Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 15:17:06 +0000 (UTC) From: Peter Brown Subject: Last of the Line Chapter 45 Last of the Line by badboi666 =============================================================================== If sex with boys isn't your thing, go away. If, as is much more likely, you've come to this site precisely to get your rocks off reading about sex with 14-year-olds then make yourself comfortable - you're in the right place. Don't leave, however, without doing this: Donate to Nifty - these buggers may do it for love but they still have to eat. =============================================================================== Chapter 45 Jack's news turned out not to be news at all. I did my best not to dampen his excitement as he told me about Billy's new driving skill. Lessons had been booked with a driving school in Stoke - there was no way Rivers was going to let Billy get anywhere near the Rolls - and as the school also ran a car hire business (with an attractive discount for their graduates) Billy had hired a car for a weekend after he had passed his test. That was news. "How long did it take to pass?" I asked. Billy said that it was usually several months, because people had to fit in driving lessons with work, or school, or whatever, but that he and Dunstable had concocted a plan. "He agreed to give me leave so Rivers drove me to Stoke on a Monday and I spent several hours each day learning and practising. Part of the practice was to drive home each night, and the instructor took the car home and picked me up the next morning. The school liked working that way, and they managed to get a test fixed up at much shorter notice than usual. We wanted it to be a secret and give you a surprise." And? How long did it take, Billy?" Billy grinned. "I passed the written test on the first Thursday and the practical driving at the end of the second week. I reckon it was about 70 hours. I must have driven hundreds of miles." "Well done!" I said. "There's more, isn't there, Jack," said the new driver. Jack could hardly contain himself. "Billy hired a car and we went to see Dodo and Seb last weekend. Then Seb took their car and Billy took me to Blackpool." Fleshpots had beckoned, I thought, but it turned out that the roller-coasters were the main attraction. I hadn't known that any of them were attracted to such things, but it seemed that Jack and Billy had been unstoppable. "Dodo and me spent two months hanging round a fair after we ... " but the memory of exactly why such attempted employment had been necessary stopped him in mid-sentence. I put my arms round him: he was still vulnerable. It took him a moment or two before he could go on. "The roller-coasters were great, Dab, and Billy was a safe driver." I smiled at Billy over Jack's head. He beamed back. "The three of us must go back, Dab." I wasn't so sure as I had plans of my own. This idea of getting a driving license in 2 weeks was appealing. The plan I'd been thinking up - to have driving lessons during the Summer term - was overtaken. "Did you have to book the two weeks much in advance, Billy?" Half an hour later I was booked in to start the same intensive course, starting in 10 days' time. If I did as well as Billy we could buy the electro before I went back to school and Billy - not Rivers - could drive me. Or I could drive there and he could drive back. The world was opening up! I settled down with Amos again. I had left him wondering how to deal with Jane and Elspeth after Joel's death. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the end matters resolved themselves much more simply that I had feared. Jane had always known that Seth and I would make our home here when Joel died, and his decline had given her time to plan what she wished to do. She had a sister who lived some 30 miles away - too far to visit for companionship - and the two women had agreed that Jane would rent a small cottage in the same village. Elspeth, then 25 as I have mentioned, was content to remain living with her mother. She seemed to have no attachments, and Arthur and I hoped - though of course we could not say - that she would find a suitable husband now that the shared burden of looking after an invalid father was no longer bearing upon her. It was agreed that Jane an Elspeth would move away during the Autumn and that Arthur, Seth and I would come here at the same time. I urged them both to take small items with which to remember Amos and their time living here, and Jane was delighted that I had been so thoughtful, as she put it. She chose a lovely looking-glass which had hung ever since I could remember in her bedroom - their bedroom - and Elspeth close a small print. "I recall Amos explaining to me what its meaning was when I was barely 8 years old," she said, "and when I see it I shall always remember a kindly man who loved me." I thought that those few words said all which needed to be said about my Father - a kindly man who loved me. The three of us came to live here in October of 1875, and life continued much as it had before, save that we visited the farm properties much less frequently. Seth began to take a much greater interest in how we might invest in other things - not land, but businesses, shops, perhaps even small factories. I was happy to give him his head in this enterprise, for one day I knew that the whole burden of the Estate would fall onto his shoulders. In Wisbech he had shown that he could master the management of farm properties, but it was clear to anyone that agriculture, while essential, would become a smaller proportion of an Estate's wealth and income as more and more factories and industries were created. Arthur, advising Seth, took on a greater part of the day-to-day matters. Our private matters remained as they had done in Wisbech. We shared a bedroom. Servants were complaisant in accepting our unusual domestic arrangements - had they not been they would have been encouraged to find other employment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Amos's writing broke off suddenly at this point, and a different hand - Arthur's - writes a brief and very sad paragraph before a third hand - that of Seth - starts what looks like a very bulky section. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My beloved Amos was thrown from his horse two weeks ago while he was riding round one of the Lincolnshire farms. We were on one of our twice-yearly visits. I curse myself for not being with him, as I would normally have been, but I was unwell and had stayed in Wisbech, with Seth looking after me. As it was Amos lay unconscious for some time before a farm worker saw a riderless horse and raised the alarm. He was taken to the local hospital, but so long had elapsed before help could reach him that he is not thought likely to recover fully. Although he is only 44 and was, until his fall, very fit and strong they do not expect him to be able to walk properly again, and certainly not to ride. Suddenly our whole life is turned upside down ***** I am Seth Cunliffe, and I must continue the story my Grandfather started. Today is the first day of September, 1879, and I am 28 years of age. Arthur wrote the words above three months ago, and my Father's health has not improved. He can speak with difficulty, and his mind is clear, but he cannot use his right hand and walks only with great heaviness and pain. It is heart-breaking to see a man so strong made so feeble by one piece of ill fortune. I shall do my best to maintain what has started to be a family tradition, for I have read what Joel and Amos have written. Some of the things Amos has said about me, and my early interests, are amusing. I was evidently an early starter along the road Amos and Arthur (and my namesake!) trod - nay, still tread, for Arthur and Amos ... no, I must go back further. I came to live with Amos and Arthur in the summer of 1865 - I was 14. Nathaniel and I had opened each other's minds to sex with each other, and as Amos has said, we finally fucked each other in February that year. I knew - I think I had known ever since I was a small boy - that other boys' bodies were a source of excitement to me, and it was only when Nathaniel and I were bold enough to explore each other that I came to accept that my being queer - a term in which I rejoice (as do Amos and Arthur, of course) - was something to be happy about. From my first fucking Nathaniel until today nothing but pleasure and joy has come from my coupling with another boy - or man. You may think it very strange that I include Amos in all this. When I moved to be with them in Wisbech I had no notion that I would very soon find myself in Amos's bed - my hope was to be bedded with Arthur, for fathers didn't fuck their sons in my imagination. That first night I slept on my own in a cold bed, but in the middle of the night I woke distressed and went to seek comfort with Arthur. I cannot swear that a small part of me did not hope that the comfort might be something more than a cuddle. By the following morning any idea that fathers did not fuck sons was banished from my mind, and I found that my heart was as full of happiness as - and here I will use the kind of words my Father has already used - my arse was with spunk. Amos's and Arthur's. And so that the history of that first night is complete I should record that Amos's stomach and Arthur's stomach were each blessed with good Seth spunk. I discovered very quickly that the activities which had so captivated Nathaniel and me were but a small part of the varied list of things men and boys might do together. The first hours of that first night were the only hours I have spent alone in a bed in this house (save for the occasional illness). I was very happy with Amos and Arthur. They taught me everything I know about the farms, and as I grew older and more experienced Amos taught me about the other parts of the Estate, and how it would one day fall to me to inherit it, and manage it. "I shall have no more sons, Seth," he said one night in bed, "for like you I have no taste for women." I was around 16 or so when he said this, and it did not enter my mind that unless I married there would be no-one to inherit from me. But a lad of 16 who is in bed between the two men who love him, and are about to fuck him, is not greatly concerned with who will succeed him when he is an old man. They also taught me about sex, and by the time I was 16 I was a thoroughly practised little slut - these were the words Arthur used one night in a situation where I could not but conclude that they were words of the highest praise. On hearing them Amos clapped his hands. "We have been lucky, have we not, Arthur, that not only has the Cunliffe spunk produced such a lusty boy, full as he is of sin and delightfulness, but that he has come to spill his spunk in our bed." "And open his heart," I added in a whisper, for the feelings I had for Arthur were only a little less than those I had for Amos. I will not detail our nightly adventures, save only to say that they were a constant source of pleasure to all three of us. On occasion Amos or Arthur would have business away from Wisbech and on those occasions whoever remained made certain that my nights were enlivened to an even greater extent than usual. In this way a few years passed and we grew wealthier as our lands produced more crops, and prices improved. Only one boy had entered my bed since Nathaniel, and that on our way to my Grandfather's death bed when I was but 23. I see that Amos has written of that occasion, but I think it right that I should give some details that he omitted. On leaving the inn where Gabriel had been so welcoming we had agreed to spend the night there on our way home. In his distress at losing his Father, or perhaps in his haste to return to Arthur, he neglected to write about that second occasion. I shall remedy that oversight. On the first occasion I had fucked the lovely Gabriel twice, Amos fucking him for a long time during which I regained my strength. On the ride from Uttoxeter as the grieving widow and her daughter faded from our minds the thought of what lay before us loomed larger. It sound callous when written down four years later, but honestly compels me to be truthful. Joel was buried with the ceremony that was his due; Jane and Elspeth were looking forward to a new future - a secure future thanks to Joel's annuity; Amos and I were looking forward to being back home - as it still remained - with Arthur in Wisbech. But most of all the thought of young Gabriel's arse beckoned us urgently on. "I hope he will be there," I said, "and not servicing others." My fears were unfounded. As the inn's ostler took the horses and we went in the first person we saw was Gabriel. He was bearing a small keg almost too heavy for him, and was unable to do more than smile the largest smile imaginable. "Hello. Gabriel," I said. His smile widened, but his burden was so great that he had to continue with it to its destination. Half an hour later as we sat by the fire with a flagon of ale each awaiting our call to the table we saw him, busy with pots of ale. "He's a pretty thing and no mistake," said Amos. I agreed. A thought entered my mind. "When we move to Uttoxeter our establishment will need to be different from Joel's, will it not? We cannot disguise that the three of us share a bedroom, and I am not willing to pretend." Amos nodded, "yes, but what are you suggesting, Seth?" "I should find the presence of a boy like Gabriel - not him, but one like him - the source of much joy. You and Arthur satisfy each other's souls as well as your carnal desires. You both satisfy mine, but - I love you as a Father, Amos - neither of you fills my soul with the feelings I can see writ on your face now, as you think of Arthur waiting at home for you." My Father nodded. "Yes, son, it is so. Are you saying that you might come to love a lusty child like Gabriel?" I chuckled, "no, Amos, merely that I would find time spent with him rewarding. When I came into your bed - your and Arthur's bed - I was a lad of 16. I seek a lad of that age now. I do not expect him to fill my soul, but as I discovered a week ago with Gabriel I find flesh of his age to be what I find I need." Amos said nothing. I asked him if he found what I had said distasteful. "No, Seth, not in the least, nor hurtful either. I can understand your wishes, and neither Arthur nor I will stand in your way. But what exactly had you in mind? I explained that until we moved to Uttoxeter I would not know for certain, but it was clear to me that the servants - the indoor servants certainly - would need to be aware of our unusual arrangements, and were they to find them distasteful, or even the subject of gossip then they would have to be dismissed. "With good references, of course, Amos, but when the Master of the household changes it's not unreasonable for some of the servants to change also. I'm sure there will be a need for a boy like Gabriel to fetch and carry." "And for you to fuck him?" "I should be happy to allow him some leisure time with you and Arthur," I said with a grin. At that point Gabriel came up to us. "Your food will be ready in a moment, Sirs." "Thank you, Gabriel," I said (for Amos and I had agreed that on this occasion, as on the last, I should take the lead in making such arrangements as might be needed), "shall you be serving us?" Vigorous nodding. "Later too?" I said very quietly. The vigour of the nodding increased. We rose and went to the table. I was glad that my riding breeches were tight, for otherwise my eager anticipation of the serving we were to enjoy later with Gabriel might have been all too obvious. ***** Three hours later the three of us lay together in our bed, Gabriel, relieved of a fine quantity of spunk, warm and happy between us. It had been Amos' turn to fuck him first, but so splendid and copious had been his spunking that he had confessed to me that a second such would not have been possible. Gabriel, hearing this, had turned to me. "It will be your task then, Seth, to carry me to Heaven." I smiled and gently kissed his lips (lips which not long earlier had assisted in gathering his spunk from his belly as Amos had drawn it from him with his fucking). "Gabriel, we have all night; we are both young and sprightly; we will set the night on fire with our fucking, believe me." My cock had been hard since the moment the boy had crept into our room over an hour earlier. We were all naked, and my task - a chore which weighed very lightly on me - had been to bring Gabriel to such a pitch of excitement by the use of my tongue that he spent mightily only moments after Amos plunged his cock into his arse. "If you are the first, Amos," he had said before my tongue began its business, "I want you to take me hard. I need to be possessed. Later, when Seth is ready, I should prefer a long slow fuck." This was agreeable to both of us, so Amos's entry into the boy's arse (an arse much prepared by me and my trusty tongue) some half an hour after we began was indeed vigorous. I had brought Gabriel to the very edge of spending three or four times, drawing him back as I detected incipient spunking, that when Amos penetrated him the jets of liquid joy which sprang from his cock were - as Gabriel put it - "the biggest fucking fountain of spunk I've ever done." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It seemed right to leave the three of them where they were until the Summer holidays: Amos whacked, Gabriel well and truly fucked with his balls busy about their replenishing business, and Seth - of whom I was becoming more and more fond the more I read about him - waiting with his hard cock to pleasure the warm sexy boy next to him. Would he find a boy like Gabriel to bed in Uttoxeter? Indeed, would he offer Gabriel himself a job? ***** Exactly three weeks later I passed my test. Billy and Rivers had seen to the electro and it had been delivered two days before. Billy had taken Jack for a trip to see Dodo and Seb, showing off the new purchase. We'd chosen a sporty one, a bit like Seb's. It was duly admired. "You and I are going to take this on a major excursion in the summer holidays," I told Billy that night, "just the two of us. I'll see if Dodo and Jack want time together - it won't be fair to leave him here on his own." "It's funny you should say that, because on the way back from Blackpool he said he missed Dodo more than he expected he would. If Dodo gets holiday time from the shop the two of them - and Seb if he wants - could go somewhere nice. Can you - we - afford to pay for it?" I couldn't see why not. After all, the staff all had holidays and Jack was family. "Let's talk to him, and if he's up for it I'll get Dunstable onside." I drove the electro to school the following week, arriving amid much envy from my fellows. "Not as classy as the Roller," sniffed Dugald. "No, but this one's mine," I said before twigging that the Roller was mine too. Dugald grinned. "You're a jammy bastard, Cunliffe, but I love you. Is this Billy?" Introductions were made: each was fully aware of the nature of my relationship with the other. A dark-haired 14-year-old was hovering. "Solly, come and meet Billy." More introductions. Life can be a giddy social whirl, can it not? Billy drove off and term began. ***** The weeks went by. The differential equations (and other stimulating new mathematical things) became harder (as did other stimulating new fleshly things). Unusually the House had been joined by two new Pups, a thing which hadn't happened before, not in my time anyway. Will and I had to work out how they should be accommodated - a task made much easier and more rewarding by the boys themselves. They were twins whose father served in the army. For reasons which were never clear (ill mother? but they never mentioned her) they had been sent to us at short notice when he was sent overseas at short notice. (It turned out that he wasn't just 'in the army' but a high-ranking officer who was in intelligence, and he'd been sent to some skirmish to sort things out. That, at least, was what the elder twin - Rupert - had told me when he and I were resting after a nice afternoon fuck. Oh, didn't I mention it? Will chose Malcolm - he likes them even younger than I do - and I chose Rupert as Solly's replacement. Solly got a nice reward for ceding Dab rights, and I don't think he was too bothered to leave me, particularly when he worked out that he'd be joining the Village Whores for 12 weeks.) Rupert settled in nicely, and I settled in Rupert to the delight of both of us. Rupert made it clear very early in his Pupdom that he and Malcolm routinely carried out the tasks which I explained would fall to him. "You get to fuck me, is that it, Cunliffe?" I nodded. "Good. We don't want my arse to heal up. How about -" but I had anticipated his question, and down to it is what we got. I have to tell you that he was a bloody sight more fun in bed that Solly had been. =============================================================================== The fun continues in Chapter 46 as Rupert and I get to know each other, and Billy and I undertake a major journey of exploration in our new electro. Drop me a line at - that is after you've dropped nifty a few quid. ===============================================================================