Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 12:29:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Freddy E. Subject: Lucas Hawking Adventures Lucas Hawking Adventures By Cresive I apologize, as there will be a substantial element of CFNM in a later section of chapter one, but the predominant storyline will be Gay, adult-youth. This story will involve a friend of mine, Lucas, as the protagonist in a series of adventures. In this series, Lucas was born in Britain, but his family moved to the fledgling US for a new start. This story begins as the family is making plans to leave their home in Virginia to travel west and claim some land in the new territories recently taken from the Native American population there. As always, this story is the property of the author. You can download the article for your own enjoyment, but you do not have permission to post this or any other story written by Cresive on another site. Please be supportive of the Nifty Archive site so that we can continue to post stories on the site. Lucas Hawking Adventures: Chapter 1, The Adventure Begins... "I don't know about this; shouldn't we wait for the water to subside?!" "Quit your baby whining, Lucas! I am the oldest and we do what I say!" Lucas, being the youngest, had grown accustom to having his opinion invalidated, but the rivulet they were about to cross was severely swollen and he was afraid for his, and everyone's life. He and his brothers had scouted the creek and found the only logical place to cross. Under normal circumstances, the creek would easily be crossed where they stood. However, the winters snow pack was melting and the creek had swelled significantly with the additional runoff. His brother was right, they needed to get to the other side of the creek, or his family's claim would be nullified. Still, Lucas was petrified every time he looked at the flowing mass of water. "Lucas! You get up and drive the team. We will help keep the wheels on the shallows!" Beyond terrified, Lucas did as he was told. He urged the fretful team of mules into the water. This took a bit of coaxing as the mules didn't like the rushing water level any more than did Lucas. One of his brothers had to lead the team, as Lucas wasn't able to get them into the water with him. That left his oldest brother at the rear barking orders that Lucas could barely hear over the roar of the rapids. They got into the raging water and just as Lucas thought they would make it okay, the water began to wash the wagon off the rapids. Lucas tried to adjust his steering of the team, but it was for naught. Within minutes, the wagon had been washed into the deeper water and began to float downstream. Sensing the danger, the mule team struggled to get their load back onto shallower ground, but the struggle was in vain. Lucas cried as he saw first one, the both brothers get carried away by the rushing water. He tried to call to them, but they were focused on their own survival and didn't respond. He was so focused on his brothers that he didn't realize the danger he was in. Soon, the frigid water reached his legs and Lucas looked down to see he was soon to join his brother's fates. Acting out of reflex, Lucas jumped into the river to get far from the wagon which he though would tangle him and drag him to the bottom of the river. The cold water shocked him and he panicked for a few moments until his mind could win over the reflex panic. By this time, he was much farther down stream than he wanted and about to hit a set of large rapids. He struggled against the current, but he quickly lost the struggle. Realizing the rapids were in his near future, he began to study the water flow over them. Lucas was a natural swimmer and most of his limited time on earth was spent in the water. Instinctively, he studied the river, picked what he thought would be the best path and swam with the current to guide himself safely past the rapids. He emerged on the other side of the rocks, bruised and battered, but alive and in one piece. He found a protected area and was able to swim to shore, barely! He used the last of his strength to pull himself out of the river. Struggling beyond his endurance, he crawled up the bank to drier ground. Smartly, he realized that he had to get away from the water in case the river swelled further. Just as he was about to lean against a tree to try to assess his situation, he looked up and saw him. The Shawnee noticed the white child as he struggled out of the water. He walked over to see if he could assist him, but the pale child managed to extricate himself from the cold water before he could reach him. The child was blue and the man knew he would die of hypothermia if not dried and warmed quickly. He gathered wood for a fire and proceeded to build a fire within a wall of rocks to radiate the heat back. Once he finished he gathered the child, carried him over to the fire and proceeded to removed his clothes. Lucas realized that someone was stripping off his clothes and tried to struggle to prevent his exposure. However, he was barely conscious, and exhausted from both the exertion of surviving the raging water as well as his losing battle with hypothermia. He realized that his shirt and jacket had been removed and he was shirtless, just as he felt his pants being pulled down. Everything felt welt and clammy, and soon he realized that he felt hot and wanted his warm clothes off! This was a sign that hypothermia was setting in, and he was in real danger if his body temperature cooled further. The man was taken back at the new actions of the boy. At first, he had to struggle with him to undress him, but now the boy was helping and stripping away all of his clothes for him. Once the boy was naked the man gave his pale body a cursory examination. He didn't have any major injuries, save for a few bruises and scrapes. He had the body of a child but was probably just about to enter puberty. He was obviously freezing but he wasn't shivering anymore which meant that he was becoming delusional. The man gathered the skinny white child in his arms and carried him to the warmth of the fire. The boy wasn't heavy and squirmed only a little and feebly when he did. His pale skin showed the coldness, and his penis and balls were actively trying to crawl into his abdomen for the little warmth there. The man placed the child in front of the fire so he could get a warming bed set up for him. He stood the child facing the fire, but he collapsed almost as soon as the man set him down. The man threw one of his deer skins onto the ground and lay the boy across it. He then reached for his bear skin to cover the child. Before he covered him, he looked at the naked body before him. The boy actually looked quite handsome, had a thin but active looking build, skinny legs and a small, uncut penis. His foreskin hung down below his cock head, as his penis must be as shriveled as it ever has. The man estimated the boy's penis to barely be an inch and his balls were almost absent-again much due to the cold than anything else. The man covered the boy, then lined the bearskin with the warmed rocks from the fire. Lucas barely felt the warmth before passing out. Lucas woke up the next morning, still naked and covered with the bearskin. The only difference was he was not alone under the cover. He immediately registered the warmth from a body lying behind him. However, that was all his mind registered. He had no knowledge of how he got to where ever he was. He tried to play back the images of the day before. He remembered he fell into the river, but nothing after that. His elbows and knees were sore from the beating he took from the river. He was also starving! Just as he motioned to get up, the body behind him stood up. Lucas rolled over to see a naked Injun! His stomach was in his throat as he realized he was naked, had no idea where he was and a naked Indian was staring at him. The man said something Lucas couldn't understand. Lucas stared at the man with a blank expression on his face. Then he began to study the man. Lucas had seen his brothers naked many times, even after they passed through puberty. However, this was the first naked MAN he had seen. The man had darker skin, little hair other than his head and under his arms. In fact, he wasn't much hairier than his brothers. However, he had a HUGE cock hanging down over two rather substantial balls. Both were hanging down being nicely warmed from the covers. Being naked and growing up on stories about the heathens that originally inhabited the territory, Lucas' mind ran amok trying to figure out what had happened to him. As terrified as he was, he was able to track the still naked Indian as he walked over to Lucas' hanging clothes. The man shook his head and Lucas knew he meant they were too wet to wear. The man then walked over to the fire and stoked up the ashes to warm his body. Casually, he gathered his supplies together before walking over to Lucas and swiftly removing the bear skin. Lucas recoiled from both the cold and being so exposed to the Indian. The Indian had no issues with nudity and grabbed Lucas and carried him to the fire. He sat Lucas down on a warm rock. Lucas' mind for some reason focused on how the rough rock felt on his naked butt cheeks. He wasn't accustomed to being naked when he was awake and he noticed how everything felt somehow more intense than when he wore clothes. It is funny how you can be and outdoor person all your life but being naked and outdoors is a totally new experience. Lucas marveled at how the warmth of the fired felt on his front, while his back registered the chill of the morning. His toes were chilled, so he let them closer to the fire. He was still mentally and physically exhausted but found these new realizations quite exciting. The man then handed Lucas something and put another pieced into his mouth indicating to Lucas that he should eat. Starving, Lucas needed not further encouragement. The dried meat wasn't unpleasant as Lucas was used to salt-tack and dried goods during his travels. However, the Indian's food seemed to have a bit more flavor and easier texture to chew. He finished the first parcel of food the Indian gave him, and then began to inhale the next serving he was handed. By now, he was indifferent to his nudity in front of the stranger. The man noticed the change in Lucas' body language. The boy was out of immediate danger, although the man knew that the experience with the cold could cause havoc later. He made sure the pale boy was fed, and even gave him water from the river that tried to take his life the day before. When he felt strong enough, Lucas got up and walked over to his clothes. This gave the man the opportunity to ogle the child's butt cheeks as he walked away from him. The boy was handsome and the man could use a new child, as his had been taken by the winter's cold, the year before. Unknowingly, Lucas bent over to pick up his shoes giving the man an unencumbered view of his very pink pucker. The man noted that the pink hue was a good sign, and that it caused a bit of a stirring in his crotch. He hadn't seen such a pale body before and it intrigued him. The man gathered his things and began to wonder what to do with the boy. He couldn't just leave him in the woods to die. However, he was already in trouble with the tribal elders and bringing a strange boy home would be a struggle he didn't want to have. He looked at the naked boy again and watched how his small penis bobbed when he walked and decided he would have to face the council. He helped the boy gather his damp clothes and dry them by the fire. Once Luca's clothes were dry, he donned them the best he could. His clothes were hand-me-downs that had seen better days anyway. However, the river had taken its vengeance on them and there wasn't much left of them. His shirt was workable, but his pants had holes in the knees and were threadbare at the tush. However, they were better than going naked so he carefully dressed himself. He immediately felt the warmth the clothes provided, as well as the confinement of being dressed. He vowed to later expand his experience of being naked in the woods-at least after the weather warmed a bit more. He noticed the man had donned some clothes and had covered at least his private parts. The man marched Lucas down river a bit, to a canoe he had parked on the shore. The walk really drained Lucas of any energy he had regained from his long sleep and he fell into the canoe and almost immediately fell into a deep sleep. The man noticed the lethargy a while back and knew the boy was catching a chill from his experience. He allowed the boy to lie in the front of the canoe and covered him with his bear skin. Shortly, he set the canoe into the river, and paddled for home. Lucas' fever set in quickly. He was delirious again and struggled in the boat. The man worried that he would capsize the craft, but he managed to stay a step ahead of the struggling boy's sudden movements. He made sure to keep close to the shoreline just in case. It took two days to make it down river to the village and by the time the pair were approaching the village, Lucas had broken the worst of the fever and was sitting in the canoe. This was fortunate, as they had to cross deep water and the man didn't want to take such a risk until he could control the pale child. Lucas was fascinated by the encampment as they approached. He was still too out of it, mentally, to notice the worry on the man as they approached and naively stepped out of the canoe when the man beached them at the base of the camp. Several of the village came to welcome the canoe; many came to welcome back the brave, but soon, word spread of a pale child with him. As the crowd grew, Lucas became scared. To him, they were all clamoring in a strange language, and not everyone was smiling at his approach. Soon, he was surrounded by what seemed like the entire village and he struggled to find the man who brought him. He was nowhere to be seen! Now, he was surrounded by gawkers and potential enemies and the only tether he had to his home was missing. Being weak from overcoming the fever, his body just shut down. Lucas just stood there blankly staring as the people clamored about. Soon, an old woman was in front of him and taking his arm to lead him to the village. Dumbfounded, Lucas just allowed the woman to guide him. Soon she was joined by three other older women. The four of them led Lucas to a high point on the village where a younger woman and, he guessed, her daughter stood working a dark slurry in a big mixing bowl. Lucas looked at the girl who seemed to be about his age. The woman looked at the old woman who shepherded Lucas up the hill. No words were exchanged, but the woman working the slurry looked at her work and the other women seem to take this as a tacit approval of something. The next thing Lucas realized was that the old women were stripping him naked! His shirt was removed/ripped off of him before he realized what was happening. He belatedly tried to keep his shirt, but his arms were held above his head from the motion of the women removing the shirt. Soon two sets of hands were removing his pants. He let go of his shirt, ripped his arms out of the garment and grabbed his pants, doing his best to save his modesty. Again, it was a losing battle. His penis bounced up and down as he jumped up and down trying to salvage his clothes. Before he knew it, he was standing naked before the women. He gave a quick look to the girl who was admiring his naked form. Being naked in front of old women wasn't too bad, but to have a girl his age staring at his naked body made Lucas blush a deep crimson. This did not go unnoticed by anyone, and he heard many comments about it-even though he didn't understand the exact words being said. He was marched up to the woman, who stuck her hands into the slurry she was working and began to wipe handfuls of it onto Lucas' body. She covered his face in the gritty slurry which caused Lucas to close his eyes. Now having the old women holding his arms out to his side was the only sensation he could register. However, having the younger woman caressing his body as she massaged the dark slurry onto him was something Lucas had to wrap his mind around. Before he could come to terms with the new sensation, the girl began to rub the compound on him as well. Now he was standing amongst a group of clothed women, totally naked, while two of them caressed his body. Even in his weakened state, the sensations caused the expected reaction in his pre-teen body. To his horror, his penis began a moderately slow ascent, and by the time the women reached his crotch, his pecker was at full mast! Being naked, and with his arms held out to his sides, there was nothing Lucas could do to hide his state or arousal. Making matters worse, the woman began to wipe down the sides of his legs and even down his inner thighs. That left his pelvis, and genitals for the girl to tend to. Lucas was mortified as the girl began to rub the slurry in the flat area just above his penis before she took hold of his rigid cock as she wiped the slurry up and down his penis. She even skinned back his foreskin to apply the slurry to his bright pink glans! How could his situation get any worse!!! The girl took her time massaging the slurry onto his penis, and soon Lucas' legs felt like they were giving out as he had the first orgasm of his young life. His entire existence seemed to stop for a moment as an electrical pulse raced down his entire body. Even though he had a dry orgasm, the women noticed his body shiver and giggled, which again mortified Lucas even further. The girl didn't really seem to notice and continued to massage his now extra sensitive cock head before moving down to massage his slowly descending balls. Lucas was still light headed from the recent fever and more recent orgasm. He had not experienced an orgasm before and had no idea what was happening to him. He didn't know if he was losing his mind due to the dark slurry the Indians were rubbing on him, or whether his delirium was returning. Trying to gather his thoughts, Lucas barely registered when the women turned him around and bent him over a log. He arms were held straight back effectively locking him in place. The woman began to apply the compound on his back, while the girl applied the compound to the back of his legs and his butt. The way Lucas was bent over the log, the girl had a close-up view of his spread butt cheeks and exposed anus. She gently applied whatever the dark compound was onto his lower back and slowly rubbed her hands down his ass crack. Lucas was experiencing new sensations quicker than he could register them. He had no idea how to register the sensual feelings of having the girl rub his most delicate of areas and was about to start crying before he caught himself and steeled himself to endure whatever they threw at him. Unfortunately for Lucas, he could keep from crying, but he could not stop biology. The gentle massaging of his backside added to the sexual tension he still felt at being held naked. This was only the second time he was naked outdoors and every sensation was new to him. By the time the women stood him back up, his penis was at full mast again. This time, one of the older women reached out and skinned back his foreskin. However, instead of being met with a bright pink glans, Lucas' entire body was a deep purple. His entire body was covered in this purple concoction, except for his blonde hair. In addition to admiring their work, the older woman seemed to be measuring Lucas' endowment and the women giggled again at Lucas' expense. Soon attention was turned to his re-emerging balls and they were weighed by the old woman's hand. Everyone, save Lucas, had a big laugh-Lucas just wanted to crawl into a hole. After his thorough examination, Lucas was marched through the village and down to the river. He tolerated the ogling from the villagers for a bit, before struggling to free himself. He was too weak from his tribulations, and the women were not shrinking violets, but women hardened from living a harsh life. Therefore, as much as he struggled, he was no match for the bevy of women and was soon in the river. There, the women began to roughly wash off the purple concoction that they had previously applied. He was receiving a rigorous washing too. He struggled as the women half washed, half drowned him. Just before he though he would drown, the women marched him back to the village. Now, he was a naked, dark-skinned boy whose penis had shriveled to a small nub and his balls were entirely in his body. Mortified, he was marched back through the crowded area and up to an elderly, at least to Lucas, man. He was held still as the man visually examined Lucas' body. The man looked similar to the younger man who originally saved Lucas, but he had a thicker body and grey hair at his temples. His face seemed to be in a permanent scowl as he burrowed his brow taking in the purple boy's body in front of him. The older man reached out and rubbed Lucas' breasts and then down his sides. Being a bit ticklish, Lucas shuddered as the calloused hands rubbed his body. The hands were much larger than any of the women and Lucas could feel the power behind them. Lucas was turned around and the older man rubbed his back and then his butt cheeks which made Lucas blush-if anyone could tell under his purple skin. Whether on purpose or not, a finger glided between Lucas' butt cheeks and rubbed across his sensitive anus. This caused Lucas to jump which then caused everyone close by to laugh. The older man grabbed Lucas by the arm and more marched than led him to a bark covered hut. He was stopped just inside a smaller portion, in front of an animal skin door. There, the older man stripped naked. Lucas stood and stared as the older body was being exposed to him. This would be the second mature man that Lucas would see. He mentally compared the older man's body with the man who had saved him at the river. The older man looked similar, with a bit more hair. His pubic hair was dark black, but also had some silver hairs sprinkled in. Unlike the other man, this man's penis was HUGE. It looked to Lucas like he had a foot-long snake hanging down from his belly. Actually, it was probably about eight inches, which is a large package. The penis swung left and right as the man stripped off his clothes. He had an enormous cock head, that looked like a clapper for a large church bell underneath its foreskin. Lucas was awe-struck and couldn't take his eyes off the large phallus, ignoring the equally impressive testicles that framed the man's penis. Lucas was knocked out of his trance when the older man grabbed his arm and ushered him into a hot, steamy hut. This was some kind of sauna and Lucas immediately became light headed from the heat. He was marched into the back of the hut, where he noticed several other naked men in a circle. The older man sat down and then yanked Lucas down to sit in his lap. The first thing Lucas noticed was the stares of all the men assembled, then the large penis of the older man that conveniently wedged itself between Lucas' butt cheeks. He had never felt such a soft, yet firm phallus rub against his anus. He tried to be nonchalant as he moved his butt back and forth to find a comfortable position on the man's lap. He sat on the old man's lap and looked about at assembled men. The old man casually ran his hand across Lucas' breast and lower abdomen. The other hand he wended through Lucas' hair, pulling it back before pulling it into a pony tail of sorts. Lucas could feel the heat reaching his previously covered neck. Again, Lucas began to study the men, searching for menace in their faces. All of the men seemed to defer to the elder who had the boy on his lap. The older man began to speak in a monotone fashion as his hands casually caressed down Lucas' body. Being too scared to move, Lucas just allowed the strong hands to explore his body. Occasionally, the men would answer a question that Lucas couldn't recognize. He just sat on the man's lap allowing the man to caress his body. Soon the older man began to sway back and forth and almost hum his words. He stayed true to the cleansing ritual but couldn't help but marvel at how soft and supple the child felt in his hands. He took in how small and innocent the child's body felt sitting in his lap. He even admired how soft the boy's penis felt between his fingers. All of these perceptions began to cause a stir in the older man that he hadn't felt in many moons. Of course, the mans ministrations began to get Lucas aroused. As scared as he was, the gentle caress by the strong hands caused a stirring in Lucas' loins and, coupled with the heat, caused a light-headed trance to overwhelm him. Lucas began to relax and go with the flow. He looked down to see that his penis was once again standing at attention, and his balls were hanging low in the hot air. He marveled at the dark hue his skin had taken after the slurry application. He then looked at his feet and noticed how much smaller and skinnier his were compared to the old man. As he looked down, he noticed the strong, calloused hands take hold of his penis. He just watched as the man's large thumb began to run his foreskin back and forth over his purple glans. The man's thumb looked massive compared to his small penis head. Erect, Lucas' penis was only about four inches, and the man's thumb was almost as long, and much wider. About this time, Lucas also noticed that the man's penis was growing under his naked anus. At first, Lucas could feel the penis get a bit more girth and rub his anus as it grew in length. Now he could feel a substantially hardened entity under his crotch. The thought of the older man's erection on his naked anus caused an electric tingling in his balls as they began to pull back toward his penis. As they receded, Lucas could see the cock head of the older man peek between his legs. The man's large glans was beginning to push past his foreskin and seemed to wink at Lucas. The old man's penis was huge compared to Lucas' younger endowment. Lucas went from sincere intrigue to fear as he watched the larger penis grow further and stick out between Lucas' legs. For a moment, Lucas thought the older penis looked like a snake crawling out from its lair to devour him. The heat was causing even more light-headedness and soon the thought of being naked and in such intimate contact sitting on top of the man's sexual organs caused Lucas to have another orgasm. His penis jerked in the older man's hand as Lucas kicked out his legs to make room for the shudders that encapsulated Lucas' entire body. He tried to straighten out his body, but the older man kept a tight grip on him as his orgasm rippled through his body. The assembled men enjoyed the view of the purple boy enjoying the rights of being a man. A few noticed how Lucas would alternate curling his toes before splaying them out as each rippled made its way down his legs. Every man relished in the unabashed sexual joy that Lucas' body was displaying for them. Lucas almost passed out from the overwhelming sensations. Fortunately, he didn't but his entire experience seemed more surreal and other body than anything he had previously experienced. Lucas was made to stand and guided to the man to the older man's right. Still in the trance-like afterglow of his second-ever orgasm, he allowed himself to be handed off to the next man who began to wash his hands all over Lucas' body. The sweat on Lucas' body served as sufficient lubricant to enable the man to massage his entire body while he stood before him. Lucas did notice that the man had an erection, and even marveled as his glans was barely making itself known as he was turned around and bent over so the man could inspect his back side. Lucas just let the man fondle and ogle what ever he wanted. Lucas was so relaxed that his previous shyness had waned. Again, his subservience did not go unnoticed by the assembled men in the sauna. Especially how Lucas allowed the man to inspect his anus and low hanging balls. The man examined Lucas' body until he was sated and then casually passed Lucas to the next man in the circle. This went on until Lucas completed the entire circle of men. Just as the last man finished his examination of Lucas' rosebud, Lucas looked up to see the elder who had brought him to orgasm exit the sauna. For some reason, the sight of the elder leaving created a feeling of abandonment in Lucas and he rushed to the door to catch up with the elder man. When rushed out of the door to the sauna hut, he was met with a pail full of freezing cold river water. The sudden onslaught of cold water immediately roused Lucas from his trance and he gasped for air. His body wobbled as he tried to orient himself as the woman who applied the dark slurry walked up and wrapped Lucas into a bear skin. Reeling from the overwhelming day, Lucas allowed the woman to walk him to a bark-covered hut, in which he found a sleeping area. The woman removed the bear skin and motioned for Lucas to climb into the sleeping skins. Exhausted, Lucas did as directed where he fell immediately into a deep, deep sleep.