Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 07:02:15 GMT From: "" Subject: Re: Escape of the Sea Eagle chapter 4 This story is intended for adult audiences. Persons under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by an adult. The Escape Of The Sea Eagle by Ted Macklen Chapter 4 The elevator doors opened and little Ronny entered a whole new world. He was inside a spacious tropical mansion. The hallway opened into a luxurious living room. The floor to ceiling windows of this room were opened to the brilliant sunshine causing him to shut his eyes which were not used to such brilliance after being in the submarine. When he did open them he saw through the window a large swimming pool that looked like a tropical lagoon complete with a small water fall.He opened his mouth to speak but was unable to come up with anything to say. At last he said, "Oh wow!." "So you like your new home?" Fred asked. "It's really neat." Ronny replied. "I think that we are going to have to work on your vocabulary," Fred joked. Fred then gave the boy a tour of the house. He opened a door and said"This is your bedroom." "Can't I sleep with you?" Ronny asked. "Of course you can, said Fred. "he then led Ronny into his bedroom and showed him a door that led from his room into a bathroom. He walked through the bathroom and opened a door on the other side. "This is my room," he said. ' All you have to do is walk through here. You need to have your own room for appearances sake. Besides, what if you wanted to have a friend in for a sleepover?" "But I don't have any friends." "I am sure that you will. You'll meet Kalani later today when he gets home from school." "What if they want to take me back to the U.S.? 'I won't let them." Fred said. " Look there is a lot that you won't be able to understand yet but we will explain it all to you. You are in a new country. The United States can't touch you here. I won't let them. Let's go meet Maria. Remember a lot of people here do not speak much English. Most of them speak French but you'll learn. Just then they entered the kitchen and a good looking woman turned to greet them. "So your back- and who is this?" "Maria, this is my son Ronny. Ronny this is Maria." Maria gave Fred a quizzical look then she leaned down, took a hold of Ronny's shoulders and said,"Hello Ronny, it's nice to meet you." Just then there was a banging on the kitchen door. It opened and a huge bear like man came striding through. "Well Doc it's good to see you," Fred exclaimed. "This is Ronny. Ronny this is my esteemed colleague Dr. Jake Lewen. So what's the latest Doc?" "Well the United states is going all out to locate us, they are claiming that you kidnapped a boy and are threatening dire consequences if we don't turn ourselves in and return the boy. Other than that everything is fine. The machinery is in place and we have some decisions to make. Once they know where we are they will expend every effort to capture us. However, all the machinery is in place and we are virtually impenetrable.I have met with the Council and they back us. We have the agricultural resources to be self sufficient and the shields are in working order. In fact I put them in place as soon as The Sea Eagle entered the under water cave. We can now safely disclose our location. I have no doubt that they will try to photograph us from space but we can safely deter that. I'll give you a few hours to relax from your journey the we can declare war on the united States- a war where hopefully no one will get hurt. Now please explain Ronny to me." So Fred explained Ronny- well not everything. There were some things best kept secret. A few hours later Kalani came barging in and jumped into Fred's arms. He was a very good looking ten year old of Polynesian extraction. "Mama says that you have someone for me to meet." Soon Kalani had Ronny by the hand and was leading him toward the pool shouting for uncle Fred to follow. Not long after that two beautiful naked boys were frolicking in the water much to Fred's pleasure.Fred know that he would not have Ronny beside him that night but he felt that it was worth it to see the two boys so happy.Perhaps Fred might be in for a surprise. Two hours later Maria Pulled her son from the pool to do his homework. She agreed to watch Ronny while the two men went down the mountain into the two to meet with the Council. There it was agreed that they would declare their Independence and Fred was elected President. Then the two men drove back up the mountain. Fred to go home and get some sleep and Doc Lewen to go further up to his laboratory to broadcast the news to the World. He was sure that the United States would laugh- but not for long. Doc Lewen knew that if it came to war their new nation- South Pacifica would win but he hoped that it would not come to that. Fred walked down the hallway and opened the door to his room. There he was surprised to find there there was he was surprised to find not one but two apparently naked boys in his bed.