



Life in The Village, through the eyes of a student at the remote school.
(This is a parallel story to “Schoolie”, but through different eyes.)
This chapter aligns, partially, with Chapter 5 of “Schoolie”.

This is an original work of pure fiction (just an expression of a fantasy)
by Robert A. Armstrong (a pseudonym)

The resemblance of the characters by action, name, location or description to any real person is purely coincidental.

If it is illegal, or offensive, for you to read stories involving interactions of a sexual nature between adults and youths, then what are you doing here?



From Chapter 4:

I look over at Karl. He slept on top of the sheets too, and sometime during the night, he pulled his pyjama pants down to his knees. They’re still in the same place. So is his hand.

I lie still and smile at my new-found pleasure. And I can’t wait to see if William is willing to be gentle with us.


Chapter 5 - Teenagers

My day dreams are replaced by a realisation. Today is Tuesday, our first day of school. Our first day with Mr Grant, our new schoolie. How could I not have even thought about him at all yesterday?

I know why! I was totally absorbed with a new #2. However,

I won’t see Ron again until the next holidays. Bummer! (Did I really just think that word?)

And a worse thought: what if his uni holidays are not the same as our school holidays? Shit! (And, that word was intentional!)

Which reminds me... Karl didn’t finish answering my question about what he thought of Ron. He didn’t say much about Ron’s amazing body, but, then, I got to experience a lot more of it than Karl did. What’s the expression that I heard somewhere? ‘Up close and personal.’ I grin at my memory of it.

I need to pee. I could go outside, but I just get up and do it, as I often do, in the bath then turn on the shower until all of the yellow is gone.

The running water wakes up my brother. I hear him yawning – like a wild animal! I wonder what he will remember or think when he looks down at his pyjama pants.

In the kitchen I see some cereal, bread and sandwich fillings. Dad has already left for work. I didn’t hear his car. I must have been really out to it!

I hear the shower turn on briefly, and then off. We twins do think alike sometimes!

“If you get breakfast, I’ll make the sandwiches for lunch!” I call to him.

“I hope you’ve washed your hands, after last night,” he calls back.

“Why? What happened last night? Oh, yes, I’d forgotten!” I reply.

“Liar!” He roars. “I might let you play with my dick, but don’t try messing around with my brain!”

“I’ll bet that you only let me play with your dick because I let you play with mine!” I say back.

“True!”, he says, emerging into the kitchen. He walks past me, reaches around and has a quick feel of my crotch on the way, then takes out the cereal bowls and the milk.

While he has his hands full, walking to the table, I gently grab his. “Do unto others…” I say. We both laugh.

I finish making the sandwiches, wrap them and put them into our plastic lunch boxes.

We have breakfast, wash up our own dishes, get dressed for school then, checking that everything is tidy, we wait for Little. He usually comes over before school.

We talk a lot and then decide to walk around to the school together, the long way.

We wait. He hasn’t come, so we leave. We walk down to the corner where the pub is (perhaps still hoping to meet him on the way), then turn left up to the old church, then left again and the final 75m to the school.

Mr Grant’s car is here. I could see it from our place. William is on the verandah waiting for Karl and me. He jumps down and meets us at the gate, as if he is not allowed to come out, once he is in.

He seems excited about something.

He shakes our hand and gives us half a hug with his free arm. “Man hug,” he says, to our inquiring looks.

“How come you didn’t come to our place before school like usual?” Karl asks him.

“I stayed at Marty’s and came up with Mr Grant,” he chirps.

“Where did you sleep?” Karl asks.

“In Marty’s spare room,” William gives a straight answer.

Karl follows with, “And where did Mr Grant sleep?”

William’s answer this time is straight, but with a bit of a smirk. “In Marty’s spare room.”

“So, you’re telling us that you slept with Mr Grant?” I state, more than ask.

“Yes.” Simple reply. Big grin.

Karl isn’t done. “So, when you say you ‘slept with Mr Grant’, you mean in the same room, not the same bed?”

“Marty has two beds in his spare room.” Stated, with another grin.

“So, you stayed in yours, and he stayed in his.” Karl obviously thinks that he might be on to something.

“I woke up in my bed and Mr Grant woke up in his bed. Simple.” William knows that he’s got Karl going!

“Now who’s messing with your brain?” I tell my brother. “And, it’s not me.”

A dreadful thought crosses my mind. In my Christmas wish, #2 was supposed to be for me! Not for #1!

I didn’t mean for William to have a twin to play with, like me and Karl.

What if it’s true?

So, could Ron actually be the answer to my #2 Christmas wish?

No! It was specifically for William to have a twin. Twins look alike. Mr Grant looks like William. He is my Christmas wish! He’s mine! Ron is not my #2, but he will be my special friend, next holidays!

Until Ron comes back, I’m gonna get Mr Grant to like me the way that William likes Karl. You wait and see!


“Hey, I need to pee,” William tells us and he heads for the boys’ toilet.

“He’s been mucking around with Mr Grant!” Karl says to me, slightly miffed.

“That’s exactly what he wants you to believe,” I tell him. “He’s just mucking around with your brain!” I pause. “So, do you wanna see if he’s willing to play with us and be gentle? Maybe after school in the weir.”

“I guess so,” he answers, obviously still processing the thought of HIS friend playing with Mr Grant.

“C’mon then, let’s find out while he’s in the toilet.”

We drop our lunch boxes onto one of the seats and run up towards the back of the school yard. William is just heading in. The boys’ toilet is in the opposite corner of the yard to the girls’.

When we get there, he’s already peeing, standing at the centre of the concrete urinal. Karl and I stand either side of him and pull our shorts down. “You can hold mine, if you like while I hold yours” I tell him.

He turns and looks at me. “What?” He looks shocked.

“OK then, I’ll swap with Karl,” I tell him, and move to the other side of my brother. We begin to pee then take hold each other’s penis. “This feels good,” I say to nobody in particular, but especially for William’s benefit.

Karl reaches for William’s penis with his other hand. To my surprise, William actually lets him hold it. Then he reaches for Karl’s and I let him take it from me.

He took the bait!

Having peed a lot this morning already, I finish first, and say, “I’ll leave you two to it then.” And, I exit without looking at either of their faces.

If Karl can get William to be gentle with him, then I can have Mr Grant! He IS my #2!

Now I know that Karl won’t have too much pee to let go of either, so when they take another two minutes to emerge, I know that they have ‘been gentle’ with each other for a short while. Hey! Even William can’t pee for that long!

They walk back towards where I’m sitting with the lunches. William is slightly ahead of Karl, who gives me a ‘thumbs up’ which William can’t see.

I nod. Karl smiles.

Yes! Mr Grant is gonna be all mine! William can’t have both him and Karl! That’s not fair!

William says nothing. Karl says nothing. And I resist the temptation to say something.

“OK, then,” I say to break the silence. “Let’s go and talk to Mr Grant.”

No other kids are here yet.

I pick up the lunch boxes, give Karl his and then knock on the door.

“Come in,” Mr Grant calls. He rises from his table to meet us half way. “Good morning, Karl,” he says, shaking my brother’s hand.

He really CAN tell us apart!

“And how are you this morning, Kurt? Ready for a new school year?” He shakes my hand. At least, that’s what he intended.

I take his hand and hold it. I look at his eyes and smile. “Thank you, Mr Grant,” I tell him, while still holding on. “I’m looking forward to a great year!”

Mr Grant moves to take his hand away. I hold on to it.

“He does that to people a lot,” Karl says, just like he said to Ron.

“That’s OK. It doesn’t matter,” Mr Grant says to Karl. These are the exact same words that Ron and I said to each other at the swimming hole.

Then, Mr Grant tightens his grip on my hand, and I have to release him, or die of pain.  Mr Grant says, “I like a young man with a firm handshake. Thank you, Kurt.” That’s what Ron did to me too, when he said that he liked me and wanted to do stuff with me.

I hop around, shaking the life back into my hand. Karl and William think that it’s the joke of the century!

Did I just hear what Mr Grant said? I have a firm handshake, and that he likes me.

I’m happy.

“While you boys are here, let me tell you where I would like you to sit.” Mr Grant says, changing the focus from the friendly handshake to school business. “I thought that I would have you three and Jake O’Brien sit together in a group over there. And Jane over there, close to the little ones who will sit in front of me, here. What do you think?”

I wonder whether Jake made a Christmas wish, or was it William?


The day goes exceptionally well. Mr Grant tells us about himself, and we tell him about us, and what we did over the Christmas holidays. Well, some of it!

And all of us big kids have been given our jobs to do.

William and Jake have to look after the windows and blinds, and William is responsible to making sure that everything in the Craft Room is in the right place. Jake has a similar job, in the classroom. Karl and I are responsible for making sure that the store room is always neat and tidy. Once a week, on Friday, Karl has to sweep the classroom and Craft Room, and then I have to sweep the verandah.

The little kids have to make sure that all of their things are in their desk, and that their chairs are pushed in so that nobody trips over them.

Jane’s job will be the Playground Monitor. What she says outside, goes. Little kids and big kids. Mr Grant calls her his ‘Deputy Sheriff’. As if we need one! She’s gonna be able to boss us around, officially. She’ll just love that!

At the end of the day, we make sure that our daily jobs are done and then I ask, looking at him, “Is there anything else that you would like me to do for you, Mr Grant?”.

I notice him quickly check the front of my school shorts. He looks back up at me, strangely.

“Thank you, Kurt,” he replies. “If I think of anything, I’ll let you know.” Then he adds, “But, if you think of anything extra that you think you’d like to do, please come and talk to me about it.”

We all go home happy. I am sure that there will be plenty of relieved parents tonight, with us kids actually wanting to go to school, instead of inventing deadly-disease reasons to stay home, like last year with Mr Grumpy.

The day isn’t over for William and Karl and me. The afternoon is still hot enough to go swimming in the weir, and for Karl and me to try out some new ‘gentle’ play with William. The front of my shorts is a bit chunky, thinking about it. I’m glad that I’m not wearing my tight jeans!

William comes to our place and we all change to go swimming. Karl and I take off everything except our underpants and William changes into his favourite shorts which were in his backpack. If there’s nobody else at the weir then we will take these off too.

We take the short-cut track to the school and weir. Mr Grant’s car is still there. We go straight to the weir.

Naked it is!

We start by just swimming and clowning around, just to cool off. Then it’s tag and swim, which soon becomes grab and get away. At least we are more careful than we used to be and try to not hurt each other. Growing balls are pretty tender.

William’s not the only one with an erection. He suggests going behind the waterfall.

At first, we stand together. Hardly a circle. More like a triangle. But the playing is gentle. It feels good.

I decide to leave William and Karl together, like in the toilet this morning.

I sit on the log and wait for them after putting my undies back on. I think about Ron, and I think about Mr Grant.

Maybe, if William gets really friendly with Karl, he won’t want to muck around with Mr Grant, if that’s in his mind somewhere.

I’m still thinking about what he said this morning, about ‘sleeping with Mr Grant’. Hell, William’s twin was MY Christmas wish!

They emerge. Erections half gone. They walk up the bank and I enjoy looking at them both naked and wet. I like William’s dark curly pubic hair. Karl’s looks more obvious when it’s wet - darker.

“Are you sleeping with Mr Grant again tonight?” I ask William, half as a joke, but seriously wanting to know.

“Nah. Going home. So, I’ll come over in the morning before school.” He replies.

‘Good!’ I think.

The three of us walk to our place. Short cut. William helps us get the dinner started and helps himself to a handful of biscuits and a large glass of milk.

“See you tomorrow, guys,” he says on his way out.


Dad listens carefully to everything that we tell him about today (but not everything that we have done).

At bed time, we get another chapter of Treasure Island, then our hug and kiss ‘goodnight’.

As we are lying in bed Karl asks me, “Why did you leave William and me together? Didn’t you want to play gently too?”

Of course I would have liked to continue playing with you both! But, Karl, I’m not blind. I know that William prefers you over me. So, I just decided to let you have some gentle fun together. Like in the toilet this morning. Are you mad at me?”

He doesn’t say anything. There is a period of silence, then I feel him next to my bed. “Move over,” he whispers.

I squish towards the wall and he gets in. It only takes me a moment to discover that he’s taken off his pyjama pants and that he has nothing on. “What are you doing?” I ask.

“I just want to say, ‘thanks’. You can play with me if you want to – gently. Would you like me to play with you?”

“Are you serious?” I ask.

“Totally,” he replies. “I didn’t know that’s why you left William and me alone. I thought that you were pissed off with me, or him. William even asked me what was wrong.”

“Nothing was wrong. You’re my brother. I just wanted you to be happy, with William, without me getting in the way,” I tell him.

I can tell from the silence and the change in his breathing that he’s experiencing some kind of emotion. He takes my hand and places it over his penis and balls. “You can, if you want,” he says.

“Wait a second,” I tell him, and I withdraw my hand, to assist in removing my own pyjama pants. “Now we’re the same,” I say. “You can too, if you want.”

His first move is to put his arm over my chest and hug me. Then he gives me a peck on the cheek, like Dad does. “Love you!” he whispers.

“Me too,” I reply, and I replace my hand where he put it originally. He covers my ‘gear’ with his hand as well.

Initially, nothing happens, just a bit of gentle feeling and caressing.

After a few minutes, things start to get harder, and longer and then slipperier.

“Ooh!” he moans softly. That’s nice.”

“Me too,” I say again.

While we are rubbing each other up and down, he says, “I did ask William about this slippery stuff.”

I pause but say nothing. The question in the air is obvious, even if I don’t ask it.

“He said that it happens when a guy gets excited. It’s to help it slide into a hole, like we saw with the stallion and the mare.”

“Like a man putting it in a woman,” I say matter-of-factly.

“Yes, that’s called ‘fucking’, you know,” he tells me. I can hear the smile in his voice, like he’s giving me an anatomy lesson, and at the boldness of his language.

“Yes, I heard Ron say that,” I reply. “I guessed that’s what it was.”

Karl continues, “And he said that after a while, a lot more happens.”

“Like what?” I put to him.

“I asked him that, and he told me that I’d find out when the time was right.”

We stop talking and enjoy playing.

“What about you?” Karl asks, breaking the silence. “Don’t you want to play like this with William too?”

“Yes, I would. But I think that he’s really yours. I would like to find someone just for me,” I say, a little sadly.

Things go through my brain. Ron is gone for the term, plus, my #2 wish is actually my teacher, Mr Grant! Fat chance of me having any fun with either of them now!

I wish!

Wednesday and Thursday whizz by in much the same way. I allow Karl to have time with William alone, and then he makes it up to me at night.

On the bright side, at school, I’m really getting the feeling that Mr Grant likes me. He always smiles when I look at him.

One time, as I look up from my work, he is staring at me. I motion at him with my finger then mouth, ‘Mr Grant’, like I did on the day that we met. He half-points and mouths ‘Kurt’ back at me, and he grins, sharing my humour, then looks back down at his desk.

On Thursday night, in bed, Karl says, “Tomorrow afternoon, William wants to play with you, and let you play with him. He said that it’s the only birthday present he can give you. He has no money to buy anything.

I thank my brother and begin to cry. Instead of going back to his own bed, he hugs me to sleep. I love the feeling of having his warm body pressed against mine. It has never felt this good before when we’ve slept together.


When I wake up, Karl is still in bed with me. His front is against my back and his arm is over my body. One of his legs is over my legs. His penis is hard, against my backside. Mine is hard too. It seems to happen regularly in the morning, and unpredictably at other times. But it has become very predictable when we are playing ‘gently’.

I roll over to face him and wiggle so that our penises are touching. Noses too.

I speak directly to his face. “Hey, wake up! We’re thirteen! Happy Birthday!”

He stretches, and groans his wild-animal-like wake-up yawn, and says, “I need to pee.”

“Me too,” I tell him. “Come on. Let’s do it together.”

We support each other’s bleary walk to the bathroom. I didn’t know how hard is was to pee with an erection! We both laugh at our efforts to keep our pee in the bath and not on the wall! In the end we manage to do it straight up in the air.

William comes early and joins us for breakfast. Dad has left us our cereal and sausages and eggs. I get the cereal. William does the hot stuff on the stove and Karl looks after the toast. With strawberry jam.

It’s only when I start to put everything away that I see the note which was under the egg carton. It’s from Dad. I show it to Karl and we read it together. ‘To my two handsome young men. Happy 13th Birthday, you teenagers. See you tonight for a special dinner. Love Dad.’

Teenagers! Karl and me!

We clean up and take the short cut to school. Maybe it’s too early for snakes to be out. Mr Grant’s car is already there. He likes to spend a lot of time up here before and sometimes after school.

William says to us, “You know what’s gonna happen this morning, don’t you?” He hits one fist into the palm of his other hand. It’s a tradition that anyone having a birthday gets ‘birthday bumps’ from everyone else. “Today, you’re gonna get thirteen. Each. From every one of us.”

I’m not sure how heavy his ‘bumps’ will be. We all really gave it to him last year, with Mr Grumpy’s blessing! William told us that he wasn’t mad, and that he could wait to get even. Today is his chance!

I knock, and wait until we’re invited in. Mr Grant shakes my hand and wishes me a ‘Happy Birthday’. I think about hanging on, but, as he starts to tighten his grip and grin, I decide against it. He wishes Karl the same.

We hear Mr O’Brien’s old Land Rover coming. That means Jane and Jake will be here. Mr Grant whispers something to William who suggests that he, Karl and I wander up to the boys’ toilet. Am I gonna get my birthday present now? Before school? That’s not going to be as long as I had hoped for!

We do begin to play a little but have to stop when Jake suddenly comes in. He stands between William and me to take a quick pee. I tuck myself back in, pull up my shorts and step back. As I leave, I think I catch sight of William and Jake having a quick feel of each other’s penis.

What? William with Jake, too?

Boys will be boys!

When all of the kids come in to start school, they all line up to give Karl and me our ‘bumps’. Jane shows little Eric what to do, and he giggles as he bumps each of us while Jane counts.

The others all have their turn, but when it gets to Jake and William, Mr Grant warns them that they are to be ‘bumps’ not ‘bashes’. How did he know? I suppose he knows how boys can be boys!

To finish, Mr Grant takes his turn. Karl first, in front of me. He faces the class so they can’t see exactly what Mr Grant is doing. Thirteen soft bumps. Then me, but instead of ‘bumping’ me, he rubs my back in circles, with everyone in the room counting. With each one, he reaches lower and lower until number eleven includes the top of my backside. The next two are firm pats right on my backside! “Thirteen!” he finishes.

The lower he got, the more I enjoyed it. Exactly like Ron last Monday. I look at him. He smirks. I smile and mouth ‘Mr Grant’. I see ‘Kurt’ in response from him.

Mr Grant tells the class that nobody is allowed into the store room this morning. He doesn’t say why. Hey, I’m not a little kid any more. I can guess what he and Jane have hidden in there!

Lunch time is a little earlier than usual. Jane stays inside with Mr Grant. One by one, each of the kids is called in and then comes out again. Instead of Karl and I getting a turn, Jane calls everybody inside.

I expected something like this. It all looks really nice, and better than I imagined. There are lots of plates of different slices, some with chocolate icing. Then there are different cookies. And some sandwiches. And right in the middle, there is a cake which actually looks like two different halves. Chocolate for Karl and orange for me. Jane remembered!

Jane says, “Before we do the cake thing, there’s something for each of you.” She produces two large cards and gives Karl and me one each.

Everyone claps.

Mine says, ‘Happy Thirteenth Birthday Kurt’ in beautiful letters. Underneath it is a pencil drawing of my face. I know that William has done this.

Maybe Mr Grant was right. He could be a famous artist one day.

I open my card and see a small drawing of each of the children, including little Eric. Everyone has written something nice.

I’m so happy that I could cry when I see an unexpected one - a drawing of Mr Grant underneath which he has written, ‘To the young man with a firm handshake. Happy Birthday. Love, Mr Grant.’

Love? He loves me? Then I think, that’s only what people write at the end of something. He doesn’t really love me. Yet! I wonder whether he wrote the same for Karl. We check each other’s card. To Karl, he wrote, ‘To a young man with a happy smile. Happy Birthday. Love, Mr Grant.’ He doesn’t mean ‘love’ to Karl, but I’ll bet that he could mean it to me.

There are 13 candles on the cake, six on each side and one big one in the middle.

Jane says, “We didn’t have 26 candles, so you’ll have to share! And the big one is for a Birthday wish. Whoever blows that one out will get his wish.”

Jane gets some long matches from her bag and lights all of the candles. “Make a wish, while we sing,” she tells us. The ‘Happy Birthday’ song is good until it comes to our names. There is a confusion over which one should be first, and it becomes a great jumble. Everyone laughs.

While Karl is taking a breath to blow out the six candles on his side, I aim straight at the big one. Then do my six. I wasn’t taking any chances! I need this wish to come true!

“What did you wish for, Kurt,” the smaller kids all ask me.”

“Not allowed to say!” I tell them “because then it wouldn’t come true.”

Karl and I cut up our own halves of the cake, so that there is enough for everyone. The little kids go first, take a plate and choose whatever else they want, then take it back to their seats. Jane gives the little ones half a cup of orange juice. The older ones pour their own.

After lunch, and because it’s Friday, Mr Grant allows us to spend the afternoon in playing games.

One of my favourites is ‘Postman’. Everyone sits in a circle and one person is the postman. He walks around the outside of the circle and taps somebody on the head who becomes the dog. The dog has to chase the postman around the circle until he tags (‘bites’) the postman before the postman gets back to his place. The dog can change direction if he wants to, to cut off the postman. Little kids tag little kids and us bigger kids tag the bigger ones. William, Jake, Karl and I have our own version of tag, where we grab the backside of the postman, pretending that the dog is biting him on the bum. I got to ‘bite’ Jake and Karl and was ‘bitten’ once by William. He’s the only person who can run faster than I can.

After everyone else leaves for the afternoon, and the weekend, Jake and William do their jobs and Karl sweeps both rooms out onto the verandah. When he’s finished, he hands me the broom and I use it to sweep everything off the verandah.

It’s still really hot and we decide that we’ll go home and change then go for a swim, and maybe continue our game of ‘postman’, naked. Karl and William head off, while I’m still sweeping. I don’t mind if they have a bit of gentle fun at home before I get there. Besides, William has promised me a birthday present of him and me feeling each other.

Mr Grant comes out. “Thank you, Kurt,” he says, resting an arm across my shoulders. “You’re doing a great job. The verandah looks great.” He gives my neck a friendly, gentle squeeze with his fingers. Then he goes back inside.

“Finished, Mr Grant,” I tell him as I replace the broom behind the door in the Craft Room. Then I say, “Mr Grant, William and Karl and I are going for a swim. Would you like to come and muck around with us? It’s awfully hot this afternoon, isn’t it? Do you want to?”

Thinking of my birthday wish, I add, “I’d really like you to.”

He thanks me but says that he’s not sure. Maybe.

I head off home, walking slowly. I go the long way, even though the short cut would be a lot faster.

When I go in, I can hear them both in our bedroom. They are both down to their undies, sitting on Karl’s bed and feeling each other. Karl looks at me. “I was just warming him up for you,” he says. His grin is somewhere in between pleasure and embarrassment.

“It’s OK,” I say. “I’ll wait my turn. After all, it is your birthday too.”

They both look at me and then at each other.

“Why don’t you come and join us?” William asks. “That would be fun.”

I walk to my bed and take off my shirt and shorts and shoes and socks. I’m not sure how to ‘join’ them.

William stands up and takes a step to me and hugs me. I can feel his erection pressing into my stomach. He reaches down and squeezes my butt cheeks. Then he steps back and slips his palm under my balls.

OK, that gets things started. I feel my penis moving. Growing. I put my hand under William’s balls and give them a bit of a jiggle. They’re heavy. I’d never noticed that before.

“C’mon, Karl,” William says.

My brother joins us and there is some multiple feeling of balls and erections going on. No grabbing. No running. Just gentle! OMG, this feels so good! Me feeling William and Karl. Them feeling me. Me watching them feel each other.

William removes his underpants. “I’ve got to put my swimming shorts on,” he says. Then adds, “but not straight away.”

I know what that means, and I feel every bit of his nakedness – his smooth, heavy balls and his rigid, hair-surrounded penis. His big willie. His cock. His dick. His prick. His manliness. I feel it all up and down and my hand gets wet and very sticky.

I remember what Karl told me. “Excited, are you?” I ask.

“Ohh!” he moans. “Don’t stop.”

I don’t.

Then, he suddenly changes his mind. “No. Stop! I don’t want anything else to happen. Not now. Not yet.”

“What’s going to happen?” Karl asks him.

“Yeah,” I echo. “What would happen?”

“You’ll see,” he tells us. “But not yet. We’d better go and play in the weir. It’s cooler there. It’s suddenly very hot in here.”

He pulls on his shorts, which does nothing to hide his ‘Big’. Really big! His shorts instantly show a small wet patch at the end of his penis, like I have had in my pyjamas. I point to it and have to ask, “Does that happen when you’re asleep too?”

“No. Well, yes, but it’s just from the excitement. If something more happens when I’m asleep, it ends up being a whole lot more than just that little bit wet.”

Hmm. I want to ask him about it, but he’s already heading out the door and across the short cut. He’s running.

Karl and I chase after him. He is the fastest runner in the school, so it’s no surprise that he beats us to the log. He looks around then takes his shorts off. “Naked?” I call out. I’m right behind him and Karl’s behind me. We add our undies to his shorts. I’m in time to see his backside disappear into the deep-water side of the weir. I instantly think of Ron. I wish he was here. I call out, “I’m gonna get you, Willie!” That just slipped out. I should have said ‘William’, but the memory part of my brain still thinks of him as a ‘Willie’. But, not a little one.

I do a shallow dive towards where I saw him disappear. My fingers only manage to catch the end of his foot, and then he’s gone again. I hear a big splash and then Karl joins me. “Where is he?” he asks.

“He can’t hold his breath forever,” I say to Karl. “You take that side of the river, and I’ll wait for him on this side.”

We hear him gasp a few metres upstream and then he disappears again. I head in that direction and feel him brush my legs as he swims back past me under water. “He’s here!” I call to Karl.

I feel a hand under my balls. And it’s not totally gentle!

Soon after that, William quickly gets out of the water and goes to the downside of the weir.

“We’ve got him now,” Karl says to me. “We know where he’s going to hide. We can sneak up on him.”

Karl and I are now only half erect, with the cool water. (It wasn’t the pancakes after all!)

We get out and just manage to see the last of him disappear under the waterfall. I know where he will be. “No need to rush,” I say to Karl. “Let him think that he has gotten away from us.”

We wade into the middle of the stream. Karl hugs me from behind, then drops his hands to my penis and starts to play with it. I can feel him getting hard against my backside. I reach behind me and play with him too. “Nope. No hurry,” he tells me.

This feels good. I’m soon stiff again.

“OK. Go and get him!” Karl tells me.

I walk to the spot where I saw William disappear. I take a deep breath and submerge. I feel his ankles. He’s sitting on the beam. I run my hands up his legs and up his thighs and take a good hold of his cock. Something feels different. It feels like he’s got his shorts back on. Did he grab them off the log on the way? Why?

But, wait! This feels different to his swimming shorts.

I hang on, tightly, and stand up, with my wet hair in my eyes. I call out, “Now, I’ve got ya, Willie!”

I brush the hair out of my eyes with my other hand.


I stare at the face connected to the body whose dick I am holding. It’s Mr Grant!

I can’t take my hand away fast enough!

I can only mutter, “Oh, shit. Mr Grant. Sorry. I’m Sorry. Sorry Sir.” I dive back out. I’m dead! My short life is over. Thirteen years – to the day! R.I.P. Kurt Andersen.

There’s nobody else here. Where’s Karl?

A couple of moments later, William comes up behind me and hugs me. Then he says, “Now, I’ve got YOUR willie!” and grabs it. His is rock hard behind me.

“Lemme go! Lemme go!” I scream. “I wanna go home.”

I have no idea what Mr Grant will do to me when he comes out from behind the waterfall.

I see a head. It’s not Mr Grant. It’s Karl. “Hold him tight!” he calls to William. Karl looks at me and makes a ball-scrunching motion with his hand.

“No!” I yell. “That’s not fair!”

When Mr Grant joins them it’ll be three against one! I have visions of these two pirates tying me up so that the captain can flog me before he kills me.

William holds me around the chest and stomach. I feel his cock pushing up and down my butt crack. I think of how Ron’s was, between my legs. Karl is grabbing at my balls, and all I can do is try to kick him away and hit his hands with my fists.

Then, with one of his hands, William starts to tickle my ribs. “Aaargh! No! Don’t! Let me go!” I scream as loudly as I can. I’d call for help, except nobody would hear me. I need to get away before Captain Mr Long John Grant comes to slit my throat. Where’s my sword?

Then I see him rise from the water. Here he comes to get me!

But he walks straight past and says, “I’d better be off. Have fun guys!”

At least we’re back to two against one! The usual!

At the top of the river bank he turns and smiles and puts his finger on his lips. What he thinks this is funny? And he wants me to stop making so much noise? Next time, I’ll scrunch him good and proper! Forget being gentle!


William lets me go when he can tell that I’m almost crying and can hardly breathe.

“Bloody fucking mongrel bastard!” I scream at William, almost using up my entire collection of known swear words in one breath.” I really want to bash him, but I just push him backwards as hard as I can and he submerges.

“Hey, Kurt. Steady on, mate. We were only playing. I’m sorry if I hurt you,” William apologises, standing up and wiping his face. “I thought that you were laughing and loving it.”

“I’d love it even more if you were torturing somebody else.” I grumble back at him. “And you kept doing it while Mr Grant was watching, and he didn’t even offer to help me!” Then I look at Karl and point. “He, for one, was loving it!”

“Hey, tell you what,” William says, “You can come and get even if you like. Just don’t squeeze my nuts too hard.”

I find that suggestion very tempting. He stands still, with his arms out to the side, and waits to see what I will do. I wipe my eyes and walk up to him. I walk behind him. I reach between his legs and take his balls in my hand. Should I, or shouldn’t I?

He doesn’t move. He’s gonna let me do it. Whatever I want. He might really be sorry!

I jiggle them. I shake them. I close my hand around them. To pull, or not to pull?

I reckon that if he wasn’t sorry, he wouldn’t let me do this, so I take my hand back. I reach around his side and grasp his hard penis. Now what should I do with it? I really don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t know what to do with it. So, I just rub it up and down. “Hug me, tightly” he says. I let his penis go.

I can’t quite reach around his big chest, so I hug him around the stomach and hold him tight. He leans forward and lifts me off my feet. He puts me back down. “Do it again,” he tells me, crouching a little. This time I’m able to reach higher and grip him over one shoulder and across his chest. He leans forwards and lifts me off my feet. This time, my penis is sitting right in his bum crack. He wiggles his backside. He can feel it. Does he like this? I liked it when he did it to me. And when Ron did it at the swimming hole.

He leans forwards then back. Forward and back. Bent. Straight. The only thing that I can tell, is that my willie is rubbing up and down his crack, between his two hard butt muscles. It actually starts to feel good. Suddenly, it gets stuck and won’t slide. “That’s enough,” he says, and lets me back down.



(to be continued)


The parallel version to this story, is told through the eyes of Tom Grant, the ‘Schoolie’.
Find it at

If you’d like a full picture of their lives and thoughts, you should read both concurrently.


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