Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 19:58:51 -0400 From: chris james Subject: Hitch-hiking can be Dangerous, Chapters 11 & 12 Dear Reader: your last chance not to read this story, under 18 turn back now. I have exhausted my thoughts on this story, this will complete the series I began to write two months ago. My thanks to all the readers who e-mailed me about the story and inspired me to make it the best I could. And as these characters sail off into the sunset you should be happy for them, their lives are immortal, and only because you came to love them as I did. New story posting: Gene. And as always your comments are welcome. Hitch-hiking can be Dangerous (M/B) Chapter 11 I stared at Eduardo's smile as Chris clung to my neck. "Thank you," Eduardo said. I could see the lips move and recognized the words, but I couldn't hear them. And suddenly I felt pain, a sharp stabbing thrust to my ears, followed by a deep throbbing ache in my head. The world seemed to spin and I collapsed. I awoke, confused...uncertain, where was I? I felt the press of a cool damp cloth against my forehead and my eyes fluttered open. Chris was holding the cloth and my head rested in the boy's lap, the priest kneeling beside him. Looking up I saw the high arched ceiling and felt the coolness of the church surrounding me, I was lying on the floor inside the had I ended up here? I remembered the blast...and that damn ringing. But my ears seemed to feel better now; it only felt like they were stuffed with cotton. " do you feel?" Chris asked. Oh, Thank God...I could hear again. "My head hurts," I replied. "Father Morales says you probably have a concussion from the explosion, you need to rest," Chris said. "Tommy...Eduardo?" I asked. "Tommy is outside packing the cars, Eduardo crewed the boat with me and Oliver. Do you want to see them?" I reached out a hand and touched the boy's face. "You were magnificent, what a sailor." Chris smiled. "I had a good teacher." "He should not be moved if at all possible," the priest said. "But he will not suffer if he stays quiet and rests." "Father," I said. "I am sorry, so many of your people..." The priest held up his hand. "No, this is something they brought upon is not your fault." "The girl?" I asked. "She will be fine, you saved her. I will seek her parents, return her to her family." Father Morales smiled and then moved his hands in the sign of the cross, giving me a blessing. "I'm not a Catholic anymore, was all part of the image I wanted you to see." The priest laughed. "I think God wanted me to help you, Mr. Lewis. Lives were saved, the church has is truly a blessing. Maybe someday you will understand true joy and come back to us, it has happened before." There was a noise at the door and Nate came in carrying a leather bag, heavy by the looks of it. "Uh, Tommy said to bring this to you, Gary...said you'd know what to do with it." "What is it?" Nate grinned, dropping the bag on the floor. "Spoils of war, we all got some...this is your share." With that he turned and pushed back through the door. "Will someone tell me, what's in the bag?" I asked. Chris untied the strap and the bag seemed to fall over from its own weight, spilling gold coins on the stone floor. "Madonna..." Father Morales said, crossing himself. "It's Ignacio's drug money," Chris said. "They were tryin to carry it off and spilled it on the beach. Tommy said the guys carrying it fought real hard, they wanted to keep it real bad. But Mark and Nate took them on, that's what got things started." I smiled, nothing like a little motivation to make a man fight. I looked up at the priest. "Father, consider that a donation to the church...I don't need it." The priest seemed shocked, and then a calm smile lit up his face. "I will pray for you and your family every day. Now we may open the church to the people once again...they will come and pray for you as well." "Whoa, don't be praying too hard, I'm no saint. None of this would have been possible without your help. Now I suppose we better get out of here before the army shows up." Slowly I raised my head, waiting for the pain to resume and the priest took my arm. Chris put an arm around my waist and we slowly walked to the door. The heat of the day seemed to be waning, a cool breeze was blowing off the water as we stepped outside. I shook the priest's hand. "Thank you, Padre." "Go with God, my son." And then he turned back to his church. Chris helped me walk towards the gates and suddenly stopped. "The boat...we can't leave it here, I have to sail back to the hotel." "Then I'll come with you. Where are Eduardo and the boys?" Chris smiled. "At the cantina, they needed to talk." I looked up at the gates and saw Tommy standing there. And then one by one the team assembled, Nate, Mark, Bobby and Oliver came to stand beside Tommy, there was no sign of Jackson. I tried to square my shoulders, but that brought on pain. I must be terribly bruised across the back and shoulders since that's where the pain was located. Tommy stepped forward with a smile. "Nate bring you yours?" Tommy asked. "I gave it to the church." Tommy shook his head. "Figured you might. Suppose we ought to take the cars back now, you riding with us?" "No, I have a boat to sail. Where's Jackson?" "He threw his shoulder out when he tossed that ball. Now he's got some pretty lady at the cantina holding an ice pack on it," Tommy laughed. "It was a long throw, right on the money too. I figure he'll be talkin about that one forever." "Yes, he should," I said. "So, see you back at the hotel?" "Probably not. Some of the guys think it's best if we skip town, what with all that shiny metal we picked up. There's a business jet waiting at the Cancun airport, and Ricardo left out to get our bags from his place. He stayed pretty cool during the fight; I found him hiding on the floor of the limo." "Yeah, he's not the hero type. So, I'll see you in Miami or Lauderdale then. Probably take us a few days to get home." Tommy smiled and then looked down at Chris. "Bye, soldier...until we meet again." And then Tommy stood to attention and snapped off a salute to the boy. I saw the smile on the face of every one of the men. Chris stood up straight and saluted back. Yes, he was one of them now. The cars slowly rolled down the street, stopping only long enough for Tommy to drag Jackson away from a pretty girl...then they were gone. Chris walked me down to the cantina to find the others. Eduardo stood as Chris and I entered the cool interior of the small canteen. " must sit," Eduardo said, pulling out a chair. I eased myself down as Eduardo continued to stand looking at Chris. "Will the captain be joining us?" Eduardo asked. "Yes, I will...thank you," Chris said. Eduardo pulled out another chair and Chris sat down, giving me a grin. "We were just discussing..." Eduardo said, and then he paused."I am aware now, Gary...Chris has told me everything." I looked at the boys and Miguel nodded. "My father knows I am gay...he knows about all of us." Eduardo smiled at me. "It is a foolish man who does not see what is right before his very eyes," He said. "I have been that fool. In only a short time I have learned of your devotion to these boys, it shames me." "There should be no shame, Eduardo, you didn't know. If Miguel could have told you...but that is all past. A man must have love and concern for his children; I know both those qualities are in your heart." "It is still best if he goes with you, maybe even now," Eduardo said. "My brother will be here soon, I think we had best leave now...there will be many questions." Both Jerry and I walked with pain down the street and towards the steps down to the jetty. The townspeople were just returning to the street now that the armed men were gone. We crossed the stone floor of the battlement and walked through the shattered gates to the beach, and there we saw the horror. Bodies littered the beach and the waves seemed to run red with blood as they washed up on the sand. Here and there were shattered parts of Ignacio's yacht, blacked bits of the once proud cartel. And just a short distance off the beach sat the blackened shell; the only thing left intact was the bow sticking up out of the water. Chris led me around the carnage and debris, and we walked up onto the jetty, finally reaching the side of the Brass Balls. I was helped aboard and went to sit on the stern locker. Eduardo watching the pain on my face. "I will have my personal physician meet us at the hotel, you must be examined," He said. "Yes...but Jerry needs to be taped up, those broken ribs are causing all his pain," I said. "This will be attended as you must go lie down and rest, I beg you," Eduardo said. "Yes, but I need to see if Chris needs help first." Miguel cast off the lines and Chris started the engines. Slowly he backed the boat away from the jetty and turned towards the open sea. The boy had such sure hands, his confidence amazing. I had to smile. "Well, maybe he doesn't need my help." "He is a worthy young must be very proud," Eduardo said. "I am. Someday he will be my son, legally and for all time. I can think of no better moment in my life than when I saw him in command of this boat, dashing in to rescue us." "His mind changed the moment he knew you were in trouble; I saw it happen with my own eyes...he became the captain...our leader. You have chosen well," Eduardo said. They were just about a half mile off shore when Miguel yelled. "Look towards the town," He cried. A long line of military trucks were pulling off the highway into the town, they had left not a moment too soon. Eduardo helped me to my feet and we slowly managed the companionway ladder. There was one last glimpse at the cockpit and I saw Chris standing tall at the helm, his hands resting comfortably on the wheel. Maybe I should let the boy manage our passage home? A little coaching from the sidelines maybe, but now the boy could deal with it. I settled o n the bed and relaxed. That was it, no more running around, no more Rambo. I was getting too old for this shit. The responsibilities of raising a son would take all my time, I could sit behind a desk from now on. And the world went away as I lay there in a daze. I remembered how I had stared at that cute blonde boy on the side of the road. And then the boy had been at the window of the car, his eyes alive and seeking answers. Even then Chris had slid into the car with confidence, and now I knew why. The boy had been looking for something, just as I had. Neither of us had a name for it then, but we did now. Chris had been after someone to validate his life, someone to explain the feelings he'd been having. No boy that age could say with confidence that he was gay without having doubts. I remembered staring at the boy. Chris had seemed so perfect, unbelievably beautiful. And then there was the question in my mind begging for an this the one? Bringing Chris into my life that night had been an act of desperation, I knew that now. Growing older had only made me more aware that I was missing something, something vital. Life was sliding past, and so was love. All the boys I'd met had loved me to some degree and I had fulfilled their needs. Jerry had been slightly different, his needs more extreme...but even he had love now. Chris...the very thought of the boy made my heart feel joy, he was the focus of my life. The priest would have understood, there was more to life than being happy. There was the need to serve, to be something important in someone's life. The sound of footsteps in the passageway and Chris peeked in on me. "You're not asleep?" The boy asked. "Tired yes, probably shouldn't sleep if I have a concussion, at least not until I see the doctor." "Eduardo called him, he'll be at the hotel when we arrive," Chris said. "I left him and Miguel at the helm." He came over and sat on the bed, taking Gary's hand. "I got so worried. First the radio goes out and then all that gunfire...I was afraid...afraid you might be hurt." "But you held it all together Chris, that's a sure sign of mature deserve to be captain." "It feels good to be in charge, but it's still a little scary." "Yes, it always will be when you have the lives of others in your hands. That was pretty brave telling Eduardo what you did about us." Chris smiled. "I got tired of the games, he needed to understand why we were saving Miguel and Jerry...they're our family." I patted the bedcovers and Chris lay down in my arms. "I'm going to tell you something, something I've decided because of you." A pause and then I kissed Chris on the forehead. "No more Rambo for me, from now on I am going to be your daddy and nothing else." Chris gasped aloud, the sudden intake of breath causing his arms to tighten around my chest. "No more...but why, it's what you do, isn't it?" "No, I can do other things...less dangerous things. I have a family to take care of now; I have a greater responsibility for you." Our eyes met and I could see the realization there, the boy understood what was being offered. "'d give up all of that for me?" "I have only one passion in my life now, and he's right here with me all the way to the end. God, I love you." And gently Chris kissed me, not even sure if that was allowed, but he had to show something in return. And then he sighed. "I never knew someone could love me this heart feels like it's gonna jump out of my chest." "Yes, that's what love does, I feel it too," I said, and then I smiled. "But the captain belongs at the helm, young better go steer our boat." Chris rose to leave but paused at the door, turning back. "Life is gonna be so different now, isn't it?" "Yeah, that's the best part about it...making the change and loving every minute." Three hours later we docked at the hotel marina and Chris shut down the engines. The doctor was on the dock and they all escorted the two wounded passengers into the hotel. Ricardo was overwhelmingly happy at our return, and personally carried our bags up to the room. A cursory exam and the doctor declared it to only be a mild concussion. OK, I had a hard head, I knew that. Ricardo drew me a bath and everyone left...everyone except Chris. As expected there were abrasions on my back and shoulders from where it had been slammed against the jetty, but that would heal. The boy washed me, his hands gentle on the areas of pain. "So...when do we sail home?" Chris asked. "It depends upon what the captain decides." "Me? You want me to decide?" "No, I want you to plan the trip and be in charge all the way home...Jerry, Miguel and I will be your crew this time," I said. Chris grinned. " think I'm ready?" "One way to find out, you know how it works and I'll be here...why not?" "Oh wow...awesome." "Yes, sweetie...yes you are." Chapter 12 The Yucatan Peninsula faded over the horizon as the Brass Balls cut a smooth line through the water, sails stiff in the breeze, causing the boat to lean a dozen degrees to starboard. Eduardo had kissed them all good bye, Miguel being the last. "You listen to Gary; he will give you nothing but good direction in life. Tell me which school you will attend, I will send them your fees." Eduardo paused, the tears filling his eyes. "I have caused you great suffering, I know. Those days are past and I hope you may find a way to forgive me. "I could not understand your feelings, your choices...I do now. In time we will come together as a family once again, your mother will miss you. I will have much to explain. But be proud of who you are, just as I am proud of you, my son. Now go, your life awaits and this is only the beginning. May God guide you, I will pray for you each and every day." There was a long hug and then Miguel stepped away, turning to walk down the dock and begin this new life. I gave Eduardo a final wave and Chris piloted the boat away from the docks. "Stand by to make sail," He yelled, and we all laughed. The days seemed brighter and the sky clearer as we drove north up into the Gulf of Mexico. Jerry spent a good deal of time in bed, the pain from his ribs and wrist dulled by the medication the doctor had allowed. Miguel was at his side whenever he had no sailing duty; their love grew stronger as only time and adversity could make it do. By the second day my head seemed to clear, the dizzy spells gone, and so I made my way on deck. Chris greeted me and we sat in the cockpit, arms around one another as the boat sliced through the water. "I heard you stood watch alone last night, you must be tired," I said. "It was the most incredible experience of my life," Chris said. "The sky was filled with a billion stars and they seemed to come right down and sit on the ocean. And when the dawn came...Oh My was amazing, the sea seemed to come alive." He smiled. "Now I get it, I know why you sail." "It makes a man philosophical, doesn't it?" I said. "Every single human being should be made to sail at some point in life. All the conflict and strife we inflict on one another means nothing compared to what we can learn out here. Man is a naturally evolving creature, we came from the oceans at the beginning of can almost feel our empathy with the sea." "If I could experience a dawn like that every was a better high than anything I ever did," Chris said. There was silence for a few moments. "Thank you, Gary," He said. "OK, what did I do to deserve that?" "You trusted me, you loved me and you kept your came back," Chris said. "I always found it hard to trust before I met you...people just disappointed me all the time. My mom...the father I never knew. But with you...everything is different; there are no lies between us." "I can't think of a single thing we can't share, sweetie." "So what happens when we get back...what happens to me?" Chris asked. "My lawyer will approach your mother and ask her to sign over custody. I told you, if she makes it out of rehab she'll get a house in Texas close to her sister and I'll find her a job. That's a pretty good incentive to straighten out her life. "I don't think she dislikes you Chris, maybe the pregnancy came at a bad time in her life, but she did try to take basic care of you all those years. I know you still have some feeling for her, she didn't screw it all up that badly." "What if...if she doesn't agree?" Chris asked. "There's always the hard way, isn't there? It's fact, we've already taken the first step. Christopher Owens just ceases to exist, hello Chris Lewis. You know Max, a passport is a lot harder to make than a birth certificate." "But you want to give my mom a chance first." "Yes, to give you peace of mind, give you a chance to say goodbye and mean it. I don't think you were out on that road at two in the morning by accident, were you running away?" I asked. Chris nodded and his cheeks flushed. "Yeah...I didn't want you to know, it seems so silly now. I just couldn't face another night with her and my fears of her dying. I know what you're gonna say, hitch-hiking can be dangerous. That's why I was just walkin along...and then you stopped." "Taking a risk, looking for a change...yeah, that's you," I said. "And this time fate was kind, it was me instead of some jerk that might hurt you." "I was...well, I would have taken the jerk right then, it was all pretty stupid of me," Chris said. "It was a pretty desperate move, we can both agree. But you told me you wanted to have sex with me that night; you hoped I would try to get in your pants." "Yeah, I wanted you to, but I was afraid all at the same time. Then we got stoned and I fell asleep...and you didn't touch me. We got to the Bahamas and ended up sleeping in the same bed and again you didn't touch me. I was beginning to think maybe you didn't want anything from me, but I thought you were so cool. And then you finally asked me and we did it." Chris smiled. "God, you asked me and I didn't know what to say, I wanted it so bad by then and was incredible, better than anything I could ever imagine." "I wanted you to trust me, Chris. I stared at you a long time that first night; I couldn't believe you had agreed to come with me. You are the sexiest thing I've ever met. Loving you is the best thing that's ever happened to me." Chris laid his head on my shoulder and we gazed off into the distance. Our journey had been symbolic, everyone aboard had been looking for something and found it. Some of us were in pain, others in ecstasy. But the pain only served to help me focus. I would leave Miguel and Jerry in Key West for the next few weeks, time enough for Jerry to heal. Max knew a lot of people and he would be Miguel's best resource for a late school admission. The boy was bright and eager; I knew he would do well. And then there was his relationship with Jerry. I had promised to be supportive, and I would for as long as they needed me. No matter where Miguel went Jerry would not want to be far away, and I could make that happen. Key West wasn't going to hold his attention if Miguel wasn't there. So I would have to get them an apartment, a car and enroll Jerry in high school near his beloved. Eduardo could handle their living expenses, and I knew he would. Chris...he was going to live with me in Lauderdale. There was a fine private school there, a place where kids like him could flourish. With only three months to his fifteenth birthday I felt pretty confident he would legally be mine by then...or illegally if necessary. Then I could begin to teach him what it meant to be a man...a gay man. I wanted to nourish his body, his mind and of greater importance...his soul. It was going on three weeks now, only three weeks since he'd come into my life. That small number was staggering considering what we had accomplished. I was a firm believer in self discipline, and I saw the seeds of that commitment in him. I could train his mind, develop his body and allow him to become a worthy son...and eventual heir to everything I possessed. But there was something I could not teach him and that was his commitment and love for me, I didn't need to. I reached over and stroked his sun bleached hair, feeling the salt caked between the strands. "Someone needs a bath," I chuckled. Chris sat up and grinned. "I was only waiting for you to come on deck; we both smell a bit you know." "Fresh or salt water? You get to decide," I said. "We'll be home tomorrow, I say fresh water." "Aye, aye, Captain." As I knew, the bath was only a prelude to more pleasurable acts. It seems every time Chris got soaped up he was off and was no different. In short order his cock was so hard we could have used it to replace the mast. Once clean he bent over the water tank, allowing me to slide my tongue in the groove of his bottom and taste his essence. I loved the smell; the very depths of his being seemed to cling to my tongue as I thrilled him. The moans of excitement and the feel of his skin made me lust. "Oh's been too long," Chris moaned. "Fuck me, Gary...give it to me good." And I was ready, my cock drooling lubricant as I slid up into him and heard him groan. Damn he felt hot and creamy smooth. I pushed into the hilt and stopped, allowing my heart rate to slow down, savoring the moment. Chris pushed back, eager, demanding. I began a slow steady plunging motion as I listened to him gasp with every thrust. It made me dizzy, and not just with sexual injuries were still fresh. "I have to sit down before I pass out, sweetie." Chris pulled his body away and turned to grasp me. "Oh Gary...I'm sorry, it's too soon..." "No, its fine...I want it just as much as you do. Let's go back to the stern." And this time as I lay back on the cushions Chris straddled my lap, driving me deep inside until I had no more to give. The sight above me was spectacular. Chris' hair flying in the stream of air, his head thrown back and the sunlight making his body glow, as if the light came from within him. He groaned and moved, working himself up and down, thrilling us both through his efforts. His hands clutched at my chest, his fingers teasing, pinching at my nipples in unconscious movements, a sure sign of his ecstasy. Oh God, he was beautiful...the very perfection of human form...the essence of boyhood. I allowed him to do all the work, he wanted to anyway. And as I felt my orgasm approaching I joined his groans, our voices a symphony of emotion and feeling. "You're coming, I can feel it," Chris gasped, his bottom grinding against my crotch. "Give it to me, Gary...give me everything." I was only too happy to oblige, as I felt my balls empty into the plumbing system and the surge begin. Chris almost screamed, his emotions taking over and his body shuddering, trembling with the overwhelming feelings. I let go and he groaned, feeling my seed flood his guts. And without further adieu he spurted his orgasm across my chest, painting my skin with his creamy juices. He gazed down at me, his eyes aflame with the passion of our actions...and he laughed. That melodious sound I adored. The happiness of a boy...laughing at the joy of our love. And he gently stretched out on my chest, still supporting the weight of his body to keep from causing me pain. I would have endured any suffering to be this close to him, and yet I was still buried deep inside. His face was before me, his eyes and mine only an inch apart as his lips touched mine. I felt him press gently, as if everything he did today had to be soft just in case he somehow could hurt me with his passion. It was a smooch, not a lasting kiss. "I love you, Gary...I will always love you." And then the radar alarm went off in the cockpit. Chris started and I groaned as he pulled away, my cock sliding out into the sunlight. We had been naked for almost twenty-four hours now, and I looked around for my shorts. Chris stared off towards the bow. "Company coming," he yelled. Fuck, where were my shorts? I stayed low and crawled over to the cockpit, there they were. "Chris, put some clothes on," I yelled. The boy dodged back behind the cockpit screen and pulled on his bathing suit just as a low slung cigarette boat spend past us and turned. Oh Fuck, I was hoping it was the Coast Guard. The powerful craft had spun around and I didn't like the way they were acting. I reached in the locker and grabbed he binoculars. "Chris, go get," I yelled. He tumbled down the ladder and reappeared a minute later with Miguel in tow. "What is it, Gary?" Miguel asked. I had swept their boat with my glasses and my heart sank. They had to be drug runners and the Brass Balls was their target. To catch a boat like mine was a simple affair, and she would be a clever disguise to smuggle drugs into the U.S. But we had teeth they knew nothing about. "Fuck...they're armed. I can see a guy with an automatic rifle. Chris, go get the know which one I mean, and take Miguel to help. Tell Jerry to stay put and that's an order.," I yelled, and the boys scrambled below. I opened the hatch to the engine compartment, glancing back at the speedboat which maintained a safe distance...they were studying us. I dropped in the hold and went for the bilge hatchway. I snapped up a half dozen bricks of ammunition and tossed them up on deck, slamming the hatch and crawling back up top. Chris was at the companion way door, crouching low. "I brought the Uzi and a rifle, Miguel is loading your pistols." "Good, and now I call for help." I slid over to the radio and picked up the microphone. I tuned in the Coast Guard emergency channel and thumbed the button. "CQ...CQ, this is an emergency..." And a burst of gunfire erupted, the shots aimed at our mast. Damn, they were monitoring the frequency and were trying to take out our antenna. I looked at Chris and continued to transmit. I gave our position, noting the coordinates on the GPS, and declared an emergency, calling it a hijacking. More gunfire, this time lower, and bullets penetrated the water tank atop the cabin. OK, fuck this. I opened a brick and pulled out a half dozen Uzi clips, another brick yielded clips for the M-16. I loaded my weapon as Chris slapped a magazine in his. "You know how to use that thing?" I asked. "Watch me," Chris grinned. The speedboat had closed within a hundred feet when we popped up over the stern. I went for the people as Chris hammered the boat. I saw the rifleman fall, and two others go down. Chris' chattering weapon stitched a line down the length of the boat just above the water line. He paused and reloaded. I tapped out a few more right at the stern, hoping to hit their engines. And then the Uzi finished the job as a line of bullets tore the speedboat a new asshole. They were dead in the water, and the Brass Balls silently sailed away out of range. I got back on the radio and this time someone responded. "Coast Guard...seems they're having engine trouble now. But they are armed and still dangerous, I have some damage to my craft, please advise." "Help is on the way, ETA fifteen minutes. Any injuries?" "Not here, they may have some issues." "Monitoring, you tell us if you need further help." I signed off and we lowered the sails. I counted six holes in the nylon and we had been lucky. Chris and Miguel went down to tell Jerry, I sat with the rifle and watched the cigarette boat drift...nope, they weren't going anywhere. Finally there was a dull throbbing sound in the air and within a minute a Coast Guard helicopter appeared, flying low across us and hovering near the speedboat. It was a rescue craft, spying on the damage, and they slowly circled for another ten minutes. The boys came back on deck, even Jerry made an appearance and I sat him down on the stern cushions to watch the show. "Look," I said, pointing at the horizon. I handed the binoculars to Chris. He gazed for a minute and laughed, handing off the glasses to Miguel. I could already see the bow wave foaming at the front of the Coast Guard destroyer, a full fledged ship of war. They must have been hammering out thirty knots as they came flying onto the scene and throttled down a quarter mile from the speedboat. Any thoughts of resistance were dampened as the turret on the bow tracked the cigarette boat. I knew an 88 millimeter gun could turn that boat into splinters in a matter of seconds. I looked through the glasses again and saw two men standing, hands raised in surrender. "Time to break out the colors, boys," I said. "Let's show our pride." Chris went for the stern locker and took out the flag pole. He fitted it into the rear socket and the small red, white and blue flag fluttered out into the breeze. "Are they gonna ask us questions?" Miguel asked. "Already on the way," I said. A gig boat sped around the stern of the destroyer and headed our way. Chris stood proudly with the Uzi in hand and I noted the safety was on. "Maybe we better lay down our arms for a while, might make them nervous," I said. We lay the weapons in plain sight on the stern bench as the gig boat pulled alongside. "Any injuries?" The officer in charge yelled across. "No, just some minor damage to the boat, everyone is fine," I replied. The gig moved right up beside us. "Permission to come aboard, Captain," The officer said, a junior lieutenant I noted. "Permission granted," Chris sang out, and I smiled at the look on the officer's face. I nodded; yes...Chris was very much in charge. The gig hooked onto us and a seaman made fast to our mooring cleats. The officer stepped aboard and I saw he was wearing a sidearm. Several of the seamen in his boat had weapons as well. The first thing the man saw was our weapons. "Whoa, you did fight back. Lieutenant Bronson," He said, holding out a hand. "Gary Lewis, these two are my sons and that is a friend, Miguel." "I see your pennant up there, Navy?" "Retired...Seals," I said. Bronson laughed. "Bet they didn't know what hit that an Uzi?" "Yeah, I'm in the security game now. I do have a license for it," I said. "Not my issue, international waters. Looks like it was handy, their boat is a mess." I explained how they had approached and showed him the damage to the mast and water tank. He said it looked like there was no one killed, but three wounded in the speedboat's crew. All five men would be taken into custody. An act of piracy would get them a long stretch in a federal prison. I gave Bronson a business card and told him to contact me if there was an inquiry, there probably would be. He smiled down at Chris. "So you're the Captain?" "Yes, dad put me in charge this trip." "Well, you folks did a fine job, good luck, Captain." Bronson shook Chris' hand and gave me a wink. He re-boarded the gig and they cast off, turning away and speeding back to the destroyer. "Wow, look at that ship," Jerry said. "You ever sail on one of those, Gary?" "Yeah, lots of them. It's really a small ship compared to some of the cruisers. I'll take you guys up to Wilmington; they have a battleship you can visit there." "Whoa, that would be awesome," Chris said. I applied several patches to the fabric of our sail. Unattended, the bullet holes would begin to unravel and fray; a sloppy looking boat would not do my ego any good when we got home. The water tank was a total loss, but we still had several hundred gallons left, enough to make Key West. No more baths this trip. Our final night at sea, and I stood watch with Chris. Poor kid was exhausted and I told him to lay down on the stern cushions. He was out in a matter of minutes and I left him that way. I stared at the sky, and sat mezmerized as the moon bathed us in it's soft cold light. I gazed at Chris and marveled at our good fortune. The incident could have been far worse, and yet the boy had been so brave, so fearless. Dawn came and we sat drinking coffee together, rehashing our triumph. But by mid-morning we were back in the fishing fleet out of Florida, a welcome sight to all of us. I called Max and told him we were arriving, he said he would have dinner cooking when we got there. I said nothing about the smugglers; I would save that story for later. By three we were approaching Sunset Key and Chris ordered the sails down. He fired up the engines and pointed us at the marina. I stood beside him, ready to advise, but I watched him do everything carefully, methodically, until we were docked. Miguel tied us off an I gave Chris a big hug. "You did it...I am so proud of you," I said. Miguel's eyes stared as two handsome college boys ran out to help us, I just grinned as Chris whispered in his ear. Comparing notes I imagined. I had one of the dock hands help Jerry off the boat as I sent Chris to the front of the hotel for a cab. No way was I going to make that poor kid walk all the way to my house. Miguel helped Jerry through the door and Max was waiting. We all managed to get settled in on the back deck and I sighed, home never felt so good. It took us two days to tell the whole story. Max and Shelby sat spellbound until it was over. They had to hear it from all of us, a chapter at a time, each of us presenting a different viewpoint. Max said he would write the book and we all laughed. It was good to be home. I booked Chris and I a seat on the puddle jumper up to Lauderdale. Max called the insurance company to explain the damage to the boat, and then he and Miguel sat down to discuss college. Chris and I left the others behind one sunny morning, the flight lasting barely an hour. But finally we strode through the gate and there stood Tommy. He smiled at me and then Chris. Immediately I knew he was there for a reason. We stepped into the lounge area and sat down. "Chris...your mom passed away last night...I'm sorry," Tommy said. I sighed, waiting for the rain to fall from his eyes, but Chris just came over and sat quietly in my lap. I hugged him and gazed up at Tommy. He seemed pleased with the boy's reaction; he was taking it like a man. We sat like that for some time, until Tommy said he would take us back to the condo. I grabbed our bags and Chris followed us out to the parking lot. He climbed in back and Tommy left the airport. "What happened," Chris said. "I thought she was recovering." Tommy glanced at the boy in the rear view and said. "Her heart and liver finally gave out. I should have told you before that the doctors said it was an iffy thing, but I didn't want to hurt you. Maybe I was just hoping she might pull through." Chris laid a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "You did fine, I'm not mad at you...this is almost a relief." I saw Tommy's mouth tremble; his emotions were right at the surface. Chris had touched a place in the big man's heart and I understood. The boy settled back and stared out the window. There would be a time for grief; it would happen, but not today. We finally got to the condo on the beach, something my company owned, something I occupied when I was in town. I offered to order in Chinese but Tommy waved me off, one of his kids was having a birthday party. He hugged Chris for the longest time and the boy seemed to love every second, but finally they parted. I walked him to the door as Chris stood at the tall glass windows and stared out at the ocean. "He'll be fine, I'll talk with you tomorrow," I said. "I called Max while you were in the air, he knows too," Tommy said. "Good luck with your boy." He smiled and left. I sat on the couch and watched Chris, he seemed lost in thought. Finally he turned and came over to sit with me. "So...what happens now, no mom to sign the papers," Chris said. "Covert Ops time, I suppose. You become Chris Lewis," I said. He snuggled in close, his fingers seeking mine and we held hands. "I think I like that better anyways. I'll always be your son...right Daddy?" "Yes, Chris...always." The end of this series only allows me time to begin another, and I have: Gene. My thanks to those who supported this effort, and corrected my blunders. Tha characters have been fictional, the places where I staged these events are not. For inspiration while writing this story I listened to "Cool Change" by the Little River Band: drmeta4