Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 12:41:46 -0400 From: Reprobate Subject: Neighbor Cop Neighbor Cop by Reprobate ( ******************************************************************* This is a true story based on a real experience in my past. Actual dialogue is, of course, fictionalized to fit my memory of the sequence of actual events. All rights and copyrights are in place. Most of the other stories I have posted are listed under "Reprobate" in the Authors section. All emails, whether complimentary or offering constructive criticism, are welcomed and responded to. ******************************************************************** In the winter when I was 13, that was the winter of '66 - '67 ... it was after I had spent the summer staying at the beach. I had become accustomed to having more dollars in my pocket that just my allowance and I liked the added independence that allowed me. I didn't have to keep asking my parents if I could have some money to buy something I wanted. If I had the money, then I could just buy it myself. So, after that summer, when I started high school, I began to spread the word around that I was available to babysit. Then as autumn approached, I started cleaning up yards and raking leaves. I was making enough money to have the independence I wanted. As winter approached, I signed up about half a dozen neighbors to let me shovel their driveways and walks. The neighbor right next door, he still allowed me to lift weights in his home gym and I had sprouted up to my final height of six feet. Over the past year, I had lost a lot of my "baby fat" which had hidden the definition of my developing muscles and, except for my hairy body, I thought I looked like a lot of the guys in the muscle magazines now. You could see my muscles now and they looked as hard and developed as they were instead of being masked by that youthful layer that so many of my friends still exhibited. I wasn't so developed that I could go into a contest or anything, but I looked the way I wanted to look. I looked "built" enough so nobody gave me any hassles about anything. I had a 56" chest and a 36" waist and topped the scales at over 250 lbs. of solid muscle. By the spring of '67, I had turned 14 and gained 2 more inches in my chest and another 50 lbs. But that was later. Most people could not believe I weighed as much as I did, most speculating I was more around the 200 lb. mark. Anyway, I digress. So winter started early that year and it seemed every morning before school I had a half dozen or so driveways to shovel out. One of the driveways I regularly shoveled belonged to my neighbor two doors down, on the other side of the one whose gym I used. That couple was Steve and Pam. He was a cop, but not in the town we lived in. I admit I had a bit of "hero worship" going on when it came to Steve. He was taller than me ... about 6'2" or 6'3" or so. He kept his dark hair cut in almost a military buzz cut but what struck you first when you looked at him were his eyes. Such a clear blue, and sparkle ... they sparkled and twinkled so brightly you would swear they were plugged into a power source of something. He had a powerful build on him, and he looked fantastic in his uniform. It fit him so perfectly I felt he must of had it special made or tailored to fit. Same with his civilian clothes. But then I was the same. Anything I had to buy "for good" had to be altered because of my build. Shirts had to be tapered. Pants ... I had to buy pants larger than I needed so they would fit my thick thighs ... and then everything above that had to be altered and tapered to fit me properly otherwise they looked way too baggy. But Steve, he just had a good strong build on him, not the "extremes" my physique had developed. Steve normally had just gotten home a few hours before I would start shovelling driveways when it snowed at about 6 AM. So when I would finish his drive, it was usually Pam who met me at the door to pay me because Steve would be sleeping. One Friday night it snowed especially hard and Saturday morning I had my half dozen driveways all clogged up with snow that came about mid thigh. So I started my shovelling at about 6 AM as per usual. I knew who had to have their driveways cleared first, so I concentrated on them and then shovelled out the ones that were less urgent. Steve's was the first one I always shovelled because he never knew when he would be called into work on an emergency. After I finished, I went to the door and knocked softly so I wouldn't wake Steve up. The house was completely dark still and Pam didn't answer. Instead of risking waking Steve up, I decided I would finish the other driveways and then come back to pick up my money at their place. It took hours longer than normal to finish, of course, but I didn't mind because the amount I charged to shovel the driveways was dependent on how much shovelling there was involved ... so that day I was going to make a bundle. Everyone was on a "sliding scale" except "old Mrs. Stewart" who was a retired school teacher ... I always charged her the same $1.50 no matter how much snow there was. It was 11 AM by the time I had finished. My pants and boots were caked with snow and I was chilled to the bone. When I started shovelling, I did not stop until I was done. Some of my customers tried to talk me into coming in and warming up for a few minutes, but I had to keep working until all my customers driveways were clear. On my way back home, I saw a light on in Steve's. Through the living room window it looked like it must be coming from the kitchen. So I trudged up the driveway and around to the backdoor, and sure enough the kitchen light was brightly lit. I knocked at the door and was surprised when Steve answered it. He peered around the partially open door and when he saw it was me, he invited me in for a moment. When I stepped and he closed the door I was surprised again to see him only wearing one of those terry cloth "after shower" kilt type things around his waist. I explained to him I was just collecting for shovelling the driveway. He apologised for not being awake when I knocked earlier but he had forgotten all about me coming, even though he had had to park his car on the street when he came home because he couldn't get into the driveway. I had seen Steve in his bathing suit over the years, but seeing him in his terry wrap seemed a little different. He was freshly shaved, and his neck flowed into his shoulders. He had a thick mat of dark hair across his chest, but it wasn't so thick that it masked his well defined pecs or the quarter sized nipples. His chest hair tapered to blow across his hard abdominals and flow in a river under his terry kilt. His still tanned muscled legs appeared at about mid-thigh and had a covering of hair that thinned as it got closer to his ankles. In those days, the bathing suits the guys wore were usually the knit ones or the nylon ones that really hugged they guys and left little to the imagination. So from having seen him many times in his own sky blue nylon trunks, I know he sported a pretty good bulge in front and a firm tight butt. I told him not to worry about it, that I had just finished all my driveways and was just heading back home again. Then I mentioned that Pam usually was up when I was there and she paid me. He explained that Pam's mother had taken ill a couple days before so she had travelled to her hometown to stay with her until she was better. I nodded in understanding and told him that while she was away, if I had to shovel the driveway that I wouldn't knock on the door unless I saw the kitchen light on. And if it wasn't on when I finished everyone's driveway, he could just either call when he woke up or drop the money over to my house when he got up. He thought that would be a fine idea. I guess the warmth of the kitchen finally got through to me and I started shivering something fierce ... finally realising just how cold I was and how cold my clothes still were. Steve saw me start to shake and seemed to notice for the first time that I was pretty much caked with snow from my thighs right down to my boots and it was starting to melt onto his kitchen door mat. He scooted me outside for a minute, grabbed a broom and with me standing on the step holding the outside door open and him standing in the kitchen with just his waist covered by that terry cloth kilt thing and holding the inside door opened, he proceeded to sweep all the snow off me as best as he could and as quickly as he could. Once done he hauled me back in and shut the doors quickly. Then he suggested I take off my coat and hang it over the back of a chair and position over by the hot water radiator and put my boots on top of the one on the other side of the kitchen. While I did that, he made me some hot chocolate and poured himself another cup of freshly brewed coffee. We sat at the kitchen table and Steve, I guess realising that I might have plans for the day, asked me if I had time to visit for a while. I told him I had nothing to do now that the driveways were all done. We had not really had a chance to talk since I returned home from my summer at the beach. Steve and Pam had lived in the neighborhood for a few years and usually each summer I would be over bugging Steve whenever he was outside working around the house on his days off. But it seemed we hadn't really spoken with each other at length in over a year. "You have really sprouted up this past year" Steve commented. "You still lifting weights in Aiden's gym?" Aiden was the neighbor between our houses. "Yes, I am still lifting weights regularly. Now that I have started high school, I can use their weight room as well as Aiden's on the weekends. I have started showing better muscle definition since the spring too." "You have? I know last year you were really well muscled but your baby fat was masking it pretty good." "No anymore, I guess " I smiled at him. "Open your shirt and let me see this "muscle definition" you are bragging about" he chuckled. Without hesitation I stood and pulled my sweater over my head, pulled my shirt out of my pants and unbuttoned it and pulled it open. "Holy cow, you weren't kidding" Steve commented. "And the hair, you sure have a lot more hair than you did a year ago." I blushed quickly, remembering the taunts and ridicule of my friends, and I looked down at the floor, "Hey buddy. I didn't mean to upset you. I didn't mean anything bad by saying that, I was just making an observation". He reached over and put a hand on my shoulder. Even after a summer of having encountered guys that bolstered my self confidence about my body hair, it only took a couple weeks of comments from my so called friends to knock it all out of me again. Steve's evident concern for my sudden change of mood was one of the reasons for my "hero worship" of him, and the fact he had received numerous commendations for saving peoples lives. He was a good cop and a good person. Steve guided me closer to him and held an arm in each of his hands as my own hands held my shirt closed around me. "What's the matter Peter? Why did my comment upset you so much" As I looked up into his blue eyes, his face showing his genuine concern, I couldn't help myself and started shaking with stifled sobs and tears started running down my cheeks. I may have the size and height of a man, but I was still only a 13 year old. Steve stood and pulled me to him, hugging me and running his hands up and down my back. "Look ... Peter ... we are friends. Right? Tell me what's going on. Maybe I can help. But even if I can't, just telling someone will help some. It's better than bottling it up." So with my head on his shoulder I told him what had been going on since the previous summer. The taunts and name calling by the other kids about my body hair, and some even about my developing muscles. They didn't bug me too much about my size until my muscles started showing themselves in more detail. Now I was being called "gorilla", "King Kong" and just plain freak. They would yell the taunts at me and then go running off, no doubt thinking I might kill them if I was able to get my hands on them. I told him of my summer at the beach and how no one there had said anything derogatory about my body hair and the ones that did comment said they thought it was "cool". He, of course, had know of my summer job of being the private life guard of the couple kids, about them getting sick and of me staying for the last weeks of August up there on my own. I told him how I had "gotten over" what the kids had been saying, so when it started again when I returned I wasn't prepared for it ... and it just seemed to hurt more and cut deeper. As I spewed out my tale of woe, he just hugged me and kept rubbing my back, and he just let me get it all out without interruption. When I had finished he tried to comfort me by saying those kids were just jealous and to just try to ignore them. He continued to say all the right words and I felt the memory of what the kids kept saying slowly become less important. Yes, I thought, they must be jealous because a lot of the ones taunting me couldn't even grow pubic hair yet ... and they all seemed to have the musculature of 8 year olds. I started to realize that none of the guys who had developed bodies, or that obviously had hit or gone through puberty ever said any of the nasty things the other kids were saying. In fact, most of them even asked me questions about my muscles and how I got so well developed and all that. So, as the realization of the truthfulness of Steve's words sunk in, my confidence started returning once more ... and it was then I realised I had been crying on his shoulder like a little kid and pushed myself back a bit. "There" Steve said, looking into my eyes "things don't seem so bad now, do they?" "No, you are right. But I feel stupid crying like a little kid now about it." "Hey buddy. Even grown men have to cry once in a while and you are still a teenager. Don't worry about it" he smiled. "Now, how about showing me those muscles you've developed." With my renewed confidence, I stepped back and removed my shirt and struck a comical rendition of a muscle man pose. "Ha ha ha ... now be serious" Steve quipped. I stood up straight and let Steve look at my chest and abdominals and when he asked me to turn around, I did so without hesitation. Steve moved a bit closer and reached out his hands to run his hands up and down my back, feeling the definition he could now see. "Whewewww" He whistled "you really have developed in the past year. You have a way better build on you than I have" "Maybe" I said "but you look real good just the way you are." Steve's hands moved up to my shoulders, and then down my arms. He turned me around and continued running his hands over my arms, then my chest and abdomen. "You have a scrub board developing on your belly" Steve smiled as he rubbed my abs. Stepping back, he continued "are you making sure you are working on your legs as much as your upper body?" "Yup" I stated and without being asked I undid my pants and pulled them off over my sock covered feet. Then I stood before him for his inspection clad only in my jockey briefs. Steve sat down in his chair, took another sip of coffee and then gestured for me to come closer. When I did, he asked if he could check out my legs, and with pride in my smile I nodded my ascent. I couldn't believe my "hero" thought I had a good body. As Steve started rubbing the fronts of my thighs, he commented "You really got yourself a good tan this summer." "Yeah, I was sunbathing almost every day" I said with pride. Using his hands, Steve once again swivelled me around and started to run his hands down my thighs and squeezed my calf muscles. In my haste to remove my pants, I had inadvertently pulled my briefs down a bit one hip. When Steve sat up straight in his chair again, he ran a finger across the exposed part of the top of one butt cheek. "Hey buddy, how far down is your tan line anyway?" he said with a laugh. I felt myself blushing again and instead of answering, I just shoved my briefs down to my thighs so Steve could see for himself. Gravity made my briefs fall off my thighs to my ankles. Steve coughed and choked a bit on the drink of coffee he had just taken when I made my unexpected exposure. "Holy shit" he said "oh ahhh, sorry. But geez, what did you do? Strip naked every day to sun bathe?" I turned my head to look over my shoulder and saw Steve staring right at my butt. "Yeah, pretty much. As often as I could anyway. I found a place where I could do it and nobody could see me." I said as I flexed and unflexed my glutes so Steve could see I worked on them regular too. Without asking this time, Steve reached out both hands and ran his hands over my butt, a couple times letting his fingers run down my butt crack when I relaxed my glutes. As his fingers occasionally grazed my butt hole, I felt my cock instantly rise to full hard. My breathing was becoming shallower and I, for the first time, wondered if something else might happen. But then I pushed that notion from my head. This guy was married and my friend. He was a cop and my secret hero. I convinced myself he only wanted to check my muscles. "Turn around Peter" Steve said in a husky kind of whisper. I stepped out of my briefs and with my hands cupped over my hard dick and my balls, I turned around. Steve sounded like his breath caught a bit "You really do have a great build on you, buddy" he said, his voice once again sounding almost normal. "Why not show me another of those muscle man poses?" he smiled "How about the one where you put both your hands behind your head and flex your biceps?" he suggested as he took another sip from his coffee. I just stood there, covering my dick and balls with my hands, looking at his somewhat flushed face ... and I could feel my face become a deep crimson. Steve looked from my concealing hands up to my face to glance into my eyes and immediately sensed the reason for my hesitation. "It's okay, buddy. Strike the pose for me and don't worry about your hardon. Its natural for guys to get them and we can't always control when we get them. Its only you and me here ... and I promise not to tell anyone. Okay? Now, put your hands up behind your head and flex your arm muscles." I took my left hand and moved it up behind my neck and flexed the muscles in that arm. "Okay. Good. You look great. You look fantastic for someone your age." he said. "Now the other hand" I hesitated a few moments. Then I moved my right hand up to clasp my left behind my neck and flexed both sets of muscles in each arm ... giving Steve the pose he requested. My hardon pointed straight out, pointing right at Steve. It bounced with each beat of my heart, and regularly throbbed causing a gob of precum to ooze out of my dick head. I was finding the whole situation such a turn on. My hero moving his hands over every part of my body and complimenting me like I had rarely been before. Steve's face seemed to be a little flushed still, and when he stood and took a step towards me, I noticed that he too had a hardon that was tenting out the front of his terrycloth wrap. I did not move as his hands once again ran over and around my chest, this time stopping to scratch and gently pinch my hard nipples. When he did that I pushed my head back into my cupped hands and closed my eyes, trying unsuccessfully to stifle a moan of pleasure. His hands left my tits and caressed their way over and down my stomach. As they drew nearer and nearer my crotch, I stood as I was, not moving, letting Steve touch me, deciding to let him touch me wherever and however he chose. It was such a long, slow, drawn out journey that his hands took, but at the same time possibly more erotic than any encounter I had ever had previously. I felt myself building towards the inevitable climax, my cock throbbing and bouncing and oozing so much precum it was dripping to the floor. As Steve's hands travelled across my abdomen, down my hips, around to my butt and then down to my thighs, he seemed to be avoiding my hard dick and my waiting balls. Over and over his hot wandering hands retraced their paths Steve seemed to be struggling with himself. Barely audible to me, he was saying to himself something like "I can't believe I am doing this. I shouldn't be doing this. I haven't done this since I was a kid." Over and over again he was saying this and other similar stuff . Like me, in a way, I guessed he couldn't believe the situation he now found himself in. As his hands travelled slowly down my abdomen again, with a very audible sign, he let his hands travel straight down to grasp my hard throbbing dripping cock in one hand and cup my balls, which were tight up to my body by now, with his other. While looking down at my cock, his hand spread the thick precum around my dick's head and down its shaft ... and then he grabbed it tight and began to stroke it. I don't think it took even a dozen strokes until I moaned out that I was cumming and immediately began shooting load after load on the front of his terrycloth wrap. He kept stroking me as I kept spewing, and his other hand ran back between my legs to my ass pucker and a finger started rubbing on my spasming ass hole. Just as my orgasm was subsiding, his finger rammed into my asshole to rub my still hard prostate and I immediately started spewing more cum as if it was a whole new orgasm. My legs, I moved them wide and squatted a bit, forcing more of his invading digit up my butt and I finally unclasped my hands from behind my neck to grab onto his bare shoulders for support. Steve slowly withdrew his finger from my ass hole even as it still gripped it firmly inside. As I stood up straight I hugged Steve to me as I regained my breath. I felt Steve's still hard cock punch firmly into my stomach as I drew him near. I fumbled for the buttons I knew were holding the kilt thing around his waist and it fell to floor between us and I pulled him close ... his hard throbbing cock pointed up towards our chests held firmly between us. Steve moaned uncontrollably as I ground his cock between us, feeling his full hard balls rubbing against my own soft cock and balls. My hands slipped down his back until I held his buns in each hand. As our mutual grinding together increased, and his climax approached, his hands once again slipped down my own back to my butt and once again started inserting a finger into my pucker, forcing me to groan once more and hunch my hips back to take his finger fully. With a whimpering moan into my shoulder, Steve's cum flew up between us, coating our pecs and then abdomens with his load ... and we smeared it willingly with our continued grinding. As soon as Steve's orgasm was over, he quickly bent down to pick up his terrycloth wrap and briskly wiped his cum off my body and then without a word left the kitchen. I heard the shower turn on for a few minutes and then it stopped abruptly. A few minutes later, Steve appeared back in the kitchen with a t-shirt and blue jeans on. I had put my clothes back on while he was gone and was sitting at the kitchen table sipping my now nearly cold hot chocolate. Steve poured himself another coffee and sat at the table across from me, not looking at me at all, not saying a word. I sat there, sipping my hot chocolate, waiting for him to start talking again. Finally, Steve, still looking at the cup he clasped in his hands "I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me. I ... I .... I'm sorry." Then he took another sip of his coffee. "Don't be sorry Steve. You didn't do anything I didn't want you to do. It's okay. It's okay when buddies do stuff with each other. I do the same kind of stuff with other good friends. So its okay. I like it." I smiled. He looked up at me surprised. "You do this kind of stuff with other guys? Who? How long have you been doing it?" "This stuff ... and other stuff. And I have been having sex with guys for about 2 years. But I am not telling you who. That is just between me and the friends I do it with. Just like I won't tell anyone about what we just did. That's just buddy stuff between me and you. Nobody else is ever going to know about it from me." "What you and I did together ... that is wrong. Its wrong because I am an adult and you are a kid. I could get fired from my job, or worse, if anyone found out. Oh geez ... I don't know what happened. Why did I do that to you." "You did not do anything to me" I said, trying to ease the anguish I heard in his voice. "We are buddies, friends ... and its okay if friends have sex together as far as I am concerned. I liked it ... didn't you? And I promise, no body will ever know we did stuff together. Not the stuff today or the stuff we do after today." Again he jerked his head up in surprise "Yes" he said tentatively "I did enjoy what we did. What do you mean ... the stuff we do after today?" It was my turn to be surprised. "Well, I just thought if you liked it, we could do it again some day. Do that, and maybe other stuff. I would like to if you do. But if you don't want to do it again, its okay. I know you and Pam must have sex all the time, so you might not feel like having sex with me again." It hadn't even dawned on me that he might not want to have sex with me because he felt guilty about it. Steve just looked down at his coffee cup, smiling and shaking his head. "Talking about this stuff, it doesn't bother you, does it? Its just sex to you, nothing more. No sense of it being right or wrong. If it feels good, then you just do it. Is that right? That's what it is with you and your friends. You just do because it feels good. Hasn't anyone talked to you about sex ... and about what is right and what is wrong?" "Nobody in my house will even say sex let alone talk about it. Everything I know about sex I read in the library. The books never said anything about any kind of sex being wrong or right. So, I started having sex with friends when I was 11 years old. And then in September, I had sex with a girl for the first time. She thought I was my brother because I was sitting in his truck I guess. She was really mad at me after when she found out I wasn't my brother. Sex with her was okay, but I think I like sex with my friends better." "You are unbelievable" he said with the first genuine smile since he'd come back into the kitchen. "Now you promise that you will never say anything to anyone about what just happened here ... do you?" "Of course I promise. I told you I never tell anyone about anything any of my other friends and I do, why would I start with you? Especially you. You are a good friend and a close buddy ... and I hope you always will be. But I know that won't happen if I go blabbing about stuff that is private between you and me. Just like you wouldn't go blabbing about it to any of your friends or the neighbors. Heck, when I help you in your shop, I don't go blabbing what I am helping you build ... so why would I blab about this?" Steve reached over and ruffled my hair a bit "You are amazing, buddy" I just blushed in silence. "Now, let me get you what I owe you for shovelling the driveway and I can let you get on with your day." "Okay" I said, finishing the last bit of hot chocolate and moving to put the mug in the sink. As I put my now mostly dry boots back on, Steve handed me the money and I stuffed it into my pocket. "Thanks" I said with a smile, as I started to put on my coat and zipper it up. Bundled up for the outdoors, I said and waved good-bye as I exited the kitchen and headed home, eager for the hot lunch I knew must be waiting for me. I finished my lunch and then, suddenly feeling exhausted from my morning exertions, I went to my room to lay down for a while and promptly fell asleep. A couple hours later, my mother knocked on my bedroom door and opened it a bit to tell me Steve was on the phone for me. I hadn't even heard the phone ring, I must have been really sleeping good. I got off the bed and picked up the extension in the hallway. "Hi Steve" "Hi Peter. What are you up to this afternoon?" "Oh nothing. I was just catching a nap." "I'm sorry if I woke you. I was wondering if you would feel up to helping me move some furniture around. Pam has been after me for weeks to do it and now that she isn't here, I have nothing else to do so may as well get that off the list" Steve said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. "It was time I was awake anyway ... and sure, I can help you move the stuff. No problem. Just give me a few minutes and I will be right over." I didn't think anything of Steve's request. I knew Pam had been after him to move the furniture ... again ... because she kept telling me he still hadn't done it almost every time I saw her. But, since our interaction that morning, since Steve had toyed with my butt hole, I had been experience an almost itch back there. And I knew what would ease it. Its the same itch that had led my friend Norm to stick his hard cock up my ass for the first time last spring. He had been toying with my butthole when we got together for sex, ever since I discovered the delight of having my ass played with when I was with my piano teacher all those months earlier. But the more often he fucked me with his finger, the more I knew I wanted something more up there. Finally, his desire to do it became as great as my desire to have him do it. Although extremely painful the first time, mainly because we had no idea of lubricant or preparation, the next couple times were better as we realised adding Vaseline and using a couple fingers up there first would make things easier. But, although Norm and I had the opportunity to exchange quick blowjobs since I got home after the summer, we'd had no opportunity where he could again fuck me yet. And after Steve's diddling with my hole earlier, I now knew I wanted it ... and wanted it bad. So I would see if I could maybe entice Steve into helping me out. I stripped off in my room and hauled out a pair of what they called "hip huggers". They were the fashion just then, but I didn't like the color of one pair my mother had bought for me, so I used them for just mucking about. But they were tight and knew they showed of my butt and thighs real good. I threw on a white t-shirt that was now a little thread-bare and a size or two too small. It hugged my frame so nothing was left to the imagination. Then I threw on a baggy pullover sweater over top of it ... threw on my outer clothes when I got to the door and told my mother I was going to help Steve move some stuff for a while. Steve had already asked my mother if it was okay if he asked me to help ... so my telling her was just a formality. I knocked on Steve's door and he greeted me with a smile and I was once again in the kitchen. This time, though, Steve was all business. We immediately set to moving all the furniture around in the living room, back to the way it had been 6 months previous when Pam had decided she didn't like it that way. We cleaned under where the furniture had been, and then where it was going to be, and then set it all up. Then we moved to the dining room doing the same routine. Then the guest bedroom and finally the master bedroom. By the time we were finished, we were both panting and sweating up a storm. We went to the kitchen and only then realised it was supper time ... and time I should be headed home. But I still needed something wet to drink. I had sweated through my thin t-shirt so I may as well have not been wearing it at all. My hard nipples showing clearly through the fabric. My nipples were always hard it seems. Always poking out in any shirt or sweater I wore. Steve got us both a bottle of soda pop from the refrigerator and just as he sat down and place the pop in front of me ... the lights went out. Only then did we see out the windows into the darkness and realize it had been begun storming again, quite heavily. "Oh well" I said "Looks like another night of being wrapped up in a bunch of blankets again" I said with a smile as I took a long pull from the bottle of soda. "Oh yeah, you guys got that natural gas forced air furnace last year didn't you." "Yeah. And every time the power goes out it stops working because the fan won't come on." "Just about everyone around here got hooked up to the natural gas when it came past. I guess I am glad I couldn't afford it then. I still have the old oil burning hot water heaters. I guess I better haul out the oil lamps though." Steve had just finished lighting a few of the oil lamps and placing them around the house when there was an urgent knock at the back door. I got up and opened it ... and my mother came rushing in carrying something all bundled up in a blanket ... completely out of breath. "Hi Steve" my mother said "I had just cooked a couple casseroles when the power went out. I didn't think you would have been thinking about supper yet, so I brought one over for you, since you probably won't be able to cook anything now that the power is out." She unwrapped the casserole and set it on the stove top. Then she continued "Our furnace went out with the electricity. Peter's brother is staying over at a friend of his because they have a wood burning furnace ... and I hate to impose on you ... but would it be okay if Peter stayed here with you over night until the power comes back on? I know you still have the old hot water system and will have heat as well. Peter's father and I are going to stay at Aiden's and we can cuddle up in blankets in front of their fireplace for the night." "Sure, sure" Steve said "its not a problem. You sure the two of you don't want to come over and stay here? There's lots of room." "Oh no ... no. Aiden and his wife are real close friends and since they don't have any family, we'd feel better knowing they are okay." my mother said. I was a little concerned about my mother because she was 8 months pregnant with, who I would find out in a little over a month, was my little sister. Talk about an "after thought" hahahaha. But my mother had made up her mind, and once she did that there was no changing it. So my mother thanked Steve, gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug and told me to behave myself and not give Steve any problems. "He will be fine. We will be fine. Don't worry. Just stay warm ... and thanks again for dinner. I have no doubt it will be delicious." Steve said ... and my mother was out the door. We watched as she went down the driveway, along the sidewalk to Aiden's driveway and up his house and immediately disappearing inside. Steve went to the casserole and lifted the lid and the familiar aroma of my mothers oven stew filled the kitchen. She always made a real "stick to your ribs" stew, and she had set about a half dozen of her famous tea biscuits on top so they would be hot for us too. Steve wasted no time putting the biscuits on a plate and filling a bowl of stew for each of us. Little was said as we each devoured a couple bowls and polished off the biscuits. It really hit the spot for both of us. Steve had poured us both a glass of milk for the meal ... but as he set our used dishes into the sink, he grabbed us each another soda. I know he would probably have preferred a coffee, but with the power out coffee wasn't an option. We both slouched back in our chairs with a satisfied pat to our stomachs and we grinned at each other. "Your mother is a damned fine cook. I wish Pam could cook like that." "Mom has had a lot of experience" I grinned "and that stew recipe is one of my grandmothers. You think Mom's stew is good? You should taste my grandmothers ... it is way better" After a moments silence, Steve again spoke up "Guess its lucky for both of us that I am off tonight." "Oh yeah. I thought you worked Saturday nights." I said "Normally I do, but another guy asked me to switch with him because he needs Monday night off. So this week I have Saturday & Sunday. Its a nice change." "That reminds me" Steve said as he got up from the table and walked to the phone "I will call in and see if they know how long the power will be out." I listened to Steve's side of the conversation without looking as if I was listening. When he hung up, he came back to the table and took a drink of his soda and said "Well, they say the power won't be on until maybe tomorrow morning. Maybe afternoon. One of those high voltage towers came down in the wind so the power is cut off for about 30 miles around. All those wires that run along that line all snapped when the tower came down. They are going to try to splice the wires together for a temporary fix ... but its going to be weeks before they get the tower replaced." I didn't know what to say, so I just sipped my pop. Steve lifted his arm and sniffed his arm pit "Shit ... oops sorry ... forgot myself. Anyway, I stink like a race horse, and I can smell you from here. I think we both need a shower." "A shower?" I said "But the powers out, there won't be any hot water." "Its only been out for a little bit so there should be enough hot water left to take a shower." "I have never had a shower ... we only have a bath tub at home." "Really? Well you are going to have a new experience tonight." he said with a grin. "Come on, lets get ready. I am not sure how much hot water there will be so we better shower together and just have quick ones ... while we still have the hot water." So off we went to his bedroom and stripped off our clothes. He grabbed a couple bath towels from the linen closet as we padded naked to his bathroom down the hall. Once there, Steve started the water running. As the hot water made its way into the bathroom pipes, Steve says "Now this is how it works. You step in first and get wet all over ... then you move to the other end of the bathtub and start soaping up and I will step in and get myself all wet. Then you give me the soap and you get under the water and rinse off while I soap up and then I'll move under the water to rinse off while you shampoo your hair and then we switch again. You got it?" he said with a wide smile. I nodded my agreement and when he switched the flow of water to the shower head ... I stepped in and got we and then moved to the back of the tub and Steve stepped in. Things were going along great, each of us doing our soaping up and rinsing, me shampooing my hair and rinsing while Steve shampooed his hair. Then as we switched positions one last time, suddenly Steve's feet slipped out from under him and went crashing to the floor of the tub. When his feet shot out from under him, his feet flew into mine causing me to come crashing down on top of him. The water continued to pour down on the two of us, so the shampoo was getting rinsed out of his short hair ... but Steve just laid there groaning. I knew he went down hard, and I was sure I heard his head slam into the floor of the tub ... and no doubt me landing on top of him didn't help. I was slightly dazed myself, but I soon came out of it when the water started becoming colder. I reached up and turned off the water ... and then got myself off of Steve and out of the tub so I was kneeling down beside it, checking his head to make sure he hadn't split his head open. For my lifeguard training, I had to learn all the Red Cross stuff and even took an ambulance course ... so I knew how to check someone out to look for broken bones and such. Besides a quickly developing bump on the back of his head, he had no other evident injuries. I had no doubt that when I landed on him I knocked the wind out of him. Once I knew it was safe to move him, I started calling his name. "Steve? Steve? You are okay Steve. We just fell in the bathtub. But now you have to help me get you out and dried before you catch a cold." Steve rolled to his side and put one arm over the rim of the tub and I helped him pull himself up so he was on his knees ... then I helped him to stand and step out of the tub so he was standing on the bath mat. Each movement seemed to wrench a gasp through clenched teeth and a facial grimace. He may not have broken anything, but he must have stretched or pulled something I thought. I grabbed a towel and briskly rubbed him down ... and because he was still a little woozy, I sat him on the toilet while I dried his hair and head ... checking again the goose egg he now had on the back of his head. When I touched it, Steve groaned and moved his hand up, but I easily kept his hand away. Then I grabbed the other towel and gave myself a quick dry down and towel dried my hair. I went out into the hallway and grabbed a couple more dry towels from the linen closet and I wrapped and secured one around my waist as I entered the bathroom. Then I helped Steve stand up and I wrapped one around his waist while he hung onto the basin for balance. Then I helped him back to his bedroom and laid him on his stomach on the bed. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a clean tea towel and dumped some ice from the freezer into it, wrapped it up and then smashed the ice with the cast iron frying pan I found hanging on the wall behind the stove. When I returned to the bedroom, Steve hadn't moved except to run his hand back and forth across the small of his back and under his towel a bit and was moaning in what could only be a bit of pain. I kneeled up on the bed beside him and put the towel ladened with the crushed ice onto the bump on the back of his head. "Oooo .." Steve said with the initial contact and then "ahhhhhh ... that feels better. Thanks. What happened anyway?" "You slipped in the tub and fell pretty hard, but you knocked me down when you went down and I landed on top of you." "No wonder I feel like I've been hit by a truck" he chuckled and then groaned with pain. "Hey" I said jokingly "it isn't my fault you are so clumsy" Steve chuckled again, and groaned as he once again tried to roll over to sit up. "Shit ... oops sorry, again. I must have pulled some muscles in my back. I can hardly move." he said, once again reaching his one hand back to rub just above and a wee bit under the towel that was covering him. "Would you stop worrying about saying 'Shit' in front of me. I have heard worse and said worse, so stop worrying about it. And ... do you want me to give you a muscle rub on your back?" "You know how to rub the muscles?" Steve asked "Heck yeah. I've been lifting weights regular for a couple years now .. almost. Of course I know about rubbing the muscles when I hurt them." I said impatiently. "Guess that was a stupid question wasn't it. Sorry. But if you know how to rub the muscles then go ahead. The trainer in college used to rub us players down when we injured ourselves during a game so we'd be ready for the next game." "Well okay then. You have some oil or lotion or something? There is some liniment in the cabinet over the sink ... maybe that would work best." I went into the bathroom, smelled the liniment and quickly chose a bottle of not bad smelling lotion beside it and returned to the bedroom. "No way am I putting that liniment on you. Just a quick smell of it made my eyes water. So ... " I said as I held the lotion so he could see it "I decided maybe this would be better. Is it okay to use it?" "Sure. Pam bought it but she didn't like it. She said it took too long to soak into the skin" "Sounds good for a muscle rub then. I better pull the bedspread, blanket and sheets down to the bottom of the bed. Then when I am done, I can just pull the sheets up over us because it will be about time to get some sleep anyway." So I pulled the sheets down and Steve helped by moving himself the little he could. I poured some lotion in my hands as I moved up beside him and started rubbing his back at his shoulders. I worked his muscles as best I could, working my way down. In those days, nobody ever heard of a massage, it was a muscle rub ... but it was in reality a massage. Steve's back was really tightened up so I worked the muscles and each muscle group until each was relaxed and then I would move further down. Steve didn't say a word until I got to the small of his back. When I started working the muscles there and they started to relax a bit ... Steve groaned and said "That feels so good. That's right where it hurts the most" I worked the small of his back a long time until I was sure the muscles there were totally relaxed ... and Steve was letting me know that I was doing good by each quiet moan he let escape his lips. Unexpectedly, Steve reaches up to the makeshift ice pack and pulls it from the back of his head "This thing is starting to leak all down the sides of my head. I think its done all the good it can do. My head sure feels better anyway" I got off the bed and grabbed the ice pack and took it into the kitchen where I shook the remains of the smashed ice cubes into the sink and then set the tea towel on the hot water radiator to dry. When I re-entered the bedroom, the first thing I noticed was that Steve had slipped the towel off to one side of his butt ... so his backside was completely naked to my eyes. "Hope you don't mind, but I figured it would be easier for you to keep on rubbing with the towel not in the way. I was wondering if you could rub just a little lower than you were, the top few inches of my butt. The muscles there are really sore." "No problem Steve." as I kneeled back on the bed beside him. After spending all day moving furniture and then Steve falling in the shower, all thoughts of possible sex had gone completely from my head. But as I started to rub the muscles at the top of his butt and hearing his appreciative moans, my teenage hormones started raging again. I was so nervous, more nervous than I think I had ever been. That didn't stop my cock from jumping to full hardness under the heavy towel I wore which started to soak up the precum I was almost instantly oozing. I knew I wanted to have sex with Steve, I knew I wanted to try to get him to stick his cock up my butt to scratch that itch I felt before and that was now quickly returning. I just didn't know how I could go about it, unless he took charge of the situation. After that mornings encounter with him, I did not think he would do the taking over though. After I finished working the muscles at the top of his butt, I was suddenly too nervous to continue on down his marvellous muscled butt without him asking me to ... or telling me to. So I shifted myself down to his feet and started working on his calves. I did not know about foot massages in those days. The calves didn't take long and I was soon rubbing his thigh muscles. Again, although his moans and groans of appreciation and enjoyment made me want to rub the thighs all the way up to where they joined his curved butt, I hesitated, just gently rubbing the backs of his thighs while my mind argued with itself about if I should or shouldn't. Steve, through a somewhat breathless whisper said "It's okay to rub the muscles higher up, if you want to." I started rubbing with more force again, continuing up from where I started hesitating. As my hands moved higher, Steve subtly spread his legs further apart so I could rub his inside thighs. His full firm balls were now visible between his parted legs. I was finding it harder to catch my own breath even though the rub I was giving Steve was not strenuous. Steve, on the other hand was breathing easily and deeply, except when my fingers accidentally grazed the back of his nut sack a couple times and then he would gasp and moan a bit more. When I reached the top of his thighs, Steve again spoke softly "Higher". The only higher I could rub was right on his butt, so taking a deep breath, I put more lotion on my hands and started to rub each hip and then I widened my rubbing until I was caressing his whole ass. It was hard muscle beneath a softer more pliable layer, and my own dick seemed to jump every time my fingers came close to his crack, or when they rounded the curve where his butt cheeks joined his thighs. Just as I was finishing rubbing his glutes, a part of me grew more bold and I ran the fingers of one hand down his crack, dragging my finger nails across his pucker and then more gently across that area between his asshole and balls. Then I reversed my fingers and started back up again, this time pausing at his pucker and gently rubbed around and on his ass lips for what seemed a number of minutes but it must have been only seconds. Steve moaned loudly, as the same time spreading his legs even further as he whispered "Oh shit ... I never knew ... oh wow ... mmmmmmmm." My fingers ran the same course along his ass crack a couple more times, Steve seeming to enjoy each pass of my fingers more than the previous one. Then somewhat reluctantly, I told him that his back was done and it was time to role over. Steve grabbed the towel and recovered his butt with it and held both ends at his side as I helped him roll over onto his back. Then he released both ends and the end of what now lay under his butt fell back to the bed, and the end of the part now draping across his hips and the tops of his thighs was drawn further to the middle by the tent covering his obviously hard cock. This pretty much left one hip completely bare. There before me, only covered by the towel, was the "prize" I was after. Steve looked down at it, and as I dragged my own eyes from the tent to look into his face, he looked at me with kind of a lopsided grin. "Sorry about that, Peter. Your muscle rub felt really good" "No problem. Its just us here and we all get them" I said with more maturity than I felt at that moment. I felt myself speak with a quiver in my voice, but Steve acted like he did not notice it though. Steve's arms were by his side, so squirting more lotion in my hands, I started to rub the tops of his shoulders and then down each arm. As I rub his muscles, a plan started to develop in my hormone ravaged teenaged mind. When I was done Steve's shoulders and arms, I asked him to move them above his head. He put one arm so it curved around the top of his head, the other kind of draped over his eyes. I started to rub his pectorals and then asked "Can I sit on your stomach to rub your pecs? Its kind of awkward doing it from the side." "Yeah, sure buddy. Whatever makes it easiest for you." If my plan worked, I thought I better prepare myself so I told Steve I had to use the bathroom and would be right back. I had the lotion in my hand as I exited the room. I wasn't really lying, I did need to use the toilet. I quickly peed in the toilet and flushed, and then squirted some lotion in my hand, lifted my towel and rubbed the lotion around my butt hole and worked some up my anxious pucker. I washed my hands and headed back to the bedroom. Steve hadn't moved, but I could see that his cock had gone to a semi-hard and was laying under the towel pointed at his navel. I got on the bed again, this time straddling his lower abdomen, my own towel between my naked but and his stomach. I squirted more lotion in my hands and started rubbing his chest. Each time I moved my hands a bit lower on his chest, I moved myself further down his body. And each time I moved further down his body, I felt Steve's towel being moved down with me, but still our nakedness was separated by my own towel. When I had rubbed down to his lower abdominals, I started moving my rubbing slowly back up. As I did, I positioned myself further up and each time I moved I felt my own towel being moved backwards, further up my thighs. I knew my plan was working when I felt Steve's once again hard cock slap up and hit my hairy balls. I silently caught my breath, and Steve had an audible intake of breath, but he didn't move or say anything. I moved my hands a bit higher up so I was now rubbing his pectorals again, rubbing across his hardened tits a little more often with my thumbs. As I moved my body further up, I could feel Steve's precum ooze out and coat the back of my balls and perineum as it bobbed and jerked on its travel. Time seemed to stand still, I think I had even stopped breathing as I moved just a wee bit further and I felt Steve's hard wet cockhead pressing against my ass pucker. I started a series of longer strokes, each causing me to move my ass back onto his precum oozing dick which was poised right at my asshole. I would move forward a bit, and then back, each time my pucker relaxing a bit more and letting his dripping dick head a bit further up my butt. Steve kept his arm across his eyes and still did not say a word ... but I could hear his breathing becoming quicker. Still using my stroking hands as a pretext, I forced more and more of his now throbbing dick through my ass lips, his precum mixing with the lotion I had already stuffed up there to make this slow rocking entry into my ass completely painless. Each time more of his cock entered me, I could not stifle the not quite silent gasps escaping my lips. Finally I felt his complete cock head pop into my ass and I groaned and held my hips still while my hands still absently continued their stroking. Steve's hands suddenly and unexpectedly came to life and he reached down gripped my waist "No, no ... we shouldn't do this. You shouldn't do this. Its not right." but his hands only half heartedly tried to dislodge his cockhead from my butt. Almost fearful that he would try with renewed vigor to stop what was happening ... I took a deep breath and sat down fully on his hard cock until I felt his public hairs on my balls and thighs and his balls hit my butt cheeks. I gasped loudly and tilted my head back to gaze at the ceiling. There was no pain, but my butt suddenly felt completely full, more full than when Norm fucked me. Steve's groan echoed around the room and his hands fell back to bed. "Oh God ... so tight, so hot ... mmmmmm ... oh yeah" he said, and as my spasming ass hole started gripping and ungripping the length of his hard cock, it started jerking and spewing its load straight up my waiting butt. I held still, feeling his cock pulse and throb inside my ass, coating its walls, torturing my prostate each time it jerked inside me as it shot out his load. After Steve finished cumming, his still hard cock buried to its hilt inside my butt, I started to fuck myself on him. Raising up and dropping down to take him fully once more, all thoughts of the muscle rub now being fucked from my conscious mind. Steve's hands moved to rub my knees and then under my towel up my thighs. He then unfastened my towel and tossed it on the floor beside the bed. His hands now gripped my hips, raising his own up to meet my ass as it once again devoured his eager cock. My own cock slapped against his lower abdominals, spraying leaking precum all over him as it splattered against him each time his cock thrust into me fully. Our moans, groans and unintelligible mouthings, mixing and blending in the otherwise silent house. Again, much too soon for me, Steve arched his back and held still as another groan, almost a yell, seemed to be ripped from his lungs. Then once again his cock was spewing its juice into my ass, mixing with his previous load, again his cock bouncing with each spurt to taunt and tease my prostate. I could feel his hot cum coating my insides ... and then I was aware of it leaking out of my butt to drip on his pubes and down across his balls. I stopped moving my hips and let my hands continue with their rubbing of his chest and abdominal muscles. As Steve started breathing again, he opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes moved, without expression, from my face, down my chest and abdomen to my still hard cock laying, throbbing, in a splattered mass of precum just above his pubic hair. Without a word, with his softening cock still wedged up my butt, his hand trailed slowly up my thigh and over to grip my cock at its base. Then, using his index and middle finger on the top and his thumb on the bottom ... he started a vigourous jacking of my too excited prick. I grunted with each stroke his gripping fingers made and just as Steve's cock slipped from my tightening pucker, I started shooting my pent up load. The first shot cleared his head and landed on the headboard, the next landed in a rope at the side of his nose draping itself down across his closed lips. Subsequent shots landed on his chest and abdomen. I must have shot a good 8 or so volleys and as he continued stroking my cock went into its version of the "dry heaves", bringing me unbridled pleasure with each spasm, but nothing came out. My cock started to become too sensitive, so I moved my hand down to stop Steve's stroking .. but he wouldn't let it go, merely changed his grip so he was cupping my now soft dick and loose balls in his hand ... exploring them with gentle fingers. I looked down into Steve's eyes, and smiled a smile of satisfaction. Finally, Steve smiled back a contented smile of his own and I knew somehow there would not be a repeat of the guilt he felt after our morning experience. Glancing down at his chest and abdomen, as he licked my sprayed cum from his lips, he smiled back up at me and said "I think we made a mess." **** Stay tuned for Part 2 of Neighbor Cop ****