Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 01:13:53 +0100 From: joshua Caddy Subject: Chapter two for the times they are a changing Legal Notice: The following story may contain descriptions of graphic sexual acts. These acts may be between boys or between a man and a boy. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. The author, or his designee, retains copyright to this story. There may be no reproducing or distribution of this story without expressed written consent. Your feedback is continually needed. Please let me know what you think. I do endevour to reply to all your comments. Chapter the second I must confess to having a sleepless night mulling Ryan's problem with his parents over and over in my mind. Around 4.00am I finally gave up on sleep and went downstairs into my den. Whilst insomnia was not a common problem for me I did have occasional bouts, usually associated with a hectic schedule at work. My move to the country was supposed to have remedied this, some hope! This situation though was far more important than clients' deadlines. It involved a young boy whom I had promised to guide and protect. Admittedly at the time of making these vows as his godfather I was merely mouthing a prescribed formula. The meaning of these vows now came back to me and I realised that I had to act upon them. Sitting in the my favourite leather armchair before the empty hearth I picked up the sketch pad habitually kept down one side and began to draw. This was a subliminal action, in the way some people tap their fingers or chain-smoke cigarettes. As the propelling pencil skittered across the page I continued to debate what I knew about the situation in the Bowyer household. All I could say for sure was that Ryan was intensely lonely and in need of a friend. His parents were removed and distant, showing few, if any signs of affection towards him. My past knowledge of jerry and Nick told me they were a loving couple that I had always thought would make excellent parents. What had happened to change this or had my previous assumptions been incorrect? I reached the conclusion that discretion was the better part of valour and so I would make no approach to Jerry and Nick until I new more about the situation. This course of inaction would not stop me giving Ryan the love and attention he so obviously craved, it would be easy to get to know him better through the remainder of the summer holidays and perhaps draw more information out of him. Once I had got the modus operandi straight in my mind I felt so much better and started to nod-off in the chair. Awaking just after seven, I felt more refreshed than I had any right to, considering my lack of sleep. I got up to go and make breakfast when I looked down at the sketchpad in my lap. Subconsciously I had drawn a portrait of Ryan when he was sat with his feet in my lap. This did not particularly surprise me as he was to the forefront of my mind. The unusual factor for one of my sketches was the detail it contained. Included in the grey pencil lines were the grazes to his knees, the smudges of dirt on his arms, the sweat slicked hair stuck to his forehead, the brown oval birthmark on the top of his smooth thigh just above the junction of his tan line, the light dusting of freckles across his nose, even the discomfort he was feeling at the time was shown in his face. Quite by accident I had captured the boy in one moment in time. Whilst I am an accomplished artist this was by any means a masterpiece. I sank back into the chair and considered the sketch before me. Looking beyond the graphite I had encapsulated a boy on the page. Gazing back at me from the cream coloured surface Ryan was looking into my soul. I found this revelation quite disturbing. In such a short time the boy had entwined himself about my heartstrings. Without realising it I had let him become a part of me. Something I had hidden from all my life had happened. I realised that I was attracted to boys from an early age and rather than accept this part of me I had run away from any contact that would bring these feelings to the fore. Constantly travelling, existing in one hotel room after another, always moving so that no one could come close to me. This had been my life. I had thought that by avoiding the situations in which my feelings could develop they would go away. To some extent they had. I had that side of me locked away deep inside. Always able to put on a front before others, no one had ever guessed what was lurking deep inside me. Now without warning a boy had slipped passed my guard. The only explanation I could give myself was the fact that he needed me. He needed me, not the other way round. He came looking for someone, anyone to give him attention. It suddenly dawned on me that he knew where I was all the time. His skateboarding down the road was no idle, youthful exploration. Then a more disturbing revelation hit me. His "accident" was no such thing. He had contrived the whole escapade. That he would go so far as to injure himself just to gain my attention actually brought tears to my eyes. How could such a charming young boy reached the point where he needed to hurt himself just to get someone to notice him? For the first time in many years I sat and wept, tears washing down my face like ice melting in the sun. The salty rivulets cascading from my face onto the sketch in my lap, blending with the graphite to become part of the boy held within. Eventually crying myself dry I rose and went to get washed and dressed. After shaving and showering I was more determined to influence Ryan's life for the better. I had just finished cooking breakfast and had put it on the kitchen table when I heard a light, almost hesitant knock at the door. Looking at the clock it was only just turned eight o'clock. Whilst country life does start at the cocks' crow it was far to early for casual corners. Opening the front door (a very formal occurrence, folk usually use the back door) I was greeted by a hesitant looking Ryan clutching his skateboard to his chest. "I'm not to early am I, " he stammered". "Your just in time I reassured him" Ushering him into the kitchen I sat him down at the table and told him to get stuck in. The fry up I had just cooked was still steaming from the pan. "How did you know I was coming now?" he asked with puzzlement? "Magic" I said making a number of mystic gestures. This set him giggling a little "Come on its getting cold" As he started to eat the realisation dawned on him "This is your breakfast" he suddenly stated pushing the plate towards me. "Go on get it eaten," I said with mock severity "But its yours" he repeated. "If you continue to disobey orders you will get your bottom spanked," I said in my best military voice! "Ohh promises promises" he replied with a naughty little giggle" This brought me up a little cold. "Go on, its getting cold" I urged in my normal tone. Looking at me a little quizzically he started to eat again. "Don't worry about it there's plenty more in the fridge" Returning to the Arga I proceeded to fry up another culinary creation. By he time I had plated up the second fry up of the day Ryan had finished his. So before I sat down I got the home made bread and Jam out of the pantry saying, "Seconds away, round two" "Are you trying to fatten me up for Christmas" Ryan asked. "Yes you can't beat boy for Christmas dinner" I laughed. "Nothing like a bit of juicy thigh to set the juices running" "Mums always said you were just a big kid," Ryan suddenly stated. "Yes I reckon she's right. I don't suppose I've ever had any reason to grow up" "But why" he asked with obvious interest I dwelled on this for a moment " I suppose its because I've never had any responsibilities, no wife, no kids, no one relying on me making mature decisions for them". With a sigh I then said, "When you get down to it I've never had to take that sort of responsibility. I worked mainly on my own, so no staff to look after and ultimately if things got too difficult I just walk away". "Does that mean your not staying here" Ryan almost screamed, signs of distress streaking across his face. The response I was about to make would be the biggest commitment I would ever undertake and yet without hesitation I stated "I'm not going to leave you, ever... If that's what you want?" Ryan flew round the table and wrapped his arms around me like a young boa constrictor. We held each other for some moments, Ryan's head pressed against my chest, my hand gently rubbing his back. The sent of boy filled my nostrils. The unmistakable fragrance of boy fresh from his bed. I whispered under my breath "It looks like its time to grow up Michael" This caused Ryan to look up "What did you say" he asked "I said have you been in the shower this morning you grubby little beast?" "No" he replied looking a little puzzled. "Well the bathrooms the third door on the left, there's towels behind the door go and get cleaned oh harbourer of filth" "But they don't make me have a shower in the morning" he protested "Well the times they are a changing I responded" and with that I started to push him upstairs singing the Bob Dylan song "Come gather round people where ever you roam etc" When we reached the bathroom door I opened it with a flourish "There you go oh master of muck, your ablutions await" With that turned around to go and finish my breakfast. As I got to the top of the stairs I happened to glance back and saw Ryan was just stood in the doorway looking at me "Well?" I enquired "I...I thought you were going to shower me" he stammered. The thought had never occurred to me that he would think this. Once again I quickly caught up with the change in direction events had taken. "I would have thought you were quite big enough to do that your self" "Oh right" he answered a little dejectedly and went into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I sat on the bottom of the stairs and wondered where Ryan had got that Idea. Ok I would have loved to showered him, getting to soap up all those delicious boy parts would have been heaven. But where did he get the idea? Had I given him some sort of signal? I just did not know. Thinking that I would have to be exceptionally careful in what I said and did from now on I went back into the kitchen to finish my breakfast. I had just finished the washing up when Ryan returned to the kitchen looking a little damp and an awful lot cleaner. Then it dawned on me that he hadn't changed the clothes I had seen him in the other day. Regarding him with a speculative look I asked if he felt better for a shower? He responded with a "suppose so". He sounded a little disgruntled with this. However as I was about to upset him further I thought I had better get on with it. "Whilst that outfit might really suit you is it the same one you wore yesterday" I enquired. "Yes, so" came an even surlier reply. "Have you even changed your boxers"? "No and why should you care, no one else does" That did it. With one bound I crossed the kitchen and scooped him up, one arm behind his knees, one under his armpits and carrying him like a baby I went into the sitting room and despite his startled protests sat down on the sofa and proceeded to give him a good cuddling. "Please don't ever say that to me again. For some strange reason I do care, more than you could possibly imagine. I don't know what problems you and your folks are having but please don't judge me with the same yardstick. I care about everything you do, everything that affects you, everything to do with you, even down to weather your wearing the same boxers two days running. I don't know how to say it any clearer, you mean the world to me and then some" My little outburst left us both a little speechless. I held Ryan to me as though he was a baby and he looked into my eyes like a spaniel puppy. After some minutes I said, "So then stinky boy are you going to go home and change then we can decide what we are going to do today. "Can't he mumbled "Why not"? I can't get in; they've gone to work by now. "Why don't you have a key I asked cautiously"? "They don't trust me they say I'll only loose it". "So they put you out at the start of the day and don't let you back in again till they get home?" "They say I can stay home all day but that gets so boring." This really broke my heart you read about latch key kids who let themselves in after school barely seeing their parents. But this was so much worse. "So what do you do after school?" "I go to the library and they always give me the money for a takeaway on the way home" The more I heard about Ryan's situation the more pissed off I was becoming. "Well that stops now" I stated. "I expect you here after school unless you are playing football or some other activity. No more roaming the streets and certainly no more eating crap all the time" Things were getting me quite worked up. Ryan looked worried at this "But what will Mum and Dad say" "You leave them to me!" I said kissing his nose. "So then stinky boy it looks like some shopping is in order first off" "Will you stop calling me that?" he protested. "But it suits you so well stinky boy and besides I quite like the way you smell after you've been washed. "Your sick Uncle Mikey" he stated with a giggle and started to wriggle out of my arms. "That does it!" I said with mock severity. "I'm not waiting for Christmas, stinky boys on the menu now!" and with that I flipped him over and playfully bit him on the bum. This quick nip outraged him so much that he finally wriggled out of my arms and started to pummel me. I could do nothing but laugh at his outrage. He jumped on me and tried to pin me to the sofa. I could see that he needed a victory so I let him sit on my chest. "Submit Uncle Mikey" He yelled with delight "Ok ok " I said surrendering. As he slid off me I grabbed him and flipped him over again. Giving him a light smack on the bum "We had better go shopping I don't want a mouthful of dirty shorts again." With that I sat him up on my knee "Truce?" I enquired "Truce, Uncle Mikey" Ryan replied with a grin. "If your not careful we will go shopping in the girls department. You could look quite nice in frilly girls panties and a frock" "Your sick" he said punching me on the arm "I know, but you love me anyway, don't you stinky boy" I quickly moved out of range putting the sofa between us. "Let me get my wallet an keys and were going into Lincoln" Leaving the somewhat dischuffed boy in the sitting room I went through into the den to get my keys and wallet. "Come on Ryan, we don't want this to take all day" I yelled as I got to the back door. "Coming Uncle Mikey" he yelled as he ran through the house. As he reached me at the back door I held him by the shoulders. "Tell you what I'll drop the stinky boy, stinky boy if you drop the Uncle Mikey. It makes me feel like an aged degenerate American red neck or something. My names Michael ok?" "Ok Uncle Michael" he replied. "Is the uncle bit strictly necessary?" I asked? "Yes" he emphatically replied, taking hold of my hand "It shows your mine." The possessiveness with which he said this brought a tear to my eye. I bent down and kissed him in the nose. "Come on or all that will be left in the shops will be girls clothes" "Your sick" he said again as he pulled me out of the house. "We'll have to do something about that as well smelly boy" I commented. He towed me round to the garage "Are we going in that" he asked rather disgustedly as he saw my old Landrover parked by the garage doors. "Yes, there's nothing wrong with Bessy" "Oh please, stop it," he said. He sounded so much like his mother that I had a quick look round to see she wasn't standing behind me "Well we could always take the other old car I've got in the garage" "Oh right" he said a little dejectedly. I opened the garage door to reveal my pride and joy, an e-type jaguar. She had been entirely rebuilt to include all the latest gismos. There was practically nothing on the road she could not outrun. The sleek British racing green had entrance Ryan. He stood gaping at her like she was something from another planet. "Will Lizzy do instead?" I enquired? Rather than answer Ryan dashed over and got in the passenger seat. "So this old girl meets with sirs approval then?" "She's way cool," he answered with the enthusiasm only a young boy can generate. "At least your educations not lacking. You know that all cars are she." "But why Michael" "I suppose its because they're like women, beautiful, temperamental and hold the male population in thrall". "Or at least some of it I added softly" "What was that last bit" Ryan asked. "Never mind it doesn't apply to you Ryan" He looked at me a bit funny "Are we going or what" he demanded. "Yes, but I've got something for you before we go." I took my spare back door key out of my wallet "I know you won't loose it. Just in case I'm ever out when you come round" This little act of trust gained me another of his boa constrictor hugs. Thank you Uncle Mikey he said kissing my cheek "Behave," I said disentangling him from my neck. "Its only a key" Knowing full well what this simple act meant to the boy Before he could answer I started the old girl up. "Aren't sports cars supposed to be really loud?" Ryan asked? "Yes, but this one isn't. I like to be able to hear myself think so I had some modifications done." "Does that mean she doesn't go as fast?" "You tell me" I said this just as we pulled out of the village and put my foot to the floor. The rate of acceleration knocked Ryan back into his seat "Way cool" was all the response I got out of him. We arrived in Lincoln far quicker than the legal speed limit would have allowed but what the hell Ryan loved the ride. I must confess having someone to share my toy with made all the difference. I cannot remember when I enjoyed a drive so much. We went into a large department store and on arriving in the boys / men's department I said to Ryan "Ok smelly boy you need at least two outfits, one for today and something a bit smarter for tonight. What we buy is up to you, you're wearing it!" "They never let me choose my clothes, its usually ordered from the catalogue" came the response. "I've never bought clothes in a shop like this before." "Well you should try everything once and something's more than once." I looked into Ryan's eyes with deadly seriousness and said "And remember, it's only kinky the first time you try it" How I kept my face straight I don't known. Ryan looked at me puzzled and then it struck him that I was winding him up. With a look of absolute disgust he punched me in the arm yet again. "It's a good job I don't bruise easily" Shopping with a young boy can ether be a pain or an absolute joy. This escapade fell into the latter category. Because he had never had the freedom to buy his own clothes Ryan got excited very quickly. The trouble was he just did not know what he wanted. After doing a circuit of the department for the fifth time I decided a little more direction was needed. "Ok lets shall start from the feet up. Shoes and trainers first." So saying we went over to the footwear department. Ryan's eyes immediately landed on the most expensive pair of trainers on display. You could see the longing in his face but surprisingly he picked up a much cheaper pair. "Can I try these on please Uncle Michael he asked? "Wouldn't you sooner have those I replied pointing at the others"? "But their too much money" he said. "Look we're supposed to be having fun today and that means I get to spoil you rotten and if I can't I'm going to sulk" This said I stuck my tongue out at him. My daft behaviour convinced Ryan that he could have what he liked. This decided upon we went through the rest of the shopping process without a hitch. Whilst he was a little unsure as to what he should select in the more formal department the casual clothing was done with easy. Ryan turned out to be quite the little skater punk with the cargo pants mid calf various other baggy accessories and a rather cuddly hooded top to finish the outfit. Of course I did not make the cuddly comment to Ryan. I'm sure he would not have appreciated it. For the smarter clothes we ended up selecting dark blue trousers and a rather nice white short-sleeved shirt. When we had chosen these items we went over to the changing room so that Ryan could check they fitted. "Aren't you coming in with me," He enquired "I think you're quite big enough to dress yourself I responded. You can come out and show me when you've changed. He looked a little disappointed as he went into the changing room. Whilst he was in there I quickly nipped into the girls department next door and grabbed a pair of frilly knickers. When Ryan came out of the changing room he looked quite the little gentlemen. "You'll do," I said to him with a smile on my face. "I can't have these though; they're just the right size I'll grow out of them too quickly. Mum always buys things I will grow into." "Do I look like your Mum?" I asked? "If you want a shirt with sleeves around your knees we can get one but personally I think you look better in one that fits now and not in six months!" "All right" he said with a shy little smile. "You know what, we forgot to get you any underwear whilst we were looking so I just got you some I thought you might like" At this I took the girls knickers from behind my back. Ryan blushed a lovely shade of pink. As he is very fair skinned a little colour really shows up on him. "Put them away some one might see" he protested trying to push them into my pocket. "But don't you like them" I asked in mock surprise? "No" he said emphatically, steadily getting redder. "Ok so we had better get you something else. Go and change out of those clothes." Whilst I was waiting for him to change I returned the girls pants whence they came. Once he emerged from the changing room I apologised to Ryan "Sorry, I just could not resist it and you do blush a lovely colour" which set him of again. Putting my arm around his shoulder I asked, "Am I forgiven" "Yes Uncle" came the mischievous reply. So, what's he planning I thought. We went into the underwear section and I asked him what he wanted. He went for a look around. When he came back he had a number of packets in his hands. I asked him why he had so many different packages "Well I thought seeing as you like biting my bum so much you should chose what you want to bite." He said this loud enough that a number of people glanced in our direction. Now it was my turn to blush. "You go such a pretty colour Uncle Mikey," he said sweetly "Touché" I responded. "I suppose I asked for that" After that little performance he insisted that I choose. We ended up buying a couple of nice tight black and white Calvin Kline jockey shorts and a rather skimpy pair of white briefs, his choice not mine. Our purchases chosen, my credit card took a hammering at the till but what the hell Ryan was worth it. It had taken far longer than I expected to buy Ryan's new clothes so once he had changed into his skater outfit (God he looked cute) I took him to lunch at a pub I new served excellent food and real ale. Once again this was a new experience for him. As a denizen of fast food outlets (if I had my way they would all be burnt down) he did not realise that real food was out there just waiting to be eaten. Lunch was a charming affair. Whilst dining alone can have its compensations company is always preferable. I think it was over that lunch that I really started to get to know Ryan. As I forced myself to hold off the bad jokes and stopped winding Ryan up I began to see him for himself. He was intelligent of that there was no mistake. He could hold a conversation on most topics, showing genuine interest in most things. He had a sense of humour far more refined than his years would dictate. All in all he was damn good company. At what point I forgot the adult child relationship I don't know. Its only when I had to stop myself ordering a couple of pints at the bar that reality intruded itself into my mind again. Ryan was twelve and I must not forget than otherwise I could end up ruining the relationship we were beginning to build. Ryan needed a friend and NOTHING more, no matter how much I may dream otherwise. I had over stepped that mark on a number of occasions and got away with it. This must not happen again It was in my power to improve Ryan's life immeasurably and that must remain to the front of my mind at all times. To protect him was a promise I had made and if that meant protecting him from me so be it. In the normal course of events if I was getting this close to someone or even slightly this close it would have been time for me to move on. Now I was stuck. Keeping my promise would be one of the hardest things I had ever done. After we had finished lunch Ryan decided we aught to go and see the new terminator film. Whilst this was not my cup of tea it was his day. I must confess I saw little of the film as Ryan held my attention throughout. Watching his expression change was quite enthralling. As we left the cinema Ryan asked "How come you were looking at me every time I turned round?" "Because you look funny," I responded He punched me on the arm again. "No but why" "Because I was enjoying being with you more than watching the film" I simply said. "No ones ever enjoyed spending time with me before" he said looking downcast. "I can't speak for anyone else but I do. In fact you will probably get sick of the sight of me" Putting my arm around his shoulders we walked back to the Jag. Have you ever noticed you can drive somewhere and not notice how you got there? One minute you're starting the engine and the next your turning it off. This was the case on the journey back from Lincoln. We pulled into the garage and getting out of the Jag I said you to go and open the door. This he did with a proud smile on his face. We took Ryan's new stuff into the kitchen putting it on the table. "Well if we are going to go out for the night I suppose I aught to get your folks permission. That is if you want to go to the races with me?" "You bet I do can I bet how much can I spend" "Slow down smelly boy, yes and we will see if your any good at picking winners before you start blowing my cash. I'd better ring your folks at the factory to make sure it's all right. "They won't be bothered," he said with little emotion "That's as may be but I will ask all the same, get a drink out of the fridge if you're thirsty". Going into the den I picked up the phone and dialled the number Jerry had given me for his workplace. Once again I saw their ambivalence to Ryan "Sure if you like, but don't let the boy bother you" came the uninterested response when I asked if I could take him to the races. "Don't worry he's no bother. I'm not sure what time we'll get back though." "He might as well stay with you tonight then. Me and Nick have to be up early so we don't want to have to wait up for him". It's a good job that this was a phone conversation or I could have ended up punching Jerry's lights out. How could someone be so uninterested in their own child? Putting the phone down was about the best I could manage though. I took me a few moments to realise that whilst I had been on the phone I had drawn another sketch of Ryan. This time it was the brief glimpse I had had of him pulling up his trousers in the changing room. I hadn't even realised I had seen that!! Contemplating this strange occurrence I went back into the kitchen were Ryan was sat at the table drinking from a bottle out of the fridge. "Standards young man. The glasses are in the cupboard over there. Your not at McDonalds now" "But I always drink out of the bottle" Ryan said with a puzzled look on his face. "Correction, you always used to, note the used to there, and guess what smelly boy its shower time again and don't be to long I need a shower as well." So off he stumped upstairs. Whilst he was doing this I returned to the den and let the pencil drift over the sketchpad again. Now I was actually thinking about it the number of images I had of Ryan in my head were phenomenal. He had only been in the shower for ten minutes and I had fill four pages with different sketches of him. As he came into the den I closed the sketchpad and put it away in my desk, locking it as I did so. "What you got their Michael," he asked. "Just some sketches for a client I quickly responded. Nothing very interesting, just some designs for perfume bottles" "Oh right" he said immediately loosing interest. Can I watch the TV?" Certainly, but use the one in the sitting room it's a better picture than the one in here. As he went to channel surf I went upstairs for a shower. As the water ran over me I debated the impact Ryan was having on me in just a short space of time. His presence seemed to be invading all aspects of my being. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the door open "Do you want me to wash you back Ryan asked?" End of Chapter the Second Please give me your thoughts on this second chapter. Do you want to know what happens next?