Owen Edition



Authors note.

This Chapter will be a little different. We are back too Brian, but I am going to try to add some parts from the other characters in as well. I will let you know with a heading letting so you know whose perspective we are seeing. Let me know what you think.

Thank you all for your incredible feedback on the Owen Edition. Some of you were not happy at first but liked knowing how Owen came to be at FSB. You all knew Owen tried to kill himself, but never understood the whole story behind it. To be honest, I was kinda curious as well.

As always, a big heart filled thank you to "R" my editor and friend.

I am a little ADD so it is hard for me to sit down and write. I will not do it if I do not get feedback. Nifty give us an outlet to write things that we cannot talk about in the real world, so donate  and be sure to give the authors feedback on what you think after you read their stories..




Chapter 18

The Weekend is Over


Mr. and Mrs. Walters pulled into the school parking lot at the same time as Dr. Butler and Owen. I followed Mrs. Walters out of the Jeep. Mr. Walters came around the other side and with my suitcase. I must admit that I was a little sad that the weekend was over so soon.

"What's the sad look for munchkin?" Mr. Walters asked.

"I just had such a great weekend that I am sad it is over."

"After all the yard work you did this morning I figured you would have been happy to get back to school."

"I liked the yard work. Donny and me had to do yard work not only at our house, but at the church too. I hated it at the time, but now I miss doing it with my family. Doing it with you guys made me feel like I had a family again. I know that I still have a family, but they are so far away."

Mrs. Walters got down on her knees and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Brian, if you will let us, can we be your family until your family gets back?

"Really you would really want to be my temporary family, like for reals?"

Mr. Walters kneeled down, "If you will let us."

I started dancing around singing, "I've got a temporary family, I'm not alone."

They were laughing so hard that none of us saw Owen and Dr. Butler walk up. As soon as I saw Owen, I grabbed him in a hug. "Owen, I missed you so much."

He hugged me back, "I missed you too goofball, what are you dancing around about?"

"Oh, nothing. I just had a really great weekend and now I am with one of my best friends. It is a great day."

Owen then ran his hand through my hair and said, "Wow, nice haircut."

"Thanks, Bill's mom did it this weekend."

Dr. Butler said, "Come on Owen, I need to get you checked back in."

As they started walking away, I said, "Owen, once you're done, come to the Crossman house and we can sit in the talking room and catch up."

"Ok Brian, I will meet you there."

Mr. Walters asked, "Why didn't you tell him why you were dancing?"

"Because it wouldn't be nice. Owen doesn't have any family here either. I would not want him to feel bad to find out that you were going to be my temporary family when he doesn't have one."

Mrs. Walters wrapped me in another hug and said, "Just when I think that I could not be any prouder of you, you do something like that." She gave me a real loud wet kiss on the cheek.

Other kids around were laughing. Although I really didn't care, I had to make it look good, so I pulled back wiped my cheek with my hand and said, "Oh Ma you are embarrassing me in front of all the guys."

They both laughed and then guided me to the gate where they checked me in. We said our goodbyes with more hugs, and I headed for Crossman House.

I was almost there when I heard one of my favorite sounds, "BBRRRIIIAAANNN" I turned to see Timmy running after me.

I dropped my suitcase, well Timmy's suitcase, and ran to meet him. I owed him, so doing the math in my head I hit him at the correct angle to knock him onto the grass instead of the sidewalk. I had him locked in a death hug saying, "Oh Timmy, I missed you so much."

"What is wrong with you nutbag, you just saw me yesterday."

Hamming it up I said, "Oh that was so long ago."

We both fell over laughing and the others kids that saw the whole thing were laughing with us.

We headed for the house picking up my bag on the way. When we went inside I headed for the meeting room off to the right of the entry doors. The guys in all the houses called them talking rooms because that is what you did in them. Sometimes you played games with kids from other houses.

"Where are you going?" Timmy asked

"Come with me, Owen is waiting in the talking room."

We found Owen in the first room, gave each other fist bumps, and took our seats. I stood and walked around Owen looking at him from different angles.

"What are you doing Brian?" Owen asked.

"I was just checking you out. I figured you would have a smaller head after spending the weekend with the head shrinker." I tried to keep a straight face, but Owen started laughing, then Timmy, and that was it for me, I lost it. "Really, how did it go?" I asked taking my seat.

"It went great actually. He was in my room when I got there, after my last class. I grabbed some dress clothes, but he took them away and had me wear shorts, t-shirt, socks, and tennis shoes. He helped me pack a small suitcase that Bobby left for me, then we headed out. First we went to a Mexican restaurant and had some really good tacos."

"Did you guys talk about the... Well you know?"

"No not then, we just talked about his family, and mine. We talked about my mom and dad. We talked a lot about my sister and the things we liked to do."

"Was it like your therapy sessions?" I asked.

"No, not at all. We were just having a conversation, nothing too deep. He told me how he grew up a Crossman and about his family. After dinner we went to his house. It is really cool on a big piece of land overlooking the lake. We took showers and got ready for bed. We both put on our boxers and a t-shirt. Then we sat down and watched this old movie called Caddyshack. I thought it was going to be stupid, but I was laughing through the whole thing. It was so funny, I mean, it had this gopher that made this weird guy crazy as he tried to kill it." It must have been really funny because Owen was laughing so hard.

"We should try to get it and watch it." Timmy said.

I jumped in with, "I bet there is a copy in the library."

With that settled Owen continued. "After the movie we went to the room I was using, and he tucked me in. I didn't really need to be tucked in you know, I am not a baby. The thing is that I have not left this school since before my dad got arrested, and I am not going to lie, I liked it when he tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead. It felt good."

"I sure don't think you are a baby Owen, both the Walters kissed me good night, and it felt like I had a family again."

"I sure don't think you're a baby. My dad always tucks me in with a kiss goodnight, and I get kisses from my brothers too. If that is being a baby, I can live with it."

Once we were all in agreement Owen continued his story. "Oh my god guys, on Saturday he woke me up at four thirty in the morning, on a Saturday! Who wakes up that early on the weekend? I almost suggested that he get HIS head examined, but I didn't. He said the fish are awake so let's get after them. I had no idea what he was talking about. He had me dress in swim trunks and flipflops, then we headed down to the lake and got on this really nice boat. He took us out to the center of the lake and dropped the anchor. Then he sprayed this stuff all over me for bugs and sun. He pulled out two fishing rods and a box full of worms. I had never held a worm before but thought it was cool, until I saw him put a hook through it a few times. I was glad I hadn't had breakfast yet or it would have been all over the boat."

"I have been fishing a few times and didn't like it. My brothers are good at it and hunting. I would rather stay home locked in a box in the basement then do either of those activities." Timmy stated with a giggle.

"I am with Timmy, but then again, I have never done either of those things. Did you put a worm on the hook?"

"No, I started to, but I just couldn't do it. Doc loaded up the hook as he called it and taught me how to cast. I am really good at that. Then we sat and had some real talks about how I was feeling and if I was still thinking about hurting myself."

I guess I looked a little panicked when I ask, "You're not are you?"

"No, I guess I haven't since the day I talked to you in the dining room. I told the Doc that I am feeling really good with you and Timmy as my friends. I know this will sound girly, but I told him that if I felt that sad again that I could talk to you guys and you would not make fun of me."

"That's not girly, that is true. I know I have had some real bad days since I have been here, and I am lucky that I had Tyler and Timmy to help me through it."

"Yea dude, we got your back, just like we know you have ours."

We all wiped away a tear and Owen continued with his story. "We spent most of the day on the lake. I caught three fish, but they were all too small to keep so we threw them back. We ate lunch on the boat and straightened everything up and put the fishing gear away. Then you know what that nutcase did? He said he wanted me to see something really cool and had me lean over the side of the boat. I was looking in the water trying to see what he was talking about and he pushed me in!"

That got Timmy and me laughing like crazy. "Not funny guys, I could have drowned. He never asked if I knew how to swim."

Through our laughter Timmy asked, "Did you drown?"

"No but he thought I did. What he didn't know was that I could swim, I went under the boat and came up on the other side. He panicked and jumped in after me. I got back into the boat and was just staring at him when he came up for air." This had us laughing so hard again. "He was not happy with me and told me how I scared him to death. I told him he shouldn't have thrown a child into the water if he didn't know if he could swim. He climbed onto the boat, picked me up and threw me back in. When I asked him why he did that, he just said, `Because I knew you could swim.' We laughed a lot and had a great time."

Once Timmy and I got our laughing under control, Owen went on, "We went in about four o'clock. We cleaned up the boat and then started cooking burgers on the grill for dinner. As we were eating dinner, I told him that I wanted to be a Crossman. We talked about why and then we talked about what it meant to be a Crossman and how my life would be very different than it is now. I told him that it is not so great now. He promised that he would look into it and to give him some time."

"I bet you are over here by the end of the month. Said Timmy.

"How was your weekend Brian?" Owen asked.

I told him about the Waffle House, the four wheeling, and the party where Bill's mom and Mrs. Walters tricked me into getting my hair cut. I told him about the great food and the games. I left the sex stuff out though. I told him about all the yard work this morning and what a great weekend I had.

Next was Timmy. "We didn't do a lot this weekend. We also did some yard and housework. On Saturday, my brothers took me to a movie, bowling, and then met my dad at the party. After we got home we laid around and watched a move." I know Timmy left out a lot of activities, just like I did.

"I have to get going guys, Bobby will be sending out the dogs soon." We gave our hugs and walked Owen home before we headed in ourselves.



I left the Crossman House feeling pretty good about the whole weekend. I went up to our room and Bobby was there with Adam and Travis. "How did it go Owen did you have a good weekend?" Bobby asked.

"Man, it was the best." I told him the story the same way I told Brian and Timmy.

Bobby smiled and said, "I am happy you had a great time. He sure dropped you off late."

"No, he dropped me off on time, I was over at the Crossman House with Brian and Timmy talking about our weekends."

Adam jumped up and got right in my face, "I just can't believe you. I have tried to be your friend for over a year now. I have stuck by you through all your shit, and you decide to be friends with those freaks." I could not believe that he was so mad, but now I was getting upset with him calling my friends freaks. "I HATE YOU ASSHOLE!!!" He yelled and ran out the door.

I lost my anger and felt the darkness, as Dr. Butler called it, starting to seep in. I started crying and Bobby tried to calm me down. I stopped crying, stood up. I could see the worry in Bobby's face as I ran out of the room. I hit the stairs at full speed, I needed to get out of here. Just as I hit the doors to the outside I was grabbed around the waist, lifted up and carried kicking and screaming into a talking room and put forcibly into a chair.

Bobby grabbed another chair and was blocking the door, so I had no way out. After a few minutes of staring at each other, I was actually calm, "I need you to let me out of here Bobby and leave me alone. You can't hold me here."

"You are so wrong little brother. You have a history, so I will hold you here, or take you to medical, but I will not leave you alone. Tell me what you are feeling right now."

"Ok, fine Dr. Bobby." I said. After the weekend with the Doc, I just don't care if he knows. "I had a wonderful weekend, the best one since I lost my daddy. I should have known that my happiness would not last."

"Let's talk about what just happened. Adam has been by your side since you got here. You, Adam, and Justice were inseparable till you lost your daddy. You fell into a depression and two little boys lost their friend even though he was still in the same room. Those two lost you, but you never lost them. When you were moved from Littles to Tween Town, Adam insisted that he continue to share a room with you. He sat with Shane and I in this very room and told us why this was important to him. He told us that he liked you from the first meeting and wanted to be by your side when you came back so he could have his friend back."

This is when I went from calm to crying like a baby. "I didn't know that."

"You're not stupid, and you have only been mentally back for a few weeks, you would have figured it out. What he said to you was wrong and I will have a talk with him about it, but I will ask you the same question he did. Why is it that you feel you can only be friends with Cboys?"

"It's not really that I can only be friends with Cboys. I am just feeling right for the first time in a long time. I am afraid to let anyone else in and mess that up."

"Do you think that you could give some time to Adam, I think he has earned it?"

"Yes, I will work on it. There is something you should know though."

"What's that?"

"I have asked Dr. Butler to have me moved into the Crossman House."

"Why in god's name would you want to go there. You know the rumors of the stuff that the men do with the Cboys."

"And you believe that?"

"Yes, I think I do."

I sat up straight, yes I knew exactly what goes on in the Crossman House, but now I need to convince Bobby he was wrong. "Ok then, I will be the devils abidcut."

"The what?"

"The devils abidcut. Dr. Butler said it is when someone takes the other side in an argument to test the strength of the opposing side."

Laughing Bobby said, "You mean devil's advocate."

"That's what I said."

"Ok, show me why I am wrong, but know I am real good at debate."

"I have two friends that are both Cboys. The first is Timmy, now he has been a Cboy all of his life, so if what you are saying is true, then we have to take him away because there is no way that I could prove that you are wrong using him."

Nodding his head, "I accept and agree with your assessment."

"That takes us to Brian. Brian is super smart, and he hated his old school because the classes bored him. He, on his own, went looking for something better, and he found FSB."

"Again, point accepted. I have heard how smart Brian is so I will concede that point."

I was feeling good now and was on a roll. "So, Brian, being as smart as he is, found FSB and talked to his favorite teacher about it. Mr. Walters is a Crossman and told Brian that if he did well on his entrance exams he may be able to score a Crossman scholarship. Brian, knowing that his parents would not just accept a boarding school that would take him away from home, snuck up here and took his tests without anyone knowing."

"Another point scored. I heard all about Brian riding the train all the way from Milbourn by himself."

"So here you have a kid with a very high IQ coming to a school and joining the Crossman without knowing they were going to have sex with him? I think not, but wait there's more. His father was the minister at the church in town."

"That is what I heard as well. Point accepted."

So, knowing that, do you honestly believe that this religious man would have let his nine-year-old son go to a boarding school without checking it out? Did your dad put you here without checking it ten ways to Sunday?"

"Very good Owen, you have shown me that I made a mistake by getting you into drama instead of debate. You have made valid points. Yes, to your question, my dad did have the school checked out before he sent me here."

"I bet almost all of the parents check the school out before sending their kids here. What you are suggesting is that men having sex with a whole house full of boys never got caught in anyone's investigation?"

"Ok, I give, you proved your point."

Man was I feeling good now. "My next question to you, is will you be mad at me if I move to the Crossman House?"

"No, I won't get mad, I would miss you though."

I walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug, "I will miss you too. You will still be my friend though, won't you?

"Always little bro."

We went back upstairs, and Bobby stopped in the office. I went to my room expecting to find Adam there. However, only Travis was in our room. He said that Adam is in the yelling room still very angry.



I stopped in the office on the way back to our room. I figured that I had better call Dr. Butler and let him know what was going on. I picked up the phone and dialed five, seven, three, nine. This was the extension to get through to the Doctor.

It rang three times and the Doc answered. I told him what happened. "I need to ask something Doc. Are you really planning to move Owen into the Crossman House?"

"Yes, I think that we are. With his special needs, I think the Crossman structure would be the best fit for him. Because of what he did, he should have been sent to Bossvile for a while, until we were sure that he is ok. This was the only way I could keep him out of there."

"Man, last thing that kid needs is to be put in a mental hospital."

"I agree that it way, but we are going this route. Don't tell him, but his father has already signed off. It will probably happen sometime next week."

"That sucks for me, because I am going to miss him."

"I know Bobby, but we have to do what is best for Owen."

"You're right Doc. See you tomorrow."

I still didn't like the idea, but I knew in my heart that Doc was right. I walked back to my room only to find Travis there. "Where are Owen and Adam?" I said a little more panicked than I meant to.

"Adam was pissed so he went to the yelling room. When Owen came back he asked where Adam was, when I told him he left."

"You told him when you knew they were fighting?"


"Oh crap." I said as I ran out of the room.



I left my room after talking to Travis. I wanted to talk to Adam although I am not sure he will talk to me. I found him in the yelling room siting against a wall. His eyes were red from crying and his nose was running. I entered the room and sat against the opposite wall. I didn't say anything and just waited for him to start.

We stared at each other for a few minutes when Adam said, "I am sorry for what I said, but it isn't fair. You were my friend, you me and Justice were like the Three Musketeers one day, and the next day you were gone. I knew you were so sad and I wanted to do something to help, but you would not talk to me, but I stuck it out because I knew when you got over being sad you would be my friend again." He started crying and tried not to.

"I guess I didn't realize you still wanted to be friends. For almost a whole year I was so sad and would not talk to anyone, I guess I just figured that you moved on with better friends. I didn't know till just a little bit ago that you requested to be in the same room as me."

"I wanted to be there for you when you came back."

"Why, we were only friends for a few months when I stopped talking. I don't understand why you still want anything to do with me. The only reason I thought you and I ended up in the same room together is because it was what we were assigned."

"I thought about not being your friend lots of times, but what kind of friend walks away from a friend who is suffering. I talked to my parents about it a lot, hoping that they would tell me to move on. All they would say is that I needed to listen to my heart. They told me that if I could walk away and not feel bad about it that I should do it. My heart would just not let me."

I got up and moved over to where Adam was sitting and sat down next to him, "Adam, I am so sorry for what I put you and Justice through. I saw you there and I so wanted to reach out to you, but what did I have to offer? Most of my thoughts were either missing my dad or wanting to end my life so the sadness would stop. I hated feeling that way but could not come out of it. I didn't want to die then, but just thought how peaceful it would be."

"So why did you finally do it?"

"I guess it was just what Kyle was doing to me and threating to do to me that convinced me that it was the only way out."

He turned to me and asked, "Why didn't you tell me, I would have helped?"

"I couldn't find the words or the courage to tell anyone. I am glad I didn't tell you. If Kyle would have found out I had a friend he would have hurt you to."

"I know that he hurt you, but what did he do?"

"It don't matter, he is gone, and I am in a better place now. Dr. Butler, Brian, and Timmy helped me through that."

Adam got mad again and yelled, "WHY THEM AND NOT ME? IT ISN'T FAIR!"

I grabbed Adam in a hug and just held him till he pushed me off. "I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I found Brian because of what he did to Kyle. I guess he just looked six feet tall to me. There was just something about him that made me need to have him as a friend. Timmy was just part of that package I guess."

"But I want to be your friend too."

"I would like to be your friend too, but before you decide, you should know that I think I will be moving over to the Crossman house."

"Why?" He whined.

"Because with everything that has happed, and because of what I tried to do to myself, Dr. Butler thinks it would be better for me. Just because I am moving doesn't mean we can't be friends. I have been friends with Brian and Timmy. Please let me be your friend again."

"Ok, we can be friends, but you better not leave me again or I will kick your butt."

We giggled and gave each other a big hug. That is when the door flew open and I peed my pants. I was so sure that it was Kyle. I laid down and curled into a ball and cried, "Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me."



I ran from my room to the yelling room as fast as I could. I was sure that there was going to be a fight. I got to the room and pulled open the door fast. At first I saw Adam and Owen hugging, and then Owen without looking to see who it was curled up into a ball and begged not to be hurt again.

"What is wrong with you stupid, look what you did." Adam yelled.

I headed towards Owen and Adam got between us ready to fight. "Adam I am sorry I didn't mean to scare him."

"But you did, so stay back." Adam leaned over Owen and whispered in his ear and rubbed his back. After a few minutes Owen stopped his chant of `Please don't hurt me" and started just crying.

I walked very slowly over to towards Owen and asked, "Adam please let me help." He looked at me, I could tell he was still pissed at me, but he let me in. I sat down and pulled Owen into my lap and just held him, "Owen buddy, I am so sorry for scaring you like that. I thought you and Adam would be fighting. He was so mad when he left the room. I thought for sure that you guys would be fighting."

Adam said, "That is just dumb, he's about to be a Crossman, and they are not allowed to fight."

I laughed and asked Adam, "Are you ok with him becoming a Cboy?"

"Yea I guess, he said he would still be my friend."

I adjusted Owen so I could look him in the eyes and he was still crying. "I said I was sorry. Why are you still crying?"

He whispered in my ear. "I peed myself."


"He peed himself bonehead. You scared him so bad he peed himself."

Owen looked at Adam and asked, "You knew?"

"Of course, I knew, I can smell the pee."

I picked up Owen and put him over my shoulder and took him to the showers. I stripped him out of his clothes and threw them in the hamper. I started the shower and watched as a naked Owen and a naked Adam shared one shower.



Once we left Owen at his house, Timmy and I walked back to our house. We entered the common room and stripped off our clothes. There were a bunch of kids sitting at the table playing games or eating. I left my clothes with my suitcase and headed over to the Kitchen. I grabbed a cup and got some milk out of the refrigerator and poured some into the cup. Timmy put his cup next to mine and I poured some for him as well. He grabbed some Oreo's out of the cookie jar, and we sat at the table. Dipping our cookies into the milk and trying not to make a mess. When we were done, we cleaned the table where we were sitting, rinsed out our cups, and put them in the dishwasher.

We grabbed our stuff and headed up to our room. Tyler and Tristen were sitting there talking. Tristen looked like he had been crying.

I sat on the bed next to Tristen and asked, "What's wrong, why are you crying?"

He just looked at Tyler and the tears started flowing. Tyler said, "Guys, something has come up that we need to talk about."

Timmy moved to the other side of Tristen looking worried and asked, "What happened, are you all right?"

Tyler said, "Nothing bad has happened, an opportunity has opened up for Tristen and he is worried that you two will be mad at him for it."

"I don't get it, I thought we were friends. Why would you think we would be mad at you?" Asked Timmy.

Again, Tyler answered, "Do you guys know Dimitri in Jr's room?"

I started laughing, "He is funny, he does great impressions of teachers and the Headmaster."

"I have heard them, and yes they are funny. Well, his dad was the Russian Ambassador to the US. He has been recalled back to Russia and this will be Dimitri's last week."

I looked at Tristen and said, "I am sorry, I guess I didn't realize that you two were that close."

"They are not, but Tristen and Ralf are."

Timmy looked just as confused as I felt. "I have about a million questions, but maybe you guys can get to the point before Brian and I are old enough to vote."

That brought a smile to Tristen's face and he said, "Ralf and I have been best friends all of our lives. We were born only a few days apart and our moms are best friends. Well, we always wanted to room together but if just never worked out. Now I have a chance, but I don't want you guys to be mad at me."

Timmy and I looked at each other and started laughing like crazy. I said, "I thought you were going to tell us someone died."

Timmy added, "Or that you were going to Russia with Demetri. Man, you are stupid Tristen."

"Hey that was not necessary." Tyler said.

"I think what he meant was that it was stupid to think we would be mad. Sure, we don't want you to move, but you are only going to be two doors down. It's not like we won't see you again."

"Yea, you are our friend and you are going stay our friend even if you don't live in the same room."

"You really mean it guys, you're not mad? I was so scared you would hate me."

"Nah we don't hate you, we love you fathead." Timmy said as we both dove on him and started giving him wet kisses all over his face.

He was laughing, which got Timmy and me laughing, which got Tyler laughing. Once we all calmed down. Tristen looked at me and said, "Great haircut. I bet Bill's mom did it huh?"

"Yea she and Mrs. Walters forced me to do it, but you saw it at the picnic, we were mounted right next to each other."

"Brian, I love getting mounted, and your hair was not what I was thinking about"

"They may have forced you at first, but you were strutting around the picnic showing it off." Tyler said.

"Maybe, but I have always hated my hair and weight. Now my hair looks good and I feel better with it like this."

Timmy said, "I like the way you look. I am the one whose ribs you can count, how ugly is that?"

Tristen looked mad, "Stop it both of you. You both look great, not as great as me, but still good." He started giggling.

The three of us went and took a shower. When we came back I got my tooth brush out of the suitcase and I unpacked the rest. Tyler took the case back to the closet and I went and brushed my teeth. My stomach was hurting a little bit, but I figured that was from the cookies and milk.

I woke up not feeling very well. Even Timmy noticed when he tried to mess with me at five thirty. Instead he sat on the bed and asked, "Brian, you don't look very good, are you ok?"

"Yea, just a bit of a headache."

"Let's go take a shower and see if that helps. I'll be right back."

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to pee. As I was going, it kinda hurt. When I came out of the bathroom Timmy and Tyler were there waiting for me. Tyler asked, "Are you ok?"

"Yea, just a headache and feel kinda crummy."

"I think if we go take a shower he will feel better."

"Ok guys forget about your cunt cleaning today and go get a shower. If you still feel sick afterwards let me know, we may need to get you to medical."

"Give me a break guys, it is just a headache." I didn't want to be a baby, so I didn't tell him about the pain when I peed.

Timmy and I went to take a shower and I did feel a lot better after that. When we got back to our room Tyler gave me two Tylenol and some water. I grabbed my toothbrush and went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I was done I grabbed my robe, shoes, socks, and backpack and headed downstairs to get dressed.

As I was waiting in line I felt hungry, but my stomach felt upset so, I just got a piece of bacon, and some toast. I drank down my golden water, ate my toast and half of my piece of bacon. Then it was on to class. The day was going good and I was feeling a little better. At lunch I ate light again and Tyler gave me another two Tylenols. I was still feeling yucky, but not a real issue until I had to pee again, and it hurt a little more than this morning.

After my last class I found Timmy outside the dining room, "Hey Timmy, I am still not feeling very good. I am going to go lay down for a bit before my appointment."

"Ok buddy, do you want me to bring you anything?"

"No, I just need to lay down for a bit and I will be fine."

"Ok, I will see you back at the house."

I went to the house and after hanging up my clothes I laid down. I was having this pain in my stomach like I just got kicked in the balls. Laying down felt a lot better than standing up.

About forty-five minutes later Tyler, Timmy, and Tristen came into the room. Tyler came over to my bed and asked, "How are you feeling Brian?"

"I am feeling better now that I am laying down."

Tyler felt my head, "You are still a bit on the warm side. I think you are staying in tonight."

I started to get up and Tyler pushed me back down which didn't help the pain in my stomach. "Tyler, I can do it."

"I am sure you can, but you're not going to. Timmy and Tristen, let's get you ready for your appointments."

"I think I should stay with Brian." Timmy said.

"You know I will not force you to go to your appointment, but Mr. Cole waits all week just to be with you. Do you think it is fair to disappoint him like that? He is always nice to you and treats you better then you deserve." Tyler said with a smile.

Timmy hit Tyler on the arm and said, "Oh buddy, I deserve it because I am awesome." Timmy giggled.

"Good, then get into the CCR and get ready."

"Brian, if you need me to stay I will." Timmy said.

"No, I know how much you like Mr. Cole. You need to enjoy it while you can, because once he has a chance with me, there is no way he will want you anymore."

Timmy got this fake mad look on his face and said, "If you weren't sick, I would tickle you to death for that remark. Just know I won't forget it." He laughed as he left the room.

"Brian, you stay put. I am going to clean the guys, and then call The Doctor and let him know you are sick."

"No Tyler, please don't call the Doctor. I will be ok."

"I am sure you will, but policy says that he has to be informed. If you still feel bad tomorrow we will be going to see him."

"Ok, fine."

Tyler left to do his thing. I grabbed my book and started reading. As long as I didn't move too much I was fine. I guess I fell asleep because I never saw the guys come back in.

Then all heck broke loose. About two o'clock in the morning I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs holding by balls. I felt like I was just kicked so hard that I actually threw up all over myself and my bed.

Tyler was the first to me, "Brian, what it wrong." He said in a panic.

Through clenched teeth and crying eyes I said, "My balls Tyler, they hurt so much."

"Did you hit them on something?"

"Not that I remember."

Tyler looked at Timmy, "Could he have hurt them in PE?"

"No way. We only dressed out and did health class. We sat on the floor the whole time."

"Ok Brian, I think it is time to get you to medical. Timmy stay here with Brian. I will call the Doctor and Tristen, run down to the supply closet and get the gurney."

"You don't want the wheelchair?"

"No, I don't think he could handle the wheelchair."

Timmy took hold of my hand and suffered as I squeezed his from my pain. He had tears in his eyes, "You will be OK Brian. The Doctor is the best, he will help you."

A few minutes later Tristen pushed the gurney into our room. Tyler came in a minute later and picked me up, causing me to scream again. Once I was laid out on the gurney Tyler, Timmy, and Tristen threw on their shorts and shoes. They covered me with a blanket and pushed me into the hallway. There were a lot of naked boys trying to see what was going on, some were even crying.

Jr and Paul came up to Tyler asking what was going on. Tyler said, "I am not sure, he just woke up screaming in pain. Can you guys please get everyone back to bed?"

"Of course, Jr said. Do you want me to watch Timmy and Tristen as well?"

"I would like to say yes, but there is no way I will be able to get either of these guys to stay here while I take Brian over."

"You got that right bud." Tristen said.

Timmy said, "Even if I wanted to stay, which I don't, there is no way that Brian would let go of my hand."

"Well, that's settled." Paul said as he took charge. "Jr, help Tyler get through the house and outside while I help get the rest of these boys back to bed."

Tyler took one end of the gurney while Jr took the other and headed for the elevator. I heard Paul say, "Ok boys, the excitement is over. I want all of you back in bed. Room monitors get your boys settled. We will let you know what is happening with Brian as soon as we know."

We went down in the elevator, then across the Quad, and into the main building.