Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 18:16:56 +0000 (GMT) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 140e IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, organisations, or events is entirely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the websites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author. ******* If you enjoy my story or any others on the Nifty site, please show your appreciation and donate what you can afford. ******* Finally, thank you again to my editor, Jim. ******* "Only after I have hugged you, my friend." I pulled Dima close to me and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, "Can you ever forgive me? I spoke to you abysmally. Know I will always love you like my brother." Dima stepped back, obviously overjoyed. He nodded and bowed, smiling, "Your Imperial Highness," then winked. The official photographs of just the family were taken in the main drawing room overlooking the lawns. Then more informal ones with Radost and Nadya added in were taken. Next we were led back into the Ballroom and yet more photographs with those that wanted them taken with me. I couldn't have been prouder or happier, as many wanted my Davy holding Draco standing next to me. A talk and mingle buffet lunch followed, and the event came to a close. We would all meet again later for the formal evening meal. ********************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 140e – Folks, it has been suggested that I list the minor characters appearing in each chapter, so here goes. Part 140e minor characters making an appearance: Albert – 23yrs - Forts and Davy's new valet. We first met him as the Valet in the sleeper carriage Athol and Forts took to London. Andrei – Forts and Davy's Russian Chauffeur McPhee takes up the story I nearly hadn't made it back in time. We had received a call from Andrei. He left a message at the hotel that he couldn't pick the three of us up. He was just too busy ferrying Russian aristocrats. Panicked, I had phoned Darius. Unfortunately, neither he nor Tobias could help either, both of them were sticking to Forts and Davy like glue and not prepared to leave them. Finally, I had gotten hold of Archie. He agreed to come and get us, but it wouldn't be in one of the Rolls. It would be in Bessie, Gethins' old sports car. I think we heard him before we saw him. He pulled up outside the Grand Hotel and the three of us piled into the vehicle with our bags. First stop was the hospital where Olly and Con got out. Then, with a wave, Archie pointed the car towards Pittodrie. On arrival I had leapt out, shouting thank you and running inside. * Now here I was hopping about on one leg, trying to pull my black uniform trousers up my still damp legs. I had just thrown myself in the shower and hadn't really dried myself properly. Argh, 'more hurry, less speed'. God, I hoped these bloody trousers fitted okay. I grabbed for my watch, one hand holding up the waistband of my trousers. It was too late to get anything done about them now if they didn't. Why had I gone to the hotel last night? I should have stayed here at Pittodrie! I smiled to myself. It had been a fun evening. Different, I can't deny that, but still fun. It had been a bit awkward to start, especially at lights off. The three of us laying on the bed barely touching. I remember thinking, what was so different from that first night, when the three of us had the most amazing sex? How could the change of a label change things? I think Con and Olly were nervous about making the first move. So, I had made it! Laying naked on my back between them, I reached out my hands and slid down each of their chest to their cocks. Both were rock hard. I gripped each shaft, "Skiing anyone?" That seemed to break the impasse, and both laughed. Their hands landed on my cock, yes I was hard too. The two of them chuckled and voices trembling in the dark, said, "Dick of Deathhhhhh." Soon we were all sharing a wet, tonguey kiss. * There was a gentle tap on the door, and Albert popped his head into the room. "How are you getting on Sir?" he smiled, "Do you need a hand?" I don't think I had ever been so pleased to see anyone. "Yes, please, I would really appreciate that." Albert crossed over to me, smiling calmly, "Let's get these done up correctly first, Sir." "Thank you, Albert... I really don't want to let Forts and Davy down by looking like a scruff." ** Davy takes up the story To hear the closing of our apartment door behind us was a relief, we were finally alone. Who am I kidding. Forts was buzzing. Don't get me wrong, I was so pleased for him that everything had gone as well as it had. He began to undo the buttons of his tunic and removed his white and gold belt. Marcus appeared and removed Forts' sash and then mine. We both slipped off our tunics handing them to Marcus, we would be wearing them again at the meal later. Now more comfortable, we both sat down, wearing just our white vests and trousers. The only events we had left now were the evening meal tonight and then the ball tomorrow night. We were even free most of the day tomorrow. Robert and Dima had arranged various country pursuits for our male guests, ranging from hill walking with a picnic, and some riding, hunting and fishing. For the ladies, the Grand Duchess and Count Samara had arranged some indoor pursuits, including a talk, 'Treasures of the Imperial Court' where Samara intended to show off some of the items in our collection. It was suggested that the two of us drop in and out of these events, 'meet and greet', 'see and be seen'. Forts turned to me, he picked me up and burled me round, then kissed me. "I love you. Thank you... And never bow to me again, do you hear me?" I nodded and kissed him back. Marcus appeared from his rooms and placed down a tray of tea with some biscuits. Forts smiled, "Thank you, Marcus." Marcus winked and withdrew. The apartment door opened and Darius popped his head into the room, "Forts, will you both be staying here for a while? Tobias and I were going to eat." Forts nodded, "Yes, I don't think we have any plans until the meal later." "Good, sir." Darius smiled and left, closing the door behind him. I sighed, "Forts, did you know that both Darius and Tobias carry handguns?" Forts' eyes focused on mine. He leant towards me and nodded, "Yes, I did. It is only for our protection Davy..." I shook my head, "I never realised. When did you find out? Why didn't you tell me?" "Davy..." Forts sat back. "I first noticed that Darius carried a gun in London, I saw it inside his jacket when I visited Count Samara's flat." "You didn't tell me." Forts dropped to his knees in front of me and took my hand, "No, I didn't want you to worry about it. Davy, it is one of those things we have to live with now, try not to think about it." It was easy for him to say, but my mind was set racing. "There hasn't been a threat made against you about this weekend, has there?" Forts looked at me puzzled, "No, I would have told you if there had been. Is that what's worrying you?" I nodded, "I saw Darius handling the pistol earlier, I never even knew they carried them." Forts hugged me, "Davy, you should have asked me earlier. You haven't been worried all the time, have you?" I nodded as a tear rolled down my cheek, "I just don't want to lose you to some madman." Forts hugged me tighter, "You are not going to. Come here, you big, soppy thing." I forced a smile, "I'm sorry, I am just a bit tired." I stood up, "Do you mind if I have a lie down?" Forts stood smiling, "Not at all." He kissed me on the lips, "Now, don't worry. Try to get some sleep." I went through to our bedroom and lay down on the bed, soon sinking into a deep, fitful slumber. * The fanfare rang out as it had earlier. The great gold and white doors swung open before us, revealing a sea of smiling faces. With the Grand Duchess between us once more, Forts and I entered the ballroom. Behind us, Dima was chuckling, sharing a joke as he escorted his mother on one side and the princess Maloshia on the other. As the band again played the March of the 'Life Guards Sankt-Peterburgsky', we processed into the hall. We had only walked about twenty feet. I could see Athol, Archie, Harding, Van Cusen and Chris all at a table we were approaching. They were all smiling, and nodding, it was great to see them. We too were smiling, nodding and greeting those who had welcomed us so warmly earlier, but none of their faces were clear, it felt like a dream. I sensed a tug on my arm and we came to a halt. I looked round, wondering why we had stopped. The Grand Duchess screamed. I saw the looks of horror on the faces of those around us. I heard several gunshots. The Duchess's arm fell from mine in slow motion as she collapsed to the floor, groaning. There was shouting and more gunshots. I was grabbed from behind by Tobias. "We have to get you out Davy." He began pulling me backwards. I was struggling against him. Where was my Forts? Our eyes met. I stared at him in disbelief. He looked shocked, stunned, his eyes wild and disbelieving, his hands clutched at his chest as the blood soaked through his white tunic, he mouthed, "I love you, look after our son Draco." I heard myself screaming, "NO," as the life faded from those beautiful eyes. Forts crumpled to the floor. Darius threw himself over him as he fell. There were more gunshots and spurts of blood sprayed up from Darius' back. Tobias was screaming at me as he dragged me away, his gun drawn, as he shielded my body with his. Through the mist swirling in my mind, I could hear screaming and hysterical sobbing. It was me. I could hear myself. WHAT THE FUCK? I sat up as the bedroom door slammed open against the wall. Tobias and Darius ran into the room, both of them weapons drawn, their eyes scanning the room for danger. Forts was immediately behind them, he pushed through them. Darius shouted, "Your Highness, WAIT!" Forts ignored them and landed on the bed next to me, his face panicked, "Are you okay? What happened? We heard you shouting and screaming..." Still confused myself, I touched his face, unsure of what was happening. "You're okay?" Forts swallowed as he suddenly realised I had been dreaming. He embraced me. "Davy, I am fine, I am here." He turned to Darius and Tobias, barking, "Chaps please, put those guns away. He is okay, it was just a bad dream." Darius and Tobias exchanged a questioning glance, then nodded to Forts and withdrew towards the door. "We will be just outside, Forts." The door closed behind them. Forts hugged me tightly, rocking me, "You and your dreams. I take it I wasn't Rhett Butler this time." He gave me a little reassuring Forts smile. "Or up to anything else..." Forts winked. I tried to smile. I shook my head. I felt so stupid, "I am sorry, it seemed so real." He kissed my cheek, "Your dreams always do... It's all this talk of guns. Don't worry, we are all perfectly safe with Darius and Tobias protecting us all." ** Forts takes up the story I stayed with Davy as he drifted off back to sleep and then made my way back to the sitting room. I sent for Professor Harding, who I knew was back at Pittodrie. I was still in my vest although I had changed out of my dress trousers into a pair of midnight blue Cossack type loose ones, and a pair of socks. "Forts, Professor Harding is here." "Thank you, Albert." I stood as Con hurried into the room behind him. "I came as quickly as I could." He looked me up and down, "I hope you didn't get dressed up on my account." He smiled. "What can I do for you, Forts?" I tried to smile back, "Sorry Con, it's Davy." Cons face changed, "What has happened? Is Davy alright?" "I think so now. He had a bad dream. He woke up screaming and in a terrible state, sweating and in tears." I indicated for Con to sit. "A dream?" Con looked surprised. I sighed, "Yes, earlier he saw Darius cleaning his gun. Davy didn't realise that they both carry weapons." "Blimey, nor did I." Con too seemed genuinely surprised. I nodded, exhaling, "Yes, ever since the attempt on my life in London... When Dima was shot. Davy worries all the time it is going to happen again. I think that is what his dream was about. Seeing the gun seems to have triggered the dream." "Alright, and you would like me to check him over?" I felt my lip trembling as I nodded. "I am worried about him... He seems to be..." "I seem to be what?" Con and I both stood as Davy came through the door in his dressing gown. I jumped up. "Davy, you're up. How are you feeling?" I crossed to him and gave him a hug. Davy smiled and nodded towards Con. "Professor?" "Hello Davy." I led Davy to the couch, and we both sat. "Forts you didn't call for Con about me, did you? I just had a silly dream." Con smiled, "It sounds like it was a bit more than just a silly dream." Davy blushed, swallowed, and looked down, his hand squeezing my fingers. Con looked at me, "Forts, can you give me a moment to chat to Davy?" I looked at Davy mouthing, "Is that alright?" He nodded and gave my fingers another squeeze. I stood, "Okay, I will take the pups out. I think they will be sitting with their legs crossed by now anyway." I kissed Davy and went to pick up the pups. "Forts, stick this on... You can't go outside in your vest. What would everyone think?" Albert handed me an over the head, green tunic like top and a pair of Cossack black boots. I pulled the tunic on. It had gold and red shoulder boards. I looked at him, "Really? I am only taking the dogs out." Albert smiled, adjusted the tunic and handed me a green flat cap. "There, that's better... More than my job's worth to let you go outside looking scruffy." He winked and picking up the pups, handed them to me. Davy was laughing, "Much more, Grand Duke, although I liked the Mr Mop look too." I kissed him again and headed out into the corridor. Darius and Tobias were seated outside the door, they both stood. "Is Davy okay, Forts?" "Yes, I think so. He saw your gun earlier, and it frightened him." Darius looked down, "I am sorry about that, sir." I half nodded, "It is not your fault. But I am not sure what to do about it." Tobias gave a little cough, "Guns can be scary if people don't know about them. Maybe we could teach you both to shoot. Get him used to seeing and handling a handgun." "Perhaps. Right, I am taking the pups out. Looks like one of you are going to get a walk." I grinned, "Unless I can go on my own?" Darius and Tobias exchanged glances and winked, "That's a no. Tobias, you stay here, I will go with Forts." We headed for the staircase. ** Darius takes up the story That evening's formal meal had passed off without a hitch. Although, as the doors opened into the ballroom, both Tobias and I noticed Davy's body tense. Throughout the meal, Tobias and I had stood a few feet away from Forts and Davy. Originally, I wanted us to be in footman's uniforms, that way we would have at least blended in better. But with only two of us, that wasn't really possible. We needed a bigger team, at least another two chaps, possibly three. But this weekend, and that day in particular wasn't the time to raise it, let alone discuss it with Forts. * The next day, similarly, passed quietly. While their guests enjoyed the activities that had been laid on Forts and Davy remained in their apartment until later when Dima joined them. With Forts carrying Draco, Davy, Aaran, and little Andrew running along beside them, and the pups, Radost and Nadya, they ventured out to 'see and be seen', but it wasn't for very long. Tobias and I, as always, the pair's constant shadows. It was amazing to hear so many of the guests asking Forts about Radost. Animatedly, he told them the story, reducing many to tears. It was hard and sad to hear, but several of these people knew the original Radost, The Tsarevich Alexis' dog. They all fussed over him, seemingly through him, trying to touch the past. Now all that remained was the evening Ball. Earlier, I had broached the subject with Dima about a larger security team. He said he had heard about the incident with Davy yesterday, but he did not say much else. Why were Russians always so bloody inscrutable? What he did say was that he would speak to Robert and get it put as an agenda item on the next morning's meeting. His parting shot, "You can come along. This one is yours!" That didn't fill me with confidence. Another thing was I heard through the grapevine that Count Samara was intending to ask Forts to go to London with him so they could attend a large sale of Imperial Russian pieces to be held at Sotheby's in New Bond Street on the 1st of March. That would need both Tobias and me, technically leaving Davy and Draco without any security. I decided to speak to Athol and Gethin and get them both on board, before I spoke to Forts about it. This was a fight I knew I would need to have plenty of allies for. I also began making a few phone calls. ** Davy takes up the story It is surprising how alone you can feel even when you are surrounded by so many people. Forts had meetings with several of the Russians. I had remained in our apartment. I hoped I would see Vlad, but even he was in great demand with the Bishop having vanished along with Edik. I stood in front of the mirror, sad eyes looked back at me, as I swallowed one of the pills Con had given me. He had assured me it would just keep me calmer. I wanted this weekend over and all these strangers gone. "Are you ready, Sexy?" Forts grabbed me round the waist and kissed my neck. He was trying so hard to keep things as normal as possible for me. I hoped he hadn't seen me taking the pill. I had pleaded with Con not to tell him about them. How can a dream, no, a nightmare, make you so upset? I could still taste my panic. It just seemed so real, I couldn't stop thinking about it, seeing Forts fall to the ground and being unable to do anything. I pinched myself, stop it, it was just a dream. It wasn't real. "Davy, are you okay? Do you want to stay here? I can tell everyone you are unwell." I turned and embraced him, "No, I will be fine. Come on, let's get it over with." Forts nodded and gave me a cuddle. "Come on, then." * The Grand Duchess turned and smiled, "It will all soon be over, Davy." Her lace gloved hand gently squeezed my arm. How perceptive this old lady was. I nodded. The fanfare ended, and the doors swung open. A sea of eager faces willed us into the room. It parted as the orchestra began playing the March of the 'Life Guards Sankt-Peterburgsky'. Forcing myself to smile, we made our way through the excited onlookers, all the ladies no doubt wondering who Forts would ask to dance first. Forts was wearing his white hussars tunic, heavily embroidered with silver thread with scarlet red trim, a matching fur trimmed pelisse, hanging over his left shoulder. Gone were the classic black dress trousers, he was in black knee-length cavalry boots and tight white cavalry breeches. He didn't seem to care they didn't leave much to the imagination. McPhee had made us all laugh telling him he looked like a tart. Forts had just waggled his hips and whinnied. I think he had chosen that outfit because it would be practically impossible for him to dance in. We took our places, and the orchestra began to play the first waltz of the evening. Forts leant into my ear and whispered, "Remember it is you I love." I nodded, and he turned to the Grand Duchess and asked her to dance. I watched as a succession of beautiful young ladies in the most amazing dresses and jewels fawned around Forts all hoping to dance with him having been pushed forward by their eager parents. "He hasn't any choice. You do realise that don't you." I was about to snap, "Yes he does." When I recognised the voice, "It is truly you he loves, not these people." It was Vlad. I wanted to hug him, but knew that wouldn't be acceptable either. "Vlad, you don't know how much I have missed you." He smiled, "I heard about yesterday. I am sorry I couldn't come to you." I bit my lip, trying to stop myself bursting into tears. He smiled and took my hand, to anyone looking on, it looked like he was blessing me. I wanted to sit talking to him all night. I gripped his knee vice like. "Davy, would you dance with me?" It was Alexandra. Vlad stood and gave a head bow, "Princess, Davy, I will speak to you tomorrow. I will leave you both to dance and talk." He seemed to emphasise 'talk'. I nearly shouted after him not to leave. I didn't want to dance with her, let alone talk. Alexandra and I made our way out on to the dance floor in silence. As the music started, we took up positions. She was watching my face, almost studying it. Finally, she spoke, "Davy, you have barely spoken to me since I arrived. Have I done something wrong?" She was right. I had been avoiding her. I had no idea what to say. I mean, I could hardly say, I don't trust you bitch, now could I? She smiled, "Can we at least be friends?" I didn't answer. Alexandra hesitated, "I am not after him, Davy." She glanced towards Forts, "Oh, he is gorgeous and I am terribly jealous of you, but I am to be engaged to Count Sergey Uvarov. We are very much in love." I nearly stopped dancing. I had heard the name Sergey Uvarov. Yes, he was one of the young men who had kissed Forts' hands at the meet the family event. Alexandra looked at me expectantly, "I would love you to meet him. Please Davy, can we all just be friends? I miss Theodora so much and would love to be part of your son Draco's life." Her eyes glistened momentarily, and then that Russian control took over. I smiled, wishing I had it too. I nodded, "Friends. I would love to meet him, Alexandra." She beamed and led me from the dance floor to a small group of young men in various uniforms. They all stiffened as we approached, "Your Grace." I would never get used to this. "Gentlemen." Alexandra was still holding my arm. "Sergey, let me introduce Davy, His Grace, The Duke of Pittodrie, and a very special friend. Davy, Count Sergey Uvarov." I felt the knife twist, once more I had acted badly. Jealousy is a terrible thing. The other two young men seemed to drift away, leaving the three of us. Sergey bowed his head, "Very pleased to meet you, Your..." I stopped him thrusting out my hand, "Please, call me Davy, Sergey. I am very pleased to meet you." Alexandra was hovering excitedly, "Sergey, we must invite Davy and Forts to the wedding, oh please, please." He looked stunned and looked at me, "Well, if..." I saved the chap his blushes. "Sergey, Alexandra, it would be Forts and my pleasure." I waved over a nearby footman carrying a tray of Champagne. We all took a glass, I toasted them, "To you both." Sergey smiled and leant forward, "And if I may be so bold, to you and Forts. Davy, may you have a long and happy life together." I smiled, "I will drink to that." I spent most of the remaining time of the ball in their company, being introduced to several more of their friends. We were all laughing when Forts came striding across to us with Dima and Chris. I don't know if anyone else spotted the loving wink Forts gave me. Count Uvarov gave a low bow, "Your Imperial Highness." Forts, offered his hand, "Count, please, I hear from Prince Dima, you are to be family. Call me Forts, when you feel it is right." Uvarov shook his hand, "Thank you, Forts." Forts smiled, turned and took Alexandra's hand, giving a low bow, "Princess," He gave a heart-melting smile, "Cousin, may I have the pleasure of this penultimate dance?" Forts smiled at Sergey, "The last dance is yours, Count." Dima and Chris both smiled at me and winked as Forts led Alexandra off onto the dance floor. I took the opportunity to introduce Sergey to them both. The last dance Forts saved for Dima's mother. I knew it couldn't be me. I did the honourable thing and asked the Grand Duchess to dance with me. As the music came to an end, the crystal chandeliers above us illuminated. Forts came and stood with us once more. The Orchestra, began to play the Imperial Russian Anthem, God Save the Tsar. Forts turned to me and mouthed, "I love you." Then turned to face the sea of faces before us. We all stood to attention and, as I swelled with pride, I was sure my voice belted out the words louder than anyone else. * Thirty minutes later, the majority of the guests had left and returned to their rooms. It was just the family, as we called them, with one addition, Count Sergey Uvarov. I was wondering why we were all still standing there when the ceiling lights dimmed once more and the wall sconces came back to life. Forts stepped forward. "Now, I have a confession. I have lied to the guy I love more than anything in the world. That wasn't the last dance, this is." Forts took my hand and led me into the centre of the dance floor as the orchestra, who I hadn't even noticed hadn't left, began to play Aram Khachaturian's 'Masquerade Waltz'. This Waltz that was fast becoming our tune, having been played the first time we danced together in public. I was floating in the arms of my Forts, my heart lost in his eyes as we waltzed round and round on the dance floor. After a few bars, Forts waved everyone else to join us. The faces of so many people that I loved and cared for flashed past us, laughing and smiling. Now, strangely, I didn't want the night to end. ********************** Folks, there is nothing more rewarding than hearing from you that you are enjoying the story. Please take the time to email me to let me know. Blackscar. Other Nifty stories by Blackscar. 'NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters 'Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest 'Josh's Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth 'An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military 'Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest 'Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth 'Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military 'The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest 'A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest 'A very English Trailer Park' - Gay/Adult Youth 'Special lube Oil' - Gay/Adult Youth