Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 18:18:10 +0100 From: J. Forrester Subject: Do As You're Told - Chapter Thirty Four Do As You're Told Chapter Thirty-Four: (Not) About A Boy If you need permission to read this story (from a master, husband, partner, lodger, boss, next door neighbour, gardener) please obtain it first. This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places and events is unintentional. This story is exclusively for entertainment purposes so please enjoy in safe and legal manner. MONDAY 22ND APRIL 2019 "...Now is really not a good bloody time," concluded Mr McKenzie. The Deputy Head teacher had just finished telling the faculty of teachers that Rhys Jones had tendered his resignation, effective immediately. He had refused to serve his notice period despite the harm it might do to his reference; the school could cause a fuss but with only one week left before the exam timetable began, the Head teacher had other things to worry about. The Easter holidays had ended, there was one week until S4-S6 students began exams and the loss of a History teacher was giving the fifty year old a migraine. Hence why Mr McKenzie was addressing the staff and adding a fiver to the swear jar. "So since the little twat has deserted us at the eleventh hour," said Mr McKenzie, temporarily abandoning tact and propriety; "I need some volunteers to cover his classes amongst the first to third year pupils. The rest of the History department will cover his classes for the students about to sit exams." "We should volunteer," whispered Vincent. "Why?" replied Andy sceptically. "Because we're nice?" Vincent suggested. Andy rolled his eyes and raised his hand, then said; "Vincent would like to volunteer." Mr McKenzie grinned without humour and replied; "Thank you both for volunteering." "Have you heard from him?" asked Vincent as he and Andy left the morning staff briefing. "Who?" Andy asked, sounding almost guilty. "Rhys. Who else would I mean?" Vincent replied curiously. "He messaged me to say he was going to see family in Wales," Andy replied evasively. "But why now and why quit?" Vincent wondered. "Don't know," Andy said. "Was he depressed?" Vincent speculated. "Don't know," Andy answered. "Was he..." Vincent started to ask. "I think he was the guy Malcolm was fucking," Andy interrupted which ended the conversation. "Oh. It must have been hard working with him?" Vincent ventured carefully. "Well I'm not sure it was him. Besides, he wasn't my partner, Malcolm was. It doesn't matter now... in fact, can we swap?" asked Andy as they climbed the stairs to the first floor. "Swap what?" Vincent replied, not following the conversation. "I'm supposed to cover Rhys' last class today, can you do that for me and I'll cover something else for you?" Andy asked. "I guess that's fine," Vincent agreed but he was curious as to why Andy wanted to get away early. Vincent decided to ask and cheekily enquired; "You got a hot date or something?" Andy didn't answer right away. "Wait, do you have a hot date?" Vincent asked more seriously. Vincent turned on Andy and gripped his arm excitedly. "Or something," Andy replied - almost smiling. "Tell me more?" Vincent asked. Andy was clearly reluctant and Vincent was about to backtrack and say it was ok not to talk when his friend decided to answer. "Me and Malcolm are trying again," Andy admitted succinctly and waited for Vincent to comment. "You mean, Malcolm and I..." Vincent said with a titter in his voice. Andy gave him a friendly punch. "That's... good?" Vincent asked because he wasn't sure - Andy hadn't sounded happy about it, his voice had been neutral. When Andy and Malcolm had broken up nearly six weeks ago, Andy had seemed definitive about it. Vincent had been surprised not only that Malcolm had cheated but also that Andy didn't want to be with him anyway. "I thought you might think I was a mug for giving him a second chance," Andy said. "It's your life, I'm not judging. I want you to be happy. You guys made a good couple and he let you down," Vincent added. Vincent flushed embarrassedly - after Andy and Malcolm had split up, Andy had discovered Vincent had also cheated on someone. It was a ignoble thing to do and quite rightly Vincent had been ashamed; Vincent had of course not mentioned that he had cheated on a student whom he was also fucking. "Andy, I thought you left Malcolm because you didn't love him anymore. Not just because of the infidelity?" Vincent asked. "I did. I mean, I didn't love him so I left him. And I didn't like him fucking other men..." Andy said resentfully. "But?" Vincent enquired. "But," Andy responded; "I miss him. He's repented... repeatedly... it's getting quite annoying really." This time Andy laughed though he was also serious about the apologising getting annoying. "You don't know what you've got till it's gone?" Vincent suggested. "Don't quote Joni Mitchell at me," Andy replied. "Malcolm is sorry and I feel the break has made me realise what I want. We were together for seven years, you know? I think I bailed because I was bored and angry and now I'm bored and lonely." "I understand," Vincent said; "I hope it works out." "It's not a big deal. He and me are just going for coffee," Andy said - goading Vincent's policing of grammar. "Now you're just being silly," Vincent responded casually. LATER Micah looked like crap. He felt like crap. He deserved it. He had been watching Adam with hooded eyes - dark, tired, baggy eyes. Micah looked away whenever Adam looked over and he turned to evade Adam if they were about to meet in the corridor. Guilt gnawed at him. The kind of guilt that settles after you do something terrible and can do nothing to change it, take it back or fix it. It was easy to believe Mr Mansouri - Adam's dad - that reprisals would come only if he crossed the line again but that had been at the start of a two week break from school and now Micah was back and he had to see Adam wherever he went. The things he'd done and said to Adam... "Shhh. I'm still recording, you don't want to sound pathetic, do you?" Micah felt sick. He'd spent two weeks reading about survivors of rape, about statistics for self harm and suicide amongst survivors and more and he felt a horror in the pit of his stomach that was hard to bear. Then he felt guilty for his self-pity; after all Adam was the one who had suffered. Micah couldn't stop looking at Adam in class, across the cafeteria... Adam bound towards Micah so fast he didn't have a chance to move. Adam sat down across from him at an otherwise empty table and held his gaze. "This really isn't going to work for me," Adam said tonelessly. "What isn't?" Micah replied in a quiet and cowed voice. "You staring at me. Running away whenever you see me. I don't know if other people have noticed and for once I don't care if they have," Adam did care a little, he was still vain and paranoid; "But it has to stop." "I'm sorry," Micah squeaked. "For what?" Adam asked reluctantly. "For everything," Micah admitted with sincerity and a voice thick with regret. Adam didn't reply. He watched two fat and ugly tears fall down Micah's face, which he wiped away, and Adam just clenched his jaw. Adam believed Micah was sorry but how did he feel about that? Adam was barely aware of the noise around them; for once Adam knew that the world did not revolve around him and that nobody no-one was listening but both their voices were low anyway. "What you did to me..." Adam said - choked with distress and nausea; "Was unbelievable, Micah." Micah almost whimpered. It was heartbreaking... or infuriating. "I know what I did to you was wrong. I said once that I didn't care about hurting you. And I didn't care," Micah confessed. "But I do now. I hope it's not too late." Micah slowly reached across the table to try and take Adam's hand, but Adam slid it away and dropped his hands in his lap. There was no way in hell Adam was letting Micah touch him. Micah nodded understandingly and chewed his lip. The noise around the cafeteria: shouting, chatting, laughing, squabbling, app notifications... And not one person noticing the intimacy (was that the right word?) or the seriousness of their conversation. "I've been reading the experiences of others who went through... what I did to you... and I feel guilty. I feel like shit," Micah said in a thick voice. Silent tears were rolling down Micah's face which was the picture of misery. Adam's face was unreadable as he let the words sink in. "Wipe your face, will you? People will think I've just fat-shamed you or something," Adam said, unable to keep criticism from his voice. Micah wiped his face. "I know you feel guilty so... good. Keep it up," Adam said coldly. "Maybe you do feel bad but why? Because I'm wondering if you're apologising to make yourself feel better... and that's not my problem." "No, that's not it," Micah protested; "But I really am trying to say sorry. I shouldn't have said how I felt because it's not about me. I wronged you and... and I don't know what to do to make it right. Or if even can make it right. But I'm sorry anyway. Isn't that worth anything to you?" Micah's eyes were swimming again and Adam heard honesty in the little shit's voice. Sorry didn't fix anything but Adam felt relief that Micah knew what he did was wrong - so he'd never do it again? Adam was also relieved that Micah wasn't trying to seek sympathy - Adam was the victim and Micah ought to feel bad about that. Feeling bad about raping a person was how one ought to feel! "It's worth... something," Adam agreed magnanimously. "Ok," Micah sounded relieved. "But we're not friends. We'll never be friends. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk about what happened," Adam said bluntly; "How I move on from this is my business and how you move on is none of mine. I just want to be left alone." "And I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I don't expect to be forgiven..." Micah said earnestly. "I do forgive you," Adam before he could hear any more mewling. Micah didn't know how to take it because he was frankly astonished. Adam meanwhile was remembering how Robin had forgiven him and how he had become a better man because of it. The forgiveness had been unequivocal and unexpected and exactly what Adam had needed. "Someone I love once forgave me. Not because I deserved it but because I needed it," Adam told Micah; "And I earned it after he forgave me. I'm earning it now by forgiving you for..." Adam found he couldn't say the "R" word out loud anymore. They both knew what Micah had done. "When forgiveness is hard, it makes people afraid to admit their mistakes. Like there's no point in saying sorry because they're unforgivable," Adam continued, very much channelling Robin; "Well... you hurt me, Micah. I didn't deserve it when you made me feel sick and scared and disgusting... But hating you doesn't help me. It doesn't make me feel better. So I forgive you." Micah was totally lost for words and Adam's hope was that Micah would survive (as Adam had survived) his guilt over profound wrong-doing. Adam understood Micah's silence so he stood up and was about to leave when Micah found his voice. "You must love him a lot. The person who forgave you," Micah said in a weak voice. Adam smiled, thinking about Robin made his face glow, and then nodded. "To forgive me... you must love him a lot. I'm so sorry," Micah added. "Do you feel forgiven?" Adam asked coldly. Micah's face said it all - that as the antagonist of his own story he had a long way to go to be reformed and the feel vindicated. He wanted to feel forgiven... do we all? "Anyway, you've said sorry and I've accepted..." Adam said blandly. He had forgiven Micah but not forgotten. In an ideal world they'd never even talk again; they were never going to be friends - I mean, nice thought but it's not Christmas. "...So I'm going. It's all up to you now," Adam said and then left Micah all alone. Adam spotted Arthur across the cafeteria. They had been queuing when Adam went to confront Micah but it looked like Art had paid for his lunch. Robin, Cameron and Ben were at the same table and Adam noticed how Cameron sat between the former boyfriends. Was that deliberate? Ben and Robin exchanged a comment that seemed amicable enough. No hard feelings? Then paranoia: are they back together? Are Robin, Cameron and Ben a threesome? Was he just getting carried away? Adam arrived at the table and sat in front of his tray of food. He sat beside Arthur, facing the other three boys. They had become an unexpected clique - especially during the Easter holidays when they had studied together almost every day. "Did you know your best friend is going out with Arlene Tait?" Ben asked Adam before he could even take a bite to eat. "Oh, yea. Kind of," Adam said with a shrug. Adam felt comfortable amongst friends. Is that what these boys were now, his friends? Either way, the tension of his conversation with Micah ebbed away. "Her brother is really hot. Like, really really hot," Cameron said. "Really?" Robin asked, teasing his best friend. "Really really," repeated Cameron. "Anyway, she kissed me last night," Arthur admitted. "Did you kiss her back?" Adam asked. "No, I kissed her mouth," Arthur retorted and mimed a drum and cymbal. The boys all laughed. "You're a funny guy," Adam said. "I know," beamed Arthur. "I mean, not as funny as Arlene's brother," Adam added; "He's really really funny." "What's the deal with Adam now?" Cameron asked Robin as they walked out of school. "What do you mean?" Robin asked faux-gullibly. "Have you seen him lately?" Cameron asked. Robin looked thoughtful and then said: "Six foot tall, seventeen years old, Iranian decent..." Robin responded facetiously. "Ha ha ha. You know what I mean," Cameron interrupted. "You're single now. He's been looking at you like he wants your babies..." "He has not," Robin protested with a roll of the eyes. "Did you notice he's been really weird lately?" Cameron asked. "Though, our babies would be beautiful," Robin pondered; "Weird how?" "Yea, super cute babies. Adam talks to us now. In front of other people. That's not weird to you?" Cameron asked. Robin shrugged. "He bullied us for more than five years. You more and anyone. Now he's... mellow," Cameron said with faux-distaste; "I don't like it." "Maybe you want to have his babies," Robin muttered. "I'm not jealous, I'm just surprised. He seems to have turned over a new leaf and actually means it. I wish he'd decided to become our friend again years ago," Cameron said. "Me too," Robin agreed. "And I already have a guy to breed with," Cameron added. "Hmm," Robin responded thoughtfully; "And how is it going with you and Mr Wilson?" Cameron smiled but hesitated to say more. Since he had told Robin about his relationship with a teacher, they hadn't talked much about it. Cameron wondered if Robin didn't want to know so that if he was asked, he didn't have to lie. Or was it that Robin didn't approve of a proper adult fucking a teenage boy - despite Cameron's protests that he was the one on top? "It's going good," Cameron replied. Cameron decided not to mention he was going to have a threesome. "Really really good?" Robin asked with a giggle. "So... the underground yearbook went up today. Have you seen the underground yearbook?" asked Arthur as they walked back to Adam's house. "Nope. I've been avoiding it," replied Adam guardedly. Every year, the underground yearbook was a quiet thunderstorm when it was released. Implicitly the purpose was to include stories, articles and pictures that wouldn't make it into the main yearbook. Any boy who sends a dick pick to a girl who wants revenge, will probably get that picture sent to the underground yearbook. Given Adam's antics at school over the last six or seven months, he was very reticent about what material the underground yearbook would have on him. "It's got some good stuff in it," Arthur said impartially. "I'm sure it does," Adam said with disinterest. "Someone found anal beads in a science classroom," Art said. Adam thought of his misadventure with anal beads and naively wondered if it was the one's he had left behind that had been found. How many people abandon anal beads at school? Of course it was his. "The pictures of the beads... do people really put that stuff their ass?" Art asked. "I guess so," Adam answered. Arthur settled into silence while they walked and Adam felt a little bit bad. They had accessed the underground yearbook last year and thought it was amazing what people got up to that nobody ever knew about. Adam suppressed a sigh and hoped he wasn't the subject of every story this year. "Ok, who won the arse of the year?" Adam asked. "Joint winners this year," Arthur responded with a little jolt of pride in his voice. "Both of us, along with a picture from our underwear day." "Oh... that's..." "Cool, right? I never win anything," Arthur seemed excited about it so the picture couldn't be too embarrassing; "Do you think I have a nice arse?" "I'm not comfortable answering that," Adam replied Adam gave Arthur's bum a very exaggerated glance and they both laughed. "I always think you're an arse," Arthur chuckled. "Also, there was a picture of a boy with ginger hair with spunk in it," Arthur continued; "It was a caption competition: guess the head, guess the head-juice." "Teenagers are weird," Adam replied deadpan. Who else could think up such a competition? "My guess is the ginger boy is Ed Callanach and the spunk is Derek Serna," Arthur suggested. "And this one time at band camp..." Adam offered by way of agreement. "Exactly." "The competition section also had a guess the boobies section - the girls should never have posted their holiday pics on Instagram. There was also a predict the penis completion," Arthur added. "The editors really liked their alliteration this year," Adam commented pass remarkably. "Ten bikini breasts and ten boys bulges to have a guess at," Arthur continued; "Do you want to see how many we can get right?" "Maybe later," Adam replied. "I defo know seven of the bulges. I'm pretty sure on five boobs. Pairs of boobs, obviously," Arthur ranted. Adam laughed again but trepidation was creeping up on him and he had to know: Nervously, Adam asked the question he had been dreading; "Any pictures of me?" "Yes," Arthur replied ambiguously. "Oh," Adam said. "You got two double pages," Arthur said; "A pic of your trouser malfunction, a picture of you in shirtless in P.E. that time you wore ridiculously short shorts, pictures of you when we did the fundraiser and we all stripped to our underwear and got water thrown all over us." Arthur said everything with such zeal that he seemed to miss how embarrassed Adam was. Maybe that was a good thing - Adam felt the spotlight effect (a cognitive bias wherein people significantly overestimate how noticeable their embarrassing behaviours are to other people) but Arthur was a non-partisan observer to Adam's catalogue of embarrassment. "There was more shots of you in your underwear from the day we spent all day in out pants too... can you believe I only got one double page spread?" Arthur tried to look peeved but was sniggering too much to be taken seriously. "Well there was that time you took your shirt off after the football match against the Earl of Lennox boys and they pantsed you..." Adam said, smiling at the memory. "That was last year," Arthur reminded him. Adam recalled the underground yearbook had been posted early last year. "And did they include that picture this year?" Adam asked. "Yes," Arthur admitted. Adam chuckled. Adam thought their discussion about the underground yearbook was over but Art had saved the best for last. "The bit you'll like the most was the breakfast club outtakes," Arthur said. "Why's that?" Adam asked. "Actually, what is that?" Arthur rolled his eyes; "I suppose you've been distracted with your own stuff this year but the rest of us had adventures too..." "Oh yea?" Adam asked with intrigue. "The breakfast club raises funds to provide free meals to people who can't afford it. We raised a ton last year and this year we raised money by doing a nice calendar..." Arthur said. "This sound interesting," Adam said as he grinned smugly. "And some pictures were to risqué for the final product..." Arthur continued. "I'm liking my odds for an accidental cock-shot," Adam chimed in again. Arthur laughed; "Well... not quite. But let's just say my hands didn't quite cover everything in the outtakes." "Can I see?" Adam asked. They were half way Adam's house now. "Yea, fine. There's a good picture of Tomek's bum... if you're into that sort of thing," Arthur clarified; "And you can totally see a testicle in one of Nasser's outtakes." It tickled Adam that Arthur had noticed all those details about the boys. "So what does the official calendar look like?" asked Adam. "We use breakfast stuff to hide our modesty," Arthur revealed. "Milk jugs, teapots, cereal bowls..." "Fruit?" Adam asked. "Yea," Art replied. "Plumbs?" Adam enquired. "Fuck off," Arthur laughed out loud. Adam sniggered. "Big bananas," Arthur muttered. "Do you want to talk about Micah?" Arthur asked. Adam was caught off guard by the change in conversation - seriously, he nearly got whiplash - and took his time to recover. "What is there to say," Adam replied tonelessly. "I saw you talking to him at lunch," Arthur explained. Adam never told Arthur who had done the horrific things to him but Art wasn't stupid. Adam wouldn't dare lie to his best friend but he also had the option not to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Adam loved Arthur's fierce loyalty and treasured it as a beautiful gift; he rarely saw Art angry and feared that an angry Arthur would be equally fierce but also ugly. Adam didn't want to do that to his friend. "It's all over, Arthur. I'm going to be ok," Adam answered; "Just let it go." "Ok. I'll stop making plans to water board him," Arthur replied. "I appreciate it," Adam said with the glint of a smile. "Are you going to tell Robin? He's kinda friends with Micah," Arthur pointed out. Adam hoped the conversation about Micah was over but Arthur had to go and make a salient point, didn't he? "I don't want to tell Robin. I don't want to tell anyone about Micah. It doesn't help me to do that to him. I have..." Adam paused, considering his next word; "Faith. I have faith that Micah will change and that he'll stay away. Now that Robin and I are friends, Micah will stay away." "Ok," Arthur replied softly. "You think I'm a coward?" Adam asked, worried that Arthur would think he should talk about Micah and what he did. "I think you're the bravest man I know," Arthur replied with a pat on the back. Adam preferred facts to faith or belief but all he had was hope that Micah was gone. Micah's shame would keep him away from Robin once he saw that Adam was Robin's friend. Adam took a page out of Arthur's book and changed the conversation with whiplash inducing skill. "So Arlene Tait? Are you going to ask her to the S6 Formal?" Adam asked. "Yea, I think so. I really like her," Arthur replied, smiling sincerely. "Good," Adam replied. "Are you brining a special someone? Shiro?" Arthur asked. Despite being best friends and talking about personal things that Adam would never have dreamed he would talk about, Adam had always been very sparing about how much he shared about his relationship with Shiro; Adam very much kept the Shiro part of his life separate from the Arthur part of his life. When he thought about it, Adam compartmentalised most of his relationships and it was by happenstance rather than design that Arthur and Robin were beginning to merge. Arthur had tried to talk to Adam a few times about Shiro but when things with Micah and Mr Anonymous reached crisis point, the pursuit of that conversation was stalled. "Oh... no... We broke up," Adam admitted. "You broke up?" Arthur repeated. "Yes," Adam replied. "I never even got to meet him," Arthur protested; "Was he a real person? Are you sure you didn't just pretend to date someone?" In the nearly three months since Adam had told Art about Shiro, he had never allowed the two parts of his world to meet. Adam could understand Arthur's scepticism. "Yes he was real," protested Adam; "But things lately... With everything that happened..." "I know," Arthur said gently. Arthur put a hand on Adam's arm - no need to explain more. "So if you and your imaginary boyfriend have broken up," Arthur teased Adam; "Does that mean I can start shipping Adam and Robin again? Robam? Adin?" Adam grinned but didn't reply. He didn't think either amalgamation of his and Robin's name worked but it was sweet that Arthur could entertain himself thinking about it. "You do know Robin and Ben broke up?" Arthur pressed on. "Of course I know. How do you know?" Adam asked. "I have eyes," Arthur retorted. "Anyone, Robin and I aren't a ship. We're just friends," Adam insisted. "My best friend's an idiot," Arthur muttered. They were nearly back at Adam's house now but they were both enjoying the banter and the fresh air. Since Adam usually drove to and from school, the walk had been refreshing. "What's that supposed to mean?" Adam prompted. "You guys aren't just friends," Arthur said as if speaking to someone stupid; "You never were." They had stopped outside Adam's house and were now facing each other. "I still don't know what you mean," Adam pled ignorance. Arthur smiled and then sang - in key and with a surprisingly gentle voice: "A tale as old as time." Arthur left Adam to contemplate the lengthy history of Robam. Although they were both single now, it was difficult for Adam to imagine being with Robin. Last time he'd asked, Robin had said no. So much had happened since that day in January and Adam needed time to recover, recharge and regenerate. To take his mind off of Robin, Adam logged in to the underground yearbook. You needed to purchase a login but once you had it access was forever; you could also view the past underground yearbooks. It was like Netflix but with teenage cocks and ass; yearbooks and thrills. Adam idly wondered if he'd still be able to login in ten years to see the latest sixteen and seventeen year olds naughty bits. Arthur was right - Adam did like the outtakes from the breakfast club calendar. Later, when he was alone, Adam checked out the damage to his own reputation. Most of the pictures seemed to have been taken by Ben McDonald but they were... classy, actually... and none revealed his whole cock, which was nice. Ben had not given the underground yearbook any photos he had taken of Adam at Boy Appétit - and for that he was very grateful. Sketches of an "anonymous male model" had made it in to the underground yearbook and Adam was both impressed by the skill of the sketches and horrified that he had been the subject of those drawings. He was glad his face was obfuscated or not included in any of the sketches so he was unidentifiable. Adam flipped to the editors section and found Ben was one of the editors - he wondered if Ben had gone easy on him and eased back a little on the extremity of the nudity. He had seen the underground yearbook from 2018 when there was a full body shot and face of a seventeen year old boy with his hands behind his head and a (big) boner in the shower. The lad, Nicholas Cooper, was hairless below the neck and had lost a bet - hence the extremely humiliating picture. Ben had no reason to hold back Adam's nudity except he was a smart boy who perhaps realised that something was amiss with Adam's exposure. Or maybe Robin asked him? Or Ben did it for Robin without being asked? Whatever the case, it could have been worse. Adam settled down and to look at the best pictures in the yearbook and took a firm grip of things while he did so. FRIDAY 26TH APRIL 2019 While the sixth years were running around saying it was "the last day of school," that wasn't quite true. S1 to S3 classes carried on as usual until the summer holidays began at the end of June. For the S4 to S6 students, exam time was upon them and the exam timetable began next week; today, classes were dismissed and it was time to cram. The S4 pupils were mostly sitting National-5 exams and the fifth and sixth year students were preparing to sit Highers or Advanced Highers. The exam timetable ran from Monday 29TH April until Monday 3RD June and the summer holidays started for the sixth year pupils - school leavers - the minute their last exam finished. When S4 and S5 finished sitting exams, they returned to class to start next year's learning until the school was let out for summer holidays on Friday 28TH June. So it was (and it wasn't) the last day of school. Vincent was sitting across from Andy in the staffroom at lunch time, usually they would be chatting but Andy was on the phone so Vincent cast his eyes outside at the sixth year boys - it was always the boys making a mess - throwing eggs, water balloons and flour all over each other. Fucking great, the school was going to smell like cake and body odour all afternoon. "Ok, bye. Bye. Bye," Andy said and then hung up. "That sounds promising," Vincent commented. Vincent knew Andy had been on the phone to Malcolm. He had asked Andy how their date on Monday went and was given a very guarded "ok." "Yea," agreed Andy who hesitated to say any more. "Y'know, we only separated for six weeks and now... I still feel like a prat for giving him a second chance." "You miss the guy who you were in a relationship with for seven years. That's normal," Vincent reassured him. "He cheated on me," Andy needlessly reminded him; "Even before I found out, I'd stopped feeling the way I used to feel about him. I thought I didn't love him anymore." "Feelings like that are hard to lose. Maybe it's different for you but for me..." Vincent blushed as he was about to talk about Charlie. The last time Vincent had talked to Andy about Charlie it was to confess that he had not been completely faithful - omitting the boy-fucking part of his indiscretion. Andy hadn't asked for any more details since then - he was still hurting from an unfaithful partner himself. "I fell out of love with Charlie years ago and then I pushed him away and the longer he was away the more I persuaded myself that I'd fallen out of love. Now that he's back... I feel... different," Vincent admitted. "I feel different about Malcolm too," Andy agreed; "I want to be with him again, though. That's what's changed the most for me. When I broke up with him I was angry that he'd slept around but mostly I didn't want to be with him." "And now you do?" Vincent asked. "And now I do," Andy replied with a little smile; "What about you? What's going on in your love life?" Vincent shrugged; "I think things are... complicated." Complicated was underselling things - especially when Vincent couldn't tell his friend that it was because he'd been having a tryst with a student. And he was rekindling things with his old flame. Vincent couldn't tell Andy that they were planning to have a threesome together tonight. And beyond tonight? Beyond tonight Vincent really wasn't sure what the hell was going on in his love life." MEANWHILE "Well this was a big fat anti-climax," said Cameron as they left the last class of the day. At lunchtime the sixth years had battled things out - throwing water balloons or water-filled condoms (some did not have water in them) at each other; eggs and flower had been tossed around; body paint was used to paint faces. Some of the school leavers signed (the official) yearbook or school shirts (while they were still being worn). Some were just signatures, other parted with messages: I'll miss you. Take your shirt off more often :D Stay in touch. I kissed a boy and I liked it. This one time at band camp. What the vagina is your problem, dude? Next time don't bring satan. Remember the biscuits next time. Have a nice summer. Santa is not real. Suffice to say, they were all high as kites for the final lessons of the day yet as the very final class counted down, the end loomed and it dawned on everyone that things were about to end. The bell rang and the classes packed up and they began to depart. The corridor was filled with the usual shouts and cheers that came with the Friday feeling but there was something else. There was genuine sorrow in the corridors from the students leaving school for the last time. Boys and girls were crying and hugging amidst the final shove in the corridor; the last taunt, mock or ridicule; the final inappropriate gesture, middle finger or stuck out tongue. The last day was an anti-climax and it was sad too. And it smelled like cake and body odour. Cameron, Ben and Robin spotted Stephen Wyle, Carlos and their gang of cretins up ahead, near the entrance to the Huddle Hall and so slipped out the side entrance to avoid them. Just like old times. However, they bumped into Arthur and Adam just outside. "Hi." "Hi." "Hi." It went on like that. "You did a good job on the underground yearbook, Ben..." said Arthur. "Spoiler alert! Some of us haven't got to the end yet," interrupted Cameron jokingly. "I swear to god it's the best yearbook I've seen," Adam complimented. "You don't believe in god," Arthur pointed out. "I swear on my penis then," Adam retorted. "And none of us believe in that," Arthur jested. The boys laughed at Arthur's sassy repartee and Adam gave him a light punch in return. "It is a great yearbook," Robin said to Ben; "Too bad the editors didn't include all the exam questions." Ben blushed and grinned appreciatively. "Adam and I are going to have a panic session, I mean study session, for the exams... do you guys maybe want to join us? Not today, I mean, but we all need to study and maybe we could study together?" suggested Arthur. It was unfortunate that it was only in the final weeks of school that the five boys had started to associate. Mostly at lunch time but food can be a bonding experience - as long as you can forgive someone for liking Double Decker more than Mars bars. "I know I could use all the help I can get," Ben agreed. Robin had mixed feelings - breaking up with Ben and still spending time with him had been a relatively easy adjustment but things with Adam still felt... unsettled. "Yea, we'll be there," Cameron replied; "Won't we, Robin?" Cameron seemed to have decided for them both and Robin was glad he didn't need to think of an answer. "Oh... yes?" Robin said like he'd really had an option. They all set off towards the school gates Arthur engaged Cameron and Ben in conversation and peeked over his shoulder at Adam; Adam rolled his eyes at Arthur's subtlety and then turned to Robin. The rest of the group pretended not to notice. "I never thought it would be so hard," Adam said spontaneously. "What's that?" asked Robin. "Being friends," Adam confessed. Ever since his conversation with Arthur, Adam had been thinking about whether Art was right - was he just friends with Robin? He half hoped Robin would disagree and say they were more than that. "A tale as old as time," Arthur said. True as it can be, barely even friends; to Adam, that sounded very much like him and Robin. Then somebody bends, just a little change, small to say the least; both a little scared, neither one prepared... Disney had a lot to answer for, not the least of which was their succinct summation of the last eight months of Adam and Robin dynamics. Or Robam dynamics; Adam wasn't convinced the ship name worked. When Robin replied, he didn't disagree with the friend sentiment: "I know what you mean," Robin responded; "I wish we could have done this years ago." "My fault. I know," Adam admitted. "That's not what I meant," Robin said; "And it doesn't matter. What matters is we're friends now, right?" "Friends. Yes. That's all that matters," Adam agreed; "Are you working tonight?" Adam asked. Since he had stopped frequenting The Fourth Adam had rather lost track of Teen Titan's schedule. "Yea, but we could hang out after it," Robin suggested. "That would be nice," Adam said. "So... I have plans tonight," Cameron told him twenty minutes later. They were in Cameron's bedroom and discarding their school gear like it was radioactive. "What kind of plans?" Robin asked. "The kind that involves more than two people," Cameron confessed. "Oh... kay..." Robin replied. It had taken Robin a moment to understand what Cameron was saying. Three people - Cameron was saying he was having a threesome. Robin wasn't sure he wanted the intimate details of it all. "Vincent has a complicated relationship with a guy he knew years ago. I'd have to be an idiot to not know they're meant for each other," Cameron explained. "You have a complicated relationship with Mr Wilson too," Robin pointed out. Robin couldn't bring himself to call the teacher by his first name and Cameron always got a kick out of calling his lover Mr Wilson. "I think we're reaching the end of the road," confessed Cameron; "It's like musical chairs and I think I'm the one who doesn't have a seat anymore." "Sorry to hear that," Robin said sincerely. "That's ok. I'm looking forward to playing the game with someone else. Besides, the music hasn't stopped just yet. Did I mention there'll be three of us?" Cameron said with teenage excitement. "You did," Robin replied. He tried to sound happy for Cameron but he'd never really understood the fascination that people have with threesomes. "Be careful," Robin added. "I will be. What are your plans for the weekend?" Cameron asked cagily. "I'm working tonight," Robin tried to get away with saying. "And after work?" Cameron asked. "You were eavesdropping," Robin said with mock shock. "Maybe a little," Cameron confessed. "We're just friends," Robin said. Cameron rolled his eyes theatrically and groaned. "We are," Robin insisted but even he didn't believe it. Cameron tried to broach the subject carefully; "You and Adam..." "Aren't hearing the music yet," Robin interrupted. Cameron chuckled and shook his head at his friend. He put a hand on Robin's shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze. "Robin, you're not listening properly." LATER A few hours later and Cameron was making his way to Vincent's flat. Luckily it was a mild night given what he was wearing at the time. The setting of the sun cast a warm red and orange glow across the landscape. The landscape was lined with flats on either side with a row of cars parked on both sides of the street too. But it was still kind of pretty. Cameron pressed the button for Vincent's flat and waited, a buzz followed and then a click and Cameron pushed the main door open and headed upstairs to Vincent's flat. When Vincent answered the door, he was wearing a nice pair of marl grey trousers, a skinny white shirt and a black tie. He had changed since coming home from the school - groomed everything and redressed in time for his lover's arrival - the teenage lover and the adult one. Cameron was wearing a white polo shirt (with the top button undone and the school emblem embossed above the left nipple) and short white gym shorts. It was his old school P.E. kit which was mandatory for the first three years, thereafter they let you wear anything. Cameron hadn't worn it since he was thirteen or fourteen. Cameron had grown into a tall, long-limbed boy which this made the P.E. kit ill-fitted; the sleeves of the t-shirt too short and the length of the shorts comically (or erotically) too brief. The sleeves of the polo shirt were pulled by the straps of his backpack and were so short that Cameron's armpits were nearly exposed, the polo shirt tight across his chest and his abdomen barely covered; the shorts sat low on his hips - accentuating the gap between the shirt and shorts - and were so short they fit him like hot pants. Cameron's long legs were thin and sexy, his exposed ankles suggested bare feet inside his trainers. Vincent was impressed Cameron had made his way over looking like that. Vincent also got to thinking how Cameron's age had factored heavily into their bedroom antics, yet that wasn't why it had started. Vincent was single and enjoyed a man who took charge - Cameron was a young man who had taken charge. It all began in Malcolm's GP surgery and Vincent wished Cameron really had been a doctor, or a medical student - or fellow teacher - maybe then things would have been different and they wouldn't be beginning the end. "Hello, I'm here to ask if you're ready to accept Jesus Christ into your life?" Cameron said in his best Sunday school voice. "No, but you can come inside me if you like," Vincent replied. "Slut." "Bitch." "Are you going to invite me in?" Cameron asked, now going for seductive rather than facetious. "Why, are you a vampire?" Vincent teased. "No... though I do want to suck something," Cameron replied. Vincent laughed and opened the door wide to usher the boy inside. The door closed and Cameron put his hands on Vincent's hips and leaned in; Cameron was a little taller than Vincent, who tilted his face up to meet Cameron's lips. The boy's lips were warm, wet and soft but Vincent felt another part of his anatomy become warm, wet and less soft. "So when does Charlie get here, I'm interested to meet him face to face," Cameron said. "Why are you wearing that?" Vincent asked; "And why is there so little of it?" "I found it in the bottom of a drawer," Cameron replied as he dropped his bag on the floor - it contained a fresh set of clothes for the morning. "I've not worn them since I was fourteen." "It's tiny." "Well, I grew more than twenty centimetres," nearly ten inches in height, Cameron explained; "Went through a growth spurt, didn't I?" "Did anything else grow?" Vincent pondered out loud. Cameron grinned, knowing his dick was a just north of seven inches now; "I think my cock grew nearly a centimetre just since we met." "You mean in the last three minutes or the last seven months?" asked Vincent. "I'm hard every moment I'm with you," Cameron said; "You want to see what seven inches looks like in these shorts?" "Seven inches will never fit in those shorts," commented Vincent. They both giggled and then upgraded to a more masculine chuckle. "Why did you really wear tiny shorts and shirt?" Vincent tried again. "Neither of us are stupid. I'm going to Glasgow soon," Cameron said - arrogantly presuming he'd get the grades he needed to study medicine, but an accurate presumption too; "And you're kind of dating someone your own age." "Kind of, yea," Vincent admitted - he thought he'd feel different if he ever dated Charlie but now he didn't know how he felt about it. "It was my last day of school today and with so many things coming to an end, I wore this for you to remember me by," Cameron said. "You're my favourite teacher Mr Wilson and I'm you're perfect student..." Cameron teased . Moments ago they had been smiling and teasing but melancholy descended like a raincloud at a picnic. "This is going to be our last time, isn't it?" Cameron asked. Vincent hadn't thought about it like that, but when Cameron said it out loud he knew it was true. He also knew that his conscience wouldn't rest unless he made sure Cameron knew the truth about what he thought of their seven month tryst. "Yes. It's going to be our last time..." Vincent replied; "Cameron, I need you to know..." He didn't get the chance to finish because the doorbell rang and Cameron looked excitedly at Vincent. "Should I answer the door?" Cameron said with a humorous quiver. Cameron was imagining the look on the face of Charlie - a man he hadn't really met yet - when the man saw what he was wearing. Vincent nodded and Cameron ran for the door. He opened it wide and Charlie's bulged at the sight of the seventeen year old with more skin in display than was hidden. "Sweet Jesus..." said Charlie. Vincent grinned and said; "Funny you should say that because he's here to ask if you're ready to accept Jesus Christ into your life." "You can definitely come inside me..." Charlie started to say. "Yea, we did that joke already," Cameron said casually and turned to go back to the living room. Charlie looked at his bum the whole way. Charlie was dressed far more casually than Vincent but not as casually as Cameron. He had loose cargo trousers on, a long-sleeved t-shirt with a neck that was stretched to reveal his collar bone and smooth upper chest and a blue jacket which he took off as he entered the warmth of the living room. "I think we should have some rules," Charlie said. Rules in any sexual encounter - but especially where someone is dominant and someone is submissive - was essential to keep all parties safe. "First, are we all agreed to see the others naked? Does anyone want to take any sexual activity off the table?" asked Charlie. "I'll try anything once," Cameron grinned. "I'll do as I'm told," commented Vincent. "Number two, if anyone says stop, we stop. That's the agreement Mr Wilson and I made at the beginning," Cameron pitched in. "Mr Wilson?" Charlie said with a soft laugh at the formal title. Vincent blushed. "Which brings me to the third rule," Charlie said and then turned to Cameron; "Only one of us can be in charge." Cameron recognised the reprimand - Charlie was the one setting the rules and he'd stepped on the man's toes. That was ok, he was amenable to bending the knee just once. "Age before beauty," Cameron replied smoothly. Cameron had always enjoyed being the dominant partner and still considered that anything he asked of Vincent would be obeyed but to submit to Charlie was a very exciting idea. "Good. Take off your clothes," Charlie demanded. "Why don't you let me take them off him?" suggested Vincent. "Sure, that sound good. Strip you're young lover, lover," replied Charlie. Vincent stepped up to Cameron and put his lips against Cameron's neck, kissing him as softly as a feather. Vincent's hands made their way to Cameron's neck and unbuttoned the three buttons of the polo shirt; Vincent's fingers drew down Cameron's chest and abdomen, with kissing having moved to lips, where he gripped the bottom of Cameron's shirt and pulled it up. Their lips parted and Cameron leaned back, raising his long arms as Vincent pulled the shirt off. Cameron's armpits were exposed and Vincent nuzzled into it and then kissed the Cameron's shoulder. "Are you trying to seduce me?" Cameron said mockingly. Vincent smiled and asked; "Is it working?" "Maybe. Trying saying something romantic," suggested Cameron. "I've finished marking your homework," Vincent whispered. Cameron chuckled and Vincent could almost hear Charlie grinning at the exchange. "Kneel down," demanded Cameron. Vincent complied with enthusiasm, his hands resting on Cameron's trainers which he removed one by one so he was barefoot. With Cameron now wearing only the smallest pair of shorts possible, there was but one thing left to be removed. Even though the shorts were impressively teeny, they buldged with Cameron's growing penis - one wouldn't have thought there was enough space for seven inches to fit. Vincent put his hands on the waistband and gently pulled the shorts down to Cameron's knees; Cameron's cock was released and it bounced a hairs breadth away from Vincent's face. Vincent lowered the shorts to Cameron's feet so the teenager stepped out of them and was naked. After months of being in command and dominating Vincent, there was a thrill in yielding control to Charlie while still having power over Vincent. He had a greater understanding too of the appeal Vincent had for being submissive. As the only naked person in the room, he was exposed and vulnerable yet the looks of lust and envy on Charlie and Vincent's faces were obvious. Cameron had power too and he had a new appreciation for the dynamics of submission and domination. He was looking forward to being told what to do next. "Stand up," Charlie commanded Vincent. Vincent stood up and stepped back to admire Cameron the way Charlie was. Cameron was tall and long limbed with fair skin, a dark patch of hair above his cock... "Put your hands behind your head," Charlie instructed Cameron. ...and under his arms but otherwise smooth and creamy in complexion. "How do you feel?" asked Charlie. "Good," replied Cameron. "Not humiliated?" "No. Admired, actually," replied Cameron. He wondered if Charlie had been hoping to make him feel small and humiliated, denigrated and pathetic. Did Charlie want to reduce Cameron in Vincent's eyes? "Awesome," cheered Charlie; "I can see why Vincent liked you... and why he'd do whatever you told him to." "Why don't you strip off too?" Cameron replied, dropping his arms to put his hands on his hips. Charlie smiled at the commanding attitude but ignored the request, they had already agreed that his voice would be the top top. "Vincent, your turn," Charlie said; "Come and sit with me, Cameron. Let's watch the show." Charlie sat on Vincent's sofa and Cameron sat very close beside him, their thighs touching - one thigh bare and the other wrapped in tight trousers. Vincent felt very much on display as he pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. His every move was being watched and he felt excited by it. Vincent allowed his shirt to hang open while he unbuttoned the cuffs, prolonging the reveal and then slipping it off his shoulders and revealing a handsome chest and respectable abs and strong arms. It was exciting to be watched while he stripped but exciting also to watch Charlie (fully clothed) sitting next to his (naked) seventeen year old lover. As if reading his mind, Charlie casually dropped his arm onto Cameron's knee and stroked the inside of the boy's thigh. Vincent opened his trousers and then worked off his shoes, removed his socks and wiggled his hips as he dropped the trousers to his feet. His penis was expanding, pushing into the pouch of his briefs and bulging impressively. Cameron was also hard - because he was turned on by the strip show or by Charlie's gentle strokes? Charlie still hadn't touched Cameron's dick but the cock drooled anyway. Vincent felt no jealousy towards their intimacy - he just wanted to join them. Vincent pushed his briefs down too and pushed the pile of clothes aside with his bare foot. Now there were two naked people in the room; the nude seventeen year old high school boy and his naked twenty-six year old teacher. "Stand beside him," Charlie whispered to Cameron. Cameron complied, his cock leading him to Vincent like a divining rod. They both faced Charlie who looked delighted with the sights so far. He twirled his finger in the air to indicate they should both turn around, so they did - revealing a pair of arses that Charlie would mind assaulting. "Let's go to the bedroom," Charlie concluded. By the time the naked couple had turned around, Charlie was already leaving the room and now they were checking out an arse they'd like to fuck. Vincent's bedroom was big enough for a double bed that was pushed up against the wall opposite the window and a checked fabric tub chair in the corner of the window wall - facing the bed. It was the perfect place for Charlie to sit while things began. He slipped off his shoes and took a seat; "Why don't you guys make each other horny." Cameron took Vincent's hand and led him to the bed, then turned to face Charlie to give the man another look at his cock before sitting down on the edge of the bottom of the bed. His cock pointed straight up from his crotch and drew Vincent in. "Suck it, Mr Wilson," Cameron told him. Charlie laughed softly again as the teenager threw a shade at his teacher but couldn't see Vincent blush as he dropped to his knees. Vincent felt good on his knees, he felt good as his face hovered over Cameron's hard-on and he felt good and he tightened his lips over the head of the cock and began to suck or blow or whatever it was he was doing to make Cameron moan with pleasure. Charlie pulled off his socks while he watched Vincent - who had courteously stuck his ass out so Charlie could admire his hole - lick, slurp and envelop Cameron's cock. He lifted his bum from the seat and pulled his cargos down with a sharp tug, slipping them off his legs. "Let's make like the Mad Hatters tea party and move on one place," Charlie suggested. Cameron was the first to see Charlie was now dressed only in boxers and a long-sleeved t-shirt; he was rubbing his dick through the fabric of the underwear. In the months since beginning his tryst with Vincent, Cameron has seen only Vincent's cock so the notion of seeing another man cock was very exciting. Vincent stood up and drank in the sight of his half-naked friend, then turned back as Cameron nudged him with a foot. Vincent found himself looking at Cameron spread-eagled on the bed and waiting for Vincent's tongue to find a new place to do its work. Vincent crawled onto the bed while Cameron pulled his legs back - Vincent took the implicit instruction without comment and began to rim the teen. Charlie was really starting to enjoy watching the pair: one man and his boy. Charlie pulled off his t-shirt and pushed down his underwear so he could openly stroke himself and so he could join in very soon. Watching Vincent slip his tongue into Cameron's ass and kissing the puckered hole was a big turn on and Charlie knew he'd need to take care not to shoot too soon. Charlie watched Vincent make Cameron's sphincter and perineum nice and slick, then the teacher moved on to sucking a testicle into his mouth one at a time. It was time to get involved. "Cameron, sit at the edge of the bed," Charlie told him. Cameron took in the sight of another naked man - despite his experience with Vincent, he had little experience with other naked man. Charlie was hot and made Cameron tremble at the thought of sucking or fucking him. Cameron sat on the edge of the bed again, facing the naked and jerking-off Charlie, but behind him, Vincent was kneeling on the bed - also facing Charlie. "Vincent, come and sit..." Charlie said. Vincent came off the bed and stepped towards Charlie. "...On Cameron's cock." Vincent stood in front of Cameron while Charlie reached around him to hand the teenager a condom. Charlie and Vincent kissed, their erections touching, as Cameron donned protection and dribbled lubricant onto his rigid pole. Charlie put his hands on Vincent's shoulders and pressed him back a pace. The back of Vincent's legs felt Cameron's knees and as he bent in the middle; using strong quads, Vincent lowered himself into a sitting position with his hole just above Cameron's hard dick. Cameron lifted his crotch just a little, teasing his cock against Vincent's sphincter. Vincent lowered himself the final distance while Charlie held Vincent's face in his hands and kissed his lips. "Tell me Cameron, was Mr Wilson a good teacher?" asked Charlie. "The best. I loved sitting in his class taking a good hard lesson from him," Cameron replied. "A good hard lesson," repeated Charlie. "Was Cameron a good student, Mr Wilson?" Charlie prompted Vincent. It was difficult to think about school lessons when you're getting fucked by a boy in your class but Vincent knew quite nicely that that was the point. Charlie and Cameron had a savvy grasp of the power inherent in reminding Vincent that he was supposed to be a responsible educator. "A very good student," Vincent replied unimaginatively. Vincent's breath quickened but it was hard to tell what was more exciting - Charlie's affection or the teenage lust of Cameron. Vincent felt the pressure on his hole increase as he felt Cameron's dick fill him deeper. With Vincent fully impaled, Charlie dropped to his knees to take Vincent's boner in his mouth. "Did you ever imagine me naked while teaching me in your class?" Cameron asked. The question was quite humiliating. Did the man ever daydream about a teenage student? Did he imagine that teenager naked? Did he fantasise about sucking or fucking the boy while talking about Shakespeare or Plath or Janice Galloway? "Oh yea," confessed Vincent; "I loved seeing you in your school tie and blazer and oh fuck..." There was a litany of moans from the three males in the room, each filled with different sensations of pleasure. Cameron was humping Vincent's ass while Vincent humped Charlie's face. Charlie felt his mouth fill and for a moment he thought Vincent had cum, but there wasn't enough for it to be a full orgasm; pre-ejaculate cock-dribble trickled from Charlie's mouth and down his chin and down the shaft of the cock he was still slurping. "I used to fantasise about it too. I liked to imagine you stripping in front of a room full of boys and then I'd fuck you while they watched," Cameron said. Vincent felt his ass grew slick with sweat and lube leaking from his stretched hole, pooling in Cameron's lap; Cameron put his hands on Vincent's back and then up and over the shoulders, pulling him down and holding him in place - balls deep. Charlie came up for air but held Vincent's cock with a firm grip and stroked him up and down with tight but slow jerks. "I'd love to have seen that," Charlie admitted of Cameron's fantasy. "I'd record it and then leak the video online," Cameron added. Vincent took attention away from the conversation by bouncing up and down on Cameron's lap, impaling himself on the seven inches of penis. Charlie continued to stroke Vincent's cock, which wept pre-cum and covered Charlie's hand in merry goo. "How do you feel?" Charlie asked Vincent. "Great," replied Vincent. "Do you like cookies?" enquired Charlie. Vincent wasn't really sure what he was being asked. That is, he wasn't sure what he was really being asked. Cameron too was perplexed too and he wrapped his arms around Vincent's chest, playfully pinched a nipple and peeking around his teacher to get a look at Charlie's mischievous face. "Uhh... yea?" replied Vincent. "Oreos?" asked Charlie. "Sometimes," Vincent agreed. "Double stuff?" suggested Charlie. Cameron was starting to like this guy but Vincent took an extra second to realise what Charlie was proposing: Two cocks, one hole. "Ok," Vincent agreed breathlessly. Charlie stood up and took Vincent's hands, helping him to slide off Cameron's penis and stand on his own two feet. Vincent's legs already felt like jelly - how would they be after double penetration? "Get on the bed," Charlie told Vincent. Cameron hopped off the bed and found his hands caressing Charlie's hip before standing at his side and stroking the man's tight buttocks. Charlie smiled, his cock twitched but he was reluctant to return the sensual gesture towards the teen. They both swivelled their gaze to Vincent's exposed arse hole - nicely stretched by the sex already practiced. Vincent found he was eagerly waiting for the next entrance. Charlie rolled on protection - Cameron was still rubbered - and they both lubed their dicks for the next round. Cameron and Charlie pressed the heads of their cocks together at the entrance to Vincent's anus - the teacher moaned the moment they made contact and grunted as they started to push deeper. Together they entered the man, both penises stimulated by contact with the muscular ring that tried to tighten around them and by contact with the other pulsing viper. Is love a generation of vipers? Vincent had once asked the class this as part of an exploration of metaphor in Troilus and Cressida. "...and that breeds hot blood, and hot blood begets hot thoughts, and hot thoughts beget hot deeds," lectured Vincent said. Like a good pupil, Cameron contributed; "and hot deeds is love." The room was filled with the smell of hot deeds. Vincent was yanking his own cock while his lovers pushed in from behind - the two dicks filling his ass simultaneously. He had been close to orgasm with just Cameron fucking him while Charlie sucked him but now it was very hard not to cum. Vincent resisted in order to prolong the experience and because he hadn't been told he was allowed to yet. Vincent looked over his shoulder and saw Cameron and Charlie panting with the exertion. "Can we take a break?" asked Vincent. Charlie took a moment to think, but only moment; he might be the top but he was affectionate towards his submissive lover and his happiness was important. Charlie didn't want to keep going if Vincent was asking to stop. Charlie pulled his dick out and Cameron followed a few seconds later. They both looked exhausted to Vincent, who rolled over onto his back but leaving room on either side for his lovers to join him. They did - all three lay on top of the sheet panting, sweating and gloriously hard. They lay together for a few minutes - recovering enough energy for the final climax. "I feel like this had been all about us so far. Is there anything you want to do?" Charlie asked Vincent affectionately. "I think we're all just about ready to cum..." Vincent replied, stalling for time to think. "Three way blow job?" suggested Cameron. Charlie and Vincent looked at the seventeen year old and then at each other; they all grinned at the suggestion and stood up at the same time. The floor was the only space big enough for the endeavour. Vincent lay down first, facing into the middle of the vacant space of the room. Cameron lay down next, his hard dick inching closer to Vincent's face. Charlie completed the triad, his dick ready to be sucked by the teenager and his own mouth stretching out suck Vincent. They each had their own techniques; Cameron impressively deep-throating Charlie's boner while Charlie paid close attention to the head of Vincent's hard-on and Vincent slid the whole length of Cameron's cock in and out his mouth with slippery vigour. All three mouths were too full to announce who came first but there were all in quick succession, cum washing down throats and spilling over lips; hot spurts of spunk lapped over tongues and dribbled from their mouths. When it was done, they each rolled over onto their backs and tried to catch their breaths. Cameron was the first one to break the verbal silence. "Brilliant!" An hour later and Cameron was dressed - decently this time - in a change of clothes he had brought. Charlie was in bed, tucked in but only dozing while Vincent wore a bathrobe and watched while Cameron put his trainers back on. "I'm glad this happened," Cameron said. "The three way?" asked Vincent. "No. You and me." Vincent wasn't quite sure how to reply to that. "You and me" had never meant they were boyfriends, lovers perhaps, intimate and certainly sexual but they had never a proper couple. Vincent found it hard to articulate why he went into a relationship - a dalliance - with a seventeen year old pupil; he had been lonely and had desired to be desired. Vincent knew Cameron's dominance had helped but dominance and submission is an agreement - an accord - that must be safe, sane and consensual. It is dangerous and arrogant to be fucked by someone whom you cannot trust or who does not respect you. Vincent had been lucky to find someone like Cameron - who innately understood that relationship and power play between them and never overstepped the mark. "I'm glad it happened too," Vincent replied. "You tried to tell me something earlier. Just before Charlie arrived... Are you in love with him?" Cameron had intended to let Vincent say his piece but veered off course with his own question at the last minute. Vincent let out a little breath and replied; "Maybe. I don't know." Vincent knew how he used to feel but he was so much older now, the nights felt colder when he was alone and he wasn't sure he could tell Charlie what he felt inside, not even now that he was wiser. "The first boy you ever loved. It would be a great end to a story for you to find each other and fall in love again..." Cameron said - teasing but earnest. "Maybe," replied Vincent with a smile. "Maybe you lingered too long and we get to the end of the second act and he thinks you don't want him anymore..." Cameron continued his rom-com narrative. Vincent was only half listening. He was thinking about when he had been in love with Jake - the man he had wanted to marry - and how he had felt let down by Charlie and so told him to go away. "...Someone tells you he's about to leave town. You face drops and your heart stops..." Charlie had moved across the sea and they had lost each other for so many years. "Maybe you run to the harbour to tell him that you love him, but the boat disappears and you feel all alone..." Vincent felt something important was happening and it took him a moment to realise Cameron had stopped talking. Vincent looked up and Cameron was smiling sadly. "I'm just a boy. I've never been in love, no offence," Cameron added awkwardly; "But you have. And you still are." "I feel like I'm picking petals off a daisy; he loves me, he loves me not," replied Vincent. "You lost Charlie once. I really don't know anything about him or whatever your relationship is with him now," Cameron admitted; "But I know it's got more mileage than you and I." "You and me," corrected Vincent. "I know." They both laughed. "I just want to be happy, Cameron," Vincent said. "I know." "Before Charlie arrived, I was going to say..." Vincent said, reminding Cameron why they had started this conversation again. "Yes?" "I'm not certain why everything that happened between us happened. There are lots of reasons, for us both. But it's important that you know the acts we played in the bedroom were just that... an act. When you called me Mr Wilson and..." Vincent blushed. "I know what we did. It's ok, I know what you mean," Cameron said reassuringly. "You were my pupil and I was your teacher but that's not why I liked you. Being with you was never just about fucking a boy. It was just the role you took on, the game we played... It was never about you being a boy." Cameron stood up and kissed Vincent's forehead. "I never had any doubts about that. If I thought you were a big perv who fucked every teenager you taught I'd have dobbed you in months ago," Cameron told him gently. "Not about a boy," whispered Vincent. "What?" asked Cameron. "The title of the story you were just telling. I'd call it Not About A Boy," Vincent said. "Do you want to know how the story ends?" Cameron asked. Vincent nodded and Cameron leaned in and whispered the answer. When Cameron straightened up, he smiled. "Goodnight," Cameron said finally. Vincent waited until he heard the door to his flat close and then returned to the bedroom where Charlie was slumbering. Vincent curled in beside him, draping an arm over him. Although Charlie was asleep, Vincent found himself thinking about the words Cameron had whispered: "There are two rings on a chain by the mirror in your bedroom, he'll say yes and you'll cry. Promise to invite me to the stag doo." AND ANOTHER THING It was somewhere after midnight and Robin was delighted to see Adam. Robin had seen Adam watching him while he performed at The Fourth. It had felt like old times - stripping for him on stage and imagining him... Robin found his feelings for Adam both perfectly clear and very difficult to define. They had been intimate only under guise and their efforts to become friends had been slow; sometimes two steps back for every two steps forward. Robin wasn't even sure what it meant to be friends with someone for whom he had such strong feelings. Now that they were both single, why not be more than that? Robin had been through so much, he wasn't sure he was ready for more than that. Yet Adam had survived abuse just as Robin had and they had both had boyfriends in the months since their last intimate liaison. After his performance, Robin had waited for Adam but Toulouse said he was seeing Mr Aziz so he headed home and text Adam to invite him over. He hoped Adam would come and sat thinking about everything Adam had endured. It reminded Robin of why Adam needed a friend right now. After finding out the extent of Adam's ordeal, he had comforted Adam and they had cuddled in bed and fell asleep. It was a warm memory that reminded Robin their closeness didn't need to be sexual. Robin answered his door swiftly when the doorbell rang; "Hi, Adam." "Hello." "Hey." "Howdie." "Come in," Robin said to break the tautology. Robin had changed into bed shorts and a t-shirt; Adam, after he took his jacket off, was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and hooded sweatshirt. It was warm in Robin's little flat, so Adam took of the sweatshirt, lifting his t-shirt at the same time to reveal his chest and abs, his nipples - Robin turned away. "I missed you after... my performance," Robin said. "I had to see my dad. Can I sit, I'm bloody knackered," Adam admitted. "It's been a long day," agreed Robin. The clock told them it was the wee hours. "Do you ever wonder why it's taken so long for us to get into the friend zone?" asked Adam. Despite Arthur's insistence to the contrary, Adam was only interested in cultivating friendship. "We spent a five years not being anything," Robin said without judgement; "And things were weird after we met at The Fourth and you found out who I was..." " Previously on Robin and Adam," joked Adam in a melodramatic voice. "Sorry. I'm starting to sound like the narrator, aren't I?" Robin replied amiably. "It feels like we've been ships that pass in the night," Adam said. "Ah, Longbottom," Robin recalled. "I think he's from Harry Potter," Adam corrected him. "Ah... Long willy," Robin said with a giggle. "That's just made up," Adam said wryly. They both knew the correct answer was Longfellow but that wasn't the point. "Do you want to go to bed?" Robin asked. "What?" Adam asked in surprise. "I don't mean... I just mean..." Robin stumbled. "Bed," Adam filled in the blank. "Yes," Robin agreed; "I liked it when you stayed last time. I feel safe when you're around." "Hashtag me too," Adam agreed. They'd both been through so much. They both needed someone who appreciated that. Robin was already dressed for bed and Adam felt a little bit awkward stripping to crawl under the covers. Adam stripped to his boxers (standard sleeping attire) and turned to see Robin pulling back the sheets. "Do you want me to tuck you in?" asked Adam - the same question Robin had asked him last time. "What about a bedtime story?" replied Robin with similar recall of the last time they shared a bed. Was a platonic friendship supposed to feel so... Robin rolled onto his side to face Adam, draping an arm over him. The last time they'd shared a bed it had been purely for comfort and Robin felt the same way this time. He thought he felt other things too - a stirring in his groin followed by great mental effort dedicated to not getting a boner - but it didn't feel right to take another step in their relationship yet. Adam rolled onto his side too so he could face Robin. Adam's bare chest pressed against Robin's t-shirt wrapped torso, hearts beating in close proximity. Intimate parts felt hot as they made contact - contained within underwear - struggling to remain flaccid. For everything Adam had been through with Mr Anonymous and Micah, it was nice to feel safe and warm and comforted; Adam pushed aside any desire to make more of their relationship. In January, he had asked Robin to be with him and Robin had said no. They had both moved on and were now right back where they started. Well, not quite where they started - they were in bed together and they were friends now. "We're just friends, right?" asked Adam. "Yea... yea, we're just friends," Robin replied. They pulled each other closer into warm embrace and closed their eyes but neither was persuaded by what they'd just said. Next week is the penultimate chapter - it's all coming together now. Many thanks to all my correspondents for getting in touch, staying in touch or just saying hi. If you fancy emailing me: If you love the stories Nifty has to offer, remember to donate: Visit my blogspot - - for updates including chapter synopses and excerpts. If you are enjoying this story, I have also written: School Exhibitionism - The Symposium - The Embarrassment of Riches - I've created a newtumbl with a few short stories tagged: