Authors note.

I received a few emails for readers not happy with me for allowing the Headmaster to paddle Brian's butt. I honors me that you are seeing Brian and a person instead of just a character in a story. I promise that it was important to the story. Although, Brian helped some of the other kids by beating up Kyle, I have made FSB and the Crossman a very rule driven society. To not allow Brian to be punished would go against the core storyline. I hope you dear readers will find it in your hearts to forgive me.

I want to thank all of the readers that wrote to me telling me how much they liked the story and the way it was written.

I am a little ADD so it is hard for me to sit down and write. I will not do it if I do not get feedback. Nifty give us an outlet to write things that we cannot talk about in the real world, so donate  and be sure to give the authors feedback on what you think after you read their stories..

Remember to please keep the fantasies here on the pages of Nifty. What I am asking is read about him, dream about him, look at him, but don't put hands on him.

I do hope you and your families are staying safe and heathy through these trying times. ENJOY.



Chapter 8

Brian Services His First Man


Tyler and I walked over to the dining room across the Quad. It was a slow painful walk, and we did walk slow. My butt really hurt inside and out, but mostly out. We were still a little early, so we waited outside the doors.

"Tyler, what am I supposed to do? There is no way I can sit down for dinner, maybe I should wait at the house."

"No, that would not look good for you. You, getting your punishment will spread across this campus in no time at all. You need to go in there and show everyone that you got it, accepted it, and are moving forward. As for sitting, this is where you show the Headmaster the respect of spreading his message. Stand at the end of the table and eat your dinner. Let everyone see that stepping out of line is not a good experience."

"It will be so embarrassing, and everyone will stare at me."

Smiling Tyler said, "That is true, but consider it the final stage of your punishment. You are now a Crossman. You are now part of the community that owns this school. If you as a Crossman can't get away with breaking the rules, what makes the regulars think that they could?"

"I guess, but I don't like it."

"You aren't supposed to, it's a punishment."

The bell rang and people were coming out of the gym, auditorium, and the main building headed to the dining room. I clinched my body as I saw Timmy running towards me.

Tyler must have seen, because he jumped in front of Timmy before he could get to me. "Slow down Timmy. Brian is sore and would not handle you jumping on him very well."

I could see the concern on Timmy's face. He walked slowly toward me, "What happened Brian, did you fall or something?"

"No, I got the punishment that I owed the Headmaster."

Timmy looked shocked, "You mean he did that today? On your first day, that was pretty mean of him."

"No, it wasn't, he wanted me to get it over with so I could move on. Now it is, and I don't have to worry about it anymore. It is behind me now.

As soon as it fell out of my mouth I heard Tyler laughing, "It sure is."

I gave him a dirty look. Timmy just looked at us like we were crazy. Then what Tyler said finally sank in and he started laughing as well, "That was funny Tyler"

"I know right, but Brian doesn't think so."

Timmy looked at me and tried his best to stop laughing. "I am sorry Brian, but it was funny."

"Yes, it was, the first time. You can stop now?"

Giggling Tyler said, "Come on guys, let's go get some dinner." We walked into the dining room and into the Crossman line.

I grabbed a try and looked at what they were serving. I got a garden salad with ranch dressing, BBQ chicken, loaded baked potato, and corn on the cob. Then of course the man at the end gave me my cup with the lid. I looked up at him and said, "Thank you Sir."

"You are quite welcome boy. I hope you enjoy your dinner."

We walked to the table where I stood at the end instead of taking a seat. As all the boys sat down, they all looked at me wondering why I was standing. Tyler told them, and they all started clapping.

I was embarrassed and confused. Paul said, "Brian, we are proud of you. Most boys would be at the house, in bed, feeling sorry for themselves. Not you though, you came to dinner, letting everyone know that you took your punishment, and moved past it. Very impressive little bro."

"I wish I could take all the credit. I wanted to feel sorry for myself and stay in bed, but Tyler said that it would be best if I showed up and let everyone know that being bad is not a good decision."

We talked, ate, and had a good time. I still didn't like the golden water, but it gets easier to swallow it every time. Things were going good till Owen saw me. He stopped after getting his dinner, and just looked at me. I am pretty sure that he was wondering why I was eating standing up. I saw someone whisper in his ear, his eyes got real big, he dropped his try and screamed, "NNNOOO, not fair." Then he ran from the dining room. Everyone was looking at him and me, then I saw Bobby leave his place in line and chase after him.

Three guys from my house got up, one picked up his tray, another grabbed a broom and dustpan sweeping up the dropped food, while the last guy went over the area with a mop. I thought it was kind of cool how they just jumped up and did it without being told.

I looked at Tyler, "What just happened?"

"Not sure yet, we will find out after dinner."

We finished eating, and Tyler went up to the serving line coming back with two to go boxes. We all filed out of the dining room. Timmy was telling me about something that happened in history today when Tyler interrupted. "Hey Timmy, why don't you go back to the house. Brian and I need to go see what happened with Owen. We will be back in thirty minutes."

"Can't I come with you? Please."

"Not this time. Whatever happened with Owen had to do with Brian, so we will go see."

"Ok." Looking really sad, "I will see you back at the house Brian." He walked off, but I could tell he was upset."

Tyler and I walked over to Ashton House where Owen and Bobby lived. We walked in, and the only difference is that there is no wall or security door. Once you walk in, it is opened all the way to the back. There was a nice kitchen area in the back, not as nice as Crossman House, but nice. There were lots of little tables instead of one nice long one. They had couches and chairs surrounding and huge TV. In the entry way off to the left was a door that led to the same four private rooms and the bathroom, just like in my house.

Tyler put his hand on my back and guided me towards the private rooms. In the last room we found Bobby and Owen. Bobby was rubbing Owens back, and Owen had his head down on his arms on the table. Bobby said, "Owen buddy, Brian is here to see you."

Owen looked up real quick, his eyes were bloodshot from crying. "No, I don't want to see you, please go away."

He was not mad, but I do think he was embarrassed. I walked over beside him and put my hand on his back. "Owen did I do something wrong?"

Looking surprised he said, "No, not you. The Headmaster, I hate him."

"Why, what did the Headmaster do?"

"It's just not fair, you helped me, and he punished you." He said crying hard.

"No Owen, he didn't do anything wrong, I did. The school has a zero-tolerance policy on fighting. I didn't know that at the time, so he gave me a choice. If I wanted to come here I would have to at least take the minimum punishment. I wanted to come here very badly so I agreed on the punishment."

"But Kyle was a bad guy, you shouldn't have gotten punished for hurting him. He hurt me."

"I know, but I should have found another way to stop him. Look at it this way, Bobby is a smart guy, eventually he would have found out what Kyle was doing to you. Then he would have pounded him into the ground, right?"

Owen looked at Bobby. Bobby was nodding his head yes. "Yea I guess he would have."

"If Bobby would have gotten to Kyle before me, then he would have been kicked out of this school. You wouldn't like that would you?"

"No, I love Bobby." He said very seriously.

"I am sure you do. So, look at it this way, I kicked his butt good, and only got a paddling for it. Even though I didn't know it at the time, I was helping you, Bobby, and other kids who Kyle had to scared to stand up to him. Don't be upset, I am proud of my sore butt. It was worth all ten hits to get Kyle out and help you feel safe."

Owen got this big smile on his face. "Really, so you are a hero. We can call you... Super Butt." He giggled.

We were all laughing. "Let's not let my secret identity out of this room Ok?"

Giggling some more he said, "Ok, it will be your secret. You hear that Bobby you can't tell anyone."

Bobby smiled at Owen and said, "It will be hard, but I will keep the secret. Now that is settled don't you have something else to ask Brian?"

Owens smile left his face and he shook his head while waving his hands. "No, Bobby I can't."

"Yes, you can. You asked me, but am not the one you needed to ask am I?"

Tears were welling up in Owens eyes again. Looking at Bobby, "Please don't make me, he will make fun of me."

I was shocked, "Owen, have I done anything that would lead you to think I would make fun of you. No matter what you ask, I will answer it honestly and won't make fun of you."

Owen just stared at his hands and then mumbled something I could not hear.

"I am sorry Owen, you are going to have to speak up, I can't hear you."

He took a deep breath and asked, "Would you be my friend?"

I kind of giggled, and Owen took that as making fun of him. "See Bobby, I told you he would make fun of me and not want to be my friend. Why would anyone want to be friends with someone who has these?" He yelled showing his cut wrists.

I could see Bobby was getting mad at me. "Hold on Owen." I said a little louder than I meant to. This caused Owen to cower with his arms up, and Bobby to stand up.

Tyler also stood, "Ok, everyone calm down. I just met Brian today, but I know he in not making himself clear. Go on Brian finish what you want to say."

As Painful as it was I sat in the chair next to Owen, who was still on the defensive. "Owen, I was not making fun of you. You have to understand, I came here a few weeks ago to take tests and stuff in order to see if I could even get into this school. I had no friends at all in my old school and was very lonely. The day I came for testing, I met Timmy who wanted to be not only my friend, but my best friend. I was so excited I was finally going to have a friend. Now on my first day, the coolest guy in Ashton House also wants to be my friend. I am the luckiest guy in the world."

I through my arms around him and gave him a big hug. I think I caught him off guard, because I felt him stiffen up and then relax and hug me back. Everyone was happy and smiling when we broke apart.

Bobby was shaking his head. I asked, "What's wrong Bobby?"

"I thought you were smart. You can't even figure out the right adjective, you said, `the coolest guy in Ashton House'. When you meant to say, `the weirdest guy in Ashton House'." He said laughing. Owen hit him in the arm.

"No, I was right. I wanted to be Owens friend, not yours, you're too old." Owen and I were laughing so hard.

Tyler stood up, "I think with that, Brian and I need to get going. We did bring you guys some dinner though."

I painfully stood and said, "I guess I will see you in drama class tomorrow." I said giving Tyler a dirty look.

Owen said, "Wait a minute, you didn't want to do it either?"

"No, Tyler said I had to. I guess it won't be so bad now that I have a friend in the class."

"Oh yea, I guess maybe it will be fun after all."

Tyler and Bobby shook hands and Bobby thanked him for bringing food, and we left for home. Wow, I have a new home and family. What a day. We got back to the house, took off our robes, shoes, and socks. We headed up to the third floor, luckily Tyler let us take the elevator. We went to our room where Timmy and another boy were playing cards on Timmy's bed.

Tyler said, "Brian, let me introduce you to your roommates. This little guy over here is Timmy."

Timmy and I both giggled and shook hands. I said, "Nice to meet you Timmy. You seem so familiar to me, have we met before?"

"You also look familiar. Could you by chance be my best friend?"

"That's right, how silly of me. Of course, you are my best friend."

Tyler was laughing and giving me a dirty look at the same time. "I can't believe that you gave me such a hard time about drama. You could have won an Oscar with that performance." All of us were laughing when Tyler said, "Ok boneheads, Brian this is Tristen. He is eleven and in the sixth grade."

I shook hands with him and said, "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to. I kind of thought you would be seven feet tall the way Timmy talked about you. I wanted to smother him with a pillow, but Tyler said I couldn't." He said giggling.

Tristen was a little taller than Timmy and has a great body. I found out that he is on the JV swim team. He has short black hair, blue eyes, and the start of a six pack with a V pointing to his crotch. His dick is what the Doctor called intact. He had the extra skin on it. He also had a nice set of balls on him as well. I was not sexually interested in him, but I wish my body looked like his.

This was the first time I had seen Timmy naked. He was really skinny, which I don't get, I have seen him eat. He has a cut dick that was soft and only a little bigger than mine. What caught me off guard was that he didn't have any balls. He must of saw my eyes get real big because he started laughing.

He said, "I lost them in an accident when I was eight. They couldn't save them so when they removed them, my dad had them cut down the sack, so it was flat."

Not taking my eyes off of him, "I am so sorry. The Doctor told me about it, but never told me who it was."

"It's ok, I actually like it. My dad says I am a eunuch, and that in some cultures the eunuch is a big deal and everyone what's one." He said giggling, "Besides, I am gay. I am never having kids anyway."

Tyler said, "Timmy, lay back on your bed and spread your legs so he can get a good look and feel."

Timmy laid across his bed and spread his legs. Tyler grabbed my hand and put it where his balls used to be. You really could not tell that he ever had any. I know it may be weird, but I think it looks cool.

Tyler interrupted my exploration and said, "It' time for your date buddy." He looked at his schedule on the wall and said, "Tristen, you are getting mounted by Mr. Cross, are you clean?"

Tristen smiled, "I love getting mounted by Mr. Cross. He makes me cum twice before he cums. Oh, and Darren cleaned both Timmy's and my cunts when we came back from dinner."

"Good. Tristen, you are in room three, make sure when he is ready to mount, you are in the correct position. Being told to take the wrong position is the only time you can refuse a man's orders."

"I know, it won't happen again, I promise."

Good to hear, head on down." Tristen left, "Timmy, you have Mr. Cole tonight in room sixteen. I know it is hard because he is long and likes to bury it balls deep in your throat, but you can do it."

Timmy smiled and licked his lips, "I got this dude. You have never gotten a complaint on me have you?"

Laughing, "No Timmy the men love you, your father and brothers have trained you well."

Timmy left and Tyler sat on the bed. "This is a big day for you Brian. You will be servicing Mr. Brown tonight. He knows you are new and reserved you as soon as he found out you were coming here."

"What do you mean reserved me?"

"Ok, so there is a secure website that has all the pictures that were taken of you during your physical. It also has a bio of your age, height, weight, grade levels, and will have your future interest when you decide on them. The men look at all the boys pictures and bios so they can choose which boys they want and for what."

"Wait a minute, there are naked pictures of my on the internet?" I said panicking, "What if my dad sees them?"

Tyler pulled me to him and hugged me, "Brian, calm down. There is zero chance of your dad ever seeing them. This is a very exclusive site that only certain men have access to. There is not a way for your dad to ever gain access."

"Really?" I asked wiping tears from my eyes.

"Really. Only Crossman and certain other men have access. You ok now?"

"Yes, I guess, but what did it mean when you told Tristen to make sure he takes the correct position?"

"You will learn more about it in your service class tomorrow, but Cboys service men, we don't make love to them. When you service a man, you will be in the mounting position. This is where you lay face down, legs spread, with your knees pulled up to your chest. This gives the man clear access to your cunt. Depending on what you decide for your life in the future, maybe you marry a nice man. In this case if he chooses, you can lay on your back and open your legs and spread them out so your man can mount you while looking in your eyes. That is making love."

"Oh, I am still kind of scared about my mounting."

"Don't worry about it, your man has already been chosen and approved by the board. Don't know who it is, but I guess there was a lot of men that were fighting to be your first."

"Really, why? I am not much to look at or experienced to give them the most pleasure?"

"I sure wish you would quit putting yourself down like that. You are really cute, and this," He said rubbing my belly, "only adds to the cuteness. Also, men love to brag to each other about the boys they have been with. Their big goal is to see how many times they can make the boy orgasm before they do. You, however, are a unicorn, very unique. Every boy born a Crossman is mounted the first time by their farther, uncle, or grandfather. You are a virgin which is obviously very rare here. This caused a lot of men, mostly outside the Crossman family to want to be your first."

"How do they know the man won't hurt me?"

"Brian, it will hurt, there is not a why around it. Your cherry will be getting popped. Your cunt and insides will be getting seriously stretched, it will hurt. I remember when my dad took my cherry. I don't cry much, but I was crying and screaming that day. Now, I enjoy the feelings, and I am glad that it was my dad that took me the first time. As for you, every time we are finished with a man, we log into the service computers and describe our experience with the man we were just with. We say if he was gentle or not, and how we felt about it. We will also have a survey to answer other questions. These answers help the computer figure out who is most compatible with you.

"I don't understand, aren't we here to service all men?"

"Yes and no. Let's just say that once you have gained some experience with a variety of men, you decide that you enjoy a gentle man who goes slow and takes his time. However, another boy likes it a little rougher. He likes a man that will mount him hard and fast. The computer won't set you up with that man, but with a man that likes to be gentle with his boy. What this means, it that the man chosen to be with you the first time, will be a man that the other boys have described as gentle. Keeping you safe and engaged is the most important thing to this school. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Good, so let's talk about your appointment, Mr. Brown. The first thing he will most likely want to do is check out your body. I am going to teach you to display." He stood up and came behind me and took hold of my wrists and lifted them up and put them behind my head. "Now, lace your fingers together, good, now spread your feet further apart. Just a little further, great, now chin up, eyes straight." He looked me over and nodded his head.

"Why do I have to stand like this?"

"This gives the man a clear view of your body. Your hands are behind your head so the he can see your arm pits."

"Why would anyone want to look at armpits?"

"When I was your age I thought it was weird to, but as I got older, a boys pits are actually very sexy."


"Oh yea. Anyway, your legs are spread so that they can get a clear view of your junk. A big no no is hiding anything from your man. He has the right to look and touch any part of your body. Tonight, you will be preforming oral sex with your man, but he may still want to see your cunt. He can touch it, but he is not allowed to enter it."

"But what if he wants to stick his finger in there?"

"Until your first mounting, your cunt can't be entered. You will just say, "I am sorry Sir, I am not allowed to let anyone enter my cunt before my first mounting." Then you just do what you are there for. You won't have to worry about it tonight though, I will be in the room with you."

"Really? That will be a little embarrassing with you watching."

"There will be many times that you will be watched by others not participating in the action. Remember two more things. Listen to your man and respond immediately to his needs. I know that you have pleasured the Doctor, so you know how to breath in the man's scent, right?"

"You mean where he pulls his cock and balls to one side and I take and hold ten deep breaths?"

Smiling he said, "Exactly right. If he does not move them for you, you do it yourself. Ok, let's go."

Went to the second floor and found room twelve. Tyler knocked on the door and then opened it. The room was not much bigger than my bedroom at home. It has a bed against the far wall, a table with a light on it, a regular chair, and a recliner. Sitting in the recliner was a naked man. He wasn't ugly, but he was not attractive either. He had a big beer belly, a beard, black hair with a receding hair line, and a lot of body hair. His cock was soft, but looked like five inches cut, and was laying over two huge balls.

Tyler put his hand on my shoulder and guided me in. He closed the door and introduced us. "Mr. Brown, this is Brian. Brian, this is Mr. Brown."

Mr. Brown stood up and said, "It is such a pleasure to finally meet you Brian. I have been so looking forward to spending time with you. You can just call me Carl."

Tyler jumped in, "Mr. Brown, with all due respect, you know that is not allowed. Crossman boys are required to show proper respect at all times. A boy should never address a man by his first name."

Mr. Brown took a deep breath, "You are right Tyler, I am just not used to having people call me by my last name."

Tyler laughed, "You tried to get me to do it when I was about Brian's age. My dad would have whipped me bloody if he found out I was disrespectful and called a man by his first name."

Mr. Brown looked at me with a smile, "Don't worry Brian, I was not trying to get you into trouble. I was not experienced enough with the rules seven years ago when I mounted Tyler for the first time. I would have never wanted to do anything to get one of you punished. I only said that to you to mess with Tyler, because I knew he would stop you and lecture me."

He sat back down on the recliner and Tyler sat in the other chair in the corner. "Brian, you are more beautiful in person then in your pictures. Would you mind displaying for me?"

Mr. Brown is not the guy I would have chosen to be with, but he was super nice, and he asked me to do things instead of telling me. I got into the display position, and he leaned forward on the edge of the recliner. He ran his hands from my neck down to my stomach, stopping to pinch my nipples and he passed. That sent shivers through my body. I cannot believe how sensitive my nipples are. "Oh, my boy, your nipples are going to need some work to puff them out so a man can get a nice grip on them. I love to play with a boys nipples when I am mounting him."

Then he worked his way down to my dick and balls. He held my hard one and a half incher in between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it. I didn't move even though it hurt a little. Then he squeezed both balls until I winced in pain. "I am sorry Brian, but I wanted to know how much pain you could stand. Your penis doesn't have much feeling in it because I was squeezing pretty hard before you gave a sign. Your balls are a little more sensitive, I like that. Now Brian, if you don't mind, would you please turn around?"

I slowly turned and got back into display. "Oh my, what happened to this beautiful bottom?"

"I got punished Sir for fighting."

"Wait a second, I thought you just got here today."

"I did Sir, it was from when I was here a few weeks ago."

Tyler spoke up, "Brian came to us on a train, by himself with hopes of becoming a Crossman boy. After his physical he went and had lunch with Timmy, and a boy from another house started trouble. Brian dealt with him which turned out to be a good thing in the end, but he had to choose not coming here or taking a punishment when he started. Today his debt was paid."

"Was this boy smaller than you?"

"No Sir, he was fifteen I think."

"You are a bit small to beat up on a fifteen-year-old aren't you?"

"I guess Sir, but at least I, walked out of the dining room." I said with a smile. Looking over at Tyler, I could tell by his face that I should not have said that.

"Well, if you think you can bear it, would you please bend over and let me get a look at your cunt?"

I bent over putting my hands on my knees. He parted my butt cheek which hurt like crazy. He ran his finger over my cunt a few times, which was very pleasurable, although not enough to cover the pain in my butt cheeks. "Beautiful, just beautiful. I am very sad I was not able to be your first mounting, I would have loved to be the lucky man to take that cherry."

He took his hands away and asked me to turn around. I did and he put his hands on my shoulders and pulled down, signaling to me that he wanted me on my knees. So, like I did with the Doctor, I got on my knees between his legs. He opened his legs wide but did not reach down to move his cock and balls. I reached up and took his balls in my right hand and gently moved them to the right. I stuck my face right in the area between his left leg and his balls. I took my ten deep breaths and felt the same focused feeling I felt with the Doctor.

Since he had not given me any orders, I took his ball sack in my hands and started licking all over it. I don't know what came over me, but I just could not get enough. Finally, he said, "Oh yea baby, you are doing a wonderful job, but I think my cock is getting a little jealous of my balls." His voice sounded like it was coming from far away, but I heard it. I let go of his balls and took his cock in my hands.

It was hard now and looked to be about six and a half inches and quite thick. I licked it like it was the best lollypop I had ever had. He was pouring pre out of the tip, and it tasted wonderful. I took it in my mouth stretching my jaw to its limit and being careful not to scrape it with my teeth, I slipped it in. I was swallowing pre as fast and it was coming out. I swirled my tongue around the head like the Doctor taught me and was rewarded with a lot of moaning. My jaw was starting to hurt, but I was loving this too much to stop. He started to move my head up and down on his cock, pushing deeper into my mouth with every push. I think he could tell I was having a hard time, because he eased it back a little.

He was moving in and out of my mouth fast now, and then he pushed it in and held my head still as he unleashed his cum into my mouth and down my throat. It tasted so good, and I swallowed as fast as I could. Only a little was able to escape out of the corners of my mouth. I kept him in my mouth until he pulled his cock out. I looked at it and some cum was coming out of the tip. I swiped my tongue across it causing a shiver in his body.

I looked up and he was smiling. He ran his thumb over the corners of my mouth collecting the cum that escaped and pushed it back into my mouth. "You are amazing little one. You and I are definitely going to spend some time together." He leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. I felt his tongue on my lips and opened my mouth to receive him in. This lasted for a few minutes before he broke it off.

He stood up and laid down on the bed and had me climb over him. He had me lay facing the wall and he came up behind me, and snuggled in close, without touching my butt. He put his right arm over me, and his hand was rubbing my chest. "You are amazing Brian I can't believe how much pleasure you just gave me. How many cocks have you sucked?"

"You are my third Sir, and the first as a Cboy."

"That means you are just a natural cocksucker. Every Cboy is a cocksucker, but I have only met a few that were born to do it." We just snuggled like that for a while with him pinching and pulling my nipples. I really did not want this night to end. There was a ding from somewhere in the room. "Damn, why did this have to be a school night?"

He rolled off the bed and I looked to see what was happening. He was pulling his clothes on, "Brian, it was so nice to meet you, and believe me, we will be meeting again." He leaned over and gave me another kiss, and stopped to kiss Tyler as well, then he was gone.

I look at Tyler, "I don't understand, what happened, why did he leave?"

"Did you hear the ding?" I nodded. "This is a school night, so they only get us boys from six thirty to seven thirty. You still have to do you report on him, get showered, do homework, and get to bed. You don't have any homework so you can just read for a bit."

"Oh, ok,"

I got up and we left the room and headed down the hall. We walked into a room with a bunch of desks and computers on them. Tyler pointed to one and showed me how to use my fingerprint to log on. Once that was done, a question came up on the computer. "How was your time with Mr. Brown?" I wrote down that I had a wonderful time with him.

Then it asked me a bunch of other questions that took me about five minutes to complete. Once that was done I logged off the computer and Tyler and I went upstairs. Tyler took me to another room that was just showers. There was an area with benches and racks of towels. Past that was a huge shower room with what looks like twenty boys of all ages showering and chatting.

Tyler said, "If you do not have an appointment you shower as soon as you get back from dinner. That way you are out of the way so the other boys can shower after their dates."

"You mean all of these boys had dates tonight?"

"Of course, some nights are busier than others."

"I guess weekends are crazy then."

"Sometimes, but a lot of the Cboys go home on the weekends."

I never thought about that. Before that stupid mission, I would have been able to go home and see my family on the weekends. I chose not to think about it anymore because I did not want to start crying if front of everyone. I think I have done enough of that.

I noticed many of the boys staring at me. Tyler leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Your butt is really black and blue now. Everyone is just realizing what you went through today.

Brendon came up to me and said, "Wow, I hope you know how to sleep on your stomach. I am so sorry that happened to you, but I am so proud that you have not let it stop you for doing what you needed to do."

I smiled as he walked away. He has a nice butt, but I could not see his cock, since it has one of those plastic things on it. I looked around the shower room and all or the older boys were wearing them. A lot of them were the same, but some were really weird. Some were metal and had a tube that went right in the piss hole. I was just about to ask Tyler about it when Timmy came in.

"Brian, how'd it go?"

"It was fantastic! I love sucking men's cocks. Mr. Brown said I was a natural." I guess I was speaking to loud, because I heard some boys laughing and saw them looking at me.

Timmy went into the center of the shower and said very loudly, "Attention everyone." When everyone was looking at Timmy, he went on. "I want everybody to meet my best friend in the whole word Brian Burke. This is his first day and he started it with ten hits of the paddle and he still went on a date tonight."

I was totally embarrassed as I heard clapping. Timmy came back over, and I wanted to hit him, then remembered my butt so I didn't. "Why did you have to go and do that?"

"Why not, you are my friend and I am proud of you. Please don't be mad at me."

I wanted to be mad at him, but how could I after he said that. "I am not mad I guess."

We finished our showers and went back to our room. Tristen came in just after us. I guess I missed him in the shower room. He and Timmy grabbed their backpacks and headed out the door.

"Where are they going?"

Tyler looked up and said, "Oh, they are going to the library to do their homework."

"Tyler, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, buddy anything."

"You said earlier, that when I had a husband he would make love to me. Will you have a husband?"

Tyler thought about it for a second before answering, "No, I will have a wife. You see Brian, you are obviously gay, and that is very ok. I on the other hand am straight and look forward to having a wife and kids someday."

"I don't understand, you have sex with men just like I do."

"That is true, but that is about being a Crossman and excepting that as a child, we can't be the alpha's. You see, through thousands of years, the Crossman have created a proven recipe for the way we live. We know it works because a Crossman has never been arrested or gone to jail. The children of Crossman all go to college and lead in whatever path they have chosen. In my family, the father chooses the husband, or wife for his son or daughter. During collage unless I find a Crossman girl on my own, my father will choose her for me. If I were gay, he would choose my husband."

"I still don't get it you are still having sex with men. Doesn't that make you gay."

"Not at all. I have sex with men as a sign of respect. I do enjoy the feeling it gives me, but most of the time I am thinking about girls. There is a girl in the neighborhood at home, that I really like, but I probably won't get to marry her."

"Why not?"

"Most arranged marriages are with girls from other states. It keeps inbreeding from happening. My dad knows that Samantha and I like each other, but the council will have to verify that we are not related."

"Wow, but what if when you are away at collage, you find a girl that is not a Crossman and want to marry her?"

"That is a good question. She would have to be willing to accept the Crossman ways, including sending our sons to FSB. I am not sure how you get a regular to do that. Of course, it happens. The boy I told you about earlier, his mom was not a Crossman. She accepted the Crossman ways, and she has son that was not raised a Crossman. Now they are a family and Paul is well liked at this school and by the men he services. Brian, as you continue here, you will be given classes on the Crossman. This will give you a better insight in what it all means. Until then, you have a lot of other things to keep you occupied."

"You mean like sleeping on my stomach." I said giggling.

"Yea, like sleeping on your stomach."

I laid on my bed reading for about a half an hour when Tristen and Timmy came back in. "Hi Brian, did you miss me?" Giggled Timmy.

"I'm sorry, where you gone?" I giggled back.

Tristen asked, "Brian, do you know any card games?"

"Not very many. My family would sit at the table sometimes and play Gin, and my brother and I like to play video game together."

Timmy said, "You won't find any video games here, there not allowed, but we know how to play Gin."

"What do you mean video games are not allowed."

"You won't find video games, TV's, or cell phones here. The only computers we have access to, are for schoolwork, surveys, or computer science class." Said Tristen.

"I was wondering about that. I saw a big tv in Ashton House, but not one here."

"Even theirs has very limited programing, and they still don't have video games or cell phones. Let's play Gin, Tyler you want to play?"

"Sure" Tyler said, "Let's go to downstairs and sit at a table. We still have thirty minutes before bed."

I grabbed a soft comfy towel to sit on, and we went downstairs. We had so much fun playing that I am not really sure who won or if we were even keeping score. We heard a buzzing sound and the guys stopped in mid hand, collected the cards, and headed towards the steps.

I was not sure what was happening, so Timmy filled me in, "That buzz you heard, means fifteen minutes till lights out. Now we go and brush our teeth, go potty and get into bed." We did just that.

I crawled under my covers on my stomach. This would be the first time in my whole life going to bed without a kiss from my mom and my brother. Even when I was mad and went to sleep before kisses, I always knew that they came in and kissed me anyway. I felt some tears fill my eyes, but I was so tired, I don't remember anything after that.