Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 22:13:45 +0000 (GMT) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 135c IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, organisations, or events is entirely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the websites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author. ******* If you enjoy my story or any others on the Nifty site, please show your appreciation and donate what you can afford. ******* Finally, thank you again to my editor, Jim. ******* Samara delved back into the bag he had with him. He brought out what looked like a silver gilt photograph frame. Samara handed it to Forts, who opened it and held it out to Navarofski. The bishop gasped, I think I did too. It was a religious icon; the frame was made by Bolin, one of the Imperial jewellers. It was of highly decorated silver-gilt set with semi-precious gems and held a truly beautiful painting of the 'Christ Pantocrator.' Once more Forts was fucking with the Bishop's head. 'The Christ Pantocrator' figure represented Christ as a mild but stern, an all-powerful judge of humanity. A message, the Bishop understood the meaning of immediately. ********************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 135c – Robert picks up the story Now back at the Savoy, I thought back to how the meeting with the Bishop had gone. Navarofski had been quite overwhelmed by the icon gift. Clutching it, he had dropped to his knees, and speaking in Russian, had prayed for forgiveness. Forts had whispered to me, asking what he was saying. When I told him, Forts seemed very moved. He dropped to his knees alongside Navarofski and prayed, too. I felt Samara's eyes on me and then he joined Forts, as did Edik, the four of them on their knees praying before the icon. As the bishop rose, with help from Edik once more, he turned to Forts. "Your Imperial Highness, this Sunday is a special service for us at the Cathedral. Would you be able to delay your return to Scotland and do me the honour of attending in your position of an Imperial Grand Duke of the Romanov family?" Forts had glanced at me and then Samara. I saw Samara give a little nod. Forts turned back to the Bishop. "I am sure that can be arranged, Your Eminence." Forts turned to Edik, "We will leave after the service on Sunday, that gives you a few extra days to get ready." Edik nodded and bowed. I watched as Forts, every bit the Russian prince, bid them both farewell and led us back out to the waiting vehicle. * We sat in silence in the limousine for a few minutes. Then Samara spoke, "You handled that beautifully Your Imperial Highness and your agreement to attend the service on Sunday will send out a strong message that the Crown and the Church are still united." Forts nodded and smiled, "I couldn't have done it without both of you. Now, Robert, I want you to get on to Dima," Forts winked, "Tell him the constitutional crisis is over and he can get better now." I blushed, "You knew." Forts didn't answer, he didn't need to. Forts winked again. "Can you tell him I would like him to travel down with Vlad, Davy and Draco and attend the service with me." "Did you say, Draco?" Forts nodded, "Yes, if he is destined one day to sit on the throne, let's get him used to all the pomp that goes with it." "Will Davy..." Forts smiled, "Leave me to speak to Davy." Forts winked, "Now to tell these two... Pray for me." He chuckled as he flicked the Speak to Driver button. "Darius, I have decided to stay until Sunday afternoon. I will be attending the Sunday service at the Orthodox Cathedral with Davy, Draco, and Prince Dima... Make all the necessary arrangements, will you please?" Forts quickly flicked the switch back off. He grinned at Samara and me, "Don't look too obvious, but are they talking about me?" Then he roared with laughter as a smiling Samara nodded. ** Davy takes up the story "Forts darling, you are going to have to slow down. The line is terrible and you are breaking up... You want to speak to Vlad? And... Forts say again... You want me to bring Draco and Dima to London? But why?... Forts I can't hear you!... Forts!" I tried not to smile as I heard Forts banging the phone in the background. "Bloody thing... Oh sorry, your Eminence." He came back on the phone. "Yes, that does seem to have worked... Vlad is here yes ... you want to speak to him? One second." I handed the phone to Vlad. He took a deep breath before speaking. "Forts it's me... The Bishop... Yes certainly..." Vlad put his hand over the phone's mouthpiece, "The Bishop wants to speak to me..." "Your Eminence..." Vlad's face paled, "Please... You don't have to apologise to me... Please... No, Your Eminence, I am your humble servant... Of course... Thank you... Thank you..." Vlad had always seemed so casual about being a priest. Now, as he came off the phone, a single tear rolled down his cheek. Obviously he had been reinstated. I could see how much it, in fact, meant to him. He handed the phone back to me. "Forts, Yes amazing news... I am so pleased, You want us all down to London for Sunday? So, you're not coming back tomorrow now? You want me to bring Draco too?... Okay... Yes, I will tell Dima that Robert will ring later... Okay... I love you too." I put the phone back into its cradle. Vlad, or should I say, Father Vladimir, was standing, struggling to hold his emotions in check. I moved next to him, "Is it okay to hug you?" He smiled, another tear rolling down his cheek, "I would like that very much." I turned to Athol, "Well, looks like we are off to London again." ** McPhee takes up the story Bored, bored, bored. I had only been lying here for, what was it, I giggled as stretch my neck to see my wrist, then remembered I didn't have my watch on. Actually, I couldn't have looked at it if I had been, the way my arms both stuck up at right angles in their casts. I twisted my body round to see the bedside clock. My heart sank, only eleven in the morning. "Con... Con!... Are you there?" Nothing... "CON!... Anybody!" Con, Professor Harding had brought me back home from the hospital two days ago now and had set me up in the bed in the medical room. God, was I bored. Oh, people had popped into visit me, but they couldn't sit with me all day. "CON!... Is there anybody there?" I exhaled. I had a bloody itch now. I could hear voices in the corridor. "Hello, can anybody help me?" The voices stopped, and I heard the door handle turn. Oh, the anticipation, who would it be? "Davy. Hello, and Vlad, have you come to see me?" I saw them exchange glances. Davy smiled, "Sorry, we thought you called out." "Come in, come in." "Sorry Chris, Forts has just been on the phone from London. Vlad is being reinstated in the priesthood and Forts wants us to head down to London with Draco. So, we are in a bit of a rush, a lot to get ready. I am sure you understand? Is there anything we can do before zooming off?" "No... It's okay. I will be fine... Off you go, the two of you..." Davy gave an awkward smile and the two of them shuffled out of the room, closing the door. Oh well. I laid back and closed my eyes. * A few minutes later, the door opened again, "Con. You have come to see me." "Oh, Chris, sorry, I can't stop. I am just heading to the hospital. They phoned, apparently they would like my help with someone." "Oh." "Can I get you anything before I go?" I shook my head, "No, on you go. I will be okay." Con came and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Love you. Just shout if you need something, I am sure someone will stick their head round the door." I nodded. "Hmmm." * "Dinner time!" Landers, smiling face came in carrying a tray. The room was filled with delicious smells. It suddenly struck me just how hungry I was. I smiled, licking my lips. "Hi Landers. What have you got for me today?" "Stew and dumplings." "Ooh lovely!" Landers stopped and looked at me, "Isn't there someone to help you eat?" His eyes fixed on my plastered wrists and arms. "I thought Con would be here." "No, he had to go to the hospital... an emergency apparently requiring his help." Landers moved his weight from one foot to the other, "It's just I have to get back to the kitchen. I can come and help later..." Now he just looked uncomfortable. "Look, I will take it away and keep it warm and bring it back later." I tried to smile. "Oh, alright. I will see you later, then." Landers nodded and exited the room quickly. I slammed my head back in to the pillows, feeling very sorry for myself. I am not really sure how long it was when I heard a gentle tap on the door. I felt like shouting, 'Don't come in if you're not stopping'. Of course, I didn't though. The door creaked open and Lillis peeked into the room. "Oh, you are awake. I wasn't sure when you didn't say come in. I just bumped into Landers, he told me there was no one to help you. I can if you would like?" I was feeling sorry for myself, "Only if you're not too busy... Like everyone else..." Lillis smiled, "No, of course not. I will get the tray. Give me a minute and I will be back." That was mean of me. I smiled as Lillis came back in with the tray. He put it down on the bedside table and picked up the plate with a tea cloth. "Fork or spoon?" I smiled, "Had better be a spoon after the mess I got in yesterday." Lillis laughed, "Remember the tea towel for a bib, God, I nearly forgot..." He smiled, "That was the last thing Mr Duncan said." Lillis put down the plate and placed another tea towel around my neck, covering my chest. "Comfortable? Or would you like to sit up a bit more?" "Can I?" Lillis moved behind me and as I leant forward, he adjusted the pillows, allowing me to sit up straighter. "Better?" "Yes, thanks Lillis." He smiled and got the plate of food. I was wondering if I would ever get used to being fed like a baby. Lillis was great though and took his time, realising I might enjoy a drink between mouthfuls, too. We laughed and giggled as he fed me. It was great to have some human contact. "Ready for your pudding? It's Jam Roly Poly and custard... I think." Lillis prodded it with the spoon. "Yes... I'm sure... Jam Roly Poly!" I wolfed it down; it was lovely. Lillis nipped my tray back to the kitchens and returned with a couple of mugs of tea. "Do you mind if I drink mine with you?" "No, please do." Lillis sat down on the side of the bed. "Are you up for hearing how the surveys are going?" "Sure." For the next fifteen minutes, Lillis regaled me with stories of attending various properties and his dealings with the old highlanders. By the time he finished, I had tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. * I know you are all waiting for me to mention it. Here goes, I am a kind of something in, something out sort of guy. All I had been drinking had my bladder swelling. I shuffled uncomfortably, wishing I had asked Con to help me before he left. "Err Lillis, I am really sorry about this, but I need a pee." I glanced at my plastered arms and waggled them. "Err, do you think you could help me and hold the bottle?" His hesitation was but a second, "Yeah, sure Chris. If you don't mind." "I don't have much choice... or I will wet myself." Lillis smiled, "Well, we can't have that... Mind you, it would give me a story to tell the old Highlanders." He burst out laughing. "So, how do we do this?" I pulled up my pyjama top and nodded towards the cord tied in a beautiful bow by Con. Lillis winked, "Oh, so I have to release the Kraken too." "Lillis, I am sorry about this..." He winked again, "Don't be. I have wanted to see this forever!" Lillis undid by pyjama bottoms and opened them up. "Going in!" he giggled as he plunged his hand down into my groin. "Got it... Christ, it's huge." Mockingly, he glanced towards the door over his shoulder and called, "Help, help, it's fighting back." "Lillis, please, this is embarrassing enough as it is." The strange thing is, I did feel my cock twitch in his palm. So did he, he looked up at me and smiled, "I had better hurry or we will need a bigger bottle." Another laugh. Thankfully, I managed to pee without any further embarrassment on my part. He gripped my cock again. I looked him straight in the eye, "Now more than two shakes, and I will think you're giving me a wank." This time, it was my turn to laugh as he blushed for a change. He soon had me all decent again, "I will just get rid of this." He waggled the warm bottle of piss and vanished into the toilet at the back of the room. He came back in and set the 'bottle' back down. "Thank you Lillis... I mean it." He nodded and smiled. Then looked all thoughtful. "Chris, thank you for giving me another chance." I just smiled and nodded. At that moment, the afternoon school bell went. "Chris, I have to go. I can come back later if you like?" "Sure, I would like that very much." He nodded and left, closing the door. I laid back again. Fuck, my cock was hard now! ** Marcus picks up the story "Oh, come on answer!" I was practically praying to the telephone. "Pittodrie House, Denis speaking." "Denis, it's me Marcus." "Hello darling..." "Denis, we don't have time... sorry I love you too. Forts wants Davy, Draco, Vlad and Prince Dima in London tomorrow. You will have to come too, I can't look after all of them." "Right oh, I will come straight over. What about Andrew and Aaran?" "Davy has asked Athol and Archie to look after them... Stop laughing, it's not funny... Denis!... No, I won't suggest they build Andrew another den... Right, I will see you later... Love you." By the time Denis arrived, I had been phoned by Robert. He had arranged for us all to travel down in Forts' rail carriage. It would be added to the train at Inverurie station. At least we wouldn't be slumming it. With Denis' help, we made light work of packing. Thank goodness for that travel luggage Forts' parents had ordered, we needed every bit of it. * As the long clock stuck six o'clock that evening we were done. Davy came through, having put Draco to bed, and invited Denis and me to join Dima, Vlad, and him for a nightcap; it went down well. ** Drew picks up the story George, the groom, came over to see me after school finished for the day. I knew he was desperate to get into the Linen Cupboard again. But I had an even better idea. "Come on, this will be fun." George looked confused as we passed the Linen room and stopped instead outside the Medical Room. "Medical Room?" "Yes, now shush... I checked, he is sleeping and switched the light off earlier." George looked even more confused. "Who's sleeping? Why did you switch the light off?" "It's McPhee, the Pittodrie Factor. So, he stays asleep... Now shush." "But?" "Come on, he has a huge cock." "But he is my boss... well, my brother's boss, well, my brother's boss's boss." "Look, do you want to suck a big cock or not?" "Yes, but..." I gave up listening and dragged George into the darkened room. With the clocks changing back an hour, it is was now quite dark now outside much earlier. We stood and allowed our eyes to become accustomed to the darkness. The only light coming into the room was from the gap under the door. Once we could make things out, I led George over to the bed, pushing him to stand on one side of the sleeping Chris, while I went round to the other. Chris was on his back, his arms facing upwards, held that way by the plaster casts. He was snoring lightly. I reached for the sheet pulled up over his bottom half. George reached for my hand, "Won't he wake up?" He whispered. "He will if you don't shut up." I hissed back. George snatched his hand away. I looked across the bed at him, only able to see the whites of his eyes. Slowly I eased the sheet back and pulled in down the bed. The next bit would be tricky. I reached for where I thought Chris' pyjama bottoms cord would be. Lady luck was on my side, I found it first go. Slowly I felt the knot, feeling the little tuffs of Chris' belly hair curling over the top of the waistband. The knot was a bow, so nice and easy to undo. I leant forward, my head hovering just above his groin. I gently pulled on one of the cord ends, feeling the knot pull apart. I paused and took a breath. George was now peering in, his head almost touching mine. I was sure like me he would be able to feel the heat and smell the musky man smell wafting up from Chris' groin. I loved that smell. I eased apart the pyjama front flaps. Another waft of hot man smells drifted up to my nose. I eased my hand down where I approximated his cock would be, stifling a giggle. As you all know, Chris is fucking hung. His cock is a thick cut nine inches, I should be able to find it easy enough. His balls weren't quite in proportion to his cock, though, and looked a bit on the small side. Got it, thick like a beanbag we used in PE. It felt warm, at least six inches in length. I eased it out and laid it facing up his treasure trail. George got in real close and stared at it intently. He gasped one word, "Wow!" I waited for a few seconds to see if there was any reaction from Chris, luckily there wasn't. I reached back into his pyjama bottoms and eased his ball sac and balls out, tucking the open flap of the material under them. "Are you ready?" I whispered to George. He made a, Mmm, noise. "Okay, let's start at his balls and then kiss along the shaft to his cockhead." This time, George just went for it. Our hot breath met over McPhee's musky balls. I leant forward and kissed George's lips. Our tongues snaked into each other's mouths before both of us moved to kiss and lick his sac. Our tongues met again and we rolled his balls between each other. Knowing George wasn't as experienced as me, I hoped he was enjoying the heat and taste of McPhee's sac. I felt myself stopping and breathing deeply, the wetness in my mouth flowing over my taste buds. God, I loved McPhee's meat. Slowly, feeling the base of that fat shaft swelling down near his arsehole, had both of us grinning. I slipped my hand on to his stomach and felt jolts of electricity pulsing down my fingers as I came into contact with his now awakened pulsing shaft. I froze, no we froze as McPhee seemed to stir. He gave a low moan and opened his legs slightly. We waited, barely breathing, as he gave a grunt and began his rhythmic breathing once more. Once more our tongues met, then together we licked the base of his fat shaft, marvelling at the diameter of it. Our duelling tongues lapped at the man taste of the velvet flesh of his cock, and the wetness of our own excited mouths. "Fuck, it's huge!" George moaned dreamily. Our tongues enthusiastically licked further up the pulsing shaft. As our tongues got closer to the flared swollen cut head, it reared up and hovered to meet our lips. A thread of sticky precum connected it to McPhee's treasure trail. Together, our tongues lapped over McPhee's cockhead both of us tasting that sweet, yet salty man juice. With his cocklips next to our tongues, constantly oozing out yet more nectar, George and I began to snog again, each in turn adding more of his juice to the heavenly mix in our mouths as our tongues brushed over the fleshy bellend. I slowly kissed my way back down his throbbing shaft to Chris' nuts and began to lick and kiss them again. George stretched his mouth wide and eased down over Chris' cockhead. "I don't know who you are, but please, don't stop." We both froze at the voice in the dark from above us. "No, please guys, don't stop. I am so close. I haven't cum in days." I saw George's head bob back down on Chris' bellend. I moved up to join him once more, worried those four words, 'I am so close' would mean me missing out and George getting all of Chris' load. I needn't have worried as I got closer, George gripped the base of Chris' shaft and pulled his mouth off of it and then offered it towards me. I eased my mouth over this oh so familiar cockhead. Chris groaned above us, I wondered if he recognised it was me. I worked the bellend against my tongue and inner cheeks, my brain exploding in a paroxysm of ecstasy with each taste of his precum. I felt George move closer and a slight tug on McPhee's shaft. He obviously thought it was his turn. Reluctantly I eased my head off his bellend and passed control to George. He was straight on it, his tongue lapping round over and under the thick ridge and cock lips. Above us, Chris groaned again. George pulled the thick lump of meat from his mouth again and signalled for me to join him. Chris' bellend was held between our lips, our tongues duelling over it. Chris tensed. His arse muscles locked and his legs turned to stone as his shaft throbbed. Then with a grunt, his cockhead flared and a jet of cum sprayed out, colliding with our tongues hungrily. Both of us lapped it up. The next jet sprayed on to George's cheek, the next across mine. The thick white goo glistened in the dim light. Four more large spurts followed before Chris seemed to relax back into the bed. I licked my tongue over my cheeks, gathering up more of his juice, pulling it in to my mouth. Although I couldn't see, it sounded as if George was doing the same, both of us smacking our lips with our tongues. "Share the last drops?" George whispered. "Yes, please." I mumbled back. Together we moved to Chris' bellend once more, his cock's ridged firmness was going, but there was no reduction in its size yet. Once more, George and my tongues met over Chris' cocklips. Both of us lapped up the last oozes of Chris' cum, then sharing them as we snogged again. Now my plan had been to leave once Chris had cum. As I pulled back, whispering, "We had better go." The door opened. We froze as a voice said, "Why are the lights off?" The room was brightly illuminated and in walked Professor Harding. He stopped and stared at us. "Drew? George?" We both leapt up, "We weren't doing anything... We just came to see Chris, but he was sleeping." I babbled. Harding seemed to be processing what I had said, he glanced between us. A huge smile came over his face, "Really?" He started to laugh, "Well, both of you had better go and wash off all that stuff on your face... or lick it off. Best not waste it." He winked. I glanced at Chris in the bed, laying as if still asleep, his eyes tightly closed. Harding chuckled again, "Err, Chris, you can open your eyes now too!" ********************** Folks, I really hope you're enjoying the story. There is nothing more rewarding than hearing from you that you are enjoying the story. Please take the time to email me to let me know. Blackscar. Other Nifty stories by Blackscar. 'NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters 'Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest 'Josh's Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth 'An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military 'Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest 'Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth 'Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military 'The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest 'A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest 'A very English Trailer Park' - Gay/Adult Youth 'Special lube Oil' - Gay/Adult Youth