Owen Edition



Authors note.

This Chapter will be a little different. Because there are many different characters that play an important part in this one, I will be giving you viewpoints from the other characters. I am not a big fan of reading stories written like this, but after weeks of working on it this seems like it will work. I will let you know with a heading letting you know whose perspective we are seeing. Let me know what you think.

I am sorry that this chapter took so long to be released. My work schedule was a little crazy this week and had little time for anything else. Many of you sent me emails asking if I was ok and letting me know how much you were missing new chapters. Please be patient with me, I am just like you and want to know what happens next.

As always, a big heart filled thank you to "R" my editor and friend.  

I am a little ADD so it is hard for me to sit down and write. I will not do it if I do not get feedback. Nifty give us an outlet to write things that we cannot talk about in the real world, so donate  and be sure to give the authors feedback on what you think after you read their stories..




Chapter 19

What is wrong with Brian



We got Brian to medical and stood back while the on-duty nurse took over. Well, Tristen and I stood back, Brian would not let go of Timmy's hand. The nurse asked many times, but every time Timmy would try to pull his had free Brian would let out this horribly loud scream. I was glad we didn't have any dogs on campus, or they would be howling.

The nurse did the usual checks, eyes, nose, ears, temp, blood pressure. She seemed to take longer looking at his eyes and feeling his cheeks. She then got serious and ordered all of us including Timmy into another room and then ordered us not to leave it. Brian screamed again, but the nurse was not having it and told him to knock it off. He did, but he was still crying. I don't blame him, I have known Nurse Nichols for three years and although she is really a nice person, she can be scary when riled. We waited in the other room for so long that we all fell asleep.


Dr. Jacobs

My phone rang at three thirty in the morning waking up my wife and I. Since I sold my practice, I don't often get those late-night calls. "Hello? Yes Mary, how can I help you?" I sat up in bed as she explained what was going on. "I don't think that there is anything to worry about, even if your suspicions are correct it should not affect the other boys. Give Brian 2mg of morphine and a saline drip." I listened as she went over Brian's vitals with me. "Ok Mary, I am on my way. I should be there as quick as I can." I hung up the phone and got up to get dressed. I explained to my wife Hellen what was happening and while I was getting ready, she made me some coffee and put it in a travel mug. After all these years, I know that marring that woman was the smartest thing I have ever done. I have no problem admitting that I married up.

I was on the road fifteen minutes later and pulled into the school forty-eight minutes after I got the call. I made my way to medical. Mary greeted me and took my coat and coffee. I found Brian asleep when I entered the room. The morphine must have done its job. I hate giving a child opioids, but sometimes I have no other choice.

"Here is his chart doctor"

"Thank you Mary." I took the chart and looked at what Mary has noted down for me. Mary is also a Crossman and has been my nurse and one of my closest friends going on thirty years now. I hate her working the night shift, but her husband Robert had a stroke last year. She has family that can watch him at night, but work during the day. So, Mary works nights and still keeps my office running like a Swiss watch. Her main concerns were that the glands in his cheeks were swollen, combined with the fever of one-oh-two point three, and the pain in his testes had her convinced that he had the mumps. "I see why you would think that, and everything points to it, but he has been vaccinated."

"No, he hasn't Ron. I looked through his medical records and they show that he has never been vaccinated for them. It looks like because of other health issues the poor boy was suffering through, he would not have been able to handle it when he was younger. I understand that, but it looks like he was never given it later when his body could handle it."

"No, that is not possible." I looked through his file which includes the records transferred from his other doctor. How could I have missed it? "Mary, what about the boys who brought him over, we have to check their records."

"As soon as I was sure about what I found, I checked their files. They have all been vaccinated. I did a search of all the staff and boys in the school and it looks like Brian is the only one."

"Did you send the other boys back then?" She motioned me to follow her and quietly opened the door to the other room. All three of the boys were asleep. They were in the bed with Tyler in the center, Tristen, and Timmy on each side. Both boys were laying with their heads on Tyler's chest.

We backed out and closed the door. "I could not see a reason to wake them up. I also know that I would not have been able to send them to go home without a fight, so I just let them sleep." We walked back to the office where I grabbed my coffee. "Here is what I don't understand Ron, why is he having so much pain in his testes?"

I went over and uncovered Brian. I looked at his balls and felt them. Brian moaned as I felt and lightly squeezed, his balls were hard as rocks. Mary handed me the gel and the wand. She always knew what I needed before I did. I ran the ultrasound wand over Brian's testes, and he moaned some more. When I was done, I cleaned Brian up and covered him. I sat down to answer Mary's question.

"If you read his file, then you know he was nine weeks premature. I had a talk with his doctor and found out that he was only given days to live, but he beat the odds. His lungs formed and he was breathing on his own six weeks later. He was alert and responsive. They were sure he would be blind, deaf, or brain damaged. At eight weeks, he was going home. He was still a sick little boy, but there would be nothing they could do for him in the hospital. This may sound silly, but the doctor believed that it was his brother that pulled him through."

"I read about his brother, but he would have only been three at the time, how did he help?"

"What the doctor told me was that his brother Donny was at the hospital with his mom every day. He would spend the whole time talking to Brian, telling him stories he would make up, and telling him all the things they would do together when he got home. Once Brian could see, he never took his eyes off of Donny and would cry when Donny left to go home. From what Joe has told me, he and his brother are as close as two brothers can be. I heard that he threatened Tyler with bodily harm if anything happened to his brother."

"No way, his brother would only be twelve, right? How could he take a strong boy like Tyler?"

From the doorway we heard another voice, "He may only be twelve, but I believed every word he said to me." A sleepy Tyler said.

"Hey buddy, I thought you were asleep."

"I was Doc, but I needed to use the restroom and heard you talking about me. What's wrong with him Doc?"

"Well Tyler, I should not be talking to you about this, so it must stay in this room for now."

"Absolutely Doc. How bad is it."

"Well it looks like mumps. We won't know for sure till we see some blood work, but we are ninety percent sure that will be what we find."

"Wait a minute, I am confused. Don't we get vaccinated for that when we are babies?"

"Yes, in most cases. There are those parents that don't do it because they think it causes all kind of mental and developmental issues. All they are really doing is putting their child's and other lives at risk. However, aside from Brian every other boy at this school has been vaccinated."

"Why wasn't Brian? Where is parents against it?"

"No, not at all. As a baby he was very sick and had many health issues. I am sure that they planned on it but had to keep putting it off due to his health. Somehow it fell through the cracks and no one realized that it had never been done. I should have noticed it, but I missed it."

"Still confused. Why would it hurt his balls so much?"

"Brian's issue is with his Tunica."

"What's a Tunica?"

"The Tunica is a dense layer of tissue which encases the testes and connects to the layers of fibers which surround the epididymis, the first in a series of ducts which transport sperm out of the testes and into the penis. Brian is a healthy wonderful nine-year-old boy, with the exception of his genitals. There he has a birth defect."

"I know that he has no real feeling in his dick, and it hurts when someone touches his balls."

"Correct. So, in most boys and men the Tunica is flexible and expands and contracts with the swelling of the testis. In Brian's case it doesn't . The mumps would only make it worse because Brian's balls are swelling inside something that will not give. Think of your balls in a vise, they may swell up, but would have now where to expand to so instead of the vise just holding them, now it is crushing them."

With a panicked look on his face, "Well do something, help him."

"I am not sure I can. This issue has been a long time coming, Tyler. My guess is that his balls are already dead and that they will have to be removed."

"Oh my god, that is horrible. I know that may be the wrong thing to say."

"Why is that?"

"Because Brian want's them removed. Because they hurt all the time he wants them gone. He was planning to talk to his dad about it when he got back."

"Well that may have to happen sooner. The Headmaster will try to get in touch with them today and let them know what is going on."



I could not believe the pain I was in when I woke up, but it does not hurt so bad now. I woke up again and found myself in the med center. Dr. Jacobs, a Nurse, and Tyler were talking about me. I had a needle in my arm hooked up to a bag above my head. There was something wrong with my dick to. I pulled up the covers to see a tube coming out of the end of it. I was freaked out.

I saw Tyler and he had just looked my way at the same time. He walked past the Doctor and Nurse heading my direction. "Brian, you ok?" he sat on the edge of my bed and took my hand.

"I hurt a lot Tyler and there is something in my dick." I said through tears.

"I know buddy, it's called a catheter. It collects your pee in a bag and keeps you from peeing the bed. Is there anything I can get you?"

"I want my mommy please."

"Brian, you know they are out of the country. The Headmaster will try to reach them, but who knows how long that might take."

"Can you get me my other mommy Tyler?"

"Your other mommy, who is that buddy?"

"Mrs. Walters and my other daddy is Mr. Walters. They said they would be my temporary family till my real family made it home. Please Tyler, get them for me."

He turned to Dr. Jacobs, "I know where they live, I will put some clothes on, get my wallet, keys, and go find them."

Dr. Jacobs laughed, "Or I can just call them."

Tyler shook his head, "I am so tired I guess my brain is a little foggy."

Dr. Jacobs grabbed his cell phone and looked for the number. I heard him talking on the phone. "Ken, sorry to wake you. This is Ron Jacob's, I am not sure if you remember me, I am the Doctor over here at FSB."

There was a pause, "Good, I am glad. So, we have had an issue with a boy who I am told is your temporary son... Yes, that is right it is Brian... Well it looks like we have a case of the mumps... I know, somehow I missed it, or I would have dealt with it sooner. It looks like it has affected his testicles and he is in a lot of pain... Yes, that is right. He asked for his mom, and when he could not get her he asked for you and your wife... Wonderful, I will tell him." He pushed a button on his cell and put it on the desk. Looking at me, "They will be here as quickly as they can."


Ken Walters

The phone rang and I reached for it. I looked at the clock on the side of the bed and it was reading Five twelve. "Hello?" I said groggily into the phone. "Yes doctor, I remember you... Are you talking about Brian, what's wrong?" I asked sitting up fast. "Mumps? How is that even possible??? His balls were really sensitive when he was here this weekend. I thought it was normal for him the way he acted... We will be there as quickly as we can."

"Wide awake next to me my wife asked, "Ken, what's wrong?"

"It's Brian. Apparently he has the mumps and is in some major pain. He woke up asking for his mom, but when he could not have her he asked for us."

"Ok, our baby needs us." She said with a worried look on her face. I am not sure she even realized what she said.

We dressed, grabbed a couple of Keurig coffees, and headed out the door. Within thirty minutes we were pulling into the parking lot at FSB and running for the med center. It was almost six, but none of the boys had started for breakfast yet. As we entered medical we were stopped just inside the door by Nurse Mary Nichols.

"Stop here for a second folks" The nurse said.

"We were told to come here for our boy." Evilyn said

"I know, but you have to wait for the Doctor to talk to you first. In the meantime, put these on."

She gave both my wife and I face masks. "I don't think we really need these, we have both be vaccinated" I said handing her back the masks. She started laughing, "What are you laughing at?"

"I am sorry I just thought it was so cute the way you thought I was asking." She stopped laughing and with a serious look gave us back the masks. "I won't ask again. If you want to see that boy you will put on the masks."

Without any further arguments Evilyn and I put the masks on. Just then the door opened, and Dr. Jacobs came out. "Good, Ken, Evilyn you are here. He has been asking for you."

"What's with the masks Doc? We have both been vaccinated."

"This is true Ken, but mumps are an airborne virus, that will not have any effect on the students in this school. As we have all been vaccinated we should not be carriers either, but here is the risk that I cannot take. You Ken, teach in a school where I imagine some students may not have had the MMR vaccine. Although, I don't believe that there would be any risk of you being a carrier, I can't take the chance. It will only be for a few days. When Jay McDonald gets here, he will check the blood and verify our diagnoses."

"Jay the Science teacher, how will he be able to help?" Evilyn asked

"I called him on the way in, he used to work for the CDC. He did some great work for them in finding many antidotes for some very nasty bugs."

"Then why is he here?"

"He graduated from here and got a full ride scholarship to MIT. There he help design some groundbreaking technology that hospitals are using today. Then he went on to Harvard Medical School where he received two master's degrees in Research Medicine and Pediatrics. Then he started working for the CDC, I guess after some of the stuff he saw, he opted for a quiet life here at home. Let's get you in there to see your temporary son." We all got a chuckle out of that.

We walked into the room and Evilyn started crying when she saw the sick little boy in the bed with tubes coming out of his arm. She kneeled beside the bed and ran her fingers through his hair. "Brian sweetie, we heard you asked for us."



I opened my eyes to see Mrs. Walters there. It hurt bad, but I sat up and hugged her so hard and cried into her shoulder. "It hurts so bad. Please make it stop."

"I can only imagine baby. I am so sorry for you having to go through this."

"It hurts so much more then it usually does."

She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "Brian, has the pain gotten worse since you have been at this school?"

"Yes mam."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Because they would not want me here if I was being a baby about it."

Mr. Walters stepped forward and said, "Brian, if you are hurting you have to tell someone. How are we to help you if you don't tell us."

"I am sorry, please don't be mad at me. You will still be my temporary family won't you?"

"Oh baby, we love you and you will always have a place in our home." She and Mr. Walters hugged me, and I felt the love. I saw Tyler over with Dr. Jacobs wiping away a tear.

Mr. Walters looked me in the eye and asked, "Is there anything else we need to know young man."

"Well there is one more thing, but I probably should not bring it up."

"Brian you can tell us anything."

"You promise you won't be mad?"

"Today you have a get out of jail free card. What is it buddy?" Mr. Walters asked.

"Well, sometimes late at night when everyone is sleeping..."

"It's ok, you can tell us."

"Well... Tyler farts a lot, and real long ones too." I was laughing and that hurt so much I passed out.

I woke up to the sound of yelling, "You better let me through or there is going to be trouble."

"Young man, I don't know who you think you are..." Then a crash and, "I can't believe you just kicked me."

The door swings open and in runs Owen. He closes the door and turns the lock. I hear banging and yelling as Owen calmly walks up to me, "What are you doing laying around here when we have a play to put on?"

"Well you bonehead, I just decided to scream my head off in the middle of the night and get this needle in my arm so I would not have to go to drama today."

Smiling he said, "I knew you were just trying to hide from my superior acting skills." He giggled. "Seriously, what is going on. I heard this morning that you were in medical but figured that it was not a big deal. Then when you didn't make it to lunch I knew something was wrong. I came over to see you and they told me I couldn't, I guess they were wrong because here I am."

"I guess I have the mumps, but I also have lots of pain in my balls."

Getting worried he asks, "Why are you having pain is your balls, is that because of the mumps?"

"Partly, but mostly it is a birth defect. The mumps just made something that was going to happen later happen sooner."

"What do you mean?"

"My balls have always caused me pain. Lately it has been getting worse. I planned on waiting for my family to get back before it happened, but it looks like they will be coming off soon."

Shocked, Owen asked, "You mean they are going to cut off your balls? No way."

"Yep, finally going to happen. I just wish my mom and dad were here, I am really scared."

"I am sorry you are going through this, but you know I am here for you."

"Yes, I know. Thank you for coming, but I think that now they are coming for you."

Looking back at the door then turning back to me he smiled and got on his knees beside the bed and put his hands behind his head. "I will see you when I get out of the big house." He giggled.

I looked at this guy in front of me, my friend and brother. I could not believe this is the shy kid that came to my table asking if he could talk to me. The door opened and Dr. Jacobs and Nurse Nichols came in. I could see Nurse Nichols was mad when she came through the door, but the sight of Owen on his knees with his hands behind his head got a smile out of her. Dr. Jacobs was still mad, "Young man, you are in big trouble for kicking Nurse Nichols. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I am sorry for kicking you, but I would do it again if you are trying to keep me from my brother."

The Nurse looked at him, "He only has one brother and you are not him."

He jumped up and turned to face her. I could tell he was mad by her statement because the back of his neck was red so I can just imagine what his face looked like. "I am his adopted brother I will have you know. His mom, dad and brother told me so, and you will not keep me from him."

The Nurse got down on one knee and said, "Then I apologize to you, I had no way of knowing that and you didn't tell me that before you kicked me did you?"

It was over for Owen, he tried his best to be brave for me. He was more scared about me than I was. He stepped towards her and wrapped her in a hug. "I am really sorry for kicking you. He is my only family right now, and my best friend. I can't lose him, please help him." Owen said obviously crying.

"He has a rough road over the next week, but I think he will be fine soon enough. Of course, he will need his brother to help him through it."

Owen's whole body language changed when she said that. He pulled out of the hug and said, "You really mean it, I can help?"

The Doctor stepped in, "Yes Owen you can help, but no more kicking and you do what you are told when you are told. Is that clear?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, let's go to my office. You and I need to have a talk anyway." He guided Owen out of the room.

Nurse Nichols came over to me and asked, "How are you feeling? I have never seen a boy laugh himself into unconsciousness before."

At first I did not know what she was talking about. Then I remembered Mr. and Mrs. Walters. "Were Mr. and Mrs. Walters mad at me because of what I said?"

"No, they were laughing and then got scared when you passed out. As soon as everybody realized that you were ok, they all gave Tyler a look." She said laughing. "Poor Tyler turned seven shades of red. That was not very nice, but it was very funny. Now, on a scale of one to ten how is your pain?"

"Not bad, maybe twelve."



I thought I was in big trouble with the Doctor, but he didn't want to say anything in front of Brian. "Owen, please come in and have a seat, there are some things that we need to talk about."

I sat in the chair he pointed to and asked, "I am still in trouble huh?"

"You would be in a lot of trouble if Nurse Nichols wanted to pursue it, but she is a smart lady and knows you only did it out of fear and love. That being said, don't do it again."

"I won't, I promise"

"So, I spent some time yesterday on the phone with Dr. Butler and the Headmaster. They told me that you want to be a Crossman."

"Oh yes sir, very much."

"So, you understand that a Crossman's life is not the same as the Regulars. It is a life of family, duty, and obedience. You also need to understand that it is a Crossman child's duty to answer to and service the men. That would include sexually. After what you went through with Kyle, you may not be ready to take this step."

"I am not going to lie Sir I am a little scared. I think that there is a lot of differences between what I went through with Kyle and what will happen with the Crossman. Dr. Butler told me that no one is forced to have sex, that it is always a choice. Kyle never gave me a choice. He forced himself on me and then threatened to hurt me bad if I ever told anyone or refused to do what he told me to. I was scared all the time. Timmy and Brian are Crossman and they are not scared or threatened into having sex."

"Won't you miss your friends at Ashton House?"

"Yes, I will miss my big brother Bobby, and now it turns out that I have had a friend this whole time and didn't realize it. I talked to Adam, and he said he would still be my friend even if I move."

"Ok then, if you are sure this is the road you want to take I will support it. You will need to have a through physical before we move you. I will schedule that for later in the week. I need to focus on getting Brian through what he has to go through, then I can work on making you a Crossman."

I got up and started dancing around. I was so excited I could not stop. I went to the Doctor and gave him a hug. He surprised me by kissing me on the lips. It excited me and made me sad at the same time. This is the way my daddy used to kiss me. I felt his tongue touch my lips and opened my mouth to receive it. It has been so long since anyone kissed me that way. I just started sucking it like my daddy taught me. I felt my dick get hard and wanted him to touch it but wasn't sure if it would be ok to ask. When he pulled back he looked me in the eyes and asked, "Are you ok with what I just did?"

"Oh yes Sir."

"You are a very good kisser, did your daddy teach you that?"

"Yes Sir, that is the way my daddy and I kissed all the time."

"Very good boy let's get you back to class so that I can take care of your brother and get him back to you. I will figure out when I can get you back in for your physical and let you know."



I woke up again to some sharp pain. I opened my eyes to see four people looking at and feeling my balls.

Dr. Jacobs was the first to speak, "Good your awake. Brian, I would like to introduce you to your surgeons. They will take away the pain your testes are causing you. This is Dr. Williams he will be the Doctor removing your testis. This is Dr. Kirk he is a plastic surgeon and will be the one making sure you don't have much scarring."

I looked at Dr. Kirk, "Will I look like Timmy?"

Dr. Kirk sat down on the side of my bed. He looked me in the eyes, "Do you like the way Timmy looks?"

"Yes, Sir very much."

"Well, I should hope so. I am the one that made him look that good." He said smiling. "Between me and Dr. Williams, we will take the pain away and make you look good."

"When can we do it? I am so tired of this pain."

"We would like to do it now, but the Headmaster has asked us to wait until tomorrow. He would like to let your family know what is happening."

"I don't think he will be able to do that."

"Why is that?"

"The village where they are living does not have internet or phone service. That is why I only get to talk to them when they go to the city for food and supplies. Do we have to wait for their permission? It hurts so bad."

Dr Jacobs answered my question. "No Brian, we don't need their permission. The school holds Medical Power of Attorney for you. Because of things like this that require immediate action. Your parents signed a document that allows the school to make these decisions. However, we still need to try to contact them first. We are ok holding off till morning but won't hold off any longer than that."

They all left the room and Nurse Nichols gave me more drugs and I went to sleep. I kinda remember Tyler, Timmy, Tristen, and Owen talking to me but I just couldn't focus on what they were saying.

The next morning, I was woken up by the Headmaster. "Brian, Brian, wake up buddy."

I opened my eyes and looked at a worried man. "Good morning Headmaster." I yawned, stretched, and screamed. The stretching was a bad decision.

After I had time to calm down, "Brian, I have been trying to contact your parents, but they are not in an area where they can be reached. I have given authorization for the surgery to happen this morning. Are you ok with doing this before we talk to your parents?"

I knew he was just doing what I have learned is a rule for the Crossman. In this culture no one can make me submit to anything that has to do with my body without my permission. In this case, I am sure that even if I said no, the surgery would happen anyway. "I am ok with doing it without my parents. I just want the pain to stop."

"Ok kiddo. We will move ahead with the surgery, and I will keep trying to reach your parents. The Nurse will be in shortly to get you ready." He stood and left.

Things started happening pretty fast now and the last things that I remember is being moved into a room that smelled funny and had a big light hanging over a table in the middle. They moved me from my room in bed that I was on. They wheeled me in and put my bed right next to the table. It hurt like crazy when they moved me from my bed to the table.

Nurse Nichols leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Ok baby, this will be over before you know it."

A man whom I had never seen before said, "Brian, I am Dr. Aziz. I am going to help you sleep through all of this and make sure nothing goes wrong, ok?"

I nodded my head and he put a thing over my face and said, "Brian, I want you to breath normally and count backwards from ten."

"Ten, nine..."

I had no idea how long I had been out, but when I woke up I was back in the room where I have been for a few days. My balls were still hurting bad and I started to cry. Nothing has changed, why didn't they cut them off and take away the pain?

"Brian? What's wrong sweetie?"

I turned my head to see Mrs. Walters sitting in a chair right next to the bed. "What happened?" I asked crying, "Why didn't they do the surgery?"

Looking confused, "Brian, they did do the surgery. You no longer have any balls, which is a good thing."

"But they hurt so much. They lied to you and left them."

"No sweet boy, they are gone. I saw them, the damage was much worse than they thought it was. I am not sure how you went as long as you did."

"If they are gone, why do they still hurt?"

"You have been in pain for a while now and are used to the pain. What you are feeling now is a combination of what is called phantom pain and trauma. You just had a part of your anatomy removed, that in itself is painful. That combined with the memories of pain that you have had for some time is not going away quickly. I will ask the nurse for something for the pain."

I looked at her through tear filled eyes, "Why are you lying to me, I thought you loved me?"

"I am not lying to you Brian." She left the room and came back with the Nurse and a jar. "Look here Brian, here are your balls." She showed me a jar with clear liquid in it and two kinda egg shaped grey things in it. "These are really your balls. Mr. McDonald will be checking them over for anything that may indicate any other issues that we need to know about. Then they will be destroyed."

I looked at Nurse Nichols and she just nodded her head and she put a needle full of something into the IV.

I guess I slept the rest of the day and was woken up in the morning for breakfast. I could not believe how hungry I was. I ate my breakfast that consisted of toast, apple juice, and Jell-O. "I am still hungry can't I have something else?"

"Let's see how your body handles this first." When I was done Nurse Nichols uncovered me and looked at my crotch. "It is time to change your bandages, but first we are going to take out your catheter." She put a mirror on the table so that I could see what she was doing.

She took the plunger thing like they use when giving shots and screwed it into what she called a port. She pulled back the plunger then unscrewed it. I was watching everything that she was doing. "What did you just do?"

"There is a small balloon wrapped around the catheter that forms the seal and keeps it from sliding out. I had to take the saline out of it so that I can remove it. Now, take a deep breath and slowly let it out."

I did what she told me, and as I let out my breath, she pulled the thing from my dick. Breathing did not help, it still hurt. Once it was out, my dick still had this weird feeling. She then took off my bandages and they were really gone. I could see some swelling, but where I once had painful balls was now flat. She cleaned the area which really hurt. Once the new bandages were in place she reached under the bed and pulled out some slippers..

"Time for a walk little guy. We should have had you walking yesterday but gave you a little break. Now it is time to get moving."

I sat up and slid my feet into my slippers. I guess I should have asked about clothes, but she didn't offer so I went with it. We stayed in medical and walked down the hall. She guided me to the same door that I had my first exam in. She pushed the door open and I stepped in. I got all excited and she said, "Calm down boy."

I walked up to the table to see Owen naked with his legs strapped to the metal foot things and his knees in his chest. I had never seen Owen naked. I always thought he was cute, but he is one of those people that look even better naked than dressed. I love Timmy, but he looks better in clothes than naked. I walked up to his butt and ran a finger over his cunt, and he jumped. I walked around to the head of the table and saw that Dr. Jacobs had his finger in Owen's throat. Owen was gagging a little but not much.

When the Doctor pulled his finger out Owen opened up his eyes and saw me. He turned a few shades of red. I am not sure what came over me, but I could not help leaning over and kissing him right on the lips. "I am so happy brother you are going to really be a Crossman!"

"As soon as I am done with my exam. This weekend I get to move into Crossman house, I hope I get to be in a room close to you."

"Me too." I said smiling

"Ok, time for Owen to finish his exam and for you to get back to your room." Nurse Nichols said.