

Life in The Village, and the `coming of age' of a student at its remote school,
through his own eyes.

This is an original work of pure fiction (just an expression of a fantasy)
by Robert A. Armstrong (a pseudonym)

Copyright 2013-2024.  Robert Armstrong.  This complete work of literary art is protected by US, Australian and International copyright law. It is the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced in any form whether in whole or in part without the prior express written consent of the author.  
Licence is granted to Nifty Archive Alliance, Inc. for electronic publication on the Nifty.org website. All rights reserved.

The resemblance of the characters by action, name, location, or description to any real person is purely coincidental.

If it is illegal, or offensive, for you to read stories involving interactions of a sexual nature between adults and youths, then what are you doing here?



From Chapter 107:

I turn onto my side. So does Bjorn, facing me. We press our drained and slackening bits against each other's, hold each other's glutes, and we speak in whispers.

We arrange to take the quad bikes out for a ride tomorrow, maybe onto the mud flats. Then, we will go to the nearest workers' hut to `clean ourselves up'.

Bjorn asks, a little hesitantly, "Are you sure that you and your brother really like doing the same things?"

"Yes," I reply, confidently. "Pretty sure!"

He tells me, "Well, Karl was a quick learner today. And, he was fantastic." Then he asks, "So, would you like to fuck me too?" Tomorrow?

[Author: Thank you, Keith for your sensitive feedback about the plot, and for your compliments!]

Chapter 108 – Fantastic!

I'm stunned!

A dozen things invade my brain, all at the same time.

My brother has given up his virginity with one of the farm stay guests?

And, Bjorn actually asked Karl to do it to him? And showed him how? And he reckoned that Karl was terrific at it? `Fantastic', was Bjorn's word.

Is that what Karl meant last night when I overheard him say that he `didn't know how to do it'? His comment actually had nothing to do with horses!

Did my brother do it with Bjorn because he was so aroused after watching those videos of guys doing it?

And, because I didn't want to do it with him?

Will he want to do it again? With me? With Jacko? With Bjorn?

Of course he will! Because I know how good it feels! So does Andy. Now Karl does too! `Fantastic!' according to Bjorn.

More importantly, how do I answer Bjorn, with his offer to also let me do it to him?

I'd love to do it, but I promised Andy that I wouldn't do it with anyone else!

What will Bjorn say when I reply `No' to him?

Would he be satisfied if I did the `prostate' thing to him instead?

Importantly to me, will Karl tell me what he did? Or, will he keep it to himself? I have no intention of actually asking him. It might sound like an accusation, and I know how sensitive he gets about those things!

I avoid giving Bjorn a direct answer. Instead, massaging and squeezing his tight glutes, I tell him, "It looks as though tomorrow is going to be an exciting day for us!"

We rest on our backs and recover. Just holding each other's balls.


After removing the body-substitute pillows, he slides back into his own bed, only minutes before his father and Ron come in, trying to be quiet.


I can't sleep!

Despite having my brother and Ron here in the room with me, and having just been excitingly and totally `drained' by a handsome, blonde, 16-year-old Swede who is lying in the bed next to me, and who wants me to do the most personal of things with him, I feel strangely `alone'. Is that the right word for it? I'm not sure!

There's a weird feeling in my gut that I have never experienced before! I'm with people, so why am I feeling alone? Or, is it more? Disconnected? Separated?

Or, is it a reaction to my brother doing it with Bjorn, instead of with me? He did ask me!

I stare towards the blackness where I know that the ceiling is.

All that I see are visions of my brother fucking Bjorn, for a long time! Maybe like one of the videos that Karl has watched. Firstly, they are in the shower at the workers' hut. Then, on a bed with Karl lying on top of Bjorn's back. Then, with Bjorn on his knees. Then, with Bjorn on his back with his legs over Karl's shoulders. I watch my brother's nice glutes tightening and relaxing. Over and over and over. The two of them are groaning and moaning with pleasure. With no hint of pain! Fantastic!

Then, my brother is me. And Bjorn is Andy.

I feel Junior about to spurt, waking me up.

I didn't know that I had fallen asleep!

I grab the already-wet spunk rag just in time, and it becomes wetter.

I wish that Andy was here!

I can't stand this separated feeling! I creep out of my bed and slide in next to my twin brother, who stirs and moans as he turns onto his side, away from me.

I snuggle up behind him and put my arm over his body. "I love you, Karl," I whisper.

There is a long silence.

Then, my brother rolls back to face me.

"What's the matter?" he asks, softly.

"Nothing." I answer.

"Something is wrong. I can tell!" he says. He pauses. "What is it? Did Bjorn hurt you?"

"No!" I whisper. "Nothing like that! We had a lot of fun, and he made me spurt twice. And, he has a terrific body. What do you think?"

Karl doesn't answer my question , but he asks, "Then why are you here in my bed, instead of asleep in yours? Or his?"

"I don't know," I tell him. "I was feeling lonely."

"Lonely?" he puts to me. "Since when have you ever been lonely? You are the most popular person in the family. You are Dad's favourite. Helen is always hugging you. Even the babies smile at you! And the little kids at school always go to you first, if they need something. Everybody likes you. How can you feel lonely?"

"I have no idea!" I reply. "Maybe I just feel different with Bjorn than I do with you, or Andy, or with Ron. Even having fun with Archie felt different to being with Bjorn."

"Did Bjorn say or do something that upset you?" Karl asks.

"No." I tell him. "I guess that I just need a hug. Like the ones from Mum or Ma or Helen or one of yours."

"Roll over," he tells me. "Face the other way, so that I can hold you better. You can stay with me for as long as you like. Then, go back to your own bed when you no longer feel `lonely'."

I love my brother! And the feeling of closeness to him, with his naked body snuggling behind me.


The odds of that rooster becoming a Sunday roast, are getting better!

I wake in my own bed. I have no recollection of getting back here, or of putting my pyjama pants back on.

I lie, staring at the now-just-visible ceiling, trying to remember everything from last night.

I decide that a shower should freshen me up. Body and brain!

It is still mostly dark. I slide out quietly and focus on tip-toeing to the end of the room.


"Hiya, Champ!" Ron grins from under the shower. "Come in and join me."

I didn't notice that his bed was empty. His lumpy bed was obviously his bedclothes and not his body.

He watches me sleepily step out of my pjs.

He asks, "Hey buddy, Do you need a hug?"

How could he know that?

"Anything wrong, Champ? Your aura is really down this morning?"

I step in with him. The combination of hot water, his muscley body pressed against mine, with his arms around me, all make me feel instantly better. I hold onto him tightly.

"That's the aura that I like to see!" he tells me, dropping his hands to massage my glutes. "So, what happened?"

"This isn't the place to tell you," I say. "Anyone could walk in at any time. And, the longer I stay here, the harder it would be to explain to them my... growing excitement." I glance down then grin back at him.

No! Definitely not now, Junior!

I twiddle the tap so that the water is cold.

The result is exactly what I wanted! Haha. Maybe later, Junior!

"You and I could go and check some fences this morning," Ron says, turning off the taps. "That way, we can talk about `things' without anyone else being around."

I answer, grabbing a towel, "Yeah, except that Bjorn wants me to take him and the quad bikes out, and ride around on the mud flats."

"Couldn't your brother take him instead?" Ron asks. "They should be OK together on the bikes." Both of their auras were quite bright after they got back from horse riding yesterday.

I wonder whether Bjorn will be disappointed if I don't go out with him, so that we would finish at the workers' hut, then `clean up' together. I know what that means!

"Sounds good!" I answer, relieved that there is a possible solution to my problem after all.

Besides, Karl might really appreciate another opportunity to `practise' doing it! LOL

Hang on! Isn't Jacko coming out here today? He'll probably be looking for my brother! I hope that he doesn't come across Karl and Bjorn together! After riding on the mud flats.


I see that Ron has brought his clothes in with him to change into. Smart!

Clutching my pyjama pants in one hand, I give his dick a cheeky squeeze, then head for the door to go and get dressed, but not before he lands a swat on my backside.

"Good morning, Mr Eriksson," I say, seeing him sitting on the edge of his bed and stretching. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you... um... which twin are you?" he answers, and asks.

"I'm Kurt," I reply. "I was just having an early shower before heading across to the house to see if I can be helpful. At the least, I can have the coffee hot for you when you come over."

Even in this light, I can see him grinning. "Ah, yes. The one in charge of everything except the horses. I overheard you telling Bjorn that."

"That's probably not the whole truth," I answer. "I sometimes say that just to stir up my brother. But, it is close to the truth. My Dad's really in charge of everything."

"Your father is a lucky man to have even one helpful son, let alone two!" he tells me.

I sense that he's hinting at something about Bjorn!

I don't want to say anything that could result in him telling me more than I really want to know, so I comment, "Well, I'd better get dressed. I can't go over to the house looking like this, can I?"

"You look perfect, from what I can see!" he tells me, and I see him checking out my body. Then he adds, "Tell me Kurt, do you always wear pyjamas?"

"Do you mean me, or everyone here, Mr Eriksson?" I ask, curious at his question.

"Everyone," he replies. "Which would include you."

"Well, not usually," I tell him. "Karl and I never wear them unless we are in the house and Helen is there. But Dad said that we guys had to wear them when Anakin was with us."

He replies, "Do you think it would worry you, or your brother, or the farm hands if we didn't wear our pyjamas to bed, over here?"

"Probably not," I answer. "We didn't want to offend you or Bjorn by walking around naked, in case it made you feel uncomfortable. I'll check with the others, if you like."

"Thank you," he replies. "And I'll check with Bjorn, but I already know what he thinks. At home, none of us wear pyjamas." He adds, "Or clothes generally, when we are in the house."

"Even when Mrs Eriksson and Ingrid are there?" I ask, shocked at the thought.

He answers, "We have nothing to hide." He must see the stunned expression on my face, and adds, "You can always chat to Bjorn about it, if you like. He'll be honest about everything."

"Thank you, Mr Eriksson," I tell him. "But, right now, I think that I'd better get dressed, considering where I'm going, and who is over there."

Instead of continuing to hold my pyjama pants in front of my body, I sling them over my shoulder and continue down to where my clothes are.

I can feel Mr Eriksson's eyes following me.

I think... What? They all walk around naked at home? Bjorn and his sister and his parents? Wouldn't that be embarrassing if one of the guys got an erection?

I think back to the breakfasts at Marty's. Despite all of the naked sausages, I don't recall seeing any stiffies. Maybe one or two chunkies! And, Junior was one of them. LOL.

I can't imagine walking around naked in front of my mother now! It was different when Karl and I were little. That was before I was aware of balls and erections and hairs and boyfriends! And more!


It's funny to see Dad and Ron, each nursing one of my sisters. Feeding them.

It must have been `perfect timing' for Ron, who would only have been a few minutes ahead of me.

I say to Helen and Mrs Eriksson, "I told Mr Eriksson that I would have the coffee hot by the time that he got here. I think that he was just going to have a shower. Should I make one for Dad and Ron?"

"Not while they are feeding the babies, sweetheart," Mrs Eriksson tells me. "We wouldn't want to have any accidents, would we?"

I have an awful vision of hot coffee being accidentally spilled onto one of the babies!

"Definitely not!" I reply. "I should have thought of that!"

Helen says, "Besides, they'll appreciate it more after they've finished. Especially if they have been pewked on!"

She and Mrs Eriksson both laugh.

I can see the humour of their potential experience or insight! `Pewked on!' Neither Melody nor Margaret has ever done that to me!

I make sure that the water is boiled, and that the mugs are lined up, ready, then Ingrid and I set the table. I make us both coffee and some toast, while the mothers are busy cooking.

I reckon that Karl and Bjorn are going to be on washing up duty! Has anyone told Bjorn about that house rule yet; about the last two to the dinner table? Ingrid and I are the first to sit down. Dad and Ron are excused. So are the cooks. And I reckon that Mr Eriksson will join us before the other two do!

It will be fun to watch their expressions, when they are told, or reminded, about it. But I will help them by putting everything away after it's washed and wiped.

"Would you like some plum jam on your toast?" I ask Ingrid, putting a collection of labelled jars onto the table, then sitting down with her. "Or some strawberry conserve? Or maybe some orange and lime marmalade? They are all home-made."

Ingrid studies the jars and asks, "Can you please tell me the difference between the jam, the conserve and the marmalade?"

Helen and Mrs Eriksson both obviously having heard, poke their heads around the corner, from the kitchen. Helen comments, "This should be interesting!"

I look up at her and grin. "I found this information in Mrs Cameron's Red Book. And, from the handwriting, it could even have been from her mother or grandmother. So, everything depends on the amount of fruit, and how much sugar is used. The note also mentions `jelly'."

I'm suddenly aware that I have an attentive audience of three women, two men and, perhaps, one or two babies!

"Well," I start, "Jelly is easy to explain. It's just the juice of the fruit, sugar, and something to help it set to a solid; Is its name `pectin'? Jam is made with a single fruit, usually mashed or strained. Conserve is like jam but may have more than one berry or stone fruit in it. Marmalade must have a citrus fruit or fruits and contains pieces of the peel." Then I add, "Anyway, that's what I read!"

People with two free hands, applaud.

Melody waves one of her arms. LOL. She probably just needs to be burped, or she'll pewk.

"Come to think of it," I add, "I'd like to experiment, and make lime jelly, lime jam, lime conserve and lime marmalade, just to make sure that I understand the differences. That should be interesting!"

Mrs Eriksson turns to Helen. "I don't suppose you'd consider doing a swap; him for Bjorn?"

At that moment, Mr Eriksson walks through the door and must have caught her question.

He comments, "Did I just hear that we were swapping someone for Bjorn? About time!"

"Dad grins, "Well, you can't have Kurt. But, the other twin is available!"

Everyone laughs. I know that my Dad isn't serious, and I certainly wouldn't swap my brother for Bjorn, no matter how attractive the blond Swede is, and no matter how `nice' his firm glutes feel, and no matter how much he seems to enjoy sucking my dick.

Ron and I have things to discuss about Bjorn!

"Well, maybe." Helen tells them all in answer to Mrs Eriksson's suggestion and Dad's reply about Karl. "But, only for this week! I really couldn't part with either of them!"

I indicate for Mr Eriksson to sit alongside Ingrid while I go to make him some coffee. I hear his daughter explaining to him the difference between jam and marmalade.


Karl and Bjorn arrive, and Karl immediately begins to make fun of Dad and Ron feeding the girls, pointing at them.

"You'll be laughing on the other side of your face while you are cleaning up and doing the dishes, being the last two to the table!" Dad replies.

Ron throws in, "Yes, Mr Karl... Eriksson!"

That name actually has a nice ring to it!

Stopping dead in his tracks, my brother stares at Ron, and says, "What?"

Taking Margaret from Ron, Helen tells my brother, "Your father has swapped you for Bjorn."

The stunned look on Karl's face is priceless, and he would be wise to close his mouth. It's lucky for him that, there are no flies in the house!

His blank expression turns to a smirk. "Does that mean that Bjorn is my brother now, instead of Kurt?"

"Actually," Dad tells him, offering Melody to Mrs Eriksson, "Kurt's brother is now Bjorn, instead of you."

There is silence as multiple expressions pass across both `Karl Eriksson's' and `Bjorn Andersen's' faces, sometimes looking at each other, and at me, and at their fathers.

"You are joking! Aren't you?" Karl asks, seriously, after much thought.

Dad answers, "Not at all! Mrs Eriksson suggested doing a swap, Mr Eriksson thought that it was a good idea, and I agreed to it."

He leaves out the bit about Mrs Eriksson wanting me, and him offering Karl instead.

"Just for this week, though, love," Helen tells him.

Karl's shoulders relax noticeably, and he exhales strongly.

On the other hand, Bjorn looks disappointed. Would he actually be happy for his family, especially his father, to give him up? Why?


With just the three of us in the kitchen, restoring everything to cleanliness and their proper places, Bjorn asks me, "Kurt, would it be all right with you, if Karl who took me out on the quad bikes today? He said that he's as good on a bike as he is on a horse. And that he really likes to ride around and do donuts on the mud flats."

I am relieved. I now don't have to make excuses about going to check the fences with Ron, in order to avoid doing something with Bjorn that I don't want to do.

And, I fully expect that they will both enjoy getting muddy, showering in the nearest workers' hut, and ending up enjoying each other's body, fully, in the same way as they did yesterday.

I see on Karl's face a combination of hopefulness, yet fear that I will say `no'.

"Of course it's OK, brother Bjorn," I grin. "My ex-brother Karl is good at lots of things that you will enjoy... when you get to know him better!"

There are hidden meanings in my deliberately-chosen words.

Karl smiles at my unexpected compliment, maybe even moreso because of another exciting opportunity to `practise' with Bjorn what that he `learned' to do yesterday.

Not knowing whether I would be as good as my brother, or, maybe, even disappointing, Bjorn looks at Karl and grins, in anticipation of enjoying another `fantastic' fucking. Perhaps, even more then `fantastic'!

I do have to wonder, though, whether Karl could possibly be as good as, or any better than, my Andy! I hope to never find out, and that I'm strong enough to resist any encouragement, even pestering, from my brother to do it with him.

And, I can't help thinking about whether Bjorn will want to return the favour and fuck Karl as well!

If so, I hope that he doesn't hurt my brother!


The babies are asleep.

With a view of the yard and the chooks scratching about for whatever they can find, Helen, Mrs Eriksson, and Ingrid are all on the lounges knitting, which is something that Mum never taught Karl and me to do.

Karl and Bjorn have taken their horses off to the north.

Dad and Mr Eriksson are heading over to check the windmill and tank which give the house and bunkhouse their water. The pressure hasn't been as good as usual.

Ron asks me, loud enough so that Helen can hear everything, "So, do you still want to come with me and check the fences? Down south?"

"Yes. Thank you," I reply, also with a raised voice.

We have to talk about Bjorn!

"All of the tools are in the Land Rover," he tells me. "Let's go!"


We are walking across to the shed where Ron has parked the Land Rover, when I hear a familiar sound.

"That's our ute!" I tell Ron. "Which means that Jacko is coming from Jintabudjaree."

Shit! Why now?

Will he want to come with Ron and me? Or take one of the other bikes and head for the mud flats after Dad or Helen tell him that Karl is hooning around there with Bjorn? Or will he come across them doing something else?

The ute pulls up next to us, and Jacko jumps out. "Hi guys!" he greets us. "What's happening? Where is everyone?"

Before either of us has time to answer, we hear Dad's voice call from the top of the tank stand. "Hey, Jacko! Perfect timing! Come up and give us a hand, and I'll introduce you to one of our guests!"

"Nothing like getting straight to work," Jacko grins, pulling the front his dusty, well-worn hat down onto his forehead. "See you guys later!"


"So, what was troubling you this morning?" Ron asks, with only a sideways glance at me. "Your aura looked more like your brother's so that, for a moment, I thought you were him."

"I'm not sure," I answer. "I don't remember ever feeling like that before."

"So, can you tell me what were you actually feeling?" he asks.

I reply, "Well, after Bjorn and I had a bit of fun in my bed, and he went back to his, I just felt alone. Strange!"

"Alone!" Ron states rather than asks. Even so, I know that it's a question.

"I even had to get into Karl's bed and ask him to hug me," I tell him.

"Did Bjorn do something that hurt you?" Ron asks.

I answer. "Karl asked me that same question. No, Bjorn and I just has a lot of fun. He made me spurt twice, and I sucked him once."

"So, did you want Bjorn to stay in bed with you?" I hear. "Or, did he say anything to upset you?"

Turning to look at Ron, I say, "No, not really," to his first question. I pause. "Well, maybe it was just something that he could have told me. I don't know."

Ron drives around a dead stump, then asks, "So, what specifically did he say that you think might have upset you?"

"I'm not sure how to say it," I tell him.

He pulls up the Land Rover, and switches it off. "Come on, Champ! Just spit it out!"

I take a deep breath, and say, all in one go. "He told me that he taught Karl to fuck him and that my brother was `terrific' at it, and he asked me if I wanted to do it to him as well!"

There is silence.

We sit, facing each other. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say something, or whether Ron is thinking.

"What has your brother told you?" Ron finally asks.

"Nothing!" I reply. "He hasn't said anything to me about it." Then, thinking that he will, sooner or later, I add, "Not yet!"

"So," Ron continues, "Are you more upset at what your brother did, or that he hasn't told you about it? Or that Bjorn wanted you inside him as well?"

"I don't know," I tell him. "It's complicated."

He reaches for a quick hug, and I lean across to the driver's seat as best as I can.

"Why don't you take everything one step at a time, and tell me how you feel about each of them?" Ron says encouragingly.

He sounds like Mr Grant giving advice to one of the kids. Or Dad to me.

"Well," I start. "I'm not upset that my brother has done it. I've thought a lot about how good it feels with Andy, and yet I've felt kind of selfish that I've experienced a pleasure that my brother hasn't. Although, I never expected him to learn to do it with one of our home stay guests, who is older than him."

"Whoa! Is there another possible problem here?" Ron asks. "Is it that a visitor to your house was the first one to do it with your brother, or that Bjorn is older than Karl? And, before you answer the second part, think about the age differences between you and Andy, and, especially between you and me."

He's right! Ron has taught me practically everything that I know. And, William and Andy both contributed, come to think of it! Without those three older guys, how would I have found out anything? Karl and I could still be washing each other's `willy' in the shower!

"You're right, of course!" I say, looking Ron directly in the eyes. "Maybe I was just hoping that someone as wonderful as you would be the first one to do it with my brother."

"What about you?" he asks. "Couldn't you have taught him?"

"I really would have liked to," I answer. I pause. "But, Andy and I promised each other that we wouldn't do it with anyone else. And, I'm not upset that Bjorn wanted me as well. Maybe he was actually wanting to check whether twins could be as `fantastic' as each other. Maybe he just wants a lot of sex. Perhaps I'm disappointed at giving that promise to Andy." Then, I think about my words and say. "No, I'm not. Really!"

"How do you feel about Bjorn?" Ron asks.

"He's very handsome," I answer. "However, I don't feel any kind of attraction to him, despite the fun that we had together. With you and Andy, it was totally the opposite! Instant magnetism and friendship!"

I think about the beginning of my `friendships'.

William's friendship just came out of us growing up together and playing with each other, in the weir, and at home after school. He showed Karl and me how to wank.

Ron's friendship came about totally differently. I think it started with us being playful and cheeky with each other , then, in the swimming hole, with him holding me against his body and pushing his big dick through my legs until he spurted. But it was all a lot of fun. What he did, and everything afterwards, just felt really naughty but exciting. I loved it.

And, even though Andy needed me to help him when he couldn't walk or talk properly, I felt totally attracted to him from the very first moment that we shook hands. And, it was fun, playing games with him as well, like hiding in the secret room off Mr Grant's bathroom, and being daring enough to feel each other in the dark, and joking about seeing each other's erections in our jeans and leaving our shirts out to cover them.

"What about Karl not telling you what he did with Bjorn?" Ron asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Maybe that's it," I answer. "It's like he doesn't trust me anymore. We used to do everything together and tell each other everything. Now, it's like there's a kind of wall between us."

"Hang on!" Ron says, quite forcefully. "Did you tell your brother about me? Or about Andy? Didn't you trust him enough to tell him?"

I think about it and my eyes fill with water.

"But, I promised you and Andy that I wouldn't," I answer. "They were our special secrets."

"Isn't your brother allowed to have a special secret, if you have one?" Ron puts to me.

I blink, and my eyes overflow. I feel hot tears run down my cheeks. One drips off my chin.

I've been totally selfish!

And, I confess that I seem to enjoy making fun of my brother, like Dad does.

I'm the one who has been creating a wall between us! Not him!

How on earth does my poor twin brother feel?

No wonder he resents other people paying me compliments!

I'm sure that Ron is able to `read' how I'm feeling!

"Can I tell you," he comments, "that the only times I've ever seen your brother's aura shine like yours, is when he is with Jacko, and now, with Bjorn? They both make him happy. Don't you want Karl to be as happy as you are?"

That does it! I lose it completely! Crying. `Like a baby' is an expression that I've heard.

Then I think – which baby? Margaret or Melody?

I feel half a smile return.

"Come on," Ron tells me. "Let's get out, so that I can give you a proper hug."


"Can I ask you a question, Ron?" I put to him, back in the Land Rover. "There's something else that I've been worried about."

"Sure, Champ," he replies, stopping to give me his full attention. "Go for it!"

"Well, it's about the two people who make Karl happy. Jacko and Bjorn" I start.

He says nothing.

I continue, "What happens if Bjorn wants my brother to keep doing it to him, and if Jacko wants Karl too? Both of them wanting my brother at the same time? Wouldn't that cause an argument? Could Karl lose both of them? I know that Bjorn is going home at the end of a week, but what if Jacko didn't want to play with my brother anymore, after finding out what he has been doing with Bjorn? Karl would be so upset!"

"Ever heard of a three-some?" Ron asks me, grinning.

"You mean like three people playing together at the same time?" I answer.

"Well, have you?" he asks again.

"Actually, yes," I tell him, proud to show my experience. "William and Karl and I used to have fun together, all of the time."

"Three guys wanking is not exactly what I meant," Ron tells me. "Think about the most that you reckon Karl has ever done with Jacko, plus what he has now done with Bjorn, and what might happen if all three of them felt like doing stuff with each other at the same time."

"Maybe Jacko could end up fucking Bjorn or being fucked by Karl!" I suggest.

More possibilities run through my head.

I feel another stab of guilt.

What right do I have to put restrictions on what Karl does with Jacko? I thought that I was `protecting' him. However, what it has been doing is denying him a pleasure that I have had with Andy, and which I can't/won't share with my brother.

Maybe, I should get Karl and Jacko together and tell them that I was wrong, and take back my inappropriate rule, and that they should be free to do whatever they want together, without any explanations about how much Junior enjoys Andy or how `fantastic' Karl's `identical Junior' might feel to Bjorn!

No! Not now, Junior!


There are very few fences that need adjusting.

Ron and I return to the southern workers' hut. Nobody else is likely to come down this way.

"You want me to really cheer you up?" he asks, inside, and beginning to strip off his clothes.

"How?" I put to him, knowing that it's something which he can achieve in so many ways!

"Everything that you and Andy do!" he replies, "But without breaking your promise."

Junior immediately stretches to full attention.

OK, Junior. Now is good!


We spend heaps of time playing, with Ron on my back, and me on his; Junior between his legs and his big one between mine; erections in each other's mouth – taking turns, even both together, upside down. We finish by doing the new `prostate' thing and we both spurt really hard!

Suddenly, Ron says, "Champ! We've been here so long, that we might have missed lunch. We had better head back, and think up an excuse!"

"Easy!" I tell him. "You can say that the southern fences now won't need checking for another 6 months! And that we didn't want to stop until we had completely finished, and that now we are almost exhausted."

"Well, the last bit's true, isn't it?" He tells me, grinning.

"I wonder how Karl and Bjorn and Jacko got on!" I chuckle, as we close the doors of the Land Rover. "And, according to my watch, we will still be in time for lunch."

As Ron and I walk through the door, I can tell that lunch is about to be served.

"Well, look who's on washing-up duty!" Karl exclaims, pointing and almost laughing.

I look around. Yep. Ron and I are the last two.

I simply turn to my `fellow kitchen hand' and smile, "Wash or wipe?" without giving my brother the pleasure of thinking that Ron or I is upset.

"Wash!" he responds. Then he adds, "Let's go out there now and see if we can help."

We pass Helen and Mrs Eriksson on the way.

"Any more?" I ask.

"Just a few things to bring in, thank you," she replies.

"Why don't you both sit down?" Ron suggests to them. "Kurt and I will bring the rest."

As soon as we turn the corner into the kitchen, I say to Ron, "Did you think that my brother looked particularly happy just now? And I don't just mean telling us that we were doing the dishes!"

"And not just him!" Ron answers. "Even though they weren't grinning, Jacko's aura and Bjorn's were as bright as Karl's. I reckon that the three of them got up to something earlier!"

"You think that they had a `three-some' that we talked about?" I ask, picking up the greens and leaving the cauliflower for Ron."

"I couldn't say, Champ," he replies. "But it looks as though they have all done something to make them happy. Not necessarily all at the same time, either."


There are ten of us at the table.

Dad and Helen are at the ends, with Helen closest to the kitchen.

Ingrid, Jacko, Bjorn, and Karl are on one side, in that order.

Ron and I sit opposite them, between Mr and Mrs Eriksson. She is near Helen. He is near Dad.

"So, how are the fences?" Dad asks, looking at Ron and me. "You two were gone long enough to check all of them."

"That's exactly what we did!" Ron tells him, loading his fork with a piece of lamb and some mashed pumpkin. "And you won't have to worry about that lot for another six months!" He continues, "How about you? Did you find the problem with the water tank?"

Then he fills his mouth, waiting for an answer.

"Frogs!" Dad tells us. "They must have got pumped up as tadpoles. When they grew, with no place to rest, apart from the floating bodies of others, they died too. Near the bottom of the tank, one had had been sucked against the outlet, causing a reduction in the water flow. Jacko had to go diving in the tank to clear the pipe."

"Does that mean that we're drinking the water that you went swimming in?" Karl asks, screwing up his nose and turning sideways to look past Bjorn at Jacko.

"Cleaner than frog guts!" he answers.

Karl opens his mouth to speak. I reckon that he's going to say something like, `I hope you didn't fart or pee in it,' But Dad cuts him off before he gets a chance to start.

"You two should notice the difference in water pressure when you do the dishes," Dad smiles at Ron and me.

Dishes? That produces a small, childish, poked tongue at me from my brother.

Ignoring Karl, I ask, "So, Dad, do you have plans for this afternoon? There are still many things that we can do with our guests. I have a list."

He answers, "Jacko and Karl are going to take Mr Eriksson and Bjorn horse riding. And, Mrs Eriksson and Ingrid are looking forward to one of your cooking lessons. I'll help Helen with the girls."

All the while, I've been watching the three guys opposite me.

Bjorn keeps taking sideways peeks at each of the others and grinning. They grin back.

It's difficult to read, without Ron's aura ability, but, I reckon that Bjorn has done something this morning with each of Jacko and Karl. I'm not sure about Jacko having time alone with my brother! So, I wonder if there were three together, or two at a time! Maybe Ron can `read' them and tell me.


Now that Jacko is here with us, Ron will go and do two days' work for Mr Grant at Jintabudjaree and then drive back to Cunnamulla to be with his aunt and uncle for a party that they are giving.

"Uncle Jim wanted me to tell you again how pleased he is with the Land Rover," Ron tells my Dad. "Kurt and I worked on it so well that it is the best he can ever remember it being."

Helen adds, "Yes, it's a pity, after so much work, that we let it go. It's almost as good as the Council Land Rover that they gave me to replace their SUV. But, then, we don't need a Land Rover and a ute, and the new people mover! The Land Rover was the obvious one to be sold, and I'm glad that your uncle has it."

"What happened to the Council's one?" Ron asks.

"I had to give it up, when I resigned after marrying Jan," she replies. "But it didn't matter, because Whispering Gums already had one, plus the ute."

Jacko tells us, "Well, you'll have your ute back when I move into my accommodation at Jintabudjaree, which is almost complete. I greatly appreciate you letting me use it."

This, apparently, is not news to my Dad.

Karl, however, looks devastated.

So, now, he might only get to see Jacko if he goes to Jintabudjaree. If we stay there through the week and travel to school with Mr Grant, William will be expecting Karl to spend time with him. However, if William is away, there's always the possibility of Karl sleeping down in Jacko's accommodation with him. Will Mr Grant agree to that? Maybe Karl will be allowed to stay for a weekend, occasionally.


Karl has quickly ushered Jacko, Bjorn, and Mr Eriksson off to the stables.

The girls are awake, and being fussed over by Helen, Ingrid, and Mrs Eriksson. Dad is keen to help but is `shooed' away by the ladies.

Ron and I organise everything in the kitchen, including scraping all the left-overs off the plates, for the chooks, before we start actually washing-up.

"Any chance of another cup of coffee?" Dad asks looking in on us. "I'll drink it in the lounge area and keep out of your way too."

"So, what do you make of Bjorn?" I ask Ron after Dad leaves us. "You can read him a lot better than I can."

"Interesting that you should ask!" Ron tells me. "He's quite a puzzle. When he's near his father, his aura grows darker. When he's with Karl, it's dazzlingly bright. Very unusual!"

"So, what does that mean?" I ask him, as he puts the first stack of plates into the washing-up water.

"I'm studying farm management at university," Ron replies. "Not psychology! It could be more complicated than this, but the simplest explanation is that he doesn't get on well with his father and that your brother makes him happy. Meeting Karl could be the best thing that has happened to Bjorn for a long while."

"Yeah," I smugly tell him. "And, I know exactly how Karl made him happy yesterday! And I reckon that they would have done it again today!"

"By their auras, and how they seemed to merge, I reckon that you're right there, Champ." He tells me, beginning to transfer washed plates in the drainer.

"Well then, why do you reckon Jacko was so happy?" I put to him.

"He obviously enjoyed a bit of fun himself today!" Ron grins at me.

"Who with?" I ask, stopping drying and looking at Ron seriously. "With Bjorn, or with Karl, or with both?"

"Who knows?" Ron tells me. "Maybe with both, but not necessarily at the same time. Has Karl said anything to you yet?"

"Nothing!" I reply.

"Well, I reckon that it's best that we leave them to sort themselves out and to tell you whatever they want, when they are ready," Ron recommends.

I agree, and we both get on with the dishes.

"What will you do this afternoon, while I am cooking with Ingrid and Mrs Eriksson?" I ask.

"Don't worry about me," he replies. "I won't get in your way, your father has given me a list of jobs that still need doing around the sheds, then I'll head back to Jintabudjaree after dinner."


I share my `secret' for perfect scones with Mrs Eriksson and Ingrid. Lemonade and as little handling as possible.

They are thrilled at the results of their efforts. Height, texture, and taste, with jam and fresh cream.

Apart from a large apple pie for dessert, we make apple tarts and jam tarts which will be ready for afternoon tea.

I add Mrs Eriksson's `kanebulle' to my red book. Cinnamon rolls, with added crushed nuts and raisins.

If William was here, we'd have to hide them! The house is full of the smell of cinnamon.

I don't think that I can wait for afternoon tea to try one. So, I don't! Yum!

Neither can Dad! "Anything that I can have with another coffee?" he asks, looking around for the source of the aroma.


Dad, Helen, Mrs Eriksson, and Ingrid sit down for an early afternoon tea. LOL.

Somebody's missing.

I walk out onto the verandah and yell, "RON!"

The six of us enjoy the benefits of the cooking lessons.

Ron comments, "I don't ever remember my aunt Daphne making these cinnamon things!" Then he takes another bite. "Wow! Nice!"

I have an idea. I'm going to put three into a food container (one each for Mr and Mrs Cameron, and another one for Ron) and I'll write out the recipe: once for my Red Book and another one for Ron to give to his aunt. I'll give them to him for her before he leaves.


It's not long before the riders return.

Afternoon tea provides another opportunity to enjoy the fresh `goodies'!

"We saw kangaroos!" Bjorn tells his sister, excitedly. "From up at the lookout, and we got really close to two of them."

"I wish that I could also go horse riding," she responds. "I would like to see kangaroos too."

"Of course you can go horse riding, love," Helen tells her. "And there is still plenty of time left before dinner."

Dad turns to my brother. "Karl, after you've had your afternoon tea, why don't you take Ingrid for a ride, and see if you can find that mob of `roos? It's a good thing that we didn't unsaddle the horses straight away. We'll tend to the other two, and also do the stalls."

I'm sure that my brother would rather spend some time alone, somewhere, with either Bjorn or Jacko. However, Dad's polite suggestion is anything but! It's not even a request, and, it's not open for discussion. Karl is taking Ingrid horse riding!

The expression on his face is totally different to what it would have been if Dad had told him to go out with Bjorn.

"Oh, what should I wear?" Ingrid asks, almost an eight-year-old than an eighteen-year-old.

Huh? Karl and I look at her, then at each other.

It's Helen who answers, "What you are wearing will be fine love. Jeans are good! Maybe some sturdier shoes or some boots, if you have any."

Mrs Eriksson reminds Ingrid of what she has packed.

"Oh, yes!" she replies, jumping up and heading to her room. My room.

Karl doesn't wait for her and heads off towards the horse shed. Slowly, kicking dirt at anything real or imaginary in his path.

I don't need to be able to read auras, like Ron can, to imagine that my brother's would be really dull at the moment.

Ingrid hurries after him. "I'm coming, Karl!" she calls. Her energy and enthusiasm reminds me of the little kids at school!

"She'll be fine with Karl," Mrs Eriksson comments.

Bjorn adds, "What about Karl? Will he be fine with her?"

I think that people are tempted to laugh but, like me, they hold back. I really hope that it will be OK for him.

"Well," Ron says, "There are things on my list to do." Then to Dad, he asks, "What's this `re-stock the huts' that you've got here?"

Dad tells him, "We like to ensure that each of the two workers' huts and the bunkhouse are all fully stocked with the non-perishables, plus clean towels, and linen to swap out when needed."

Helen adds, "You may not have been aware of this before, because I used to do it myself until the girls were born. I have made up three containers, one for place.

Ron comments, "I wondered which elves did that!"

Dad adds, "Apart from re-stocking, plus a spot of cleaning would probably be a good hour's work for a team, Ron. You and Kurt always do a good job together, but it looks as though Jacko is missing his usual `accomplice'. Maybe Bjorn would like to help him."

Jacko and Bjorn look at each other. Behind their smiles, I can read exactly what they're thinking!

"What about it?" Jacko puts to him. "You think that we can do the southern hut?"

"Sure!" he replies, smiling. "I'm ready when you are."

Ron comments, "Kurt and I will take the bunk house, and whoever finishes first can also take the northern hut. Is that all right with you, Jacko?"

"Deal!" he replies.

Jacko and Bjorn put their container for the `southern' hut into the back of the ute. Ron carries the larger one for the `bunkhouse' on his shoulder. I did offer to help him!

I hear Jacko tell Bjorn, "Hey. It's better than mucking out the horse stalls!"

Helen calls from the verandah, "Please bring back everything that needs to be washed."

With Karl and Ingrid out riding, Jacko and Bjorn going to the southern workers' hut, and Ron and I doing the bunkhouse, it leaves Dad and Mr Eriksson to unsaddle and brush the other two horses and to clean out the stalls. Dad didn't plan that very well, did he? LOL.

Helen and Mrs Eriksson can do anything. Tend to the babies. Play cards. Knit. Eat more cinnamon scrolls with coffee. Whatever.


"OK," I say to Ron. "Tell me about all of their auras: Karl, Ingrid, Jacko, and Bjorn. I want to know if you saw what I was picking up.

"Two extremes," he answers. "Karl's was really gloomy compared to the other three which were all shining and similarly coloured. I'm not sure why Ingrid's was the same as the other two. We can guess what the guys will probably get up to, can't we? Maybe riding a horse will give Ingrid a similar thrill!"

I don't quite understand what Ron means. I just smile and answer, "Yeah!"


Ron and I are just finishing the bunkhouse when we hear horses returning.

We head across to the stables. Karl and Ingrid are being very chirpy, unsaddling the horses.

"Hi guys!" I call as we get nearer. "How was it?"

"Fantastic!" Ingrid chirps, which reminds me of something that Bjorn had said about my brother's new ability! Karl and Ingrid begin engaging in a one-fingered tagging game. Touching one another and then touching the other person back. Continuously.

Karl has that same goofy expression on his face which I first noticed when he started mucking around with Jacko, and every other time that they have been together. The same as with Bjorn!

Ron whispers, "The two of them are glowing, like Karl was with Bjorn, and their auras are merging! I don't even want to think about what they might have done together while they were out riding!"

I hear two kookaburras laugh.


(To be continued)



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I try to reply to everyone, though maybe not immediately. Please be patient.


The partly-parallel version to this story, `Schoolie', told through the eyes of Tom Grant, gives the backstory specifically for Tom, William, Andy and Jintabudjaree.
Find `Schoolie' at


If you're interested, I have 26 (A-Z) short stories at



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