Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 20:23:30 +0100 (BST) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 145c IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organisations, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, organisations, or events is entirely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the websites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author. ******* If you enjoy my story or any others on the Nifty site, please show your appreciation and donate what you can afford. ******* Finally, thank you again to my editor, Jim. ******* ... Then just as his distraught daughter arrived in the room, he pushed the poor boy to his death from the window... His cries filling the night... only amplified by hers..." Now is it because, actually, who knows what causes it? But suddenly, despite the fire, the room became cold. We all felt it. Dave was still cuddled up to Forts, his eyes tightly shut. "So, I won't be sleeping in the 'Withdrawing Room' or the 'Blue Room'. Denis paused for dramatic effect." The loud bang caused us all to jump. Davy screamed out and grabbed a startled, Forts. There was a maniacal laugh. We all turned to look at Duke. He was grinning at the heavy old book he had dropped on the floor at his feet... The bastard. ********************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 145c – Part 145c minor characters making an appearance or receiving a mention: Hamish McKrankie – Coordinator of the further education courses. Previously a Master builder. Micaheal Mishcon – (Mishcon) Athol's family Solicitor. Now Forts and Davy's solicitor, as well. Mr Carpenter - private detective employed by Mishcon's David Tait – was a Metropolitan Police Chief Inspector. New member of the security team. Mr Morrison – (Morrison) Manager of the London Boys' Home. ** Davy takes up the story once more. Bloody Duke. I thought I was going to have a coronary. After the initial shock, everyone had laughed, but the room remained chilled. It made me shudder. Forts killed himself laughing, pointing at me. Well, until I attacked him with the killer tickles. He screeched as he desperately tried to avoid my fingers. "Enough, enough. I surrender, I 'm sorry for laughing." He sat, trying to force himself not to smile. I glanced around at the others. All of them seemed to be stifling smiles. One of them sniggered, I am not sure who, and next all of them burst out laughing again, the bastards. It wasn't much later I was tucked up in bed alongside Forts, both of us wearing the long linen nightshirts. Forts kissed me goodnight and blew out the candle before turning away. I snuggled up behind him, wrapping my arm over his side and placing my hand on his chest. I lay unable to sleep, not even getting any comfort from his steady breathing. "Forts." "Mmmm." "What tune do you think the fiddler plays?" "Ugh, Davy... Go to sleep." "I can't sleep... What tune do you think it is?" "Davy, I don't know. Come on, snuggle up and go to sleep." I flopped on to my back and pulled the covers tight up to my chin, my eyes scanning round the room. There it was again, the temperature in the room plunged. I forced my eyes tight shut. My fingers curled into the bedding, gripping it tightly. "Forts." "What?" "It's gotten colder in here... Can you feel it?" Forts grunted, "Oh, Davy... Please, there are no such things as ghosts." "Why wouldn't Denis sleep in the 'Withdrawing Room' or the 'Blue Room' then?" Forts grunted and turned towards me. "I don't know... Davy, you are soppy." His hand came to my face, and he stroked my cheek. It paused and caressed me again with more urgency. "Davy, you're crying!" My voice broke. "I'm frightened." Probably realising any further attempt at sleep was futile, Forts sat up and leant towards me. "Oh, Davy!" Forts sat up and reached out to light the candle. He fumbled around until he found the box of matches. "Shit, hang on." The rasp, as the match was struck, was followed by a bright explosion of flame and the acrid smell of sulphur. I watched as he held the lit match to the candle wick. The flame sputtered and grew as he blew out the match. He moved back closer to me. He was smiling and stroked away my tears with his fingers. "Come on, you're okay. I am sorry, I told Denis I didn't want him telling any daft ghost stories." "Do you really think the stories are daft?" I sniffed. He kissed my cheek, "Well, I hope they are." He smiled, "Just imagine what the old Laird would do if he found you and me in bed together." I nodded. "But just how much could you hate your daughter to throw her lover from a window to his death?" Forts didn't answer. "I wonder what they were both like?" "Davy, ENOUGH! You are just frightening yourself now... I know, shall I get us a cup of tea or something?" He didn't wait for my answer. He jumped out of the bed and grabbed for another candle. He held its wick to the one on the bedside table, lighting it. "I won't be long." He smiled and opened the door. With the candle in one hand and his bare feet and hairy legs showing beneath his long nightshirt, he looked like the little boy 'Wee Willy Winky' from the English childhood nursery rhyme. I grinned to myself, well maybe more 'Big Willy Winky. The candle's flame flickered in an unseen draft, twisting an eery shadow across his face. "Are you sure you don't want me to come? Or we could always ask Albert to get it." Forts shook his head, "Davy, I am perfectly capable of making a cup of tea... Now I won't be long." "But I will be on my own." "Davy, enough!" And with that, the door closed. ** Forts take up the story Fucking ghost stories. Davy always hated them, yet seemed desperate to hear all the details, then frightened himself witless. The corridor did feel cold, though. I padded over to the stone spiral staircase, the ancient wooden floor boards creaking noisier than I had noticed earlier. I began to make my way downwards. I should have put some shoes on, the stone was deathly cold against my feet. Why on earth had my brain chosen to use that word deathly? I shuddered, come to think of it, if I am honest, there was a noticeable strange chill in the air. Maybe Davy was right... I tried to put the thoughts of ghosts out of my head. I felt my pulse raising as the hairs on my arms and the back of neck stood on end. God, please don't let me meet anyone on these spiral stairs. I hate spiral stairs... You can't tell if there is anyone just round the next bend. My mind was racing as the shadows caused by the flickering candle flame danced off the old portraits on the walls... Fuck, those eyes were following me. I chastised myself. "FORTS, get a grip, don't look at them." As I arrived on the first-floor landing, I had to shield the candle's flame as it began to flicker even more from the unseen, but definitely present drafts. I shuddered as I read the brass nameplate on the door, 'The Withdrawing Room'. That sent me even further on edge. Please, please, don't let me hear anything, no sounds of lovers or music. Nothing, phew. I headed down the main stairs towards the kitchen on the ground floor. Why the fuck had I volunteered to do this? I was sure I was sweating now.. I half ran into the kitchen, suddenly remembering the fucking place had electric light down here and, for that matter on the floor above. I reached for the old brass light switch and flicked on the lights. I quickly felt a whole lot better. I blew out the candle... I mean, Ghosts... Really. I chuckled to myself, God, Davy was silly believing in all that nonsense. I quickly lit the gas range and filled the old iron kettle with water, then placed it over the flaming ring. I located two mugs, and a teapot, and finally some loose tea. The whistle of the kettle was somehow really homely. I couldn't think when I had last heard that. Probably not since I had been at Mrs Griffiths all those years ago now. That thought was enough to give me another shudder down my spine. I crossed to the range just as the lights went off, plunging me into darkness apart from the ghostly glow of the gas flame. "One wrong move and you are a dead man! Put your hands up slowly." A torch beam illuminated me. I could see my shadow cast on the wall in front of me. I went to turn. "Don't move. Hands up where I can see them." The voice barked. That was Duke. I was sure. My mind was racing. Not only had it frightened the shit out of me when the lights went off, then the barking voice. Jesus Christ, Forts, just say something. It took a moment for my brain to switch on. "Duke, it's me, Forts." There was a momentary silence, and then the main lights came back on. Duke was standing with his pistol in his hand. He quickly holstered it. "Christ, I could have shot you. What are you doing creeping about at this hour? And dressed like that? I thought it was one of those fucking ghosts!" I waggled the baggy sleeves of my nightshirt. Duke laughed, shaking his head as I went, "Wooooo." Putting my arms down, I reached for the teapot on the counter. "Would you believe making Davy a cup of tea? He couldn't sleep after Denis' ghost stories. Do you want one?" He smiled and crossed to the table, "I don't mind if I do. Oh, by the way that nightshirt is see through." "Really?" I am sure I blushed. "Lucky I didn't meet a ghost then." I poured him a cup. "What are you doing up, anyway?" Duke sat down, and I handed him a cuppa. "I am doing my two-hour stint. Rather than sitting by the main door, I thought I would have an explore around. Wooooooo." He waved his arms ghost like, "I thought maybe I might get lucky and find a desperate virgin boy." I chuckled. "You're a braver man than me, Gunga Din... Even for a desperate virgin boy." I squeezed the front of my nightshirt and chuckled as I sat down. "Even I was bloody spooked by those ghost stories. Bloody Denis. I suppose it explains why he lives in one of the cottages though and not in here... Hey and how come you have a torch and I am creeping about with just a flickering candle?" Duke smiled. I went to pick up the torch. He grabbed it first, "Oh no you don't. You won't catch me creeping about this spooky place with just a candle!" he winked. We both laughed. Duke took a gulp of his tea and his expression then changed. "God, is the tea that bad?" Duke shook his head. "No, it's fine. Forts, I hope you don't mind me asking, but Davy said you would be heading to London this week to find out what is going on at the Boys' Home regarding the food you send each week." "Yes, that's right." Duke hesitated, his eyes not leaving mine. "Would it be possible for me to come with you... I want to... Well, how could those bastards be starving the kids?" I smiled. "So, you are a big softie, after all?" Duke blushed and looked at his tea, almost stroking the cup. "Well, I am not the monster some people think I am, that's for sure." "I am not sure Robin Little would agree." Duke glanced into my eyes. "Forts, it's complicated. I like the boy. But it frightens me. I have never felt like I do for him, for anyone before. I have never had someone seem to care about me like Robin does." "Do you want to talk about it?" I lifted the teapot. "Another tea?" Duke smiled. "If you're happy to, but what about Davy?" I chuckled. "I bet he has been asleep for ages. So, let's have another one." Duke nodded and held out his cup. We sat chatting for ages. I was seeing a total other side to him. He was actually quite caring. The pot was soon empty. I put the kettle on to boil again. "Oh, you're here. For Christ's sakes, Forts. I thought something had happened to you!" Duke and I both jumped at the voice. Seeing Davy, I pointed and laughed at Duke before he had a chance to do it to me. "Ah, scaredy-cat. You should have seen you jump." Duke gave me a knowing, so did you look, and then chuckled. "Yes, he got me." Davy and Albert stood both clutching candles like crucifixes, both in their white nightshirts. "I thought something had got you." Davy was in full flow. "I was lying in that bed, calling for help. It was lucky Albert heard me!" Duke stood. "Sorry Davy, it was my fault. We were just having a cup of tea." I grinned, "Yes, besides, we don't have to worry about ghosts. There was nearly a new one, he almost shot me." Davy gave me a confused look. I held up the teapot. "Tea?" ** Chris takes up the story With Forts and Davy away, Dima was chairing the morning meeting with Robert and me. Dima had run through a lot of the agenda items, marking them as deferred until Davy and Forts got back. "Here is one you can probably help with, Chris. How is the renovation of Hill Croft House coming along? I know Forts wants it finished before the wedding next month. He also wants to show it to Alexandra and Sergey when he gets back." Finally, something I could help with. "Yes, the work is nearly finished. I spoke to Hamish McKrankie this morning. He said just a couple of more days and they will be all done." Dima smiled, "That's great Chris. Forts will be pleased." Robert cleared his throat. "Dima, you said next month, have Alexandra and Sergey set a date yet for the wedding?" Dima checked his sheet of paper. "I think someone said the 12th of August." Robert smiled, "Ah, the glorious twelfth. Start of the Grouse shooting season. I wonder what we will be getting to eat?" I burst out laughing. Dima shook his head, "I have no idea. Do you want me to ask?" Robert grinned at me and winked. These Russians had no sense of irony. Dima picked up another scrap of paper. "Oh Robert, I nearly forgot. Forts is heading to London tomorrow. Can you contact the train company and see if we can get his carriage connected to the train? If not, can you book five places in First Class please?" I sat wondering who would be going with him. I just had to ask. "Dima, who is going with him?" "Well, Mishcon's office is doing most of the work. But I will be plus three of the security team." He obviously saw my disappointment. "Chris, Forts always wants someone here from now on... After what happened to Colin. I am sure you understand." I did and nodded to show it. Dima smiled, "Okay, agenda item six, upcoming events, Robert?" Robert picked up his pad. "I wonder if Forts has remembered it is Davy and his 1st Anniversary this weekend. Davy was convinced he had forgotten." Dima nodded, "He has had a lot on his plate, what with Colin's death and everything else." God, I had been too caught up in James leaving. "Shouldn't one of us have reminded him? Davy will be upset if he has." Dima bit his cheek. "I don't think he has." He tapped his nose. Robert grinned, "Ah, that's what you were doing!" He chuckled. I made eye contact, Robert smiled and mouthed, "I will tell you later." He then looked back at his pad. "Then it's Forts' birthday on Saturday the 20th June. Then, Draco's first birthday on Tuesday the 30th of June. Then, on the 10th of July," Robert paused and glanced at Dima. Dima nodded, "I know, I haven't forgotten. It will be a year since Theodora died. All in all, it has been quite a year." Robert nodded. "And a busy month." ** Mr Carpenter takes up the story As a retired police detective and too old for military service, the little private investigator work now and then from Mishcon Solicitors really helped to supplement my pension. So, I was delighted to hear from him and asked to attend his offices once more. I was led straight in as I arrived. Mishcon was behind his desk. He pushed away what he was dealing with and rose to greet me. "Ah, Mr Carpenter. Good to see you again. Thank you for attending so promptly, but time is of the essence. Please take a seat." I smiled and sat down in front of him. "You will remember the young man called Forts? You did some investigation in to his foster mother, Elena Griffiths." "The lady who was killed in the air raid, yes I remember." Mishcon smiled. "The very same. He is now, of course, His Imperial Highness, The Grand Duke Drageon Drageonivanov Romanov." That was a surprise. "He did seem to have something about him even then... So, what can I do for His Imperial Highness?" Mishcon smiled, "I will call him Forts from now on, otherwise we could be here all day, just saying his name and titles." I nodded, Mishcon handed me a typed sheet of paper. "Forts and his deceased cousin, Theodora, set up that Boys' Home. It has around twenty boys, from ten to fifteen years of age. Now each week, Forts sends down a crate of food, vegetables, fresh eggs etc. from his estates in Scotland." I nodded, "And let me guess, it is not getting to the boys?" Mishcon nodded, "It would seem not. That is where you come in. I want you to meet the train later today and follow the crate... See who meets it and what happens to it." Mishcon passed me a brown folder. "This contains some photographs of the staff from the Boys' Home, so you can see if any of them are involved." He then passed me a crisp white five-pound note. "This is for any expenses you incur. Remember your camera, we will need photographic evidence, in case there is any prosecution." I nodded and looked at the pictures. "How long do I have?" Mishcon sat back in his seat. "Forts is arriving in two days. He wants to know what is going on then." I nodded. "These cases seldom involve just one or two people, you do realise that, don't you?" Mishcon thought for a moment. "Bring in anyone you need to if you need help. Just keep a record of your expenses. If you think we need to bring in the Police, let me know." "I will." I stood, "Right, I had better be getting on." I shook Mishcon's hand and headed out of his office. Now where to start? ** Davy takes up the story Forts still hadn't mentioned our anniversary. He had obviously forgotten. We had eventually gotten back to bed after I found him drinking tea with Duke. We had another lovely cuddle, this time just the two of us. The next thing I knew, it was morning and time for us to be getting ready to head home. The plan was we would leave just after lunchtime. Darius and Duke would be accompanying us in the Jeep. Forts had even said he would let Duke drive us home. David Tait would be driving the Rolls Royce back with Albert and the dogs. After a light breakfast, Forts suggested that we both have a last wander round the grounds of the Castle. It was a beautiful, warm June day, so it seemed like a good idea. With our shadows twenty feet behind us. We headed down to the stream once more. Forts was beaming and laughing as he remembered the fun we had all had with the boys and Edik. It had been an amazing day. We sat in on the bank enjoying the sun for sometime before Forts glanced at his watch and then jumped up. "Come on, time to be getting back." He helped me up, "But I thought we weren't leaving until after lunch." Forts smiled. "We might as well go now, there is no point in just sitting around." I sighed internally. So much for my weekend away. "Okay, you are probably right." Forts took my hand, and slowly we walked back towards the castle. "Have you had fun?" He smiled into my eyes. I nodded. The castle looked amazing in the midday light. It's pink walls really shone. Forts came to a halt as we got closer to the Barmkin Wall and tower. "Oh, we had better have a look inside the Hobbit House before we leave." I nodded, forcing myself to smile. He took my hand again and began leading me to the tower. I smiled, "It looks like someone has been cleaning the windows." Forts didn't answer. In fact, it looked like the ground had been cleared up and tidied up round the entrance, too. Forts leant forward and pushed opened the iron-studded door. It creaked open. "SURPRISE! Surprise!" Albert and Denis were standing inside, with Radost and Nadya at their feet. I staggered and turned to Forts. "Happy anniversary Davy... You didn't really think I had forgotten, did you?" I just hugged him by the door. I nodded. A big tear rolled down my cheeks. Forts wrapped his arms round me, "You are silly. I love you so much." Forts led me inside. It was a small circular room, with a stone spiral staircase running round the wall leading to an upper floor. In the centre of the room sat a table and two chairs. The table was beautifully set with plates and glasses and an ice bucket sat nearby containing a bottle of Champagne. Denis busily lit the candles, while Forts pulled out my chair for me to sit down. Between them, Albert and Denis served up a beautiful meal, all of which had to be transported from the castle kitchen. The food, all washed down with the bottle of Champagne. I sat grinning like an idiot. How had I thought he would forget? I reached for his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you. I love you so much!" Forts smiled one of his smiles and said. "I love you too." There was a knock on the door and Darius' head appeared. "Forts, the time." Forts nodded, and I was sure he winked, but why would he be winking at Darius? "Come on, then Davy. We had really better be getting back home now." I nodded and stood, feeling slightly tiddly. Forts took my arm and led me back outside into the sunshine. We walked up towards the Castle, Forts holding my hand. I looked round as I heard the neighing of horses, then the jingle of their harnesses. Then from the trees appeared a team of four horses pulling a black landau carriage. Gobsmacked, I looked at Forts. "Isn't that one of the carriages we used after our ceremony?" Forts grinned. "Yes, I had Dima arrange it... No one else knew about it." The landau came to a halt. Darius and Duke came forward and opened the door and pulled open the steps. I grabbed Forts' arm and squeezed him tight. "What did I say about no more secrets?" Forts kissed me, "What, like you arranging this weekend?" He smiled again. "Come on then. Let's get you home." We both got into the carriage and got comfortable. While Duke closed up the stairs and the door, Darius got up on the footman's position behind us. Duke smiled. "I will see you both back at Pittodrie." I glanced at Forts. He squeezed my knee. "Duke is going to be following us in the Jeep." Then to cries of "Goodbye and safe journey," from Albert and Denis, I heard the carriage driver crack his whip and with a gentle lurch, we were off. ** Forts takes up the story Davy gripped my hand once more as we turned on to the Pittodrie Carriage Drive. "Have you enjoyed it?" He nodded. "Yes, it's been amazing, thank you. It is hard to believe it has only been a year since we last arrived like this." Forts winked and smiled. "Yes, a lot has happened since then." We emerged from under the trees on to the courtyard. High above us, our Imperial Standard fluttered in the light breeze. Dima, Robert and Chris were waiting by the entrance as we got back. Davy and I had chatted and kissed all the way home. It was a truly great ending to our weekend away. I saw Robert and Chris nodding and smiling as Dima moved forward to open the carriage door as the Landau came to a halt. "Welcome back, both of you." He helped both of us out, and then Darius jumped down beside us. Davy winked at him, "How's your bum?" Darius nodded, "Let's put it this way, next time Duke can ride on the carriage." He rubbed the pant of his trousers. Dima waited for a moment and then added. "Forts, Davy, we have William and Robin both here. They are waiting to see you upstairs." I heard Davy sigh. "Oh well, back to the real world." I nodded, "Come on, we need to get to the bottom of this." I took Davy's hand, and we headed inside. * As we entered the meeting room both boys stood. They both looked terrified. "Have we done something wrong? You are not sending us back, are you?" "No, of course not. Didn't Dima..." I glanced round, then back at the boys. "No, I don't suppose he did, it wouldn't even occur to him to tell you what it was about. Neither of you has done anything wrong. Davy and I just need to talk to you." Robin and William both looked relieved. Davy and I sat down, while Dima, Robert, and Chris came in behind us. "Boys. Now I want to stress, neither of you has done anything wrong. You are not in trouble. But both of you have independently said that you were not very well fed at the Home in London. That is what Davy and I want to talk to you both about." The boys exchanged concerned glances. "So maybe it would be best to start with you, Robin. Will and Duke both came to Davy and me, and said they were worried, because you had said you only ever had porridge at the Home." Robin nodded. "Now, when Davy and I visited we saw really nice food being served including sandwiches and cakes, all of which was much better than porridge." Robin looked down. "That was just because of your visit... We were all told not to say anything and to pretend we always ate like that." Davy leant forward. "Who told you to say that?" Robin looked terrified. Davy spoke again, his voice calm and reassuring. "It is okay to say. Nothing will happen to you, we promise." Robin swallowed, "Mr Morrison." "The manager?" Robin nodded. "He said we would be hurt if we said anything." I am sure I growled, "Did he!" Davy squeezed my hand. "So, you never had the fresh eggs and vegetables that we sent down to supplement the ration?" "No, sir." Robin mumbled. "It doesn't sound like they were even getting the basic food ration that is given to children's homes," Chris hissed from behind us. He was right, it didn't. "Did you get fresh milk every day?" Chris moved closer to Robin. "That's the law!" Robin shook his head, and he put his arm round William. Tears were now rolling down both their cheeks as he mumbled, "No." "Jesus!" I turned and nodded to Chris. Davy stood and put his arms round the two boys. "Come on, there is no need to get upset. Forts and I will get it all sorted." Davy handed both boys a hankie. I wasn't sure what to say, so went with something pretty banal. "Well, I hope you are both eating better now." The boys both nodded, finally smiling, just a little. ********************** Folks, there is nothing more rewarding than hearing from you that you are enjoying the story. Please take the time to email me to let me know. Blackscar. Other Nifty stories by Blackscar. 'NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters 'Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest 'Josh's Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth 'An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military 'Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest 'Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth 'Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth 'Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military 'The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest 'A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest 'A very English Trailer Park' - Gay/Adult Youth 'Special lube Oil' - Gay/Adult Youth