It Happened So ...

Chapter 32

I knocked on John's door and he called out to find out who it was.
"It's me, van der Westehuizen," I answered.
"Ok, come in." John said.
I opened the door and walked in to see John standing there in just his skants as he got his things ready to take a shower. Whichever trial skivvy he had had was no longer in the room.
"What is it PP?" he asked.
"I think you might like to pick Mark Thomson as your other skivvy. He is not so well developed but he is also curious." I said.
"And do you think he would be willing to try a few things with me?" John asked.
"With you, yes, with some of the other prefects, probably not. He is a bit shy and afraid." I explained.
"Ah one to break in then." John said, like he almost relished the idea. "Well I will still give him and Andrew a test tomorrow. Simon was good but did not take the bait I put out for him."
"We could try in the showers tonight and see if there are any bait takers." I suggested.
"No, I will observe and see if there are any who show an inordinate interest in any other's bodies, but we don't want to frighten them all right at the beginning. Now you had better get to the dorm and start getting yourself ready to shower. I will be there soon so that we can get our showers done before dinner." John told me and ushered me out of his door.

When I got into the dorm, I headed straight for my bed space and Mark said, "Apparently we will be having our showers before we eat and so we need to start getting ready to shower about now."
"Ja, John has just told me." I confirmed. I moved over to my bedside locker and pulled out my soap bag and got the towel off the little rail on the side of the locker. Then I began to strip off intending to walk naked to the showers so that there was no chance my clothes would get wet in the shower room.
"You going naked again?" Mark asked.
"Might as well, everyone here has already seen it all so there is nothing to hide." I replied.
"That's true. I'll join you." Mark said and began to strip off too.
As I looked around the dorm, there were a few others also getting fully naked but most of them either had just their skants on, or still had shorts on. I was happy to see that Oliver Martyn, despite being the least developed of the whole dorm was already naked and sitting on his bed ready and waiting. In contrast his tormentor from the morning was still covered with shorts and probably skants under the shorts.

Mark must have seen the direction of my gaze and moving closer to me so that he could speak softly said, "The way van Heerdon keeps looking at Martyn, I think that he is looking to try something with him and that might happen in the showers. He probably is going to try and get Martyn to slip on the soap."
"Ja, I was thinking the same thing. We best keep an eye out because we don't want to miss van Heerdon slipping on the soap instead." I responded with a grin.
"What are you two grinning about?" John asked. He had slipped into the dorm without us hearing the door open or close and without us spotting him walking towards us.
"We think van Heerdon is hoping to get Martyn to slip on some soap in the showers and we hope to get to see the opposite." I told John.
"Ok, keep an eye on it as we will also need witnesses to back Martyn up." John advised.
"I'd back him up even if he started it." Mark said.
"No, in this sort of thing you must always be honest. Telling lies to help someone nearly always gets discovered and then that makes it worse for the one you were trying to help." John told us.
"I wouldn't want to do that." Mark said. "Just have to wait and watch."
"Yes, that is best." John agreed, and then in a loud voice, "Ok, you all should be ready now let's head to the showers."

Twenty bodies began to move through the dorm towards the ablution at the far end and made their way through the doors into the shower room.
Those of us who had made the little trip naked were soon under a spray of water while others had to strip off first and so did not get the first pick. Mark and I had each taken a separate shower and were slowly getting pushed in on by the others. Van Heerdon was one of the last to get to a shower and he deftly pushed in to the one next to Martyn. I turned to watch as Oliver was under the shower one closer to me than van Heerdon so by turning I could see if van Heerdon made a move on Oliver. I glanced around and saw that John had pushed in on the shower with Mark and both of them were looking over me to keep an on Martyn and van Heerdon.
There was quite a bit of noise as different ones talked, or rather almost shouted at each other and this did force others to raise their voices as they spoke. The slightly deeper than most voice of Dawid van Heerdon rose a bit above the others and I could clearly hear him taunt Oliver with, "Hey pansy! You want to see what a real man's cock looks like?"
Martyn just ignored it and carried on washing himself.
Van Heerdon reached out a hand and grabbed Oliver's shoulder and almost shouted, "Martyn when I talk to a pansy I expect to get a reply. Now tell me do you want to see what a proper cock looks like instead of that little flap you have between your legs?" Again Oliver ignored him. And John started to edge closer to put himself into a position to intervene if the need arose.
Simon Buys called out, "Leave him alone, van Heerdon, he's done nothing to you to earn your treatment."
"He has, he has come into our dorm without a cock. That is an insult to us." Van Heerdon replied. "Now pansy for the last time, do you want to see what a real man's cock looks like?"
Oliver, turned and looked directly at Van Heerdon's face, shook his head and turned away to the side so that he could still see van Heerdon out the corner of his eye.
"Right, you've asked for it." Van Heerdon said as he made a grab for Oliver's cock.
Quick as a flash Martyn grabbed the arm and with two fast steps he bent and threw van Heerdon over his shoulder to land on his back on the shower room floor. Oliver followed through by dropping onto the floor beside Van Heerdon and driving his forearm elbow first into van Heerdon's solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him. Oliver then flicked himself up to stand on his feet and looking down at van Heerdon said, "leave me alone or next time you will be singing soprano for the rest of your life." And then he calmly stepped back under the shower to finish his ablutions as if nothing had happened.
A huge cheer went up as all those who had seen the events clapped and whooped their approval
Unfortunately; John's responsibilities forced him to step in and make sure that van Heerdon was ok, and got him sitting up and then wiped the tears away. "No need to cry boy, it was not that bad." John said, thereby rubbing some salt into the wounds. "I would advise you to be careful who you pick on to bully. Remember dynamite comes in small packages." With that there was a round of laughter again and many voices telling Martyn that it was the way to go and similar accolades.

John got van Heerdon to stand up and then called to me, "van der Westehuizen, come here and finish washing van Heerdon while I hold him up please." This was the next step in humiliation to have another guy come and wash you after the smallest guy present had rendered you powerless to wash yourself. I moved over there and began by washing his back down and then moved to the front. There were still tears smarting in his eyes, more from shame now than the pain and when I took the face cloth and began to wash his face his body shuddered as he held back a sob. I moved on down with the same facecloth and washed his chest and then his package. I did not give him the opportunity or choice because I was hoping he would bone up and allow the suggestion that maybe he was a bit gay and that is why he was interested in having a guy help him out. I felt his cock hardening as I moved off it and began to wash down his legs making sure to push the cloth between his legs so my hand brushed against his hanging ball bag. This was enough not only to get him a bit boned but to get a full-on erection lifting his cock to ten o'clock. The look on his face was enough to know that he was mortified by that and there was no need to point it out to anyone. I finished his lower legs and John pushed him under the spray of the shower and let go of him so that he could get the soap suds off himself. John and I stepped under the same shower head to get ourselves clean and bumped into each other. We packed out laughing at that and then I moved to another free one, the other side of van Heerdon.
None of the guys had left the ablution room even though some of them had dried and combed their hair at least five minutes earlier.

"Right guys, you need to get dressed into you school shirts and shorts with sock and shoes please, but you don't need your ties for supper." John told us as an indication that we needed to leave the showers and get back into the dorm.
I was still drying myself as was van Heerdon whose breath had at last returned to normal, when the last of the others left the room.
"Van Heerdon, let that be a lesson to you and thank your stars that Martyn's elbow did not come down on your balls or you would still be lying there on floor waiting for a stretcher. I have got to report this to McQuade and I can tell you now that I am going to tell him that it is my opinion that you started it and you can expect to have to go to see him before lights out tonight." John told him. McQuade was the house master for our hostel.
"What about Martyn, he should get expelled for nearly killing me." Dawid complained.
"That will be up to McQuade to decide and take further." John explained. "Now get yourself back to the dorm and dressed for supper. Van der Westehuizen wait a moment please."
Dawid pulled on his skants and shorts and walked out the room. "Well done for getting him boned. That will cool his ardour for a bit. Tell the others to keep a close eye on both of them for a bit because I don't think we have seen the end of this. Van Heerdon will be looking for some revenge."
"Ja, but he will have to build an army before he can get anywhere with Martyn. That was a fast and slick move. What do you think will happen to them?"
"I am guessing after I have painted the picture, and you and Mark back it up, Martyn might get a detention, but van Heerdon will get a caning at least and probably a couple of detentions on top of that. Now go and get ready and tell Mark that he will probably be called to tell what he saw. Also tell Simon and Andrew that they might be asked some questions too." John told me.
I took off back into the dorm while John pulled on his shorts before following me. He walked straight through the dorm and when he got to the double doors that led out into the passage, he turned and said, "Wait here for me to come back to you and we will go to dinner together. After tonight you can make your own way to the dining hall for meals and tea, but will still have to line up outside until the whole dorm is ready." John left the dorm and we all started to get dressed in our uniform for dinner.
John had got us off to our showers with enough time so that now we had a bit of a wait on our hands till he came back and fetched us.

Dinner was much the same as the previous evening and we all filed in last to get our places and then filed around again to get our food. There was a fair bit of chatter and some hero worship of Oliver as we ate. In contrast, van Heerdon was very quiet and sullen and picked at his food with apparently little appetite.
At the end of dinner we all stood for grace to be said, but before he did say the grace, McQuade called out a list of names ordering them to report to the hostel office immediately after we left the dining hall. The list included what was to become known as the quartet, myself, Mark, Simon and Andrew, and also both Oliver and Dawid and a couple of other guys from the dorm.
When we were all grouped outside the office, John stood in front of us and said, "Right guys, you know why you are here. Now it is important to tell the absolute truth as you know it and not to try and make things look more favourable to one or the other because it will get discovered and then all your evidence will be considered a lie and disregarded."