Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 16:12:09 +0100 (BST) From: "" Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Chapter 35 IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: There are references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. Nifty is the constant source of all your erotic dreams. All kinds of fetishes can be found here. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- `Oh, you had better pretend you're enjoying it, I would hate Davy to hear about you and the Land Girl's' I spun round `I haven't been with any Land Girls' He smirked `I hope he believes you, ...if it comes to that' I so wanted to beat him to a pulp, no I would make his arse suffer later. ***************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 35 I saw Forts striding up the path towards me, he looked furious, I smiled and glanced at my watch. `Forts, you're back, you have been a long time, Mr MacDonald went off to find you and speak to Mr Morris, did you see him?' `Davy, I am fine.' Forts began to walk past me, he stopped and snapped `Sorry if I took longer than you had allocated me for the task' I wasn't having that. `Hey, who do you think you are talking too? He mumbled something unintelligible and turned towards the Castle, I stood, I am sure my mouth was hanging open; but what to say. Forts stopped and turned back to me, he marched over and took hold of my wrist. `Follow me' We didn't stop until we were in our room; he didn't exactly drag me, but I was skipping along to keep up with him, he shut the door firmly behind us. `Sit down Davy' I felt my stomach churn as I did. He pulled himself to his full height, he looked guilty, he took a great breath. `Davy I am sorry, I have done it again, I just had sex with Mr MacDonald and Gary over in the walled garden. There is no excuse, I just couldn't stop myself, I am sorry, I went over to see Gary as Mr Mac instructed, he was shagging a land girl on his desk' My stomach churned again, fearing the worst, I swallowed. `I watched, I couldn't stop myself, he offered me, if I wanted to shag her, I said no and ran off' Relieved, I took a breath, Forts voice tailed off `Then his eyes' I nodded, I knew what he meant, those irresistible, hypnotic eyes. `Davy, I am so sorry, I have done it again' I stood up and crossed to him, putting my hands on his hips, his eyes glanced at mine and then away; glassing up. `Forts, it's okay, remember what we agreed, as long as we are honest with each other, and we always are the last person that day, it's okay.' A tear rolled down his cheek `After all we are both horny teenagers, I cannot promise to always be good either' I kissed him and stoked away the tear and took hold of both of his hands `Let's face it, my record so far is not that good either' He gave a little smile in response to mine. He spoke again `There is another thing' `Yes' `It's Brookmeyer, he saw me getting shagged and something Mr MacDonald said; he took to mean something completely different'. Forts gripped my hands tightly `Davy you have to believe me, I never had sex with a Land Girl, I don't want to either, he was going to tell you that I have, unless I shagged him' `Again? Forts looked confused `Davy, believe me, I have never had sex with Brookmeyer, honest' `Forts, you have, he tricked you, that day you thought it was me, when you had the blindfold on, it was him' `But, but, No, why didn't you say? `What was the point, it was done; he is just a sneaky rat' `What shall I do now though? I told him to come to the room, when your study period monitor later' Forts moved to the window our hands slipping from each other's grasps `What is wrong with me, why did I say to come here, I should have punched him' I went up behind him and kissed his neck, whispering in his ear `Comes with being the horniest guy in the school, I suppose' `Davy please don't joke with me, he said, he loved me Davy' `Well, that's nice, as long as he realises your mine' Forts sighed `You are mine, aren't you? `You know the answer to that' He took hold of my hands round his waist and squeezed `But what shall I do? `Leave it to me' He turned to face me again; his face questioning `But give me a kiss first' He gave me one of his drop-dead smiles. I pushed my lips to his `Davy, I am so sorry' `Shoosh, we are good' Forts held me tightly and walked me backwards to the bed, I fell backwards, he landed on top of me. Our tongues reaffirming our love. Brookmeyer takes up the story I kept checking my watch, not to long now; God the day had dragged, I hadn't seen Forts or Davy, I didn't much want to see Davy really. I honestly didn't like lying or cheating behind his back, but I just couldn't resist being with the gorgeous Forts. Ten minutes to go, I got up off my bunk, I had showered and cleaned my teeth already, I went out into the corridor. Shit, it was Davy, he was standing by the stairs; well fuck him, I got out the pass Forts had written for me, if he was funny or going to try and stop me going upstairs, I was going to show it to him. Davy turned to face me as I approached `Ah, Brookmeyer' I was about to speak when, his fist flashed out in front of him and smacked into my nose. The shock and impact, caused me to stagger backwards, Davy hissed at me `Be told Brookmeyer, leave my boyfriend alone, do you hear me?' I felt blood running through my fingers `I am going to report you for that Thomas, you have broken my nose' `Me? I never touched you' Forts appeared round the corner `What's going on here? He put an arm round Davy; I had been set up. `You're fucking boyfriend just hit me, I want to report that' `I don't know what your talking about Brookmeyer, I just saw you walk into the wall; trying to get passed Davy, you must be more careful, it looks sore' Forts, looked at my nose, fake concern on his face, I held up the pass, glaring at them both `You gave me this, I was on way to have sex with you' Forts snatched the pass from my hand and tore it up, stuffing the bits in his jacket pocket. `Pass? Pass? I never gave you a pass, I don't know what you're talking about, Brookmeyer' `What's going on here? I looked round, still holding my nose, it was Mr MacDonald `Fortnum, what's going on here? `Mr MacDonald, Brookmeyer, was hurrying along the corridor, he tried to race past Davy and collided with the wall, I think he might have broken his nose, Sir' I went to speak, Mr MacDonald, held up his hand to stop me, he pulled my hand from my nose. `Yes, it does look broken' He nodded at Forts as he gave my nose a wiggle `Does that hurt? I nodded tears running down my face `And this? He wiggled it again, I gripped his hand, stopping him from moving it anymore. `Mr MacDonald, that's not what happ...' `Shoosh Brookmeyer, lets get you to the first aid room, you really must be more careful, what have I said about running in the corridors' `But Sir' Was all I managed to get out, before he took hold of my arm `Come on, let get you cleaned up, get yourself down to the first aid room, I will be there in a minute' I walked off, glaring at Fortnum and Thomas, my nose throbbing like a bitch. As I walked round the corner, I heard Mr MacDonald's low voice. `Fortnum, don't ever lie to me again, Davy get that blood washed off your knuckle, now go' So, he was protecting them, I would have to try another approach. Mr MacDonald joined me and made sure I was cleaned up, I went back to my bunk, a piece of tap over the bridge of my nose and a handful of tissues; in case it started bleeding again. Davy takes the story back over Well that taught him, as Forts said, he should have done it long ago. The next morning in assembly, the radio had been set up again, Forts and I entered together, I had helped him out on Breakfast monitor duty. As the clock reached ten o'clock, the radio crackled into life once more. "This is London and now the news at ten o'clock today Wednesday the 10th of July. It has been announced that there have been large scale attacks launched by German aircraft against various targets in the English Channel and against the South of England, these formations of German planes have been met and repulsed with heavy losses, by the brave pilots of the RAF' Mr MacDonald approached the radio and turned it off `Boy's, well it appears to have started, I want you all to remain steadfast and do your duty, bring honour to Harrow Boys School and yourselves, God Save The King' We all shouted back, Good Save the King, as Mr Evans began the chords of the school song. I was stood next to Mr Macdonald, I whispered to him `Is there any word about Callum or Captain Farquharson, yet Sir? He shook his head `But it has been weeks since the fall of France and the Dunkirk evacuation, Sir' He put his arm round me and squeezed me to him `I know Davy, I know' With the final notes of God Save the King, the assembly broke up, Mr Morris came over to me; his dark eyes burrowing into me; studying me. `Are we good Davy? Forts told you what had happened yesterday, I hear' I nodded `Yes, all good Sir' He smiled and patted me on the back, then grinned `Good, good, what's this I hear you are the new Max Schmeling?' He chuckled, adopting a boxer stance; giving a few jabs, unfortunately just as Brookmeyer passed us in his form, heading out of the hall, a beige plaster across the bridge of his nose; Brookmeyer avoided my eyes, Mr Morris just smiled and nodded at him. I looked at Mr Morris `Apparently he is in love with Forts' Me Morris looked surprised then smiled `I think we all are,...So is Brookmeyer into cock too then? I nodded, Mr Morris patted my back again and left, I watched him catching up with Brookmeyer's form, his voice drifting back to me. `Brookmeyer, a word please' I stood watching silently, they exchanged words and then with Mr Morris holding his arm, they headed off down the stairs; the Great Hall was nearly empty now, Mr MacDonald came over to me. `Davy can you put away the radio for me, thank you' `Certainly, Mr MacDonald' I unplugged the radio and was about to carry it down to the staffroom when I heard a familiar sound, one I hadn't heard for a long time. Ahooga, Ahooga, Ahooga I practically dropped the radio, `It's Bessy, it's Bessy, it must be Mr G' Mr MacDonald, quickly crossed to the window, he turned back to me smiling. `Leave that, down you go' I ran grinning, down the corridor, Mr Mac's voice in my ears `Walk Davy' I jumped down the stairs and ran outside, Mr G; in full uniform and cap, was sitting in Bessy, he smiled at me `Here's my favourite boy' He jumped up and out of the car, I threw myself at him wrapping my arms tightly round him. I couldn't speak, I just looked up into his face and the tears flowed. `Hey, hey, come on you' He got down on his hunkers and pulled me in close, kissing the side of my head. `I was frightened I would never see you again' I heard my self-blubbing into his neck. He squeezed me again `No hot shot Jerry is going to get me, don't you worry' `Gethin, great to see you, what do we owe this honour too' Mr MacDonald came marching over, Mr G stood, he patted me on the head and then embraced Mr Mac. `It is so good to see you my friend' Mr Mac, kissed the side of his head `Come on, in we go' Mr MacDonald turned, Mr G, went to follow and then glanced back at me, he held his hand out; handing me his swagger stick and then put his cap on my head, I quickly took his hand and together we followed Mr Mac back into the Castle. `Mr G, Mr G' With a great flash of tartan and hairy legs, Forts came running down the stairs and launched himself at Gethin, giving him a great bear hug. `Well, I don't get a welcome like that very often' Gethin was smiling broadly, he kissed Forts and patted the side of his head `Good to see you too, young man' Forts was beaming, we all were, he looked at me and saluted grinning. I saluted back and then pointing the swagger stick and to laughs from everyone else I barked. `This way' Mr MacDonald called back over his shoulder as he reached the top of the stairs and headed along to the staffroom. `Davy, see if Mr Duncan can do us coffee and maybe a bun or some biscuits? I nodded and diverted to the kitchen. I knocked on the door `Hi Landers, Hello Mr Duncan, Mr G is visiting, Mr MacDonald asks if it is possible to have some coffee and maybe some buns or biscuits' Mr Duncan leapt to attention and saluted me, I saluted him back, he patted me on the top of my head `You run on back Davy, I know how much you like Mr G, I will have Landers bring along the coffee and buns' He smiled and pinched my cheek; he was definitely getting friendlier. I turned and left, running as fast as I could back to the staff room. `No buns, Davy? `Landers is bringing them along Sir' I panted, Mr G patted the seat next to him, I jumped into it, he took off the cap and repossessed his swagger stick. The door opened and Forts came in carrying a couple of card board tubes. `Ah good, bring them over hear Forts' Forts handed the tubes to Mr MacDonald and then squeezed in on the seat on the other side next to him, Mr G chuckled and hugged us both. `Right Davy, I have a job for you, Mr Mac asked me to get some aircraft recognition posters, like the ones the Observer Corps use. What I want you to do is study them and then give a presentation to the next assembly, or when your ready, would you do that for me? I nodded enthusiastically, Mr G, slowly slid two of the posters out of the tubes. One Marked German Aircraft shapes and silhouettes and the other showing British planes, then from his pocket, he produced two decks of cards, each had different silhouettes of planes on them in black, on the reverse of the cards in small lettering was the type of plane; these are a sort of game, but excellent for checking your knowledge too; I sat emersed in his voice and words. `I have one more thing to help you Davy' Mr G, reached down behind the cushion on his chair and pulled out a leather case on a strap, he opened it and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He handed them to me, `They are military issue so you will have to look after them Davy, understand? I nodded speechless, I showed them to Forts and Mr MacDonald, they smiled nodding, Mr G spoke again, I peered through them at items in the room. `So, do you think you can do it Davy? I nodded again, grinning over at Forts, I put the binoculars strap, round my neck. Mr MacDonald coughed, `It might be a nice gesture, since you broke his nose to ask Brookmeyer to help you' I felt my mouth drop open, Mr MacDonald spoke again `Davy, I don't want any ill feeling between you three, or bitterness upsetting the harmony of the school. I am sure he knows, I know you lied to me about how it happened, least please think about it for me' I nodded again. A gentle knock at the door announced the arrival of the coffee and a plate of iced buns, Landers was smiling broadly, he placed them on a side table, he suddenly spotted the binoculars `Wow, can I look through them? I nodded as he came over, he held them up to his eyes and peered round the room. Mr MacDonald thanked Landers for the buns and coffee and ruffled his hair for good measure as he left. `Come on everyone tuck in' We all dug into the iced buns, I couldn't help thinking there was something else on Mr G's mind though; the unspoken elephant in the room. My voice was almost a whisper. `Mr G, have you heard from Callum' I watched his face, crumple; he suddenly looked sad, he reached into his jacket pocket, his eyes filling with tears, he pulled out a small piece of paper and unfolded it, across the top it read Telegram, he slowly flattened it out. He began to read, `Davy, I am sorry, this arrived on your Birthday, I didn't know how to tell you' "It is with regret, that we must inform you that Flying Officer Callum Tremblay is reported missing in action" He closed the paper and placed it back in his jacket pocket, tears rolling down his cheeks, I sat stunned, the joy of the past few moments drained from me, replaced with overwhelming sadness. `No, no, he can't be' I began to sob and was soon crying hysterically. Mr MacDonald came over, got down on his hunkers and took hold of my shoulders starring straight into my eyes. `Davy, stop it, come on, Davy listen to me' He stroked my face `Come on son, pull yourself together, this doesn't mean the worst, only that they are unsure where he is, lets all try and be positive, all we can do is remember him in our prayers, can you do that? he is probably on his way back as we speak' I nodded, distraught Mr G wrapped his arm round me and pulled me close into him, kissing my head, he cleared his throat. `So, I want you to make a good job of teaching everyone those plane recognition features, do it for Callum' His voice broke as he sobbed again and buried his face into my hair, squeezing me tightly and kissing my head. Mr MacDonald; still on his knees, wrapped his arms round us all, with red eyes he spoke again. `Forts, Mr G is staying overnight with us, I was hoping you and Davy would get his room ready and stay with him tonight' Forts nodded, his eyes also swollen and red. Mr G looked up and tried to smile. He patted me on the back `Up you get Davy, go and give Forts a hand to get the room ready for me' I got out of the chair, I had never felt so wretched, I tried to return Mr G's smile. `Oh, and don't forget my bath, you know how I like it' He winked his one good eye, I nodded, I barely noticed Forts picking up the poster tubes and playing cards, he put his arm round me and began to lead me out of the room. I heard Mr MacDonald's voice quietly explain that there was no word on Torcal either as the door closed. Forts led me up the stairs `You go and have a lie down; I will get the room ready' I shook my head, he kissed me again `Callum will be okay, I can just feel it, then we will all laugh about this, won't we? I nodded and followed him upstairs. Forts and I slept with Mr G that night, all cuddled up in the bed, no sex, just companionship and comforting closeness. A banging on the room door and a hand frantically trying to turn the door handle, woke my brain up, I was awake, but my eyes were still closed. Thump, thump, thump, rattle, rattle, rattle I forced my eyes open, Mr G and Forts were still asleep, I slipped out of the bed, rubbing my swollen eyes, I unlocked the door, it burst open in at me. `Mr Evans? `Davy, wake Gethin, urgently, there's an RAF Officer downstairs, they have an urgent message for him' I turned back to the bed, still trying to process what he had said, when he pushed past me, he began shaking his brother `Gethin, wake up, wake up, there's an RAF Officer downstairs, they want to see you' Mr G, leapt out of the bed, he began pulling on his trousers, Forts peered up from under the covers. `What's happening? `Shirt, tie, cap and swagger stick, Davy' Mr G smiled at me as I began gathering everything up. `I put him in the staffroom Geth' `How do I look Davy? Mr G, stood in front of me, immaculately dressed in his uniform, cap on swagger stick in hand. `Very smart Mr G' He nodded and swiftly left the room followed by Mr Evans. I looked at Forts, he was getting out of bed. `We had better wake up Mr Mac' While he did that I ran downstairs in my nightshirt, Forts was soon by myside closely followed by Mr MacDonald, still getting dressed as he arrived next to us outside the staff room. We all stood quietly, as Mr G, entered the staffroom, I heard someone slamming to attention, Mr G spoke. `David, its you, what is it? `I thought you would want to know as soon as Gethin, so I came straight away, we just received word and confirmation' There was a ruffle of paper and then something hit the floor, followed by a great sob, Mr MacDonald pushed past us `Wait here' He went into the staffroom momentarily standing by the open door and then rushing forward. Forts and I moved closer to the door, our ears straining, more rustling of paper and more sobs. We stared at each other, Mr MacDonald's voice, breaking with emotion called out `Boy's come in' We piled through the door, Mr G was in a state of collapse on one of the chairs, a piece of paper crumpled in his hands. Mr MacDonald was standing next to him, his eyes red, he waved us over, the other RAF Officer who had been kneeling next to Gethin stood up, he had tears in his eyes too. I stood and shook my head, I began babbling `No, no' I grabbed Forts, my tears flowing again. `Davy, Davy, come here' I peered at Mr G though tear filled eyes, `He's okay, Callum is okay, he is safe in London' I looked at Forts and ran at Mr G, throwing my arms round him. He hugged me tightly. `He's okay Davy, he's okay' He kissed me on the lips, he was now laughing and crying at the same time, I looked at the other RAF Officer, he was nodding and smiling. `Oh Davy, meet Pilot Officer David Morgan, my number two, I have told him all about you' `All about me? There was a cough from behind me, I glanced back, Pilot Officer Morgan, was smiling, he winked `All about you, Davy' He came over and gave us all a big hug. **************** Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest