Disclaimer and preamble:

1. This story is fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is pure coincidence.
2. This story depicts acts of physical intimacy between boys, as well as between men and boys. If this content is anathema, distasteful or otherwise illegal for you to consume, please take necessary steps to surf elsewhere.
3. This story is about deep and enduring friendship, but also about "hot, sweaty, lust driven passion sex" that transcends friendship in as much as it can be born from it.
4. I wrote this story for me, that is- my enjoyment. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I hope you will.
5. This has been uploaded to the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive and may not be reproduced without express written permission from the author.
6. The author welcomes constructive feedback and critique from readers. I can't promise to do requests, but I welcome reading what you would like to see in stories- maybe I can incorporate those ideas into future work.

7. Last but not least, please support Nifty financially as your means permit. It is a gem of a community resource and we all have a part to play in keeping it alive. If you do nothing else, let this be your activism.

Charles Rubin

January 2017


(From previous chapter)

Davis was quiet for a long time and Gene just held him close, letting him be. It was emotionally draining, to date and care for such a young and in many ways immature partner, but Gene knew what he was getting into and that in days to come when he felt tired or weary of teenage angst, he would try to remember the words he had just spoken aloud. They gradually started to doze off on the couch, Davis snuggled warm and secure against his man.

"I love you, Gene."

"I know, Dav. I love you too."


Chapter 8- Return of the superman


Just after one in the afternoon on Saturday, Aaron arrived in his parent's Honda family mover. Unloading a large sausage duffel bag and his superman backpack from the trunk, he made his way up Gene's driveway and rang the doorbell. When Gene answered the door, the boy recited the polite greeting that his parents had insisted on and drilled him in the day before.

"Good afternoon, Mr Tanner. I'm here for the sleepover with Davis, if it's still alright?"

Gene smiled. You bet your ass you're here to sleep with Davis.

Noticing the car still idling in on the side of the road, Gene thought it best to engage in some parental diplomacy ahead of the chaos that might ensure once that vehicle pulled away.

"Good to see you, Aaron," Gene replied ritually. "Davis is upstairs in his room, please take your shoes off before you go up."

Aaron, his expression unseen by his parents in the car far behind him, smiled evilly at Gene and smacked his lips as he passed through the doorway. Gene threw on a pair of sandals and strode down the driveway toward the car. The engine shut off as a middle-aged man got out. Gene assumed that this would be Aaron's dad.

"Aaron Brown Senior. We spoke on the phone." He held out his hand.

"Gene Tanner, thanks for letting Aaron come play." They exchanged firm handshakes and solid eye contact.

"Whatever gets the homework done, these days." Aaron's father intoned. "Molly and I heard about what you have been doing for Davis. Damn fine of you."

Gene tried to downplay things, as he always did. "You know, sometimes I think I was crazy saying yes but after the first ten house fires, it's really not so bad." That brought a deep, hearty laugh from the older man.

"I see why other parents speak so highly of you in school, Gene." This elicited a curious look from the teacher. Mr Brown waved his hand in an assuring fashion.

"Oh, don't worry. We Dads gossip way too much, but that's small town life for you." Aaron Sr reached into the cabin through the open front drivers' window and pulled out a packed of cigarettes. "Smoke?"

"No, Sir, but thank you. I have enough vices already." Gene wondered if this would cause offense, but held his ground.

"Don't we all... don't we all." Mr Brown lit up and took a few deep puffs. The smoke was acrid with a sweet aftertaste, infused with menthol. Aaron's father seemed to be pondering something to himself and after appreciating his tobacco a little more, he stubbed it out carefully on the kerb before storing it in his shirt pocket. "Can I ask you something, Gene?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Gene, being a young unmarried man who had only recently become a quasi-parent, didn't quite know where to place himself in the male pecking order of a traditional small town. He played along deferentially.

"What's your opinion about the gays?" Mr Brown was staring off into the distance, at nothing in particular.

Well, that escalated quickly.

"The gays?"

"Yea, you know, guys who dig guys." There was probably no escaping this one, so Gene fell back on his tried and true way of injecting mild humour into a serious topic to make it more palatable.

"Well, do you want the long version or the short version?"

Mr Brown turned to look at Gene for a moment, pensive.

"Short version first?"

Okay... here goes. Gene knew that this was some kind of test, that the results of this conversation would ripple through the `man-network' of the region and either make him or ruin him as an upstanding and reliable member of the community. You have one chance, don't screw it up.

"God made men what they are, and that includes those who are gay," began Gene. "I don't agree with a lot of the things that gay guys do," Gene spoke truthfully, "but that's no reason to be treating them poorly the way some of them get treated." Gene looked to see how this initial statement was being received. Aaron Sr's face was unreadable, but at least it wasn't furious. Gene continued.

"If someone treats me fairly and with respect, they will have my respect. Don't matter which way they swing," Gene lapsed into some of the informal speech he grew up with in rural Illinois, "I'll judge each man or woman I meet on the merits they show to me, not by the labels other people may give."

Well, now my neck's out on the block. Thought Gene.

Aaron Brown Sr contemplated Gene's answer in silence for a few moments before giving a wry smile.

"That's the short version? No wonder you're a teacher." The smile was broader now.

Gene returned the smile and shrugged his shoulders jovially. "Did you want the long version now?"

"Oh hell no." the senior Brown put up his hands in mock surrender. "I got it." He then took in a deep breath and sighed a heavy sigh. Gene, having had some insight into Aaron's previous school troubles (and his sweet naked ass), slipped naturally into his pastoral role as a teacher.

"Mr Brown, you look like you've got something on your mind, Sir."

The older man sighed again. "Is this in confidence?"

Gene knew he had to be careful here. "As long as no one's at risk of getting hurt, it is if you want it to be." Aaron's father sized Gene up one last time before leaning against the side of his car and folding his arms before he spoke.

"About two years ago, Aaron had a really good friend from his old school. They were buddies since they were little tykes. Close as brothers. Then one day Molly gets a call from the school saying Aaron's been caught feeling up another boy's dong during gym showers. Turns out he had been baited, but in the end it didn't matter. News spreads like wildfire, as you can imagine, through our community."

"I'm sorry, Mr Brown," Gene really felt for him, but also for Aaron whose school file held only the most vague and unhelpful details.

"Thank you kindly," replied the father before going on. "Worst thing, Aaron's best friend turns on him and yells, calling him a `pansy faggot prick' in the middle of the school canteen during lunch." The man's voice was starting to break. "My boy, my Aaron, he was never the same after that day. I read up as much as a guy like me could about this, and even sent him to counseling, but I think he's gay."

Gene decided that he had heard enough to try and step in.

"Aaron," he addressed the father in his most sage-sounding tone, "will you listen to something from a young teacher who has had lots of learning and even fair experience working with lots of kids?" Aaron's father nodded, reaching for a handkerchief to get some dust out of his eye.

"Aaron's still a kid, what he did absolutely doesn't mean he's gay for certain. And even if he was gay, would that make you love him less?"

Aaron Sr shook his head. "No, but it would make things a whole lot easier on me if he could find some buxom redhead to shag instead of reaching for cock."

Old habits and mindsets die hard in the country. Gene reminded himself. This probably was not a battle he could win, at least not here today. Time to try a different tact.

"Want me to talk to him?"

"You'd do that for me?" Mr Brown caught himself, "For him?"

"Gladly, Sir." Gene kept his face serious but kind. "But you also gotta meet me half way if you can." Aaron's father now had the questions in his eyes. "Even if Aaron turns out to be the most flamboyant, girly, make-up loving, bum chasing, dong grabbing, glitter wearing gay this side of the Mississippi, you gotta find it in yourself to remind him that his Dad has still got his back."

That's it Tanner, now you really crossed the line. Telling parents how to do their job. A fine piece of work you are.

Reckless as that gambit seemed, it appeared to still pay off. Mr Brown gave a soft grin.

"Oh I thank my dead granddaddy's boots he's not that kind of gay, I think." He paused, as if worried that his words might tempt fate. "But if you don't mind doing some of that teacher magic you did with Davis for Aaron, I'll find it in me to come `round... eventually." Gene knew that he had the buy in that he needed.

`Teacher magic' indeed. Now, shall I tell him now or later that my teenage ward and I are probably going to exchange copious amounts of body fluid with your son in the next 36 hours? It all felt so naughty and deviant, but on another level Gene was glad nonetheless that he had had this conversation, `parent' to parent.

The two men talked shop for close to an hour, discussions ranging from sharing their respective home improvement plans to where the best local fishing and hiking spots were. Eventually, Aaron's father noticed the time and announced with honest regret that he had better be getting back home. They shook hands once more and agreed that they needed to meet again some time, preferably over a beer. The pact made, Aaron's dad drove off, promising to be back late Sunday afternoon to retrieve his offspring, assuming he didn't have to call the National Guard in earlier to effect disaster management.


The house was quiet when Gene re-entered the living room. Too quiet. With two teenage boys on the premises there should, by right, have been sirens blaring and broken glass everywhere. He walked past the living room and couch where Aaron's two bags, in true boy fashion, had been unceremoniously dropped in the most obstructive locations possible. Climbing the stairs, Gene passed Davis' room which was empty. Knowing that there was only one logical place left to check, the teacher padded over the carpeted upstairs floor toward his own bedroom door, which was ajar.

Curled up in the blankets of his queen size bed like two golden retrievers were Davis and Aaron, seemingly fast asleep. Gene entered quietly and walked over to look at the boys. Only their bare torsos were visible above the blankets, but from the two sets of shirts, pants, socks and boxers strewn about the room Gene had few illusions of how clothed the boys were underneath. The boys had fallen asleep while spooning, Davis hugging Aaron from behind. Their brown-blonde heads glistened with an ethereal shine in the warm afternoon sun that streamed through the windows, and the superb complexion of their youthful, collagen-rich, skin really did give the impression of two angels at rest. Aaron, having just a dash of ginger in him, had some freckles that stood out like teddy bear-cute constellations on his cheeks. It was all Gene could to do avoid reaching out and touching them, if only to verify that they were real and not a dream. Gene noticed a telltale streak of white along Davis' upper chin. Dry and crusty, it was clear that the boys had gotten a head start while the `dads' had been talking in the driveway.

Gene sat down on the bed an arm's length away from the sleeping duo. He shifted to sit cross legged on the mattress, facing them directly as he rested his elbows on his knees and his chin upon his palms. He wished he could remember this sight in his mind forever, so peaceful did it look. The shifting of the mattress caused Aaron to stir and he half-opened his eyes sleepily. Seeing Gene in front of him, he smiled but otherwise said nothing. Hand still beneath the blankets, Aaron reached behind and jiggled... something... which caused Davis to also awaken. On seeing his guardian sitting on the bed, Davis gave a yawn.

"You took too long with your old man talk, man. We couldn't wait." Davis' eyes closed again, signifying his decision that he was not yet ready to wake up.

Aaron smiled as he added, "Sorry, I was realllllly needing to cum and Davie offered." Davis seemed to let the `Davie' slide, coming from Aaron. Perhaps, born as it was from the frantic, lusty passion of their first time having sex, Davis had refrained from chastising his friend for using his mum's diminutive name for him since it had, quite literally, cum spontaneously from Aaron. Gene could only smile at the memory of that moment, which he could still recall quite vividly.

"No worries, bud." Said the twenty-six year old to his ward's teen lover. "What do you guys want to do?"

Davis half stretched but remained curled up under the blankets, mumbling something about wanting to sleep some more. Aaron slid out from under the blankets and said he had to go pee. The freckled boy, without any pretense of self-consciousness, walked buck naked past his math teacher and went into the nearby en suite toilet.

"Having a good time so far, Dav?" Gene reached out and brushed Davis' hair away from his eyes and forehead. His darling boy smiled.

"Pretty good. You missed a really good blowjob though." Oh to be fourteen again, Gene mused.

"Well, I'll be downstairs, you be a good host to Aaron okay? Dinner will be at about six." Gene started to get up.

"I love you, Gene." Davis' eyes were closed, but he was definitely awake enough.

"I love you to death as well, Dav." Gene leaned in and kissed his boy's forehead before standing up and heading back downstairs.


Gene was just about done peeling and dicing some potatoes for the planned chicken bake when he heard footfalls coming down the stairs. Aaron came to stand next to him, inspecting the dinner preparations with the earnest interest in food that Huskies, Labradors and teenage boys were renowned for.

"Mmmmm... some kind of bake?" Aaron had put his clothes back on, as well as his blue square-framed spectacles.

"Chicken bake with spuds, veges, marinara sauce and more cheese than is healthy for you," announced Gene proudly. It was nothing fancy but it was one of the dishes he made well that could also be prepared in larger portions. Having just two teenage boys, as well as himself, to feed for two days, Gene naturally prepared enough food to gorge a whole patrol of boy scouts.

"What's Davis up to?"

"The pig is still sleeping." Aaron giggled. "He won't budge."

"Sounds about right!" Gene knew well the trials of rousing a reluctant teenager. It was one of the reasons why he had fallen into the routine of making a hot, fragrant breakfast every school morning. Few things could rouse Davis more effectively than the prospect of crispy bacon or breakfast tacos, even if they were accompanied by soymilk, oatmeal and whole wheat toast.

"Got a minute?" Aaron rested the side of his head against Gene's shoulder.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Come upstairs and help me find something, Davis said that you should know."

Washing his hands clean, Gene let the tray of spuds rest on the kitchen counter and followed Aaron up the stairs. They went past Davis' bedroom to the small study, which doubled as Gene's walk-in wardrobe and computer room. Aaron sat down at Gene's computer, which had been booted up but was at the password screen, before making one of those classic cheeky faces at his friend's guardian.

"Davie said you've got some good shit on this comp."

Gene was rather taken aback. He had indeed allowed Davis to access and use his porn collection, which did include some `gems' of amateur videos of boys who could pass by appearance as being under 18, but he had no idea that Davis had shared knowledge of this with Aaron. It was a dangerous thing, to have anything that could even be construed as child porn on his computer. Not to mention that he was a teacher in a middle school, to boot.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't, but that doesn't mean you get to watch it." Gene knew that he would likely relent shortly, but he decided to tease a little while he could. If he was fucking his 14 year old ward, and (probably) going to get to taste Aaron's sexiness some time over the weekend, a little teen porn was probably not going to add much to the scale of how damned screwed he was if he ever got hauled before a judge.

"Cocktease!" Aaron got up and stepped in close to Gene, who stood his ground. The aroma of a sports aftershave with just a hint of post-sex musk dangled alluringly from the teen. Getting down in his knees, Aaron rubbed his face against the front of Gene's sweat pants, mouthbreathing through the fabric such that Gene could feel the heat of the boy's breath through the cotton. Green eyes cast upward, Aaron gave Gene a `come hither' look that would have given Davis a run for his money. Tempted, certainly, but not taking the bait, Gene hooked his fingers gently around Aaron's upper arms and pulled him to his feet until they were closer to eye level. Then, placing his hands firmly on Aaron's shoulders, he spoke softly but in adult tones.

"Aaron, you are a beautiful boy, but I made a promise to Davis that I would not do anything with anyone else without him being ok with it. I'm sorry." Gene knew in his heart that this rejection might hurt Aaron a little, but promises were promises, even if they were just to himself at the moment. Aaron gave a small smile and nodded, his eyes glistening slightly.

"Can I at least have a hug?" he asked softly. Gene figured that this much was okay, and pulled the boy close. Aaron wrapped his arms around Gene's waist and turned his head to let his ear rest over Gene's chest. It was so intimate, and yet non-sexual. This boy had longed for a man's touch for quite a while. Aaron's hair was silky soft and smelled of some fruity shampoo, and Gene wondered how long the boy had felt this lonely for.

"He really loves you, you know." The boy said softly.

"I love him too." Gene found it odd to be having this conversation, while standing in his study, hugging the 14 year old friend of his ward.

"He won't stop talking about you sometimes. I have to tell him to stop being so lovey dovey or people are gonna suspect you two are gay for each other." Gene had a new rising feeling of respect for Aaron, thankful that at least someone seemed to appreciate how much he and Davis cared for each other, but also of the consequences should such forbidden love become public knowledge. Aaron had learnt the hard way, recalled Gene from the earlier conversation with the boy's father, just how painful being outed could be. He unconsciously brushed Aaron's hair a little as he replied.

"But we are gay for each other. Like, super butt sexing gay for each other. But you already knew that, though."

"Sometimes I'm jealous, you know?"

"Why?" This was such a weird conversation to be having! Two in one day, and with father and son no less.

"Because I wish I had a dad like you."

There it was, the classical daddy issues that some so-called shrinks flagged as the roots of all gayness. Bullshit, Gene told himself.

Suddenly, as Gene felt another pair of arms hug him from behind, a familiar pressure on his right shoulder announced the arrival of his mildly-nymphomaniac teenage ward.