Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 09:34:51 -0800 From: Jay Carrington Subject: Chapter 12 - My Son and His Friends This work is copyrighted by the author, J. Carrington and commercial use is prohibited without permission in writing from the author. Personal or private copies are permitted only if they are complete and include the copyright notice. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright. This is a story of a man's relationship with his son and his son's friends. The writing is very detailed and is a written representation of what the author saw as he was writing the story. It will contain some sexual scenes, but it is not totally about sex. The series of chapters are completely fictional and are the result of the author's fertile imagination. Any resemblance to any real person(s) is purely coincidental. The story contains consensual sexual behavior between young adult males and an older adult male. It depicts both unprotected sex and protected sex. Safe sex practices are the way to go if you plan to be around for years to come. If you are underage (below 18) or object to the subject matter, please leave now as the door that let you in will also let you leave. If you enjoy this site, you are encouraged to donate to so that it will continue to operate. You can buy a visa gift card and use it to donate to Nifty anonymously or you can use your credit card and you can see the transaction on your monthly bill. Anyways, this is a great site which serves the needs of our select population. Before I move to the next chapter, I must stop and say thank you to the readers who have written to me about this story. Your comments have been fantastic and it is good to read that you are relating to the guys in this story. It has been interesting reading your comments as to which character you favor and why. It has also been interesting getting to know you and to also know where you live. Chapter 12 - My Son and His Friends I finished tidying up the pool area, walked through the house, turned off the lights, secured the doors, went to my bedroom, and closed my door. I stood there a moment and thought if I was a 9 year old, I might take a running start and jump in the bed, but I'm not, so I walked over pulled the covers back and crawled into that bed. I pulled the pillows around so that one was at my chest, one at my back, and another one under my head. I drifted off to sleep rather fast as the time in the pool had relaxed me to the point that my brain was mellow. I woke up the next morning to the alarm going off at the ungodly hour of 5:30 a.m. I lay there for a few minutes thinking about how I hated going back to work, but eventually I reconciled myself to the fact that this was life and I needed the job. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I shaved, showered, dressed in shorts, and went to the kitchen. I put together a breakfast casserole, fried some bacon, opened a can of biscuits, and then I took great pleasure in walking down the hallway and knocking on Ryan's bedroom door. I heard this muffled "what?". I said "Ryan, it's time to get up, breakfast is ready." "I'm not hungry." I then said "Son, you need to get up, I have cooked breakfast and I need to see you before I have to go to work." "Ohhhhhhhhhhh Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad" he groaned. In a few minutes I heard movement and then his door opened. He looked at me very groggily and said "You are so mean, I know you are enjoying this cause you think it evens the score, but it doesn't. You have to go to work and I am going to go back to bed when you leave." I smiled and said "Well, I have fired the first shot this morning and you are so wickedly sleepy. Get a move on, as we need to talk about a few things." He went to the bathroom and I returned to the kitchen. He showed up after washing his hands and face. He was a little more awake. He served his plate and sat down at the island. I told him that I would be a little late getting home today as I had a meeting with Mr. Richards at 3 o'clock. I told him that when I did get home, I wanted us to do some work in the backyard. He started to complain, and I said "Ryan, I have given this some thought and I want to build a seating area and fountain in the far corner of the yard." He asked "Dad, can it have colored lights like Granddad's and can we have speakers out there?" I said "Yes, to both of those thoughts. I had not given any thought to the speakers but I did like that idea." By now Ryan was waking up, and I could tell that the wheels were turning as he was beginning to ask some more questions. "Dad, can we have a swing, and some benches out? And maybe a few rocking chairs?" I said "Ryan, those are good ideas, but I would like for us to walk out to that area this afternoon, look it over, decide the dimensions, and the things that we want to put out there. I will call you when I am heading home, so have your cell phone with you." I finished breakfast, rinsed my plate off, placed it in the dishwasher, kissed Ryan on his head, and headed out to work. I got in the Yukon, raised the garage door, backed out, shut the door, and drove to school. I pulled into my assigned parking place and got out. I walked into the main office to pick up stuff out of my mailbox. There was a sign that directed all of us teachers to assemble in the media center for the first morning's meeting. I went to the media center and got me a cup of orange juice, a sweet roll and then sat with members of the science department. Mr. Richards began the meeting by welcoming all of us back to work. He told us that this year would be a very important year for the school as there were many new programs and initiatives that we would be undertaking. He gave a brief update on the new laws that would be implemented this year: the changes in graduation requirements; the changes in teacher evaluation (assessment); the changes in the grading policy, attendance, and behavior; and the upcoming accreditation process. I sat there and my mind was a blur trying to capture these changes and bring them to some perspective for my classroom. Around ten fifteen, he stopped and gave us a fifteen minute break. I got up, went to the restroom, and returned to our table. I sat and started talking to the people who were seated there. They were a chatty group and we all got along really well. They brought me up on their summer's activities, and I talked carefully about mine. Mr. Richards reconvened the meeting and continued on with his topics. He talked until noon. He gave us an hour for lunch and then he turned the meeting over to his two assistant principals who talked about the school improvement plan and the accreditation process in more detail. I looked at my watch and it was getting to be 2:50. I pushed my chair under the table, grabbed my materials, and walked to the front office. I entered the office and Mr. Richards was standing behind the front counter. He looked up and smiled when he saw me. He said "Doug, I always have a lot of respect for a man who is early to an appointment. Let's walk down to my office." He and I walked side by side down the small hallway and entered his office. He closed the door and took his seat behind his desk. I sat in the chair in front of his desk. He said "Well Doug, I can imagine that you have wondered why I needed to talk to you this afternoon." I said "Well, it has entered my mind several times I must admit." He said "Well, I will get there, but first I need to do some build-up. Doug, our school is in need of some major changes if we are to keep abreast of the changes that I outlined to the faculty this morning. We have a major need to upgrade our use of technology, to change our philosophy about teaching, grading, reporting student progress, working with parents, increasing our knowledge of current research and best practices, along with being prepared to present ourselves as ready for continued accreditation. The school improvement process has taken a lot of the leadership that was at one time held by the school administration and moved it to the faculty, parents and at our level, the students." I shook my head and said "Yes sir, I sat there this morning and tried to play some of the information through my mind as to how it would impact me and my classroom." He said "Good, I am glad that you are already thinking along those lines. I will now tell you that the reason for this meeting is that I want to announce to the faculty tomorrow morning that you will be the new Science Department Head. I have observed you for the past two years, I have watched you interact with the students and your co-workers, and I see a lot of leadership potential in you." I sat there dumbfounded. He said "Will you accept that responsibility?" I said "Can you give me a few minutes to absorb this and can we do some more talking?" He agreed. I asked him what had happened to the previous department head, and did he foresee any issues in me assuming the position?" He said that in the case of the science department, that the previous department head had put in her paperwork for retirement but would not announce her intentions until the new department head was announced. He said "I talked with her recently and detailed the new changes. She looked at me and told me that it was more than she wanted to deal with and that she was ready to do some traveling. Now, I need to tell you that I am making some other departmental leadership changes and some of those are being done with a different intent and there will be some issues. Doug, I believe that your department members will welcome you as you have been one of them and you are a definite team member." I looked at Mr. Richards and said "Well sir, this is a great honor and a big step for me. I understand Mrs. Hogglestand's decision to retire as I had those same thoughts over the summer and then again this morning, but change is constant. I believe that I have some ideas that will help this school therefore, I accept your offer. He said "Fantastic! I am very excited to have you on the leadership team. I will make the announcements tomorrow morning and you can tell your family after that time." We sat and talked about a few other things and then he told me that he had a few more meetings to hold before he left for the day. I got up, shook his hand, and headed to the Yukon. I got in, turned the ignition key and let it begin to cool down as it had sat in the hot parking lot all day. While it was cooling, I began to think 'What have I gotten myself into?', but I thought well at least it will not be a boring year. I called Ryan and he answered on the third ring. I told him I was on my way home. He wanted to know what was for dinner and I told him we were going out to eat. He was fine with that and he said he would meet me at the house. I drove up to the house and left the Yukon in the driveway. I got out and Ryan ran up to me along with the other guys. They brought me up to date on the happenings of the day and they told me that they all had to go with their parents later to buy school clothes. Ryan informed them that we had already taken care of that necessity. I looked at Ryan and said "Are you ready for our work session?" The boys said in unison "Work???? We are out of here!" and they dispersed as if by magic. Ryan and I walked in the house, he went to the bathroom while I dropped my stuff off in the kitchen and grabbed a note pad. Ryan returned and we walked out into the backyard. I pointed to the back corner that I was thinking about, and he nodded his head. He said "Dad that would be the best corner as it is out of our way if we wanted to play in the yard." I agreed. We walked out to the area and began to discuss the placement of the waterfall and seating, we talked about the soft lighting and the speakers, and we talked about the use of pavers and crushed rock to complete the area. I walked off the rough measurements and Ryan recorded them on the notepad. We both were becoming excited about our little paradise. Ryan wanted to know when we were going to start to work on it. I told him that I had given that some thought and that I wanted to talk to a landscape architect and let him draw up the plans for our review. He wanted to know why I was doing that? and why didn't we just do it? I told him that with everything that we had going on this year that I could not do it and I really wanted to see what it would look like before we started to work on it and had to make changes due to our lack of experience in building waterfalls and laying pavers. He thought about it and finally agreed that he would like to see the drawings too. We finished outside, and walked back into the house. It was now getting close to 6 o'clock so we each paid a visit to the bathroom, washed our hands, combed our hair, and made ourselves presentable even changing shirts. We met back in the kitchen and then headed out to eat. We went to the buffet restaurant and stood in line. We got our drinks, paid for our meal, and then located our table. We talked to the waitress and then we headed over to the food bars. We fixed our plates with me getting fried chicken and Ryan dishing up the spaghetti. I love their yeast rolls and so does Ryan. We put a few vegetables on our plates and returned to our table. We sat and talked about the day. Ryan wanted to know how my meeting with the principal went and I told him that it was a good meeting. He wanted to know if I was getting in trouble and I told him no. I told him that he wanted me to do some special projects and that I had agreed. Ryan reminded me that we had to discuss swim practice and a new coach. I said "Well, I want to talk to Shane and Matt about that." I had no sooner mentioned those two names than Ryan's face went sour. He said "Dad, we do not need their input." I said "Ryan, they said that they might know several people that we could talk to about that position." He said "Dad, I think we can do it by ourselves." I looked at Ryan and said "Son, you and the boys have said that you want to swim competitively this year. That will require someone that knows the 'ins and outs' of that sport. I don't know anything about it, and I will be very busy this year. I need to get this addressed soon so that I can take it off my list of things to do. You have trusted them in the past, and they have treated you with respect and courtesy." He glared at me and said "Well, I might have known that once again, my feelings don't count." I said "Ryan, let's eat our dinner and not discuss this any further as this is not the place for you to show your ass!" He looked at me and said "Fine!" So we finished our dinner in silence. We finished and I left a tip for our waitress who had done a fabulous job of keeping our table cleared and filling our drinks throughout our meal. We walked out to the Yukon, and I asked him if there was anywhere else that he wanted to go, and he said "No." I cranked up and we went home. He walked in and went immediately to his room. I went to my room and lay down on the bed still in my clothes. I dropped off to sleep for a few minutes and was awakened with the slamming of a door somewhere in the house. I got up and walked into the family room. I found Ryan sitting in the dark. I turned on the lamp and said "Why are you sitting here in the dark?" He said "Well, if you must know this is the way that I live my life lately. I am in the dark about everything you always involve Matt and Shane into all kinds of stuff." I thought 'Oh no, I am not getting into this tonight with you' so I said "Ryan, how about some ice cream?" He said he did not want any, but I did so I went to the kitchen pulled me a bowl down, opened the freezer and got me some ice cream. I went back to the family room, sat down and turned the TV on. I began to eat my ice cream and watch TV. He got up and walked in front of me and said "So, you are not going to talk to me about this tonight?" I said "No Ryan, I am not. I am not going to entertain your anger as it is totally off-base." "That figures" he firmly stated and then continued "You know I am your son, not them. I used to come first in your life, but I don't anymore. You turn everything over to them. I am a nobody, as far as you are concerned." I let him rant and then I said "Ryan, you have made your point, now go to your room and begin to write-up your case. I want details as to how I have mistreated you. I do not want feelings, I want facts. When you have finished that, you may bring it to me and I will read it. I will discuss your claims with you after I have read them and thought about your writing. He started to complain and I said "Ryan, I have told you what I expect and how we will handle this, it is not up for further discussion. I know you understood me and I know that you know the meaning of the word no - I have used it and I mean it. He stood there a minute longer glaring at me and then he stomped off to his room and slammed the door. I had to smile, but I was really getting aggravated at a level that I had never experienced with him. I watched TV through the eleven o'clock news. I rinsed my bowl out, put it in the dishwasher, secured the house, and walked to my bedroom. I closed the door, went to the bathroom, pissed, washed my hands, and brushed my teeth. I then went to my bed, turned out the lamps, and got in pulling the pillows to their normal positions. I lay there for a few minutes and then, I heard a door slam, then the shower go on in Ryan's bathroom, then a door slam and finally quiet. I drifted off to sleep. I woke up early the next morning and took care of my morning rituals. I dressed for the day and went to the kitchen. I decided to eat cereal for breakfast. I pulled the box of cereal out of the cabinet along with a bowl. I poured the cereal into the bowl, added milk and sugar, and began to eat it while seated at the island. I was almost finished eating when I heard Ryan speak. "So you are not going to call me to breakfast this morning?" I turned and he was standing there in his boxer briefs. I looked at him and said "No, I was going to let you sleep in this morning as I have some business that I need to take care of before I leave for work." He walked over, grabbed the box of cereal, pulled a bowl from the cabinet, added the cereal into the bowl, poured milk and sugar on his cereal and sat down. I said "So what are you planning to do today?" He said "Hang out with the boys." I said "Okay, so the usual." He looked up and scrunched up his nose at me. I laughed and he finally put a smile on his face. I finished my bowl of cereal and put it in the sink. I asked him if he would clean the refrigerator this morning, load and operate the dishwasher. He said that he would. I turned around, grabbed my phone and walked out to the pool area. I called mom since I had was so busy last night that I forgot to call her. She answered and said, "Doug, what is wrong?" I laughed and said "Mom, I can call you without something being wrong can't I?" She said "Yes, but you don't call enough." I said "Mom, you are impossible, but I wanted to call and see what your thoughts were on the land. I was so busy with things here last night that I forgot, so I thought I would call this morning before I went to work." Mom explained that she and dad had talked about it and had actually driven out, walked on the land, looked at the lake, and did a lot of talking about it. She said that Dad was not too crazy about the idea, but that she really liked it. I listened and then I said "Mom, I have given a lot of thought to this, and I just do not think it is a wise idea at this time. You would have to get all kind of permits, clear the land, find a contractor, deal with building issues, and then furnish it. I really do not see that you would use it that much, and I know that I will not be making a lot of use of it either." She said "Doug, I just want a place to get away to sometime." I paused and then I said "Mom, I would like to propose that you and dad forget about this land deal and think more about buying a mountain retreat in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, or Helen, Georgia. That would be a nice place for you guys to travel by yourselves or with friends, we could use it from time to time, or you could rent it out. I think that would be the easier option." She said "Well Doug, I love the mountains and I know you do too. The mountains would offer your dad and Ryan the opportunity to do some mountain stream fishing and would offer me the opportunity to visit mountain crafters and do some shopping. I will talk with your dad this morning, and we will probably cancel the land deal." I said "Well mom that sounds good to me. Let Dad know I favor the mountain deal as that would mean a trip to the mountains to look for a place. I am off to work in a few minutes so I need to get off here and finish a few things. Tell Dad that I love him, and I will talk to you later in the week." We hung up, and I returned to the kitchen. Ryan looked up and said "So what is so top secret?" I looked at him and said "Son, I had to talk to mom this morning and it private business." "Oh, so private that I cannot be included? Well that just proves my point." I looked at Ryan and said "Son, if you are looking for a fight this morning, you need to go find Jay or Rob, as I have to go to work and I plan on having a good day. I grabbed my keys and went to the garage. I backed out and headed to work. I arrived at school, checked my mailbox, picked up my classroom key, and walked down to the media center for another exciting day of in-service. Mr. Richards introduced the morning's speaker who talked about the school's partnership with the local college and its dual enrollment program. I had an interest in this, as I wanted Ryan to take these classes so I paid special attention to the new changes in law and the college's take on them. Dual enrollment was not new, but the State Legislature had tampered with some of the components and those would affect students enrolling in the program from this year forward. We took our usual break by 10 o'clock. I used my time to walk down to my classroom and pull out the phone book. I located the landscape architects and placed calls to three of them. I set up a time to meet with them at the house. The one that I really wanted was able to meet with me at 4:30 today. I returned to the meeting and listened to the speaker. The speaker stopped her presentation around noon and we were told to take an hour's lunch. I went with a group from the department to a local restaurant. This place is known for its salads, soups and desserts. I ordered a cashew chicken salad, a lemonade and a slice of their seven layer caramel cake. We ate and discussed what we had heard in the last few days. I looked down the table and watched Mrs. Hogglestand. She seemed to be enjoying herself. She looked down the table and made eye contact with me. She smiled and nodded. I smiled and winked. After we finished lunch and were heading out to the cars, Mrs. Hogglestand approached me and said in a whisper-like voice "Congratulations Doug, I am so proud of you and for you." I said "I really wish you were staying." She looked at me and said "Doug, I no longer have the burning desire to change the world that I once had, and I promised myself that I would not stay if I ever lost that feeling, so I am keeping my word to myself and to the profession." I said "I truly understand." We returned to the school and resumed additional informational sessions detailing how our school had performed on statewide assessment tests last year. We identified several areas that we felt that needed to be addressed and made a commitment to do so in the school year. Mr. Richards resumed the meeting leadership at 2:30. He began by referencing some of the topics that we had heard about during the two days. He then said "Well, the challenges before us are huge, and it will be incumbent upon us to rise to the occasion and meet these challenges with determination and success. In order to do this, we have to change the way that we operate. To that affect, I have made some changes in staffing and I would like to announce the following: Mr. Doug Brunson will assume the role of Science Department Chair, Mrs. Janie Dupont will assume the leadership of the English Department, Max Smythe will assume the department chair position in the mathematics department, Sharnita McDaniel will take the reins of the social studies department, and Danielle Scott will take over the chairmanship of the arts." There was applause and those seated at my table got up and hugged my neck. Mr. Richards said "Well, we have one more announcement this afternoon. At this time, I would like to recognize Mrs. Hogglestand, please come forward Mrs. Hogglestand." She approached the front of the room and Mr. Richards shook her hand. He told her that the floor was hers. She smiled and said "To all of my friends and co-workers, I talked to Mr. Richards a few weeks ago after reading about some of the upcoming changes that we have heard about in the last two days. I wrestled with my feelings against those changes. I can tell you that I have loved this profession for 39 years, but it is time to hang it up as I no longer feel that I can reinvent myself and my techniques yet another time. I have done it many times over the years but the elasticity of my spirit is just not as pliable as it was, so I have decided to retire at the end of this month. I will help Doug transition into the role of department chair, and I will help with some initial work on accreditation." Mr. Richards then resumed the meeting's leadership. He said "I have known of Mrs. Hogglestand's decision for weeks, but she pressed me to maintain a state of secrecy, so I have been unable to talk to the social committee until now. We need to set a date and time to celebrate 39 years of dedication to this profession. I wish you the best and I will have more to say on your special occasion." There was applause and we were dismissed for the day. I stayed around and as soon as Mrs. Hogglestand was by herself, I approached and hugged her neck. I said "I have very mixed emotions about this, I feel as though I could wring your neck, but I understand what you have said and I do look forward to developing my leadership skills." She said "Doug, I suggested you to Mr. Richards and he agreed with me. You have the skills to be a great leader, and I honestly think that you will ascend to greater things in a few years." I asked her if she would walk down to my room so that we could talk more privately. She agreed, and we went to my room and talked about a number of issues. She told me that she would go over the inventory and other topics with me in the next several days as she had to go home and fix dinner for her husband. I told her that I had to go deal with a middle-schooler. She laughed and said "Oh Doug, you are in for a wild ride, it will be like riding a wild bronco, but it is worth it on the other end." I said "Well the ride has just begun and I am ready for it to be over. I want my solid standing son back." We left the classroom and walked to the parking lot, got into our vehicles and drove home. I drove into the driveway and found the garage door open. I got out and walked into the house. The boys were in the pool and were surprised to see me home. Ryan got out of the pool and I could see immediately that they were all naked. He said "Why are you home so early?" I said "You need to look at the clock as it is later than you think." Rob asked "What time is it Pops?" I said "It is 4:15 guys and we have a visitor coming over at 4:30." They all started putting on their clothes as they had to get home for dinner. Ryan just stood there watching me. I said "Son, don't you think you need to put some clothes on?" He turned and walked back out to the pool, picked up his clothes and returned to the family room. He started to put them on and said "Well we both know that if this was Shane or Matt you would want them to stay naked. It is so unfair that you do not want me naked around you." I said "Ryan, I do not understand you. I have a meeting with the landscape architect and then we are going out to eat." The doorbell rang and I answered it. It was the landscape architect. I walked him through the house and into the backyard. We looked at the area and he measured the area that we had identified. I showed him my rough sketch and he quickly sketched out his own thoughts along with ours. He told me that he would go back and begin to make his presentation. I was impressed with his thoughts and professional demeanor. He promised to have the sketches and drawing back to me within 10 working days. We walked back into the house and Ryan had finally finished dressing. We got in the Yukon and headed to the local Mexican restaurant. We ordered our usual entrees and our drinks. He asked me questions about my day after a while. I told him that we had a lot of meetings and then I told him about my new added responsibility. He was impressed with the sound of the position. He said "I know that Grandmother will be happy, I think you should call her tonight and tell her." I agreed and told him that I had planned on calling her later that evening. He wanted to know what the landscape architect had said so, I gave him an update. We finished dinner with civil conversation and then we headed home. I could not believe that I was making a habit out of eating out as I normally enjoyed cooking. I decided that tomorrow night which would be Friday, I would do a big spaghetti dinner for the boys. I told Ryan to invite the boys over, and he said that he would. I paid our bill and tipped the waiter. We went back to the house, and I went to my office area and started making notes of things that I had to do before the students returned. Ryan came in later and sat down. He wanted to know if the guys were invited tomorrow night and I said "I don't think so." He smiled and said "Well that is a move in the right direction." I looked at him and shook my head. He said "I don't really want them here anymore." I said "Ryan, we owe them a lot for everything that they did with us this summer." He said "We have already given. We gave your cherry ass." I said "Whoa there young man. I don't know who you think you are, but you will not talk to me like that and that is none of your business." I could feel my temper rising, and I knew that he saw it as he got up and started backing out of the room. I looked at him and told him in no uncertain terms to sit his ass down. I pulled my chair up close to him and gave him the worst chewing out that I have ever given my son. I had him in tears, and he was shaking. I told him to get up and go get me that writing assignment that he had been assigned last night. He informed me that he had not done it. I said "Get your ass out of here and get it finished. If it is not finished in the morning, you will be on restriction and you will not have company over, you will not be on the internet, your phone will be mine, and you will stay home. Do I make myself clear?" "Yeahhhhh you do - totally unfair! He was pissed, but he left and went to his room. This time the door was not slammed as he evidently figured he had angered me to the point that I would tear his ass up. I sat there and tried to calm myself down. I remembered that I needed to call mom, so I looked at the time and figured that she was still awake, so I called her. I told her about my new responsibility. She told me that she and Dad had talked and that he agreed with the idea of a mountain retreat. She said "Doug, I hear something in your voice tonight, you are agitated." I could not believe it as my mom still could read me without even seeing me. I said "Ryan is being impossible, I have really had to be extremely firm with him and he is on restriction." She laughed and said "Well Doug, you know what they say about paybacks, well my dear son, what goes around comes around. Ryan will have to suffer for his misdeeds when he has kids, just like you are doing now." We talked on for a few minutes and then we hung up as I had to shower and get to bed. I called it a night, and hit the bed after a long hot shower. I decided to sleep naked so I closed my bedroom door and got in the bed. I had another one of my restless nights, as I was still upset with Ryan and nervous about the new responsibilities at work. I finally drifted off to sleep and started dreaming. One of my dreams was that Ryan had finally weakened me, and I had him in my bed with his feet over my shoulders and I was entering his tight boy pussy. He was telling me to go slow as his hole was tight and this was his first time. He told me to add more lube and I finally slid all the way in. I started to pound his ass and somehow I hit my head on the headboard. I woke up in a panic swearing that I would never ever give in to his wants regarding that. I lay there for a few more minutes and I could tell that sleep was not going to happen until I relaxed again, so I got up and took another hot shower. I got out of the shower, put on some boxer briefs, and returned to bed. I pulled the pillows around me and finally drifted off to sleep. I woke up the next morning still tired, but realizing that it was Friday. I got up, showered again, shaved and dressed for work. I went to the kitchen and cooked some bacon, grits, scrambled eggs, and toast. I went down and knocked on Ryan's door. He opened the door and wanted to know what I wanted. I told him breakfast was served, and he started to whine, but I gave him a look, and he decided to hold it in. He went to his bathroom and took care of morning issues. He entered the kitchen and dished up his breakfast. I decided that I would take the bull by the horns so I asked "Do you have a writing assignment for me?" He said "I have worked on it." I told him that I needed to see what he had written. He got up, went to his room, and returned with a piece of paper with some stuff written on it. I looked it over and said "Ryan, this is not what I asked you to do. You are now effectively on restriction for the day, go get me your phone. You cannot leave the house, nor can you have company over today." He started to complain, but I said "You say one more word and I will cancel tonight, and I will extend the restriction to tomorrow." He shot me a go to hell look, but I did not budge. I walked into my office area and disconnected the wi-fi and stashed it in my locked filing cabinet. I returned to the kitchen and told him that I expected the assignment when I walked through the door that afternoon. I remembered that today all the science teachers in the district were to meet at Wedgewood Sr. High School which was about twenty miles from my house. I drove there as quickly as I could and arrived at the school just as several of my department members were driving up. Mary Sue Ard looked over at me and said "Doug, you look exhausted, what is going on with you?" I said "Middle-schooler." She said "Oh Doug, you have my sympathies, but at least you are not dealing with a female." I said "Mary Sue, it couldn't be any worse," but she just laughed. We walked into the meeting and sat together. We learned a lot that day about some of the new technologies that the district had purchased and installed in our classrooms. I left the meeting that afternoon and headed to the grocery store. I purchased a lot of groceries that afternoon. In fact, I purchased about three hundred fifty dollars of stuff. I drove to the house, began to unload the groceries, and walked the first batch into the house. Ryan was sitting on the stool at the island pretty much where I had left him that morning. I said "Do you have something for me?" He looked at me and shoved a piece of paper towards me. I took it, and read it. I said "And this is it?" "Yes sir, that is it." I said "Well, go get the rest of the stuff and bring it into the kitchen. He was out the door in a flash and started bringing in the groceries. I stored everything, and then I started cooking the spaghetti sauce. I told Ryan to call the boys and invite them over. He said "Well I have to have my phone first." I pulled his phone out of my pocket and gave it to him. I walked over to my office and reinstalled the wi-fi. He made the calls and soon they were in the house. Jay came into the kitchen where I was cooking and said "Shane has missed you." I looked at Jay and said "Jay, Shane knows where I am and you know that. Do not try to get something started with me tonight as I am not in the mood." He turned and walked by Ryan and said "You are right, he is pretty pissed." Jay walked into the family room and said to the others "Okay boys, it is pool time, last one naked has to suck the others!" I think my head flew up, and I looked at him and said "Excuse me?" He said "Ohhhhhhh Pops, I forgot about you, but I was joking." I just shook my head, but the boys were stripping as fast as they could. Rob was the last to get out of his clothes because his tennis shoes had knots in the laces. Myles walked into the kitchen with me and I could not help but notice that his cock had really grown and his pubes were thick and bushy. He balls were tight and he was sporting a semi. He walked over to me and hugged me. I could feel his pre-cum on my leg, but decided to not say anything. Ryan and Jay walked out to the pool and called Rob out. They moved to an area that could not be seen from my position in the kitchen. Myles grabbed him something to munch on and went to the pool area. I watched him, and as he walked through the open glass doors, he looked over to where the others were standing, and then he too walked over to them. I waited about five minutes, and then I quietly walked to the doors and looked out. I saw Rob on his knees sucking Jay. I cleared my throat and I think Rob almost bit Jay's cock off. They all jumped. I said "Boys, if you are going to do that so openly, then you need to not hide, do it in the family room." They looked at me like I was crazy. I returned to the kitchen and began to prepare the other parts of the dinner. Jay walked into the house and over to where I was working. He said "Pops are you for real? You are okay with us sucking each other?" I said "Well Jay, I guess that you are going to do it with or without my permission, so yeah come on in and do it." He shook his head and said "Did you fall and hit your head today?" I laughed and said "Yep." Well I thought that I had won the battle, but he walked back to the doors and called the guys into the family room. He said "Pops said that he is okay with it so here is what we are gonna do as I have some really full balls this afternoon. Rob is going to be my partner and Ryan and Myles can pair up. Ryan looked over at me looking for my approval. I said "Ryan, it you want it, go for it." He knelt down and took Myles' cock in his mouth. He began to lick it and run his tongue around the head of Myles' cock. Myles began to stiffen, and then Ryan seemed to forget that I was watching. He began to slide all the way down to Myles' pubes and back to the head. He started playing with Myles' balls and soon Myles was beginning to stand on his tip toes. He started telling Ryan that he was about to cum, and Ryan increased his sucking actions. Shortly Myles started unloading in Ryan's mouth. He finished Myles off and then stood up. I looked down at Ryan's cock and he was hard and his cock was pointing to his belly button. Myles pulled it down and started sucking him. Rob finished sucking Jay, and then Jay sucked Rob's thick cock in his mouth. I finished dinner and then called them to the table. I could not help but notice that Jay and Ryan had some cum on their chins. I motioned to them to wipe it off and they turned beet red. Everyone finished their dinner and began to place their plates in the sink. Ryan and Jay knew that they had the responsibility to clean up the kitchen, so I began to move out of the way. I decided to put something away in one of the upper cabinets and when I did, Jay reached around me and grabbed my cock. Ryan pulled my shorts down and I was standing there with my cock out wearing my shirt and shoes. I started to reach down to grab my shorts, but Jay grabbed my balls and started mashing them. I grabbed him by the shoulders, but he had a more powerful hold on my balls. Ryan moved over and grabbed my cock. He said "Well, well what do we have here?" I said "Ryan, get your hands off me now." Jay squeezed my balls again and said "Pops, your boy wants to suck you, and you are going to let him do it tonight as I am tired of hearing him whine." My cock was rising to the occasion, and Ryan began to lick my cock head. I began to ooze pre-cum, and he started lapping my cock. He called Rob and Myles over, and they decided that they wanted a taste too. I could not believe that they were doing this to me. I tried to push them away, but Jay's hold on my balls was too much for me. I felt someone put my cock in their mouth and slide down about halfway. I looked down and it was Myles. He looked up at me and smiled. I told him to stop, and Jay squeezed my balls again. I shut up and let Myles have his way with me. He stopped after awhile and told Ryan that it was all his. Ryan got down on his knees and looked carefully at my cock, as if he was memorizing it. He then took it into his mouth and proceeded to give me a mind-blowing and cock-blowing blow job. I blew a good sized load in his mouth. He swallowed and said "Well I guess I now have some brothers and sisters in me." Jay let loose of my balls and I rubbed them to get some feeling back. Jay said "Well we have one down and one to go." End of Chapter 12 So who will be sucked off next? How will they handle / trap that person? What did Ryan write as part of his writing assignment? What else could happen? Would Doug decide to not attend the Labor Day trip because of Ryan's behavior? Sorry that this has run a day late but I have been pushed with other appointments and commitments. I am going to try to get Chapter 13 written soon. Thanks to those who have written. Your comments on Chapter 11 have been very interesting. Jay