Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 14:11:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Jon D Subject: Nick's Dragons -1 Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION. Any similarity between my characters and real people, places, or events is merely a coincidence. This story contains descriptions of imagined sexual activity between a teenage boy and an adult. If you are not 18 years old or if it is illegal where you live to read material of this kind, please stop here. If you believe that this story might offend you please go to another site. You are invited to send comments or story ideas to Nick's Dragons - 1 The sun was warm, but not unbearably hot; the library pleasantly cool and quiet. The quaint river town had been given its name by French fur traders more than three hundred years earlier. They had seen native people playing a game which they called, Lacrosse, the name stuck. For all that, nothing changed very much, kids were born, grew up, and some moved away. Those that stayed found jobs and raised families of their own. The plain and somewhat unkempt boy was in his usual place in the library, sitting cross legged on the floor in the kids' reading area. His back was against the wall, as he rested a book in his lap. He appeared to be about fourteen. His tangled black hair looked in need of a good wash and a trim. His jeans hinted they had been handed down. His striped pull over shirt was faded and somewhat dingy, the cheap sneakers well worn and dirty. He didn't look like a bad kid, other words came to mind; neglected, ignored, forgotten, and almost certainly invisible. Daniel Knight, however, had noticed. Having just completed his undergraduate degree at the local college; he knew a degree in English wouldn't be as useful as one with teaching credentials, so had decided to begin a master's degree in the fall. He had come to the library every morning since, spending three or four hours in order to make a start on the long reading list the school had sent at the end of term. Daniel had noticed the kid had been there every day as well. What had caught Daniel's eye was the look of sadness on his face until he had a book in his hand. Once he sat down, a smile slowly appeared as the words on the page seemed to work a kind of magic. * * * * As the days went by, Daniel watched as the kid carefully looked at everyone as they came and went. He would seem to appraise each person and then, apparently having summed them up; would go back to his reading. Several times a day Daniel became aware that he himself was the subject of the kid's looks. He shifted uncomfortably a couple of times at first, but eventually glanced back. He smiled; the kid quickly looked down, and returned to his reading. It was on Tuesday of the following week that they finally spoke. "Mister, could you help me reach a book?" the kid asked softly as he walked up to Daniel. "Sure, my name's Daniel, what's yours?" "I'm Nick, well Nicholas actually, but I like Nick better." "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you, too." Nick smiled. "What book do you need?" "It's over there," the kid pointed, "It's about Dragons." Daniel smiled, "I loved books like that when I was your age." Nick grinned, "You did?" "Yeah, it was one of my all time favorite things to read about." Nick smiled, "I think somebody put them in the wrong place. They should be down lower." Daniel retrieved the book from one of the upper shelves and handed it to Nick. "Here you go, let me know if you need anything else." "Thanks," Nick blushed. Daniel nodded and went back to his studies. * * * * The next day Daniel was surprised to find Nick was already in his usual place when he arrived. "The little guy is early today!" Daniel mused, spreading out his work. As Daniel settled in, he glanced over to see Nick was staring at him again. Daniel smiled and gave a little wave of his hand. Nick grinned and shyly waved back. It seemed they were becoming "study buddies". An hour or so later, Daniel looked up to see Nick standing a foot or so away from him. At just a bit over five feet he appeared small in stature, and to Daniel, thinner than most boys his age. His features were delicate, his skin a soft tone that suggested a Mediterranean heritage. "I need another book," Nick said softly with an embarrassed look. Daniel grinned. "No problem," he laughed, "which one?" "The Sorcerer's Dragon," Nick replied. They walked to the stack. As Daniel handed it to him, Nick's hand brushed against Daniel's. "Sorry," he mumbled and turned red. Daniel nodded, "It's okay." Several more days went by in much the same way, each exchanging a few words with the other, but never straying away from the topic of books. * * * * "Daniel, I need you again," Nick giggled. "You finished that last book already?" "Yeah, it was great! It had knights, and swords, dragons, and everything!" Daniel smiled. "You really love that stuff don't you?" Nick looked down, "Sometimes it's nice to be in another place for a while," He whispered. Daniel nodded. "I think I know what you mean. Do you mind if I ask you something?" Nick shrugged. "I noticed that you're still wearing the same clothes you had on three days ago. Are you okay?" Nick blushed. "I have a couple of more shirts, but mom hasn't done laundry for a while. She's been sick. We have to go to the Laundromat and it's four blocks away." Daniel nodded. "Nick, if you needed help, you'd let me know, right?" Nick nodded gently. As he turned to go, Daniel saw tears in the boy's eyes. * * * * Daniel tossed and turned that night, unable to sleep. Seeing the sadness on Nick's face haunted him. Daniel hurried to the library early the next morning. He wanted to be the first person there. He was surprised to see Nick already sitting on the curb. "You're here early," Daniel smiled as he sat down next to the boy. "No place else to go," Nick shrugged. "How's your mom doing?" Nick looked up at Daniel, paused, and then spoke. "She's passed out again. She was drinking all night," he whispered. "Your dad?" "Never met him." "Are you the only one at home?" "My older brother ran away last year. We don't know where he is." Nick's head drooped, he stared at his feet. There was a little growl from his stomach. "Was that you?" Daniel laughed gently. "Yeah," Nick blushed. "How about some breakfast? My treat?" Nick looked up. "Golden arches, how about it?" A small smile crossed Nick's face, "Could I get pancakes?" "Whatever you want!" * * * * Breakfast over, Daniel and Nick climbed back into Daniel's car. Daniel rolled down the window. "No offense, Nick, but we really need to get you some clean clothes," he laughed softly. "Sorry," Nick said making a sad face. "Not your fault," Daniel quickly added. "How about we stop at one of those big box stores and I get you something clean to wear?" "My mom doesn't have any money for new clothes." "She has money for drinking though," Daniel thought, but didn't say anything. "I've got plastic, I'll worry about paying for it next month," he laughed. Two pairs of jeans, a couple of shirts, and a pack of boxers later the guys left the store. "Thanks, Daniel," Nick whispered as he climbed into the car. "My pleasure, now can we get you showered up?" Nick nodded. "Yeah, it's even starting to bother me!" he giggled. "I'll take you home, which way?" Daniel asked, pulling out. "I'm not sure that would be a good idea, you know, my mom and all?" "Well, I guess you can come to my place." Nick shrugged, "I can do it later." Daniel smiled, "Believe me, now is better than later," he laughed and waved his hand past his nose. "Okay, I give up," Nick giggled. * * * * Daniel lived in a small apartment on the second floor of an older home. It had its own entrance, a tiny living room, kitchen, bath and an average size bedroom. It was described in the newspaper as a "cozy one bedroom" but Daniel thought that was being generous. Daniel opened the door and Nick walked in. "Boy, you sure have a lot of books!" Nick said, looking around. There were stacks on every table, the floor, and all the shelves were full. Daniel guessed a newcomer would think it looked like a professor's study at an Ivy League college. "I've been collecting them since I was little." "What are they about?" "Lots of things. Adventures mostly." "Cool." "The bathroom is over there, towels are in the cupboard under the sink." "Thanks." Twenty minutes later, Nick stepped out, barefoot, scrubbed clean and wearing his new clothes, Daniel having quietly tossed the old ones in the trash. "Do you have a comb or something?" "Yeah," Daniel smiled. The kid's hair looked like that of a wet rat. It didn't take long before Nick was squared away and they were ready to get going. * * * * It was past noon when the guys pulled into the lot behind the library. "I have to go check on my mom." "No problem, I hope she's feeling better." "Yeah," Nick said sadly, "Thanks again, Daniel." "Anytime." * * * * The next day, Daniel once again made it a point to be the first at the library, this time there was no sign of Nick. Daniel made himself comfortable and started reading. The first hour went by and then the second, still no sign of Nick. It was nearly eleven before the boy finally came through the door. Daniel waved him over. "I was worried about you," he said, pleased to see that Nick looked freshly showered and his hair somewhat more managed. "My mom had a guy over," Nick mumbled, "I had to wait until he left." Daniel nodded, "Did you eat?" he asked softly. "Some toast," Nick shrugged. Daniel's anger rose, but he hid it. "I know a great pizza place," he forced a smile, "let's read for a while and then take a break." Nick grinned, "Thanks." * * * * Daniel wasn't surprised to see how eagerly Nick dove into the pizza. The place had an all-you-can-eat buffet so you could fill your plate and go back for seconds or thirds. Nick did just that. "I'm stuffed," Nick finally groaned, and then let out a big burp. "Oops, sorry." he giggled. "Happens to me all the time," Daniel laughed. Nick looked across the table, "Thanks for being so nice to me," he said with a blush, "Nobody else seems to care." "I'm sure your mom does, but like you said, she's sick." Nick made a sad face, "she likes to drink and can't seem to stop." "My dad was like that," Daniel whispered. "Really?" "Yeah, really." "What did you do?" "I got up every morning. I went to school and made a promise to myself to never be like him." Nick's lower lip trembled. "But, it's so hard." Daniel reached over and touched the young boy's hand. "Hard as fighting Dragons?" he smiled gently. Nick sniffed, wiped the tears from his eyes, "Harder," he choked. "If I could do it, so can you!" Nick appeared unconvinced. "Nick, we should call Social Services, you need help." "No!" Nick started to get up. Daniel stopped him. "We have to, kids your age need a mom." Daniel tried again. Nick slid lower in his chair and glared at Daniel. "You call them; they'll put me in foster care. If they do that, I'll run away!" Daniel saw the determination in Nick's eyes. "You'd do it, wouldn't you?" Nick nodded. Daniel had no doubt Nick would do what he said. "Okay, I won't call them, but, if things get worse, no promises." Nick looked up, "Thanks, Daniel," he said gently. * * * * Nick carefully folded his jeans, laid them on the shelf in his closet, and then hung his shirt on a wire hanger. He crawled into bed and pulled the sheet over himself, the warm night air felt a bit humid. He was glad he had clean boxers for the morning. He didn't like going to bed knowing that he only had dirty ones. Nick reached down and slipped his hand between his legs. His penis firmed up the instant he touched it. The sound of the television drifted from the living room, his mother was entertaining again. Nick knew that after a while the television would be turned off and then other sounds would come from the bedroom. He stroked his dick a couple of times and the slender shaft became hard. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander. He usually came back to the same fantasy. He jerked slowly at first, then with a bit more intensity. His cock swelled and soon he felt it coming, the moment every boy loved. "Oh, oh," he grunted softly as three long squirts shot out the end of his dick. The warm cream felt fantastic as Nick worked it over the head of his cock. He circled the knob and slid his hand back down the shaft. He loved the feel of cum. Nick continued to milk himself until his cock started to soften, then he stopped. He caught his breath. "That was a good one," he sighed, wiping his messy hand on the mattress. He yawned. Jerking off had become an almost nightly ritual. Nick had first made sperm a year earlier, and since then wanted to do it as often as he could. As sleep started to come, Nick's thoughts turned to another time and place. The heavy horse carried the armor clad knight toward the beast, while the townspeople made their escape. The knight drew his broadsword and the battle was on. "Please let him win," Nick whispered as his eye lids fluttered, "please?" He yawned and sleep overtook him. * * * * Daniel popped the top on a soft drink and sank down in the tired cushions of the old arm chair in his living room. The television was on, but he hadn't been paying it any attention. He had answered a few emails, and roamed from one porn site to the next seeing if anything would catch his eye. Nothing had, he was bored. He looked at the cell phone on the coffee table. It had gotten a lot less use lately. Just after Christmas, with graduation looming, a decision had to be made. "This is it then?" Daniel asked just after his boyfriend had announced he had accepted a job thousands of miles away in California. "You could come with me," Logan had offered. But, both knew what the answer would be. Their relationship had been growing more distant as time went on. They both sensed it was meant to end rather than continue. There were tears, a few more amazing times in bed, and then things sort of ended. The odd thing was they remained friends. Daniel stared at the phone for a moment longer, picked it up, and hit the button he knew so well. "Hey," Daniel said gently when Logan answered. "How's my ex?" Logan answered back, tenderness in his voice. "Kind of lonely," "Yeah," "Did you meet anyone yet?" Daniel laughed softly. There was a giggle, "Yeah, how about you?" "That's why I called," Daniel whispered. "Are you going to tell me? Or make me guess?" Logan laughed. Daniel laughed, too. "You haven't changed a bit." "So is he a hottie or what?" Daniel paused. "He loves to read about Dragons." * * * * Thanks for reading the first chapter. Let me know what you think! Jon