Max’s Freudian Slip #37

by & J

Author’s notes: 

In our last chapter, Craig and Bob were in the middle of a rather intense fuck when Cam and Max walked in on them.  We pick up from there. 

Reminder 1: the following is purely fictional and an exercise in creative writing 

Reminder 2:  Note of the new email address above

Reminder 3:  Please remember to donate to Nifty!

Chapter 37

I rose from my knees and walked toward Bob, whose erection was now totally deflated.  He looked utterly shell-shocked.


He snapped back to attention.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”  He yelled.  I think reality was starting to set in.  He lurched toward his pile of clothes, running his hands through his hair, as he fumbled for his boxers.

“Grab my shoes!”  Bob commanded.  “If I hurry, he won’t get far.”

“Bob, stop.  Listen to me,” I said, raising my own voice to get his attention.  He looked at me, his face pleading for help.  “Take a breath.  No good will come from you chasing after Cam right now.  Collect your thoughts and give Max time to calm him down.”

For someone who always exudes confidence, and who is so at ease proceeding with authority, it was uncomfortable watching him flounder.

“How the hell can you be so calm right now?”  He asked me, completely exasperated.  “Did you see the look on their faces?  What if he texts Jeanine and tells her what he saw?  Fuck!”

“Trust me, the last thing I am is calm,” I began, putting my hand on his arm.  “But we have to be careful.  I doubt Cam’s first instinct will be to run to Jeanine.  He needs to process, but if you don’t respect his boundaries, his reaction will shift from flight to fight.  That will make things way worse, so as hard it is, SIT THE FUCK DOWN!”

This is the most forceful I’ve ever been with Bob, but frankly, he needs someone to set him straight before he escalates the situation.  I don’t want him to run the risk of irreparably damaging his relationship with Cam out of desperation to control the fallout.

“The best thing we can do right now is to give Cam space, let them come back on their own terms, and be radically honest when they ask questions.  Anything else will seem disrespectful and blow up in our faces.”

Bob nodded.  I think flipping the script and me taking charge provided some succor.

“He’s in shock and angry at the lie of omission, and no one wants to walk in on a parent having sex, but…” I trailed off.


“In the long run, this might bring you closer.  He’s gay.  You’re bi.  It’s something you have in common.  He can relate to the drive to dominate a guy and take his ass,” I explained.  “It isn’t like he’s going to think it’s gross or wrong, so he just needs some time to wrap his head around everything.”

Bob exhaled deeply.  “That’s true.  And you’re right.  It’s not a topic he would ever want to discuss with his mother.  I hope, anyway.”

“Probably not, unless you force him into a corner and he starts swinging.  He’ll come around, but he’s going to be upset and wonder why you didn’t share after he came out,” I added.  I didn’t want to make him feel worse, but it’s important to avoid sugar coating.  “Fair or not, he probably feels like your lack of trust is a betrayal and that you’ve been lying to him.”

Bob hung his head.  “I didn’t mean to; it was just a different time.  It’s complicated.”

“I know; I get it more than most.”

“He’s been so confident and sure he’s gay, from such a young age.  I never had that and didn’t ever really identify as gay or even bi,” he explained.  “I’ve never even had a relationship with another guy, it’s always just been occasionally getting off together, no real emotions or romance attached.  You’re the first friend I’ve done anything with regularly since before I met Jeanine.”

I nodded.  “And you’ll explain all of this when the time comes, that it’s an itch you scratch occasionally, but aren’t emotionally attracted to other men.  You’ll apologize for how he found out, and admit you should have told him sooner.”

It wasn’t lost on me that Cam, and probably Max, were also pissed at me.  I kept a secret from them, despite their loyalty in keeping mine.  Plus, for all my lectures and coming down on them about flaunting sex in public, I’m a complete hypocrite.  I can’t fault them for their scorn.  I’m going to have to take whatever bile they spew.

“How are you so sure about all of this?”  Bob asked.  “I mean, it makes sense, but how can you think so clearly right now?”  

One of the ‘positives’ of being a boy lover, I think, is the intuitive ability to understand their inner thoughts and emotions in ways other adults can’t, and perhaps sometimes, even before they do.  It’s obvious boys of a certain age covet this connection, particularly when it comes from an older male and especially when they don’t already have a solid father figure in their life.  The key, of course, is to not misuse these insights to become a manipulative asshole who selfishly uses them for sexual gratification. 

I’ve come to realize this knack is a key element of ‘the gift’ that makes it so easy for me to relate to them.  I briefly considered whether it was time to come clean with Bob about Max and Mexico, and my attractions in general.  It would help explain why I was so certain how the boys would react.  Besides, Cam already referenced it.  Surely Bob heard what his son said.

Maybe it’s prudent to get ahead of things and control the narrative.  Frankly, having gone through the humiliation of being outed to Cam after having a sexual relationship with his loved one does provide me warped insights.

I almost started to speak, to lay it all out, but stopped myself.


Instead, I decided to fetch Bob another beer.  I hoped it would help him relax.  We moved back to the scene of the crime, and peered below to the dock from the screened porch.  As awkward as it felt to come back out, the cabin really was too stuffy at this point in the afternoon to stay in for very long. 

It was an odd sight.  Cam was sitting, alone at the end of the dock, staring out across the lake.  Max sat several feet behind him.  It wasn’t clear they were even talking.  Even from afar, their body language was telling.  Max looked very tentative, which was good, because Cam was obviously seething, like a wounded animal ready to strike if it was cornered. 

I was filled with pride for Max.  Despite his own shock, he was clearly trying to be in close proximity to Cam, so he could offer support.  That had to be challenging, and thankfully, Max seemed to be balancing his desire to console Cam.  In such a volatile moment, Max demonstrated grace and impulse control by recognizing Cam's need for space.  Perhaps if there is any silver lining to all the recent strife, it’s that Max was forced to mature.  I’m not at all certain a month ago he would have been so intuitive and avoided triggering Cam’s anger.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, Cam turned and said something to Max.  I couldn’t tell for sure, but he appeared to be crying, as he wiped both eyes with his sleeve.  A couple minutes later, Max edged next to Cam, and the two embraced.  Atta boy, Max.  I knew you could help defuse the situation.  Well, I hoped.

“See, looking better already.”

“Maybe,” Bob demurred.  “We really need to talk, though.”

“I know.  And you will, but not yet.  It’s too soon,” I warned.  “You have to be patient.  Let me test the waters.”

Bob sighed and shrugged.  “Okay.”  Not taking charge and swooping in to immediately fix things was killing him.


I let another 15 minutes pass.  I stood and grabbed my hat.  “Wish me luck,” I said to Bob.  “I’m going to apologize and hopefully not get my head bitten off.”

“I’ll be watching,” Bob said softly. 

I slowly ambled towards the lake.  I didn’t know what the hell to say, and my heart raced.  It seemed weird that I, a grown ass man, am so preoccupied with what a couple of middle schoolers think of me.  But the truth is, they (along with Noah) might be the most important part of my world.  Is that sad?  It would crush Kim and my daughters, but God help me, I feel more alive than I ever have when I’m around these boys.  They deserve better from me.

I realized I should have planned what to say as I reached the dock.  I paused, trying to think of the perfect words.  Nothing came to me.  I guess I’m just going to trust my gut and wing it. 

The boards creaked as I stepped onto the deck.  They turned and stared.  Cam’s glare was particularly intense and withering.  I need to brace myself for whatever onslaught I’ve earned. 

“Boys,” I said nervously, my voice hardly audible.  I anxiously adjusted my cap.  “Is it okay if I try to explain?  I understand if it’s too soon.”

They shared a look.  Cam eventually nodded.  “I guess,” he said with spite.  “You ARE the wise, responsible adult after all,” Cam continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm.  Yeah, he’s still bitter.  Talking with Max hadn’t immediately chilled him out.

I slowly approached, stopping several feet away.  I cleared my throat.  “Guys, I’m not sure what to say.  I’m so sorry.  I feel like a complete dick and total hypocrite.  After all the lectures I’ve given to you about being careful and discreet, and then… we do that,” I said, offering a sincere apology.  It may not have been fawning or eloquent, but it was heartfelt and I hoped they recognized that.  I shook my head at my own behavior.  “It’s completely inexcusable.  It was stupid and irresponsible, and we should have known better.”

“So, was that the first time you and Daddy…” Cam asked.  I couldn’t get a read on whether he was genuinely curious, hopeful, or trying to make me uncomfortable.  His question was a minefield and I wasn’t sure I could avoid being blown up.  Still, I told Bob we needed to be completely honest, that they deserve us to be forthright and vulnerable.  Here goes.

“Had sex?  No, it wasn’t.  There have been a handful of times, but I’ll let your father fill in those details, when you’re ready,” I answered.  I figured that could be something Bob could come clean on.  “That is, if you even want to know.  I know the last thing most kids want to do is imagine their parents having sex, of any kind, let alone…  well, you know.”

“Is that all?” Cam snipped.  At least he didn’t totally freak.  It wasn’t exactly the ‘apology accepted’ I hoped for, but then I guess I knew that wasn’t likely to come immediately.  I planted a seed, and hopefully their forgiveness will germinate in time. 

“Yes.  I’m sorry.  I just needed to say it,” I declared before offering a further token of respect.  “We’ll start dinner in a while.  You can eat with us, or I can bring food to you.  No pressure.”  I wanted to make it clear I understood if they chose to avoid us, and wouldn’t force the issue.  We don’t have to leave for two days, and if they want to spend it by themselves, they can.

Cam seemed to scoff, but Max was more amenable.  “I can always come grab our plates, too,” he offered. 

I decided to address the elephant, uh, on the beach before I left them.  “Also, Cam:  you know how your father is.  He thinks the two of you should immediately hash this out.  I told him you need time, and he’s been receptive so far, but I’m not sure how long I can hold him off.”

“Well, you fucking got that right,” Cam answered sternly, his high-pitched voice rising slightly.  “I have no interest in talking to him.”  Max gave him a stiff elbow in the ribs.  Max is usually polite, but Cam is so formal and effortless with manners.  It was interesting to see Max visibly annoyed by Cam’s disrespectful tone.

“I understand that’s how you feel right now, and I want to respect your boundaries,” I continued.  “We’re going to run into town for a few things.  In case you want to come back to the cabin, it will be all yours.”

“Thanks,” I heard Max respond as I made my retreat.


As I made my way back to the cabin, I noticed Bob carefully observing me from the confines of the porch.

“So,” Bob began nervously, “how did that go?”

“Could have been much worse.  Cam is pissed and sulking.  Max was relatively normal.”

Bob’s lip curled.  “Does that mean he was a disrespectful little shit?  He can be mad at me all he wants — I’ve earned it — but I’ll be damned if he thinks this gives him license to be rude to you.  If he assumes I’m going to tolerate that bullshit, he’s going to be in for a rude awakening!”  He practically yelled and started to rise.

“Whoa there,” I said sternly, motioning for him to sit back down.

Shit!  I was worried about Cam spiraling, and now Bob is overreacting.  These Rice men have such short fuses in stressful situations.  Cam is his father’s son in so many ways, positive and negative. 

Was Bob trying to save face?  Desperate to regain control of the situation?  Was he really that incensed by the thought of his son being disrespectful to an adult?  Or, was he simply grasping at straws and projecting his own anxiety?

Of course, the worst possible action Bob could take is getting in Cam’s face, much less to discipline him.  That has a 100 percent chance of unraveling.  Plus, it isn’t justified.

“Settle down.  It wasn’t like that.  No, Cam wasn’t his normal, charismatic self, but I can’t blame him for being upset — and frankly, neither should you,” I explained pointedly.  “I just meant, all things considered, Max was almost friendly in comparison.  I think he’ll be helpful with Cam, if we give them time and space.”

I thought emphasizing Max as an ally would reset his reaction.  It seemed to do the trick, as Bob’s body relaxed.

“I know you’re right, I’m sorry.  I just don’t know what to do.  I’m not used to that,” Bob admitted.

“I understand.  There isn’t a chapter in the fathering manual for what to do when your 13-year-old walks in on you sodomizing his favorite uncle,” I joked. 

He laughed nervously.  “What a huge fucking mess I created.  It was the epitome of arrogance and recklessness to be so cavalier.  I can’t believe I was so tone deaf,” Bob confessed, hanging his head.  “I’m sorry, Craig, for all of this.  I should have listened when you pointed out it was a bad idea.”

“It’s not like you forced yourself on me.  I went along with it, all too eagerly.  We’re both to blame.”  The parallels to Max and I in Mexico weren’t lost on me.

“I know, but still, it never would have happened if I hadn’t pushed things.”

I didn’t respond.  He wasn’t wrong.  I wasn’t upset with him, but I could tell it was important for him to take responsibility.

“Please don’t let me do anything else stupid, okay?  I’m going to follow your lead, Craig.  Smack the shit out of me if I forget.”


It wasn’t long before we heard the sounds of splashing and laughter from afar.  The boys were frolicking bare assed in the water.  That was sure to improve their moods.  Normally, I would find observing their antics to be impossible to resist (and not just because they were skinny dipping), but at this moment, it felt voyeuristic.  Maybe it was a form of self-flagellation, to deny myself as a measure of penance.

“I told them we were going to the store before dinner, if they wanted to come up to shower or whatever.  We should probably get going,” I suggested. 

Bob nodded.  “Before we go, I’m going to put out some towels and fresh clothes for them.”

That was a very thoughtful gesture.  I’m kind of embarrassed it hadn’t occurred to me.

“Good idea.  I’m sure they’ll appreciate that.”


The general store was buzzing with activity.  Several families were parked at the picnic tables.  A pack of kids roughhoused and chased after one another.  I counted four boys and two girls, probably between the ages of seven and nine, thoroughly enjoying whatever game they concocted.  It was endearing to watch.

I grabbed a couple six packs of beer and a case of water.  I was pretty sure Bob would need more alcohol than was left in the cooler to get through things, and I didn’t want Cam or Max to get dehydrated if they were steering clear of the cabin. 

Bob met me at the counter with a basket full of processed crap.  Chips, cookies, candy, you name it.  It was like a road trip gas station raid on steroids.  Definitely not his normal fare. 

“Do you have the munchies?”  I only half joked.  Maybe this shop sold edibles out of a back room or something.

“They don't have that here,” Bob answered.

“Oh, just drowning your sorrows in sugar and sodium then?”

“Nah, but I feel bad they didn’t get the ice cream they wanted.  I figured this might be a peace offering.  What kid doesn’t like to be plied with junk food?  They even had Cam’s favorites.”  He pulled out king size Twix and KitKats.  He really was trying.


When we returned, the boys were further out in the water.  I unpacked things as Bob began dinner, preparing the fish we caught this morning.  Damn, how long ago that seems now.  It was just this morning, but feels like the “before.”

“So, are you going to create a trail of chips and cookies to entice them inside?”  I asked as I tried to find a place for everything.

“No.  It’ll be parceled out.  I don’t want them to gorge and get sick or think they can leverage the situation if they hold out,” Bob explained.  Apparently, there was a method to the madness.  That isn’t schemey, is it?  “Just the candy tonight.  For dessert after a well-balanced and nutritious dinner, of course.”

It wasn’t long before we heard a familiar voice.  A high-pitched moan. 

Now, when I say I’ve fantasized about this for literal decades, I’m not exaggerating.  I just never thought I’d actually see it, save for the short clip Max fleetingly showed me in Mexico. 

But there they were, in all their unclothed glory, at the front of the dock adjacent to the beach.  It seemed obvious they moved closer for our benefit, as the view was clear.  Cam’s face was buried in Max’s back end, while he simultaneously jerked him.

I really wasn’t sure how Bob would react, so I tried to preemptively defuse with humor and take my chances. 

“It appears Cam is having his dessert first.”

Bob groaned, then laughed.  “I can tell.”  

A moment later, Cam mounted Max and began pounding away in a manner reminiscent of his father.  They were both…  loudly vocalizing their pleasure.  It was incredibly hot and totally galling.  I was completely aroused.

So was Bob.  Sure, his face was appropriately appalled, but the bulge doesn’t lie.  Nor did his eyes wander.  It was wrong, but I don’t think either of us could stop watching, as creepy as that sounds.

“This is a gigantic fuck off.  He’s having a tantrum and knows I can’t say shit about it,” Bob lamented.

That was as succinct and accurate an analysis as there could be.  Cam was totally acting out by wielding our own sin against us.  It was blistering and audacious.

“Yeah, but you can’t be mad when he has such skilled form.  Looks like a chip off the old block.  Makes you kind of proud, huh?”  Some things probably shouldn’t be joked about, but sometimes I just can’t resist, especially in tense situations. 

It might be my worst character flaw, although most people seem to enjoy it.  Someday it will backfire tremendously, but not this time.  Bob looked at me, shocked, but smiled.

“Well, I have always instilled in him to give everything 110 percent.  Max seems to be benefiting from that expectation.”

“Clearly,” I agreed.  It hadn’t been long, but Max was writhing and obviously having an incredible orgasm.  Cam grunted and collapsed onto him.

As horned as I was, I wanted nothing more than to bend over and let Bob finish what he started earlier.  Alas, I also knew that was a terrible idea.


“I know I deserve it, but I’m taken aback Cam was capable of putting on such a demonstration,” Bob shared as he served my plate.  He sounded more scandalized than earlier.  “It isn’t like he’s ever shy about nudity or even alluding to sex around me, but I never thought he’d be so boorish as to intentionally put it on display.  He must be even angrier than I assumed.”  He sounded defeated. 

“Cam is looking for a reaction.  He’s trying to be provocative, to rebel and test the boundaries.  It’s a massive fucking boundary to push, and I know it’s challenging, but don’t even acknowledge it.  Not yet, anyway.”

Bob grimaced.  “I’m not built for this, to let him misbehave and not put an immediate stop to it.  I’m not proud of it, but if I’m being honest… if he had done that a few hours ago, before he walked in on us, I’d have probably marched him to the woodshed.  I guess my daddy should do the same to me.”

“Yeah, but Cam wouldn’t have done it so publicly under any other circumstances.  That isn’t who he is, you know that,” I declared.  “I suspect once reality sets in, he’ll be mortified by his own behavior.”

“You think?”

I sighed.  “I’ve never mentioned it, but there have been several times I’ve had to talk with them about being too handsy or obvious around others.  They’re always very contrite and embarrassed, but I was tough on them the last time.  I know they’re both pissed at my hypocrisy.”

Bob raised his eyebrow.  “They’ve done this before around you?”

“Well, no, not full-on sex.  But like when they made out at the school.  Or earlier in the week, they had just finished and ran to the front door to greet me in nothing but their underwear.  They reeked of sex, were still slightly chubbed, and it could have been Kim who was only a couple of minutes behind me.”

“That was when you were rough on them?”

“No, not really,” I responded coyly.

“But you said the last time.  There was something more recent than ‘earlier in the week’?”

Damn.  He wasn’t going to let this go.

“It isn’t just you Cam is upset with,” I explained.  “I got onto both of them pretty hard at the gas station, on the drive up.  To the point they both got teary.”

“What on earth were they doing?”

I promised Cam I wouldn’t tell his father, but maybe it would help?  At the very least, it would explain why they’re also incensed at me and it isn’t his cross to bear alone. 

“I noticed them in the backseat.  Cam had his hand in Max’s shorts.  I sent a text and they immediately separated, and I pulled them aside while you filled up the tank.”

Bob grinned.  “That’s so middle school, they can’t stop from jacking.  But also not at all appropriate in the car.  I’m glad you addressed it.”

“Yeah, but I was annoyed, because it was the second time this week, third in less than a month.  When Max tried to be cute, I informed him if he was going to cop an attitude we would go home and he could explain why to you and his mother.”

“Ouch.  That’s what got Cam upset?”

I sighed.  “No, I spoke with them separately.  Cam was very apologetic and took full responsibility.  He explained Max told him not to, and after he started, Max told him to stop, but he kept going.”

Bob’s grin disappeared. 

“I laid it on thick about consent and treating Max with respect, especially after his experience with Chad.  Cam lost it, realizing he could have hurt Max.  He swore it would never happen again and begged me not to tell you because he knew how disappointed you’d be.”

“That’s for fucking sure!  We’ve had that conversation multiple times.”

“He got it and didn’t make any excuses.  He’s a good boy, you know that better than anyone.  But, he’s still a boy.  He’s still learning and has his moments of forgetting himself, but he has more of a conscience and better impulse control than most 13-year-olds.”

Bob seemed to take solace in that.

“Look, I feel bad even telling you, because I said I wouldn’t.  Please don’t mention it, because I don’t want him to know I’ve broken his trust.  He was so upset with himself and worried how you would react.  That’s a testament to your influence and relationship, and his character,” I stipulated.  “Even if he’s apparently adept at the proverbial Spite Fuck.”

Bob snorted.

“All I’m saying is, my hypocrisy may be driving some of his reaction.  There are several facets in play.”  I still wasn’t sure whether to confess to Bob about Max and I in Mexico.  After Cam caught his father in me balls deep, would he really still keep my secret?  Hell, he already alluded to it.  Thankfully Bob hasn’t brought it up.  Maybe, in the heat of the moment, it just didn’t register.

We were just finishing when I heard footsteps on the gravel outside.  The porch’s storm door creaked open and slammed shut.  Max stood just short of the front threshold, and seemed unsure whether to knock or just come in.  He seemed apprehensive, as if he was about to turn away.

“It’s open, Max.”


Max stepped inside and paused.  He’d thrown on the clothes Bob left, or at least the shorts, but was still wet.  Water ran down from his soggy, blond mop across his chiseled chest.  His small nipples were totally pert.  Or maybe he was sweating, nervous to come to the cabin.  Of course, the simplest explanation was, despite its short duration, perhaps Cam’s intense drilling wore him out.

“I’m glad you came.  We know you haven’t eaten much today, and figured you, um, worked up an appetite,” I quipped.  I figured a little humor couldn’t hurt, even if Max didn’t realize I was referring to their romp on the dock.  Judging from the shade of red that his face turned, I think he heard me loud and clear. 

“I’ll make you a couple of plates,” Bob added.  “I know Cam gets hangry if he fasts for too long.”

“He wants to sleep in the boathouse tonight,” Max replied with a hint of hesitation.  I couldn’t quite tell if he was stating Cam’s wishes and announcing their plans or asking for our blessing, if not permission.  I already told them they could do their own thing, but still had the impression Max was worried I would be displeased.  “I’ll grab our toothbrushes and deodorant while I’m here, if that’s okay.”

While Max collected their toiletries, Bob and I hastily made plates.  We probably gave them more than they could eat, stacking two paper plates with grilled fish, roasted red potatoes, and Caesar salad.  Bob added the king size candy bars and I grabbed some water bottles from the fridge.

“We picked up the candy in town.  I know you didn’t get any ice cream, and they’re Cam’s favorites,” Bob explained.  To see Bob eager to spoil was so unlike him.

“Nice,” Max muttered, “it smells awesome.  Thanks.”  I could tell he was anxious to return to Cam, or more specifically, to get away from Bob and I.  I wondered if Bob’s unusual demeanor was making it awkward or seem phony.

“I packed a portable power bank if you want to borrow it, to keep your phones charged,” I offered.  “I’m not sure if there are outlets in the loft.” 

Max quickly stuffed everything other than the food into a plastic bag.  He was about to make his escape when Bob spoke.

“Max, look,” he began.  “I’m sorry you saw that.  It was irresponsible and inconsiderate, and I know Cam is confused and upset.  He has every right to be.  Hell, so do you.  Please, tell him I love him and just want to talk.  He deserves the truth.”

Max nodded.  I could tell he was loath to talk about it.  “I’ll remind him.  Hopefully tomorrow will be, um…  better,” he stammered. 

Then, Max surprised me.  He stepped up to Bob and gave him a big hug.  He looked slightly uncomfortable, like he was doing something he thought he should, even though he wasn’t sure.  I’d be lying if I didn’t say it made me a little proud.  He was exhibiting compassion.

“You’re a good seed, Max.  I’m so glad Cam has you in his life,” Bob said softly as he hugged Max back. 

“I’m lucky to have him, too,” Max almost whispered, his voice cracking. 

He started to leave.  Before he reached the door, he turned back to me.  “Thanks for bringing down the towels and clean clothes.”

I was about to explain that wasn't my doing, when Bob interjected.  “You’re welcome.”  I could tell Max was surprised it was Bob who did something so thoughtful.  I guess it’s nice Max assumed I would? 

“He’s a damn good kid,” Bob commented after he left. 

“Yeah, he really is,” I fawned.


Bob and I took our time cleaning up.  Thankfully, the sun finally dipped below the tree line and the cabin began to cool.  The fans we placed by the windows helped immensely.

Cam and Max were still waterside.  As I dried the last of the dishes, I saw them retreat to the boat house, leaving their trash in one of the plastic bags by the fire pit.  Normally, I would expect them to bring it all the way inside, but given the circumstances, it could slide this time.  I retrieved everything before any vermin could be attracted.

“Beers on the porch?”  Bob suggested.  I nodded in agreement.  A drink was in order.  Maybe even two or three.  It has been a long day.

Bob handed me a chilled can as he scanned the lake wistfully. 

“They went in about 10 minutes ago,” I explained. 

“Oh,” Bob replied.  I could tell he was dejected, hoping Cam would appear.  That seemed naive to me, but Bob made a big deal about how out of sorts Cam gets when he’s hungry.  He seemed to cling to the hope Cam would reset as soon as he ate a proper meal.

“Give him time.  He’ll come around,” I encouraged.

“I know.  It’s just, I hate when things like this are unsettled.  I’m already a little on edge with Jeanine running off.  I don’t like when things in my orbit are in flux and I can’t do anything about it.”

“I get it.”  I like to keep things in order myself, but Bob is particularly driven to have things squared away.  I always assumed it was just his way of being authoritative, but maybe more of it stems from anxiety than I ever realized.  “Unfortunately, like I said earlier: you can’t force it.  It will be better if he comes to you on his own terms.  He can’t hide forever; we leave in less than 48 hours.”

“I know, but…” he started to answer. 

“Patience, young grasshopper,” I reiterated in my best Master Po voice. 

That earned a laugh.  “Yes, Master,” Bob replied, swigging his beer.  “Just don’t try that on me in the bedroom.”

We sat on the porch and enjoyed the symphony of nature that emerges every evening.  We didn’t say much.  There really wasn’t much to discuss.  I didn’t want to bring up Cam, Jeanine, or even sex.  It wasn’t awkward, just not filled with our normal banter.

“I’m going to shower,” Bob announced after we finished our second beer.  “Can you stay here, in case one of the boys needs something?”  I knew what he meant.  It seemed idealistic, but he didn’t want to risk Cam making an attempt at parley, only to lose his nerve if he didn’t see anyone still up.

“Of course.”


Bob returned about 20 minutes later.  “Any sign?”  He asked hopefully, handing me another ale.

“No.  Haven’t heard a peep.”

“Well, that’s good, I suppose.  At least they aren’t performing an encore of their earlier show.  You know how short the refractory period is at their age.”

“Or they just turned down the volume,” I responded.  “I think I’ll bathe myself.  Did you leave me any hot water?”


It wasn’t lost on me, in normal circumstances, us both getting cleaned up and having an empty house would signify an impending fuck, but that wasn’t in the cards for who knows how long. 


After a quick shower, I threw on a pair of shorts and t-shirt.  I decided to sleep on the couch.  One of us should be available in case they need something, and after this afternoon, they might be reluctant to come into the bedroom.  It just felt awkward to share a room with Bob, even if there were separate beds.

I quickly grabbed a blanket and a couple pillows from the linen closet and rejoined Bob on the porch.  It had cooled considerably.  After such a long day, I almost heard the sofa calling my name.  Despite my earlier nap, I was tired.  The early wake up, sun, fresh air, and turmoil had all taken their toll.  And the copious amount of beer didn’t help.

“I think I’ll sleep on the couch tonight,” I mentioned to Bob as I sat in the chair beside him.  “In case the boys need something.”

“Fine,” he replied.  “I’m going to stay up for a while.  Start a fire.  If I don’t see Cam, I’ll eventually come inside.  Probably.”  He nursed his beer.  He planned to stand vigil all night.

“It’s cooled off.”  I didn’t just mean the air temperature.

“Yeah, lots.”

We sat in silence.  Bob’s gaze was fixed on the boat house.  I could tell he was desperately willing Cam to show.  I knew that was unlikely.  Tomorrow, maybe.  Tonight just seemed too soon. 

It was sad.  They’re so close, and thus the wound is deeper.  I felt for both of them, because they’re hurting badly and desperately hoping to maintain their stiff upper lips.  Cam is literally within ear shot, and Bob can do nothing to salve their mutual angst.

“Well,” I finally said, breaking the long silence.  “I think I’m going to call it.” 

I started to get up.  “Craig,” Bob said suddenly. 


“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”  Had I not just ingested four beers, I would have had a sense of what might be coming.

“I’ve been going over everything in my head, trying to make sense of things.  But there’s one thing I don’t understand,” Bob began.  He sounded thoroughly confused.  “What did Cam mean earlier?  He said something about you ‘fucking everyone he cares about’.”

Oh boy.  I had hoped, in the chaos and shock of being caught, Cam’s comment had gone unnoticed.  Bob hadn’t mentioned it.

“Please don’t tell me you and Jeanine…” he continued.

“Oh, God no!”  I answered. 

“I didn’t think so.  I knew she was flirty with you, but I just couldn’t see you being interested.”

“I’m not,” I answered.  “But you might be less upset with me if that was the impetus for his remark.”  

Jesus, Craig.  WTF?!  Did I really just say that out loud?  Apparently, I was just drunk enough to vocalize my thoughts without thinking.

“What do you mean?” he asked, completely perplexed.

I sat back down.  “Something happened,” I managed to mumble.  Was this really happening?

“Yeah, I gathered.  Out with it.”

I tried to compose myself, trying in vain to think of a way to explain what happened without coming off as a total monster.  “I never meant for it to happen.  I swear.”

“For WHAT to happen?  For God’s sake, you’re freaking me out.”

“Max,” I muttered.  “In Mexico.”


“In Mexico.  On our second or third day there,” I began.  “I went to bed drunk.  I slept naked, I don’t even know why,” I continued, beginning to speak faster as the words came.  “I woke up the next morning.  I thought it was a dream.  My head was still pounding.  But it wasn’t a dream.  Max was sucking my cock.”

“Jesus!  What made him do that?”

“There were several reasons.  He has daddy issues, said he thought I would like it, and he wanted to thank me for everything.  He assumed I’d be appreciative or something,” I explained, omitting anything about my attractions.  Maybe this was still salvageable.  “He is gay, after all.”

“Well, you do have a nice cock,” he said.  “And I know he’s got serious daddy issues, but still.”

“Yeah.  I reacted kind of harshly and it hit him hard, like a kick to the gut.  Like I said, he thought I would be happy about it, and he was crushed by my rejection.”

“Hmm,” he grunted.  Was he suspicious of my explanation, seeing through to my true attractions?  “I can see how that could be upsetting for Max, but I still don’t understand what Cam was saying.  Even if Max told him, it sounds like you stopped him right away, and you guys seem closer than ever, so what gives?”

This was it.  I didn’t see a way around it, and honesty has served me well so far.  Bob has hinted at finding them attractive and he even boned up earlier when they were going at it.  Maybe he’ll be charitable and not think I’m a complete predator who was grooming Max for months as part of some wider scheme to get him alone, out of the country.

I sighed.  “There was another reason Max was so certain I’d enjoy it,” I began before taking the final gulp of my beer.  “He knows I’m attracted to boys.”

Bob laughed.  Yes, seriously.  That was not the reaction I was expecting.

“Come on Craig, an older guy into twinks is practically a cliche,” Bob responded.  “Poor Max was trying to pretend he was grown and got rejected.  I guess Chad was him taking another shot.”

Was he really not getting it?  Was this the universe giving me another chance to avoid sharing my deepest, darkest secret?  I felt like I was being fucked with.  No way he wouldn’t eventually figure it out, or Cam wouldn’t share everything in his anger.  I had to get out in front of it.  Time to rip off the Band-Aid.

“Twinks are young men, but still men.  I mean boys.”

Bob’s eyes flickered.  He understood.

“You mean… you’re like a pedo or something?”  His voice raised slightly.

I bristled.  “No, a pedo’s attractions are technically to prepubescent children.  Mine skew older, early to mid-puberty,” I explained.  “The clinical term is hebephile.  Some refer to themselves as boy lovers, but they’re all loaded terms with negative connotations.”

“So, middle schoolers?”  I couldn’t tell whether Bob was judging me or genuinely curious.

“Do you really want to have this conversation?”  I asked.  I sure didn’t.  I don’t know if it was the beer or if he was just being particularly stoic, but I couldn’t get a read on Bob.

“It sounds like it’s important for me to understand, so I know what Cam was alluding to.  So go on.”

“It’s less about age, per se, than development.  Partially through puberty is the sweet spot,” I shared.  “For most, I’d say it’s usually 12-14, but some are younger while others are older.  Those were the ages of the boys I fooled around with growing up, and for some reason, I never stopped longing for them.  I guess my initial sexual experiences hard-wired my brain or something.”

“And Max knew this?  How?”

“I mentioned it.  I wasn’t totally explicit until after he initiated things, but when he was so nervous about sex, I told him I looked back fondly on my experiences with friends when I was his age and still had attractions to younger guys.  He ran with it.”

“That probably wasn’t a good idea,” Bob offered.  He seemed strangely calm and neutral.

“Probably not, but in context, I promise I wasn’t trying to be groomy.  I’ve never actually done anything with someone his age since I was his age,” I replied, before adding.  “Even if I might have thought about it some.”  Okay, SOME was a bit of an understatement.

Bob shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  “So, Cam knows as well?”

“Yes.  And Noah too.  When everything blew up, I had talks with both of them.  They deserved an explanation.”

“I’m afraid to ask, but have you ever —”

“I would never touch either of them.  Cam tested me once, and I shut it right down.”

“You’ll have to explain that one later,” he replied.  Oh joy.  “I’m still not understanding what he was getting at, then.”

I was going to have to spell it out.  This wasn’t going horribly, but was still in the top five awkward conversations of my life.  I didn’t say anything for about a minute.

“Like I said, Max initiated sexual contact when I was asleep.  I yelled at him to stop, and he was beside himself because I was angry and repelled his advances.”

“Yeah, you mentioned.”

“I'm just saying, that’s all completely true,” I declared.  “What I left out is, he explained his reasoning and convinced me.  God help me, but I succumbed to decades of pent-up lust and self-loathing.”

“Craig!”  He sounded more shocked than pissed.

“It’s surreal to look back on, but at the time, it was like the universe aligned and it was meant to be.  I know that sounds crazy.”

Bob looked mesmerized.  “So, you had sex, he told Cam, and…”

“That's why they broke up.  I was sure I was headed to prison and Max would be put through the ringer.  It was a brutal few weeks,” I shared.  “I swear to God, I never intended for it to happen.  I like being around boys, just spending time with them, and while I am attracted to them, nothing like that has ever happened before and it won’t ever again.”

“Just the one time?  And just oral?”

I took a deep breath.  “Honestly?  No.  Once the floodgates opened, well, I’m not proud of it, but we did everything.  Repeatedly,” I admitted.  I could feel my body flush.  “I don’t mean to sound unrepentant, because I am, but at the time, Max loved it and so did I.  It was the best sex of my life.  Hell, it was the best week of my life.  It felt almost spiritual, making love to him, and honestly, that’s what it was.  I can’t explain it, but it’s like the combination of paternal and carnal created something greater than either separately.  I know that sounds crazy.”

Bob didn’t say anything.  I searched his face for a clue as to what he was thinking, but his expression was blank.

“Cam said Max found a new boyfriend in Mexico and cheated on him.  It never crossed my mind that he was talking about you.”

“Max did play around with a Mexican boy several times.  They even got caught by security swapping BJs on the beach.  It was an additional time we spoke about him not being such an impulsive and reckless exhibitionist about sex.”

“Cam didn’t share details.  A year ago, he said holding someone else’s hand was cheating, so I wasn’t sure how serious to take it.  I was just sad for him because he was so hurt.”

I sighed.  “I felt like shit about that.  Max told Cam about Eduardo, and another boy he taught how to jerk, and reported Cam didn’t care, even liked living vicariously.  I made Max promise not to tell Cam about us, but he was sure Cam would be fine with everything, even turned on.  He said he wouldn’t, but then…”

“He did and Cam kicked him out.”

“I’m sorry.  Truly, I never intended for any of it to happen, and the last thing I ever wanted was for Cam or Max to get hurt.  I even told Max, as great as it was, we couldn’t continue when we came home.  He didn’t like it, but understood.”

“What made you come to that conclusion?  You didn’t have such high moral standards on vacation.  Were you just afraid of being caught?”  For the first time, I felt overtly judged.

“Sure.  I’m not stupid.  Still, self-preservation wasn’t the only reason.  I knew it wasn’t sustainable or healthy long term.  It was a mistake, and the fallout has sucked, but I don’t think the sex itself actually harmed Max,” I stated.  “I do blame myself for Chad.  If we hadn’t done anything, he’d never have been dumped or sought out a man for what I wouldn’t give him.”

“He tried - later?”  Bob’s eyebrows raised. 

“Yeah.  The night Noah’s attempted sleepover blew up, Max was so upset.  He asked me to tuck him in and begged for it, even saying he needed to feel loved.  Spread his butt cheeks and everything.  It broke my heart.”

“Jesus.  But you resisted?”

“Yes.  Society might not agree, but I’m not a monster.  I would never use or leverage his vulnerability or my influence.  The last thing I ever want to do is hurt any boy, much less my boy.”

Bob smiled.  He seemed relieved.  “That’s good.  I’d hate to have to beat your ass.”

I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but I nervously laughed.

We didn’t say anything for a minute.  Bob broke the silence with a laugh.

“What?” I asked, not sure what could possibly be amusing.

“Oh, I was just thinking.  I always assumed you were a total bottom with guys.  Apparently not.”

I rolled my eyes.  “Max tried once, since that’s what I prefer, but it wasn’t great for either of us.  Everything else had been electric, almost magical, but that seemed forced and awkward.”

“Little fella just wasn’t quite big enough for you yet, eh?”

It occurred to me Bob may have been fishing for salacious details.  Or maybe he was just trying to process with humor.  Either way, I wasn’t particularly comfortable getting into specifics.

“I don’t think it was so much size as it just didn’t feel perfect.  Once you’ve experienced that with someone, you notice when it’s missing,” I explained.  I decided to change the subject.  “What about you?  Have you ever bottomed?”

Bob recoiled.  “No.  Never much of an appeal.  I tried once my freshman year of college and it hurt so badly, I decided my ass was an exit only.”

“Too bad.  With a little patience, it can be amazing.  You’re missing out on what the other half of your sex organs can do,” I scoffed.  “I always thought knowing how to enjoy being penetrated could make someone an even better lover when they’re topping.”

“Hmm.  Maybe someday,” Bob replied.  “I’ll be right back.  I’ve gotta take a leak.”  

Rather than going inside to the toilet, Bob just stepped outside for a moment.

“Sorry.  Where were we?” Bob asked rhetorically.  “So, what about now?  If you’ve lived with pederastic temptation for decades, I can’t imagine your attraction to him suddenly disappeared.  Or to Cam, for that matter,” Bob pressed.

That was a loaded question, and felt like probing, but I wasn’t going to start lying.  He would see right through that. 

“Of course I still am.  You know what good boys they are, and someone would have to be blind not to acknowledge their attractiveness.  I’ve been attracted to boys their age since before I was one myself.  That hasn’t changed, try as I might, and never will,” I stipulated to.  “I’m not going to lie.  Sometimes just being around Max, especially when he’s close and cuddly, is activating.  But I control my impulses, because he needs and craves platonic affection, especially from a father figure.  If I tried to push him away, he’d feel rejected.  That would destroy him, so I deal.”  

“Yeah, I see that.  Cam is still very affectionate for a boy his age, but Max reminds of what Cam was like when he eight or nine.  He seems to need a lot of reassurance, or is trying to make up for lost time, because of his derelict of a father,” Bob theorized.   “Of course, in other ways, he seems to have wisdom and maturity beyond his years.  It’s such a weird age.”

“That’s what I figure, too.  And of course I enjoy it for what it is, but I always let him initiate and respect when he chooses to stop.  Honestly, most of the time, I don't even realize I’m in any way aroused.  It’s only later when I go to take a leak that I’ll notice my underwear is sticky,” I admitted.  I wasn’t sure how he’d take that, so I decided to add a joke.  “I feel like a lactating mother with a newborn.”

Bob laughed.  Good.  “Please, just don’t let him suckle.”

I grinned.  “Right.  I swore to myself, Max, Cam, and even Noah it would never happen again.  And it won’t.  I won’t pretend it wasn’t amazing at the time, but it was a mistake that has caused too much collateral damage.”

“How did you not realize that before?”

“Blinded by lust and love, I guess.  I knew it shouldn’t happen, which is why I resisted at first.  But then it did and felt so right,” I tried to explain.  “If the last few weeks have taught me anything, it’s that Max desperately needs a dad, not a Daddy, and we should have never conflated the two.”


I spent the next… I don’t even know how long, getting Bob up to speed on everything that happened since Mexico, filling in all the missing pieces.  It felt like I was initiating him into a secret brotherhood or something only the boys and I were members of. 

To his credit, Bob wasn’t angry or even particularly judgmental.  Even though he’s said a few things that made me ponder the possibility, he didn’t disclose anything about also finding boys appealing.  He declared what happened in Mexico was our business, seemed resolved, and how everyone notices how good I am with Max.  He explained he saw no benefit to putting that in peril, and even thanked me for trusting him enough to share.  He assured me he wouldn’t say anything.

While anything could change, I felt a major sense of relief.  I collapsed onto the couch and fell asleep within seconds. 


Whether the result of beer or emotional exhaustion, I slept hard.  Bob finally gave up on waiting for Cam and came in super late.  The poor bastard tried to stay up all night.  Thankfully, I fell right back asleep.

I awoke to a ray of sun shining in my eyes and the chirp of birds in the tree outside the living room window.  I checked my phone.  8:23.  Max had texted me in the middle of night, but it was just the emoji of the guy getting his head massaged, whatever that meant.  That was not in the small repertoire of emojis I’ve learned to use.  Maybe it means Cam is being difficult and he needs a break? 

I didn’t want to disturb Bob to use the toilet, so I ran outside to take a leak.  After washing my hands, I put on a pot of coffee and began to catch up on my phone. 

I wasn’t going to text Max because I didn’t want to risk waking him, but noticed he posted some pictures with Cam, and tagged him.  They were adorable, their arms around one another and kissing each other’s cheeks.  They looked happy, so the photos were definitely from earlier in the day yesterday.  I haven’t been online since everything went to hell.

It wasn’t lost on me this was the first time Max has ever posted anything remotely “gay” to his social media.  Good for him.  Still, I worry.  I hope there’s no fallout.  Their coming out has been turbulent.  I scoured his post, and the reactions and comments were mostly positive.  Maybe things really are changing?

Suddenly, I heard the familiar crunch of gravel and boyish voices laughing.  That had to be a good sign, but figured they were off to the lake.

I was so startled when the door swung open, I almost spit out my coffee.

“Where’s Daddy?”  Cam asked cheerfully.  I was taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor. 

“Shhhh,” I replied, putting my finger to my lips.  “Sleeping, still.  He finally crashed at about four this morning.”

“Oh,” Cam whispered.  “Sorry.  I guess we’ll go fishing later.”

“Whenever, no hurry,” I answered.  Fishing?  I’m so confused.  They hated that.  Cam is acting like yesterday never happened.  “Is everything, um, okay?”

“Yes, we hashed it out in the middle of the night, thanks to Max,” Cam announced, before declaring his desire to shower.  I exhaled deeply.  That’s great news.  Bob staying up late was the right call, after all.  I have to admit, I didn’t see that coming.

“Coming with?”  Cam asked Max.  They definitely need to wash up, but I was surprised he was going in to shower with his father still asleep.

“Nah, go ahead,” Max replied.  “I need to caffeinate.”  

I don’t usually offer Max coffee, and the only times I’ve seen him drink it is with way too much sugar and creamer, and even then he still makes a face.  Why is he in such a hurry to grow up?  Still, he probably had a choppy night of sleep, so I wasn’t going to deny him.

He sat at the end of the table, next to me.  His knee grazed my thigh.  He was trying to be in physical contact.

“I’m glad we're alone,” I said quietly.  “There’s something I need to tell you.”  I hope this isn’t too unpleasant.

He nodded for me to go on.  “Yesterday after everything — well, with Cam pissed, I decided I needed to tell Bob about what happened in Mexico,” I explained.  This was a serious moment and I wasn’t sure how Max would react, but he deserves to know someone else has been read in.  “Don’t worry, he seems okay with it.  I think.  I just thought you should be aware.”

“Thanks, but I already knew,” he answered matter-of-factly. 

“Huh?  How?”

Max told me about last night’s wee-hours conversations by the fire.  First between him and Bob, and then between Bob and Cam.  I missed a lot in the night but was so happy the air was clear.  Maybe we can salvage this weekend, after all.

“I think it’s going to be okay,” Max suggested, grabbing my hand.  He’s such a sweet kid, always trying to be reassuring.  “Maybe everything out in the open, at least between the four of us, is better.  I’m not sure why,” he continued, “but it just seems like we can all trust each other now, with anything.  We’ll be sure to knock from now on — assuming there is actually a closed door, anyway.  And hey, now we can make more noise,” he teased, flashing that smile I love so much.  Snarky little shit.  God, I love him. 

I shook my head.  “It wasn’t your fault.  I told you that already.  Foolish on our part.  Nobody wants to see their parents having sex, even if they know it’s going on.  We’ll be a lot more careful in the future, I promise.”

“We’ll give you some privacy, too.  We can stay out in the boathouse again tonight,” Max offered.  “We kind of like it out there.”

“I bet you do,” I replied, grinning.  Max was totally blushing, and smelled of sweat and cum.  It was obvious they had an eventful morning.


Bob finally stirred while Max was taking his turn in the shower.  Cam cheerfully gave him a good morning hug, which Bob gleefully returned with an added muff of Cam’s wet hair.  They definitely worked through things last night.  It was almost like nothing had happened to begin with.  In fact, just as Max predicted, they almost seemed closer.  Maybe knowing his father’s secret and needing to keep it forged a new, stronger bond.  I wonder if it would be the same between Bob and I.

No one was in a hurry to head out.  It’s been a long 18 hours.  We made a more extensive breakfast and took our time enjoying it.  Cam and Max volunteered to clean up.

“Gentlemen,” Bob said, as we were finishing.  “I have an idea.”  

Everyone turned, curious.

“When we head out on the lake, what do you say we leave our phones here?  Except for one, of course — in case of emergency,” he suggested.  “Let’s have a day away from screens and social media.  You know, just enjoy each other’s company.  With everything that happened yesterday, I feel like so much of the weekend has been squandered.  We need to make up for it with a fully-focused day of bonding.”

Oh geez.  Sometimes Bob forgets that kids have a very different attitude toward technology and staying connected.  I glanced at Cam and Max, expecting some push back.  Surprisingly, there was none.

“I’m not telling.  This is a request.  I’m not going to force or penalize anyone who chooses not to participate,” Bob added before putting his own phone onto the kitchen table. 

“Okay Daddy,” Cam answered, smiling, parting with his own device. 

“Yeah, we’ll catch up later,” Max added, pulling his phone from his shorts pocket.  “The connection wasn’t very good out there, anyway.”

“I guess I’ll keep mine, but turn it off,” I agreed.  I sure hope the boys aren’t pouty.  They were so bored fishing yesterday.


My concerns turned out to be unfounded.  The fish were biting and the lads genuinely enjoyed themselves.  More than that, Bob’s plan bore fruit.  We really did have an incredible day full of laughter and mutual enjoyment.  Both boys were particularly cuddly with Bob and I.  Cam even pulled me aside to apologize for his immediate reaction.

After hours of angling and antics on the boat, we came back right at golden hour.  While Bob secured the boat and I dealt with our gear, the kids snuck a moment on the pier.  They ditched their shirts midday, so the sun glistened on their lightly tanned skin.  Cam wrapped his arm around Max, who leaned his head against Cam’s bare shoulder. 

The lighting was perfect, and I couldn’t resist snapping a picture.  I missed the chance Friday, and yesterday at this time things were shit, so this would be the final opportunity and I’m sure they’ll dig having their moment documented.  I sent them the image in our group chat.

We capped our incredible day by preparing dinner together (beer battered fish, pasta salad, and grilled corn on the cob), ran into town to gather s’mores ingredients, and played a round of Monopoly and a couple hands of gin rummy.  Max and Cam actually eschewed their phones until they retired to the boathouse about 9:30.


I didn’t plan on a second night alone, but I actually fell asleep on the couch.  I thought I would catch up on the news, but I think I saw all of five minutes before my eyes were closed.  That meant I was the first one to rise. 

I made coffee and enjoyed a leisurely morning.  I reveled in my alone time and scrolled through my phone.  I replied to a text Kim sent the previous night, lest she feel neglected.  When I checked social media, I immediately noticed Cam had posted and tagged the picture I took of him and Max.  To my shock, his mom commented — nicely! 

“What a great picture,” she posted on Cam’s Instagram.  I was shocked.  Maybe she is starting to come around.

Bob joined me after about an hour.  He stumbled out of the bedroom in just his underwear, his ample cock head prominently bulging.  Two days ago, I would have promptly stood and groped him, begging him to return to the bedroom.  But I just didn't feel it.  A few weeks from now, I’ll crave his cock again.  But not now; it’s too soon.

“Morning,” Bob greeted me.  “Coffee’s ready I hope.”  I nodded.

Bob grabbed a cup and sat across from me.  “Look,” I said, showing him Cam’s post. 

“Nice shot.  You took that?”  He asked.

“Yeah, but look closer,” I added, pointing out Jeanine’s comment. 

“Hmm,” he replied.  “I guess it’s a start.  Time will tell if it ever translates into anything meaningful.”



Bob and I took our time, letting the caffeine kick in while we slowly packed.  The boys rumbled into the cabin just after 10:00.  They had clearly stayed up late.  Doing what, I can only imagine.  They immediately asked what they could do to help.

We made a large brunch, serving up a mixed bag of most of the food we had left.  It didn’t necessarily all go together, but was delicious.  The company made it perfect.  We talked, joked, laughed, and there were hugs and snuggles all around.  At one point, they turned me into a “Craig Sandwich.”  Not that I was complaining. 

By 1:00, we were on the road.

Our weekend may be over, but the ripples from all that transpired will continue to be felt for a long time.  As stressful as parts were, other aspects were incredible.  Something shifted within our group dynamic, for the better.

*** End of Chapter 37 ***

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