Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2021 20:31:41 +0100 (BST) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 101d IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Remember you can make your donation in Honour of your favourite writer too. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. ******************** `Theodora is married, it happened yesterday' `What no big ceremony? `No, as the Grand Duke pointed out...After what happened, they couldn't risk delaying it' Athol drained his glass `Another? `Yes please' ******************* Operation Pied Piper – Part 101d Fort's continues the Story We camped up near the loch that Archie and Dad had brought Davy and I too all those months ago, it seemed so long ago now. Davy was supervising the three young ones with fishing hand lines. `Have any of you fished before? `Only for eels' Ron piped up, as Paul and Harry pulled faces `Well, I am hoping we can catch some brown trout, come on' Davy offered me a hand line `Are you coming? `No, I have never been one for fishing' He gave me a look `So, you're not eating tonight then? `Ah, it's like that is it? Davy was nodding, his smile warmed my heart, he held out a landline, this time I took it. Spacing everyone out along the bank he made sure everyone knew what they were doing and was happy; his smile was infectious; everyone loves him. I sat myself on the large rock overlooking the loch; and the imposing crags of Binnean Blackscar (Blackscar Peak); I remember Dad pointing it out to me, it was dark and foreboding, seeped in ancient folk law; it was the home of dragons. It's tallest point even pointed to the first star of the Constellation Draco; I remember being told that and it sent a shiver down my spine then; things hadn't improved, I was still in awe of it. I tried to get myself comfortable, something this rock was not known for; how amazing to think it was the very rock where dad and Archie had sat all those years ago as young lovers. I was troubled; I thought back to when I had last been here; in this very spot. It was with Davy, we had made out on this very rock after I pointed out the Constellation Draco; my name sake, using the peak of Binnean Blackscar to locate it, then I had just been plain old Drageon Fortnum, so much had changed since then, everything had become all too complicated. I stared out across the loch; my knees pulled up under my chin, the business with Dima had really upset me, also seeing Niki so upset had broken my heart. And then there was the elephant in the room, I had to speak to Davy; would he end up hating me too? I looked round, we caught each other's eyes; he cocked his head to one side and then waved and smiled, I waved back. Davy finished off his fishing lessons and came and sat next to me. `I remember this place' He gave a little giggle `It is no more comfortable now than it was then' He took my arm and squeezed up to me, he smiled at me, resting his head on my shoulder: `Are you okay, you seem a bit quiet; thoughtful even? It was now or never, I felt like I was going to throw up. `Davy, I need to talk to you about London' He squeezed me again and turned putting his finger to my mouth. `You don't need to say anything, I think after what Dima said earlier, I have worked it out, or could have a good guess; it hurts, but ultimately it doesn't matter, as long as you still love me? His eyes searched mine. I felt my emotions choke me as I stammered out `More than you will ever know' `Well, that's all that matters then' He gave me another squeeze, I lost it `Davy, I am so sorry, so sorry' His grip on me tightened, he put his head on my shoulder once more; we sat in silence, well apart from my sobs, watched over by Binneans Blackscar, the loch and clouds; all of us together as one. * `I've got one, I've got one' We both looked over, it was Niki, Davy gave me a kiss on the lips `Come on we are good' Then leapt up and ran over to an excited Niki. `Paul, quick get the net' With Davy's help the fish was landed; a beautiful large brown trout. Then it all began happening as voices shouted out `I've got one...and me' I was the only person not to catch one; later as we stood in a circle round the catch. Davy couldn't resist it `Looks like you're going hungry Forts' I rubbed my eyes and pretended to cry; obviously too well, Niki jumped over and pointing at the largest fish, the one he had caught first `Forts we share, Forts we share' I got down on my hunkers and he came over and gave me a big hug. I glanced up at the rest of the guys. Dima nodded to me and mouthed "you were right he is amazing". * Dima had helped Davy get a fire going, while McPhee and Brookmeyer showed the boys how to gut and clean out the fish in the loch. With the grill in place over the fire soon the air was filled with the beautiful smell of cooking. Davy had also made a `Bannock' a traditional bread made in the highlands for centuries, by crofters on open fires using a skillet. I had an idea I wanted to run past Davy, so went over to them. `Hi boys, this smells good' I kissed Davy's cheek; Paul grinned up at me. `I helped too' I ruffled his hair, Davy smiled at me `Won't be long now' I kissed his lips; I heard the giggles. `Boys off you go and wash your hands, then round the fire for tea' To some grumbling they got up and ran to the loch. Davy smiled `You look better' I nodded `Only because I have the most amazing partner in the world' I wrapped myself close up behind him and nuzzled his neck, he turned his head to me smiling `Yeah, yeah, I bet you say that to all of them' I turned him to me and kissed him again. `Davy, I had an idea, how about tonight we do a bit of an entertainment night?...You and Niki can sing, "kiss me goodnight sergeant Major" and "Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me" Davy leant in and kissed me again `I never will, make sure you don't either' We had a bit of a moment, before Davy grinned `Maybe you and McPhee can do a reprise of your famous "Can, Can" ? I laughed `I am sure he would be game, so do you think it will work?' Davy chuckled `Yeah why not, ask the boys, Dima and Brookmeyer, what their party piece is, get them involved too' `Sure' I was about to wander over, when Davy stopped me `But first its dinner' * Niki let out a great belch. `I'm stuffed' There was silence; Then Dima, let rip too `And me' He chuckled and wrapped an arm round Niki, that set off all of us, forcing out belches round the fire; I declared McPhee the winner with what can only be described as an amazing belch followed by a noisy fart. Even Brookmeyer had joined in, he was finally beginning to look relaxed. `Right chaps, it's showtime, Davy had put some torches down illuminating just in front of that big rock, that will be our stage, and for one night only all of us are allowed a swig of the falling over liquid' A cheer went up. `So, first we have Davy and Niki "The Castle Fraser Sisters" Another cheer as Davy and Niki took their places. Considering it was all done without music, they did a brilliant job, Niki doing a great job as one of the backup sisters. Next up was Dima, who dropped to his hunkers and started an amazing Cossack folk dance; Niki stood with his mouth open watching, then at a word and wave from Dima, he leapt back on to the temporary stage and shoulder to shoulder, they finished the Russian folk dance together, Dima turned to Niki at the end `How did I do? Niki was to overcome to speak, he just wrapped his arms round Dima's neck and hugged him. I had spoken to Ron, Harry and Paul and they decided they could do a song, the one they all new was "Doing the Lambeth walk", it was surprisingly good, they eventually had to be dragged off the stage to stop them bowing. Brookmeyer, as you will all remember could do slight of hand tricks, he kept us all entertained for a good fifteen minutes; especially the three youngest and Niki, who just couldn't work out the pebble under the cup scam. I finally had to step in and stop it as tempers began to rise. `Well Forts are you ready? McPhee held out his hand, Davy had agreed to hum the tune for us; dramatically he switched off the torches, now the only light was from the fire and the stars far above us. Davy counted us in and switched on the torches again; once more the most ridiculous "Kilt Can, Can" was repeated to great cheers as McPhee and I flashed our cocks, balls and arse cheeks to the chaps, this time no splits; far too many thistles about. McPhee and I had tears running down our cheeks as it came to an end, I was just in the process of thanking everyone and wishing them all a goodnight, when Dima interrupted me, he led me to the base of the rock, then turned back to the watching faces. `Fort's everyone, the show is not over yet, for one night only we have the International star of stage and screen, Annette Hanshaw, Fort's she has something to say to you' We were all plunged into darkness again, then a single torch beam, illuminated Davy sat on the rock looking down at me. "I'm Flying high but I've got a feeling I'm falling, falling for nobody else but you, You caught my eye, and I've got a feeling I'm falling, Show me the ring and I'll jump right through...Falling for nobody else but you' The torch switched off; I was off again, blubbing like a baby. Davy hopped down from the rock and gave me a great big hug and kiss to more cheers, we were surrounded by all the guys and hugged as a group. ** Brookmeyer takes up the story It had been an amazing evening, we had all thought so, finally we had all made our ways to our respective tents, between ourselves we had all agreed to let Davy and Forts be alone. * I didn't hear the rain start; it was only a great clap of thunder which had made me jump up, the side of the tent was flapping in what was now obviously quite a strong wind. Dima looked over at me, Niki's face buried in his side. `Sounds pretty wild' `I had better check McPhee and the boys are okay' Dima nodded and then glanced down at Niki `I would come but' I clambered out of my bed and gave a little chuckle and headed for the door just as the inside of the tent was illuminated by a great flash of lightening immediately followed by a huge crack of thunder. Dima's eyes were wide `Be careful' The tent flap was ripped from my hand as I undid it; God, it was wild outside, I headed for McPhee and the boys tent, my body being constantly lashed by the wind and rain; Another great flash of Lightening lit up our little campsite. McPhee met me naked at the door of their tent; they had obviously been having fun, his cock was hard and had a lace rapped all along its length; I glanced down, it suddenly dawned on him what I was looking at `Ah, forgot about that' I couldn't help but smile `It's getting bad are you all okay? He nodded `I was just going to check on the horses, they won't like this one bit' `Hang on, I will come with you' Another great flash and crash of thunder `Brookmeyer, McPhee' It was Forts and Davy, both soaked through. `Get everyone to our tent, we had better weather this out together, some of the smaller ones will be frightened' `Not only the smaller ones' Forts took Davy's hand `Davy, get the boys, and Dima and Niki to our tent, Brookmeyer you give Davy a hand, McPhee come with me, we can check the horses' Fort's voice was nearly lost in the wind and rain, the last we saw was him head off with McPhee to the field nearby where we had left the horses. ** Forts continues the story `Come on McPhee, we must check the horses' I couldn't hear his answer, we set off in the sheeting rain, the constant flashes of lightening over lapping the thunder; I was already wet through he must be too. We finally got to the field, the ponies and horses had gone the rope was snapped: shit. `McPhee, go back and see if anyone else can come and help, I am going to make sure they are okay, and see if I can find them' `Fort's leave it, come back, we can search in the morning' `No, I must find them' McPhee turned and left me his voice swallowed up by the scream and roar of the wind. ** Davy continues the story I had to help; Forts and McPhee would need help, I got Brookmeyer and Dima to sit with the young ones, ever brave Niki insisted on coming out with me. We immediately found ourselves in a maelstrom of wind and rain, it was freezing, within minutes we were both soaked through, I headed for the large rock hoping I might be able to see something if I could get on top of it; with Niki's help we got to the top. A great fork of lightening illuminated the ground over towards Binnean Blackscar, its black looming presence impressive normally; terrifying tonight; how different from this afternoon. `There they are, see Niki' I pointed wildly into the darkness, was sure I had just seen them in the lightening flash; Fort's striding across the field, McPhee seemed to be returning to the camp. Niki pulled my sleeve `Horses gone' God; he was right, where was Forts going. I screamed into the night `Come back Forts' Niki pulled my arm again, screaming at me and pointing to his ears `No hear, no hear' He was of course right, another crack of thunder and the sky lit up once more. `There he is Niki, there he is' The lightening flashed in rapid succession; its strobe effect one moment showing Forts; then he was gone. No that couldn't be. Niki and I were hanging on to each other as the winds increased. I waited screaming at the sky for more lightening; when it came, there was no trace of Forts. I screamed at Niki `Where is he, where is he? Niki was madly scanning the field every time the lightening came; He looked up at me, I could see he was worried too. `Davy, Davy, Fort's sent me back for some help, the horses have bolted' McPhee shouted up at me, I could barely hear him; he pointed that he was going to the tent, shouting he was going to get Dima. `Let me come too' `No, no you stay here' I felt Niki, pulling at my sleeve again. `Niki, wait, wait' `Davy, but Davy' `Niki wait! The wind screamed again; but there was another sound, what was that, I glanced round just as Niki, pulled away from me, he leapt into the air. Christ; Pegasus was rearing up by the rock; his eyes blood red in the lightning flashes. `Niki No! My arms flailed as I tried to grab him in mid-flight, he landed in the middle of Pegasus back; the horse let out a piercing whinny and as Niki dropped on to his back, he disappeared toward the field mane and tail flying. I was screaming for Niki to come back and then, at the tent for McPhee to hurry, I stood helpless watching in the lightning flashes Niki on Pegasus, crossing the field. Then I was face down on the rock, winded I tried to drag myself up on my feet; what had hit me. Another great flash of lightening lit up the sky followed by deafening cracks of thunder; I glanced to where I had last seen Niki and Pegasus; No, it can't be, then the darkness engulfed me. * `Davy, Davy, wake up, wake up' I could hear my voice being called, someone was shaking me, where was I, I tried to open my eyes, my head was throbbing like a bitch. `Davy, please, Davy wake up' I sat up, where was I, several faces were staring at me. One of them, wrapped in a blanket was my Forts. `Fort's, your safe' I threw my arms round him as he embraced me. `But how? Forts squeezed me hard and stroked my head `I probably wouldn't be if it wasn't for this little hero' Forts held out his arm to Niki, who came closer `It's all thanks to Niki, he found me in the field, I had tripped and knocked myself out, much longer and I would probably have died from exposure' I mouthed "Thank you" to Niki, as tears over took me and I squeezed Forts tightly. Niki shook his head `No Dragon', He then muttered something else in Russian too, I saw Dima come over, smiling he placed an arm round Niki and spoke softly in his ear. I looked to Forts, what's he saying, Forts smiled at me `It's okay, Niki is saying a Dragon led him to me, I think he is a little overwrought' Dima was leading Niki away, Niki's looked back his eyes met mine, he said the word again. `Dragon' Forts smiled `I think the light was playing tricks on him' I shook my head `No, no' Forts gave me a kiss before I could say anything else. `Come on rest, you had a bang to your head' He held me tighter, wrapping his blanket round me; Niki's eyes were still on mine. I mouthed nodding, `I saw it too'. Then passed out. ** Forts continues the story Our tent was the only one undamaged by the storm, I sat cradling Davy; he slept fitfully; occasionally waking with a start; his face panicked until our eyes met, only then did he give me a little smile and squeeze my hand, before closing his eyes again. The others grouped round us; combining our body heat; McPhee and Brookmeyer wrapping the blankets around us all; forming a tent within a tent; together to wait out the storm. I must have drifted off; I don't know when. The deep honk of vehicle horns and the scream of straining engines; announcing the arrival of the new day. ******************** (209) Annette Hanshaw - I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling - YouTube Folk's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest `A very English Trailer Park' - Gay/Adult Youth