Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 05:03:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Puer Amore Subject: Forgive me Jody...(PT IV) Forgive me, Jody (PT IV) By Barry Disclaimer: This work is one of fiction. Any resemblance of persons or places mentioned in this story to actual persons or places is only slightly more than coincidence. Copyright 2006 Barry. All Rights Reserved. We continued to lie there, naked for each other and locked in our eye contact. I was slowly running my fingers through his hair and then tracing the tips of the fingers of my right hand slowly, lightly, across his breasts, nipples, and his torso, stopping at his abdomen just before reaching his dick and balls. I love your touch, Barry. Jody said, as he continued his irresistible eye contact. It's like a feather. He continued; I knew it would be this way; gentle and loving...respecting me. You're proving all of my fantasies correct. Jody, I responded, you are engendering in me a level of passion I've never felt. It's more than physical attraction; it's a desire to pour myself into you. You did that a little while ago, and I was honored to take you into me. I hope it meant as much to you, Barry. Jody proclaimed. It did, Jody. More than you can imagine. I assured him. Taking you into me was equally a delight and a profound wonder. I added. Really? He asked. Yes, sweetheart, Really! I insisted. You are a pure delight, Jody. I love you more each minute. Not many people would agree with you about that. He retorted. Really? I asked. Naw, not even Mom and Dad. He suggested. Why do you say that? I asked. I'm just a big pain in the ass. He stated. I see. I said. Sweetheart, I began, all parents, at times, find their kids to be a pain in the ass. Indeed, sometimes, kids are a pain in the ass. It doesn't mean they stop loving you though. Jody replied; Mom once told me if she'd known what a pain in the ass I would turn out to be, she'd have had me aborted. His eyes began to well up. My God, sweetheart, I can't imagine why she would say such a horrible thing. I'm sure she didn't mean it. That's a horrible thing for a mother to tell a son. She must have just been angry or something. I suggested. Tears began to run down his cheeks. I kissed them away. Not at all, he replied, she wasn't angry at all, at the time. I think she meant to send me a signal as to where I really stand with her. Perhaps it's related to the trouble you've had at school recently. I suggested. She told you about that, huh? He asked. No, she didn't tell me any details, just that you had been in trouble. I explained. Well, it was just a fight, thanks to Gary, as usual. He said. You and Gary fought at school? I asked. Gary doesn't go to school. No, Gary gave one of my old Carney posters to a classmate of mine who showed it around school...There I was in my pastie, holding Ganymede's pitcher on my shoulder and with a lamb at my side. He did it just to piss me off. It worked. Jody explained. If I had your body, sweet Jody, I'd never be embarrassed to show it off. Oh, I wasn't embarrassed. I'm proud of my physique. I was pissed. So, when my classmates began laughing at me and calling me Ganymede and all that, I lost it. Of course if they knew anything about Ganymede, they'd realize that it was quite a compliment to be called by his name. Jody instructed. Anyway, next thing I knew, I had a three day suspension. My reward for that was a session with the extension cord. He concluded. How awful! I asserted. Well, you can play Ganymede for me anytime, Jody. He is an icon in mythology. You're becoming an icon to me. You're as special to me as Ganymede was ever special to the Greeks. I may start thinking of you as my own personal Ganymede. I proclaimed. I love you, Barry. I knew I would. I've waited two years for this. He reminded me. Well, you're here with me now. You're safe here. No one will hurt you while you're with me. I promise. I assured him. Then, I never want to leave you, Barry. I don't want to go back to school or home to my Mom and Dad. Please, let me stay here. It's not that simple, sweetheart. I said. Technically, you're old enough to drop out of school if your parents allow it. At 17, in Texas, you can do, pretty much, anything you can do at 18. So, you could pack your bags and leave home. But that would seem such a shame, sweetheart. I suggested. Your education is extremely important. I insisted. They'll be throwing me out soon anyway. He replied. Mom only put me there as a free baby-sitting service. She knows I can't graduate. Why can't you graduate? I inquired. Gary and I are both what people refer to as Functional Illiterates. Neither of us can read nor write. He explained. Oh my! I replied. Carneys are not exactly institutions of higher learning, you know. They assume you're there for life, so you don't need anything beyond what they provide. It's virtually impossible for a lifer to transition into the real world. He explained. But, Jody, you have such an excellent command of the language and a great vocabulary. I don't understand. I puzzled. Thanks to my Dad. He responded. He taught you? I asked Best he could. Jody replied. He constantly got me to listen to audio books and to watch instructional video tapes while we were on the road between gigs. It was me trying to write stuff I'd seen on those tapes, that we discovered I have dyslexia. You have dyslexia, sweetheart? I asked. I do, I guess. That's what they tell me anyway. He said. Have you actually been tested for it? I asked. No. He replied...but I write my "R"s backwards and I transpose letters in certain words, so I guess it's dyslexia. That's what Mom says. She says it's genetic; she has it too, only worse. Maybe I can help, or get you professional help, sweetheart. Careers and good jobs are not likely to come your way if you can't read or write. I said. Barry, I'm nearly 17, I can't read at a 2nd grade kevel. How could I ever catch up? He asked. Well, sweetheart, I must admit, you've hit me with something I know nothing about. Still, I'll look into it. What do we have to lose? OK? I suggested. Sure. He said. In the meantime, let's go get some lunch. I want to introduce you to my friends, Trey and Michael. They're trying to get a new restaurant off the ground. I try to frequent the place as often as I can. Then, I want to take you over to Dad's and Lad's and get you some new "duds" as you put it. I said with a smile. I love you, Barry! He exclaimed, as he threw his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. That means more to me than you can ever imagine, sweet Jody. It really does. I insisted. I love you too, Jody. I declared. As far as staying with me, permanently, goes, let's give it till your birthday and see if we can work things out with your Mom and Dad to make your life more normal. If you still feel the same way, after your birthday, then, we'll see what we can do. I advised. You'd certainly be welcome here, sweetheart, I continued, by then I'll be in love with you head over heels, I'm sure. Still, let's see if there's anyway to make things better for you at home, at least in the meantime. I think your folks love you. In there own way, they do. Jody replied. But I've been dreaming of you, Barry, for two years. Now, my dreams have come true. Here I am, lying with you, in love with you. I don't want it to ever end. Please! He declared. I feel the same, Jody. I want you here, where I can love you and protect you. We'll think of something. A few more days won't matter. If we get your folks pissed over this, they can make the next three months, till your birthday, miserable for you. I instructed. Don't panic, Don't worry. We'll figure something out. OK? I asked. OK, Barry. I trust you. I love you, like I never loved anyone before. Jody insisted. Let's get some lunch! I exclaimed. Jody smiled at me and nodded.