

Life in The Village, and the `coming of age' of a student at its remote school,
through his own eyes.

This is an original work of pure fiction (just an expression of a fantasy)
by Robert A. Armstrong (a pseudonym)

Copyright 2013-2023.  Robert Armstrong.  This complete work of literary art is protected by US, Australian and International copyright law. It is the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced in any form whether in whole or in part without the prior express written consent of the author.  
Licence is granted to Nifty Archive Alliance, Inc. for electronic publication on the Nifty.org website. All rights reserved.

The resemblance of the characters by action, name, location, or description to any real person is purely coincidental.

If it is illegal, or offensive, for you to read stories involving interactions of a sexual nature between adults and youths, then what are you doing here?


From Chapter 101:

<I'll be waiting for you at the airport,> Dad tells me. Then he says, <Enjoy your last night with Andy and his family. Please give them all my regards.>

"I will," I answer. "Thanks for letting me know. Please give my love to Helen, and tell my sisters to wait for me!"

A voice in my head, like that of Uncle's, says, `They will wait for you'.

I'm going to be a real uncle, tomorrow!

Mrs Thompson is almost as excited as I am at the news.

"You should get to bed early tonight, then," Brian tells me. "Tomorrow's going to be an exciting day for you."

So, I don't even have to make up an excuse for Andy and me to `turn in' early! Nice! There's a lot of excitement still to be had before tomorrow!

Chapter 102 – Two New Andersen Twins

Hey! I'm not going to be an uncle! What was I thinking? I'm going to be a big brother! Yeah!


While Andy has his shower, I spend a bit of my last-night time with his mum and Brian.

"Thank you for having me this week," I tell them. "Dad also says thank you. I've had a lot of fun, and Andy has been a perfect guide. We've fitted in so much!"

In my mind, I think, `Yes. Perfect! He fitted so much of him into me, and I fitted so much of me into him'.

Because we have promised not to give ourselves completely to anyone else, I'll have to wait almost three months before I can do it again!

"And, you have been the perfect guest," Mrs Thompson tells me.

"You are welcome any time," Brian adds. "And please thank your parents again for continuing to allow Andy to go and stay with you as well. It gives us all a chance to relax."

"Not that having Andrew here is stressful for us!" Mrs Thompson adds very quickly, "In case Brian's words gave you the wrong idea."

"It's OK," I grin. "We all enjoy a bit of privacy every now and then, don't we?"

Brian smiles, stands, encourages me into a hug, pats my back, and says, "You're a very smart and considerate young man, and your parents should be very proud of you."

"Well, I hope that my brother and I can have some privacy and relax too," I say, "With two new baby sisters in the house, I'm not exactly sure how peaceful it is going to be."

"You'll be fine," Mrs Thompson tells me, joining us for a group hug. She adds, "Well, I'll be off for my own shower. It sounds as though Andrew has finished with the water. See you in the morning, Kurt. Sleep well."

Brian and I chat for a while about our farm-stay guests, and the topic of water arises. I tell him that our water is pumped up into our water tanks from the creek, which is always flowing because of the underground springs.

We hear Mrs Thompson finish in the bathroom, very quickly, so I say good night to Brian.

I'm about to go and see what Andy's up to when Brian says quietly, "You know that you two guys could always shower together to save water, if you wanted to," indicating Andy's room.

"Yeah, I suppose." I reply, considering his words. "Karl and I used to do that all the time."

"And," Brian adds, "My brother and I also slept in the same bed. That used to save on the linen and the washing as well."

He doesn't elaborate, and I don't ask. But, he seems to be hinting something about Andy and me. Is he?

OMG! Does he know?

"Well, maybe next time," I grin at him. "If it helps with the washing and water. Good night."

"Good night, Champ!" he smiles.

`Champ'? That was one of Ron's favourite names, both for me and Andy.

Ah, yes, Ron. I wonder when I will see him again, if ever. He was good fun, and taught me a lot of what I know about the fun that I can have with Junior.

Well, thinking about it, it was actually William who taught Karl and me to jack off. But, Ron showed me lots of different ways to `masturbate' and what it felt like to lay ourselves on each other and push our dicks through each other's legs. He even promised to tell me more of what boyfriends could do together, when I turn 16. And, it was Mr Grant who first showed me how good sucking felt.

Hmm, I'm not sure what else Ron could tell me, if there's more than what Andy and I have already done together. Come to think of it, how did Andy know about fucking? Oh, yes. His mother's boyfriend had raped him! It took a lot of courage for Andy to tell me about it, and then to trust me to actually do it with him, giving himself to me completely.

I love him...even if he does let all of the girls at school hold his hand! But, I get to hold a lot more of him than his hand! Haha, girls!

At Andy's bedroom door, I turn and look. Brian is still there. Watching me. I give him a quick wave and he returns my `good night'.


The sight of Andy, on his back with his feet, apart, flat on the bed and his knees up, brings an immediate `Hell yeah!' from Junior.

"You gonna shower first?" he grins at me.

"Of course," I reply, making no effort to disguise Junior's obvious readiness.

"Be quick!" Andy tells me. "Let's not waste a minute of your last night here!"


And we don't. Except to catch our breath. And, to give Junior, mine and his, a little rest. I'm glad that Andy's bedroom is separated from his mother's by the bathroom!


I wake early. Not because of any alarm, but the need to pee urgently.

Glancing out through Andy's bedroom window, I can tell that the sun hasn't risen yet. And, I guess that Brian and Mrs Thompson haven't either.

I look at Andy's partially covered body. It's a pity to wake such a perfect beauty.

However, I gently take hold of Andy's morning wood then kiss him on the lips.

"Good morning, boyfriend," I whisper as he stirs.

"Hey!" he tells me back. "What a great memory last night will be, until I see you again!"

"Come and shower with me," I grin at him. "Brian said that it would be OK."

"What?" he exclaims, sitting up and staring at me. "When did he tell you that?"

"It was last night before I came to bed," I tell him. "And, I have no idea why! Does he know what you and I do?"

A broad grin crosses Andy's face.

"It's OK. I know why," he tells me. "He and mum sometimes shower together. And, if I'm around and `catch them', he tells me that it's only to save on the water bill."

"Oh," I sigh. "Then that's probably why he also said that it was fine for you and me to sleep together – to save on the washing."



"Saving water is certainly a lot of fun!" Andy tells me, after we explode on each other. Then he adds, "I didn't know that I had that much left inside me!"

We both giggle, like I imagine that Amelia and Beth would!

"Just, don't say anything to Brian!" I tell him.

Andy grins and puts his finger to his lips.

"Well, at least we were quick!" I laugh.


"I'm going to make breakfast for all of us," I say, as we dress and pack all of my things into my backpack.

"Should we wear these?" Andy asks, holding up his necklace box. "Do you want to?"

I smile.

We hug.

"Let me put yours on you, and then you can put mine on me," I tell him.

We do it, then look at ourselves in his mirror.

"Better than engagement rings!" he comments. "Happy birthday!"

More hugging, with my hand on his firm backside, and a long kiss. Better here than in public at the airport!


"You are a darling!" Mrs Thompson tells me, scanning over my shoulder, at what I've been preparing. "Didn't we vote last Christmas to keep you?"

"We absolutely did!" Brian adds, poking his head around the corner before going back to the bathroom.

I look at Andy, buttering the toast. He grins and raises one hand, as if voting `Yes!' again.

"Well, I'm still here!" I grin at Mrs Thompson.

Her response is to give me a cuddle from behind, which feels just like Mum or Ma.

I add, "Sorry that I couldn't see any lambs fry, so you'll have to settle for pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausages."

"And toast with your coffee," Andy adds, holding up a butter-covered knife.

"Did I hear `pancakes'?" Brian asks, emerging and more carefully looking at the variety of food, then taking his seat at the table, alongside Mrs Thompson, opposite Andy and me.


"Oh, they do look amazing on both of you!" Mrs Thompson comments, indicating our matching necklaces.

"Much better than I had imagined, actually," Brian adds. "I was a little afraid that they would look too `girly' on you, but they actually make you both look very masculine and grown-up. Good choice!"

I think to myself, `Masculine and grown-up. Like the fun that Andy and I enjoy!'

Breakfast is a happy time. Jokes. Memories. Future plans to have Andy stay with us.

No, not now, Junior!


My flight back to Cunnamulla is an early one.

There are lots of hugs at the airport, and I try not to become too emotional at saying goodbye to my Andy.

"See you next holidays!" I tell him, looking lovingly into his eyes.

I turn and wave to all three as I cross the tarmac.


I only become aware of the flight seeming faster than usual when I hear that we have commenced our descent into Cunnamulla and that our seat belts should be fastened.

I was lost in the re-living of my memories of Andy, his parents, Amelia, and Beth.

"Good trip, Kurt?" Dennis, my friendly steward asks, checking my seat belt.

"Perfect holiday, thank you Dennis," I reply.

"Nice necklet," he comments, pointing.

"It was a birthday present from my friend and his parents," I tell him, touching it.

I think that `necklet' sounds better than `necklace', which is a word that I associate with jewellery that Helen, Mum, or Ma would wear.

"They have excellent taste!" he tells me. "Oh, and Happy Birthday."

"Thanks!" I grin back.


Dennis hands me my backpack.

"See you next time," he says, shaking my hand at the top of the stairs.

I see Dad and Karl waiting for me, behind the fence.

They wave, not to identify themselves – obviously, but as a simple `hello'.

I return their greeting and then hurry towards them.

I don't ever remember being as excited to be coming home as I feel right now! Sisters!

Dad shakes my hand.

My brother gives me a hug. "Missed you!" he tells me.

I'm tempted to ask him whether Jacko has kept him busy, but that can wait. I want to hear the details. Tonight. LOL

Right now, I'm more concerned about Helen and my soon-to-be sisters.

"Everything OK at the hospital?" I ask my Dad. "How's Helen?"

He replies. "Everything's fine. Let's grab a coffee and something to eat and then head over there. There's probably no rush to get back. Maybe a couple of hours yet."

"How do you know when babies are ready to be born?" I ask, not really understanding the `process'.

"Doctors and nurses can tell," he replies. "I've already explained the details to your brother. I'll let him fill you in, if you like.

Karl points towards my neck. "What's that?" he asks.

"Birthday present from Andy and his parents," I reply. I don't mention that he received an identical one from me. "Do you like it?"

"It looks really good on you," he says, studying it carefully. I can tell that he's fascinated by it, just as I was.

I feel guilty that I didn't get something similar for him too.


I'm only just into my custard tart when Dad's phone rings.

"A bit earlier than expected!" Dad says, gulping the last of his coffee. "Let's go, boys!"

I bring my partially-eaten custard tart with me, to finish in the car, instead of trying to stuff it all into my mouth.


A handsome male nurse dresses Dad in a blue gown, gives him a mask and puts something on his head, to cover his hair. My Dad now looks like a doctor! He's the only one of us who will be allowed into the room where the babies will be born.

He smiles at us, but looks nervous.

Hey! It's not as though this is the first time that he (actually his wife) has had twins!

"Relax!" he says to Karl and me. "Everything is going to be fine!"

Relax? Do my brother and I look nervous? Who is Dad trying to convince? Us or himself?


It feels like Dad has been gone a long time. I check my watch. Only ten minutes?

"Will you come and sit down!" Karl tells me.

I wasn't aware that I had been walking back and forth, up and down.

Maybe I am nervous.

No, I'm just excited.

Is there a difference?

Karl shares everything that Dad told him about babies being born and how nurses can tell that they are `ready'. I cringe at the thought of a mother, like Helen, being cut open if it's necessary. Did Karl and I really need to know that?

I hear a faint cry and jump up.

"That's a baby crying!" I tell my brother.

And then there are two. Distinct. Different.

They're here! I have two little sisters! I feel my eyes fill with tears.

We wait.

A nurse comes to us. "Everything's fine!" she tells us. "Two beautiful girls. If you be patient a little longer until they have been washed and dried, and settled into their cribs, you can come to see them."

"What are their names?" Karl asks.

How can he be so stupid at times?

"Well, they don't come with name tags!" I tell him. "Dad and Helen have made up a list of possible names. Didn't he tell you that?"

"No. What names?" my brother asks.

"I haven't seen the list yet," I answer. "So, their names will be a surprise for both of us."

I remember that Helen and Dad told me that I could choose one of their names. We made a deal months ago, that if I was right about Helen having two girls, then they would allow me pick one name from the list which they would make up.

Karl and I sit, to share possible names, working our way through the alphabet.

He starts rattling off lots of names. I don't really hear them all. But, when we get to `J' and he says, "Jane," he freezes and stares at me.

I pull a face and frown. Then we both grin. No! Not the same name as Jake's sister; the school's deputy sheriff!


A short while later, Dad emerges, and removes one elastic of his mask, allowing it to dangle from the opposite ear. He has an enormous grin across his face!

I feel wonderful inside at seeing him so happy!

"Come on," he says to us. "The babies have been cleaned up and they are ready to meet their two big brothers."

The nurse helps Karl and me to `get ready'. He tells us, "The gown, mask, and hair net are all to help protect the babies from possible infection."

I'm surprised to see two glass cases, close together. There's one reddish-pink baby in each; uncovered from the waist up. They are tiny! I've seen dolls bigger than these in toy shops.

"They are called `humidicribs'," Dad says, obviously picking up on the expressions on our faces; mine, at least. "They are designed to provide a warm environment, with the right mixture of oxygen, to help a baby adjust to its new world. And they can be easily observed by the doctors and nurses. And their parents! And their brothers!"

One baby is crying. One isn't.

"Have you sterilized your hands?" a female nurse asks.

Karl and I both nod.

"Your parents have agreed that you might like to touch them, and feel how soft their skin is."

Dad and Helen, smile. "Go on," Helen says to us. "It's OK."

Karl immediately steps forward to be alongside the `quiet' one.

I stand and look at the crier. Such a beautiful face! Her eyes are closed tightly and her little mouth is trembling. I imagine that she is singing. Loudly.

The nurse opens a little window in the glass crib for Karl to insert his hand. I watch him carefully. He touches her chest, then her hand. Then, he takes his arm away.

My turn. The crier.

I reach in. My mind says, `It's OK, little sister. Your big brother is here for you!'

As I touch her, she suddenly stops crying and her tiny hand takes hold of my finger.

I look up at Dad and Helen. They stare towards my finger, amazed, and the nurse gasps, "Well! I've never seen that before!"

I withdraw my hand from my sister and the humidicrib and she starts to cry again.

I put it back in, and, again, she grasps my finger and stops crying.

My eyes fill with tears.

I move my finger, and her hand, up and down, "How do you do?" I say. "Pleased to meet you, little sister. I'm one of your big brothers. I'm Kurt."

I blink and my eyes overflow. Why am I so emotional today?

"Your brother and I will wait for you outside," Dad tells me. He puts his hand on Karl's shoulder and they go out together.

The nurse is talking to Helen.

My sister is still holding onto me.

After a short while, I feel her grip relax, and then let go completely.

Will she start crying when I take my hand away? Slowly?

She doesn't!

She is beautiful!

"You'll find a note for you in the top drawer next to the bed here," Helen tells me, as she offers me the box of tissues to mop my cheeks.

Although I'm reluctant to leave my sister, in case she starts to cry again, I walk around to the other side of Helen's bed, dry my eyes, then retrieve a folded piece of paper from the drawer.

It's a list of eight names. They all start with the letter `M'.

Helen says quietly, "I can guess which one is the baby whose name you will choose. It almost seems as though she has chosen you. Your father and I have selected `Margaret' for one, which was my grandmother's name. What will we name the other one? Your choice."

I look at the list: `Mary, Madeline, Madison, Melody, May, Mia, Michelle', and `Miriam'.

"That's easy!" I tell her, looking down at the list. "She will be `Melody'. Did you hear her singing to me as we came in?"

Helen smiles and the nurse gives little silent claps.

"Margaret and Melody," Helen says aloud. "Nice!" Then, "Melody and Margaret. Which order do you prefer?"

I repeat both combinations a few times then reply, " `Melody and Margaret' seems to flow better." Then, I say to nobody in particular, but, in a louder voice, as if I am the town crier in one of Helen's Goldilocks stories, "Hello world. Welcome Melody and Margaret Andersen. They are my sisters."

I give Helen a hug and ask, "Are you OK? You look tired."

"I'm fine. Thank you, Kurt," she replies. "Melody is absolutely going to adore you!"

"I love her already," I reply. I kiss Helen and, passing the cribs on my way to the door, I say, blowing a kiss, "Goodbye, Margaret. Sleep well, Melody. Your big brother loves you both."


Karl shows me the laundry bag for my gown, and the bin for the hair net and the mask, all of which I am happy to shed.

"Here's $20 each," Dad tells us. "Why don't you go and have some lunch. Or, go for a walk. When you come back, I expect that your sisters will both have names."

Karl is more excited than I am, for good reason, because he doesn't know what I know. Another secret – Melody and Margaret!

Dad re-attaches his mask and heads back to where Helen and the girls are resting.

"Aren't they just beautiful?" I turn and ask my brother.

"They're tiny!" he replies. "And, I like it when they're not crying! Maybe there's a place in town that sells earplugs."

I'm not sure whether he's serious or just trying to be funny!

"You want to go and eat straight away?" I ask my brother.

"Not just yet," he replies.

"What then?" I answer. "Want to look for earplugs, or, maybe, call into Mr Taylor's shop and say hello to Archie?"

"Hell, yeah!" he tells me with a smirk. "We could always pretend that we're looking to buy some new pants. And, Archie might need to check our measurements."

I certainly hadn't expected that! Nor the suddenly-obvious bulge at the front of his jeans!

"What's up?" I ask, pointing at it. "Didn't you get enough of Jacko while I was away?"

"I've hardly seen him," Karl answers. "He's been helping out at Jintabudjaree. They're starting to build a studio for Will, and stables for some horses. Dad has been letting him use the new house in The Village, and I've been doing all the work at home, with Dad."

"Tell you what..." I say. "Here's my $20 from Dad. Go and buy something at Mr Taylor's. I still have some other money left over from my trip, so I'll meet you back at the café."

"Aren't you coming to say hello to Archie, and try on something as well?" he asks.

"No," I reply. Then grinning, "Why don't you see whether Archie can tell which twin you are, by yourself, and without me there!"

"That sounds like fun!" Karl says, jiggling `things' to a more comfortable position. "You don't mind?"

"Why would I mind?" I reply. "Go on."

He grins, "Maybe I could save our money and only pretend to be looking for something new to wear."

"Just don't spurt in the fitting room while Archie's taking your measurements," I laugh.

"Tonight, in your bed!" he grins back at me.

"Deal!" I tell him, then step in the direction of the café as he heads the other way.


After about fifteen minutes, from my favourite window seat, I catch sight of Karl heading back towards the café.

He's not carrying anything, so I guess Mr Taylor didn't make a sale today.

Even before he comes through the door, I can tell, from that same goofy expression on his face, that he and Archie have done something.

Instead of coming to my table, he gives me a brief wave and heads straight for the counter. He has a discussion with the waitress, pays, and then heads back towards me.

"So, what did you and Archie do?" I put to him.

He ignores my question, sits down and points at my empty glass and plate.

"Looks as though you've had a chocolate milkshake and an apple pie with cream and ice cream," he tells me.

How on earth can he tell that? I didn't leave a single crumb on the plate, or a drop in the bottom of the glass. I sincerely hope that he hasn't learned to read my mind!

"Custard tart and a glass of milk," I reply.

"Liar!" he answers.

"How do you know?" I ask him.

"I went to the counter and said, "I'll have the same as my brother. Then she repeated what she was going to bring me."

Smart! I extend my fist for him to bump.

"So, what happened with Archie?" I ask. I'm not letting him off the hook!

"Well, when I got to Mr Taylor's," he starts, "The door had a `closed' sign on it. I was pretty disappointed but, as I was peering into the store, Archie opened the door and let me in."

"Then, why was there a `closed' sign on the door?" I ask.

"Archie told me that his uncle had gone to the bank and had some other business to do," Karl starts, "And that he didn't want to leave Archie to run everything alone for maybe an hour. Hence, the `closed' sign. Then, Archie said, `Hey, Kurt, do you want to come down to a fitting room for a few minutes?'"

"So," I put to my brother, "He couldn't tell that you weren't me?"

"Ha!" Karl replies. "I pretended to have a sore throat, so I didn't say much, and I used a croaky voice so that it didn't sound like how you and I normally speak."

"And, what happened?" I ask.

Karl grins. "He quickly closed the door, dropped his trousers, and hooked his underpants under his balls. His dick was sticking straight out."

"What did you do?" I ask, interested.

"I just undid my belt and top button, and Archie quickly did the rest," he answers. "He must have been as horny as I was! And, we immediately began playing with each other. It felt so good, especially after not having you or Jacko around for a week."

"How far did you go?" I ask.

"It was like Archie couldn't stop himself," Karl says, looking around in case somebody in the café might be able to hear what he's telling me. "He knelt down and started sucking me. It felt amazing. I held onto his head and started pushing my dick in and out of his mouth. He seemed to love it. It wasn't long before I had to warn him that I was going to spurt. And, he didn't slow down or seem to worry about making a mess, he just swallowed it all."

"OMG," I reply. "Then what?"

"I did the same to him," Karl grins. "Only he spurted a lot quicker than I did!"

No, Junior! It isn't your turn! You'll have to wait until tonight!


(to be continued)



If you like the story, and haven't said 'hello' yet, please take a couple of minutes to email me.


I try to reply to everyone, though it may not be immediately. Please be patient.


The partly-parallel version to this story, `Schoolie', told through the eyes of Tom Grant, gives the backstory specifically for Tom, William, Andy and Jintabudjaree.
Find `Schoolie' at


If you're interested, I have 26 (A-Z) short stories at



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