Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 21:32:33 -0700 From: Subject: Eros 11 Eros by: dnrock( Eleven: Opportunities It was fairly important for Damian to have some strong history lessons about this man and boy sexual relationship business. Theo needed to spend a goodly number of hours explaining things to Damian before he managed to make a modern mess of things. What Damian wanted to create was simply a recreation of the old Greek Way. This was not impossible, just damn difficult in today's world, great care is needed. The ancients used sex as an important tool in building the social structure of the city state. I have described before Eros' fondness for the Greeks. They had institutionalized bisexuality into a fine art. Every male citizen, of good character, was expected to have sex with boys and men and girls and women, for obviously different reasons and at prescribed times in life. That did not mean they did not or would not share with contemporaries or continue relationships after the prescribed time ended. It was through this process that populations were expanded as needed or restricted if necessary. It was through this process that community bonds were formed. This was all critical to, and centred around, the polos, i.e. the city state. For the most part, in modern times, it is creating opportunities for the men and boys to interact and for the men to court the boy. In the old days the boy was expected to have a lover/mentor and the adult citizen was expected to have a beloved boy apprentice. (The Greeks had specific terms for these roles and none translate to apprentice. I use it in the none technological or none trade, sense of the term as a balance to mentor not master. It should be noted that master/apprentice or teacher/student relationships also existed in Ancient Greece. That is not what this beloved boy business is about, it was possible of course for that boy to be both. In modern times, rules or norms needed to be set out. They existed in ancient times as well. Everyone knew what was expected and just how far they would push the boundaries. Damian needed to develop the same kind of boundaries and norms for moderns. Most ancient societies were all highly patriarchal (some so called modern societies still are) the role of women in them is always diminished in the popular history. Women may not have always held positions of visible power, they did hold great family power and influence, even in the most patriarchal of societies. The goddesses held just as much power and influence as the gods. It is important for the modern reader not of judge the ancients. The critical point to remember is, their societies were as complex or even more complex then ours. Ancient languages are highly complex in comparison to modern. Language is a result of society. It is your author's contention that ancient societies were more highly complex then our modern ones. It is obvious his modern descriptions are simplified by a factor of ±10. Any reference to the ancients is oversimplified by a factor of 100.) In all this organizing Damian became totally love struck by one 12 year old boy. It is truly the norm for a supplicant to win or attract favour from one or more god or goddess. This boy was not trying to do that and Damian was not actively looking, it just sort of happened. Nothing really just sort of happens when your a god of course. Damian was just as subject to his and Theo's godly powers as is anyone else. Having less experience then Eros, it was simply a matter of time before he acted without thinking. Theo had the bright idea of sponsoring a film festival that would run on saturdays for several months. The theme would be Ancient Greeks, once the imaginations of the boys and girls were sufficiently stimulated by the movies; he and Damian could go back to the oral tradition of telling stories that were focussed on boys and girls in the real ancient world, not the fictional world of heros and mythologies. While discussing the film Alexander, which spent some time painting a picture of Alex as a young prince, Damian or Theo would take some small incident and explain it as if they were reincarnated ancient boys. The girls would sit in on the play acting and then be separated so the female point of view could be delivered. Eros' sisters helped get that organized and make sure the local women were trained and well informed. "When Damian and I were boys of 10 our fathers took us to the gymnasium. That would be our home for the next 10 years. We did not know each other before that, as Damian had grown up in the village of Delphi and I at a good sized olive grove several hours walk away. They brought us on the first day of spring," Theo said. "I couldn't believe the place at first. Sure I knew what a gymnasium was but I had never been in one. I knew it would be full of boys and men and that everyone was naked. Gymnasium means naked. Until we are ten our education is in the hands of our mothers and we live with the women in our household. I have two younger sisters and a baby brother. I was very excited and just a little hesitant too. I don't know very many other boys as none my age live around me. When I got to the gymnasium I realized a number of others from Delphi village were also there," Damian explained. Theo told about daily life and the physical and intellectual education much having to do with music, mathematics and sports. Most of us were taught to read by our fathers. We are encouraged to develop that skill as well was public speaking. The most important skill was to memorize the poems and stories and to remember what our touters taught us in lectures and conversations. Damian explained how the older boys looked after the younger ones, supervising us, keeping us from excessive mischief. One of the most important things they did was show us how to love and be loved by men and boys. "Oh yes, the older boys and men all wanted to have sex with us and we wanted sex with them too. It was permissible for us to engage in sex with other boys. It was expected. It was expected that we would be courted by older men and the one we chose, would become our lover. In Delphi we believed a boy of 10 was old enough to know his own mind and able to be in love. In other places it was 12 and few places 8 but in Sprat it was 7. There boys did not have a lover until they were 9 or 10 mostly," Damian answered. Theo explained. "The idea was several fold, although we did not realize it until we were adults. Our society looked at sex between men and women as something that was necessary and dictated by nature. The social side of that sex was designed by the gods. Understand that to mean nature, to facilitate procreation. The sex between men and boys or men and men, was designed to build the fraternity, the brotherhood of the society. Which in the earliest days and for a long time, had more to do with military service and protection of the city then anything else. The idea of love between men was the highest of intellectual achievements for a society and was strong incentive to protect and assist your lover in battle. That is simply what is called the Greek Way. Sex was used as a tool to achieve this and to achieve a level of cooperation between, that made for a smooth operating society and army. Between 10 and 20 you were expected to love men and have sex with men and other boys. Between 20 and about 30 or 35 depending on the place, you were expected to get married and father children, many children. Boys were preferred. Obviously you were a husband and father but you could and often would, still have male to male sex between your peers and with your now much older mentor. You still have military service too. After about 30 you were expected to be the mentor for a boy, in that you were expected to have a boy as steady lover. That boy would be a contemporary of your sons. One more thing, through the mentor program the boy was educated to become a good and productive citizen. It was the citizens that made the city run." "Oh no. If a boy did not want sex with another boy or a man he was free to say no. It was real hard to say no, however. I remember being just 10 and one of the older boys helping me to clean and bath. He was so neat and strong. I wanted to be just like him. When he touched me I began to tingle all over. And when all you see around you are other boys touching and kissing each other well you know," Damian explained. "Damian and I were bed mates and soon fast friends. One day he kissed me on the lips and I kissed him back; we have been doing that ever since. We were soon sharing a lot more then a bed. We both chose our mentors at the same time. I chose Damian's father and he chose mine. We were truly brothers in all kinds of ways now," Theo said. They explained the idea of the fraternity and how we became a part of the Hopliet Phalanx. The importance of the city state to themselves and everyone else and what being a good citizen was to mean. It was Hugo that asked the question of Damian, it was Hugo that stole his heart, right there and then. Hugo came up to Damian after most everyone had gone home. "Damian, you and Theo were very convincing, as if you were actually there in the Dephi gymnasium, as 10 year old boys," Hugo said. "Thanks Hugo, I am way to young to have lived 3000 years ago but we're not sure about Theo." Hugo giggled. "My uncle is a history professor and he told me the ancient Greeks did not write all that much about how they lived and how things like households and gymnasiums actually worked." "That is true I have been doing a lot of reading about it, kind of a hobby. Theo and I just said two things to ourselves. Ancient boys are no different then modern boys and if you put a group of boys into a place like this, how would they act. The result is simply a display of our theatrical talent." "Oh, your descriptions of cleaning your bodies and how it feels to touch and be touched by boys and men was just, you know so real," Hugo said. "Well that's what I just said, those ancient boys were just like us modern boys. Our senses and hormones have not changed. What feels good to you and me felt good to them too. I think the only real difference is they had general cultural permission to do the same stuff we kind of need to sneak around with," Damian replied. "Does it really feel good to kiss a boy," Hugo asked, with almost pleading eyes? "I think so but then I am not objective on the subject. Can I kiss you, then you can judge for yourself? I should warn you, my kisses do have the power of the gods within them," Damian was being truthful but he did smile suggesting this was not overly serious. Hugo judged it worth a try to find out. Up to this point Damian had not made any attempt to influence Hugo. That was about to end and once their lips came together young Hugo's fait would be settled for the next 8 to ten years. Their lips came together as Damian's arms enveloped the boy, his hands dancing across Hugo's back and butt. His tongue invading the lad's oral cavity, his power sending waves of emotion and electricity surging through Hugo's body. Theo sensed exactly what was happening. He placed his hands on their shoulders gaining the newly minted couples attention. "You two are entering a state of "paiderastria", which means boy love. Damian is the erastes, he is to educate, protect, love and provide a role model for you Hugo, the eromenos. You reward your erastes with your beauty, youth, loyalty and promise. That includes your ass of course," Theo commented. This arrangement goes way back to the tribal roots of the Greeks and all other ancient peoples. Once the Greeks settled into city states, the polis, the gymnasium style was adopted. Each tribe, the number varied between 4 and ten, had one or more gymnasiums, it depended on the size of the city and the size of the various gymnasiums. Once the boy accepts the man and love is allowed to flourish, the emotions are driven to the highest point the boy will ever again achieve. He will be able to feel deeply but never as intense as when an adolescent. Hugo here: I think I should describe how I became Damian's boy. In the most simple terms he overwhelmed me and I was his and he was mine too. All through the discussion and little play I just knew Damian was speaking directly to me. Once the play finished, Theo suggested we all get naked like the ancient boys and men. It was fun. We were all only partly dressed anyway being in athletic shorts and shirts. Not that I had never seen naked boys and men before but what this was something special, since we were all on display and all displaying. You were expected to look and look hard, others were looking hard at you. Some of the boys and men knew each other already and some were probably lovers already, that's what I figured. Damian seemed to focus his attention on me and I just melted. He could have looked like dirt and treated me like it and I don't think it would have mattered. He handed me a cold drink and put his hand on my shoulder. I though I was going to swoon as his hand slid across my shoulders and my skin just tingled right down to my toes. He laughed and asked me some questions. He just never took his hand from my body and I never wanted him to. We walked around and talked his hand slid down my back and came to rest on my butt. I was so excited by this. I have never felt feelings like this before I got to say I was confused. I could see the boys that already had man lovers were engaged in doing that. They were kissing and touching each other like. You knew they were lovers since they both had the same little necklaces on. Those like me, that did not yet have a man, had none and the unattached men had two. So I figured that part out from the get go. We talked more and the more we talked, the more I wanted Damian. I could see the effect I was having on his manhood and could feel the effect he was having on mine. I was not yet ejaculating and my boyhood was not all that large but my balls were now in the my sack and I knew from school it was a just a matter of time. Damian bent over and kissed me. He did ask and I wanted his kiss. Once our lips touched I could fell his energy surging thought my body and wanted nothing else but I got much, much more. His right hand found my butt cleft and his left my penis. I was in boy heaven or that is what I thought at the time. Oh, was I wrong. Damian directed my hand to his crotch and for the first time I held the most beautiful stiff cock in the world. I knew it would find my ass and throat, I knew my lips want it as much as his lips wanted mine. That too was not to be immediately. I have no memory of how it happened but the next thing I was conches of, was Damian's finger in my ass hole and the wondrous feelings it produced. I was laying on my back and Damian knelt next to me his right hand providing the anal action and his left drifting over my body. I was totally beside myself as he built me up for the my first organism. Wet or dry it matters not I am told, the feeling was awesome, I can't imagine wet being any better. All I know was Damian and I kept touching and pawing each other and I loved the feeling. He kept returning to my ass and giving me orgasm after orgasm. That I think is how we cemented our love so soundly and so quickly. I mean for the next few days all I could think about was having another round of those wondrous feeling and it was Damian's fingers that were behind it. Once we accepted the necklace from our man we spent as much time with him as possible. Damian wants that time to be naked time and so do I. I do not know where it came from but Damian and Theo have the most wonderful and erotic collection of boy and man images imaginable. It is strange but I guess only because I am so inexperienced, that images of boys and men, mostly naked or nearly so and often engaged in some erotic behaviour or another, should set me and every other boy and man off, but it sure does. I guess this sex stuff is addictive like tobacco or drugs, because the more you get the more you seem to want and not just from your man but from other boys too, if your man is not around. All I could think about at first was having Damian's hands on my body and soon touching his too. It is after the second day of our relationship that I wanted him to fuck me. I had seen other boys and men fucking and of course lots of pictures. Damian was unwilling to rush it. He wanted my first time to be truly memorable. I have no idea how it could be any other way but Damian was firm, he would let me know when my butt was as ready as my brain. Since sports is so important we were not always naked, sometimes we had jocks on and sometimes other pants or shorts. These were the sexiest things I had ever seen too. The jocks were special, very special and they looked good too. They were designed to do the job of course but in a very special way. They were designed with what Damian called a cock ring attached and the pouch was very soft and oh so stretchy that even a little penis like mine stuck out and looked good. The pouch attaches so it could be opened and give your partner full access to our cock and balls. Damian likes to suck my little penis and kiss my body, he seemed to do that all the time. In no time at all I was sucking him too. He is huge and at first I could not get much of his cock in my mouth. That didn't matter it tasted good and felt good and all the while Damian would touch me and kiss me and show his affection in every way he could. I really like the smell of his manhood and for him to fuck my mouth, he is always so gentle and loving. Theo and Damian do not want any of us boys or men to spill our seed. That fluid is sacred and should not be wasted, it should be deposited in our lover's body. I don't make it yet but I sure like taking Damian's. It seems like torture not having Damian fuck me, I want his cock in my ass so badly. Every time I see a fuck video or another couple I want it even more then before. I just know how it will feel when his cock slides into my hole and he is kissing me and nibbling on my earlobes at the same time. When we were not together as a group I was spending as much of my free time as possible with Damian. The other boys did the same with their men. Those that had regular men. The ones still being courted told me they had dates with prospective men. Narrator again: Things are obviously not like the old times. Social structures and local legalities are way different. Theo had managed to convince all the men that they were among a very privileged elite to even be considered as a boy mentor/lover. It was that too for the ancients but for them also an obligation and social expectation. Many ancients were just as self oriented as the modern man of course. The modern men are acting almost completely from desire. Not just desire for sex but desire for the man/boy love and companionship. Sex shared is the ultimate bond building between humans. Having been completely pre-qualified, the men are an elite in todays terms too. Modern boys are not expected to have older male lovers today. In modern times, many societies look down or forbid it. Mentors in a non sexual sense are okay. Ancient boys understood their position and the expectations being placed on them. They also knew sex with females, for them was just not going to happen much unless they could afford a prostitute and were over about 16. As adults they would be expected to have a wife. The prostitutes would not turn away any boy who had the coin to pay but most boys under about 16 did not. We know how important sex it to teenagers today, it was no different in ancient times. Next to food it is the most important of all. They had few options, it was men or your hand. Sure other boys were available but except for those who preferred boys, not a good long term solution. (Remember the ancients did not even have a term for homosexuality. They saw same sex and hetro-sex as just sex and natural. In some city states the passive sexual partner, especially if a man was often the butt of jokes. It should be noted, who is passive and who is not between lovers, is more speculation then anything else. Some writers point to this as being significant. Your author thinks that foolish. It is true that initially the boys in a relationship will be passive more or less. As they age that will change. We also know many males were pair bonded and both held full respect in the community. The foundation of humour and satire is the truth to some extreme today, it was no different in ancient times.) For humans, sex is one the most important driving forces that exists. It is a critical thing for teenagers and very important for adults. Young boys, those less then 13 or 14, depends on the boy, are not so interested in sex as in male companionship. That is they think of sex first when older and second or third when 11 or 12. Modern boys do have access to girls before they are adults. For them the man/boy bond is and must be a matter of choice. That is not to say Damian and Theo do not use their power, oh that they do. It is not always gender specific that's all. Hugo again: Damian is just the best lover and mentor a boy could possible want. He is kind, generous, affectionate and is always willing and able to give me pleasure. It took Damian almost two weeks of preparation before he would fuck me but that was absolutely amazing. He used his fingers and his tongue but mostly he used a series of butt toys to stretch me enough to take him. That was just wonderful too he never put anything in my butt that didn't bring me to orgasm. From then on he has treated me to every position we are capable of taking. Damian could not keep his hands and lips away from me and I sure as hell wasn't interested in him trying. Mostly in the first couple of weeks I learned how to love and how to be loved by my man. I learned how good it feels to be touched and kissed and fondled and how it it is to return that to your partner. How his touch would send shivers though my body and how my touch would do the same from him, wow! Once stretched I became a frequent recipient of Damian's penis. I had been sucking him since day one but now it was different. He would slip his erection into my ass and I would be sent into another dimension. Damian is huge. I knew that but how huge in comparison to my ass hole I had fully misjudged. Damian didn't, so now I understood why it took so long. It still hurt a little at first but I quickly got over it. I just want him to fuck me. Any position will do, as long has his cock is up my ass and he delivers his load to his new home. My favourite is laying on my side, that way I can feel his body pressing against me and it allows his hand to keep busy. Damian is good to me in every way a man is supposed to be toward his boy lover. He and I practice what Theo calls phallic worship. Theo talks like he is so old and knowledgeable about olden times. Sometimes I think he believes he is an ancient god. Damian just smiles when I say things like this. I know lots of people think vertical things are phallic symbols. Theo just smiles and reminds everyone we all come equipped with one so why bother with symbols when we have the real thing in hand and mouth. Now that I have been with Damian for several weeks and also can ejaculate we are getting more into a routine. That is okay with me I like simple things that happen regularly, they add stability to the flux of being a teenager. Damian has suggested I start to expand my social contacts to other boys, especially Conrad. I sure like him and he is so sexy too. Damian has established himself as the boy advisor. I was just a little jealous at first. I just know all the other boys want him and was afraid I would need to share. He has been good about it and I only need to share him with Theo, Conrad and about six or eight other men and women, young and older adults, so it's okay. I hope he invites me to join him and his "special friends" soon. Narrator again: It did not take long to bring Hugo into his and Theo's world. He was spending all his free time with Damian. This would normally present some obvious problems to have a 12 year spending so much time away from home and with adults and much older boys. Damian simply overwhelmed Hugo's parents with his godly charm and that was that. While this was going on Theo was organizing the men into a loose kind of organization that would provide cover for their activities, other boys and men to socially interact with and like the ancient Greek gymnasiums, tribal like affiliations for the men and boys in groups of 12 to 15, which would be roughly equal to a Hoplite squad. These groups or squads would all be from the same tribe and would form a mess or dining society together, as well as a fighting unit. Other squads of archers, cavalry, javelin and other projectile throwers, often of different tribes and or clans, would also form. Theo used this idea to form groups of man who had some common interests, i.e. modern tribes. These were often built along sports, hobby or professional interests. Having located men with the appropriate interest, Theo would assist in getting them informally together, once the group was formed the boys were introduced. Damian's job was to locate the boys who had the proper interest and desire, introducing them to the men. The most important part of this is devotion to the idea of the phallus and a willingness to become a supplicant to Eros' temple of lust and desire. Now most humans have that well built into their nature, so it only requires a slight social adjustment or two, mostly fuelled by that lust and desire. Humans also have a built in need for social interactions and young males an innate desire or need to belong, be part of the team in modern speak. The most important feature of young newly pubescent humans, is their almost obsessiveness about sex. It is learning the limits and experiencing all the feelings and emotions that are attendant with sexual activity. From that develops the obsessive nature of ones genitals and those of others. The desire is natural the pleasure is natural, and the addiction to that pleasure is natural, and therefore easy to stimulate. Most men have been socialized to be part of the team or group. The women of course have a different agenda but they too have the group socialization reinforcing the kinds of structures that brings girls and women together. Damian and Theo's roles were a bit different where the girls and women were concerned. The sexiest part of the human anatomy at least from the male point of view, is the up turned buttocks, naked of course, of a well shaped and proportioned human. Gender is not important. When our brains get the visual message they interpenetrate it in only one way. Sexy and if we are males and can see a hole or think we can, even sexier. It is simply the way humans are genetically programmed. We know this today, in Theo's earlier life ,it was thought a result of his influence. He was never one to not take full advantage of what ever his supplicants thought or believed. What ever works is how he states it. Margot Adler, a Wiccan priestess has gained a strong reputation in recent years. She is one of the few writing about such things as recreating the old ways. These people are called Neopagan. These people seem more Wicca Shamanism, Drudism etc. then ancient Greek or Roman. Adler also points out there were many Neopagan groups whose practices revolved around the inclusion and celebration of male homosexuality, such as the Minoan Brotherhood, a Wiccan group that combines the iconography from ancient Minoan religion with a Wiccan theology and an emphasis on "men-loving-men", and the eclectic Neopagan group known as the Radical Faeries. Similarly, there are also groups for lesbians, like certain forms of Dianic Wicca and the Minoan Sisterhood. When Adler asked one gay Pagan what the Pagan community offered members of the LGBT community, the reply was " A place to belong. Community. Acceptance. And a way to connect with all kinds of people, gay, bi, straight, celibate, transgender, in a way that is hard to do in the greater society". Theo has a few problems with what is happening and with Adler. Not that he knows the lady or any of them. It is just that he knows better, he lived it, she and the others are making things up as they go along. Since little is often recorded they have little choice, or admit they simply do not know. Nor is it that what they advocate is in any way wrong. He could care less about that. For him it is not a matter of being accurate to some formula, there never were any strict forms anyway. He is not at all interested in any of their magic either. All bullshit he is fond of saying. His power and the power of the gods and goddesses is based primarily on believers. If people believe the gods have power they do, if not no power. That is in a general sense. As explained above he and the other do have certain powers and can excursive influence. It is easiest to excursive influence if it is a believer being influenced. When it comes to that between our legs we are all believers. Theo was promoting the concepts of brotherhood and sisterhood. A kind of gender based tribe. He did not want to discourage procreation that simply will not work, never has in the past, won't now. No point in it anyway. He is all for some rational control over things both from the individual and the general society. He wants nothing to do with these foolish, as he puts it, age restrictions. He does understand the need for some kind of social control, the power imbalance between adults and youths is simply to great. His way is to use sex to establish that balance instead of establishing the balance by banning sex. That simply will not work either. By easing the men and boys or the girls and women into a power sharing agreement based on sex, personal and group or tribal loyalty, he was convinced the best results would be achieved. Theo does have history on his side. This is also shown by the large numbers of men who were loved boys themselves. He had never given this loose organization a true name. It was refereed to as fraternity, brotherhood, fellowship or sodality. He likes sodality. Sodalities in social anthropology are non-kin groups organized for specific purpose and frequently spanning villages or towns. Sodalities are often based on common age or gender, with all-male sodalities more common then all-female. Theo convinced the men that they should establish a privet school for boys. Several women's groups were suggesting this for girls and Theo had plans for them too. Several of the men are well-to-do from business and professional practice. The local school board was willing to allow special gender based charter schools. They applied for just such a school, grades seven through twelve. Now not all the boys that might desire such a school desired an older male lover. When registration was completed Damian was in grade 12, Conrad grade 11 and Hugo in grade 8. The new school had enough boys to make up four houses of sixty boys each. The houses were designated as Greek letter societies or fraternities. There are such things for high school students already but we are talking strictly local groups here. One of which was to be the public face of Damian's boy/man phallic worship society. Theo did manage to find adult men in the community to work with the other three societies. Many of these man were student's parents. Theo was able to arrange with a local motel owner to lease his rather old motel to the Epsilons and boys who wished could board there. It was only two blocks for the school building. This would mean he did not need to drastically up grade to meet the competition and most of the staff would not be needed as the boys would see to the cleaning and general up keep. To sort out the boys and to help find the men needed, Theo and a couple of the original adult males, who were psychologists, developed an extensive personality profile and gender preference inventory. This would help to steer students into the appropriate fraternity and identify the men who would make good mentors. Damian here: I am able to have quality sex with just about anyone I encounter and I have absolutely no shortage it it either. My young friends are the simply the most delightful fucks in the world. Well at least my present world. It simply does not matter where we two engage since Hugo's ass is ready for me. All I need ever do is run my hand across his butt and he is bending over, legs spread, begging me to enter him.I was skeptical about this personality inventory business. It seems to work even better then Theo thought it would. I had no idea that by 12 one could predict with that accuracy, how readily a boy would accept a male lover. From my education I was reasonably sure it would work for the adults. In addition, to getting the right boys into the right fraternity, these inventories helped in getting the right adults for the boy. Theo also came up with the most innovative cover for our men. He talked the other three fraternities to institute a mentorship program on a voluntary basis. Any boy that wanted or needed a mentor could apply and the fraternity would supply one. These were not always one to one mentorships and did not have anything like our time or financial commitment. It worked well and soon was the norm for men and boys to be interacting after school and on weekends. The Epsilons did not look at all out of place. Theo was appointed senior guidance councillor for the school too. That is not a paid position but does gives him a bit of influence in these matters. I am also not alone being a grade 12 with a younger boy lover. Three other grade 12's are in the same position. That is neat for them, since they can see their boys almost any time. I could already do that but I like it too. Hugo can come and stay with me as often as he likes. Conrad and I do not have assigned rooms at the Epsilon House.Narrator again: It was about six months into the first year of the new all boy's school when the cops started to investigate several complaints about inappropriate behaviour between adults and boys. The truth was only one complaint but at his time no one knew that. This was one of those situations that needed to be very carefully managed. No one needed any boys saying something they perhaps should not. A good part of their non school education had to do with protecting your fraternity brothers. Damian and several other grade 12's met with the investigators to find out what this was all about. The school administration was also present. They had no knowledge of what the Epsilons were up to when in private, that was obvious from the questions. The other Grade 12's were all friends of Damian's they were more than that of course, they were also "brothers" and fuck buddies. Damian just loved to have his cock sucked and he liked nothing better then having these four do that except of course for Hugo. Damian likes sex and he likes it in any position conceivable. Damian would often find himself with one or more eager young men who could think of nothing better to do then give him sexual pleasure, while they desperately wanted Damian to fuck them, they knew he needed his cock properly sucked first. Damian liked this in a well lighted well mirrored room, one that offered full opportunity for the fucker and fuckee to enjoy the visual pleasures as well as the physical. He most appreciated the sucker to take his full length into his mouth, coating it with saliva at least three or four times before going on to play with the corona and glans. He liked his scrotum given full attention with the tongue and lips. He liked sliding his long cock deep into the sucker's throat. He liked fucking this mouth and throat sliding his long cock in and out as the tongue swirled around and the lips formed a loose seal. He was never to demanding or harsh but he is know to take clumps of hair in his fingers and use those hands full as a guide.It is his way, his personal magic and personality that seem to drive his lovers to want him more and more often over time. It is his taste and his smell that drives them to want his cock fully into their butts or cunts. He dearly loves fucking as we know. He loves fucking boys and young men most of all. He is most found of those who can and will not only take him full in but using their hips and legs thrust back into him, fucking themselves on his extreme length. We also know Damian will not reject older men or females of any reasonable age.Damian is not shy and he believes in sharing pleasure. He is more then willing to suck his partner the bigger the cock the better. A surprising number of young men are more then well endowed. Damian has a talent for seeking them out and convincing them their cock is best served by his mouth and his ass in true spirit of sharing. The loyalty built up between Damian and his friends as well as between those friends is amazing. Now Damian is good with the girls too. Even the Lesbians will spread their legs for him and his cock. It is the way of gods. Something Damian was finding out as he neared the end of his apprenticeship. Damian has the ability to fuck any male to hands free ejaculation, a skill he uses freely and frequently. Combining that with the addictive nature of his ejaculate and the results are more then predictable. Many are more willing tops then bottoms but for Damian they are what ever he desires.