

Life in The Village, through the eyes of a student at the remote school.

This is an original work of pure fiction (just an expression of a fantasy)
by Robert A. Armstrong (a pseudonym)

Copyright 2013-2022.  Robert Armstrong.  This complete work of literary art is protected by US, Australian and International copyright law. It is the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced in any form whether in whole or in part without the prior express written consent of the author.  
License is granted to Nifty Archive Alliance, Inc. for electronic publication on the Nifty.org website. All rights reserved.

The resemblance of the characters by action, name, location or description to any real person is purely coincidental.

If it is illegal, or offensive, for you to read stories involving interactions of a sexual nature between adults and youths, then what are you doing here?




From Chapter 78:

Breakfast? I immediately picture Marty, Ash, Mr Grant and William all naked, enjoying the sausages! However, I can't make any smart-alec comments with my Dad here. That was the whole purpose of Ron and me coming into The Village with him today – to avoid that topic!

After a bit of chatting with Mr Grant, Dad asks, "See you Sunday afternoon, as usual?"

"Sure. Thanks," Mr Grant answers. "And we have some news that we'll share with you about the book thief, too."

There is another round of hand-shaking and we head off.

The book thief! I'd almost forgotten about Melinda / Robert.

Chapter 79 – Brothers' Idea of Fun

"So, how much did you get paid?" Karl asks as I drop my pyjama pants and slip into his bed.

"I don't know," I answer. "I haven't opened the envelope yet. You?"

"A hundred," he tells me. "I'm rich!"

"What are you going to spend it on?" I ask, sliding against him and enjoying his body heat.

"Umm," he starts. "I haven't worked that out yet. What do you reckon I should get?"

"I reckon that you should be the one to make that decision," I tell him. "I don't want to tell you how to spend your money. You're the one who earned it."

"OK then. But what are you going to spend yours on?" he asks, at the same time reaching for Junior who responds immediately to my brother's touch.

"Well," I say, "Whatever Ash has given me, I'll add it to the money that's left in my wallet from what Dad gave me. Then, I'll think about it. I don't really need anything."


Then, while my hand and mouth begin to make good on my deal with my brother, I wonder what he and each of Helen, Dad and Ron would like, that I can buy and give them. And, could I get something for Andy and keep it until I see him next?

My thinking stops when it becomes too hard to concentrate while experiencing the sensation of my brother pushing Junior's twin between my legs from behind! And feeling the pleasure that my body is giving him. And his moans.


Sunday. I'm really eager to find out what else Mr Grant knows about the Melinda / Robert thief. And I reckon that Helen will be too.

I message him, `Mr Grant, are you and William coming for lunch today?'

<<Still doing a bit of work at the school>> he replies. <<We'll see you this afternoon>> and he finishes with a love-heart emoji.

I send him one back, plus a big smile.


Breakfast dishes done, I'm enjoying the time with Ron and Karl and Jacko. I didn't think that I'd like riding a horse, but the pleasant company makes up for my dread of ending up with a sore backside.

And it's working out well!

My horse just walks along while the other guys, two at a time, take off to race each other to a distant post or a tree which they agree upon, before heading back to join me and whoever has stayed with me. Would Mr Grant say `whomever'?

It's fun to watch Jacko waving his hat, `yahooing' and outriding both Karl and Ron, in their turn. He's really good!

When Ron was racing Karl the first time, I reckon that he let my brother beat him on the way back from their large gum-tree target. Even though Ron turned around the tree first, Karl came flying past him while heading back to Jacko and me.

Ron and Karl were both grinning, but for different reasons!

Another good thing is that I do get to spend a few minutes at a time with each of them, just chatting, while their horse, resting, walks alongside mine.

My brother is chuffed when we both talk about how good he is. I love seeing him happy!

Ron comments that Karl's happiness reminds him of me. Only, I'm like that for most of the time, and he loves my bright aura.

"Do you remember what I taught you about trotting?" Ron asks. "Have you had any practice at your rising and falling since then? Stirrups back?"

"Yes and no," I tell him. "Yes, I remember, and no, I haven't been practising."

"Come on, then," Ron encourages. "Let's give you a refresher."

While Jacko and Karl have their backs to us, Ron takes me through the motions. Nobody is more surprised than I am at how quickly my body and brain remember how to coordinate.

"You're amazing, Champ!" he tells me, patting me on the back as we resume walking our horses. The other two have turned and are heading back toward us.

"You're a great teacher!" I tell him. "Let's keep this private, can we? And I promise to practise more."

Ron takes his turn with Karl, leaving me with the `other farm hand'.

Jacko? What can I say? He's actually very friendly, loves horses and I've noticed that he is constantly watching my brother.

He tells me one of his corny jokes when Ron and Karl gallop off. "What side of a horse has the most hair?" When I give up, he says, "The outside!"

I can't help cackling. Probably more at Jacko's roaring laughter than at his joke.

"You like my brother, don't you?" I ask him, changing the subject.

He turns, seemingly concerned at my question. But, seeing me with a smile on my face instead of being serious, he grins, more like a kid than an adult, and mutters, "Yeah. I do."

"And it's obvious that Karl likes you too!" I say. Then I add, "Just... please be gentle with him."

"What do you mean?" he asks, again appearing worried.

I don't want to look as though I'm accusing him of anything, so I smile.

And, I answer, "I can tell that he likes playing with you, when you go riding alone together. And in the shower. And probably in bed too, eh?"

I say it with a raised eyebrow and just enough uncertainty so that Jacko doesn't think that Karl has told me what they do. Maybe he hasn't told me everything anyway!

So, I go on, "He's always happy after he's been out with you and I love seeing him like that. So, I'm happy that you like each other and like playing with each other's body, but please don't do anything to hurt him! OK?"

"I wouldn't want to hurt your brother, in any way," Jacko tells me. "I certainly promise you that. But, why would you even say that? Did Karl say that I've hurt him?"

"Not at all!" I answer, grinning. "Exactly the opposite! And I'll bet that he loves how you wrestle naked and how you suck each other's dick."

"Did he tell you that's what we do?" Jacko asks.

Not wanting to betray some promise that they might have made to each other, I answer, "Jacko, He hasn't had to tell me anything. I can read him like a book. We had a conversation about him only doing with you what he and I have done together. And, hey, I'm the one who taught him everything that he knows! So, I can tell from how good he's becoming at it, that he's getting a lot of practice with... someone else." I smirk directly at him.

I let my words sink in, and appreciate the huge grin that spreads across Jacko's face.

Then, he stuns me with, "Yeah. He's getting good, all right!"

Realising his confession, we both stare at each other, blankly at first, and then the two of us burst out laughing!

As Ron and Karl come galloping past us, Ron hasn't been as generous this time, and, even easing up, he beats Karl by more than a full length.


"Everyone had better shower before lunch!" Ron reminds us. "You know Helen's rule."

"Race you back!" Karl issues a general challenge, and he sets off in the direction of the house.

Jacko accepts my brother's challenge and it only takes him seconds to hit full speed in pursuit of Karl.

"You'd better be quick in there!" I yell after them. "We'll be right behind you!"

"You gonna chase them?" I ask Ron. "We don't want to give them too much time alone in the showers together."

"Don't worry, Champ," he tells me. "They'll probably think that we're gonna walk our horses back anyway. But we can go a bit faster than that, eh?"


When Ron and I push the shower room door open and stand, watching them, their faces show their surprise at how quickly we've made it back. Despite their erections, they really haven't had time to do much besides getting each other excited. Jacko is wearing a `sprung!' expression, while Karl looks mildly annoyed, as if there is a grey cloud over his head. Hey, can I see his aura?

There is a moment of indecision about who should say something. Anything! Anyone?

I imagine Jacko saying, `Oops. Sorry!'

Or, my brother saying, `Fuck off you pervs! Give us five more minutes.'

I'm thinking, `Either get out, or move over!'

But it's Ron who says, "Our turn guys! We met Jan who had been coming this way, and he told us that lunch was nearly ready. I said that we'd let you know."

And I comment, pointing at Jacko's erection sticking straight out and Karl's pointing at the ceiling, "Yeah. And lucky for you that it was us, and not Dad, who came in and saw you two like that!"

Karl's grey cloud disappears, and he even manages a quick "Thanks!" as he steps out and grabs a towel.

As Jacko and Karl dry themselves, Ron and I strip off.

Jacko comments to me, "Hey, if your brother didn't have wet hair, I don't think that I could tell you two apart!"

That gives me an idea. "Close your eyes," I tell him.

He pauses, wondering, but does it.

Then, I wet my hair under the still-running shower, pick up one of the towels and set about making myself look like Karl. We both brush our hair forward, covering our eyebrows, then he and I swap places.

"OK. Open them!" Karl says.

Jacko looks at us. He starts pointing from one of us to the other, as if playing some choosing game; eeny-meeny...

His finger stops, directed at Karl. "See!" he says, "You look just like Karl."

"That IS Karl," Ron tells him, playfully punching his shoulder.

"True! It's me!" Karl says, grinning.

"How can you tell?" Jacko asks.

"It's easy," Ron answers. "I could even pick them with their backs turned."

He doesn't disclose how, but I know. Actually, I don't remember whether Karl is aware of Ron's aura-seeing ability.

"Bullshit!" Jacko says. "Impossible! Unless Kurt has a birthmark on his bum or something."

So, Jacko is saying that he knows my brother doesn't have any `marks' on his backside! Interesting!

"Test me!" Ron says to him, then tells Karl and me, "You two swap around a few times and then face the wall." He turns his back to us.

Jacko watches while Karl and I go back and forth and then both turn around.

"OK!" Jacko tells Ron.

We immediately hear, "Karl!"

We turn and I see Ron pointing at my brother.

Jacko, obviously uncertain, checks with us, then tells Ron, "Lucky guess! Have another go."

We do it again.

Ron says, "Kurt!"

We turn and, of course, he's correct, pointing at me.

We do it a third time. Same result, as I expected.

Jacko looks my brother and me up and down, even spending a bit more time staring at Junior, my balls and Karl's identical `bits', then announces, scratching his head, "Well, I'm buggered if I can tell the difference!"

Karl looks at me and smirks. I can read his mind! It would be evil, but could be fun! Later!

"Come on!" Ron says. "Lunch! Remember?"

He and I have a quick rinse, then all four of us, dressed, head for the house.

Karl and I are walking in front of the other two. I turn and point at Jacko.

"I reckon that one's...JACKO!" I announce loudly.

My brother and I burst out laughing, high-five each other, and then run.

Karl spins around on the verandah and cackles, "The last two sitting down have to wash up!"

Jacko `shows him the bird'. Predictable, and deserved!


The approaching sound of Mr Grant's `Beast' breaks up our game of dominoes.

"Time to put the jug on again," Helen says, standing and heading towards the kitchen.

Dad collects our empty mugs and follows her.

Ron, Jacko, Karl and I head for the verandah.

There are handshakes or hugs all round then we head back inside. William, Jacko and Karl lead. Mr Grant helps my backside through the door, as he likes to do.

I've missed him, even though it's only been a week!


Following a lot of `small talk' about their plane trips and everyone's good health back home, especially his mother's, the conversation turns to Melinda / Robert.


"And, by the way," Mr Grant starts. "I had a conference call the other day with Marty, Chad and Sean."

Nobody comments or needs to ask why, so he continues. "You, know, about the person who tried to steal that unpublished Charles Dickens manuscript from my library."

"Tell me about her," Helen says. "I've heard various people's reports, but I'd like to hear the full story. And I'm really curious about `Melinda' who sounds curiously like the `Robert' that I went to school with."

Mr Grant tells Helen the whole story from the beginning, including everything from Marty and his brothers, and allows Karl and me to add other things that we saw and heard.

Helen nods all of the way through, including one comment, "This sounds exactly like the Robert that I knew."

There are two pieces of information that still puzzle everyone: the slamming door and the so‑called curse by a black ghost. I'm probably the only one here who knows the truth.

"We all thought that Melinda was dead!" Karl tells everyone. "Mr Davo said that when an aboriginal points a bone at a person, they usually die."

Mr Grant comments, "I'm not sure whether that applies to everyone or only to other aboriginals. But Melinda isn't dead." Then, he adds, "Yet!"

"What do you mean by that, Tom?" Dad asks him. "Did Sean say that she was dying?"

"No," Mr Grant replies. "But he said that the hospital staff told him that there are some very strange things happening around her."

"Like what?" Karl asks, before anybody else can ask the same question that was in my head and probably other people's.

"Well," he starts. "She lapses in and out of consciousness, and each time that she `comes to' something very strange happens."

He doesn't mention about Melinda having a young boy's penis and marbles.

"The first time that she woke up, she wanted a glass of water, but when staff poured it, it turned red, like blood. The staff tasted it and said that it was more like vinegar."

"Somebody must have left a chemical in the glass," Dad offers as an explanation.

"Well, then she lapsed back into a coma," Mr Grant tells us. "And when she woke up, she wanted to go to the toilet and complained to the staff that the toilet had frogs in it. Then, she was mysteriously infested with head lice, which the staff had to eradicate."

"Where on earth did they come from?" Helen asks.

"Nobody knows. Like some flies that started buzzing around her head," he says. "Which is equally weird because all of the doors and windows are sealed and the whole hospital is air conditioned."

"Then there were the boils on her backside."

"Sounds like that ghost really cursed her good!" Karl says.

"And her troubles weren't over yet," Mr Grant tells us. "Her bridesmaid friend came to see her and told, and the staff that her pet dog died suddenly, lightning had struck the chimney of her house, out of a clear sky, and everything in her garden was eaten by a swarm of grasshoppers!"

"So, what happened?" Dad asks.

"The next time that she woke up, she complained that it was so dark that she couldn't see," Mr Grant tells us. "In the middle of the day, it was almost as though she was blind."

"This is beginning to sound surprisingly familiar!" Helen says, standing up and heading for her bedroom. "Give me a minute."

When she returns a few moments later, she is carrying a black book. Her family bible.
She sits down and starts flipping pages.

"Here it is!" she says. "At the end of Exodus chapter 7. The ten plagues of Egypt. Blood, frogs, lice, flies, boils, dead animals, burning rain, locusts and darkness across the land."

"That's only nine!" Jacko says, holding up nine fingers. I saw him counting while Helen was listing them. "You said `ten'. Did you leave one out?"

"I remember hearing that story when Karl and I were little," I say.

Karl declares, "Yes. In the last one, the first-born of everyone in Egypt died!"

"However, she's not dead, yet!" Mr Grant repeats his earlier report on her condition.

"Assuming that Melinda and Robert are one and the same person," Dad puts to Helen, "Do you know whether she, or he, is the eldest in the family?"

"I don't know," she answers. "At school, there were others with the same surname, older, but I don't know if they were siblings or cousins."

I suddenly wonder whether Uncle will talk to me tonight at Jintabudjaree, and whether I can ask him about the curse, and whether Melinda is going to die. He must know.

Mr Grant has the final word on the subject. "Sean has my number, and he said that he would let me know if there were any developments in Melinda's condition."


"Anybody want to go for a ride?" William asks.

Jacko, Ron, Karl and I all look at each other.

Karl speaks. "Actually, we've been out on the horses for most of the morning already. But I wouldn't mind going for a spin on a quad bike."

I'm sure that Dad reads the disappointment on William's face, and says, "Yes, Will. I'll come for a ride with you. What about you, Tom? Need some practice?"

Ron surprises me when he says, "Tom, if you want to go for a ride, but can't keep up with this pair of larrikins, I'll join you and we can move at whatever pace is comfortable for you."

Both Mr Grant and Ron look at me, as if seeking my permission to go off and leave me with Karl, Jacko and Helen.

I respond, "That's good. Because Karl, Jacko and I can go for a ride on the bikes. What about you, Helen? Want to join us?"

"Thank," she replies. "But I'll feel much more comfortable in the kitchen, preparing dinner."

Karl looks at me with the same evil smirk that he gave me earlier! This is a perfect opportunity for us to try out our unspoken plan!"

While everyone else heads down to the sheds, Karl and Jacko to prepare the bikes and the others to saddle the horses, I stay to see whether I can be of any help to Helen. I know that Karl will come back to let me know when they are ready.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Helen, and pat my stomach.

"Better than I expected," she replies, then asks, "Does anyone else know?"

"Not if you and Dad haven't told them!" I say. "I know how to keep a secret!"

"Thank you," she replies, and heads towards me with arms open, offering a hug. "You are a great credit to your parents. Your life partner is going to be one lucky person!"

She didn't say `wife' and I wonder whether she can sense anything about Andy and me.

After only a few minutes, Karl comes back. "The bikes were already done," he tells me. "From when they were last used. Come on!"

We don't go straight to the sheds, but to his bedroom.

"You really want to do this?" I ask.

"I do if you do," my brother answers.

We proceed to swap clothes. It helps that we didn't dress identically today! We also swap a couple of hints, and he tells me that he and Jacko have planned to `send me off on some wild goose chase' so that they can be alone together in one of the workers' huts for a while.

As we head past the kitchen, Karl, as I suggested, asks, "Helen, are you sure that you don't want any help?"

She looks at my brother, in my clothes, offering to be helpful like I do, and she replies, "Thank you Kurt, but I'll be fine. You go and have some fun."

Then she stops and stares at us, shaking her head as if there is something which doesn't quite add up. Can she read auras too?

Ron wouldn't be fooled by the switch! And neither would Andy. Maybe not even Mr Grant.

Hey, this is going to be fun!


(to be continued)



If you like the story, and haven't said 'hello' yet, please take a couple of minutes to email me.


I try to reply to everyone, though maybe not immediately. Please be patient.


The partly-parallel version to this story, `Schoolie', told through the eyes of Tom Grant, gives the backstory specifically for Tom, William, Andy and Jintabudjaree.
Find `Schoolie' at


If you're interested, I have 26 (A-Z) short stories at



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