Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2023 11:03:34 +0000 (GMT) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 140a IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, organisations, or events is entirely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the websites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author. ******* If you enjoy my story or any others on the Nifty site, please show your appreciation and donate what you can afford. ******* Finally, thank you again to my editor, Jim. ******* Chaps a longer Chapter this time – you will see why. I hope you enjoy ******* Talon groaned, as the pain sent me over the edge and I sprayed the inside of his arse with my cum. He immediately began to cum, too. I could feel his arse muscles rippling up and down my shaft as his cum sprayed into the mouth of another member of the team. Lillis had pulled his cock head from my mouth, his hand was a blur as he grinned down at me, "Ready for mine now, Sir?" I nodded. He thrust his cock back into my mouth and flooded my cheeks and throat with his fresh teen boy spunk. Fuck, he tasted good. I lay wallowing in the pleasurable feelings flooding through my body, barely registering the splattering cum hitting my body as the rest of the team marked their coach. ********************** Friends, please remember to email me and I will add you to the Friends of OPP email Group I have set up, so you can keep reading the story, if it gets removed from Nifty. ********************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 140a – Archie takes up the story Davy, Forts, Athol and I were sitting in the staffroom at Castle Fraser. The final arrangements for the transporting of Maureen's body to London had been made. Our mood consequently was pretty subdued. The radio was on playing some light classical music in the background, none of us had been paying it much attention when the music stopped and a very posh BBC voice announced. "We are interrupting this broadcast to go straight to the BBC World Service News Room for an important announcement." We all exchanged glances. The radio now assumed the primo role in the room. Athol swallowed, "I wonder what this is about?" "This is the BBC World Service. This is the news on Monday, the 1st of February 1943. Victory at Stalingrad. Following the recent successful meeting in Tehran of the allied leaders, it has today been announced that our victorious Russian allies have just accepted the surrender of the German Sixth Army under Field Marshall Paulus after months of terrible fighting. The Nazi Army has been left crushed and demoralised by the victorious Russian Army. The American President Franklin Roosevelt summed up how we all feel with the words, 'On behalf of the people of the United States of America, I present this letter to the city of Stalingrad to commemorate our admiration for your valiant defenders, courage, fortitude and dedication that during the siege of September 13, 1942 to January 31, 1943 will forever inspire the hearts of all free people. Their glorious victory stemmed the tide of invasion and was a turning point in the war of the Allied Nations against the forces of aggression.'" Immediately, the broadcast moved straight into the Internationale, the Soviet anthem. I watched as Forts looked away in disgust, shaking his head. "Now there will be no stopping them." Davy looked surprised, "You didn't want the Germans to win, did you?" Forts sighed, "No, I just didn't want the Communists to win... If that makes sense." Davy squeezed his hand, "Hmmm, no, not really. But I know what you mean." They both smiled. As the final chord rang out, the plummy voice returned. "We now return you to your previous programs." Athol stood and turned off the radio. "Forts, the reason I asked you both over, well, one of the reasons. I heard from Mishcon regarding Aaran. He managed to get a message to Gary..." Forts and Davy suddenly looked all serious. "And?" "Well, Gary, apparently said he doubts he will return and asked if you and Davy would raise Aaran as if he was your own." Davy and Forts exchanged glances as Athol continued. "Mishcon said there are two ways to proceed if you choose that path. You could adopt Aaran, it appears Gary would happily sigh the necessary papers... Or you could become his legal guardian, like foster parents... Until such time as Gary returns..." Forts stood, "Did Mishcon make any recommendation as to which was the best?" Athol nodded, "Well adoption gives Aaran more security and you would give you and Davy greater powers over his future. But Son, this is a big step for both of you to take. Do you want to take on Gary and Maureen's son?" Davy stood and walked to the window where Forts was standing. The two of them could say more to each other with just a look than Athol and I ever could. "I think we should adopt him as Gary is willing to sign the papers. At the moment, Aaran is young enough never to know we are not his real parents. Sometime in the future we can have that conversation with him. But now, I don't want to think of him growing up believing he is not as important to us as Draco." Forts nodded, he pulled Davy into an embrace and kissed him on the cheek. He looked at Athol and me, "You can't help but love him, can you? I will instruct Mishcon to start the adoption procedure." Athol nodded, smiling, "Good choice, both of you." He poured us all a drink, "To your growing family!" Davy and Forts both held up their glasses. Forts smiled, looking lovingly into Davy's eyes. "Our growing family." We all sat down. "Dad, what does this mean for the succession here at the Castle? I know Gary was technically declared your heir after I stepped down, and Aaran would have been his. But what happens now?" Athol took a slug of his whisky. "Well, Gary would only have become Laird after me. So, if Gary dies before I do, then Gary would never have become Laird and Aaran would not succeed him." Athol grinned at Forts, "How do you fancy being Tsar of Russia and Laird of the Clan MacDonald?" Forts grinned, "Don't even joke about that." Athol drained his glass, "I will speak to Mishcon. I am honestly not sure what happens if Gary dies without becoming Laird. I think it will all pass back to you as my adopted son." ** Jeremy picks up the story I was beginning to have second thoughts about this operation. I was laying in the bed at the hospital, today was the day. I hadn't slept much at all last night. Professors Harding and Van Cusen had both been in to see me reassuring me all was set and they were hopeful of a successful outcome. When I arrived yesterday, I was allowed to pop in and see Will. Talking to him had reduced me to tears. He was smiling and welcoming. I hadn't expected that. Not after all the trouble I had caused. I found it difficult to look him in the eye. I dreaded him ever finding out about my part in the fire. I wasn't sure If I could ever come to terms with the fact that it was my actions that were responsible for all his pain. Cheerfully, he had wished me all the best possible luck. But what had reduced me to tears once again as I left was him asking Professor Harding if the two of us could share a room. Apparently, he was getting lonely and thought we could both at least chat and have each other for company. I think Harding was taken by surprise, but he said he would give it some thought. I secretly hoped he would allow it. Whatever the outcome of the operation, I was going to be in hospital for some considerable time. The clatter of the tea trolly hitting the door brought me out of my self-indulgent thoughts. I could kill for a cup of tea. The lady wheeled the trolly in through the doors smiling, "Good morning, Tea love?" I nodded. "I bet you would like a biscuit too?" She smiled. Again, I nodded. I shuffled up the bed and she handed me a mug of tea and a biscuit. I was just about to take a slurp when a voice boomed from behind her. "Uh oh. Sorry, nil by mouth, young man." It was Harding. My cup of tea and then my biscuit were swept away before I could even lick it. Harding was chuckling, "You can have both later. I promise. Now anymore questions?" "No, not really." I felt my bottom lip trembling. Harding noticed as he sat on the bed. "It will be okay. You are in great hands, even if I do say it myself." He squeezed my knee through the sheets. "Right, I had better go and get washed up. I will see you in the theatre." The door closed behind him, and I was alone to my thoughts again. I was seriously thinking of bolting for it. I pulled back the covers just as there was a knock at the door. I pulled the covers back over me. "Err, come in." I watched as the door slowly opened. Then my stomach did a somersault. "Hello Jeremy, I hope you don't mind us popping in to wish you good luck and tell you we are all thinking of you." I shook my head as tears streamed down my cheeks. I managed to blub out, "Forts, Davy, thank you." I sniffed, wiping my eyes, "I couldn't have hoped to see anyone else who would make me feel better." Forts smiled and with Davy carrying Draco in his arms, they came in and sat down. "Forts, Davy, I wanted to say so..." Forts stopped me, "It is in the past. Just concentrate on getting well after surgery. We don't want you worrying about anything." Forts leant over and kissed my cheek. "But." "Jeremy, it is in the past. Just concentrate on getting better." I looked at Davy. He smiled and nodded. There was a bit of an awkward silence, which was broken by two nurses coming in. "Right, Jeremy, they are all ready for you." I nodded weakly. Forts and Davy stood up. Both of them embraced me and kissed my cheeks. Forts adding as I was wheeled out, "We will see you later." I was wheeled down the corridor and into a small room. Glancing round, it all seemed quite intimidating. I noticed at the foot of the bed a set of double doors with glass windows, above them was a sign which said 'Operating Theatre' I began to feel my heart rate increasing. A hand touched mine and a smiling gentleman introduced himself, "Hello Jeremy, I am Doctor Williams, I will be the anaesthetist looking after you during your operation." I nodded. I saw a flash of white at a little window of the operating theatre, it was Harding. He gave me a thumbs up and then his face was replaced by Van Cusen's. He winked and gave me a thumbs up too. "Okay Jeremy, you are going to feel a little prick in the back of your hand. Then I would like you to start counting down slowly from ten, understand?" I nodded, swallowing, "Ten, nine, eight..." ** Oliver Van Cusen takes up the story I looked over at Con. He looked exhausted. His brow glistening with sweat. He barked, "Nurse, brow!" She hurried to his side. He tilted his head towards her and she dabbed at it with gauze. He mumbled, "Sorry, thank you." The operation had been halted for a five-minute break. It had so far taken a lot longer than we thought it would. Thankfully, the remains of the bullet were now visible, nestled in a mass of what we both recognised as nerve endings and vital tissues close to the spine. As he steadied himself, I leant forward. "Con, are you okay?" We made eye contact over our masks, he gave a little nod. He resumed examining the condition of the bullet, we could both see it had splintered and had some jagged edges. These posed another problem, pulling it straight out risked it severing some other vital structure. We would have to proceed with caution. One wrong move now and poor Jeremy would never walk again. "His blood pressure is dropping, Professor." It was the anaesthetist. Con nodded that he had heard, "Well then, I had better get a move on. Regular updates please." It was time to remove the bullet. Con picked up a pair of small forceps. I watched his hand, it was shaking. He stopped, exhaled, and then got ready to position them again. "You are going to have to hurry. His Blood pressure is crashing." In the time it took for me to turn to the anaesthetist and back to Con, I heard the tinkle as the bullet landed in the kidney dish the nurse was holding out. "Olly, I need your help to get him stitched up." I stepped forward and the two of us worked together, putting Jeremy's back, back together. "We are losing him, gentlemen." Con glared round, "No, we are bloody not! Not again. That's not happening to me again." Con began barking orders at the theatre team, sending nurses and junior doctors scurrying. Rapidly, the anaesthetist began emptying syringes of drugs into the canula in Jeremy's wrist. "What is he reading now?" The cuff on Jeremy's arm slowly inflated. "WELL?" It is coming back up. Con nodded, "Thank you. Right, Olly, let's get him stitched up quickly." ** Davy takes up the story Forts smiled as I entered our sitting room. He patted the space next to him on the couch. He gave me a beaming smile and kissed me, "Have I told you how much I love you recently?" I nodded, returning his kiss, "Yes, a few moments ago in the shower." Forts smiled, "Good. I was worried in case you had forgotten." He wrapped his arm round mine and pulled me closer to him. It was now or never. "Forts, I saw Colin the groom today..." "Did you, how is he?" I hugged Forts' arm, "Honestly? ... Well, he is pretty miserable." Forts looked at me, "Anything we can help with?" I avoided Forts' eyes, mumbling, "Just boy trouble..." Forts grunted, "We all had that at his age." "No, we didn't. You and I, we had each other..." "Exactly!" Forts burst out laughing. "Forts! Listen, he seriously doesn't think he will ever get a boyfriend or find true love. Every guy so far he has had has been mean to him and used him..." Forts didn't answer. I squeezed his arm, "Remember you said he could come round here for an evening to see what real love it like?" Forts cocked his head towards me and looked thoughtful, "No... Hmmm,... I don't remember saying that." He began to grin and then winked as I attacked him. "Yes, alright, I did, I did!" Forts squirmed on the couch. "So, when did you say he could come round?" I swallowed, "Would you be cross if I said... tonight?" Forts raised his eyebrows, "Well, okay. But can you tell me exactly what is going to happen? I don't want to get anything wrong or be misunderstanding your intentions..." In all honesty, I wasn't sure myself. "Can we just play it by ear?" Forts nodded, "Alright, but if you want me to do anything, spell it out." ** Colin takes up the story I was pleased I had seen Davy earlier. I was beginning to think they were both avoiding me. I hadn't even seen Niki, the so called 'Master of Horse'. Davy told me that he had left for London; I didn't even know. So now, I was the person in charge with just George to help. I had moved into the room above the office and was living on the job or above the shop, as they say. I checked myself in the mirror, right, I was ready to go. * I was met at the door by Marcus and shown through to the living room. Davy smiled and shook my hand, "Colin, good to see you." Forts waved and smiled, "Hello, Colin. How are things going?" I smiled as Marcus took my jacket, "All good, thank you, busy though." Forts nodded. He turned to Marcus. "Marcus, can you leave a drinks tray and then you can finish for the evening. Thank you." "Thank you, Sir." Forts grinned and raised his eyebrows. A few minutes later, Marcus brought a drinks tray in with some glasses and an ice bucket. "Have a pleasant evening. Good night." Forts stood and poured us some drinks. I watched, holding my breath. He turned and smiled at me, "Now, no telling your dad on me." "No Sir, sorry, Forts." I was handed a crystal tumbler with a shot of whisky, ice, and some soda water. I am sure I was grinning. I felt very grown up. Forts handed Davy a drink and then sat with one for himself. We sat joking and drinking. Davy was keen to tell me the whole Forts and Davy story. I sat fascinated, taking it all in, how I wished I was one of them. Probably three or four drinks later and with me definitely feeling a bit lightheaded, Forts looked straight at me. "So, Davy tells me, you are worried you will never find anyone who really loves you?" Hearing it said by someone else made it sound even silly to me. I nodded, "It's just that... You know... What with Denis and Will and then Jeremy... even George." Forts sat listening, saying nothing, his eyes not leaving mine. I stumbled on, "And you and Davy... Well, are so happy..." Forts glanced at Davy, then back at me, "Hang on, are you talking about sex or love?" "Is there a difference?" Forts smiled and sat forward on his chair, "Yes, of course there is. Both Davy and I have had lots of sex, with lots of different people." Forts glanced at Davy, who was blushing. He winked, "Haven't we darling?" Davy blushed a deeper shade of pink and nodded. Forts turned back to me, "But that is not the same as the love I have for Davy." "But you have sex together, too." Forts smiled, "I make love to Davy... Oh, it was just sex at first, now it is so different from the purely physical act. I think you are confusing the two things. Trying to compare them is like comparing chalk and cheese." Davy leant forward, "Do you feel that all of your experiences have just been sex?" "I have just been used... It was sore and unpleasant. Well, maybe not with George, but that was just a blow job." Forts roared with laughter, "Just a blow job... I love blow jobs." He turned and grinned to Davy, "Especially if you give them to me, my love..." He gave a cheesy wink. Forts stood and got us all another drink, he handed it to me, "I don't think you are convinced there is a difference between sex and love." He glanced at Davy, who stood and nodded. Something passed between them, I wasn't sure what, although soon it was to become clear. Davy came over, "Come on, let us show you. But only if you want us to." I nodded, embarrassed, as they both helped me stand and led me through to the bedroom. Forts turned to me, "Now are you sure you want this to happen? It doesn't have to if you don't want it too. Neither of us is forcing you." "I know..." I looked at the floor. "I want it to happen." Davy lifted my head, so I was facing him and smiled, "Do you want to sit and watch first?" I nodded. "Pull that chair closer." Forts pointed to one of the armchairs. I dragged it to the side of the bed and sat myself down. * Forts winked at me and gently pulled Davy into his arms, they kissed passionately. Their lips locked together, their tongues easing into each other's mouths. I was spellbound, watching them desperately trying to take it all in. Slowly, they broke apart, their eyes now open once more. So much seemed to be passing between them both, but no words were spoken, they seemed to know what each other was thinking. Forts smiled and stood back as Davy began to strip him. Each item of clothing was removed unhurriedly, sensually. His hairy muscled chest revealed as his shirt was shed. He slipped off his shoes and bent to remove his socks. I watched intently, even his feet were sexy, hairy, I never expected that, but so sexy with it. His firm, muscled hairy legs were revealed next as his trousers tumbled to the floor. Forts smiled over at me, and mouthed, "Are you okay?" I nodded, although my heart was beating out of my chest in anticipation. The front of his underwear was bulging. Davy gripped the waistband of his undershorts and eased them down. I gasped as Forts' hard cock caught on the material and then broke free, slapping against his gorgeous stomach, straight along his treasure trail. Almost instinctively, his hard cock still standing proudly out in front of him, Forts began to strip Davy. Their bodies were so different. I knew Forts was older than Davy by a few years, so expected him to look manly. Davy was slighter and smoother, but he definitely had a man's body, although he was only a couple of years older than me. I became nervous. I would look like a little boy next to them. Forts guided Davy on to the bed. Davy spun round, and as Forts clambered on behind him, Davy got on all fours, facing him. Forts stopped and sat back on his calves. His iron hard cock was swaying in front of him. Davy smiled and opened his mouth, engulfing Forts' glistening, wet bellend. Forts groaned and placed his hands on Davy's head and slowly began to thrust his hips forward, burying his cock deep in Davy's mouth. As Davy worked his cock, Forts stretched forward over Davy's back, his hands caressing down to his butt cheeks. Forts gripped them in his hands and slowly kneaded the lumps of flesh, his hips still slowly thrusting his cock in and out of Davy's mouth. It was so gentle, it was beautiful. Forts eased his cock from Davy's mouth and, smiling, manoeuvred him on to his back. Forts then dropped and took Davy's hard cock into his mouth. Forts sucked and licked Davy for a few minutes and then glanced over at me. "Do you speak French at all, Colin?" "No, sorry." Forts giggled, "Well, nor do I apart from this phase, 'soixante-neuf.'" "What does that mean?" Forts turned to Davy, "Shall we show him?" Davy shuffled round until his mouth was level with Forts' throbbing cock, which of course meant Davy's cock was level with Forts' mouth. I sat open mouthed as the two of them began to work on each other's hard dicks. I couldn't help myself. I opened my fly and took out my cock. I was already hard, I eased back my foreskin revealing the wet head. I looked over again at Forts' cock. It was huge in comparison to mine, not only thicker, but at least three inches longer. Davy's was bigger too, maybe only an inch or two, but thicker as well. My hand took over, saving me from concentrating and allowing me to pay all my attention to the show in front of me. After a few moments, they broke apart. Davy smiled at me, "Never forget it is about your partner's pleasure, too." I nodded. Davy spun back upright. Forts slipped over the top of him. Once more, their mouths locked together. I watched, my hand beating my cock faster as Forts' knees eased apart Davy's legs. Forts' furry arse ground downwards, pressing his groin against Davy's throbbing cock. Davy responded by raising his legs and wrapping them behind Forts' back. I heard a giggle from the bed and Forts turned towards me, "Do you prefer to top or bottom, Colin?" I had no idea what he was talking about. "Sorry?" Forts grinned, "Do you prefer to fuck or get fucked?" Davy slapped him. "Oh," I felt myself blushing, I stopped wanking myself as Forts eyes fixed on my cock. "Err, I, I thought I was a bottom, but that always hurts too much..." Forts flipped up and off Davy he came over to me, his hard cock still swaying in front of him. He took my hand and led me over to the bed. He smiled, "It doesn't have to hurt. I promise you. Davy loves it, don't you?" Davy grinned and then sat up. "It was a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but now I love it." Forts' voice sounded so reassuring and caring, "Do you want to try with us?" I swallowed. "You don't have to. Remember, no one is forcing you." "No, I want to." I blurted out. Forts smiled and nodded, "In that case, we had better get you stripped off, too." My head was spinning. As Davy watched, Forts squeezed my hard cock, then slowly peeled off my shirt. With it gone he began kissing and caressing my chest with his firm hands, sending tingles all through my body. Next, he undid my trousers, letting them fall to the floor. My five hard inches stuck out, my underwear was tucked under my balls. I blushed and covered it with my hands. Forts smiled at me reassuringly, then gently removed my hands and pushed my underpants to the floor. I stood naked before him, my cock still hard and throbbing. He whispered, "It's okay, don't be shy, you look amazing." I gasped, feeling terribly self-conscious, "But my body is just like a little boy compared to you both." Forts embraced me. His stunning green eyes focused solely on me. The feel of his chest muscles and his thick pelt of chest hair made my nipples hard. His hard cock pushed up against mine. His hands caressed down my back to my bum, stroking, squeezing, caressing. He gripped and pulled me harder against him. God, this felt so good. Still smiling, he pushed his lips to mine. I felt his tongue brush against my lips. Again, I panicked, I pulled back, "This is a mistake, I don't even know how to kiss properly. I am so sorry..." I tried to pull away, but Forts prevented me, the smile never leaving his face. "Relax, we can show you... You really are beautiful." My head was spinning. "Lay on the bed next to Davy." His words carried me like a dream on to the bed. Davy smiled reassuringly as I got on the bed and laid next to him. Forts knelt next to us, his bum sitting on his calves. His cockhead was wet and bobbing, pulsing in time to his heartbeat. His large balls swung loosely in their sack. I licked my lips. I think Davy caught me looking; it was hard not to. He sat up, "How about starting with kissing and then a blow job?" Forts grinned, "I am game. How about giving Davy a nice sensual kiss?" I nodded and turned to Davy. He was smiling, slowly our faces moved together. I closed my eyes as he did. Our lips touched. Just like a moment ago with Forts, I felt his tongue brush against them. "Relax and do what I do," he purred. My mouth opened as our lips pushed harder together and our tongues slipped into each other's mouths. "Hang on. Point of order!" cried Forts, "What about the sexy ear nibbling, neck nuzzling, and stroking? If we are going to show the chap, let's show him everything." Davy shook his head, smiling. "You said it." I must have been looking a bit surprised. Davy grinned, "Forts means I should have started with this." Davy moved his mouth to my neck and began nuzzling into me. I could feel the vibrations from his lips, the hairs on my neck stood on end. SHIT. I could only roll my neck, giving him full access as he moved slowly, delicately, kissing my skin until his lips nibbled on my earlobe. His hands slipped down my torso, stroking and caressing. My cock throbbed, I actually felt it pulse out precum. I felt the bed move as Forts moved to the other side of me. The feel of his beard set my skin tingling, his soft full lips contrasting with the short stubble. He too worked his way slowly to my ear and licked my ear lobe, whispering; no purring, "Are you okay?" I nodded enthusiastically, moaning as I did. I found my head turning to meet his. His tongue eased hungrily between my lips. Giddy, I thrust back into his mouth. My mind was on fire and my heart beating out of my chest. Fuck, this was all so hot. My senses overloaded, and I began spraying cum on to my stomach. "Oh fuck, no." I gasped. Davy looked down and then into my eyes as I hurriedly tried to pull myself from them both. Davy's grip tightened, he lifted himself to my ear, "It's okay, it's okay." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you must think I am such a kid." It had taken Forts a minute longer to realise what had happened, as soon as he did, he embraced me too. "Hey, don't worry, it's okay," he chuckled, and his hand slipped to my balls, cupping them. "I am sure there is plenty more in these." I turned to him. I felt stupid, "I'm sorry..." His kiss stifled my words. As we broke apart, Davy snuggled up behind me. Forts kissed my nose. "Just lay for a minute and we can start again, if you want to, that is." I nodded. Davy dipped his fingers into my spooge and scooped some of it on to them. He moved them to his mouth and licked them clean. He winked at me, "Tasty." He scooped up some more and offered it to Forts' mouth. Likewise, he licked Davy's fingers clean. Forts flashed another one of his amazing smiles at me. I must have looked shocked. "Haven't you ever tasted your cum?" He gathered up some more of the remaining goop and brought his fingers to my mouth. Now, I had tasted cum, but I hadn't really enjoyed it. Or was it the way in which I had been forced into taking it. I hesitated, my lips tightly closed. Forts cocked his head, looking a bit disappointed with me. He grinned and looked at Davy, "Stick out your tongue." Davy did as Forts asked. Forts wiped the remaining cum onto the tip of Davy's tongue. He leant to my ear and whispered, "Now lick it off Davy's tongue. You taste amazing, I promise." I leant over to Davy and tentatively put out my tongue until both were touching. I could taste the cum hitting my taste buds. Forts was right, it didn't taste bad. I pushed my tongue into Davy's mouth, soon they were dancing together as we shared the last of my cum. I blushed as we broke apart, I knew which way I liked tasting cum. Forts grinned, "Told you." I lay back. This was everything, and so much more than I expected. * After a few minutes, Forts and Davy lifted themselves up and, kneeling, they began to caress my body once again. They seemed to synchronise their actions, yet not a word was spoken between them. They both began kissing down my neck onto my chest, slowly down across my hairless chest towards my already erect nipples. I watched, barely breathing, as their tongues teasingly hovered about my stiff fleshy nubs. I gasped in anticipation. I saw them glance at each other, they both blew across my erect nipples. My cock surged, bobbing up from my stomach. I lay back closing my eyes. They plunged their mouths over my nipples. I couldn't help myself, I began writhing on the mattress, as their tongues flicked and licked, sending my throbbing cock spitting out more precum on to my already soaking treasure trail. Forts lifted up and grinned up at me. His tongue flicking my nipple, "Are you still okay?" "Yessss," I gasped, closing my eyes involuntarily as my senses again approached overload. The two of them continued moving slowly downwards, kissing and licking. Davy winked at me as he sunk his tongue into my belly button. SHIT, who would have thought that would feel so good? I raised my hips, enjoying every moment. It suddenly dawned on me, I hadn't touched either of them for ages. I slid my hands down on to their backs caressing them both. My hands moving up and down, to their heads and into their hair. I could feel both of their erect, hard cocks sliding against my thighs. Both their cockheads were leaking massive amounts of precum like mine. They were now so close to my throbbing shaft. Both of them stopped, and they looked up at me. My cock bounced up and down between them. Forts chuckled and gripped his fingers round my shaft. "Looks like someone still wants to play." Slowly he began to wank me. He moved his other hand, forming it into a cup over my exposed wet cockhead. He continued to wank me, but now his cupped hand began caressing my bellend. The more he massaged the swollen glans, the more precum I spewed out and the more excited I became. I began to pant, again my groin bucked, thrusting my cock between his fingers, fucking his hand. I was whimpering, my head thrashing from side to side. "Please, that is amazing." Forts grinned and winked at Davy, "I know, Davy does it to me." Davy moved his hand to my balls, he rolled them gently between his fingers. God, I was getting close again. I moaned and twisted, Davy smiled and mumbled to Forts, "Slow down, his nuts are tightening." Forts nodded and released my cock. It swayed and bobbed, desperately searching for those amazing fingers again. "Oh, please, don't stop, it is so good." I gasped again. I reached for his arm. Forts just smiled at me and winked. I lay untouched for a few minutes, the building explosion in my cock finally subsiding as I came back down to earth. A few minutes passed, and Forts and Davy moved again. My cock bobbed up and down between their faces now positioned either side of it. Davy grinned, "Ready?" I nodded. Almost in slow motion, I watched their tongues slip from their mouths. My cock bounced, I wanted to feel their tongues on my young cock. Then it happened, their mouths met engulfing my cockhead between them. Their tongues wrapped round the glans, lapping, licking, teasing my cocklips. I felt stroking on my inner thighs, the tingling getting higher and higher. I clenched my teeth tightly, my eyes scrunched closed, my fingers digging into the sheets. Their tongues licked up and down my shaft, over, round, and under my glans. SHIT NO, not again! "Shit, shit! I'm sorry, I'm sorry." My cock exploded for the second time, catching them both by surprise. It splashed on to their tongues, lips and cheeks. Forts chuckled, "Hey you are a real spunk monster." I watched as they licked my cock clean and then began to lick my cream off of each other's faces. They shared it back and forth, their tongues entwined, their eyes closed, their faces lost in a deep love. Finished, they both grinned up at me. "You alright?" Alright didn't come even close to describing the way I felt. Forts gripped my shaft and slowly squeezed from my balls to my glans as he drained out the last few dribbles. He licked them up, grinning he showed me his tongue and then swallowed it down, before licking his lips. "Wow, you have got yourself a real six shooter there, Colin, amazing." He chuckled as he massaged my cock again. "It feels like there is plenty more still in these." He cupped my balls again, giving them a gentle squeeze. They both shuffled up and hugged me, their heads in the crook of my neck. Davy whispered, "Have you had enough?" Again, I shook my head. The sex I had with Will and Jeremy had never been like this. ** Forts takes up the story Wow! Colin had already cum twice, and we still hadn't gotten to the main event. The three of us lay snuggled up together. I hadn't really looked at his body before. I was starting to feel old. At sixteen, Colin's body was well into puberty. But he was still more boy than man. His upper chest and arms were getting nicely muscled, probably from all the work he was having to do looking after the horses. He had a smattering of hairs under his arms, but none on his chest. A faint treasure trail led down from his navel to a bushy patch of pubes above his cock. His balls were smooth, but coarser hairs were slowly spreading upwards from his calves to his knees. He still had that youthful smell and taste, just a hint of manly sweat. His cum was delicious, creamy and sweet. My cock throbbed as I thought about it. * We must have all dozed for a few minutes. My throbbing cock woke me up, it still wanted to play. I stroked it slowly back to full hardness. Colin was still snoozing between us, his cock laying limply across his thigh. I looked over at Davy. He was smirking as he watched me wank. He winked and mouthed, "Are you okay?" I waggled my hard cock at him and pouted. He nodded at Colin and mouthed the word "Whoosh" and did an impression of a firework with his hands. We both chuckled. Davy grinned and reached to stroke the still dozing Colin. Colin jumped and then smiled a dreamy smile and stretched. Davy winked, "Are you ready for round three?" Colin blushed and nodded. Davy nodded towards my throbbing cock. "Shall we start on that?" I rolled on to my back and spread my legs, putting my hands behind my head. "I'm ready," I grinned. Colin seemed to hesitate, yet his eyes were wide and full of lust. I smiled at them both, "Davy, show him how an expert does it." Davy crawled over between my legs, pushing them wider apart as he invited Colin to get beside him. I smiled down at the two eager faces looking up at me past my throbbing, leaking cock. Davy whispered, "Copy what I do." I closed my eyes and leant back. I gasped as I felt a tongue flick over my cock lips. I gripped both of their heads and guided them up and down my shaft and over my bellend. Colin gasped, "It's fucking amazing." Davy chuckled, "You wait until you feel it inside you." Colin froze, "I think it is too big..." Davy giggled, "I will let you into a secret, they are never too big, if you are properly prepared and use lube. Come on, let us show you." Colin looked at Davy doubtfully. His clenched fingers still holding my iron cock. "But I can't even get my fingers right round it. It's massive." I laughed, "Hey, I love you. You can come round anytime." Davy shook his head, "Colin, get yourself on to all fours and let me show you... Forts, up you get." Hesitantly, Colin got himself on all fours. I lifted myself up and moved behind him, "Come on gorgeous, you too." Davy grinned and got himself alongside Colin. I stroked my cock as I looked at the two amazing arses in front of me. Colin's smaller, I eased his legs apart and cupped his hanging balls. He gasped, "Please be gentle..." I laughed, I haven't even started yet. "Just keep your legs apart and do what Davy is doing." Davy had now assumed the position, face in the sheets and arse in the air with his fingers pulling apart his butt cheeks. Colin looked horrified, "But... but you will see my hole." I stroked his arse, "I am going to be doing more than just seeing it. Now come on." Playfully, I slapped his cheek. Colin assumed the position, and I shuffled behind him. Gently, I blew across his tightly clenched pucker. It quivered and he let out a moan. I leant closer and flicked my tongue across his hole. Another moan. I followed up with my more licks and kisses. "Oh, fuck yes..." Colin pulled his cheeks further apart and groaned. I picked up the lubricant Davy had left on the bedside table and pushed the nozzle to Colin's hole. He gasped and his hole clenched as he felt the cold gel. I coated my finger with it and slowly began to ease a digit into his arse. Slowly, his sphincter relaxed and allowed my finger in. Davy and Colin were now snogging again on the bed. I worked in another finger, slowly stretching his amazingly tight and hot hole. He groaned and pushed back on to my fingers. Davy and he were giggling between kisses. Davy knew exactly what he was feeling. I eased in a third finger as he opened for me. I tapped my fingertips inside him, feeling for his boy nut. He jumped as I found it, more giggles from Davy. I could hear him whispering what it was. With Colin now opened up and chilled, I moved to Davy and did the same to him. "Hey, you were much quicker with me!" Davy moaned as he looked back at me. I chuckled, "I wonder why that is?" Davy giggled and waggled his arse, "Well, I suppose it's not my first time." I moved back behind Colin and stroked his back, and reapplied more lubricant to his hole. "Are you sure you want me to do this?" "Yes and ... Yes, please, do it." "There's a good lad. Just ease back when you are ready, we can go at your speed." I watched as Davy began to kiss and stroke Colin's face, his voice reassuring him. I lubed up my shaft and bellend and pushed it tight up against Colin's hole. I increased the pressure, Colin tried to shuffle forwards. I took hold of his hips. "Just relax..." I groaned. I pushed against his sphincter again. He groaned, but it started to open, spreading its lips slowly over my glistening cockhead. Swallowing my cocklips and then more and more of my bellend until I popped inside, his sphincter snapped shut just behind my glans. Colin moaned, his mouth covered by Davy's. I waited until I felt him relax before pushing more of me into him. It took several minutes, but he took me balls deep. I patted him on the back, "That's all of me." * The three of us made love most of the night. Davy and I both fucking Colin several times. Colin even tried fucking Davy. I remember hearing the clock striking three in the morning. Exhausted, we all fell asleep in each other's arms. * Davy and I woke as Colin slowly got out of the bed. He forced himself to smile, but we both could see the tear roll down his cheek. He took a big breath, burbling out, "I want to thank you both for an amazing night and for showing me just what true love is. I have no regrets and hope you don't either." Davy and I leapt up, "Come here. Of course, we have no regrets." We both hugged him. Colin nodded, "Thank you... Now, I had better get out to the horses." ********************** Folks, there is nothing more rewarding than hearing from you that you are enjoying the story. Please take the time to email me to let me know. Blackscar. Other Nifty stories by Blackscar. 'NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters 'Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest 'Josh's Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth 'An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military 'Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest 'Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth 'Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military 'The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest 'A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest 'A very English Trailer Park' - Gay/Adult Youth 'Special lube Oil' - Gay/Adult Youth