Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 17:50:30 +0100 (BST) From: Peter Brown Subject: Last of the Line - Chapter 94 Last of the Line by badboi666 =============================================================================== If sex with boys isn't your thing, go away. If, as is much more likely, you've come to this site precisely to get your rocks off reading about sex with 14-year-olds then make yourself comfortable - you're in the right place. Don't leave, however, without doing this: Donate to Nifty - these buggers may do it for love but they still have to eat. =============================================================================== Chapter 94 "I'm really sorry I didn't zip you," I said. "I tried but it wouldn't work - I've got a new one and luckily the shop could get my numbers transferred from the old one. It's never happened before and I hope it never happens again." (It didn't, at least not until the Electric War made them all useless - but that's not for some years yet.) "I didn't tear your note up, Dab. I thought I should give it back to you, so you'd know it was safe." He put it in my hand, and I stuffed it into my pocket. "How is Henry?" I asked - we were walking away from the chapel. "Pissed off, but he'll be OK. I explained that there was a problem, but I didn't say what it was. I let him think you had a sudden study thing. I hope that's all right?" "Of course it is, Edward. I have a plan which I hope will work, but it might take a week or so. Can you bear to keep yourself pure until then?" No fucking chance, Dab, but I'll confine myself to the choir. In its widest sense," he added. "Good. We don't want Colin to suspect anything." "Why? Is he the problem?" "Could be. Just act normal." We had circumnavigated the chapel. "Off you go," I said softly, "I'll zip as soon as I gave news. Promise." ***** The plan worked well, at least as Stage I was concerned. I'd written to Bell saying that it would be in the mutual interests of both of us, as well as of Edward, that he invited himself - as he was entitled to do as an Alumnus - to dine a.s.a.p. at High Table, and to make sure that Colin was dining that night "and if you could suggest that it would be pleasant if your former pupil might be allowed to dine as your guest ..." I included my zip number. The next afternoon a zip appeared. - What's up? Not trouble I hope? I zipped back. - No. You're here to help prevent it. Colin knows nothing. - Is E OK? - Yes but missing me. - Ah! Hall on Thursday then. - Thanks. I zipped Edward to let him know that high-level talks would be held in two days' time (it was Tuesday) and that I would zip him as soon as I had news. Stage II would require guile - I felt relaxed about that - and luck, about which I could do nothing. ***** An invitation from the Steward to dine at High Table appeared in my pigeon-hole on Thursday morning with a pencil note on the back. Quick work if you've solved it already, Dab. S I was placed between Bell and Matthew, my Director of Studies. Colin was on Bell's other side. While the sherry had been doing the rounds I'd had a word with Bell. "We need a meeting in Colin's rooms after. Can you engineer a tactful exit after 20 minutes or so with the port and nuts?" "Are you going to fill me in?" I shook my head. "Better not. By the way, what should I call you in such civilized surroundings?" "Why not my name, Dab? It's Eric." I said he should trust me. He nodded. "I don't think I have much choice." "This is all very jolly," said Colin as the three of us made out way to his rooms two hours later. He had a decanter of claret awaiting us. "I've never succumbed to the port habit," he said, "apart from one glass to keep the Master from suspecting that I'm a renegade." Three generous glasses stood before us, as did the usual bowl of salted almonds. I was beginning to acquire a taste for high living. Colin turned to me. "We haven't spoken much since your extra interview 18 months ago. Dab, isn't it?" I nodded. "Why are you here then, Dab?" "I am - all of us are - in a delicate situation, Colin, and it needs to be resolved. This won't be easy, so will you allow me to explain before you throw me out?" Colin's eyebrows rose. "That serious?" He turned to Bell. "Eric, do you know what is going on?" Bell shook his head, "but I think you should hear what Dab has to say, for I do know that it concerns all three of us." "Very well, Dab, the floor is yours," said Colin. "This is about Edward Hughes. All three of us share the pleasure of his company, but I don't think all three of us are aware of that. Colin, I don't want to abuse your hospitality, but I have to be blunt. All three of us are walking a potentially hazardous tightrope and it only takes one of us to fall for the whole thing to become a nightmare - not just for us but for Edward as well, and not just Edward." Bell looked at me. "You're surely not trying to blackmail us, Dab?" "No, far from it, Eric. I want, as I'm sure you and Colin want, things to go on exactly as they are. I have no idea what arrangements either of you have, and I certainly don't want to know. Mine are rather too obvious, and I have been warned to be a great deal more discreet. That's why I'm here - why all three of us are here." Colin had become redder and redder as I had been wittering on. Bell put his hand on his arm. "I think Dab had a solution to propose, Colin. Maybe we should let him finish." Colin humphed, but his colour receded a bit. "Go on, Dab, don't let me down," said Bell. This was where it got tricky. "It is blackmail in a way, but it's the other way round. All three of us want to continue to enjoy private time with such members of the choir as show a willingness - right?" Two nods, but only after several seconds' thought. "None of us wishes to have any details of the others' arrangements beyond the mere fact that Treble X is allowing himself quality time with each of us? Or if not each, then at least one of us?" Two nods, delivered almost instantly. Bell added that Edward was the only X as far as he was concerned. It was Colin's turn to put his hand on the other's arm. "I'm sure I'll be able to find you another in good time, Eric, I always have." It was time for colour to rise on Bell's cheeks. "I know that allowing an undergraduate who isn't a choirman into the charmed circle may be uncomfortable, Colin, as our paths don't cross, and you know very little about me. I want to suggest where blackmail comes in. If I were to buy the silence of the Director of Music and the choir itself I think a modest benefaction might be an appropriate way of showing my appreciation, and your acceptance of such an offer might allow me the kind of access I would like to go on having - access the details of which would no more be your business, Colin, than yours are of mine." This was no longer about Bell. I looked directly at Colin. "Ten thousand pounds?" That was the second time I used my wealth to buy me a privilege. Stubbs had been so long ago. I knew immediately that he would agree. His colour faded. He reached for the decanter and filled my glass before Bell's. Bell, greatly amused, murmured, "I think my star pupil has landed himself a deal, and landed you a feather in your cap, Colin." Colin put the decanter down and reached over to shake my hand. "I don't like it, Dab, but I will accept it. I trust that nothing of this will become known outside these walls, not even to Edward." "Especially not Edward," I said as Bell nodded. "The little ones must remain innocent," he said, "well, in this matter at least." I began to relax then. "How would you think the £10,000 best announced?" I asked, "as an anonymous bequest or tied to a particular cause?" "Do you want it to be anonymous, Dab?" I did, and I told him why. "If undergraduates, especially non-musical ones, start dishing out money people will begin wondering why. Access to trebles is bound to occur to some of the more base seekers after truth. Can we talk about it in a few days when we've both had a chance to think about it?" Colin agreed. "Is that it?" he asked, "have you more terrible secrets?" "One last thing. You thought I had perfect pitch, and were interested to know more about why I got excited about anything in D." He nodded, "yes, I remember, and very strange I thought it. What has that to do with anything?" "I think Edward and his friend Henry would benefit from your suggesting that they should come to my rooms for lessons in music appreciation now and again." Bell burst out laughing. "He's got you good and proper, Colin." Colin's reaction was markedly different, and expressed in a way I had been careful to avoid throughout. "You're fucking Henry! God, you move fast." "Not yet, alas, Colin -" (for I could see that his outburst was not one of anger but more of surprise that someone had beaten him to it) "- but he and I agreed that I should do so some days ago. I was warned off, and that's why we're here. Poor Henry has waited long enough, don't you think?" Colin turned to Bell. "This Henry of whom he speaks is 10. He is also by some margin the most experienced 10-year-old I've encountered, and I had him earmarked for an introduction to you, Eric, when young Hughes no longer charmed you as he does now." "Then you should waste no time in sending him to Dab for lessons, accompanied of course by a chaperon. Edward would seem ideal." ***** When I got back to C6 I zipped Edward, late as it was. - All sorted. Back to normal. Colin will speak to you. Don't worry! Dab xx I hoped he would pass the second x on to Henry. ***** The next afternoon I had a zip from Edward. - Magic! H and I are to come at 2 tomoro x Luckily I had no plans for the following afternoon, and I spent a happy few hours anticipating what would happen when the boys appeared. It had been a worrying few days. I also spent some time thinking about my proposed bequest - the better thought-out my suggestion the more likely Colin might be to accept in in the spirit in which it would be offered. I racked my brains to remember what Fagan had drilled into me. Tallis and anything from the last 80-odd years, as I recalled. I wondered how much a recording would cost - I knew that the Fisher Choir was well represented on magrecs (not that I owned any) and I decided I would do some research into what they had recorded under Colin. If I could find a gap my bribe - no, my benefaction - could seal it. At the same time I write a note for Simon, advising him that the Director of Music had seen fit to ask me to give some junior members of the choir occasional instruction in music appreciation. I found the note I'd sent Edward crumpled up in my pocket. I smoothed it out. Odd to think that when I had written it less than a week earlier everything seemed impossibly dark. E: I've been warned off seeing you and H - apparently it's all a bit obvious. I have no idea who is behind it - the warning came from someone I trust who doesn't seem to mind what you and I get up to, but thinks others (unnamed) would not like it. He might mean C, he might mean somebody else - I've no idea. So you and H mustn't come to visit - not until I can sort it out, which I promise I will do my damnedest to do. Tell H because otherwise he might say the wrong thing. I'm sorry, but I hope I can work something out soon before your bits do their thing! Long before. D xx I tore it up, glad that my confidence had not been misplaced. ***** No sooner were the two of them in my door the next day than Edward said "how did you fix it, Dab?" "That's something you will never know, Edward. Just be glad that it's fixed and that both of you are here officially. What did Colin say?" "He said that he wanted us to come to you for what he called 'special musical classes'. Apparently you have some unusual musical skill, and he wants us to benefit from it. At least that's what I think he was on about. Do you have musical skills?" "No. But Colin certainly won't ask what I taught you. He knows why you're here - he and I understand each other now. Nobody else knows you're coming here, so nobody will ask you what you learned today. If anyone does ask, just say that Colin has sent you here, and try not to look shifty." During this exchange Henry hadn't said a thing. "Does that mean we can go on like before?" he asked. "Yes, Henry, except that now Colin knows why you're here, so you don't have to creep in and out. The more open you are about being here the less anyone will pay attention. But don't worry - what we'll all do is the same as it used to be." "That means you'll fuck me then," said Henry happily. I pointed to my bedroom. "In there and get ready while I do what I have to do in here." Off they went. I chose two of the magrecs I'd bought that morning and put them on to play. Since I was supposed to be broadening their minds I chose music they weren't likely to have come across in the chapel repertoire. I set the player with 10 minutes between the two magrecs. That would give us two hours in which I could attend to other matters. Bach and Mendelssohn could play happily while we three did the same. I closed the bedroom door. Two naked boys lay invitingly on the bed, each playing with his already fully hard cock. I was soon in a similar state. Henry's eyes were fastened on what would soon be in his arse. "Come on then, someone, get me ready," I whispered. Henry's lips were clamped round my cock in an instant, his tongue lapping. "Slow down," I said softly, "it's not a race, Henry." He leant back, but only so that his fingers could uncover my cockhead. "No," he whispered, "but I've been waiting for this for nine days," and my cock was back in his mouth again. "We've not come for four days," said Edward, still gently stroking himself, "so it'll be a big gush when it happens. Where d'you want mine?" I didn't need to think. "When I fuck Henry he'll be on his back. You kneel over him facing me and come in my mouth." Edward's eyes shone, and he took his hands off his cock. "I was getting close then," he said. So, I had to confess, was I, so I told Henry to get on his back. "It's the moment you've been waiting for, Henry, knees by your ears." Henry's arse, like all arses on boys his age (or those on boys quite a bit older, I confess), was a fine place to dwell. The sight, the scent, the taste - all were firing responses in my brain as my lips and tongue sought to discover its secrets. Henry was not silent while I made my discoveries, and his soft almost kitten-like mewings were a big turn-on. When I put a finger in (eliciting an immediate response 'two, maybe three, Dab') I knew that Henry would be coming very soon. I felt for a prostate, but failed to locate it - there was plenty of time for it to develop before I graduated. Nevertheless my searching must have triggered him, because his upper body jack-knifed up as he groaned yesss aaah ... oh fuck, Dab ... and I saw his stomach muscles doing their best to help expel the spunk that his balls still hadn't manufactured. Edward, lying beside him, kissed his lips a dew seconds after he same. "He's good, Henry - that was the best cum I've seen you have." Henry nodded, his face and chest wreathed in sweat. "He's better than you, 'cos he's got longer fingers," he panted, adding, "but you're pretty good too." Loyal and wise, I thought, wondering how the two of them got it on - and whether other trebles joined in such mutual activities. "You've waited long enough, Henry, time for action," I whispered, "you ready?" He nodded. "Yes, Dab, fill me up. I need you in me." I placed my cockhead at the entrance and he, like a natural, put his arms round me and pulled me into him. Despite his very great keenness I had no real idea about how easily he would accept a cock my size (not huge, as you know, but a lot bigger than his own or Edward's), so I pressed gently, allowing him the opportunity to set the speed. If he was aware of such an opportunity he didn't avail himself of it: my cock advanced slowly and without stopping until my belly was pressed hard against his arse cheeks. "Wow!" said Edward softly, "I've been fucked by Dab often enough, but watching his cock being swallowed up like that is something else. Is it good up there?" Both Henry and I said 'yes' at the same time. Henry smiled. "Time to get fucking, Dab. Make it last." I muttered that I would do my best. "Get into position, Edward, and don't hold back. A fit lad like you can probably come twice while I'm busy back here. If there's a second coming turn round and do it on him." Much as I would like to report that my first penetration of the delightful Henry lasted as long as he or I wished it would, alas, be untrue - though I did manage to keep going for ten minutes. Edward, hungry for his first cum for days, waited no time once he was kneeling astride Henry, and his fist delivered for me after less than a minute. Even though I knew it would be substantial I was taken aback not so much by the volume as by the force with which his spunk flew out of his cock into my mouth. As soon as he'd finished he got off and knelt beside Henry's head. This was either a familiar pattern or they had agreed it beforehand as Henry turned his head and Edward's cock disappeared to be feasted upon. I ploughed on, keeping a gently accelerating rhythm. Edward had been a sufficiently frequent visitor to my bed to know the signs of an approaching Cunliffe orgasm. When he judged I was about two minutes away he took his cock out of Henry's mouth. "Go on, wank, and I will too," he growled. This was unexpected, but if all three of us managed to come at much the same time it would certainly be memorable. I made sure I timed myself - apart from the out-of-control last magic ten seconds - so that I took my cue from Edward. I knew the signs, and as his chest reddened I let myself into an unrestrained lunge for it and ... pulse after pulse after pulse of long-delayed bound-for-a-10-year-old's-arse spunk flooded flooded flooded ... as Edward's cock shot two lines onto Henry and dribbled a few more ... and Henry wanked himself into another frighteningly all-powerful dry cum ... Brandenburg 3 had long finished and I could hear Brandenburg 5 through the bedroom door: we'd been busy for less than half an hour, but the urgency had added to the ecstasy. "He's good, isn't he?" whispered Edward when he got his breath back. As had happened not 30 minutes earlier both Henry and I murmured 'yes'. My cock slipped out and a trickle of spunk ran down Henry's crack. "I love that feeling," he whispered. "I love tasting that feeling," said Edward, onto his treat with commendable swiftness. I rolled onto my back beside Henry and raised my legs while Edward harvested. We lay there for a while. Edward moved onto Henry's arse and found it worth his time. A silence came from the sitting room. "What was that?" said Henry. "Bach," came the answer from somewhere near his arse. "Yes, I knew that, Edward, but what was it?" I told him - them - and added that there was plenty more where that came from. "Hope so," said Edward, "my turn now." "If you mean I have to fuck you you'll need to give me time. We oldies take longer that you young squirts." Edward scoffed. "Lucy can do it twice in half an hour." Lucy, I recalled, was a tenor whose attributes included size but no interest in the enjoyment of his partners. "If he's not interested in your pleasure what difference does it make how often he can do it?" I asked, "surely one bloody good fuck is miles better than two mediocre ones?" "He's right, Edward. I'd far rather have a fuck like that one." I turned and kissed his nose. "You're very sweet, Henry, and your arse is a bed of roses." A mistake, as his burst of laughter led to more of Cunliffe's finest running down his arse crack. When he stopped laughing he said that one of the nice things about my fuck was that there was so much spunk it would be running down his legs as he walked back. I said that that would be a terrible waste. I did manage to fuck Edward, such is the power of long-abstained mind over matter, and his response was the delivery of a third load of spunk - much reduced, but still happily hoovered up by an attending Henry. As I wasn't far behind him I had neither the breath nor the presence of mind to suggest to Henry that he might care to share Edward's effusion, reduced in volume though it was, in the traditional manner with me. Another day, I thought - I had forgotten that a whole series of lessons had been dangled before the boy. And then I came deep in Edward, deep in the boy whose balls were utterly drained, deep in the boy who would be back for more ... and more ... and more. And who would bring his friend. As they cleaned up and dressed I wondered when the next music lesson would be. Edward knew the answer. "Just like it was with Gordon and me, Dab. Wednesdays and Saturdays." Were they not empty the cup of my balls would have run over. =============================================================================== The fun continues in Chapter 95 as life goes on. Drop me a line at - that is after you've dropped nifty a few quid. ===============================================================================