Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 12:14:36 +1000 From: Jeff Albertson Subject: Mall Mishap Mall Mishap a story by plantagenet Disclaimer: This story is fiction. Nobody could seriously believe that the events described herein ever happened anywhere. The names are made up, as is the locale and the plot. It should be used for entertainment purposes only, by consenting adults in jurisdictions where permitted by law. All donations to Nifty are gratefully accepted, and are used to maintain the Archive (a worthy cause). That means you should donate, too, to enable your reading pleasure to continue. Mall Mishap "Thanks for takin' me to the Mall, Danny" the smaller boy said to the slightly taller one alongside him as the two boys strolled along the tree-lined street that led from their house to the shopping complex. "I can go by myself, but you know what Mom's like" he added, more to reassure himself than his brother. He admired his older brother a great deal, and didn't want to be a burden on him like some little kids were on their older brothers. "That's cool, Cam. I wanted to get a look at the new PS4 games anyway. You can get Dad's birthday card while I'm at KMart, and we'll meet up at Wendy's for a soda and donuts," Danny suggested. "A soda! Great!" the 9-year-old Cameron enthused. He had the best big brother any boy could have, he thought. He swung his arms proudly as he walked with his brother. His enthusiasm checked slightly when he saw, about a hundred yards ahead, two bigger boys, teenagers. They loitered on the sidewalk as though they were waiting for Cameron and Danny. "Do you know those guys, Danny?" Cam cautiously asked as their steps took them ever closer to the two teens. "What guys?" his 11-year-old brother replied, before looking up to notice the two older boys for the first time. "Them? Nah, I don't know 'em. They won't bother us. Don't be afraid." "I aint-" Cameron was about to say 'afraid', but his voice wouldn't let him say a barefaced lie to his brother, even out of bravado. Instead, he said "Can we go to the Mall the other way, Danny? Pleeease?" Cam's voice was shrill with trepidation. "Don't worry, Cam, they're just a coupla teenagers." The distance between the two pairs of boys had by now closed to only twenty five yards, allowing Danny to revise his assessment of the hard faces and aggressive stance of the two youths deliberately blocking the sidewalk ahead. "But, if it makes you more comfortable, we'll go the long way" he reasoned, happy to be avoiding a teenaged confrontation. "We can cut through the old timber yard" The two brothers slowed their pace before casually doing an about-face. It was at that moment that the extent of their dilemma became apparent. Two more teens, about the same size and age of the ones ahead of them, had crept up behind them as the brothers walked along, and were now no more than five yards away. "What...whatta you guys want, anyway" Cameron declared before Danny could stop him. "It's okay, Cam, let me do the talking", Danny reassured his brother. "Er...we don't want any, uh, trouble, guys...we were just going to the Mall" "The Mall, eh?" one of the teens echoed. "Just goin' to the Mall...just walking along our street like you own it and goin' to the Mall, huh?" "Your street?" Cameron almost shouted, his fear now replaced with adrenaline-fuelled indignation. Danny tried to hush his brother before things spun out of control. "Shh, Cam, it's alright," he calmed his brother. He addressed the teen who had spoken. "Look, uh, guys, I didn't know, okay, we'll just go back the way we came, okay?" "Go back, huh? You'll just...go back the way you come, after walkin' on our sidewalk, huh? Whattaya think about that idea, fellas?" the tallest boy enquired of his fellows. "It's a shit idea, I think," one of the ones who had blocked their path initially, spat out. "Yeah, I hate it. It's a real faggy idea," another teen, the smallest of the group, joined in. "But that's what you expect from a coupla fags, huh?" Danny could sense rather than see his younger brother trembling alongside. He wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be alright, even though it clearly was a long way from alright. He knew, even from his limited experience with older boys that nothing good would come of this encounter, and the best plan was to do anything necessary that would allow the two brothers to emerge with as little damage as possible. He had heard other boys in his class at school describe similar situations, and while they rarely produced violence, they often resulted in some kind of humiliation. "Look, whatta you guys want? We're just minding our own business here," Danny explained, sounding a lot braver than he felt. Some smirking ensued from the teens at this response. The lead teen, surprisingly not the biggest one, took a step closer to the two boys, so that he was now only an arm's length away from Danny. "Whatta we want? Well, I'm gladja asked. Ya see, we got a little problem." the teen said, his voice laced with false sincerity. "And we was hoping some guys like you might come along our street and be friendly enough to help us out with our little problem. Yeah, that's what we was hopin'." Danny looked at his brother. It looked like the best way out of this was to give in right off the bat and do whatever these guys wanted. Hopefully that would satisfy them and the two brothers could continue on their way. He waited for the leader to speak again. "You fags are goin' to the Mall, huh?" leader-teen spoke like he was thinking out loud. Cameron bristled at being called 'fags' again. He wasn't quite sure what 'fags' were, but he knew it wasn't a nice name to be called. A boy in his fourth-grade class got in big trouble for calling another boy a 'fag' only last week. As near as Cameron could make out, the boy who was called that name has got two dads at home. Cameron couldn't figure what that had to do with being a fag: having two dads should be twice as good as having one dad; but then there were a lot of things he didn't understand - that's why he was glad to have a big brother. "Yep, the Mall, so if you'll just let us pass...or, is there something you want from the Mall, maybe, that we can get for you? We'll bring it straight back," Danny added. He was hoping that offering a favour might be the key to getting away from these guys with their skins intact, especially Cam's. He didn't mind so much for himself, he knew how the world worked. Sometines shit happened and there wasn't a lot you could do about it except bandage yourself up afterwards. Leader-teen looked Danny up and down, as if summing him up for a dangerous assignment. "Well, that's a really nice offer, real friendly of ya. It just so happens that me and my buddies are..." here the teen grinned at his henchmen, who chuckled in reply "...unable to visit the Mall for the time being. Ya see, there was a kinda misunderstanding about paying for some stuff that we got, and, well, we're kinda banned for life. So maybe you guys can go for us? Whattaya think?" A palpable feeling of relief washed over Danny. All these guys wanted was a little errand! They could perform that easily, since they were going to the Mall anyway! No bones need be broken today, he thought. He gave a tentative smile at the leader, and said "Well, sure, we can get anything you want from there. My brother's going to the gift shop, and I'm going to KMart, but we can go to any shop you want, it's no bother," the words tumbled out of his mouth. He looked from teen to teen, waiting for some kind of sign that his offer was acceptable, and that the two of them were going to escape this entanglement unharmed. Leader-teen smiled an evil grin. "KMart, huh? Well, this must be your lucky day, fag, because the thing we want is at that exact shop. Right, fellas?" he looked around at his friends, who muttered their agreement. "It's called DeathBike 2015 - you know it?" Danny's eyes widened when he heard the name of the game that the teen nominated. It was a very popular XBox game, rated R for its excessive brutality, drug use, gratuitous crime, nudity, sexual activity and coarse language, and was generally regarded as suitable only for anti-social psychos (which is how Danny viewed teens anyway). It had a price-tag commensurate with its reputation: it cost over a hundred dollars, and was much sought-after among the 14 to 19 year old male age group. "DeathBike?" Danny replied. "Sure, I know it. I can get it for you," he reassured the teen, actually not sure whether an 11-year-old was legally allowed to purchase an R-rated game. He'd never tried before. He didn't know whether KMart took that rating stuff seriously or not. It wasn't like he was buying a gun, after all. "So, if you, uh, give me the money, me and my brother will get going and buy it and bring it back here to you," he stated, trying to sound like a businessman. The teens laughed openly. Cameron was starting to fidget. His initial fears had subsided and were giving way to impatience and nervous tension. "Buy it?' Leader-teen laughed. "We aren't gonna give you any money for it, are we fellas?" he said, giving that evil grin again. "Tell him, Bobby," the tall teen chortled. "Don't use my name, dipshit!" leader-teen scowled, making the tall teenager shrink about 6 inches. To Danny, he said "We ain't got the money for it, but we still want it, fag. We kinda thought you might like to trade for it" Danny took the bait without a second's thought. "Trade what?" he asked innocently. A slight nod of the head from Leader-teen-Bobby was all it took. Two of the other teens, who had been lurking close to Cameron, grabbed the younger boy by his arms and held him securely between themselves. Cameron was caught off-guard, but began squirming as soon as he was immobilised. "Trade you your brother, what else?" Bobby said, in an offhand manner, as though this was merely business-as-usual. "Danny, help! Lemme go, ya big jerks!" Cameron struggled in the vice-like arms of the two teens. Danny looked at his brother's predicament and spoke without thinking. "But...I haven't got that much money! I can't pay for it myself," he beseeched, feeling tears of frustration and despair building up behind his eyes. Bobby smiled again. "Hey, it's cool. I never expected you to have the money. All I want is for you to do what me and my buddies woulda done, if we was able to go to the Mall. Shove the game under your shirt, or down the back of your jeans, or up your ass for all I care, and just walk out the door. Wait until some family with little kids is leaving at the same time, so if the alarm goes off, no-one will think it's you. We do it all the time, huh fellas?" Murmurs and laughs of agreement followed this explanation. "And by the way," Bobby continued, all the mirth gone from his voice, replaced with as much menace as a teenager can muster, "we'll be keeping your brother here with us until you come back. Just to make sure you don't do nothin' brave, like go to the cops or nothin'. It's only about ten minutes' walk to the Mall, so I expect you to get back here, with my game, in...let's say...a half hour, or else your brother is gonna be sucking our begin with. He's got a real pretty mouth, and we each got a few days' worth of cum built up, just waitin' for relief. Maybe you know what I'm talkin' about, and maybe you don't, but I think you get the message, huh?" Danny got the message alright. He had friends in his grade six class who had older brothers, and he had heard some tales from them about the urgency of hormones and the recklessness of teens that made his eyes widen. He wasn't sure whether the teen would carry out his threat, but he didn't want to risk it. The thought of Cameron having to take big teenage penises into his mouth, being forced to swallow their semen, and possibly worse but unspecified outcomes, was too much for him to gamble with. "I'll do it," he told Bobby. "I'll be back on time. Just don't hurt my brother" The teen named Bobby lazily lifted his arm to consult his wristwatch. After a few seconds he looked up at Danny. "You still here?" Danny took the hint, turned, and ran. "Stay cool, Cam, I'll be back real quick," he called over his shoulder as he sped away. The last thing he saw was the teens hustling his brother through a gap in the fence into the old timber yard, while leader-teen Bobby talked on his mobile phone. It took Danny about seven minutes to run to the Mall, by his estimation, as he carried no watch. That gave him about fifteen minutes to figure out how to get the game, then smuggle it out of the shop, and run back to the lumber yard. There was no way he could pay for it - he even thought about offering to work for the store manager after school, sweeping floors or something, to pay for it legitimately, but he knew that kind of thing took time to arrange, time he didn't have. He entered KMart and walked quickly straight for the Home Entertainment section, which was down against the back wall. Reaching the stacks of games for the various platforms, Danny walked slowly along the aisles as he caught his breath. He was in some trouble, he knew, and he would be in more, and Cam as well, if he did not bring back the game to those teens. But he had never shoplifted before, and all he had to go on as far as successful technique was concerned, was what Bobby sugested to him, jamming the game down his pants or up his shirt. He decided that the remark about hiding it up inside his bottom was teenage humour. Danny was certain that either method would lead to disaster, but he had nothing else to go with. He decided that his first problem was to locate the video game. As he walked along the rows of games, the other matter that troubled him (as if he didn't have enough worries) was the way the teenager named Bobby addressed him and his brother. He called them 'fags'. Danny was pretty sure his younger brother wasn't a fag; Cam wasn't anything yet, just a little boy, really. As for himself, he wondered whether that name was just an insult the teen used with everybody younger than himself, just out of spite, or did he see something in Danny that he recognised. Danny was certainly no ladies' man, he didn't think about girls at all. Did that make him a fag? He wasn't sure. Without consciously thinking about it, Danny stopped in front of the XBox New Release section. In front of him, in all its violent glory, was the game the teens wanted, DeathBike 2015. Danny expected it to be in a glass case, separated from the other games because of its R rating, but no, there it was, nestled between an NBA basketball simulation and a ProGolf game. He looked around, then felt that he must appear exceedingly guilty for looking around, which only made him feel guiltier, and he hadn't even touched the plastic box yet! He wanted to pee, urgently. He wanted to run away. He wanted to ask to see the manager, and explain his predicament - maybe the manager had a little brother too, once, and had to look out for him? Danny looked around again. He saw no-one. He also failed to see the half-globe of dark plastic nestled in the ceiling that indicated a closed-circuit-TV camera. The staff member who operated the security for the store had immediately notice the furtive boy looking nervously around, and alerted the manager to a potential shop-stealing incident, then watched his monitor for confirmation. Within a minute, he had it. Danny had taken the game off the shelf, gave one more glance up and down the aisle for possible witnesses, then shoved the plastic box down the back of his jeans, pulling his sweater over his waistband to cover the bulge it made, and started walking, as casually as he could, towards the front exit. Danny remembered Bobby's advice about waiting for a family to exit, and timing it so he departed at the same moment, in case the security bollards at the exit sounded an alarm. He need not have bothered. Just as he was about to pass out of the store, mingling in with a group of chattering Korean tourists, a man that Danny hadn't even noticed laid a large but gentle hand on his shoulder. Danny froze, then slowly turned to see who had stopped him. "The checkout is over that way, son," the man said. He had a sad look on his face, and a badge on his shirt that said "Store Manager". Tears sprang to Danny's eyes immediately. His head dropped to his chest. The big hot teardrops threatened to become a slip hazard in the main entrance, so the man suggested that they have a little talk in his office. Dejected, Danny trudged along in front of the manager, his hand heavy on the boy's shoulder, the video game down the back of his pants feeling as big and uncomfortable as a cement roofing tile. The man stepped ahead of Danny to unlock his office door. Ushering the miserable boy through, he locked it behind him. The office was just a plain old room with a desk, Danny saw. A video screen sat on the desk. Danny guessed there was probably a computer somwhere, attached to it. Nothing special about it, except that his whole life was going to change right here in this room. He would be turned over to the Police, he was sure of it. He would be taken down to the Station house and charged. His parents would be called. Cam would- oh, shit! he thought. What about Cam? Those teens said he had half an hour, or they would feed him their dicks and make him give them blowjobs - and worse! "I think this would be a good time to hand it over," the store manager murmured to Danny in a compassionate voice, rousing the boy from his own thoughts. "Er...hand what over?" Danny attempted to play the innocent, even though he knew deep down it was a completely futile effort. The man stepped over to Danny and turned the boy around, lifting up the boy's loose sweater at the back. He pulled the video game out from Danny's jeans and dropped it on the desk, sighing as he did so. "Anything else?" the man asked softly. Danny shook his head in the negative. The man sighed again. "Better check, to be sure." He lifted the sweater up to Danny's chest and when Danny instinctively raised his arms the man slipped the garment all the way off his head. Danny's shirt followed, leaving him naked from the waist up. The man slowly turned Danny around on the spot, inspecting him closely, even though a cursory glance would easily have established that there was nothing else hidden under his shirt - no explosives strapped to his chest, no bags of drugs taped to the small of his back either. "Anything else?" the man asked again, as though expecting a lie in reply. "Under your jeans, I mean," he added, just in case Danny didn't understand. Danny understood perfectly well. The video game had been stashed down the back of his jeans, and he recalled angry-teen Bobby mention about hiding something up his bottom. It was obvious what the man was referring to. "Uh, no, sir, nothing else, I swear" Danny declared, more bravely than he felt right now. The office was air-conditioned, and the cool temperature, plus the atmosphere of fear produced by his situation, had made Danny's nipples stiffen and stand out. He crossed his arms on his chest, cupping his little tits with his hands. The man sighed again. "Better make sure, sonny. Drop those jeans. Put 'em on the desk." Danny did not bother protesting. He had taken his jeans off in front of adults in the past: his doctor, the school nurse, even the lady at the boyswear section of Target, and nothing bad had happened. He popped the stud at the top of the zip, then pulled the toggle down and shimmied his hips as he pushed his jeans past his thighs, knees, and over his shoes. As requested, he placed the jeans on the desk, after folding them neatly. Turning back to the man, Danny felt naked, although he still had his undies on, a pale blue pair of briefs. The chill in the air seemed to have affected his dick as well, at this worst of all possible times, the boy thought, as he felt his little member begin to lengthen and straighten. The man walked all around Danny, not touching him, but Danny felt his gaze almost burning through his underwear. "You'd be amazed at what some boys conceal under their jocks, sonny," the man remarked in a neutral voice. Danny found it hard to believe the man could be so detached, so unbothered, like it was no big deal . To Danny, it was the biggest deal ever, in his young life. "I'm not, uh, concealing anything under there, honest!" Danny exclaimed. His earlier tears had dried up, but now he felt as though they could return with a vengeance. "Best let me be the judge of that, sonny," the man said. "Come closer." The man had taken a seat on the only chair in the room. He opened his knees and beckoned Danny to stand in between his thighs, within inches of the man's intimidating body. Conscious of the minutes passing by, and his need to get back to his brother Cameron, with or without the video game, Danny obeyed. "Good boy," the man murmured as he began to feel around the outside of Danny's briefs. His big hands seemed to touch him everywhere at once, in Danny's impression: his bottom, including his crack; the sides; finally the front, where Danny's penis, now quite hard, was sticking out and up, seemingly oblivious to the trouble its owner was in. "And what might this be, sonny, a rocket?" the man said as his fingers ran along the length of his stiff little tool. "Uh, no, sir, it's my, uh, penis, sir," Danny blurted out, not even considering the possibility that the man asked his question in jest. The store manager allowed himself a tight smile, then murmured, "I think I'd best check, just to be sure." With that, he pulled the waistband of Danny's briefs out at the back and inserted his other hand inside the flimsy garment, feeling all around the boy's warm bottom, running the edge of his hand inside Danny's crack, before moving the same hand to the side of the boy's underwear. "Er...I don't...uh..." was all Danny could get out of his mouth as the store manager's hand finally found its way to the front of Danny's slender hips, cupping his genitals, while the index finger of other hand, still around the back of the boy, rubbed Danny's crack slowly up and down. The man moaned softly as he enjoyed the feel of the frightened boy's excited penis. His fingers tickled the boy's balls, bobbling them around in his tight scrotum. Without warning, the man pulled both hands out of Danny's undies, and picked up a TV remote control off the desk. He turned Danny's body side-on so that the boy could see the manager's monitor screen. "Now I bet I know what you're thinking, sonny. You're thinking, 'What have I got to do to make sure I don't get handed over to the police?' Well, I sympathise with you, I really do. Sometimes there are parts of this job I really hate. But here's an opportunity for you, if you're smart. Here are some boys that did not get handed over to the police. Look carefully, and you'll see why." After saying this, he clicked a button on the remote control. The monitor flashed into life. An image appeared, a close-up of a young boy's face in profile, his cherry lips closed around an erect adult cock. Click! The manager pressed a button on the remote. Another image, a different boy, but the same erection in his mouth. Click! Another blow-job photographed in mid-execution. Click! This time a short video, only ten seconds or so, of a boy bobbing his head up and down on the very same cock as in the earlier photos. "Are you getting any ideas yet, sonny?" the manager asked, as he clicked his way through several more images, most still, some moving, but all featuring the same stiff prick, only the boy's face changing. One of the faces looked vaguely familiar to Danny, but it flicked by so quickly, he couldn't be sure. He thought it reminded him of the teenager who sent him on this errand, Bobby, only a lot younger. "Any time you're ready, sonny," the manager murmured as he concluded the video show. And Danny indeed knew what he had to do, to avoid the police getting involved. He thought it was a lousy deal, but he couldn't see any alternative. He sank to his knees and unzipped the man's old-fashioned slacks. Putting his hand inside, he withdrew the man's penis and looked at it for a few moments. It was circumcised, like his own, and much larger than any he had ever seen. Licking his lips, Danny decided to get it over with quickly. He was still worried about his little brother Cam, and what those teens might do to him, so speed was of the essence. He opened his mouth and settled his lips over the man's cock, then began bobbing his head as he saw the boys on the screen doing. Back at the old timber yard, things were not going so well for Danny's younger brother Cameron. The two teenagers holding him had thrown him onto an old couch and told him not to move ("or else!"), and were now muttering openly against their leader. "He ain't comin' back, Bobby. He's gone to the cops, I bet. He's a chicken!" tall-teen declared. Cam overheard, and leapt to the defence of his brother. "My brother ain't no chicken!" he yelled. "And when do we get our blowjobs?" the other teen who had been holding Cam's arms earlier demanded loudly. "My cock's startin' to get sore from waitin' so long. And it's a good way to make this fag stop talkin' all the time," he added. Leader-Bobby looked at the defiant boy on the tatty sofa, and at his followers. Like any general, he knew that from time to time he had to accede to his troops' wishes, and let them have their pillage session, if he was to retain their loyalty. "Kid," he said gently, looking at Cam, "I hope your brother don't let us down. 'Cause if he does, that means he's lettin' you down as well. But, there's something you can do ta help out yer brother." Cameron set his jaw forward defiantly. "My brother won't let anybody down," he stated, more confidently than he felt. "And whaddaya mean, something I can do to help him? What?" Bobby walked over to the sofa and sat next to Cam. He put an arm on his shoulder in a friendly gesture that Cameron was too young and innocent to see through. "Well, it's like this. Ya see, my friends here, they're angry that your brother isn't back yet. They wanna hurt your brother when he does come back, to punish him for making them wait." Cam bristled. "It's not his fault! He's probably...just held up...or something..." Cam blurted out, casting around for an excuse for his brother, any excuse. Bobby gave the boy a one-armed hug, squeezing him gently, playing at friendship. "I know, I know. Sometimes it can take forever to get out of that Mall, believe me, I know. But I think there is a way, if you're brave enough, to make sure these guys don't hurt your brother. See, all they need is the edge taken off, you know." "Huh?" Cam replied. "Whattaya mean?" Bobby gave Cam another one-armed hug. "Well, teenagers, see, they get really horny, and when they're horny they don't think straight. They do stupid stuff, like they're planning right now to do to your brother when he gets back what from the mall. And maybe I won't be able to stop 'em. But you can! Just go along with 'em, and that will calm 'em down." "Okay," Cameron agreed. "What do I gotta do?" "It's easy," Bobby reassured. "You can do it sitting right there on the couch. All you hafta do is open your mouth and let their put their boners in, then you suck on them." Cam's face scrunched up in a grimace of disgust. "They wanna put their boners in my mouth? What fer?" Cameron was a typical young boy, with no sexual sophistication; he thought that letting teenagers put their boners in his mouth sounded weird, but no worse than, say, sticking a finger up his nostril, or poking a dog turd with a stick. And if it couldsomehow helped his brother, he was going to do it! "Okay!" the boy declared. "So where are they? Let's get on with it!" Tall-teen ran over to the couch and unzipped his jeans, letting his cock flop out in front of Cameron's face. The boy eyed it suspiciously, moistening his lips with his little tongue. He was briefly fascinated with the tall youth's bush of pubes, the first he had seen because Danny had none, then returned his attention to the teen's glans. "He won't pee in my mouth?" he checked with Bobby for reassurance as he took a tentative grip of tall-teen's cock. "Nah! You just give it a few sucks and all the anger will flow right out of him. No pee." Cam was not entirely convinced, but he was determined to do anything he could to help his brother, so he opened his lips and tentatively settled them on tall-teen's purple knob-head. He had seen boners before, well, one anyway, his brother's, some mornings when he first woke up, but Danny's wiener was nowhere near as long as the one in front of his face. He decided to open his lips wider, allowing more of the hot teen penis to enter his mouth, making tall-teen moan and gasp. "Yeah, kid, rub my balls, mmm," the older boy urged, and Cam, unable to think of a reason not to, complied; he took the teen's hanging scrotum in his hand and rolled the nuggets inside about a bit, then played his fingertips through the pubes that sprouted a few inches from his eyes. "Uhhh, yeah, just like that, kid," tall-teen encouraged, as Cameron proceeded to suck the teen's cock, unaware that at the very same moment, his older brother was performing the identical service on the Kmart manager's more mature appendage. "Yeah, sonny, take it deep, uhhh, nice," the shop manager moaned as the naked boy kneeling before him performed the act of fellatio upon him. But he was after more than just a one-off blow-job: ever since his nephew cut him off when he turned 13, the shop manager had been looking for some younger ass to fuck, and his nephew, grateful to have put an end to two years of assrape, colluded with him to find that very commodity. His nephew, of course, was none other than Bobby, the leader of the small group of shoplifters that was at that moment forcing their lustful attentions on young Cameron. The shop manager, for the past year and a half, had been providing a steady supply of expensive video games to his nephew in return for sexual services rendered, but the teen wanted the supply to continue even though he no longer wanted his butt plowed. So the two of them reached a solution: Bobby sends boys to the store to be caught shoplifting (and suitably 'punished' by his uncle the manager) and in payment, manager-uncle sends Bobby new video games via the hapless boy-couriers. Danny was just the latest in a long line of sex/video mules. Just to show that life sometimes displays its own amusing synchronicity, at the very same moment tall-teen was squirting his cum into Cameron's mouth, the store manager was filling Danny's mouth with a similar, if more vintage liquid. He lifted Danny to his feet and pulled him onto his lap, cuddling the naked boy, kissing him on the mouth. Danny was mightily surprised at this behaviour, and even more surprised that it felt kinda good to him, especially when the manager started playing with his little boner. "Mmmph," the boy moaned as the store manager swirled his thick tongue around in his cum-filled mouth. Danny swallowed the wad of semen when the man withdrew his tongue and started nuzzling his ear. "You know, sonny, if you let me fuck your ass with my cock, I'll let you have that video game for free," he murmured into Danny's ear. Danny was shocked that an adult would make such a suggestion, but he immediately recognised that it was probably the only way he would get DeathBike in time to rescue his brother. He couldn't go back to the teenagers empty handed, could he? What indignities might they force upon Cam? "Okay," he conceded reluctantly, "you it. But don't hurt me, okay?" The manager didn't answer in words, but his actions showed Danny that he was about to experience something he'd only heard a few boys in his class whisper about - getting cornholed. The man turned Danny's naked body around until they were facing each other, then pulled the boy's knees apart and rested them on either side of his heavy thighs. "Right, sonny. Now lower your butt onto my cock, real slow. If it hurts, just stop. We'll start up again when you're ready" the manager murmured. Danny doubted that 'if' was the right word, more like 'when', but he was determined to earn that video game and take it back to the teens in exchange for his brother. "Ugh...uhhh...uh..." the boy grunted as he lowered his bottom down on the manager's dick. The first part was the worst, he thought, admitting the man's knobhead through hs tight assring, but then, after a deep breath and a push, it slipped in. Then the real pain began. It felt to Danny as though his ass was being ripped open. When does this start to feel good, he wondered. He carefully lifted his hips upwards, then lowered them again, figuring that the sooner he got this over with, the better. But a funny thing happened - the pain in Danny's ass turned into a heat, an achey warmth that spread all through his hips and lower belly. He realised that his own penis had gotten hard, and that his balls were resting in the store manager's thick bush. He raised and lowered himself a few more times, just to see whether the new sensations were related to his movements or something else. Nope, it was him! He was enjoying fucking himself on the man's big cock. "Uh...uh...uh..." the boy grunted as he sped up. The manager smiled as he realised that his luck was in! This boy liked it hard and heavy. He foresaw a lot of boy sex over the coming months - It might cost him quite a bit in video games, but hell, they were only going to be shoplifted anyway! "Yeah, sonny, that's the way, keep that butt moving, you're good, yeah..." the man kept up a steady stream of encouragement as Danny worked his ass on the hot pole skewering it. Even when the man grabbed Danny's bare hips and jammed them down, forcing his erupting cock deeper into boy's bowels, Danny enjoyed it. "Aaaahh....aaaahhh...aaahhh," the boy sighed as he had his own orgasm, jerking helplessly on the manager's lap. The man consulted his watch and lifted his latest conquest off his thighs, setting him on the floor. "Well done, sonny. Now maybe you should get dressed if you want to get this video game back to those teenagers," the man advised. After Danny pulled on his jeans, the man gave him a cuddle, at which point Danny felt something being slipped into his back pocket. He accepted the video game, which now had a 'paid in full' receipt attached to it, and left the shop, walking cautiously in case his bottom should catch on fire. He was half-way back to the old timber yard when it dawned on him - how did the manager know about the teenagers wanting that video game? He never said anything about that; he never got the chance. And how did the manager know to have a receipt ready for the game? And what had the guy stuffed in his back pocket? Danny reached his hand back and pulled two items out of his jeans pocket: a piece of paper with a mobile number on it, and twenty bucks! The guy had given him some money! Danny cheered internally - he got the video, and some money besides! It never occurred to the boy that the payment of money for sex was what guys do with prostitutes - all he could do was think how lucky he was! Danny arrived at the old timber yard brandishing the video game in front of him like Moses showing the Israelites the Tablets of the Law. "I got it! Hey! Here's your game! Where's-" His question was cut short when his eyes took in the sight before him. Lying on his back on the old sofa was his brother Cam, naked. Crouched over his face, one of the teens was pushing his erection into Cam's mouth. Cam appeared to be urging him on, his hands on the teens bare bottom, pulling. Another teen, leader-Bobby, was crouched at the other end of the couch, with Cam's feet on his shoulders, grunting as he fucked Cam's ass. The two other teens were lying on the floor, jeans down around their ankles, playing with each other's dicks. "What's-" Danny began, but it was a stupid question. It was obvious what was going on: his little brother was getting the same treatment as he had received earlier from the store manager. And by the looks of it, he was enjoying it as well. The whole thing, the video game, the threats, it was all an elaborate ploy by the store manager and the teens to get their rocks off! Danny was mightily annoyed at being used, to annoyed to speak any further. "Hey..." teen-Bobby called over to Danny without breaking his rhythm of fucking Cam's ass. "Just set it over there, uhh, I'll get it...uhhh... later...uh...uh...UHHH!" Teen-Bobby always performed better with an audience, and the return of Danny was just what he needed to push him over the edge. He pulled out of the boy's butt and slapped the teen who was getting blown on the back of the head. "Let him up, dipshit, we got what we wanted," he scowled, as the boy groaned and unloaded into Cam's eager mouth. The other two teens let go of each other's dicks and pulled their jeans up, muttering imprecations about blue balls and having first dibs next time. Like cockroaches startled by a sudden light, the teens were gone in ten seconds, leaving Danny and a naked Cam in the old timber yard office. "I knew you'd be back, Danny," Cam murmured as his older brother hugged him, while glancing around for the boy's clothes. "I knew you wouldn't leave me. Those boys, they said..." "Shh, Cam. It doesn't matter what they said. I'm here now, and they've gone. Are you alright? Did they...uh...hurt you?" Cam shrugged. "Nah, I'm okay. We was just havin' fun, you know, messin' round. How come you an' me don't do stuff like that?" the innocent boy asked his older brother. Danny smiled. "Well, maybe we will, one day. Right now, we gotta get to the mall! You still wanna go?" Cam brightened as he also began to look around for his clothes. "Sure! Just let me find my, uh, stuff." He leapt off the old sofa and roamed around the small office looking for his clothing. As he searched, Danny got an eyeful of his little brother's cute butt and his two inch stiffie, his smooth ballbag tucked up tightly underneath. "Here it is!" the boy called out, having lifted up one of the tatty cushions of the sofa. "I bet one a those guys hid them, just for a joke," he explained as he drew his undies and then his jeans up his slim legs. "Yeah," Danny agreed. Cam pulled his t-shirt over his head, mussing his hair. "Come on, let's go. We got stuff to do." "Yeah!" Cam agreed. "And a soda!" The two boys left the timber yard through the gap in the fence and continued their interrupted progress to the mall, Danny's arm draped over his younger brother's shoulder. "When we get home, you can come in my room and we'll...mess around...maybe have some, uh fun," Danny suggested softly. "Hell, yeah!" Cam agreed loudly. end