Founders School for Boys


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I am a little ADD so it is hard for me to sit down and write. I will not do it if I do not get feedback. Nifty give us an outlet to write things that we cannot talk about in the real world, so donate  and be sure to give the authors feedback on what you think after you read their stories..






I was woken up about two in the morning by Tony shaking me. "What's up?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"It's Theo, something's wrong. He is crying and won't come out from under the desk."

That sure got me up. I jumped down and crawled over to where he was crying. I pulled the desk chair away from the desk and asked, "Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

Theo had his knees pulled up to his chest with his head in his arms softly crying. He looked up at me and I could see his face, it was obvious that he had been crying for a while. "I am sorry Brian, please don't' hate me, I didn't mean to do it."

"Theo, there is nothing you can do that would make me hate you. You are my brother and I love you. Please tell me what has got you so upset."

"It don't matter now; you're never going to want me around again. It's not fair, I didn't mean to do it." He said in the saddest voice I have ever heard.

I adjusted myself so that I was now sitting facing him. "Theo, can I tell you something that my brother told me?" He slowly nodded his head. "You see, my brother Donny is the smartest, most wonderful, and caring big brother a guy could ask for. I am sure that he is even smarter than I am, and I am really smart." I said as I rubbed his leg. "When I was little like you, I was scared a lot and when I got scared at night I would go into Donny's room and climb into bed with him. You see, I always felt safe when I was with Donny. Well one night he woke up because he heard me crying. He found me in the closet where I would often hide when things got to be too much for me, and do you know what he said to me?"

Theo was still pretty sad, but the crying was less as he listened to me talk, "No, what did he say?"

"He said Brian, you know that I love you and will always be there for you, but right now you need to know that I am not mad, and the sheets can be washed."

I wish I had a camera at that moment so I could show him the look of complete surprise on his face. "You know?"

"Yes, I felt it as I was getting out of bed. It happens and accidents are just that, accidents. You didn't mean to wet the bed, so all we can do is take the sheets off of it, dry the mattress, and remake it."

"But everyone's going to laugh at me."

"Theo, look around this room. The only ones that know this happened are right here, do you see anyone laughing? I am not going to say that we won't tease you a little, but that is because we are brothers, and it is what we do. What do you say you and I go get a shower and wash up, then we can come back here and change the bed together?"

"You are really not mad at me?"

"Not right now, but let's get cleaned up and back to bed or I will be all kinds of cranky in the morning." I pulled him from under the desk and gave him a big hug. We saw Ma and Pa at the door smiling. We then went in and had a nice shower.

When we were done, and all dried off we headed back to my room and Theo headed straight to the top bunk to strip the bed. When he got up on top he froze, "Brian, it's not wet anymore."

"Did you expect it to be?"

"What happened?"

Tony said, "Mr. Walters and I stripped the bed and Mrs. Walters took the sheets to the laundry. Then we put a towel on the base and turned the bed over and remade it. Tomorrow morning we will pull the mattress off and clean it good. No problem little bro, now let's get back to sleep."

Theo threw his arms around Tony and gave him a big hug, then ran out of the room. He came back smiling and climbed up with me on the top bunk. "Where did you go?"

"I had you say thank you to Ma and Pa for helping me." Tony turned off the lights and crawled back in with Hudson.

I heard Tony and Hudson whispering. Hudson said, "I can't believe that Mr. and Mrs. Walters didn't punish him for wetting the bed."

"Why would they, it was just an accident."

"My stepdad would have used the belt on me."

"And how is that working out for him? He is a grade A jerk, and maybe that is how he was raised and did the same with you. Now it is up to you to break that cycle."

"To be honest, I am not sure that I want kids. What if I can't break the cycle, I don't want to ever do to someone what he did to me."

"My parents are rich and gave me anything I asked for. I was spoiled and treated people like I saw them treat people. They were not mean or abusive, but they also never said thank you to the maids or the cooks. They figured they were being paid so the heck with them. I never cleaned up after myself and basically was a complete, disrespectful, pain in the butt. The maids cleaned my room, made my bed, did my laundry, and cleaned the bathrooms, and not once did I ever say thank you."

"Ok, so you suffered because you are rich." He said sarcastically.

"No, the staff suffered because we were rich. I was following in my parents footsteps and thought that is the way I should behave. Then they sent me to FSB where I had to make my own bed, clean up my own messes, even clean bathrooms. The first thing I did when I got home was give Samantha, our maid a big hug. I told her how sorry I was for treating her the way I had. Then just like at school, I made my own bed every morning, cleaned up my own messes, and thanked the help for their hard work. What I am saying to you is, you don't have to be him. You have the opportunity to change who you are and how you think about things. FSB is that opportunity and all you have to do is take it."

"I am not going to lie, I am scared. What if I can't cut it?"

"Oh that is easy, turn to your brothers and we will help you. Just don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. We have a boy in my house that has some learning disabilities that were holding him back. He started acting out to hide them from us, but we saw through it and we teamed up to help him understand what he was learning and help him not feel so alone. Now he is on the Headmasters list and has been for a full year."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because even though we are not Crossman, their ways of doing things and the way they treat everyone no matter how big a jerk they are is contagious. I used to curse with the best of them, but here you see that it really makes you sound and feel stupid. The way you talk tells people about your education, environment, and your upbringing. You won't be here long when you realize what that sounds like coming from others. Now let's get some sleep and talk more about it in the morning."

I had never thought about how others perceive the Crossman and the way they live, it made me prouder than ever to have been allowed to be one. I rolled over and wrapped Theo in a hug and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon cooking. I looked over the edge of the bed and found that Tony and Hudson were already gone. I looked the other way to find Theo laying on his stomach using his arm to hold his head up. He was just staring at me with a smile on his face. "What are you looking at goofball?"

"I was waiting for you to get up." Without warning he crawled on top of me, lying flat with his head on my chest. "Are you comfortable?" I asked.

He looked up at me, "Brian, can I tell you something?"

"Sure buddy, you can tell me anything."

"I was really mad at my mom and dad for leaving me. They said that I would hate sitting at the hospital all day, and maybe I would have, but at least I would have been with them. I get really scared when I am alone and was sure that I would get stuck with someone that would not like me and make me be my myself the whole time. I heard a lot of the littles talk about you, Timmy, and Owen and often thought how much I wish you were my brothers, but I thought it was just a dream. I mean, why would you cool guys want to have a little hanging around."

"Listen hear little, you are talking about three boys that have never in their whole lives been thought of as cool. Let me tell you about us. I was bullied relentlessly and hid as much as I could from other boys, I had no friends except my brother Donny, and I don't believe in god so that was a big issue with my family since my dad is a preacher. Owen never went to school before he came here. It got so bad for him here that he tried to kill himself. As for Timmy, well... He is just weird, but that is why I love him so much. He is so weird that he wanted to be my best friend five minutes after meeting me."

"Wow, I didn't know all that." Then he got a serious look on his face, "Brian, I know you will want to hang out with you friends without me there, so just tell me when and I will get lost."

I could see in his face that he meant every word, but I was sure that he didn't want me to do that, "That is so weird that you would say that."

"Why is it weird?"

"Because I was going to say the same thing to you. I figured that you would have friends that you wanted to see, and you wouldn't want me hanging around."

"That's not true, I want you to be with me all the time, but I know that won't happen."

"OK then, let's make a pact to stay together. We can only go off with our friends if we take the other with us."

"So you are promising you won't leave me this week, and we will be able to hang out all week?"

"You have my word. Now I am hungry, let's go get some breakfast."

We jumped down and ran to the dining room. We stopped cold when we realized that everyone else was wearing clothes. We ran back to our room and threw on some boxers. When we headed back to the dining room Tony said, "Sorry guys, we put on our boxers because we were not sure if we were allowed to eat naked."

Ma said, "We told you last night that if you all agreed that we didn't mind if you were naked."

"Ok, but can we do it after breakfast?"

After breakfast Pa told us that everyone was meeting at the rec center for some fun and bigtime swimming. I was not sure I wanted to go swimming because it was cold, but I grabbed a suit, Tony had a suit with him, Hudson was outfitted by the school with all the clothes he would need for the week, and we were going to stop by Theo's house to get his. Pa called Owen's dad to make sure that it was ok, since the family that came in for Amanda's mounting were staying there.

I had heard about the rec center, but until today I hadn't seen it. It was huge, the pool that I was worried was outside was actually inside this glass enclosure and was bigger than the schools pool. It has water slides, swimming lanes, a kiddy pool, and hot tubs. It also had steam rooms, and a sauna. Then there was also a huge common room that was much bigger than the one in the Crossman House, it has a huge kitchen, and even a game room with pool, old school video games, and pinball machines. I asked, "Pa this is amazing, but I thought the Crossman put their money into helping other people."

The other boys were also interested in the answer, "Brian, we do a lot with charities that help people, especially kids. As a group, the Crossman donate heavily to charities like the Shriners, Girls and Boys Club, The Scouts, and many others. However, we have a family as Crossman, that also deserve to have things that make our lives better. This building is our reward to ourselves for the hard work and sacrifices that we make to help those charities. We mostly don't have big houses or hundred-thousand-dollar cars, but this is our guilty pleasure. The GPA of the children is higher than you will find in almost every other group, and you kids need to be rewarded for it. Don't get me wrong, us adults love it too."

Tony jumped in and asked, "Can we go swimming now?"

"Of course, the changing rooms are over there." Pa said pointing to a door off to the side. "Hudson, if you are going to get in the pool we will need to get your bandages off and the wrapping from around your chest. The Doctor said you can go in as long as you are not doing anything crazy. He sent over a balloon thing to go over you cast and seal it from the water. The hot tub and steam room would probably feel really good."

Looking down to the floor Hudson said, " I don't think I will go in I don't want people seeing me like this."

Tony turned Hudson so he was looking him in the eye, "I get it, but the whole school knows about you already. If you want my opinion you should at least change into the swimsuit, wear a shirt if you are uncomfortable, and don't worry about the others. I will hang out with you and we can do whatever you choose."

We all walked into the changing room that was already full of naked boys. I was used to seeing Crossman boys naked, but there were a lot of older Regulars there. I could not help but look at their uncovered dicks with all the hair on their bodies. I could not help comparing them with the Crossman boys that were close to the same age with their dicks caged and their hairless bodies. Most of the Regulars were at some stage of erections, but one boy caught my eye. It was Bobby and he was totally hard. I wondered what he would taste like or how it would feel to have him in me. Just then Owen walked in, "Brian, how's it going my brother?"

We hugged and I whispered in his ear, "Bobby's over there."

He looked to where I was pointing and almost killed himself and others and the pushed his way through and jumped into the arms of a naked and hard Bobby. He squealed, "Bobby, I have missed you so much. What are you doing here, I thought you would have gone home or to Mike's house for the holiday?"

"My family could only afford one trip, so I am going home for Christmas instead. Mike and his family went to his grandma's house in California for Thanksgiving. Now, can you let me go so I can put something on?"

Blushing Owen said, "Sorry, I was just so excited to see you. Will you hang out a little with me today? I hardly ever get to see you and would love to talk with you a little." Bobby wiped a tear from his eye, "I am sorry Bobby, did I say something wrong?"

Timmy just walked in and was standing beside me as Bobby responded, "No Owen, I am just so happy seeing you like this. I can't help but think that if we would not have found you like we did I would have missed this. I have seen you around campus with your friends smiling and laughing. I am just so proud of the amazing guy you have turned into, and thankful that I was even a small part of the happiness."

All the boys stopped what they were doing to watch what was going on. Owen was shocked and just looked a Bobby for a moment before saying, "Are you kidding me, you were not a small part of what I became, you are the most important part of it. If you would not have found me that day I would be dead. I hardly ever talked to you, and you were still with me every day in medical. You cared for me even when I treated you like crap for saving me and you still never gave up on me. Bobby, I owe you my life."

He reached down and gave Owen a big hug, and when he looked up he realized that Timmy and me were hugging him too. When we broke that hug we all had tears in our eyes and finished changing.

We had a great time in the pool, and even Hudson finally took off his shirt and relaxed in the hot tub. Owen, Timmy, and I spent time throwing Theo around the pool, which caught the attention of other boys about Theo's age. Luckily, this also got the attention of some of the other bigger kids and the littles were having the time of their lives. About an hour in Pa came up to me and said, "Brian, I need you to get out, dry off, and get dressed."

"Why, did I do something wrong?"

"Of course not, I just need you to come back to the house with me for a bit."

As I was climbing out Theo came up, "Where are you going Brian?"

"I have to go back to the house with Pa for a little bit. I will be back soon."

I could see he was getting upset and was just about to ask Pa if he could come with us when Owen came up behind him and whispered something in his ear. He smiled, "Ok, but you hurry back, you promised you would not leave me."

"I gave my word, and I will not change it."

I got out of the pool and headed to the changing room, Pa was already in there and toweling off. I didn't argue with him about missing all the fun for two reasons. First, I didn't want to get into trouble for not doing what I was told. The second was because I was hoping that Pa was just needing some attention and I didn't want to go the whole week without getting some.

When we pulled into the driveway there was a car parked there that I had not seen before. When we got out of the car I looked and saw a man that I recognized, but I could not remember his name. The man walked up to Pa and said, "Ken, it is so nice to see you again. I am sorry I interrupted your day, but I need an answer quickly."

"No problem Jake, this is an amazing opportunity for him. Brian, do you remember Mr. Anderson?"

That's it, now I know who he is, "Yes Sir, he was the second man to mount me."

He smiled, "That's right, I am glad you remembered me."

Pa said, "Why don't we go inside, and you can tell Brian why you are here."

The men went inside, and I stopped at the door. Pa looked back and saw me, "I understand your confusion, but yes you need to follow the rules with only us here." So, I stripped off my clothes and followed the men inside.

Pa and I sat on the sofa and Mr. Anderson sat in a chair facing us. Pa said, "Brian, Mr. Anderson called the Headmaster who called me asking for this meeting with you. He is here to offer you a fantastic opportunity. I turn in over to you Ryan."

"Thanks Ken. Brian, when we spent our time together we talked a little bit about you coming with me some time to see how the law works in real life. I have an opportunity to present to you that I think you may enjoy. I am representing a boy who is fifteen years old and is charged with armed robbery. I believe that he is innocent and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't believe that he had anything to do with it and I intend to prove it. A jury has already been picked, and we start the trial on Monday. I am hoping it will only last two days and would like you to be part of my team. I have talked with my client and he is ok with it if you are interested in joining me. The trial is in Lake Town so we would leave here tomorrow night and stay in a hotel till the trial is over."

I was shocked to say the least and also saddened. "This sounds like a great opportunity and I would love to be involved, but I am sorry I can't this week."

Now it was Pa's turn to be shocked, "Brian, you don't have school, and nothing is planed here until Thursday, so why can't you go?"

"Sorry Pa, but I gave Theo my word that I would be here with him this week."

"Well Brian, I am sure Theo would understand if you chose to go with Mr. Anderson. This is a big opportunity for you."

"With all due respect Sir, I don't have much that is really mine, but I do have my word. My dad said that my word is my bond and if people can't rely on me to keep my word than what do I have left. I gave my word to Theo and I intend to keep it. I won't go this week unless you tell me that I have to."

"Son, I think that you are missing out on something really important here, but no, I won't tell you that you have to go. If I did that then you would be doing this because you have to and would not be as excited about it as you should be."

"Mr. Walters is right, I want you to go and have been looking for something that would work not only in your schedule, but something that you could really be interested in. There is no point in you going with me if you are being forced to do so. I will be leaving at three tomorrow afternoon. Let me know if you change your mind."

"Thank you Sir, but I am sure that I won't. Please don't think that I would not like to go, and I hope you are not so mad that you won't invite me to go again sometime."

He came over and kissed me on the mouth with tongue. I liked it and wondered what would have happened if I would have gone with him. I never even thought about that. "I think that you would have enjoyed working on this case, but what kind of lawyer would I be if I gave up that easy? I will get out of here now and let you get back to your fun."

We all shook hand and then he left. I looked at Pa and ask, "Are you disappointed in me?"

"Am I disappointed that this did not work out for you? Absolutely. Am I disappointed in you? No, not at all. Brian, you gave your word to Theo, and at the time you had no idea that this opportunity would come up. He was very sad and by giving him your word you made him feel safe knowing that you would be there for him. Now, what do you say we get back to him?"

"Pa, can I ask you something?"


"Do you think it would make any difference if we took a bit longer and maybe you could mount me?"

He got a big smile on his face, "I didn't say how long we would be gone, did I?"

I guess I got a little too excited, because I started jumping around and almost fell over the coffee table. We headed to the master bedroom and into the master bath. We got in the shower and he bent me over and washed me out. I guess I am so used to it now, that I didn't even realize that I was feeling uncomfortable all morning not getting one.

Once I was cleaned out I dropped to my knees and put my face in his crotch to get his smell, but all I smelt was chlorine. I started slowly licking and sucking on his balls. I am not sure how long I was doing it, but I didn't stop until he moved me to his cock. I sucked it for a while, licking it up one side and down the other. I loved the taste of his skin and his pre was driving me crazy. I licked around the head and took as much as I could into my mouth. Before I knew what I was doing, I moved my head forward and took his cock into my throat.

He stepped back while pushing me off of his cock. I couldn't believe how much I wanted him in my mouth, I was like possessed, I needed him back in my mouth. I guess I came out of it when I heard Pa laughing, "Slow down boy, I will let you have it back in your mouth, but you won't get mounted."

I got my breathing back under control and looking up at him started giggling like a little would. He said, "Stand up, turn around, bend over, show me that sexy little cunt of yours."

I didn't have to be told twice and got into the only mounting position I could get into while in the shower. I spread my legs and bent over with my hands flat on the bench. I felt him lube me up with a few of his fingers. It felt amazing to have them in me and couldn't wait for his cock. Well, I didn't have to wait long as I felt his head pressing against my cunt. "Thank you Pa, I don't know why, but I need this really bad."

"You and me both you sexy little boy."

Then it happed, he pushed into me and I yelled out. He stopped for me to get used to it. Once I did I started pushing back, letting him know that I was ready. He pushed forward and I could feel every vein, bump and the ridge of his head moving into me. Within the first minute I was overcome with the tingles and would have fallen to the floor if Pa hadn't grabbed my waist and held me up. He stopped moving till the tingles passed.

He reached down and grabbed me under my arms and pulled me into a standing position. With one hand on my stomach and the other pulling at my nipples he started moving his cock in and out again. Between the movement of his cock and the hard pinching of my nipples I was rocked by the tingles a second time as he held me tight as I went through it. Once I came back to earth he started moving in and out again with the pinching of the nipples, only this time he added kissing my neck and nibbling on my ears. I thought I was going to have at least one more orgasm before he did, but as my tingles started to take over I felt his cock swell and he started filling me up as I was rocked for the third time in ten minutes by my tingles.

As we recovered he started kissing my cheek and turned my head to tongue kiss me till he finally got soft enough to fall out. I reached up on the shelf for a plug, but there were not any there. "I can't plug you sweet boy, one of the others might see it. Here is what I need you to do. When I let you go I need you to turn around, get down on your knees, clean my cock, take the head in your mouth. I will feed you my golden water, but I need you to push out as much of my cum as you can into this bowl."

He handed me a bowl. I looked up at him in confusion and asked, "Why Pa?"

"Because you can't waste it and you can't let it leak out onto your clothes." I put the bowl under my butt and pushed out as I took Pa's cock into my mouth and accepted his golden water and swallowed it down. When he finished, he reached down and picked up the bowl with a good amount of cum in it. He lifted it to my lips and tilted it up for me to swallow the contents. Even though it was in my butt it still tasted great. He washed my body including my butt, which he washed out with the hose. Then he had me brush my teeth which I didn't want to do, but he pointed out that the Regulars would not react well to my piss breath. I laughed and did what I was told.

We got out of the shower and were drying off when his phone rang. He answered it, "Hello... Yes he is with me... Wonderful give me a few minutes to get him rounded up and I will get him on." He hung up the phone and said, "Run to the garage and get your clothed on and come back in."

"What's happening Pa?"

"Unless you want to talk to your family naked, you might want to hurry."

I ran to the garage and pulled on my shorts and a shirt. I ran back in to find Pa with his shorts and shirt on just opening up my laptop. He opened the app and put in the code. Up popped my awesome brother Donny. As soon as Pa moved out of the way I sat in the chair, "Donny, I have missed you so much. You are lucky Pa, and I were here, we just came back to meet someone."

"Well I am lucky then. I have missed you so much little brother. I was laying in my bed the other night remembering all the times you crawled in with me and we just snuggled, I really miss that. I guess Tyler is stealing all of my snuggles now."

"Not really. I love Tyler and all, but it is not the same. I think I mostly snuggled with you because your smell calmed me. I never told you this, but I used to carry one of your dirty t-shirts in my backpack. When I would start to panic all I had to do was get to the nurses office and she would put me in a room, pull your shirt out of my backpack and put in over my face until I calmed down.

"I didn't know that. Then why did she call me down sometimes to be with you?"

"Those were my worst times, and the shirt wasn't working."

"How come she never told us?"

"Because I begged her not to. Anyway it has been a while, why so long?"

"Sometimes it is hard to get into town and we have to move in and out fast. We wanted to make sure that we got here to tell you how upset we are that this will be our first Thanksgiving apart. It is killing us that our family won't be together."

"It didn't hit me till the other day. So much has been going on and then school being closed next week is when it hit me like a ton of bricks."

"Are you going to celebrate it with Ma and Pa?"

"Yep, and there are three other boys staying with us for the week." I told him all about Hudson and what happened to him. I also told them about Tony and finally about my little brother Theo. I told Donny about what happened last night and how I told Theo what he told me when I wet his bed. We talked for a few more minutes and then my mom came on.

"Hi baby, I am missing you so much."

"I miss you too mommy. Hey, can everyone see the screen?"

"Yes sweetie, we can all see it." I jumped up and stripped off my shirt. I adjusted the laptop camera so that there was a clear view of my upper body. "Baby, did you lose weight?"

I sat back down and readjusted the camera, "Yes, I lost five whole pounds since I have been here."

"How did you do that?"

"Since I am more into gym now than I was, and Tyler makes me swim with him a few nights a week, I get plenty of exercise." I giggled, "I guess running from bullies is not as much exercise as you would think."

We talked for a little longer and they promised to try to call before Christmas. I was sad like I always was after a call, so Pa just held me for a while. I took off my shorts and put on the underwear that I didn't put on before the call and we headed back to the rec center.

As soon as I walked through the door I heard my name yelled and running at me was Theo. He was running so fast that I thought he was going to fall once. When he got to me he was so excited to see me that I felt really good. "Brian, I thought you would never get back. I waited and waited, you said that you would be right back."

"I know buddy, but Pa wanted me to talk to someone and then my parents called. It has been almost a month since they called, and I had to talk with them."

"Ok, I understand now. A whole month, I would hate not talking to my mommy and daddy for a whole month."

Over the next four or five hours we watched movies on a big screen, played games in the arcade, and had an amazing meal. By the time we all got back in the car we were all pretty beat. We got home and took showers, no one except Ma and Pa put on any clothes. After his shower Hudson got his wounds taken care of so he was done for the night.

There was a knock at the door and Pa went and opened it. There at the door was Owen and Timmy. Hudson and Tony pulled their blankets tighter around their bodies. I jumped up and asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Pa told us to come over, that there was an issue that you had, and we needed to help you with it." Timmy said

"What did you do this time Brian?" Owen asked with a smile on his face.

Theo jumped up and ran to Owen and gave him a hug and then to Timmy and gave him a hug.

Timmy asked, "I thought we were not allowed to be naked around the Regulars."

"That was the rule, but they decided on their own to be naked in the house." Pa added.

I gave Pa a look, "What issue do they need to help me with."

"The five of us are going to talk about what happened today and see if there might be a workaround."

I was mad and Pa could see it on my face. "There is no issue, and that matter has already been settled."

"Timmy, Owen, Brian and Theo, table now." He said pointing.

As soon as I sat down Theo climbed into my lap and asked, "Did we do something wrong?"

Seeing that he was upset, I hugged him tight and said, "No, we didn't do anything wrong, Pa did."

Pa said, "Brian, I said that I would not force you to go. I never said that I was done trying to convince you. Now, do you want to tell your brothers what was offered to you today, or do you want me to do it."

After giving Pa and angry stare, "Mr. Anderson came over earlier today which is why I left for a while. He is trying a case in in Lake Town next week and wants me to join him. We would leave tomorrow afternoon and be back sometime late Tuesday or early Wednesday."

Theo was the first to react, "You're not going are you? You promised you would stay with me this week. You promised." He said with a pouty look on his face.

"Yes I did promise you, and that is why I told him that I could not go this time."

I waited for Timmy or Owen to start in on me now, but it turned out to be Tony. He came over to us in all his naked glory getting a giggle from Timmy and Owen. "Are you nuts kid? This is an incredible opportunity for you, how can you pass that up?"

"I can pass that up because I gave my word to Theo and I will never go back on my word."

"Brian, Theo can hang out with me for the few days you are gone. Tony is right, you can't pass this up." Owen got down on his knees in front of Theo and said, "Theo, Brian gave you his word, and he would never go back on it, but Brian will get to go into a real courtroom and see how everything works. He has wanted to do this ever since Mr. Anderson talked about it a few months ago. Is there any chance that you would be willing to hang with me for a few days while Brian does this?"

Theo looked at me with tears in his eyes, "Do you really want to go?"

"I think it would be exciting, but I gave you my word and only you can say it is ok to go. If you say no, then the discussion is over." I said emphasizing my last statement.

Theo looked at Owen, "You would really let me stay with you? Do you promise?"

"Well maybe not, because Timmy and I were thinking about going to the mall tomorrow and spending some time on the trampolines, and I am sure you would not want to do that. So other than that sure."

Theo got all excited, "You mean that place where all the floors are made of trampolines and you get to bounce everywhere?"

Timmy said, "Yep that's the place, but I am sure you would hate going there with me and Owen, so forget we said anything."

Theo was vibrating in my lap, "Brian, I don't want you to go, but if you promise me that when you get back you won't leave me again, I will stay with Owen." He looked at Owen and said, "You are only borrowing me while he is away, you have to give me back."

Owen shook his head no, "I am not sure I will be able to do that. It might turn out that I like you and don't want to give you back."

"You have to or no deal." Theo said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Owen was hamming it up, and even pulled Timmy off to the side whispering in his ear. He turned and looked at Theo and held out his hand, "You drive a hard bargain, but ok."

Theo jumped off of my lap and started dancing around. He thought he just made the deal of the century. Pa looked at me holding the phone in his hand. I nodded and he went to the back you to call Mr. Anderson. Timmy and Owen hugged everyone and left.

Theo and I got back under the covers and snuggled, while Tony got back under with Hudson. Pa came back in with a smile on his face, I was still a little mad about it. I guess Pa saw that Hudson was thinking hard and asked, "Hudson, something on your mind?"

"I guess I just don't get it."

"Get what?"

"You wanted him to go, and you are the adult. So how come you just didn't tell him he was going?"

"Because he gave his word to Theo that he would be with him for the week. How can I expect him to be a man of his word, if I tell him he has to break it? Theo was the only one who could change the terms of their agreement, and because he cares about Brian, I knew that in the end he would put Brian before himself."

"But he didn't, he only let Brian off because Owen and Timmy dangled the tramp place in front of him."

"I guess you could look at it that way, but he could have still said no." Pa looked at Theo, "Is that true Theo, is the only reason you said that Brian could go was because Owen told you about the Tramp place?"

Theo got this big grin on his face, "Heck no. If I would have told Brian he had to stay with me, I knew he would have. I also knew that Timmy and Owen would not have gone without Brian, and Brian would have taken me." He said giggling.

Hudson looked confused, "Then why go through all that?"

Giggling again, "Because now I bet I get them to buy me one of those pretzels afterwards." He said while moving his eyebrows up and down looking so cute.

I hugged him tight and said, "You little con-artist."

We all snuggled under our blankets and watched, and old movie called Beverly Hills Cop. We laughed our butts off, "Banana in the tail pipe", now that's funny.

I stopped Theo from drinking anything more than a sip before bed and made sure that he peed.