

Life in The Village, through the eyes of a student at the remote school.

This is an original work of pure fiction (just an expression of a fantasy)
by Robert A. Armstrong (a pseudonym)

Copyright 2013-2022.  Robert Armstrong.  This complete work of literary art is protected by US, Australian and International copyright law. It is the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced in any form whether in whole or in part without the prior express written consent of the author.  
License is granted to Nifty Archive Alliance, Inc. for electronic publication on the Nifty.org website. All rights reserved.

The resemblance of the characters by action, name, location or description to any real person is purely coincidental.

If it is illegal, or offensive, for you to read stories involving interactions of a sexual nature between adults and youths, then what are you doing here?


From Chapter 74:

"Karl and Jacko have gone horse riding," Dad tells us as we enter the house. Then, to Andy, he asks, "How did the driving lesson go, Champ? Did you avoid all those trees that can jump out in front of Land Rovers?"

Andy grins.

Ron says, "He's a natural, but I've told him not to let it go to his head. And we talked about safety and common sense, and that he's never to drive without an adult next to him."

"All good, Mr Andersen," Andy tells my Dad.

"Do we have time for a quick ride on the bikes before lunch?" Ron asks Helen.

"Then a shower!" Helen reinforces her new house rule.

I think, `This time Ron will be showering with Andy and me, instead of walking in on us.'

Not now, Junior! Not in front of Dad and Helen!


Chapter 75 – Surprised

Andy and I take a change of clean clothes to the bunkhouse for later.

Ron leads off on his bike. Andy follows him and I'm not afraid to wear a bit of dust behind both, knowing that I'll be showering it all off later. With both of them!

We pull up at the swimming hole.

"This is a great place in the middle of summer," Ron tells Andy. "It may not be the same as the surf on the coast, but it's one of the best that we have way out here."

I add, "I have great memories of my first time at this place, Andy. It was as better than swimming at the weir in The Village."

Ron doesn't question my memories, but he smirks at me. He knows what I'm thinking!

We continue riding in the direction of the northern workers' hut.

While still a reasonable distance off, Ron stops his bike, turns it off, then points. Andy and I turn our bikes off too.

We see two horses outside the hut.

"Karl and Jacko are in there!" I tell him.

We put our heads together and hatch a plan.

It's not to sneak up and burst in on them; it's way better than that!

We restart the bikes and creep as quietly as possible towards the hut, then open up the throttles and tear past with the noisiest of accelerations that we can muster, then, laughing, we ease off and continue up the marked trail towards `the lookout'.

"That would have scared the shit out of them!" Andy cackles when we shut off the bikes and look over the brown earth stretching out below us, dotted with the occasional tree and saltbush clumps. His earlier question to me about the possibility of Karl and Jacko mucking around together is now virtually answered.

"What do you reckon they were doing?" Ron asks, perhaps thinking of what he and I enjoy together.

"Nothing serious, I'm sure!" I tell him and Andy, recalling my previous warning to Jacko and my heart-to-heart with Karl. I add, "Maybe nothing at all. They could have just stopped in for a cup of tea and a Vegemite sandwich."

Even though their grinning faces say `Idiot!' to me, they both know that I'm joking.

Ron says, "Yeah. I'm sure that they would have intentionally taken fresh bread, butter and milk with them from the house for a horse ride!"

"What about Vegemite?" Andy asks, adding to Ron's sarcasm.

"The place already has Vegemite, in the cupboard!" I tell him. "At least there was, the last time that I looked."

Ron checks his watch. "OK. We'd better head back," he tells us. "Considering that we need to clean up before lunch. You guys OK if the three of us shower together?"

"Yep!" Andy replies. "No problem."

A couple of nods and a wink from me bring a grin to Ron's face. Then I start my bike.

As we approach the hut, we indicate to each other what we can see, or rather, not see. The horses have gone.

I'm dying to find out from Karl what he and Jacko were doing in the hut, and what he thought when he heard our bikes.


We return the bikes to the shed and re-fuel them, ready for next time.

Wondering whether Karl and Jacko are still out riding, or are back, I check the horse stalls.

The horses are here.

I'm expecting to find my brother and his favourite farm hand in the shower. However, I can tell from the wet floor that they have already been and gone.

Andy and I leave our boots and dusty, shaken clothes at the door. Ron puts his onto his bed and we all strip off our undies together and toss them onto the bench.

Ron has a quick check of Andy's body and mine and then either ignores us, or pretends to, and steps in to adjust the water temperature on both showers.

Andy and I under the same shower head begin to wash ourselves.

I'm really tempted to wash him, all of him, but not with Ron watching.

"Anyone want their back washed?" Ron asks, looking at us.

Andy says, "No thanks. We've got this."

I look at Ron and shrug.

"Anyone want to wash my back? Maybe a bit more." Ron asks, his dick swelling.

Andy and I look at each other and grin.

"You do the right side," Andy tells me, "And I'll do the left side. Or, maybe, back and front."

I feel Junior tingle in expectation and he starts to grow as well.

Suddenly, quite close to the bunkhouse, we hear, "Hello?"

"It's my Dad!" I tell the others.

Ron immediately turns the water to cold, which instantly just about kills all three traces of excitement!

I shudder from the sudden change in temperature as we quickly space ourselves apart.

"Hi guys!" my Dad tells us, pushing the door open and taking in the three of us together, without appearing to check any particular parts of us. You know what I mean!

Dad says, "Karl said you wanted to talk to me about something, and that it was important."

I think, `So this is Karl's payback for what happened at the hut!' Maybe he expected my Dad to find us all mucking around.

Fortunately, my brain is equal to the task! "Actually," I say to my Dad, "I think that Karl misunderstood what I mentioned to him. That would have been about taking our wedding suits back to Cunnamulla on Wednesday when we drop Andy off, instead of waiting until Saturday, and avoiding a second trip. I didn't say anything about it being urgent, though."

"Good idea!" he replies. "And maybe we should get his hearing checked while we are there," he says, smirking.

I love my Dad, and his sense of humour.

"Anyway," he says, "Lunch is just about ready."

It's a hint to hurry up.

Just as he is about to leave, he turns in the doorway, grins at me and says, "Growing up!"

So, he did notice!

I look down, and there does seem to be more of Junior and of my `chicken feathers' lately.


We turn off the water, dry ourselves and head out to where our clean clothes are. I discover Karl and Jacko's real payback. Our shirts and jeans are all knotted together!

"I'll punch them both in the balls!" Andy says.

Ron replies, "They'd expect something like that. Let's say absolutely nothing and walk in as though nothing is unusual. If they think that their little prank didn't worry us, it'll drive them nuts!"

I turn to Andy and tell him, "I guess that university makes you smarter than high-schoolers and other farm hands."

"C'mon, Champ," Ron, between us says, ruffling my hair and swatting Andy on the tail. "You two are already smarter than I was at your age."

In reply, I ruffle Ron's wet hair, and Andy swats his muscly backside. So, I do too.

We walk across the yard and into the house in a very happy mood. Not exactly what Karl and Jacko were expecting or hoping for, I'll bet.


Over lunch, Helen asks Andy and me, "How long did you two talk for last night? You must have had a lot to catch up on! We missed you at breakfast this morning." Then she adds casually, "For tomorrow's breakfast I'm making pancakes."

She's grinning, but actually focussing on her food instead of looking at me. So is my Dad.

That's a not-so-subtle hint to get more sleep tonight and be back here early in the morning.

"For pancakes," Andy says, "I'll even set the alarm on my phone!"

"Me too," I add.

I glance at Karl and Jacko. I can tell that they are a bit edgy and waiting for one of us to say something about our clothes. Ron was right. Our silence is killing them! However, I'll bet that they haven't thought through what excuse they could give in front of Dad and Helen if we did dob them in! Firstly for actually doing it, and then, why?

"The last two at the table get to wash up, remember?" Karl says to us, probably expecting us to argue over which of us were the last two.

Ron says, "Maybe three pairs of hands will make light work of it." To Andy and me he asks, "What about it guys?"

Andy and I are happy to join him.

I think, `Strike three, brother. You're out!' I'm tempted to laugh out loud at their attempts to get back at us and annoy us.

Chinese Checkers, dominoes and cards fill in the afternoon. Cake and coffee fill our stomachs. And dinner rounds off a great day.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the bunkhouse tonight and overhear the conversation between Ron and Jacko!


Andy and I keep our fun simple tonight, playing with each other's body and slowly jacking each other off. Talking about Karl and Jacko, is good entertainment too.

During the night, something weird happens.

I have a dream.

Not about any of the things in my usual dreams. Not Andy or Ron or Mr Grant or their bodies, or sucking their dicks or jacking off.

I find myself in Mr Grant's parent's home, looking at the painting that William gave to them which he did of the weir and the school.

Amelia and some of her friends come bolting down the stairs and ask me if I want to dance with them in her room.

I say that I can't because I have to cook dinner for everyone.

Then I go up the stairs to the top room and push the door open, to see William and Mr Grant `giving themselves to each other completely'. Fucking. I stand in the doorway and watch. They obviously are too busy to see me. Every minute or so they swap positions. I didn't know that there were so many ways of doing it!

When William starts to become very forceful, the bed suddenly collapses on one side, and a lamp smashes on the floor as two bodies crash against the bedside table.

I wake up. Perspiring.


Andy is asleep next to me and breathing deeply, without snoring.

I roll onto my side and put one arm over Andy's chest and nudge my face against the side of his head. His breathing changes and with a loud sigh, he mumbles, "I love you."


I wake again, before the alarm on my phone goes off.

Not wanting to disturb Andy, I lie still and think about what happened last night.

Firstly, what started out as a staring competition between us, sitting face-to-face and close together on one bed, finished much differently.

To try to make me blink, he reached for my balls and started playing with them. When I reached for his longer-than-mine, hanging from his curly hairs down in front of his balls, I felt Junior wake up and point directly at Andy, which caused Andy to break eye contact when he looked at it, and I won!

Andy immediately threw himself onto me and started wrestling. When we knew that both of us were totally stiff, we just lay down, side by side to play. I enjoyed sliding my hand from his hairs and balls to the tip of his dick which soon began leaking. Junior did too, and it didn't take long for playing to turn into wanking. Slowly, but with the inevitable explosive result. Much more exciting than a quick jack-off!

Our two alarms go off within a second of each other.

Both are very different. I chose mine to be the same as Ma and Pa's old-fashioned alarm clock. Andy's sounds like a machine gun!

With bells and guns going off at the same time, Andy springs awake and tries to sit up, then realises that my arm is holding him down.

"Hey!" he says, relaxing and turning towards me.

"Hey, yourself," I tell him, and give him a good-morning kiss. "Shower?"

I take him by the hand and lead him to the bathroom.

"How much time do we have?" he asks.

"Not enough!" I reply. "Let's save it for tonight!"

We settle for washing each other, ignoring hints from our ever-ready dicks for some action.


Morning. Andy's last full day with us.

The smell of pancakes greets us even before we walk through the door.

"Hello?" I call, then hear an answer from the kitchen.

"Out here!" It's Dad's voice.

Wandering back there, I ask, "What can I do to help?" to which Helen responds by standing with one hand on her hip.

"You can go and warm up two chairs," she tells me and Andy.

Dad adds, "And neither of you will be doing the dishes, if you sit down at the table. It will be interesting to see who appears last."

"May I at least..." I begin.

Helen answers, "Your dad has volunteered to do everything that you could possibly offer to help with. He's even set the table already. Now, go warm some seats!"

"Is that a new house rule?" I ask, grinning. "Don't offer to help, and never volunteer to do anything?"

"Hey!" Dad says. "This isn't the army!"

He points in the direction of the dining room. I shrug and leave, expecting Andy to follow.

However, I hear his voice, still in the kitchen. "Would it be all right, then, if I make..."

"No! It wouldn't." Helen cuts him off. It's not an angry voice, which is good!

"...us both a cup of coffee, please?" Andy finishes his sentence.

"Sorry, love!" Helen answers him. "I didn't mean to be so quick. Kurt's dad will bring one out for both of you. The jug has just boiled. Now, remember that Karl's rule about washing up said the last two sitting at the table. You're not sitting yet. So, get a move on."

"Yes, ma'am!" Andy replies, and almost skips towards me from the kitchen, and we take our usual seats, facing the front door.

"Tonight will be our last night together for ten weeks," Andy says to me. "Months! So, are we going to stay up late and talk about stuff all night?" he asks.

"Is that all that you want to do? Talk?" I ask him, smirking, knowing that `talking' actually means something completely different.

He doesn't answer, except to raise and lower his eyebrows, grinning.

"Two coffees!" Dad announces, bringing them to the table.

At that moment, Jacko and Ron appear at the doorway.

"Smells incredible!" Ron comments, referring to the pancakes. Then, noticing that Andy and I are already seated, he moves quickly to sit opposite me, leaving Jacko to smell the air.

"Looks as though the washing up team has been decided!" Dad says, pointing to Jacko and also in the direction of Karl's room. Then he adds, "Who wants to go and get him up?"

"I will!" Jacko, Ron, Andy and I all say together.

Dad laughs. "Go on, then, and I hope that he wakes up in a good mood."

I motion the others, quietly, to stop outside his bedroom door, and tell them my plan. They all agree. This will be fun.

We let Jacko open the door softly and go in first, in case Karl is already awake.

He's not.

We follow, and it appears from the untidy mess of sheet and blanket that he's had a restless night. So restless, that most of his naked body is showing; and part of him is already up! You know what I mean.

"He looks just like you!" Andy whispers. "Perfect."

The four of us take our places - Jacko and Ron on opposite sides of the bed, near his arms. Andy and I are ready at his feet.

"Karl?" Jacko says to him.

No movement.

I reach up and tickle his balls.

He stirs. "Jacko?" he mumbles.

Well! What does that tell everyone?

Jacko looks awfully guilty!

We all grin at each other.

We take our planned grips. Now Karl will be unable to move his legs or his arms!

Jacko takes hold of Karl's thick, hard cock. At the same time, Ron pinches his nipples. Andy gets a grip of my brother's balls. Knowing that Karl has ticklish feet, I focus on them.

Karl, obviously feeling the restraint and realising that Jacko's hands can't be in so many places at once, tries to sit up but is prevented from doing so by the knees of the two farm hands on his shoulders! He raises his head and looks around.

"What the fuck is this?" Karl blurts out.

I'm glad that we closed the door!

Ron puts his hand over Karl's mouth. "Better watch your language, young man!" Ron tells him. "Or Helen might just come in with a cake of soap to wash your mouth out!"

Jacko continues to gently play with Karl's dick, pumping it up and down. Andy jiggles his balls and I reckon that what I'm doing is the most unpleasant feeling of all for him.

Karl groans, trying to squirm free and thrash his head from side to side, but Ron manages to keep his mouth-covering hand in place.

"Right-o!" Jacko tells everyone. "Better let him up, before he pees or shits himself."

We all take our hands off and step back, just in case my brother lashes out.

"We just didn't want you to miss out on the pancakes, mate," Andy tells him, grinning.

"And now, you and I are already on washing-up duty," Jacko adds.

"What were you dreaming about?" Ron asks, pointing to where Karl's stiffness has slackened off.

"None of your fucking business!" Karl answers.

"Trucking business!" Andy reminds him, of Mr Grant's more acceptable English version.

That, unexpectedly, returns a grin to Karl's face, and he asks, relaxing and looking down at his middle "So, you all had a good perv, did you?"

"Hey, dude. Nice balls!" Andy tells him, stepping forward and giving them a final jiggle.

Ron takes command. "OK men, let's give sleeping beauty the chance to wake up properly while we get a head start on the pancakes!"

As we are leaving, Karl mutters, pointing at Jacko, "You wait!"

I suspect that they will be off somewhere privately together during the day! And, that Karl may not be as gentle as usual.

When my brother emerges and joins us at the table, he is wearing pyjamas, while everyone else is dressed.

"Was it hard getting him up?" Helen asks.

Four of us look at each other, knowing the hidden truth in Helen's question. Up and hard!

"He has ticklish feet!" I answer, truthfully.

Everyone grins, including Karl, more at the truth of what I didn't say!


The two stacks of delicious pancakes reduce quickly, with the aid of butter, Maple Syrup and eight forks.

Pushing his empty plate away from him, after first scraping up the dregs of the Maple Syrup with his finger and sucking it, Ron asks Andy, "Ready for another driving lesson?"

"I'm totally ready!" Andy replies, then repeats Ron's action with his finger. Slowly.

Hmm. I wonder whether Ron interpreted Andy's finger-sucking the same way that I did. And, did Andy mean it? Did Dad and Helen see it?

Dad asks, "Ron, instead of taking the Land Rover this morning, how do you think he would go in the ute? Helen and I might take the Land Rover into The Village and check on how the work is progressing."

"The ute could be more of a challenge," Ron replies. "Learning to change gears instead of driving an automatic isn't easy."

"I'm a quick learner. Remember?" Andy puts in.

"Any other reason, Jan?" Ron asks my Dad, knowing that he normally drives the ute into The Village.

"Do you reckon you could handle picking up any rubbish that you come across on your way, and taking it to the rubbish yard?" Dad replies. "Three pairs of hands would be useful."

"May have a turn too please, at learning to change gears?" I ask.

"Sure, Champ," Ron says. "Why not?"

Then Dad says to Karl and Jacko, "And before you two think that you're just going to ride around and have fun all morning, I have a job for both of you as well."

Jacko appears OK with that, smiles and nods. After all, he is being paid as a farm hand, not to be Karl's jack-off buddy.

The same really applies to Ron, so I'm happy to help him do whatever work that Dad wants.

Karl's expression is different. And, I'm sure that Ron can read my brother's aura just like I can read his face. Karl was wanting to go horse riding somewhere with Jacko and `punish' him for what he did this morning. If wanking and sucking could ever be called punishment!

"What?" Karl utters, trying to hide his annoyance.

"I need you to ride the horses down past the southern workers' hut," Dad tells him.

That brightens my brother's face. Even though he appears somewhat puzzled. So am I.

"And," Dad continues, "I want you to round up the other horses, two at a time, then bring them back here so that their hooves and shoes can be checked and to do any work that needs to be done. OK?

"May I suggest something?" Jacko asks.

"Of course!" Dad responds. "What are you thinking?"

"Karl and I could check them down there," he answers. "Then, if they are generally OK, we could secure them in one paddock and bring those that need more than basic work done back here where all of the tools are. When we are finished with those horses up here, we can return them to the secure paddock with the others, until all of them are accounted for."

Dad thinks for a moment.

"Well, considering your experience, and what I taught Karl at the beginning of the year," Dad tells him, "I think that's a great idea. Go for it."

"Right!" Karl says. "Let's go!"

"Um, haven't you forgotten something?" Helen asks as the two of them get up from the table, with Karl heading for the door.

Karl turns and is wearing his usual `What?' face.

"Dishes, chum!" Jacko reminds him, indicating the kitchen with his thumb.

"Oh, yeah!" Karl responds. "I forgot."

Like hell he did! Like whenever it was his turn to sweep the outside toilet at our old place!


"Listen to the engine," Ron tells Andy. "And watch my feet."

Ron is in the driver's seat and Andy is in the passenger's seat, and changing the gears when Ron tells him.

Before long, Ron tells Andy to rely on watching and listening only, without being prompted.

In the back, I take notice and practise changing gears, with an imaginary gear stick. I get used to revs of the engine when Ron wants the gears changed. Up and down.

After about twenty minutes, Andy and I swap places.

"Good work, mate," Ron encourages Andy. "We'll let Kurt have a turn and then we'll get you operating the pedals.

I get it.

Ten minutes later, Andy is back behind the wheel.

Ron has him practising coordinating the clutch and accelerator pedals while the engine is in `neutral'.

Next, with the ute moving, as Andy operates the pedals Ron changes the gears.

"Put your hand on top of mine on the gear stick," Ron tells him. "You can get the feel of the coordination."

Then, Ron tells Andy to hold the gear stick while he puts his hand on top of Andy's. Before long he removes his hand, and Andy is driving, and changing gears. By himself!

When Andy and I swap places, Ron goes through the same routine with me, but I discover that driving using pedals and the gear stick is not as easy to learn as Andy made it look!

Ron is very patient with me, and encouragingly says, "I think some more lessons in the next few days will have you driving as well as Andy does!"

Ron and Andy share the driving while we travel around collecting small bits of rubbish and sharp objects which could cause injuries to our farm-stay guests. When Ron is driving, he lets me sit up front and change the gears.


About morning-tea time, we head back in the direction of the southern workers' hut, the closest `watering hole' to where we have been driving and working.

"There's plenty of food there," I tell the others. "Let's see what we can rustle up."

Horses! I'm not that surprised at knowing that Jacko and Karl are already here. After all, it is half-way between the main house and where the horses usually are. And, it is morning-tea time. And, Karl was probably looking for an opportunity to `get even' with Jacko.

They knew that we would be working and that Dad and Helen were going into The Village, so they would have felt that they were `safe'.

Ron puts the ute into neutral, turns off the engine, and lets it coast towards the hut. Then, without closing the doors, we walk the rest of the way. As silently as possible. We're gonna catch Karl and Jacko `at it', for sure!

We leave our boots at the bottom of the steps and continue in just our socks.

I don't know whether Ron and Andy are as shocked as I am at seeing what Jacko and my brother are doing. Both have a mouthful.

Ron stuns them both with, "Morning tea, guys?"


(to be continued)



If you like the story, and haven't said 'hello' yet, please take a couple of minutes to email me.


I try to reply to everyone, though maybe not immediately. Please be patient.


The partly-parallel version to this story, `Schoolie', told through the eyes of Tom Grant, gives the backstory specifically for Tom, William, Andy and Jintabudjaree.
Find `Schoolie' at


If you're interested, I have 26 (A-Z) short stories at



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