Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 06:25:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Different Points of View, chapter 26 Different Points of View - by Erastes Copyright 2012 by Erastes Chapter 26 – The New Year. A couple of days after Christmas, Darren came into my cell again, just after we got back from rec. "Bob, would you do me another favor?" he pleaded, while giving me a very sad look. Damn! That looked exactly like what Jared used to do when he wanted me to do something for him. My heart skipped a few beats and I got a little sad, but I wanted to see what he needed. "Are you trying to tell me you're horny again," I teased, while grinning at him. He nodded, while looking hopeful, but I could also tell he was very anxious and desperate. I didn't want to make him suffer, so I merely smiled and spoke. "Sure, Darren. I'm happy to help you out," I assured him. "But why don't we wash up first, let the CO make his next round and then I'll help you." He agreed, so we cleaned up and then continued our normal routine until we saw the CO pass by. Once we were certain he had left the area, I followed Darren to his cell. This time, he took off his jumpsuit and sat on his bunk, clad only in his underwear. This made me slightly nervous, since it would be difficult to explain what we were doing if we got caught, but he didn't seem worried about this fact. Instead, he smiled weakly and lowered his boxer-briefs, thus exposing his marvelous cock for me. Suddenly, my concerns melted into thin air. He was already semi-erect, so I slowly reached out, grasped it and got ready to take it into my mouth, as he casually leaned back against the wall and got comfortable. After allowing my tongue to briefly play with his spongy helmet, I leaned forward and let my mouth slowly slide down the shaft and then I began to pleasure him orally. Eagerly, I began to take more of his marvelous organ into my mouth and heard Darren sigh. I also felt him completely relax under my ministrations, so I knew he was already enjoying what was being done. As I began to bob up and down on his engorged member, he began to moan, although barely audibly, and then I felt his hands in my hair. He wasn't trying to guide the action or force me to take more of his rod, but it was merely his way of making contact and letting me know that he approved of and enjoyed my efforts. I think I was finding this nearly as pleasurable as he was and it was obvious that he needed this almost as badly as our previous encounter. He lasted a little longer this time, although it still took only a few minutes before he was unleashing his man-seed into my throat. When that happened, I didn't try to keep from swallowing it this time, since Darren had informed me this wouldn't bother him. Once he'd finished releasing the final blast of his creamy nectar, he literally collapsed on the bunk and lay as limp as a rag-doll for a couple of minutes. I stood up and sat down at the table across from him, as I waited for him to recuperate. "Damn, that was wonderful again," he gushed, when he was able to speak. "I've had blowjobs before, but nothing as good as the ones you've given me. You're fantastic! Thanks, man. I really, really appreciate that." "You're welcome, but get dressed, before the CO comes by on his next tour around the cellblock," I urged. He smiled and did what I'd asked. Once he was dressed again, he followed up by giving me a tremendous hug. I appreciated this gesture, since I'd never expected him to request a repeat performance or be so appreciative, but it was apparent our relationship had now changed. As far as I was concerned, this change was definitely for the better. The rest of the week went very well and everything was going smoothly. Not only was I able to write and Darren was enjoying himself and engrossed with his artwork, but we'd also been going out to rec and having a good time on a daily basis. Darren and I would grab a basketball and start shooting, but we even got a few of the others in the group to join us for a game. Even though we wouldn't exactly consider any of these games to be top quality basketball, not even close, they were still fun and we were getting some decent exercise. As New Year's Eve approached, it reminded us about how long we'd actually been stuck in this place. The amount of time varied for everyone in here, but ironically it had been the same length for Darren and me, since we arrived on the same day. We had met in the reception area, after I'd been sentenced and he had been denied bail, plus we were serving identical one-year sentences, so we'd get out on the same day as well, provided neither of us lost any time off for good behavior. This holiday not only reminded us about how long we'd been in here, but it also helped to point out how much longer we still had to go before we completed our sentences. On New Year's Eve, Darren asked what I was planning to do after I got out, so I simply told him that I just planned to resume my old life, minus a few of the people in it. He wanted to know what I meant by that statement, because I believe he thought I was insinuating that it wouldn't include him any longer. It seemed as if I had accidentally bruised his feelings by saying this, so I quickly explained that I'd merely meant I was fairly certain there would be people who would no longer want anything more to do with me, due to my conviction, so they would no longer be a part of life. He nodded his head in understanding, and I think I saw him breathe a sigh of relief as well, before he informed me that he was sure the same thing was also going to happen to him. He then went on to tell me that he was glad I hadn't lost my home and had been able to keep my job, including being able to continue my work while I was trapped in here. He then admitted that he didn't know what he was going to do when he got out, since he'd lost his job and they weren't very easy to come by right now, but he also didn't have a place to live. He confessed that fact had become very apparent when his former friends had been so eager to get his belongings moved out so they could replace him, once he'd been incarcerated. He went on to admit that he knew it was probably due to the fact they couldn't afford to pay the rent without his share, so he expected they had most likely found someone else to take his place. Darren said he wasn't sure what he was going to do when his sentence ended, but he was hopeful that he might be able to room with someone he knew, possibly even working something out with his former roommates, at least until he found a job and was able to save up some cash. He had no way of knowing for sure if anything would be available at that time, since he hadn't heard from anyone while he'd been in here, and even though he felt his former roommates had betrayed his friendship, he still felt this might be his best possibility. I told him not to despair and something would turn up, although my words of comfort didn't seem to convince him that would happen. As a special treat for New Year's Eve, we were told that lights out wouldn't be until 12:30 that evening, so that we would have a chance to stay up and welcome in the New Year, along with the rest of the world. It was a nice gesture, I suppose, but it wasn't like we had much to celebrate, except the fact that we'd be getting released some time during the upcoming year. We also concluded the staff would probably allow us to watch one of the nationally televised New Year's celebrations as part of our little treat, but that would only add to the realization of how terrible it was to be in jail. It wouldn't be easy to watch everyone on that miniature screen having such a good time, while we had to deal with the knowledge that it would be a few more months before we'd be able to enjoy even the most rudimentary freedoms, but we would try. The staff also allowed us an extra opportunity to buy from the inmate store, in case we wanted anything special to celebrate with. I made up my mind to do my part to make this evening more bearable by ordering some chips, pretzels, a pizza and four sodas. I was able to do this because every time he visited, Jack would add money in my inmate account, to make sure I could buy whatever items that might make this time more bearable. After telling Darren what I was planning to do, we decided to try and have as much fun as we could, while making the best of a less than ideal situation. Darren seemed to be looking forward this as well, even though he was slightly depressed that he wasn't able to contribute anything to this little celebration. Our orders didn't arrive until well after our coffee had been delivered and drunk, somewhere between 10 and 11, when the guard called me to come and get my items off the cart. He then handed me the pizza and a bag containing my other selections, so Darren carried the heavy bag to one of the tables, as I picked up the pizza. We sat everything down, and there was definitely a lot here for just the two of us, but we could eat the leftovers during the week, since most of the stuff, except for the pizza, wouldn't spoil quickly. As soon as I had rummaged through the sack, I grabbed a bag of pretzels and another of chips, and then we each took a bottle of soda, before we sat down to enjoy our feast. Sure, we'd eaten dinner earlier, but that was like five hours ago, so we were ready to enjoy a little late night snack. Darren and I were sitting at the table nearest the television screen, because we wanted to be able to watch whatever was going on, while we enjoyed our little New Year's celebration. We ate half of the pizza each, had some chips and pretzels, plus we both drank two bottles of soda. After polishing off these treats, we were both stuffed, as we sat down to watch the revelry on the TV screen. When midnight approached, we watched as the ball in Time Square dropped down to signify the end of the old year and the start of the next. When that happened, Darren moved toward me, gave me a big hug and wished me Happy New Year. I knew he meant this simple gesture sincerely and was expressing his appreciation for everything I'd done to make this slightly more enjoyable. We were both looking forward to the time we'd be getting out, which would occur sometime before mid-year, as long as we each got full credit for our good time, and we were determined to make sure that happened. This gave us some hope for a better year and something to look forward to, so maybe things would work out after all. We stayed up a little while longer and watched more of the festivities on television, but then lights out was announced shortly thereafter, so it forced us to turn in for the evening. Darren gave me a wave and wished me 'sweet dreams' as he went to his own cell, which touched me deeply. He was a special young man and I was growing very fond of him, so I vowed to continue to do all I could to make his stay here as bearable as possible. As I lay down on my bunk, I began thinking ahead to tomorrow, because I had some of the college bowl games to look forward to. They would be played over the next couple of days, with the final game deciding the national champion, and since watching the college bowl games has always been one of my favorite activities, I was looking forward to that simple pleasure. I fell asleep thinking these wonderful thought and awoke very refreshed the next morning. New Year's Day started off quite nicely, as we were served French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, an English muffin, milk and juice. It was another special breakfast and another holiday treat, to make life slightly more bearable. We then watched the news broadcast on television, which showed how people all over the world had brought in the New Year, and then a movie came on, until the football games began. Lunch wasn't that great, since it was just soup and a sandwich, with chips, pears, a piece of chocolate cake and milk. We then settled in to watch the games, but Darren wasn't quite as into this as I was, so he brought out his sketchpad and spent most of his time drawing during the game. Later, when he showed me what he had done, I was surprised to see that he had sketched a running back breaking through a hole in the line in one of his pics and a wide receiver hauling down a pass in another. They were both quite good, and when I commented to that effect, he gave me both drawings to keep. I thought dinner was pretty special, although I had a feeling that most of the other inmates didn't agree with my opinion. That's because we were served ham and cabbage, with a side of boiled potatoes and carrots, a buttermilk biscuit and a slice of apple pie, to go along with the carton of milk. All in all, the day's meals were above average, at least as far as I was concerned, and the entertainment wasn't bad either. During that day and the next I watched all the college football I could. There were some exciting and heart-stopping games on during this time and I enjoyed myself immensely. Darren drew a couple more pictures for me during this time period, depicting a couple of the key players on the teams I was cheering for. He would study the player when the TV crew showed a close-up or did an interview with him, and then he'd use that image to draw a picture of him in action for me. Seeing the player's face through the cage of his helmet was very lifelike and I thought it was very sweet thing for him to do, so I definitely appreciated his thoughtfulness. Besides, now I had four more pictures to frame and add to the 'Darren's art wall' I was planning to start somewhere in my house. As the day ended, so did the holidays, and we would now slide back into our normal, boring routine again. We would bide our time until our release date approached, sometime in May, so I hoped the time would pass by quickly in between. On his next visit, which came a few days later, Jack brought me a calendar for the new year. "I thought this might come in handy," he said with a wink, as he handed it to me. Once he'd given me the calendar, he also handed me a couple of other items I'd asked him to pick up from my house, since he had the guards check each of these items out before I was brought down. I thanked him for the gift and for retrieving those extra things for me, before I asked him if he could please find out when my release date was going to be, so I could start my countdown to freedom. He laughed and said he would do that for me and then took the next set of chapters I had completed and left. Once he was gone, I took the other things he had given me and carried them back to my cell. When I got there, I walked over to where Darren was sitting and handed a couple of those items to him. "What are these?" he asked, looking confused. "They're a couple of the books I've written," I responded. "I asked my lawyer to pick them up from my house, so I could let you read them, if you wanted to." "Of course I want to," Darren commented, while looking at the covers. "Wait! These say they were written by Bob White, not Bob Cox." I then took a few minutes to explain to him about my penname and the reason I used it. He let out a little chuckle when he realized how the young readers might have had a blast with my surname and the jokes they might have made. "I'm definitely going to read them," he announced, and then he hesitated briefly. "Did you write another book called 'Silver Skies' a long time ago? I read it when I was younger and really liked it a lot." "Yes, that was one of mine too," I offered, and he immediately began to light up. "Damn, that's awesome!" he exclaimed, "but I thought you told me that you'd only started writing recently." "I did, but only because I wasn't sure how people were going to react to me and I didn't want everyone to know my penname," I confessed. "I was afraid then, and actually still am, that the wrong person could start problems and possibly try to get my publisher to drop me, considering the crime that I've been convicted of." "Ok, I see," he replied, "and I won't tell anyone else about this." "Thanks, I appreciate that," I agreed. For the rest of the day, Darren read one of the books I had just loaned him, while I continued writing. It worked out well and Darren would take time to talk to me about the chapters he had finished, each time we stopped for a meal. He seemed impressed with what he'd finished and enthusiastic to share his impression, but he was also eager to continue, which pleased me as well. The next day, I was totally surprised when the CO announced that my lawyer had showed up again to see me. I hadn't expected Jack to come back again so soon and suddenly wondered if there might be a problem with the chapters I had just given him or others that I had submitted prior to this. Then again, I was curious if this might have to do with something else, such as a problem with the house, Boo-Boo or even with Sherry and the boys. I must have looked very concerned when I walked in and confronted him. "Jack, is there a problem?" I wanted to know. "No problem," he answered, while giving me a sly grin. "I just came back to let you know your release date. It's May fifth or Cinco de Mayo." I very quickly breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you for the information, but you didn't have to come back just to tell me this," I stated. "You could have waited until your next visit to relay this information to me." "It wasn't a problem and I was glad to do it," Jack assured me. "I wanted you to have this information as soon as possible, because I thought that knowing your release date might make the time pass by more quickly and give you something to look forward too." I thanked him once more for his thoughtfulness and told him he was right, because he had now given me something even better to occupy my mind. From this moment forward, not only would I be able to focus on meeting my publishing deadlines, but now I could also keep my sights set on my liberation date, or more specifically, the date when I would become a free man again. After he left, I concluded that I'd have to do something special for him one day, to repay him for all of his kindness. When I got back to my cell, Darren had a worried expression on his face. "Why did your lawyer want to see you again?" he wondered. "Is something wrong?" "No, nothing like that," I responded. "He just came back to give me some information." "Oh, ok," he stated, releasing a slight sigh of his own. "I just thought something might have happened, since he had just been here, but if that's all that he wanted." "Yes," I said with a smirk. "He came to tell me our release date is May fifth." "What do you mean our release date?" Darren wondered. "I didn't misspeak," I countered. "We entered here on the same day and have the exact same one-year sentence, so we should be getting out on the same date too, as long as neither of us gets into trouble." "Really? That's when I get out too?" he repeated. "But that's not a year." "It is when you subtract time off for good behavior," I replied. "So if we don't get into trouble and lose any of our good time, then that's the day we'll get out." Darren was thrilled, so as we chatted I began to number the days on my calendar. I started on May 4th, labeling that 1, and then began numbering the days backward from that date until I reached today's date. It was sort of like the countdown for a space flight, but I was looking forward to blasting free of this place. Every morning I'd cross off the previous day, as I eagerly counted the remainder of my sentence down, one long day at a time. Darren was the one who liked this idea the most and became very excited on January 27th, when the countdown dropped under one hundred days left to go. I could see this was going to be more important for him than for me, so I began to look forward to each morning, because I knew he would soon come over to my cell to see how many days we had left. It reminded me of when I was a kid and we'd count down the days until Christmas. We were both keeping busy, with Darren having plenty to read, as well as his ability to draw, and I was totally wrapped up in my stories. Due to this, time seemed to be flying by now and then near the end of January, our favorite trusty stopped by to chat with us one evening, after he finished delivering the coffee. "Look, I get out of here in a couple of weeks and I wanted to talk to you guys about something before I was released," he began. "I've been debating this for a while now, but you both seem like really nice guys, so I think you should know about this. There's been a lot of talk going around and some of the other inmates have been trying to find out where you guys got moved to." "That's not such a big deal," I countered. "They've always talked about us, so I'm not surprised they are curious about what happened after we got moved. Our former cellmates knew we were being taken somewhere else, but we never told them where we were going and I don't think the COs would tell them either." "That's part of it, but there's a lot more than just that," he admitted. "Some of the other guys in the wing you used to be in have convinced the trusties working there that you guys have been... damn, I don't know how to say this." He seemed to be struggling, so I thought I'd help him out. "They think Darren and I are having sex," I stated, while looking at him for confirmation. He turned toward me and appeared surprised that I already knew. "They've been saying that about us almost since the very first day," I confessed. "When they initially discovered why I was in here and then saw that Darren was my friend and liked hanging around with me, they immediately added two and two together and came up with five or sex. What more can I say?" "But I get the impression that some of these guys think if he's doing that with you," he said, while eying Darren, "well... I get the feeling that they want in on the action too." He stopped and looked at us now, to see if we got the message. "You mean some of those guys want to fuck me?" Darren nearly screamed. "I think some of them would try, if they ever got the chance, including a couple of the other trustees," he confessed. "I've heard them talking about it several times and that's why I wanted to let you know before I got out, so you guys could watch each other's back." "Thanks and we've been doing that all along," I explained. "We were even worried for a while that our old cellmates might try doing something like that." "I'm sure glad we're in here together and none of those guys can get in here with us," Darren added. "I am too, so I hope they never move you somewhere else," he added, before we finished. Darren and I both thanked him for the information and for being so good to us, when he admitted something else. "Look, I liked you guys right off, because you didn't try to order me around like nearly all of the rest of the inmates did," he confessed. "Even at coffee time, they'd be shouting things like 'get over here and give me some more.' I would have done it for them too, if they'd been nice and just asked, but they acted like they were in charge and expected me to do whatever they told me. You guys never did anything like that and it meant a lot to me." "We believe in treating others as we want them to treat us," I offered, as an explanation. "And I really appreciated that and it's why I always gave you more than anyone else," he admitted. "I hope the guy that replaces me does the same thing for you." "I'm not sure that will happen, but we both appreciate what you did for us," I confirmed. "We're glad your getting out, but we'll definitely miss you." Once that was settled, the trusty thanked us and left, so Darren and I sat down to talk about what he'd said. "Damn, I'm glad no one can get in here with us and that you convinced me not to take the trusty job," he admitted. "I would have, if you hadn't pointed those things out to me, because I never would have thought about most of that stuff without you." "Well, I'm just glad it worked out the way you wanted and you don't regret your decision now." "No way!" he concurred. "If anything, I'm grateful that you convinced me to turn the job down." I was glad to hear him say this, because I had been concerned that he would eventually regret his decision and then hold it against me, for talking him out of taking the position. Our trusty friend treated us great each night after that and would often stop by to chat with us for a while, before he took the cups and pitchers back down to the kitchen. Even though Darren and I were glad that he'd be getting out soon, we also regretted that we'd be losing the only other guy who seemed to be helping us out, not only with the extra food and drink, but also with the information he had given us. It's too bad we wouldn't be able to throw him a party in his honor before he was released, but I would try to think of something special we might be able to do for him. Unfortunately, that never happened and he got released the day before Valentine's Day. It's not that it's a big holiday in the jail, but he did seem really eager to get out in time to be able to spend it with his wife. We felt good for him and wished him well, so he gave us his name and address and encouraged us to get in touch with him when we got out, especially if there was anything he could do to help us settle back in to civilian life again. We both thought that was a really sweet thing for him to do and thanked him again. The following day, I was a little bummed out, because I kept thinking about Jared. It was Valentine's Day, so I knew if I had been home today, then I'd be doing something special for and with him. This made me feel horrible, knowing that I was missing out on spending this very special day with Jared, so I began to mope around the cellblock. Darren noticed this and tried to help me out, but there wasn't much he could do. We met the new trusty later that day, but he didn't go out of his way to do anything special for us, such as the former trusty had done. It looked as if from now on we wouldn't be slipped any extra food or additional coffee, so I figured I'd start ordering a little extra Kool-Aid, in case we needed something more to drink. It was different, but Darren and I were still better off being in our current cellblock, than we had been in the previous one. Darren asked for my help again, on a couple of other occasions during this time, and I eagerly complied with his request. Even though I was still concerned about possibly getting caught, and possibly that concern had even grown slightly, because there had been a couple of close calls when the CO had come around sooner than we'd expected. This made me begin to wonder how long our good luck was going to hold. I'm not sure what the COs would do or how they would treat us if they discovered what we were up to, but since we were both consenting adults they might just let it slide. Of course, they'd probably joke about it amongst themselves, which I think we could live with, as long as word didn't spread to the other inmates. We didn't want anything to happen that would fire them up even more and convince them that their suspicions had been correct. Whenever Darren got the itch again, I was the one who seemed to be more worried about a guard seeing what we were up to than Darren was. That may be due to the fact that he was the one who was desperate, so as long as his needs were met he didn't seem to be overly concerned who saw us, although I suspected his reaction would be considerably different if that ever happened. The guards were generally a bit on the noisy side when they made their rounds, so we could usually hear their footsteps echoing down the corridor, them humming or whistling as they came, or their keys rattling as they made their way around each wing. However, I was still concerned about what they might discover if one of them made his rounds more silently and didn't provide us the typical warning signs. Darren was also getting more comfortable asking me to do this for him and seemed to look forward to these times, because he always seemed to enjoy it when I polished his knob. The last few times we did it, I noticed he was also beginning to display his stamina, because he wasn't ejaculating nearly as quickly as he had in the past. I also didn't have to remind him about keeping the noise under control either and he was able to stifle himself without my constant warnings. Darren was also becoming passively aggressive during these sessions, in that he would energetically thrust his hips back and forth to mirror the movements of my head, as it slid up and down his shaft, but he didn't do this in a rough manner. He was always very gentle, although persistent, and liked to dictate the pace of the action. Darren was always very careful not to injure or gag me in the process, even when he got wrapped up in the action and sought his release, so I never really worried that he might get carried away. He also got in the habit of giving me a big hug for my efforts when we were through, even though he wouldn't do this until he had come down from his climactic high. I was glad to be able to help him in this fashion, since I enjoyed seeing and pleasuring his splendid tool, and it allowed him to release some of the sexual frustration that had built up in between these sessions. The following evening, something strange happened. It took place after the trusty had given us our nightly coffee, but then he just stood there and gawked at us for a while. He never said anything and just stood there staring, which meant it was beginning to feel kind of creepy. Finally, I looked up at him and spoke. "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, hoping this might end this uncomfortable situation. "Uh, yeah," he stammered back. "I'm Carl Thompson and I was just wondering what your names were." That was not what I was expecting and seemed a bit bizarre, but I decided that since he'd told us his name, I'd tell him ours. "I'm Bob and that's Darren," I answered. "Nice to meet you." "You too," he replied, and then he just stood there again. "Anything else?" I prodded. "Yeah, what are your last names?" he followed. I wasn't sure why he was asking for our last names, but suddenly a red flag went up in my brain and I became more than a little suspicious of his motives. "Why? What difference would that make?" I pressed, while studying his reaction. "Just curious," he answered. "I thought I'd try to get to know some of the people in here is all." That might be true, but I was thinking he might have a darker reason for asking this, since our former trusty had told us that people were asking where we had disappeared. I began to think about how I wanted to respond to this question. "I think you can get to know us without our last names," I countered, eyeing him again. "Well, I told you mine, so I thought you'd just do the same," he responded. I finally struck on idea about how I was going to answer his question. "Newhart and Bishop," I told him, pulling the last names from a couple of old-time comedians out of my brain. He looked at me oddly for a few seconds, nodded slightly and spoke briefly before he left. "Thanks, and I'll see you around," he stated, and then he walked away. I wasn't sure if he bought it or not, but I could tell Darren was anxious to ask me some questions now. As soon as he felt the trusty was out of earshot, he looked at me in spoke. "What the hell was that all about?" he wanted to know. "I'm not sure, but I didn't like where it was going," I confessed, since I wasn't sure what else to tell him. "And why did you tell him those names?" he continued. "I was getting some bad feelings about his intentions, so I didn't want to tell him our real names," I offered. "But you'd told him our first names," Darren countered. "Yes, but I did that before I became suspicious," I confessed. "A lot of people ask your name when they meet you, but very few of them ask for your last name too, unless they have a reason. I didn't know what his was, so I decided not to tell him the truth." "So how did you come up with those names?" he pressed. "As a joke, I thought I'd use a couple of comedians' names, but I didn't want him to recognize what I was doing, so I picked two older comedians – someone I didn't think he'd be as familiar with," I answered. "I chose Bob Newhart and Joey Bishop's surnames, hoping he wouldn't drawn a correlation to who they were. They're also fairly common names, but since he looked to be between our ages, I was hoping he wouldn't be as familiar with them, as he might be with any other surname I might have chosen." "They only sounded vaguely familiar to me, but I didn't know why," Darren admitted, while looking at me strangely. "Do you think he was up to something then?" "I'm not sure, but I thought he might be, so that's why I didn't want to give him our last names," I confirmed. "Most people in here probably only know us by our last names, except for the guys we go out to rec with now, but they don't know our last names, so I felt he must have a specific reason for asking. The only reason I could think of would have to do with what the old trusty warned us about, so that's why I made up those names. Just remember them, in case he comes back and calls us by them." "Ok, I'll try," Darren agreed. "Which one am I supposed to be again?" "Well, since it was Bob Newhart, I guess that would leave you as Darren Bishop," I replied, with a little chuckle. Since that was settled, we put the situation behind us, enjoyed our coffee and then went back to what we were doing. When the trusty came back to collect the cups later, he didn't say anything more, so neither did we, although he did seem to glare at us momentarily. For the rest of the evening, Darren and I watched television, while I also wrote and he drew, but we found we were suddenly drawn into the show that was on. It was probably a repeat, but since we hadn't seen much television over the past few months, it was new to us. It was a very compelling show, so we set aside the other things we were working on and focused solely on the screen. It was fortunate that we no longer had the others to contend with or we probably wouldn't have been able to do this. When the show ended, we went to our cells, brushed our teeth and got ready to turn in. We knew lights out would happen shortly and felt there was no reason to wait until the last second this time, even though they were already a few minutes late in announcing this. I slept fairly well that evening, at least until the CO came along shouting that it was time to wake up. Although I was never in the service, I could picture this as being similar to what the trainees went through every morning, but their situation only lasted for a couple of months in total, where our situation lasted slightly longer than that. Darren and I were sitting in the common area talking when the breakfast trays arrived. We hadn't gotten up yet to go get them when we heard the trustee call out. "Ok you comedians, come get your food," he shouted, while giving us a snide grin. We did and then we took it back to our table, where we sat down and began to eat. "Do you think his comment meant that he knows you made up the names, since he called us comedians?" Darren wondered. "It could be, but it really doesn't matter," I responded. "We had no obligation to give him our last names, so I really don't care if he knows or not." "Yeah, I guess you're right," Darren agreed. "I'm just curious about why he asked for them in the first place." "I think it was to pin us down and find out if we were the guys he's heard others talking about," I replied. "Who knows, maybe someone else asked him to see if he could discover where we were." "Do you think we should be worried then?" Darren pressed. "Nah, even if they know where we are, what are they going to do with the information," I answered. "They won't be able to get in here, so I'm not worried. Even if he, or anyone else, is playing games with this, I believe they're just wasting their time." "Yeah, you're probably right," he agreed. "I was just a little worried, but I suppose we are pretty safe where we are until we get out. I just hope they don't put anyone else in here with us." "Even if they do, we'll outnumber him two to one," I pointed out, "so I don't think we'd have anything to worry about. Just relax and don't let these other things get you down or upset." Jack came back to see me again the following week, but this time he had brought back some of the chapters I had given him previously, which now contained either my agent's or editor's comments and suggestions. Seeing he had to leave the bag containing these chapters with the guards, so they could check it for contraband, Jack offered me a few of the comments in person, since he had taken the time to speak with both Dick and my editor personally. "Overall, both Dick and your editor like this story, but there are a couple of small items you editor thinks you should omit and a couple of others you should expand." "What are they," I wanted to know. He set about telling me what they were, so his visit lasted a fairly long time. He actually went into quite a bit of detail about my story and even offered his own thoughts about what I'd written. He also shared his views about my editor's suggestions, and although he thought the material she wanted added was good, he informed me that he didn't agree when she suggested that I should leave certain aspects out. He felt very strongly that one section in question should remain in the story and even went on to explain his reasons for recommending this. "Look, Bob, I know she's your editor and this is her profession, but I don't think you should cut out the parts she doesn't like," he told me. "I've been reading your chapters, after the person in my office types them up, and I think they're not only very good, but I think those parts are also necessary, so the readers get a better idea about what's happening in the story." "Necessary in that they won't get the message of the story or that it actually leaves a gap?" I followed. "Actually both," he answered. "Since this is a story about a young man's criminal activity, I think your readers should have the information your editor wants you to leave out, so they can better appreciate what he's going through. I disagree with her assertion that by leaving those parts in that you'll give others ideas about how to commit a crime, because I don't think you've revealed anything that most of the criminal element doesn't already know, but not having it could leave your readers wondering why his decision was so crucial. I also think it could assist others by letting them know what types of things they should be leery of in their own lives and possibly motivate them to find a way to keep something like that from happening to them." I was impressed when I discovered that Jack had been spending his precious free time keeping up with my story and getting involved with what I was trying to do, in addition to everything else he'd been doing on my behalf. It's nice to know that your lawyer is more than just your attorney and is also a very good and caring friend. When we finished, I told him I'd think about everything we'd discussed, make the appropriate changes and then resubmit them, but I told him that I was almost positive that I was going to leave in the sections he recommended against deleting. Jack said he was glad to hear that and then informed me he'd be back the following week to pick them up. Before he left, I made sure that I fully expressed my gratitude and let him know how much I truly appreciated his help. Not only was he there for me with legal and financial advice, but now he was also making his own editorial suggestions, besides keeping an eye on my house and taking care of everything else for me. In addition to all of that, he was also making sure my jail account had plenty of money in it, so I could purchase whatever I wanted from the inmate store. If it weren't for Jack, I probably wouldn't have had another great lawyer, such as Bruno, to defend me in this case and might have ended up with a novice, such as Darren wound up with. If that had happened, I could have lost everything, including my house. Without Jack in my corner, I might have been languishing in here, without my writing or much hope about the future, so he was truly a Godsend. After Jack left, the CO gave me the bag containing my edited chapters, so I took it from him and followed another guard back to my cellblock. On the way back, the guard pointed something out to me that I wasn't aware of. "I'm afraid that you were taking so long with your lawyer that I thought you were going to miss out on your shower, but if you hurry, I think you can still make it," he suggested. "Just strip quickly and grab your towel, so I can take you over to the shower area." I thanked him, hustled into my cell and threw the paper bag containing my story onto my bunk. I quickly shed my clothes, slipped on my flip-flops and grabbed my towel, so I could wrap it around my waist. Once I'd done that, I went out to where the guard was waiting and we took off toward the showers. I was walking faster than he was, because I wanted to be able to stay under the water for as long as possible, so he ended up basically following me there. As I got closer to my destination, I thought I heard some strange sounds, something other than just water running. I was also surprised that there was no guard standing outside either, as there should have been, and that concerned me a bit as well, but seeing it was only Darren and I in our cellblock, then he should be in there alone. I was not only anxious to see him again, but I was looking forward to washing off the grime from the past couple of days. Since I was in a hurry, I quickly hung my towel in the entry area and turned to enter the shower area, but I didn't like what I saw. Darren was lying face down on the shower floor, with two other guys, one basically sitting on his shoulders and trapping Darren's arms against his back, while the other guy was kneeling behind Darren and trying to stick his dick up Darren's ass. I also realized that guy trying to fuck Darren was our new trusty. I flew in there, nearly slipping and falling as I entered, but I remained upright and grabbed the new trusty, before I flung him back against the shower wall. He hit it pretty hard and was slightly dazed, as I turned toward the other guy and shouted. "CO, get in here! There's a problem!" I screamed, while hoping he'd be able to help me. I would love to hear your feedback concerning this story. Please email your comments to: Please place the story title in the subject line, so I don't accidentally delete it as junk mail. Thank you.