licked his lips nervously. His throat felt remarkably dry. "I have an appointment with..." Tom had never given Devyn the man's name. "Um...the prince." Devyn was clueless if that was the appropriate way to refer to someone with a title like Prince. "Follow me," The man's deep voice said and he led Devyn through the house and out onto the back patio. Devyn's eyes had barely become accustomed to the dim lighting of the house before he stepped back outside. "Your Highness, your appointment is here," the man said and turned. He disappeared back inside leaving Devyn standing on the patio. Devyn wondered if the butler, at least Devyn guessed that was the man's function, knew why he was there. Devyn glanced quickly around and saw the man sitting in the hot tub. Devyn ran his tongue nervously over his lips. How did one address a prince? Did he bow? Devyn had no clue. If he was going to mess this up, he was going to be in deep shit with Tom. "Ah, good you are here," the man said from the tub. "Come closer. Don't be so shy." Devyn ran his tongue nervously across his lips again. His throat was feeling very dry. He wondered if it would be rude to ask for some water. "Please, boy, come closer." The man's voice was deep and gentle. Devyn moved towards the hot tub. The man's accent was thick and Devyn had to listen closely to understand the man's words. "Hello, um, Sir." Devyn could only see the man's face and shoulders. The rest of him was hidden by the tub. It was hard to judge the man's age but he appeared to be in his late twenties or maybe early thirties. He was on the younger side of the men for which Tom usually had him providing services. "Were you not told who I am? I am Prince Ahmad Khalid Suleiman." The name meant nothing to Devyn. He had never heard of the man before and had no idea what country the prince was from. "Um, yes, I, um, well, um..." "Did they give me a simpleton?" Devyn felt his ears burn. He knew he was mucking this up. Tom should have told him ahead of time who the man was. Devyn could have researched him so he would at least know the proper way to address the prince. "Oh, um, no. I'" "How challenged are you? Do you even know why you are here? If this is how your government treats its mentally challenged..." " Ahmad..." Devyn was not sure he could pronounce the rest of the man's name. The thick accent had made it hard to catch the rest of the name. "I've just never been around a prince before." Devyn stopped next to the hot tub. He could not help but like the man's attractive face. The prince's hair was jet black and his eyes were a striking dark gray to be almost black. It went well with the prince's rich brown skin tone. It appeared to Devyn that this member of the royal family was especially attractive. The prince sighed and seemed to be skeptical of Devyn's mental capacity. "I am Prince Ahmad Khalid Suleiman but you will refer to me as Your Highness." "Yes, Your Highness. I'm sorry for my ignorance of the proper address for one of your station." Devyn hoped he was addressing the prince correctly. He was not sure exactly where he pulled that "one of your station" from. He had probably seen it in a movie or read it somewhere. Ahmad's lips curved up into a smile. "Well, at least it seems you can form a full sentence...barely." Devyn could feel the blush crawling up his neck now. "I have just never been around royalty before, Your Highness." "Yes, I am sure it can be a bit disconcerting to the commoners." "I just don't want to offend you, Your Highness." "So, then you do understand why you are here?" "Yes, most definitely, Your Highness." "Then let's see what I've paid for. I hope you are as good as you look." Devyn hoped he was as well. He knew this Prince was important to Tom. Of course, every client was important to Tom. At least as long as they could pay, they were important to Tom. Devyn pulled his shirt up and over his head. He dropped it onto the patio next to him. "Oh, a very smooth chest. I see no hair." "It is smooth, Your Highness." Devyn stepped closer to the hot tub. "Would you like to feel it?" Ahmad reached up and ran his wet hand across Devyn's smooth chest. His thumb rubbed across Devyn's nipple and the nub responded. "Yes, very hairless." Devyn took a step back so he could kick off his shoes. He could already feel his teenage cock starting to firm up with excitement. He popped the buttons on his pants and began sliding them down. He could feel the man's eyes watching him. He could see the man's hand was under the water and that the man was either rubbing himself or jerking himself. Devyn wondered if the guy might cum before he even got fully undressed. "Yes, take them off. Let me see you. You are a sexy boy." Devyn found the man's accent sexy. He had never spent any time with someone who had a foreign accent. It was making the attractive man even more sexually desirable to Devyn. He could not help but wonder if there was something wrong with him. He found most of the men that Tom fixed him up with attractive. Devyn pushed his pants down lower and then stepped out of them. He stood there in his sock feet and underwear. He could feel the breeze and sun on his bare skin. "Oh, yes, you are a very sexy boy." He gestured for Devyn to turn around. "Show me your hot other side." Devyn slowly turned so the man could see his backside. He pushed his underwear-clad ass back towards the man. "Oh, beautiful." The man's hand was under the water slowly massaging his cock and balls. He was fully erect and could not wait to have the boy join him in the water. Devyn slowly lowered the back of his tight white underwear to show the man his smooth ass. He looked over his shoulder and could see the man liked what he was seeing. Ahmad was looking at the hairless crack of Devyn's firm ass. His hand was slowly stroking himself under the water. He wanted to touch this boy. He wanted to have the sexy boy badly. Devyn turned back around to face the man again. His underwear was stretched out with his sexual excitement. He could not stop himself from being aroused by the show he was putting on and the desire that was evident in the man's sexy voice. "Oh, you have a big one there. You like taking your clothes off for me?" "Um,, Your Highness." Devyn reached down and massaged his growing cock. He was getting turned on by putting on the show and the lust that this man had for him. "Then go on and take those off." Devyn looked directly into the prince's eyes as he hooked his fingers in his underwear and lowered them down. He could see the lust in the prince's eyes. He could see the hunger there. Devyn wondered how many times this man had done this before. Tom had not shared with Devyn if this was the first time that Tom had set something up with this man. Devyn often wondered how many guys Tom had used before. Devyn was sure he was not the first one. Devyn dropped his underwear onto the pile with his other clothes. His young cock was sticking straight out from his smooth crotch. He reached down and ran his hand up and down the shaft a few times. His eyes never left the prince's eyes. The man's voice was hoarse with lust when he spoke again. "Turn around." The corners of Devyn's mouth twitched. This man seemed to like to look. Devyn turned once again, presenting his ass to the man. He looked over his shoulder to see if the prince was enjoying the view. "So, tan. Tan all over. How do you get so tan?" Devyn could not tell him it was from all of the swimming naked at the Fairbanks pool. Or having sex outside with Paul. "I, um, do a lot of outdoor activities." The prince's eyes left Devyn's ass and looked into Devyn's eyes. "You are a very sexy boy. Part your butt. Let me see." Devyn bent forward a little more and pushed his ass back at the prince. He reached back and parted his cheeks so the prince could see his smooth crack and his tight pucker. "OH!" The prince ran his tongue across his lips. He wanted that boy. He wanted to possess this boy. He wanted to be inside that desirable body. "You, come closer. Come here." Devyn could hear the command in the tone of the words. He straightened back up and turned back towards the prince. "Yes, Your Highness." Devyn took the few steps that would put him next to the hot tub. The prince's eyes roamed over Devyn's naked body. He seemed to be consuming Devyn's smooth skin, tan complexion, and innocent appearance. The prince moved so he was closer to Devyn. This brought his hairy chest up out of the water. The man's well-defined pectorals were covered with a dark layer of hair. He reached out and ran his hand across Devyn's chest. "You are so smooth." Devyn felt a jolt of sexual excitement surge through him at the touch of the prince. "Um, yes Your Highness. Do you, um, like?" "Very much." The prince teased one of Devyn's nipples before sliding lower to run over Devyn's flat stomach and down to Devyn's smooth crotch. "You are such a smooth boy but your penis is bigger than I would expect for your age." His fingers encircled Devyn's penis and slowly stroked him. "Oh, yes." Devyn enjoyed the man's touch and the man's stroking him. "You like having your penis stroked?" "Very much, Your Highness." "Is penis the right word?" "Oh, um, yes. It's the proper word." "The proper word. Are there words that are not proper?" He was continuing to stroke Devyn as he spoke. He reached between Devyn's legs and cupped Devyn's balls. "Do these also have a not proper word?" "Oh, um, yes. The slang term is cock and balls." "So, this be cock," he tugged at Devyn's erection, "and these be balls," he squeezed Devyn's smooth testicles. "Yes, Your Highness." "Tell me, do you like it when someone is stroking your cock?" "Yes, Your Highness." "Turn around again. Show me your backside." Devyn turned, presenting his butt to the prince. "So smooth," Ahmad said, as his hand caressed Devyn's globes. His fingers slid along the smooth crack. "You like it when I touch you here?" Devyn sighed as Ahmad's finger grazed across his tight pucker. "Yes, Your Highness." "Would you like my cock here?" Ahmad pressed hard against Devyn's tight pucker and his wet finger penetrated the anal ring. "Oh, Your Highness, yes, Your Highness." Ahmad removed his finger. "Turn back around." Devyn did as he was told. His cock was even harder than before and the head glistened with the pre-cum that had started leaking from his piss slit. Ahmad took Devyn's cock back into his fist. "Which do you like better me stroking your penis or playing with your hole?" "I like both, your highness." Ahmad began once again to fondle Devyn's smooth balls. He massaged each of Devyn's orbs and then he leaned in and licked Devyn's nipple. He enjoyed the taste of the boy on his tongue. He wanted to do everything to this sexy boy that he had ever fantasized about doing and could not. "Oh, Your Highness, that feels so good." "You like it when I do that?" "Yes, Your Highness." "Would you like to touch me?" "Yes, Your Highness." "Do you want to stroke my cock?" "Definitely." "Your Highness," he reminded Devyn. "Right, I definitely want to stroke your cock, Your Highness." He released Devyn's cock and balls and sat back in the jacuzzi. "Come on in, my sexy boy." Devyn took a moment to pull off his socks and drop them onto the patio. He then climbed into the tub. The water was hot and he took his time sinking down into it. Devyn sat next to the prince who put his arm around Devyn and pulled him closer. "You're so sexy. I can't stop myself from touching you." His hand was back between Devyn's legs playing with Devyn's cock and balls. "I, um, like playing with you, your highness." "Then play with my cock." Devyn took the man into his hand and began to stroke it. It was not the largest cock Devyn had ever come into contact with but it was ample. Devyn rubbed the head with his thumb and felt the man shudder in pleasure. "You like this, Your Highness?" "Yes, very much." Devyn reached between the man's legs and cupped the hairy sack. This guy was hairier than the other men Devyn had been with. He fondled the man's balls and stroked the man's cock. "Oh, you do that so well." He leaned back, enjoying Devyn's administration. He could let this sexy boy do this for hours. "I'm glad you like it, Your Highness." Devyn massaged the balls through the man's hairy sack. He continued stroking the man while fondling the balls. His fist pumped up and down the shaft. He ran his thumb across the sensitive head. Even though the cock was underwater, Devyn could feel the sticky emissions of the man's pre-cum on the piss slit. "Oh, you make me leak." Devyn was leaking quite a bit of his own juices into the water. The prince ran a hand once again across Devyn's chest. He pinched Devyn's nipple and was rewarded with a moan of pleasure from the boy. "You are quite the sexual plaything. I can hardly wait to go to the next stage." "Oh, and what would that be, Your Highness?" "I've heard that you are good with pleasure with your mouth. Is that true?" Devyn had never had anyone complain about how he gave head. In fact, most of the time he was complimented on his cock sucking abilities. "I've been told I do it well." "You show me." The prince stood up and the water cascaded down his hairy chest and through his thick pubic patch. His engorged cock was sticking out and curving up from his thick patch of wet curls. Devyn could not help but admire the prince's athletic body. He was lean and defined. He had muscles in all the right places and the dark hair went well with the man's dark skin tone. The prince moved to straddle Devyn and placed his erect penis in front of Devyn's lips. "You want this?" The prince had taken his cock in hand and was presenting it to Devyn. "Um, yes, Your Highness." "I hope your talents are not exaggerated and that you are worthy of servicing one of the royal blood." Devyn hoped he was too. He hoped he would not disappoint this man. The prince was one of the better-looking men and he had a great body. Plus, so far the prince has been relatively nice. Devyn knew that could change but so far everything with this man was sexually exciting for Devyn. "I'll do my best for you." "Good, now you pleasure me." He moved his cock and pressed the wet head to Devyn's lips. Devyn ran his tongue over the fat head. He could taste the chlorine, the water, and under that the salty bitter taste of the man's pre-cum. Devyn put his lips around the crown of the prince's cock and took him in. He worked his tongue all around the head and could feel more of the man's pre-cum oozing from the piss slit. "Oh, so good. Yes, you're doing good." He pushed his hips forward forcing a bit more of his cock into Devyn's mouth. Devyn had little choice but to suck more of the prince into his mouth. He was trapped against the back of the tub and the prince had him pinned there. He had little choice but to accept the prince's cock. "Oh, you pleasure just as good as you look. Can you take me all?" He pulled back, letting his cock slip from between Devyn's lips. "You like my penis?" "Yes, Your Highness." "What was the word you called it?" "Cock, your highness. I like your cock." "You like my cock. You like it in your mouth?" "Yes, I like sucking your cock." Devyn was looking up from his seat in the tub at the prince. Their eyes met and Devyn could see a desire in the prince's dark eyes. "Do it some more. You suck my cock." Devyn gripped the man's cock and stroked the shaft a few times before bringing the head to his lips. He licked the pre-cum from the piss slit and then took the prince back into his mouth. "Oh, you are so good at that." The prince's moans were getting louder as Devyn was sucking up and down on the man's cock. The prince leaned forward placing his palms on the wall that was behind Devyn and began thrusting in and out of Devyn's mouth. The man was pushing inch after inch at Devyn and soon Devyn was taking the whole length of the prince's manhood. Devyn gripped the man's hairy legs as the prince began face fucking him. The man's thrusts were fast and hard. Devyn was swallowing to try and keep up with the prince's thrusts. He had little choice but to set there in the hot water and take the face fucking. He was not able to move as he was pinned by the prince against the back of the tub. "Oh, yes, oh yes!" The prince could feel his climax coming. He had never felt anything as good as this boy's mouth. He had never understood what he was missing until now. Devyn could feel the dark hair of the prince's legs against his palms as he sucked the prince. He could feel the hairy balls sack against his chin as the prince thrust the length of his cock into Devyn's mouth and down the teenager's throat. "OH!" The prince felt his balls pulling up. He felt his cock swelling inside the warm wetness of Devyn's mouth. In another second the orgasmic wave swept through him and his cock erupted. He blasted his royal seed into Devyn's throat. Devyn was swallowing as fast as he could to drink in the juice the royal cock was spewing. He was finding it hard to breathe with the prince's cock shoved down his throat. The orgasmic bliss washed through the prince. He could feel it sweeping from his genitals through his body and then draining down into the boy's throat. His legs felt weak as the pleasure left him. He pulled his semi-erect penis from Devyn's mouth and dropped down on the edge of the tub across from Devyn. Devyn heard the prince utter something but it was in a foreign language. He wiped his hand across his mouth and looked up at the prince. "Um, I hope that means you liked it?" "That was amazing. It felt so good." "Um, was that your first blow job?" "Blow job?" The prince pronounced the words as if he were examining their meanings. "Should this not be called a suck job?" Devyn snickered. "I guess maybe it should but here it is a blow job or giving head." "Giving head. You have such strange terms but you perform the task admirably." Devyn could feel his ears burn a bit at the compliment. "Thank you, Your Highness." "You will do this for me again." "Of course, Your Highness." "You should consider yourself very fortunate. You are the first to receive my royal seed." Devyn wondered how you responded to a statement like that. Was the Prince stating he was a virgin? Or was he just stating that Devyn was the first person to ever give the prince head before? Maybe he was just the first that had swallowed. Devyn was saved by the butler clearing his throat and stepping forward. "Your Highness," he said. "I am sorry to interrupt." "This had better be important, Ghulam." "Yes, Your Highness. Your betrothed is calling." The prince uttered something that Devyn did not understand. "I forgot about our weekly conference." "Yes, your Highness. I explained that you had just returned from a fencing match and would need a few moments to finish freshening up." The prince's lips curved up into a smile. "Thank you, Ghulam." The prince rose from the water and it cascaded down his dark skin and through his even darker hair. "Clothes are laid out for you, Your Highness." Ghulam opened a bathrobe that had been hanging over one arm and helped the prince into it. "Do try and hurry your, highness. She can be a bit..." "Do not speak ill of my future wife," Ahmad said. Ghulam looked down. "Yes, Your Highness." The prince's lips curved up into a warmer smile than Devyn had yet seen him share. "But you are correct my friend." Ahmad placed his hand on Ghulam's shoulder. "She is demanding and petulant." The two men's eyes met and Devyn could not help but wonder if there was something more to their relationship than just Prince and servant. Ahmad turned towards Devyn. "This will take a bit of time but you will wait here. I am in need of more of your talents." "Yes, Your Highness." # # # # A loud squawk from Travis pulled Devyn back to the present. "Come on, it's great. Feel good after that cold water." "Right," Devyn said. He began pulling off his wet clothes. He tossed them onto the pile with both Travis and Joe's. Devyn could not believe he was about to get naked in a hot tub with Joe. Prince Ahmad had been damned hot but Joe was even hotter. The fact that Devyn had several sexual fantasies about Joe was not helping him keep the excitement from surging into his cock. Joe's lips curved up into a smile as he glanced over at Devyn. He wanted to get the boy to relax and be more comfortable about his sexual feelings. Joe wondered if being so rigid about not discussing the sexual attraction that Devyn felt had been the right course. Maybe they should have just got it out in the open. When he felt a tap on his shoulder, Joe turned towards Travis. "This is good. I like this place." "Yeah me too. I'm glad we stopped. However, you need to stop jumping in the river and getting all wet." "I didn't jump in. The bridge broke." "Then stay off falling down bridges." Travis giggled. "I didn't know it was going to fall down." "Just be more careful." "I will." Devyn moved towards the hot tub and signed to Travis. He was trying not to think about the fact he was about to climb into a tub with one of the hottest men Devyn had ever seen. "Listen to Uncle Joe and be more careful. I don't want you to pull me in next time." "I didn't!" Travis made furious gestures. "You grabbed me when we were about to fall." "Yeah, to protect your butt from getting hurt." Joe chuckled. He liked the brotherly relationship that the two boys had developed. He glanced over at Devyn. His eyes took in the naked teenager. It was no wonder Tom had been paid so well for Devyn's services. The boy was a heartthrob. Devyn had filled out some since coming to live with Joe. He had added some muscle to his frame. Joe's lips curved up in a slight smile as he noticed Devyn was semi-erect. He guessed he could not blame the guy for that. Joe could remember being sexually excited whenever he was around another naked guy. Devyn moved to the hot tub and climbed in. He settled himself down in the water and let out a sigh. It did feel good to be submerged in the hot water. "This is nice." He was trying to keep his cock from becoming fully erect as his leg brushed against Joe. "Yeah, it is." Joe agreed with Devyn. It was nice to be there with his boys. He was going to have to set aside more time for them to take trips. They sat there letting the heat of the water release their tension. The soft sounds of the forest also added to the feeling of relaxation. The sun sank lower into the horizon. The sky was turning a warm shade of pink and orange. "There was something I wanted to ask you about," Joe said, breaking the silence. He looked at Devyn. The teenager's eyes were closed and he looked very relaxed. "Sure." "You said something to Judy earlier about the work you did for Tom." "Yeah, I shouldn't have said anything about that. I was just mad." "You said one of the men was an actor and a congressman..." Joe paused. "Yeah, Tom liked making connections to rich and powerful men. I am guessing at some point he would use the information about them against them." "Like the judge?" Joe was studying Devyn's face closely. Devyn opened his eyes. The golden specks in his brown eyes were almost glowing as they reflected the setting sun's rays. "What?" Joe glanced over at Travis and then back at Devyn. "Judge Green from the custody case, you knew him. He was one of the customers." Joe was making a statement. He was certain from the look in Devyn's eyes that it was true. Devyn looked down and then back at Joe. "He did the right thing." "Yeah, but what did you have to give up to make him do that?" Devyn's lips curved into a rueful smile. "I was doing it for money and this," he nodded in Travis' direction, "was way more valuable." "You didn't have to do that, we would have fought the decision," Joe said. "What I did or didn't do isn't important. What is important is that he is here with us where he belongs." Joe let out a breath. "I can never thank you enough..." "You don't need to. You already gave me everything. I'd do what I did all over again." Joe felt his throat tighten up at the love and caring he felt for Devyn. "I'm sorry you felt you had to do that." "I'm not," Devyn said. "You know he was my first. My first customer and well practically my first. Brent and I were interrupted before we" "He basically took your virginity." "He thought I was twelve so he believed he did. Brent kind of got to it before him. He wasn't mean or abusive controlling. I had to play the game the way he wanted. I had to be a virgin every time for him." "Is that what you had to do to get his decision changed?" "Joe, does that matter?" "No, I guess it doesn't." Devyn could not believe he was sitting there in a hot tub naked with Joe and they were talking about his past with Judge Green. "If it makes it easier, I didn't need to go all the way. Dean was in on this with me and he got what we needed. He's still reminding the judge to follow the law and that it is time for him to retire." "I'm surprised he went along with that. He could have gotten himself in deep shit." "I was going to do it with or without him. He thought it was better to keep an eye on me. This way he has some material to keep the judge in line." "I'm guessing that must mean that Dean has pictures or video." Devyn nodded. "You know having that out there is dangerous. I mean if someone got a hold of it." "I trust Dean. He's alright. Plus, so what? Someone might see me getting molested by the judge." Devyn shrugged his shoulders. "Seems like it would be more harmful for him. It wouldn't change our family." "Damn right," Joe said. "I just don't want you to regret..." "Don't worry Batman. I don't. It made it all make sense to me." Joe gave Devyn's knee a squeeze under the water. "You're a hell of a man." The sun had sunk further into the horizon and the sky was now a deep purple. "I learned from the best." "I'm hungry," Travis signed. "Of course, you are," Joe said and let out a deep breath. "I'm hungry too," Devyn said. "Let's all get cleaned up and go get some dinner." Joe stood up and the water cascaded over his body. Devyn's eyes took in Joe's naked form. He could not help but look at Joe's package as it was right at his eye level. He had always figured Joe was above average in the cock department. If the man was also a grower...well then Ethan was probably one happy guy. "I'll, um, let you two go ahead. I'll clean up after you two are done." Devyn did not want to stand up as his teenage penis had grown to almost a full erection. He just didn't know if it was from being so close to Joe or from thinking about the customers he had serviced. "Sure," Joe said. "I'll let you know when the shower is free." Joe then grabbed Travis and tossed him over his shoulder before stepping out onto the wooden deck. "The air feels a bit colder." Joe hurried into the cabin with a squirming and laughing Travis. Devyn could not help but glance at Joe's backside and the way the man's muscles flexed. The guy was definitely hot and there was no way to not be attracted to him. As the door closed behind Joe and Travis, Devyn knew he would do whatever it took to protect them. That was why he had done what he had with Henry Green. He was truthful with Joe, he would do that all over again and more to protect his family. This weekend was like the end of the Devyn Roberts book. He had seen Brent again and had not lost control. He had faced his mother and lived through that emotional experience. He had been honest with Joe about Judge Green and Joe had not admonished him. In fact, it seemed he and Joe had more in common than Devyn had guessed. It felt like they had maybe reached a new level in their relationship and that gave Devyn the best feeling. Devyn wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. There was no doubt he loved Joe and he loved Travis. He may never have the sexual kind of love with Joe that he had once wanted but Joe had been right to keep their relationship non-sexual. Oh, there was still an attraction there. Devyn was sure Joe felt it too. Devyn was fairly certain he had seen Joe checking him out and that made Devyn smile a bit. It was going to be good to start the Devyn Vitanova book. # # # # Copyright 2023 by Keith yates ( all rights reserved. Character is much easier kept than recovered. Thomas Paine A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right. Thomas Paine