Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 14:20:54 -0400 From: MC VT Subject: Inflorescence (Gay Adult-Youth) Inflorescence ©MCVT2017 January 3, 2019 A tale of coming and becoming, journeys to wholeness on different paths which lead to the same destination. Put your hand on a journey to your card to keep Nifty on its path: Adult content, 100% fiction, Mb, MM, MMt, cd, rom, slow. =========================================================================== Voice of an announcer blaring across the virtual racetrack filled with screaming fans: "...Past the last hairpin turn, and into the straight-away, here comes Wallace the Wonder in his mini-van. Will he pinch The Flash against the outside wall?" (Screech! Bump! Bump! Squealing tires. Bump! Bump!) "Flash's trying to take the lead, but -- but, who's that? Camaro Cameron swerves to the left and takes the lead over Yonis the Yankee in his rocket-fueled VW. Wait! Diane the Daredevil reentered the pack with a slick pass and... Will she? Will she?" (Engines screaming, crowds roar, rock music blares.) "She took the lead! But here comes Wallace in the van, gaining on her and he pulls in front of Diane. What's he doing? Wallace flipped on his right turn signal? What the heck's going on? Palm open, he dropped his hand outside the driver's side window to warn Diane that he's slowing? Perfect technique, but Wallace, but this is a race, not the off ramp to the Waffle Shack!" (Loud crack, boom, bumps and crashes, the crowd yells louder.) "Yonis' car hit the wall. Smashed to smithereens! The fire crew is in action. Ferris' car has blown a tire, he's limping off the track. Heart-stopping action today! And what's that? Ferris' car flipped -- going too fast to avoid Yonis' wreck and crashes into Cameron. What a mess! What a race! What's going on with the Daredevil? She's neck-and-neck with Wallace for the lead -- no, wait, Wallace has a slight lead." (Screeching and explosion, fire truck, sirens.) "From our car cam, we see that Diane the Daredevil is surprised and confused by Wallace' hand signal and turn indicator light. She's a highly-trained driver and by golly, she's slowing. Have the drivers gone bonkers? Wallace jumps in ahead of the Daredevil and looks like he's slammed the pedal to the metal and he's over the finish line by a bumper! Congratulations Wallace! Our hero Wallace won again and just earned a slot in the intergalactic level auto races." (Crowd roars as the national anthem blasts.) ... You won't know my name; you know my car racing games. I'm Terrence Ricci, computer programmer and game designer. You will know the name Michael Biggs, and some of you may even be Bigg Boys. Biggs was the social worker that became my partner in the computer gaming wave that swept the world. Yep, right time, right place, right men -- things fell together perfectly. That perfection didn't come about easily. ... Never denied I served time when I was young -- pinched dealing drugs. I came from a large, urban area - raised in public housing. You've heard the story - single, working mom; childcare via tele or computer games. Video games -- violence, guns, bombs, noise, car chases, half-naked women and a stack of virtual crap as a prize -- nothing really, except a quick ego stroke among the anonymous players. This young gaming whiz figured he could transfer his skills to the streets. I became a thrill-seeking bully and practiced riskier behaviors by the day. The games programmed me to a hard and fast lifestyle -- not good for a fourteen-year-old boy raising himself. Before long I found my butt in juvie with older teens who wasted no time teaching me another brutal game involving my rear end as the prize. Painful as their lesson was, it wasn't enough. At eighteen I was out for three months and got caught dealing again. Had to serve two more years behind that idiocy. The state sent me to a re-entry program -- a group home where I was assigned a mentor. He found a small, trial program to help me with two years of training at the community college in exchange for picking up trash along the beaches with a crew of city workers on the weekends. Another form of serving time, but it was a good deal for any training that could springboard me out of the projects permanently. At nineteen, I knew my odds of going back to jail were good. I had to make a radical change or learn to enjoy institutional life. My hormones were demanding a sexual outlet outside the shower and dating takes money; easy money I knew how to acquire, but too chancy. If I was caught as an adult, my time behind bars would triple. It was time to man up and carve another path to the Franklins. I imagined a hot redhead beside me in a convertible. I took the measly job picking up trash and started classes that fall with only a speck of hope, perpetually hard dick and a head full of goofy fantasies. On campus I got a career counselor. Nice guy. He gently guided me into my classes with small steps. I knew nothing about personality assessments, career testing, campus life and all the paperwork involved. Overwhelmed, I had the campus map, room number and a comp book in hand on the first day of classes. Clueless, I copied the behaviors of the other students who seemed smart and I listened. Decided to go for computer programming. Clean work, good pay and I figured I get into a real life -- though I had no idea what that would look like. Actively ignoring females, I accepted celibacy, aiming all my energy to my studies. I had to graduate with honors to get a job that paid enough to support myself in style. No OJT or internships. I wanted the big bucks from the git-go and that hot redhead beside me in my convertible on Lake Shore Drive ASAP. ... My second year I had several night classes. Lots of older students on campus in the evenings -- professionals earning their continuing education requirements. I was in the advanced spreadsheet class, the one everybody hated. The complex application was easy and quickly and I found myself in the computer lab after class helping slower students. One fella sat in front of his computer complaining, beating his fists on the desk. "What's wrong?" I moved to the seat next to him. "Where's all the stuff I just typed in? Darn it! I hate this program." Grabbing his hand, I put it over his mouse and put the cursor in the place on the screen that frustrated him, "Right click, use your bird finger." He was quiet for a moment, then chuckled and did a right click. The information jumped onto the screen. "That's magic!" "Yeah, put the bird to work for ya' -- gives you more options." How could he have gotten this far in life without knowing about the right click? During our break, the guy bought me a coffee and asked me to help him catch up with his computer work -- he'd pay for tutoring and offered a sweet deal. He needed to earn at least a C to keep his certification to keep his job with the county. I smelled a possible job opportunity before I graduated or a good referral. That's how I met Michael Biggs, MSW, MFCC and my first real friend. ... Through the rest of the semester I gained confidence in my studies as I looked forward to my first real graduation but sweated my Lit classes -- I put them off till the end of my studies. I also found out how very lacking my childhood was. I'd never learned empathy and had little conscience -- I had the mindset of a character in a video game. Through my conversations with Michael I found right and wrong were a scrambled mess in my mind. My early years were filled with virtual killing, looting, death, destruction and the video game cut my options in real life by making me a black-or-white thinker. Everything fell into a life or death mode. That kind of thinking limited me. Michael Biggs was a helper, "In your literature classes, it's about using your imagination. Reading takes you through the emotions and responses of the characters in the stories. Valuable lessons you may want to try or avoid." I started reading with more focus, noting how characters thought and reacted to their situations -- I didn't have to suffer their consequences, but I never got their rewards either. Geez, I'd missed a lot about life; there were more than predators and prey on earth. I spoke with Michael after our tutoring sessions, he encouraged me in subtle ways. Michael was a little different than most social workers; he had a degree in counseling and planned to open counseling service for families with troubled children. I'll admit he was good. Had me turned in new directions, I was becoming more than a street rat ready to invade Middle Classlandia. The man inspired me to expand my dreams and raise my sights. We continued after the semester ended -- tutoring each other. I learned a lot about women from Mike. He'd been married before and taught me that if I thought money would attract the right woman, I was setting myself up for a series of divorcing gold diggers, "Attract the right woman with the quality of your character, you're going for partnership, not a pop-up. Right?" I'd never thought about it, and just stared -- couldn't think that far into my future and wasn't sure if I would have enough control over my life to make long-term plans. Through this time, I introduced Michael to the video games. He was virtually killed off within the first few seconds -- never had a chance. He kept at it, though did poorly. We split a coke when he finally finished a game with his character still standing. ... After graduation, Michael helped me get on with a contractor with the county. For the first time in my life I got a regular paycheck. Michael explained banking and saving and encouraged me to find work on the weekends to diversify my expertise. As I temp worked across the city, I gained confidence. Strode the streets and hallways tall with pride in myself. My dinky little two-year degree and a ton `o grit allowed me to face the worst IT messes in town. Sometimes I smelled a hack-job, and simply upped the security of the systems but noted the weak spots in the programming and system design. Those weekends I noticed a few redheads. Saw the convertibles and the glittery appeal of my teen fantasies tarnished. That lifestyle would be as risky as dealing again -- I could lose what I gained so far if I went back near the hood life. After reading novels about men who earned esteem in their professions, I decided that's what I wanted; I wanted respect. Since I was in the high-tech field the money would flow my way -- investment capitalists couldn't find enough opportunities and stock prices were incredible. Penthouse, Italian suits, suave and laid-back without hassles, yeah. A convertible? A limo with a driver gave me a very satisfied feeling. I only needed to be the best. I'd give it a shot and if I fell short, I'd still be ahead of the game. ... I planned to work through two more years at the state university. Making money the clean way was relatively easy, but Michael opened his counseling office. He'd hit some snags -- not with his work, with his clientele. Strangely, he asked for help. "I need some different games for boys. The families I'm working with -- the parents aren't consistent with rewards and seldom available to their children. The boys grab control in their families and terrorize them. The scamps are screaming, raging fiends at home and it gets worse at school and on the playgrounds. If we had a game that would consistently reward positive behaviors and subtly teach them better ways to deal with their lives, I think we could solve a lot of problems." "Educational games suck." I snapped. "Boring. Repetitive. Slow." "Spice it up. Speed it up -- I've been reading about subliminal messaging and some new research on biological responses to stimulation of the amygdala in relation to the pituitary and so forth. If we can configure the actions and positive messages on the screens to arouse the hippocampus and the posterior cingulate, we may have a winner." He was speaking Latin for sure. Had to think about it -- my brain had certainly been reprogrammed by gaming and it affected my life. In simpler terms, Michael explained he wanted kids to avoid what I'd experienced and use games to build character, instill positive values, and help the boys and their families in the process. I didn't agree in the moment, but I knew if a game became popular, whether it stimulated someone's brain or scrambled it, I'd be rich. His words tugged at my conscience and I realized that this could be an opportunity to exercise my creativity, expand my skills, make the big bucks and do some good. I could always back out if it didn't pan out the way I imagined -- I'd simply corrupt all the programming and blame it on hackers. ... Michael and I got a three-bedroom apartment and started a partnership, informal at first. We went to gaming conventions and scoured the net. I searched for game design information and games. Michael searched for undetectable neurological cues; sounds, colors, shapes and rhythms. Game design came easily and working his cues inside the games was a snap behind all the noise and action of a car race. We started small, but knew our games would have to become more elaborate -- my design was made to expand and adapt. Every hour we weren't working our drudge jobs, we were creating our game. We started at the five to seven-year-old category of gamers. Carefully avoiding any educational classification, we moved toward the market in an indirect way. Educators and big toy companies would inspect us to give us a rating - they might find the cues we'd built into the system, we had to guard our innovations for as long as possible. Michael knew children's thought patterns -- every element of our design was a two-fold process: Using a car race scenario, we began to elaborate on it with a layered system. Throughout the game, there were nanoseconds of an image or a sound - neurostimulation; subliminal messages that redirected thoughts. As the game began, split-second pleasurable sounds were given as reinforcement -- through the race, the messages were more intense, remained undetectable to anyone who didn't have training or the equipment to find it. Players scores emphasized positive behaviors -- good sportsmanship, helping others, and following signs and directions. Our noisy car race would make deep, profound changes if we had the right combination. Michael Biggs was realizing his dream of changing the behaviors of boys to the benefit of them and their families. I was having the time of my life creating without bounds -- gaming and developing new tricks and turns while finding new ways to cover the covert messaging. ... Would the game work in real life with real kids? Michael wanted to strap electrodes onto the boys to record their galvanic responses to the hidden cues. That would look like taking a lie detector test, I nixed that idea immediately. "Pajamas! I used to have a favorite pair of pajamas I liked to wear when I played -- the stretchy kind. We can put the sensors inside pajamas!" I went online to buy some stretchy pajamas. Michael knew of a day care center in the barrio -- all kids from troubled families. They agreed to let us bring in our game for six boys to test. It was my job to attach electrodes inside the pajamas. Weren't so pretty, but inside six pairs of pajamas I carefully glued small sensors. They only needed to last about an hour. ... Michael and I took the afternoon off and met at the day care center -- I was anxious to see how my design worked. Getting six belligerent boys, who would be paid fifty dollars to don the stretchy outfits and play the game wasn't easy. The pajama affair was chaos. The boys said the pajamas looked faggy; "queer crap." Most simply refused. One very small boy, I noticed, couldn't get into the stretchy pants fast enough. He immediately began rubbing the fleecy fabric along his thighs and torso grinning. Another boy told me to go fuck myself -- he was turned around by one of the child care providers, "Your mama gonna snatch you bald if you don't get that money. Put `em on. Now!" With a nasty expression he got into the pajamas muttering vile curses regarding me and a farm animal. That kid scared me. After that battle, I told the boys to put on the earphones then press the "on" button. Michael was taking notes and watching from behind the boys. The room went silent as the boy's hands went to the keyboards and their eyes went to the screens. After forty-five minutes, they'd all completed the first round of the game, and turned in their chairs, "Can we do it again? Are you coming tomorrow?" That was a surprise. They all wanted to keep their pajamas. Snaking my hands up the legs and arms of the pajamas to remove the sensors was an arousing proposition, I found. Great opportunity to add a little tickle. This job wasn't always zeros and ones and there were a number of adults standing around -- I kept the finger play to a minimum though the boys seemed to enjoy it. As I packed the laptops, the boys wandered around asking when we were going to come back so they could play again. I looked to Michael. Several boys were gathered around him. "You liked that?" They shouted they wanted to play again, and started jumping around begging him, "Please, please." "Please?" I thought. The frightening boy that alluded to my intimate encounter with a syphilitic donkey was shouting along with the other boys. The one small boy who liked the feel of the fabric on his skin was grinning at me. "Did you see my score?" "Uh, I'll find it later. Did you win the race?" "I coulda done better'n that but it's hard to see my car." "Wait a minute." I sat in front of the laptop, adjusted the screen so it was slightly less than a ninety-degree angle and fiddled with the resolution. "Wait mister." He climbed right on my lap nestled his butt on my bend, slipped his knees outside mine and brought my legs together wrapping his tiny feet around my calves. He clicked the start of the game and began his next race at lightning speed. Didn't take long for him to cruise the finish line first. "See, look! I need to be up here to see everything better." He kept wiggling around tensing the muscles in his legs and back -- my dick responded immediately. I jumped up and kept my zipper against the desk until I cooled off, looked down to see the kid grabbing his package, giving it a few pulls and smiling. "Are you coming back?" "Ask Mr. Biggs" I told the wispy little second grader. Had to grin as he clutched his excited little dick and gave it several more tugs right in front of me. "I really like car racing." The test went well, usable information and kept the boys engaged, but it cost us over a fifteen hundred with all the pajamas, sensors and the laptops and compensation. We still had to review the recordings from the sensors. I hoped Michael had to go back - the closer we were to sales, the closer I was to my limo and driver. Back at home, we reviewed the data, and tweaked the messaging behind the game decided to test again at the same day care center. We couldn't pay the boys again but they hadn't asked for any more money. They wanted to play. ... The next week met the same boys -- they'd gotten all the desks arranged for us and stood by their chairs. Each one was wearing his pajamas; I carefully reapplied the sensors with safety pins. We conducted another successful test. That small boy who sat on my lap thanked me and asked me if I had another game he could play while I was gone. The boy had the eyes of a gazelle and oozed an absolutely charming innocence that blanked my mind for a few moments. After several months at the day care center playing the racing game every week, mothers were calling, begging to get a copy of the game, saying the boys loved it. Checking with the daycare center staff, the boys' behaviors had improved, they seldom fought on the playground and finished their homework without a war. Had my game and Michael's messaging caused that? ... Marketing would be a challenge -- the game was getting hot on social media, but we had to keep things low-key to avoid scrutiny. Decided to stencil a tie on the front of the pajamas. The tie had a photo of Michael's face and the words "Bigg Boy" on it in gold. By altering Michael's features slightly, I changed his image -- he became the ultimate racially-mixed person on the ties. Couldn't tell where he was from or what his race was, and it worked. Soon I was ordering the pajamas in bulk. Boys of all races and ethnicities sent him fan letters, mothers were in love with a man who could finally get their boys' behaviors into line. They'd obviously made the connection between the game and the behavior changes, yet no one asked about anything about our methods or cues. They were simply delighted with the results. Fresh from the tanning salon and with lips full of silicon, Michael began hawking our game, doing a soft sell at large child care centers around town. Simply by standing at the door with his video playing as parents came in to pick up their children, he drew attention. The price was right, and there were videos of parents giving the game a glowing endorsement. Soon, the net was on fire with "Bigg Boys." We upped our prices. Had to rent a warehouse and hire packers and shippers to fill the orders. Across the nation boys are saying please and thank you, flushing the toilet and putting the seat down, taking the trash out, doing their homework and helping with siblings. Secondary effects -- families were happier, parental relationships improved. Those results were hard to measure, and our bank accounts reflected success. ... We began working on the game for the next age group. By simply making the car race game more complex with more cars and a curvier raceway, more messages were hidden with more sophisticated behavioral modification and subliminal cues. Those two years were actually fun -- adolescent minds were fascinating as hormones began to influence the brain of the gamers. It was during this time I developed a strange inclination: I became fixated with details. I didn't mind debugging my programming or checking for security breaches. It was the additions I made that drove Michael crazy, "The kids don't need to check the tire pressure in the spare before they start racing -- and take the hokey airbags out. No one's getting hurt." Michael constantly reminded me I didn't need to gild the lily -- I had to keep the conscious and unconscious streams of messages going in unison. "Why don't you get a girlfriend, or a hobby? Put some balance in your life -- you're obsessing." After several months I found a hobby and stopped fiddling with the little shit. My fifty percent kept rolling in to my off-shore account while I developed the third-stage game -- the hardest one. This had to keep the attention of teen boys who would rather watch porn - teens with their hands on their rods or bullying their younger brothers and sisters to get out of the room. I knew that was the time when my hormones were pushing me to seek larger realms to conquer and when I headed to the streets and the wrong crowd. This game had to be my very best. It was. ... By this time, Biggs up to his double chin in women; excited MILFS and foxy dames. From my old days on the streets, I knew too much attention draws cops or worse. Made me uncomfortable to be around him in public with much flesh-toned bling. So, I stayed in our new office designing and creating new, subtler and stronger changes in the games. Increasing hormonal influences as the boys barreled toward manhood increased the numbers of subliminal messages I hid. Sure enough, we had the same success; the money simply wouldn't stop coming. Simply would not stop. By this time, I'd gotten a penthouse apartment next door to Michael's. I'd learned to enjoy finer things, and stocked a wine cellar, attended the opera and had a greenhouse with special lighting installed to raise tropical plants to balance my life. I chose the rarest. Maybe I just switched obsessions, I found myself searching for sable watercolor brushes to dust my bromeliads and anthurium; gentle misting devices for my ginger and ferns. Still continued working, though seldom went out. For some reason, the excitement of the streets, the discos, bars and flashy lifestyle didn't attract me any longer. More than reclusive, I became a fanatic about the plants and their flowers -- used their Latin names with my eyebrow lifted when I conversed with the office staff about my Euclinia longiflora and showed the photos of the stringy blossom as though it was my first-born. ... Michael called me one night, he was working on his third or fourth pseudo-serious liaison and shoveling child support all over the city every month. I could only shake my head, but the social worker who'd parlayed his expertise into a fantastic career was having the time of his life. That night, he wanted me to babysit for him, "Just a few hours." That meant he was taking this week's `pop-up' cavorting in his Tuscan-style bedroom. I agreed; I had no plans other than cabernet while watching zany Argentine soap operas without the sound. In my brocade smoking jacket, I met my twelve-year-old charge and escorted him to my apartment, showing him around. First thing out of his mouth, "Can we play racers tonight?" "Sure." I pulled a chair alongside his in my computer room. "What do you like most about the game?" "Makes my dick hum -- I get a stiffy." "What?" I'd asked that question to the players often, but never heard this response. Most of the boys said they liked winning -- it made them feel good, of course that was a compliment to my work. Never suspected it aroused a player sexually. "You know. My cock gets big when I play. My Bigg Boy gets bigger." He grinned. "Every time you play?" I was perplexed. "Yup, it's great." He continued playing the game while I watched him, then it dawned on me -- the subliminal messages were from a man, always in a male voice. Was this boy gay? I left him to play with a box of tissues close by and later examined the used tissues with a thorough sniffing detecting a few drops pre-teen nectar. ... The next day I brought it up to Michael. "Why was that boy sexually aroused by the games? I thought we were suppressing hormones, like a mini e-castration." "Emasculate my Bigg Boys? Heck, no! We're desensitizing neurons that stimulate the testes but just a bit. Clearing out the chemical clutter so rational thought can emerge. Tossing a short delay to the neural pathways to channel all that energy toward the greater good." I had to think about that but it sounded like I was being buffaloed. "Well, last night that boy was getting a hard-on from the game -- said it happens every time he plays. I think this may not work with all boys. That boy -- is he gay?" Michael laughed, "They're all just fine -- we've only modified behaviors and reprogrammed a few neurons. All our little crickets will find wives, have families without all the belly-bumping and violent sports. Let's face it -- hard-ons happen. His little pecker will eventually take a back seat to his conscience. My Bigg boys become big men, you'll see. The kid probably hasn't played the game enough to get the full results." Well, that made sense -- we programmed for the greater good and growing bodies had to adapt. That information made me wonder. What kind of physical effects had the game caused in me? Michael and I both played them extensively -- I seemed to be losing libido. Michael's libido was in overdrive. I let the hard-on issue slide -- just a quirk in one kid's system I figured. Couldn't figure out the difference between Michael's sex drive and my lack of excitability. Probably just natural variation. Through the next years we continued refining and expanding our games. Strangely, armies became defenders of the peace, streets were safer, illicit drug use to salve the psyches of confused young men almost disappeared, women flourished, and my off-shore account hit a billion and kept climbing. Damn funny that two jerks from a community college campus -- the guys on the bottom of the totem pole could stealthily change the world, yet it happened and we kept our techniques top secret as our Bigg Boys grew into sane, rational leaders. But the thought kept coming back, I couldn't help but think that we were doing a kind of self-castration on the boys -- of course the boys didn't know that their testosterone would be reduced by playing our games. Hormone reduction seemed a small tradeoff for their successes. ... The time came to slow down. This old game designer was burned out -- toasted potato-chip crisp. My programming had to be debugged several times by younger men, I forced myself to continue tweaking and checking the net for new ideas. My very soul felt empty; my favorite Tacca chantrieri died from neglect without its rightful composting. I needed to make a change, and didn't know where to turn. Michael's last nerve was sanded down past its myelin sheath by my moping around the office. After several months of acting a frustrated child he pulled me aside and suggested I take a break -- a vacation. Of course, I couldn't and found a number of ridiculous excuses. I'd done nothing but work for years, sitting in front of a screen with my fingers on the keys. The screen was my home, I was in control of everything at my computer and online I had everything I needed quickly available. Bodily, Michael took me to my apartment and sat me down with a bottle of brandy and suggested I accompany one of our buyers to the orient on a trip for a redesign of the pajamas. Bigg Boy pajamas were considered a snappy uniform for elementary school boys -- de rigueur on the streets. "Time to get a life, Ricci." He was serious. ... Michael packed my bags and with my first passport in my hand at age forty-one, I met our buyer, Buddy Sarisyan at the airport and we flew into Tokyo, then on to southeast Asia. After we settled in our hotel, the buyer and I went out on the streets. Buddy was from this nation, spoke the languages and seemed to be related to half the citizens -- had contacts for everything. He was glad to be back home and wanted to show me all the sites. We walked the sidewalks around the hotel. From my youth, I recognized the street trades, but there was so much more here -- vendors selling everything, food stalls, magazine stands, and plenty of women leaning against lampposts lip-licking and giving us flirty smiles. Taxis, scooters, bikes all whizzed by and the colors were unreal. People wore bright gold and magenta, lime green and french blue -- far cry from the black, grey and brown of the hood. Music blared from the different shops and stalls. When night fell, bright neon and fluorescent bulbs lit the sidewalks from the stores. Wasn't too long before I was in sensory overload. "I'm going back to the hotel for dinner. You visit with your family." "Are you sure? We can find a little `fuckie-suckie' if you want." He grinned. "No thanks." Seemed like anything was available easily. "Not all the girls are girls, if you know what I mean -- pretty boys. Lady-boys, if you'd prefer." Buddy whispered. "No thanks." I whispered back to him, staring at a youngster whose gender was obfuscated behind makeup and a slippery red sheath. Seemed she had a few hairs above her lip... Funniest thing about walking the streets -- didn't see any Bigg Boy uniforms, the kids didn't have cell phones in their faces and only saw a few computer screens in the shops and businesses. These people lived off line? ... Traffic outside the hotel woke me the next morning -- horns blaring, lots of cursing in several languages simultaneously, whistles, and people yelling at each other. I closed the patio and went to shower. When I emerged, I found Buddy and a boy in my room. Ready to start the day, the young boy smiled, he was dressed in a bright yellow short-sleeved shirt and blue shorts with sandals, book bag in hand. "This is my nephew Kim. We have to drop him at school." We left for a café. Buddy's family ran the place, and were served immediately in the small, dark dining area. Smells of yeasty bread baking and spicy sausages filled the air. "What kind of school do you attend?" The boy's school uniform had an unusual insignia sewn on the sleeve. Buddy butted in, "I think you call it a `performing arts school.' It was established to keep our traditions strong. Kim was chosen from all the boys in the nation -- one of thousands. He's a wonderful dancer, and sings like an angel. He stays with my family during the week." The little imp Kim grinned at me with a mouth full of pastry. After we dropped the boy at his school, I noticed the incredible flora in the city, "I'd like to visit an arboretum, perhaps a greenhouse, is there one in town?" "We can make that happen..." He was focused on the thick snarl of cars and scooters we had to thread thorough. Buddy and I spent the day trudging through dusty, offices speaking with sweatshop bosses and their managers talking about fabrics, microfiber, meters and millimeters; polyester by the ton, ribbing... Thought it would never end. After business Buddy suggested a trip, "We'll go to the Huntley Plantation tomorrow. Kim's father manages the place. Old French rubber plantation with a big greenhouse. Not the biggest plantation, but they are a working farm in an area that wasn't destroyed during the war." We picked up Kim at his school, old building surrounded by a high wall and filled with other children in the same yellow and blue uniform. ... Next morning early, Buddy hustled me to a truck. Kim threw his bookbag alongside my bag with several crates and bags and we squeezed into the front seat of a small pickup truck headed to the plantation. Early Saturday morning and the traffic was still a full-on car racing game on amphetamines. Kim fell asleep on my shoulder as we sped northward from the flatlands into the hills, then on the edge of the mountains. The air became clearer; cleaner only tainted by occasional smoke and dust when we neared villages. At a cluster of buildings with roofs built with upward-curved eaves and an open-air market, we stopped to pick up mail and buy a few things at what looked like a hardware stall. Then, we picked up knives, scythes and several other implements that had been sharpened for the plantation workers. Couldn't help but notice an old bicycle gear plate and chain ran the wheel where the implements were sharpened. Again, life seemed to move forward here without any computerized assistance. I was starting to feel uncomfortable -- would there be a cell phone tower where we were going; would there be electricity to charge my phone? A feeling of vulnerability crept through me. After drinks and sandwiches, we piled back into the truck for the last leg of our journey. As the sun set behind craggy cliffs, Kim jumped on my lap, "That's our pineapple field, and we have cotton and cocoanuts..." He pointed out the mango and papaya trees and the stream that ran through the area. The foliage was dense and darkness soon surrounded us. Buddy slowed on a narrow, old road. A small yellow light flickered through the trees. We made our way slowly up to the front of an ancient, three-story house -- must have been built in the nineteen twenties or earlier. A veranda encircled the lower floor. Stepping out of the truck, my knees were stiff, but we unloaded our bags and headed toward the smell of food. I was grossly overdressed but shed what I could and joined the men on the porch. The earth was still giving off heat, sweat dripped and shirts were wet. Wasn't there a breeze? Suddenly I realized there was no electricity, therefore, no fans -- no air conditioning and I was stuck out here for the weekend. Oh, well -- Michael told me to get to a life. I could endure a few more hours of heat though doubted it would bring me anything but a rash. Kim's father was not tall, but a wide, strong man with broad shoulders and a big smile on his square face. I relaxed when I was offered a beer before we ate. I leaned back and sipped the slightly cool beer enjoying the banter going on around me though I didn't understand much except a few English words they used occasionally. We gathered for dinner around a large ebony table under a chandelier that boasted what looked like thousands of cut pieces of crystal and dined by candlelight. Sitting between Kim and Buddy, I was given a spoon after I couldn't manage to get any food in my mouth with chop sticks. The entire family had a good laugh several times, and surprisingly, I wound up laughing at myself often. Each bowl was filled with tiny bits of sweet or spicy food, steamy rice and sauces I didn't even ask about. So many, though. Seemed like the food never stopped coming -- surprising meal in the middle of nowhere. Never realized how good it felt to be with a family -- proud parents with good jobs, housing and relaxed smiles. Kim's younger siblings got up and cleared the plates while adults laughed and talked. Kim's mother asked him to sing for us. Grabbing my spoon and using it as a microphone, he sang a pop song -- something slow and sad, but his voice was clear and strong. We applauded as the young body bowed and grinned. Complete darkness enwrapped the house, we carried small oil lamps -- looked to be made from tin cans and string. When we went to the veranda to cool off, bundles of mosquito netting came out. The children hooked their hammocks from the ornate wood posts along the porch, making their beds. I was escorted to the greenhouse, "No mosquitos. Many lizards." Kim's mom told me. Had to wonder how hot it would be in there. Oil lamp in hand, I took the finest suite on a French Plantation -- an extra-wide, net hammock strung in a cool, verdant womb. After stripping, I lay in the hammock and gave a shove to rock my sling. Dreams, sensual and warm, moist skin, tension, friction, and a bliss state into a drowning unconsciousness rolled through my body and brain. Never have slept so deeply and comfortably. Woke up to find my pillow moist. Had I cried during the night? I felt refreshed and relaxed and watched to a hummingbird hovering over my hammock. ... Looking around in the dim light of the dawn, I examined old greenhouse structure thick with mosses. Instead of slick, straight metal frames holding the glass, the original curved ironwork still held the frosted glass shimmering with a patina of age and fitted into an elaborate pattern. One end was a forest of orchids and flamingo plants, blooms everywhere. "Incredible, just incredible," I thought as I stroked the trunk of a bird of paradise that towered twenty feet above me with huge blossoms. The air was still, slightly damp and different -- couldn't describe the feeling it gave me, but my head cleared and my body felt lighter as I breathed deeply. Herbal scents and sharp smells twined through the sweetness of the air. Full consciousness rolled into my brain as I heard noises outside. The voice of Kim and his father came closer. They came in, smiling and tossed a pair of shorts to me, "Wear these." I looked at Kim; his skin seemed to glow -- his father appeared bronzed, standing behind his son with his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Breakfast is almost ready." Kim grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I strode on weak legs from the complete relaxation, smiled following them to the bathhouse. It was an old, planked structure with a cistern near the roof that caught rain. Kim's father said it was built for a crowd of men when the harvesters came through years ago. The youngest boys were soaped and rinsed quickly and ran to the house to dress. Kim and his brother were soaped and scrubbed by their father, who spoke with them softly as he washed them, kissing their cheeks occasionally as he rubbed his soapy hand over their slick, wet bodies. I'd never had a father to wash me or speak with me that way -- a few quick moments of intimate words and a manual check of their secret places, a few more whispers, a few kisses on their ears and necks. Unexpectedly tender touches between them with the rest of us standing around scrubbing -- must be a family or cultural thing. Without hesitancy, Kim's father rinsed him and told him to run on. The men stayed longer as they talked about their schedules. Kim watched me over his shoulder before he left as I stood under a shower and pulled the chain for water. He snickered and pointed at me, speaking to Buddy. "What is he saying?" "Kim says you're a panda-man." He just smiled, "Asian men don't have so much hair. You surprised him." A nod and a wink to Kim and I went back to rinsing feeling quite comfortable and actually enjoyed the casual attitude about being unclothed among the workers. Breakfast consisted of a thick rice stew with peppery-hot sausages and tea. Couldn't complain -- the women were showing off their skills and it was better than my pre-packaged gourmet oatmeal from the microwave. Fully awake, I felt a void open abruptly inside me. My fingers were missing the keyboard and my brain was searching for a rectangle filled with text and photos. My eyes scanned the veranda, the yard, the children; colors and gentle movements as the sunlight played through the trees and onto plants, "Slow down Ricci, get a life." My brain balked for a few moments and I took a deep breath remembering an incredible a deep sleep, delightful shower.... ... Most of the men went to the fields. I was left with the women and younger children. Taking a stack of bowls to the kitchen, I went to talk to them. Standing beside Kim's mother and the gals in a spacious, old kitchen, where small green lizards scampering the screens, patrolling for bugs, I asked, "What is it about the greenhouse? I slept so deeply. Is there some kind of special plant in there - some kind of strange herb?" The women giggled and I smiled, hoping for information and tugged the ponytail of one young girl. Every woman here was beautiful-- no photoshopping, no autocorrections, no makeup. Do women really look like that? Kim's mother continued washing the rice, "My father lived with us until he was very old. He experimented with the plants, cross pollinating some of the local herbs -- the ceremonial plants. He brought a few from the Middle East and I think some from Brazil. I'm not sure what he was doing. He studied in Botany in France, then managed the entire plantation for years. Everyone loved our Khun TÄ, he was a great man." She smiled warmly, "Kim was his favorite grandson - his first. They spent hours in the greenhouse together, sometimes stayed in there several days. Talk to Kim about what they were doing, he might know." The girls giggled again -- I heard them clearly along with the sounds of the water as they washed, insects buzzing outside the screen, the creaks and groans of the old house. My ears felt full. ... Buddy left for the capital mid-morning; Kim, his father and I grabbed burlap bags and trekked down the path into the jungle. Up and down, around boulders, we emerged to find ancient rubber trees in neat rows that ran into the distance. Still in a cool mist of morning fog, we passed through. I noted the clever basins set into the buttresses of the trees. At the end of the rubber trees we walked downward from the grove toward the valley. The day was still cool as the sun made its way above the distant peaks. Bromeliads big enough for a tarantula's bathtub clung to ebony trees, small streams with still pools revealed small spots of froth. In the froth, each bubble contained a life. Almost microscopic yellow forms of coming lizards. Frogs croaked and birds announced our presence at every turn, breaking the hush with their loud cries. I think there were monkeys in the canopy of limbs above us. They hid, yet I felt as though we were being watched. Bugs and mosquitos weren't as shy. Understanding came silently from within me -- without narration. Short, primitive dragon fruit trees grew in thick rows ahead. We gathered and ate as we moved on to several more acres planted in pineapple, we searched for the ripest and stuffed them in our bags. Short, sweet bananas, and long, green plantains - we gathered, bagged and found ourselves in the bottom land. Cotton, low and lush grew, bolls still green. We came to a river -- not so wide where Kim and his father stripped and jumped in from a small, flat raft. The water ran slowly. Since we left the house, no one had spoken a word, only the sounds of the animals and breezes around us. Kim swam to me silently like a pup treading water. One arm came around my neck, the other went to feel the hair on my chest. He smiled sweetly, then rubbed along the thick stubble of my face. His father called to him sharply. Kim shot a few words back at his father who took the boy out of the river and behind a clump of tall cane. I heard several swats, a few heated words between them, then Kim came running back to the river with a frown and jumped in the water, swam to the other side, sat on the bank and watched us. Kim's father only looked at me, "Such a precocious boy. Forgive his disrespect." Down through the valley our steps slowed with the heavy bags over our shoulders. Before we went to the house, we stopped on the edge of a large garden gathering vegetables for the rest of the day. Incredible how generous the plants were offering their best to us. We pulled daikon, gathered tiny ears of corn, bok choy and squashes of several varieties -- Kim's Father taught me how to find the best and pick only the ripest. The sun, the soil, the sap from the plants we'd cut made strong, healthy smells. Our bags full, we left them by the kitchen door. Didn't see the women, but heard them in the shower as we passed. Kim ran inside with the women and didn't come out. Kim's father asked me to accompany him to town for supplies. I deferred, "Got to rest before lunch." ... The greenhouse was warmer with the sun, and I stripped, and lay in my hammock calling back calm and dreams from the night before. Small plants in their pots bloomed around me, tiny insects buzzed; I watched, eyes heavy and muscles tired. Letting one leg fall on the floor I gave myself a shove and the hammock rocked me gently. This was paradise, surely, my eyes closed and I took a deep breath full of oxygen and sweet scents. The hammock stilled as young Kim climbed on it with me, turning his head at a coy angle and smiling. He slung his slender leg over me and sat on my belly. I lifted my knees and he leaned back on them with his feet by my sides as he hummed an ancient tune, looking upward. Brown skin, smooth and even, with tinges of pink at his hands, tiny nipples almost the same color as his skin. He had a small mouth, almost circular with full lips. Closing his eyes, he rubbed his ankles along my ribs, just barely peeking from under his eyelashes, I saw his dark eyes glance over my body. His knees fell widely apart revealing a tiny package still bearing droplets of water from his rinse with the women. Had to smile and lifted one of his feet as he watched me. Dusted it off, and admired the pinks and browns, the smooth skin then I rubbed his sole on the hair of my chest. Slowly, gently I placed it on my cheek, over my rough stubble and gently scoured his sole. He grinned. Brought the tender toes and lightly rubbed them over my lips. My tongue sneaked out between his big toe and the next. Watching his face, he gave me a slow smile. He placed his other foot on my belly wanting more. For a moment, I thought he was teasing me. Felt like a dream as I watched his body relax, enjoying the stiff beard of my chin and lips. Instead of cooing, or giggling, he sang a song, softly, couldn't understand the worlds, and he had the clear distinct tones of a boy; I watched his ribs move as he gathered air for the next notes. A dream that was programmed inside me began running. Like a foreign computer application sneaked inside my brain evoking silent wonder. Moving his feet along my face, a sole on each cheek, his toes in front of my eyes, I peeped between his toes as though through keyholes, watching a seven-year-old singing privately to himself, eyes shut. His head tilted back as he hit higher notes. Tiny muscles in his neck showed his quick strain to reach a note punctuating the melody with dissonant sounds of his language. He kept his feet on my face as I moved one hand to the floor, pushing the hammock into sway. His song fell in time with the sway. One foot left my face and went to the hammock. He lifted his small rear and pulled my soft member from behind him, smiling. He wanted to play with my body? I watched, wondering how far he'd go. Not one notion of sex, nothing erotic, only a boy exploring a hirsute man. Staying still, one foot still on my cheek, I watched as his tiny ball sac flattened at the base of my penis and his short, relaxed dick was ignored as his hands lifted my rod. He tugged at my foreskin and looked closely. Must have been alright, he kept his eyes downward. One hand tugged at my pubic hair, he pulled it to check the length. That seemed to meet with his approval, then with both hands on my soft rod, he gripped and squeezed lightly, glancing at my face. Couldn't move, only gave him a small nod. He lowered his eyes again to my rod, pulling my foreskin back, one hand still gripping. With both hands on my shaft, he gripped and began stroking, watching my glans, feeling my erection filling. Next to his groin my appendage appeared monstrously large, coarse, ugly; a vulture next to a tiny sparrow. A drop of liquid rose from my slit. His tiny finger came to touch it; he licked his finger, glancing at me and continued revealing, then covering my glans as he watched my slit ooze more heavily. Strangely, my mind wasn't in a sexual mode, my body was responding to the innocence of the boy's touches. Enthralled, I continued watching Kim, wondering what he was thinking and planning to do next. One hand stayed on my shaft, giving me half-hearted strokes while his right hand went to his barely pistachio-sized balls; he pinched and pulled for a moment and I saw his tiny, smooth rod standing up, covered with a dusty-beige hood. He spit on the pad of his thumb and rubbed it on his slit, pushing his veil back. Hard cock in each hand, he raised himself on one knee and touched the tip of his twig to my slit, rubbing my juice around our glans'. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. His hands gripped harder and stroked twice while his right hand kept the tips our cocks touching. This was suddenly highly erotic, and not the hard, forced push of need, but a lulling moment of enjoyment of our sensitive parts as one moment in something greater. I knew what my body would eventually do, maybe he didn't. That was the moment I realized the heat on my scrotum was from his anus, his cleft. Only had enough motivation to sigh and let him continue. By this time, I'd felt a stream dripping from my slit which covering his hand and made a wet trail down my rod. He saw it and drew his tiny rigid rod from my slit down my throbbing dick, across his hand in the trail. I heard him sigh several times and he pulled his cock a few times nonchalantly as he directed my liquid down my shaft. Slowly, he pressed my rod against my belly, still leaking. Holding his bird toward his navel, he leaned forward pressing our dicks together in the liquid. Cool air rushed onto my scrotum, drawing my balls upward as his warm cleft moved away. I was ready, though there was nothing rushed, nothing pushing me toward release. His hands came to my shoulders when he leaned forward and he began pulling his body upward. The sudden rub of his rod against mine in the slippery moisture forced my mind into full-sex mode, and my body didn't comply, I was so relaxed, ready to simply enjoy more of this boy's body on mine. My hand almost spanned his back as I pressed him against me and felt his ribs, his spine. Eyelashes fluttered on my chest as he made soft grunts enjoying himself. My semen would come soon, I could feel it moving around and upward, I'd let the boy's short hunches bring it out. I felt his body quiver slightly, then heard the hum of an engine outside. Kim's dad was on the road heading to the house. When Kim jumped up, cool air hit my rod. He stepped back and watched five heavy pulses of cum jump on my chest, and as my rod lay nestled in my body hair, still dripping as he disappeared. Lazy and happy, I lay in the hammock and slept through lunch. Woke late and sat on the veranda fanning myself and watching the children play with ribbons tied on slender limbs. They made circles, chased each other and made momentary games that brought laughter and more games without rules or limits, without winners or losers. Fluttering games without beginnings or ends. How simple; joyful. Dinner. Steamed chunks of fish with rice and a fermented, highly salted paste, fruit and the vegetables we'd picked that morning. Nothing like I'd ever tasted before; the combinations of tastes, textures and smells were balanced perfectly -- each bit a tad different and highly sensual. Still, at times I'd find my eyes searching for a lit screen, and as the sun disappeared the blackness enveloped us. The only light was the small oil lamps. We sat them on an old wooden table and played cards into the night after the younger children were in their hammocks. As I walked back to the greenhouse, I was stunned at the quality of life here -- no one to be called to deliver the food, no movies, no commercialized entertainment, nothing pre-packaged to induce further sales, only ourselves in an abundant jungle. Sure, I knew it was hard work living in an old house so far out, and the family seemed to take their chores as physical chants, rhythmic movements in the background of their lives fading in and out as the sun and sky ruled their schedules. ... With the small oil lamp in hand, I looked forward to the hammock that night, strange dreams and sensual feelings came quickly. Woke up to find Kim next to me and the smell of our musk enveloped us behind the smell of spunk -- my bed hadn't smelled like that in years, but I wondered. Couldn't remember doing anything, and the boy looked too peaceful for me to have disturbed him. We had a wonderful shower with the men that morning. Kim decided he wanted to run his fingers through the suds in my body hair, up and down my torso, on my pecs, I simply stood still though my erect penis was full and nodding at everyone. I took the soap and gave him a quick scrub, tickling and asking him where his hair was... Easily and naturally, I kissed his tender neck and like I'd known the words all my life, I whispered that he would be a big man one day, and he had to be careful watching for big snakes and leopards as I stroked and rinsed, the same way like his father had done. ... This would be my last day on the plantation; the thought brought despondency. All so easy and simple, no distractions, no irritations and a deep satisfaction with life as it was. Michael was right -- I needed a control+alt+delete more than I knew. Stayed in the greenhouse that morning simply inspecting and sniffing, relaxing and dozing until Kim came announce lunch. Looking up at the boy in front of the frosted panes of sunlight, he looked like an angel. My hands went to his shoulders and he leaned close. I kissed him. His lips lingered and he kissed me with tongue. I was mildly confused and very pleased. I sighed, Kim asked what I wanted to know about the greenhouse and his Khun TÄ. "Do you know what your grandfather was doing with the plants here?" "We took care of the plants, kept them healthy. Sometimes we trimmed them, sometimes we put bags over the blossoms after we tickled them with a glass rod..." He led me by the hand to the end of the greenhouse where a narrow wooden door was overgrown with vines and moss, "Tata's books are in here. We kept notes on everything." Took both of us tugging to get the old wooden door open, it was swollen with moisture. Inside we found five narrow shelves, each containing neat rows of ancient composition books. Carefully, I pulled out the first in the upper left-hand corner of the closet. "December, 1945..." Sketches and abbreviated names of plants, chemical compounds, drawings and notes on pests, worms, and the dates of coming blooms on various plants. He was an excellent observer and it dawned on me -- the grandfather was a certainly a Botanist but more than that... I put the book back carefully. These were the treasures of this family. ... After lunch, I went to the greenhouse, stripped, and with my cellphone and only a little charge left, I walked the rows up and down, watching my rod and taking deep, slow breaths. Something in here swayed my brain, shook my libido and reverberated down through my psyche in the most peculiar way. My mind filled with relaxing thoughts, not clear, but a vague fulfillment. As I shuffled slowly among the plants, my rod filled. In front of me were pots of odd lilies in bloom, didn't take long for me to leave the best of Ricci at the base of the plant. Peeking through the deep green leaves, I searched for a closed blossom to find a seed or a pod. Nothing there; most lilies are propagated by a tuber or bulb. Small woody herbs stood in pots here and there, I recognized their smells from the foods I was served, and I continued examining each one as I formed a plan to get a computer and scanner to the plantation when I returned to the city. The grandfather's notes may contain information on this wonderous experience. Whatever was making me feel this good would be worth a mint in the frenzied cities where the video gaming mentality ruled. Broken from my thoughts by Kim giggling from behind a ginger in full bloom. His dark eyes glimmered, smiling, he ducked behind several large birds of paradise, "Catch me!" Forgot about my nakedness as I lurched through the plants. He disappeared; I could hear him breathing behind a salvia near the hammock. Being taller, I looked over the bush to see him looking for me in the wrong direction. From behind, I jumped and grabbed his slender waist and lifted him up in front of me. He laughed, filling the greenhouse with boyish squeals. I threw his body on the hammock and attacked his tender form in the most pleasurable way -- nipping his neck and tickling his ribs, biting his toes and chomping behind his knees. Kim was a wiggly mess of laughter and giggles, only providing me with the front of being offended. When I stood back, I was naked and hard. Had to run to find my briefs and shorts. Grinning, and dressing, I realized I'd never been tickled or enjoyed that kind of play in my life and no virtual reality could touch this. As I passed the lily where I'd donated my cum, I noticed the flower had darkened, taken on a deeper vermillion cast, as though it were excited. Life felt like an enhanced jpg. ... As the sun disappeared behind the mountains and the sounds of the jungle reverberated through the dark, I sat with the family dining on a number of dishes. Spiced to perfection and each one complimenting the rest. With all the courtesy I had, I asked to make arrangements with the family for solar panels to be installed and a computer and scanner for preserving the books in the greenhouse. Kim's mother agreed to translate the texts from French though she had studied History, she would get information into usable form. In return I'd pay her, or fund their children's tuition and school costs. She and Kim's father decided to take the funds for education to avoid the taxes. "You'll come back?" Kim asked, his face bright with excitement. "Yes, I'll be back." Wanted to kiss him. I only smiled. That night Kim and his father lit a small lamp and we walked into the darkness along the narrow trail through the jungle for our constitutional. Night-scented orchids, Belle de Nuit, Jessamine, and even a Jimson. What a perfect place, the flora here seemed to govern the lives of the humans who lived here instead of being governed by people. Is that interdependency? In my mind I saw the land being bulldozed for mini-mansions, trees cut and boulders blasted into sharp angles of metes and bounds... Went back to the greenhouse to my hammock and stripped again, it was humid and sticky, but only a few deep breaths later, I was dreaming. Woke to find the boy next to me, breathing softly. I woke him and we went to shower before the other men came. Intimate touches in the dim light pre-dawn. Crouching down with my balls and dick between my legs, he looked and grinned. I held him close to my chest, picked him up and rubbed the suds on my chest with his slick form. Scrubbed his small package and between his legs to his hot cleft with my erect dick, slippery with soap. Slow. Breathtakingly slow. Trembling, I sat him down. Never had that much of another person's skin on mine like that. Wisdom flashed like a neon sign through my head -- the screens had isolated me from the sensuality of life. ... Buddy and I went back to the capital on Monday morning early with Kim's narrow butt on my lap as he pointed out the produce terminal, the big open-air market, the local public school, temples... Hair on his neck was so fine, I couldn't see it, his slender legs and smooth knees, perfect. No wonder he was chosen out of so many. Big, dark eyes, smooth, straight eyebrows and lashes thicker than centipedes' legs. Before I caught my plane, Buddy and I visited a computer store -- more of his family. This whole nation must be related. We made the arrangements to get the solar panels to the plantation within the month. They would check the area for a cell tower and an ISP. Didn't flinch when I pulled my credit card out, I was thinking about the incredible satisfaction and calm I felt in the greenhouse. That secret was in the old notes from the grandfather -- I sensed it. The calming feelings of the greenhouse were entirely dismissed as I joined the melee at the airport and flew back home to the same jostling crowds and traffic. On the long flight over the ocean, I replayed my memories of the boy's skin on mine, closed my eyes and breathed deeply. Wasn't the same. ... The solar panels changed the life on the plantation to a degree. They had one cell phone and I called it almost daily speaking with Kim's parents, and on weekends, Kim himself. He was doing well in school. His French marks were high, he was doing floor exercises and a would be singing in a coming presentation at the school. Yes, I'd be there, video camera in hand. An internet connection was the problem, but I loaded a computer, scanner and all the junk that went with it, planning to train Kim's mom on how to use them. Chartered a private jet and landed at a small airport north of the plantation avoiding the capital's traffic. Packed thin clothes, sandals and sun block, not much for myself. The nation was in holiday mode for the entire month. I brought gifts -- odd things like a ferrocerium rod, pencils and several sharpeners in bright colors and shapes, tablets, crayons and coloring books, several bolts of fabric with a case of needles, threads and scissors, a case of beer and a ukulele. Hard to shop for a household without electricity and the solar panels would only store so much. Because I was coming from the north, not the south, I took a convoluted route in a rented car, asking directions by showing photos of the old plantation on my phone. Took me several stops to realize that most the farmers and herders hadn't been outside the area before. Kim's dad drove into the city that night for the big presentation. Traffic was schizophrenic, as usual. We found the school packed with reporters, dignitaries, parents and families. The singers and dancers were performing on a stage erected in the playground and the halls of the school were filled with artwork, calligraphy and costumes the students made. Beautiful, fine hand work, beading and strange designs in intricate stitches and shapes. You have to understand that traditional theatre and dance in Asian countries is an elaborate affair -- makeup, masks, detailed costumes all carry meaning -- even to the colors each performer wore and where it was placed. Their plays with songs depicted their history -- everything had to be in order to pass the history along correctly, Kim's mother explained. The evening was hot, we sat in ancient metal folding chairs in front of several musicians with odd xylophones and drums, several students were interspersed with string instruments, some played with bows, some to be plucked. Instructors sat with them to complete the ensemble. Starting with the youngest children, they trouped on stage with song or dance. Each group and grade level made their presentation. The lights dimmed and we saw a story presented in shadow -- exciting fistfight behind the screen with a lot of back-and-forth between the profiles of the small actors. I didn't understand the humor; everyone around me did. Then, the stage lit and older children came out -- mixed group but obviously peasants versus royalty. Heated words were yelled back and forth, threats probably, and a battle ensured. I believe that was Kim climbing the bent thigh of an enemy invader -- heaving him a pretend blow to the neck, and backflipped to his feet then ran to the side of the stage with his papier mâché sword held high in triumph. Nudged his mother, she nodded. The big, beastly warrior died a lengthy, loud death. Victory over the oppressors, the peasants won. Gathering on stage, all the cast began a song with Kim in the lead, though he was in makeup, I recognized his voice. This was followed by what I could figure was a dance of pride -- something about the skies smiling on the nation. Abrupt stop then we all stood for the national anthem. Applause and bows, then more, then the teachers, then the musicians, then more applause... Took almost an hour for the performers to remove all the costumes and make up, and finally Kim came bouncing out, "Did you see me?" I showed him my video camera. Kim's dad grabbed him, "That backflip isn't part of the story." "But it was good, right?" He nodded and kissed his boy. We left to celebrate at Buddy's house -- filled with people talking and eating. Small house and humid with the smell of spices and food. My body told me clearly, I needed to be in the greenhouse. Too much bustle, I left for my hammock as soon as we pulled near the old house. ... Woke to find the kids were out of school for the month and the plantation was filled with relatives. The shower house was filled with men's bodies and naked boys jabbering. We were all quick that morning. Finding someone slaughtering a goat or a pig was somewhat disturbing, but a quick deed with all the parts of the animals quickly taken for a culinary specialty, then the carcass being wrapped in banana leaves and buried in the coals. Forgot all about that as we feasted. Several days I found myself with Kim and several other boys walking through the rubber trees and down to the river for fruits and to swim. Swimming naked with a gang of boys? Heaven, though they had other plans -- one of them pulled up a woven net of bamboo in a funnel shape, then he drew up another bamboo cage of fish! They roughhoused and tried to drown each other, playing hard then realized they needed to get back to the house. I watched, enjoying their frolicking. Non-stop activity while extended family visited. After a week of celebrations, the relatives left and the plantation quieted. ... Finally got the computer up and running. Kim's mother started scanning the first several books from the greenhouse, glancing at the pages as she carefully placed the opened pages on the platen. "Have you seen anything interesting yet?" By this time, my eyes didn't seek out a screen to watch any longer; human forms caught my eyes as the children and family went about their days, occasionally parrots or movements of the animals in the brush. "I've seen several things -- not sure what they mean." She picked up one of the books. "Has he mentioned anything like marijuana, anything about oriental poppies?" "One reference to cannabis early on, not much. No poppies -- nothing like that. There are drawings of chemical compounds. Not sure what that's about..." She continued, then flipped through several pages in the third book. There was a drawing on the page, "Something unusual here -- it's about the pollen." She pointed to a drawing, "The anther on a Solanaceae... Looks like there was something unusual about the stigma inside the blossom." We looked at the drawing, "Solanaceae?" "My mother wanted one by the back porch, they make huge, blooms that open at night. Khun TÄ said they were toxic, hallucinogenic." She pointed to the back door, "It's only about a meter tall with fuzzy leaves." Back to the scanner while I stepped outside to see the plant. Not very showy during the day, a woody stem, fuzzy leaves and stems, closed blossoms. Closer inspection revealed a seed pod, about the size of a table tennis ball covered with small spikes. One on the ground had broken open spilling out thin, black seeds an eighth of an inch or so across. I made a note on my phone and took a photo. I kept my greenhouse suite; Kim was there to snuggle next to me every night, I had a feeling he was sneaking out of his hammock, but no one said anything to me. As his body touched mine in the incredibly soothing smells of the plants around me, I had to wonder if some kind of addiction was developing -- either to whatever I was breathing or this boy. Hard to separate the two pleasures; hard to decide which I needed more. ... Back home, I resumed working in the office with new vigor, surprising Michael. "Are you ready to do an overhaul? We need to update the games." He asked. Smiling widely, "Let's do it." He explained that we had to go back through all the games to update the wording, different kinds of cues and alter a few minor things. Detailed work, and we sat with our small staff taking notes and I planned out the work by the different sections and handed out the specific assignments the next day. ... Kim's mother sent the scanned books through the next year after we found a way to tap into a net connection. Only a few of the last few books had drawings by Kim. His Khun TÄ let him draw bugs and write his simple notes in their curly alphabet. Now, I had to find an organic chemist to decipher what the compounds were about. Not as hard as one might think, I called the local program that helped guys from the pen get jobs after release. Took months reading through resumes for the perfect person. Through that year, I was humming along, and with the help of the translations I ordered two more new plants for my greenhouse. Even set up a hammock inside, and couldn't replicate the effect of the Huntington Plantation greenhouse. Finally found an organic chemist that needed work. The chemist I hired was an older guy -- Charles Strathmore, "Charlie." Seems he left the back door open at a large pharmaceutical company where he'd worked for years. Several pallets of benzos disappeared. The thefts were detected and Charlie was pinned by the security system. Wasn't released from jail early because he'd finished his time or good behavior, older guys with non-violent offenses were released early. The feds didn't want to provide extended nursing home care. Charlie interviewed well, calm and obviously well-educated, polite; curious about the little information I gave him. Took him almost three weeks to get in the groove of working again. I put his desk in my computer room in my place. He worked in the evenings. Made sure he had coffee alongside the scanned books and translations. I explained further about the greenhouse while he nodded and grunted. Rubbed his chin as I explained the sensations the plants elicited. Sometimes his eyes wandered as he thought -- old neural pathways reopened as he took notes. Finally got his motor revved as he began reviewing the translations and drawings closely. Some mornings I had to chase him out of my apartment -- he read the translations all night. He was a methodical man, and became more interested as I held the promise of a cut of the profits if we could come up with anything salable. Charlie got hot into it and wanted a lab. "Work out all you can here, and I'll see what I can do, but we've got to be quick about any experiments." "Why quick?" He asked. "You want to experiment with addictive substances, illegal drugs." "Nothing in these the books that's illegal -- unknown but not illegal. Nothing addictive unless a person is pre-disposed, and they'd get hooked on anything." He looked aside. "Could you get a sample of air from the greenhouse, maybe run an air pump then bring me the filters? I think I might be able to find the right combinations on the residue." "Gotta think about it." I continued working days overhauling the games, and at night with the Charlie working all the while wondering how to get access to a lab and the samples he needed. Bunsen burners, beakers, all the hoses and clamps -- the only place I'd seen that was in meth labs. Neither one of us wanted to get near that. Wouldn't have to worry about that too long though, I got a call from Kim's mother. The annual holidays were coming. She asked me to come, "Kim's jumping up and down for me to call you. Do you have time?" "Could I bring a friend?" "Bring your friend, what's her name?" "He's an employee -- wants to see the greenhouse." "Ricci, you work too much." ... Got into the capital a week before the holiday with empty suitcases and slid through customs then to the car rental without problem. We had a few hours before Kim's school was out for the week and went shopping. Old Charlie, what a guy -- he scoured the open-air market for a number of inexpensive items while I bought treats for the family. Charlie was on his phone for a while until we found an electronics store where he bought an odd gizmo -- not sure what that was about. There was a flower vendor with fiery blooms. I bought a bouquet of showy lilies for Kim's mother; coals to Newcastle. Charlie drove us out of the capital with Kim directing him toward the highway north. Beautiful afternoon, Kim's voice was high and excited. Surprisingly, Kim turned in his seat and whispered, "Is Charlie your boyfriend?" Charlie chuckled, "He's a chemist. Going to look around the greenhouse -- he works for me." That made his face light with delight. His smile made my chest thrum. ... Only a few rays of sun came through the trees as we pulled onto the plantation. Kim's mother came out and welcomed us, then his father, who didn't look pleased. He glowered at Kim. Kim looked him right back with his eyebrows knitted. Looked like a head-butting was about to begin, but I quickly introduced Charlie around saying he wanted to look around the greenhouse. "He's been going over your translations from Khun TÄ." In the kitchen, Kim's mother revealed the secret behind the hard looks between Kim and his father: "Kim and another boy in his school have been talking. They want to be castrated and form a pop group as kathoeys; pretty boys." She glanced at me, "Kim will love who he wants, it's his body, his grace and his passion. He's been chosen from so many -- perfect physical structure for the theatre. He sings so well. If he's cut -- his future is gone. I've heard many of the kathoey grow older and commit suicide. They can't find work because they're treated like crazy people. No one will want him when he is old. He will have a sad life, alone and poor -- so many medical problems, so many doctors. I cry for him and his father screams and spanks him. They're both so stubborn. I'm afraid Kim's going to sneak out of school and go to a back alley." Rather alarming information, "I'll speak to him." "Don't tell his father I told you. He's already so upset." At that moment, Charlie and Kim's dad came in for two glasses to sit on the veranda and sip brandy until dinner. I followed them and lit the small oil lamps. They spoke of the war years ago. From what they said, it seemed to me that this area of the world was always under one kind of invasion or another. I sat back and listened. Kim's family were lucky during the last war. They had education and their elders had left the country during the war, returning later, though it was quite different after the devastation of the larger cities. They'd lost many neighbors and friends. Charlie leaned over and patted Kim's dad on his back, "Well, things can't stay the same -- always changing, the wheel keeps turning." Charlie explained his father was stationed in the capital while he served in the military and fell in love with the people of the nation, "We came back almost every year on vacation. Wonderful here, so relaxed outside the city." Kim and his siblings came beside us. Charlie went to the car and brought gifts, not allowing any marshmallow treats to be opened until after dinner. The whistles and reed lutes were immediately put to use. ... Wonderful, fresh dinner, and this time I took the bowls and sticks to the kitchen with the children. We tried washing the dishes -- it was a messy, wet affair in the dim light of a few small lamps. I hoped the floor would dry before morning. Went back out and took a lamp, "C'mon Charlie, big hammock in the greenhouse." "Sleep in the greenhouse?" Kim's mom said they had an extra cot, "I'll get Kim to bring it." Charlie said he wasn't going to sleep on a cot or in a greenhouse -- he appeared hesitant, wary. "I'm warning you, there's no mosquitos down there." I told him. By this time, the younger children had already strung their hammocks and put up their nets along the veranda. Charlie noted that and nodded. At the door to the greenhouse, a rush of green scents billowed around us. I heard Charlie breathe deeply. Sitting the small lamp on the floor. Naked, I lay on the hammock. Charlie stripped to his boxers. Soon, we heard Kim coming down the walkway, he dragged an ancient army cot -- it was only about eighteen inches wide. Charlie set it up and sat on it. "Feels intuitional. I'll take the hammock. Get up." "We can both sleep on the hammock, you'll sleep so deeply, you won't know I'm here." "You smell funky." He shot at me. "So do you. C'mon, trust me -- you won't even know I'm here." Kim climbed on the hammock with me, and that drew Charlie close. Kim leaned, closed his eyes and kissed me lightly, "Are you going to video my presentation like last time? I'm going to be a warrior this year." Kissing his cheek quickly, "I brought the tripod. Now get back in the house before your father finds you." He took the oil lamp and scampered out the door leaving Charlie and me in darkness. We simply lay back on the mesh, ready for rest. Again, the scents of the greenhouse lulled me to a deep sleep, immediately. Dreams came and I followed them through the jungles to the sunlight where a naked Kim danced between the rubber trees -- his voice became smaller as he pranced into the distance. I followed him and the dream took a turn toward his sensual explorations again, then me exploring his nubile form. The rest of the dream vanished. Woke with that relaxed, almost weak feeling in my legs. Again, my pillow was damp and my pubic hair was glued in several spots. Charlie was on his side, facing away from me, snoring. ... There were sounds outside, voices in the distance, "Charlie, get up. Shower." I shoved his shoulder. He grunted several times and got up. Met the crew of men and boys in the shower starting their day. Charlie had a few words of the language; he greeted the men as he searched for the soap. The younger boys were scrubbed first and ran away, Kim didn't want to be washed, he stood to the side and scrubbed himself; wouldn't look at me. His father kissed his neck and whispered a few words to him. They were still at a standoff over their secret. I scrubbed and watched Kim, thinking about tactics to keep Kim from getting clipped -- that thought was painful as I saw a surgeon tugging and snipping his precious testicles and stitching the skin back tightly. Had to wonder if their religion required the body to be intact after death, and where Kim might keep his balls -- did they dry them or keep them in kerosene inside a jar on the mantle or what? Morbid thoughts. I couldn't let his perfection be destroyed. That morning Charlie wanted to start in the greenhouse, but had to let our smells disperse first to increase the concentration of any compounds released by the plants. I dressed quickly while he pulled several odd things out of the car. He had a small gas spectrometer, the kind drug agents used at the airport, a bright pink nasal suction bulb used to clear a baby's sinuses and a number of small bags and bottles. Couldn't stay and watch. Kim and his brother called to me with the burlap bags and we headed toward the paths to gather food. ... While I was gone, Kim's mother rearranged the desk where she kept the computer with Charlie's help. Being older, he was offered more respect, and the children thought he was something like a delightful troll after the treats the night before. They were busy inside the house. Taking our usual route, Kim, his brothers and I looked forward to the dragon fruit tasting, then on to the river. In the cool water, I brought Kim to my chest and gently fingered his tiny scrotum, "I heard you wanted to take these off. Bad idea, I happen to love them and the boy they belong to." I whispered. Running his hand long my chest, he lay his head on my shoulder, "I will be pretty -- stay a pretty boy and sing like a girl -- I like girly stuff." "Sorry, you'll still grow up, and you won't be a pretty boy anymore, do you know that?" He kissed me and I leaned back, looking at him. Tempting thought that he would stay as alluring as he was in that moment, and I saw the future his mother described. "Don't do it." He kicked away from me and swam to his brother. I got out, picked up our bags and tried shaking the coconut palms for their nuts. Two came down, one hitting my foot, dammit. The boys and I picked pineapples and coursed the garden for vegetables. No afternoon nap in the greenhouse. And in the hottest part of the day, I found the coolest place on the veranda when Charlie came down. I briefly described Kim's idea about wanting to remove his testicles, "He's a willful child and his father is more than upset..." Charlie only nodded. "I'll see what I can do. Can't go to the greenhouse tonight, sleep on the second floor in the master bedroom. Hot up there, but just a few nights." .. Our day went smoothly, I actually held a hoe and found out how to use it in the garden alongside the children -- lot of satisfaction turning around and seeing a cleared path between the plants. Don't know where everyone else was, I assumed Charlie was upstairs on the computer with his notes or preparing his equipment for tomorrow's sampling. I strung one of the children's hammocks and lay down for a nap to feel small child come sleep next to me. Gently, I swung the hammock as we dozed, listening to the birds and the bugs in the trees. Everyone appeared as the smell of dinner sneaked from the kitchen, I saw Charlie talking to Kim and his father as they came down the wide stairs. They spoke softly, and both had their hands on Kim's shoulders -- all appeared calm between them. Early night, the heat of the day exhausted everyone. You can guess why no one slept on the second floor of the house, no cross ventilation - it was an oven. Charlie pulled the mattress off the bed and onto the floor. He snapped the sheet over the mattress making a short breeze. We lay down and fanned ourselves in the dark. "I hoed the garden today -- two long rows." I said with some pride, "What did you do?" "I think I resolved the issue between Kim and his father. Hope we're going to stay for a few extra days, they're in the greenhouse tonight. The boy and his dad need their privacy." He sighed. "What happened? Did you talk to Kim?" "We were on the computer, reading about what happens with the kathoey. Found out what happens after they're cut." He went on to explain about researching the surgery, the hormone medications and all the body modifications, then the upkeep after the surgeries. Kim's father broke down and cried over what would happen to Kim. That upset Kim, he loved his father. "I don't think Kim wants to get castrated now. Not because of anything other than his father's love. I explained how fathers prepare their sons for the world and suggested they take their class to the greenhouse." "Class?" "Didn't your father, you know, prepare you, teach you when you were young?" "Didn't have a dad. What was I supposed to learn?" He chuckled, "Shoulda known." Slipping his arm under my neck, and leaning near, "Do you want to know? Really?" "Yeah." I felt him kiss my neck. He was quiet for a while, "Virginity, purity, innocence, and all that are only romantic notions. My father felt it was a crime to send a boy out into the world with his innocence -- raising a naive child is setting him up for a fall. That fall could land the kid on his face for the rest of his life, or it could get the boy bruised and beaten in a lot of ways. My father taught me about lust and love, and its place in life. Dad gave me perspective." "How?" "He showed me, gently, how love and lust are powerful forces and need to be managed in a certain way. We were given bodies that have evolved to help us defend ourselves and the people we love. Our bodies fit together for comfort as a kind of reward for providing protection... Silent lessons are shared during that comfort. Love is an exchange of tacit forces reinforced with pleasure. You served time, the men there were rough, quick, brutal -- right?" I nodded, remembering being held down and painfully penetrated a number of times. "Okay, those guys used their bodies like bludgeons, to frighten the other men around them. They lived their lives directed by fear, protecting their own ego. That mentality is their fall -- what will they ever have but their empty hulks filled with angry, paranoid thoughts? The intimate comfort, that exchange of tacit forces humans need will never be part of their lives." He stopped. We were quiet, I'd never heard anything like what Charlie just told me, and wasn't sure. "Do you understand?" Couldn't answer yet intuitively I felt there was truth in his words through the sincerity of his tone. He kissed my cheek as his hand rubbed along my chest and he sighed. "I'm not queer." I told him clearly. "Being coy or petty? You asked for a lesson. Teacher and student tonight. Kiss me and tell me you love me." His voice was gruff; his touch light. I didn't. I starting to feel uncomfortable, awkward next to him. His hand came to my face and he turned me toward him, "Kiss me. Tell me you love me." Perhaps I was tired, maybe it was the heat and it was probably my own guarded nature, I tried to turn away. Charlie picked up his fan and began licking my neck, cooling his saliva with the soft air. He moved to my chest, slowly fanning and licking. "Relax. Breathe." He whispered. Taking a deep breath, I letting my shoulders fall, I tried to relax. I felt around and found my fan and began cooling both of us. He hummed for a moment and continued licking and kissing. When he came to my ribs, I moved my arms, allowing the smell of my pits fill the air around us. He hummed again, and rubbed the rough stubble of his face on my skin working his way upward to inhale deeply under my arms. His face moved slowly, his other hand came to stroke my skin, lightly and gently. Trails of his saliva and kisses cooled me as I fanned. I felt something sliding inside me, like petals opening, slowly pulling away, apart and my muscles lost tension with every puff of air I felt; limp. On his knees beside me, he stroked along my torso, touches just deep enough to feel my ribs, my sternum, my clavicle, my hips. He took my right hand and placed it on his thigh, near his groin. I continued to fan us lightly, wondering what was next. He paused, thinking, then lay his head down near my hip, "Turn over, put your dick in my mouth." When I lay the fan down, he picked it up and I put one knee under each of his arms. When my foreskin was at his lips, I felt the soft rushes of air on my cleft cooling my ass. The prickly stubble under his chin touched my balls. I stopped, and as I stopped, he breathed in quickly taking my thin shroud of foreskin between his lips. Warmth as his tongue explored inside, poking my slit. I heard him breathe deeply through his nose and hum again. Mumbling, "I'm not sure..." "You're sure." He whispered. My rod was half-filled. Taking another deep breath; cool air rushing gently at my ass, hot mouth with part of my rod being massaged. "I'm sure?" I wasn't sure of anything in that moment. With small movements, I began moving my hips, feeding him my cock. His hot breath in my pubes felt odd, not uncomfortable, but foreign, like it didn't belong there. My cock told me it did. The smell of his sweat, my sweat rose around me as though it were an incense. I breathed it deeply and stroked further into Charlie's mouth. The cool air of his fan stopped. His fingers fiddled with my butt while he continued sucking. The pad of his thumb roughly rubbed my ass. Jerked a breath. "No." "Relax and breathe." Didn't want to move with my full rod in his mouth -- so much pleasure, his tongue moving and the sucking, the sucking felt like he was tugging at something lodged deep inside me, something I'd never felt before. It made me want to pump hard, shove my dick as far as I could down his throat and turn my balls inside-out giving him all my cum. "Spread you knees." He whispered. "I'm not ready." His fingers were at my hole. He wanted further access. "You've been ready for years." When I'd lowered my ass to his liking, he wasted no time in penetrating me with a finger, then two. I stopped my short humps into his mouth to feel what he was doing and moved my knees further apart, taking a deep breath of our smells. I felt his fingertips exploring inside me, touching and rubbing. My dick lost turgor. I waited. His other hand went to my balls, squeezing and tugging lightly, then pressing strokes from my balls to my hole with his fingertips, he pressed hard. At one point, I felt a rush of sweat and my skin tingle. His tongue began rubbing along the underside of my soft tool and he began sucking, running the tip of his tongue round my glans, playing in my slit again. Putting my head down on my arms, I sighed -- sweaty, sticky, smelly and I couldn't move. In my ass, his fingers kept moving, his massage between my legs continued and I felt a small jolt at the base of my spine, it caused me to start pushing my rod further into his mouth. I felt my rod filling and a small hum from his throat. That caused me to near readiness, my abs clenched. I had to cum as far down his throat as I could, push myself, give him all I had... His fingers up my ass spurred me to hunch, a few tentative movements at first till I heard him hum again, then full-on, hard. I was humping and feeling like a series of small explosions inside my gut. The explosions came more rapidly. Had to hump his face harder as he sucked more deeply, struggling to breathe. Pushed myself up, arms locked and hands splayed beside his head. My back arched, my thighs jumped and it started. Wavering moans came from my throat, I tilted my head back as my body surged scorching pulses of cum as Charlie pulled. His fingers were rigid inside me, pressing firmly as his hand came to my lower back pressing me into his face. Several full-body jerks and I fell on him and rolled to the side, pulling my dick from his mouth and his fingers from my ass. Soon, in the dark, I felt the cool rushes of him fanning us again. When my brain cleared enough to string several thoughts together, "Priorities, bodies, comfort, romantic notions and angry, empty men ..." I was too blitzed to put it together, I took the fan from his hand and kissed him, tasting my own cum. Nuzzled into his neck, surprising myself, "I love you." Rubbing my face, and pressing me against his chest. "I love you, son." The next morning's shower was filled with song. Kim and several of the men were singing something I never heard before between the splashes. Kim washed his father after his father gave him his personal scrubbing. I couldn't stop grinning. Animosity eliminated and I had to wonder what lesson their privacy had brought them. My head was still buzzing with the intimate lesson I'd experienced. ... Through those next few weeks, Charlie's lessons relaxed me into a calmer place inside myself through unspokens of intimate exchanges. The fall I'd taken led me to avoid close relationships, opting for safe, online micro-liaisons through videos made years ago by strangers. Living in a virtual world; vicarious thrills through fiction and shaky footage of amateur actors. Empty hulk... Charlie, working with somewhat crude techniques, put himself and Kim's mother in raincoats with hoods and cloths taped over the lower part of their faces. They donned plastic gloves on their hands, plastic bags on their feet every morning before entering the greenhouse. They were numbering the plants and taking samples, storing residue and pollen in notated, sealed bags, and recording notes from the spectrometer. My job was to carefully pour water over their raincoats and hoods before they entered, then stand guard at the door to keep nosy children away. The children were extremely curious and called to their mother and Charlie, wanting to see what she was doing if I didn't entice them with a cool dip at the river. Four days later, Charlie was satisfied with his samples and notes. We packed to leave. Loading our bags with only the samples, Kim's dad took us to the small airport north of town. We stopped on the way in the village to pick up any mail and to visit a friend. Kim's father knew a kathoey who lived there. We entered her small home on the edge of town. Very small, only two rooms and sparsely furnished. Didn't smell rice or food cooking, and the woman appeared thin. A heavy coat of makeup covered her face. There were a few words with between Kim, her and Kim's father. Charlie and I waited in the car while they talked. When they came out, the kathoey kissed Kim, he came to the car. Couldn't help but glance to see Kim's father kissing the woman on her lips and stroke her cheek with a smile. Kim told me that the kathoey was once his uncle, his dad's brother. ... Took a convoluted route home on private jets to avoid customs and finally got Charlie back to work in the greenhouse inside my apartment. He ordered a six-thousand-dollar spectrometer, I didn't say anything as he really hadn't asked for much after I couldn't find him a fully-equipped lab. Something was happening with the information he found, and he took a big chance. He emailed a co-worker from the pharmaceutical company he'd worked for years ago, an attorney, now retired. There were an incredible number of documents on his computer now. Patent applications ready to be filed. Charlie came in one night with a bottle of champagne. "Let's negotiate." I'll admit I needed remedial lessons when I could get it with him, but he was as passionate about sleuthing around about the compounds as he was about my lessons. "Got to get it in order tonight." We sat side by side looking over the skyline and I poured the champagne, "What's out of order?" "I don't like putting you over a barrel, but I will if I have to." "Lay it out. Did you find something?" "What I found could shake the world." He explained he'd found and identified a number of compounds that were similar to what the pharmaceutical company was working on for years. They could never find a way to stabilize the compounds; Charlie did. The plants in the greenhouse exuded them naturally and with a few modifications, they were ready to calm anxious people, aide sleep and generally increase a sense of well-being, wholeness. "We could go several ways with this research. I can replicate the compounds with the right people and equipment for sales. Nothing's illegal in most parts of the world -- we could sell as an herbal supplement or we could sell the formulae to the drug companies for an incredible amount. They could bury the information or slap an astronomical cost on it." He sipped his champagne, "Either way, you don't need the money, and I'm paid well, I'd like to propose that Kim's family get the bulk of the profits. All this came from their generosity, the Khun TÄ, not us. He did the most critical work." Agreeing to that was easy. Kim's family had been generous to me, but I'd lose my ties with the family I'd come to love and that precious boy. "I'd miss them and going to the plantation." I whispered. "Wait for the rice to become nibbana -- let it cool off." He said and patted my thigh, "The cooler the mind, the better the decision." He kissed my lips, "Time for you to quit working at the computer, it broils your brain." ... I thought about all that the next few days, and talked to Michael Biggs, my mentor and my oldest friend. "I want to retire." "Thank god, I thought you'd never toss in the towel. I've been ready for years, but wasn't sure if you were, and I didn't want to break up our team." We put the company on the market the next week, and no, we hadn't revealed our gaming secrets and wouldn't. Maybe the new owners would find them. That would have to take its own course. After a number of calls, Kim's parents, Charlie and I decided to take the herbal supplement to market ourselves with the company based outside the capital. With more money than I could spend in my lifetime, Charlie and I moved into the village near the Huntley Plantation and opened a small café because I couldn't figure out how to get the pastries I first enjoyed in the capital with Kim and Buddy. Found a storefront next to the market. Very little income from that but we lived in the place we loved and enjoyed a good life as undisturbed lovers. Hired some of Buddy's family and the kathoey to run the cafe while we continued researching in another area. Took several months, and two lawyers to find the owners of the plantation -- an oil company that had no interest in the family or the village, only knew that funds from the lease went into their coffers on a regular basis. When they thought they had a buyer, the price of the plantation skyrocketed. We shook our heads. ... Weekends, Charlie and I spent at the plantation, enjoying ourselves and Kim in the greenhouse. He was almost thirteen and readying to apply to the national ballet. Yes, he and his father were close and very happy. Being the brash rascal, my dek chai kay came into the greenhouse with Charlie and me -- giving us his own high-spirited lessons: Kim had a penchant for Charlie's cock, can't say why. It may have been more about technique than size, I was slightly longer; Charlie's tool was thick, dark and curved slightly to the left. On the hammock, the boy loved laying on my chest, his cheek in my chest hair and his arms around my neck, leaving his well-muscled butt open to Charlie who straddled the hammock over us. What a production, certainly worthy of the national theatre, Charlie would tease Kim, make him beg for cock. Kim wiggled on my chest, while I stroked him, all the while telling me he was scared of that big Dragon Man. "Dragon Man? I thought boys liked dragons. Why, I've heard dragon dicks are magic, they sizzle and spark like fireworks. Why wouldn't you enjoy that?" Kim liked me rubbing his butt and pulling his cheeks apart widely for Charlie to touch his glans to the boy's excited ass. We continued our absurd conversation till Charlie had lubed Kim's tiny muscle thoroughly. He'd begin by poking his hole lightly. His balls slapped mine when he did that, but he stretched out the anticipation by asking Kim several times if he was really scared of his dragon cock. Being young and constantly ready, "Hurry up, I want cum." "Is that all you want? I'll give you a mouthful right now." Charlie slid his dripping slit up and down Kim's short cleft, teasing him further. By this time, Kim's rod was hard and twitching on my belly, a few drops of his boy juice slipping out his slit. Their play built their arousal by the moment. When Charlie decided to get down to business, Kim would grasp and pull the hair of my chest, moaning and twitching while I stroked his back and kept his butt opened widely for my favorite shaft's entry into that tiny hole. There was always an initial bit of wriggling on my chest as Kim found where he wanted to be. That caused his butt to get swatted a few times as Dragon Man grabbed his narrow hips to get him back where he liked. Man juice dripped for those moments, as they quieted -- their fast breaths had drawn the scented air into them to their brains. Things became tender, quiet and gentle between them. When Kim began cooing and lifted his butt for more, I knew that would trigger Charlie's need to fill the boy. Arousing to watch Charlie's face over Kim's shoulder. His anxious expressions and hard grimace then, that worried look as his control was stolen by his need and his testicles emptied. His passion during those moments lit him from inside making him the most handsome man on earth to me. Had to wait patiently and breathe deeply as they entered their bliss. Wait, wait... It would come soon, couldn't always predict when, but as Charlie shoved deeply and Kim moaned and twitched, they'd come with a lot of noise and groaning. Then my moment came. With Kim on my chest, and the weight of Charlie on top of him, I held my breath and concentrated on release -- almost erotic asphyxiation. I released a long, full, hot load, moving my hips only slightly before a fast, deep breath of sweet scents and lovers. ... Strangely, on Charlie's sixty-sixth birthday, Kim's mother gave birth to twins. They didn't look like Kim's siblings, but lighter-skinned with almond shaped, blue eyes. It touched me deeply the way he held and loved his boys, making me jealous at times, but more than jealous, a feeling of deep sorrow came through me. Why didn't I have a father to love me so generously? What would I have become with that love? When I brought it up to Charlie, he said that told me that comparing all we had to a fantasy was would only bring more sorrow, "You lessen what we have by comparison. This life is all we have and more than we need. Cherish everything around you while you're here. The wheel keeps turning, Ricci." ... When Charlie's boy started school, he said he wanted to acquire the plantation. "I don't like the terms. There's not that much land and the house is ancient -- needs to be torn down. They're asking too much." "Ask the owners to give it to us." "That's not how business works, are you addled?" "I'll ask if you won't." He did. My Dragon Man wrote up a proposal to preserve the plantation as part of the history of the nation -- sent it to the board of directors of the oil company. They accepted it and would use it for a tax deduction. Immediately, I thought Kim's mother had something to do with this and was sure about it when Kim's father moved to the village to live with the kathoey. Strange doings as I lived alone in the village while Kim's mother and Charlie buffed up the image of the oil company by restoring the old house and, yes, the greenhouse. Threw a big, nasty fit when they wanted to move the plants and they decided against renovations, only a few repairs. "Leave the hammock where it is now." It was a monument to tacit forces. Every day I visited and found the old blueprints and specs laid out on the dining room table -- instead of being invited to join in with them, I was assigned to take and pick up the children from the school, spending most of my days ordering supplies and searching for ancient hardware or the artisans to recreate it. Those duties weren't so bad, at least I got the update on the swarm of men going over all the buildings and bringing things back the way they were. Elderly people from the village brought lawn chairs to sit and visit, watch and remind the workers of how things used to be. Kim's mother called Paris and the French sent historians and documentation specialists. Khan TÄ's books went to the library of the university where he'd graduated to be available for a select few graduate students and professors. Charlie shamed the oil company and several tire companies into large contributions as his twins grew. Charlie enjoyed his boys following him around with the workers. We shared the twins in the showers making sure they were clean and well attended to. By this time, Charlie, Kim and I informally owned the greenhouse, and it was busy every weekend with teen-aged Kim clarifying his priorities. ... By the time Charlie's boys entered school, the Huntley Plantation was a jewel of the nation and a popular site. Kim's mother only allowed visitors two days a week. The kathoey and Kim's father opened a bed and breakfast alongside a hostel for visitors in the village. Students from universities came to see a working plantation built in the last century. Kim, my Kim auditioned and entered the national ballet school on the condition that he be allowed to perform with the traditional theatre as well. No one was wanting -- our herbal supplement was soothing millions of people around the world. Did they misuse it? Didn't seem like they could, I tried taking four of the capsules at one time and only peaked at my usual level of satisfaction, peace and contentment and slept soundly. It cooled my mind which allowed Charlie's intimacies to become profound, moving experiences that invigorated my spirit. As much as I hated it, I moved back to the capital for a few years. Bought a house for me and Kim as he entered the professional arena as a long-limbed, graceful dancer and still he was full of fire and spunk like he'd always been. Had to take care of that often. Only got better when other young dancers came by to visit. I was able to teach them the lessons Charlie taught me that hot night on a mattress on the second floor of the old plantation. Kim didn't allow me to think of that often, he began a new part of his life as a part-time cross-dressing pop singer. Was he beautiful? So beautiful alongside two other young men performing across the nation at up-scale clubs in sequins and wigs, makeup and eyelashes. I snapped photos and on one I found that Kim seemed to have forgotten his panties for that performance. Had to examine it closely for those precious testicles I loved. My commando Kim -- I could only laugh, he was such a ham, and a great performer. My Kim took complete possession of any stage where his feet landed. When he toured with the ballet, I always packed several bottles of the herb -- seemed to calm his brain helped him focus on the discipline of being a beloved dancer. ... Though I could have made more money selling the online cult of Bigg Boys here, I didn't. At first, I felt guilty for manipulating young minds, even though we'd always used positive messages and many boys benefitted, I'd separated them from real life by keeping them in front of screens for hours getting those concepts implanted. Bigg boys, and all boys need a father to show them how to blossom into men. In our way, Michael and I had taken part of that role. Car racing and subliminal cues only gave the boys a partial message, the Bigg boys were only partially what they could have been. For years I was only partially the man I could have been. ... My Dragon Man lived a long life, rich and full with his children and me. Charlie was a father to me, late in coming and a lover, companion, confidant - a lodestar on my path to fullness. As he weakened, his earthly walk slowed, and he told me secrets about a boy he loved so deeply and the mistake of making a deal with the warehouse workers at the drug company -- he wanted to take the boy away from the city. The boy was his son. I'd become the recipient of much of that love. "Son, once birth happens, ageing and death follow. The wheel is turning. Birth is the cause of death and there is nirvana..." My western brain didn't understand the concepts. Charlie passed in my arms, saying we'd always be together. I was sure of that, and I was ready as he passed into a peaceful death, not in a far-away land. He died in the private nirvana we created between us. Fin. Inflorescence