Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2020 16:15:58 +0000 (GMT) From: "" Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part47 IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: There are references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the owner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I felt myself turning red, and heard Forts guffaw. Dickon; the tramp, lifted his hips, Forts, quick as a flash, had his pants off him, he smiled down at Dickon, holding his legs back, nicely exposing his arse; all the time, getting a good look. Floyd mumbled something and shuffled closer, leaning over Forts shoulder, Dickon's cock was cut about three inches soft sitting on smallish balls, nestling in his dark brown pubes, he even had a faint treasure trail. I was watching Forts closely; did he just lick his lips? He definitely turned and grinned at Floyd, I could have sworn Dickon giggled and opened his legs wider; but maybe I was imagining it. `Come on Forts, Dickon, we will be late for the Assembly' Forts pulled the kilt material over Dickon, he looked up at me again mouthing, spoilsport. With a final once over, we all checked ourselves in the mirror and headed out and down the stairs to the Great Hall ready for the Sunday Service. ***************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 47 Forts continues the story Davy, chuckled as we walked towards the Great Hall. `The usual crowd at the floor mirror; joined by the Minister today, by the look of it' He was right Mr Duncan, Mr Lucas and Gary had been joined by Minister Montrose, all were stood to the sides of the mirror. `Slowly boys, no rushing, take your time, I won't have you rushing about like headless hens' Mr Duncan, was holding out his arm, glancing up and down rapidly, it looked comical, as we approached, he looked up, `Forts, good to see you and who are these chaps? Mr Duncan was well practiced, but managing to get all four of us stopped on the mirror at the same time; was nothing short of miraculous. Gary and Minister Montrose, shuffled closer to the mirror, their heads never rising. `Minister Montrose, allow me to present the almost legendary Fortnum; look at the muscle...s, on him' The Minister, didn't even look up, just stared deeply into the mirror, nodding before adding. `I've met him, who is this other well-hu ...built chap? I was sure Mr Duncan went mmmmmm. The Minister briefly glanced up at Floyd; who was chuckling as he spread his legs wider; giving his hips a little wiggle; another low Mmmmmm this time from the Minister. Davy stepped forward `Very pleased to meet you again Minister Montrose, may I introduce two new Prefects, Floyd and Dickon' The Minister and Mr Duncan, practically tsk'd as they tried to look past Davy; but he had ruined their carefully laid plan. The four of us moved off the mirror, the Minister, caught hold of my jacket sleeve. `Remember, I am still looking for choir boys, that goes for any of you' I just laughed and nodded `Sorry, I can't sing Sir' `So, you said, but I would like to hear for myself' He gave me a sly smile and winked. We walked on, I could have sworn I heard someone say, lovely. Mr MacDonald was standing in front of the bookcases at the end of the hall, Archie and the other Masters all standing nearby, I led the new guys down towards him. Mr MacDonald, broke into a beaming smile as we approached `Hello, boys, very smart, both of you, I hope Forts and Davy are looking after you, any problems let me know, Forts can I see you after the assembly in the staff room, thank you' Davy pointed up to the organ and left us to make his way up to the Keydesk to join Mr Davis, Mr MacDonald turned `Archie, have you met our two new soon to be Prefects, Floyd and Dickon? Archie came over smiling hand outstretched. `Good to meet you guys, welcome to the Castle, I am sure you will love it here' `Are you going to be showing them around Forts, introduce them to everyone? I nodded, as Archie patted me on the back. `Good lad, good lad' A little squeal behind me, had me turning round, my arms just catching Carstairs in time as he landed with his legs round me `Forts, Forts' `Hello, you, err Carstairs; I gave him a hug, hello Downton, good to see you both again. Is Edwin looking after you Henry? Henry nodded, he then seemed to think of something, he beckoned me down to him. I let go of Carstairs, letting him stand on his feet, Downton whispered in my ear. `You promised didn't you' I nodded and gave him a hug, whispering back `Yes, but I can't do it here in front of everyone, what would the Minister say' Henry giggled. Thinking about it, the Minister would have no problem. `Into your class groups, please boys, let's get started, the sooner we start the sooner it will be over' Floyd grinned at me as, Mr MacDonald ushered the boys away and pointed to his right for Floyd, Dickon and I to join the Masters and the rest of the Prefects. Mr MacDonald was joined by the Minister, who turned to the assembled school and threw his arms open with a great flourish. `Boys, and staff of Harrow Boys School, Welcome to this our Sunday service on this beautiful morning' Minister Montrose, raised his right hand and having tied his fingers in knots; I think it was supposed to look like a cross, with a solemn face announced to total silence in the Hall. `May the love of the Lord embrace you, and may the light of the Lord, Light up your life' There was a whispered `And up yours' Archie chuckled next to me and grinned at Mr MacDonald; now that had been just a touch to loud from Athol; Minister Montrose, smiling serenely glanced at him; forcing another broad smile as he turned back to the school. `Let's start with All things bright and beautiful' To the thunderous accompaniment of the Pipe Organ; which Mr Davis seemed to be playing, in organ parlance with all the stops out, the hymn was sung. Mr MacDonald stayed pretty silent for the rest of the service, but began packing away as soon as the last prayer had been said, much to the chagrin of Minister Montrose as the cross and chalice were thrust into his hands as the table was cleared. Athol, caught my eye `Fort's follow me, Oh, thank you Minister, wonderful service, wonderful, come on Forts, let's get out of here' I didn't look back, just hurried after Athol, straight into the staffroom where he poured two Whisky's `Thank God that's over, come and sit down Drageon' He indicated to one of the couches I sat down. `Drageon, some good news, my Solicitors want us to head to London this week to sign some papers ready for court, is that okay with you? You haven't changed your mind, I hope? `Never' MacDonald gave me a great hug and kissed the side of my head, `I am so pleased, we will head down on Thursday this week, spend the weekend in London, how does that sound? `Amazing, Sir' `Hey, you don't have to call me Sir, Athol will do' Knock, knock, knock `Oh, for Christ sake, what now?......... Come in' `Ah, Minister Montrose, what can I do for you?' The Minister was no longer smiling, he glanced at me `I want to speak to you MacDonald' Montrose gave a curt nod of the head, but his tone had set the mood; He glanced at me. `You can leave' Athol stood up, so did I, putting down my drink. Montrose, seeing my glass shook his head disapprovingly; was that an audible `tsk'? Athol looked like he would explode. `Drageon, stay where you are, what can I do for you Finlay? `I want to speak to you in private' `Go ahead, anything you or your imaginary friend, want to say to me can be said in front of Drageon' `So be it, I am not happy about the way you conducted yourself at the Service Athol...' `Stop right there, just when, did I say you could use my first name? I think you will find my title is Your Grace. I think, you had better `conduct' yourself from now on, by using it' Montrose, looked very uncomfortable, he bowed his head `Your Grace, but...' `There are no buts, Minister Montrose, you wormed your way into my School, you are here under sufferance; along with your invisible friend. If you're not happy, I am sure you know what to do...' Montrose looked like he had been poleaxed, he glared from Athol to me; I looked at the ground. `Now, your interrupting an important meeting; if that's everything? Good day to you Minister Montrose' Montrose stormed out of the room, colliding with Archie, who was just entering; also, at speed. Montrose was flustered, huffing and puffing as he carried on out the room. Archie, on seeing Montrose heading towards the staff room had guessed exactly what was about to happen and had come running. `Damm, I missed it, was it good Forts? He laughed and pointed at Athol `You're going straight to hell your Grace' Archie, took a deep bow; Athol, took another drink, his angry face dissolving into laughing. `And up yours...Well at least I will be in good company and finally away from that nauseating little man' `So, you hope...' Archie laughed again `Forts, how's you? Has Athol told you the news? `Yes, he has Archie, I was just going to go and start getting my things together' `I wish I could come with you both, a weekend in London, take in a show, have a nice meal, you're a lucky guy, I hope you are going to be spoiling him Athol' Archie, gave me a hug and ruffled my hair, the only Master apart from Athol who was tall enough to do that. Athol smiled at me `You had better tell Davy, see if he will stamp your `dance card', otherwise I will book two singles' I left the staffroom and went to look for Davy, there was no sign of him, I headed out into the morning sun, ah there was Davy, he was standing with a group of guys by the paddock, I was just about to head over, when I felt a tug at my sleeve. `Hello, Henry, Edwin' `Can we see it now, before you forget' `Hey I never forget a promise, do I Edwin' Edwin nodded and shuffled his feet. `Come on over to the horses and I will show you Morag and Daphne' We crossed over to the paddock, each one holding one of my hands, Davy glanced up at me smiling. `Hey, Forts, guys' `Hi guys, we are just going to see Morag and Daphne, you coming? Davy nodded, the other two decided to go back to the Castle so that left the four of us to set off towards the stables, I asked Edwin to go on ahead with Henry, so I could have a quick chat with Davy. `Davy, I am going to let, Henry and Edwin see my dick; get it out of the way, otherwise I am going to get no peace, is it okay if I do it before lunch, while you're doing the dining room monitor? `Yeah of course, you're to kind Forts, how do you get talked into these things, I wish I had had a big brother like you, love you anyway' I took Davy's hand and we waked along in the sun together; that was until I felt another tug on my sleeve. `Dragon' Davy, chuckled, I looked down, as Davy began silently to be a Dragon. `It's, Drageon, Henry, but why not just call me Forts' `Okay...Forts' `Yes, Henry' `Edwin, I mean, Carstairs says, you are his big brother now, since his real brother died' I wondered where this was going, so I stopped and got down on my hunkers `That's right, if he wants a cuddle or to talk, he can come to me' Henry thought for a moment and glanced up at Davy `What's he doing? `Ignore him, he is pretending to be a Dragon' `Oh' Davy looked a bit embarrassed; his joke having fell flat, Henry then looked back at me. `Would you be my big brother too? `Do you want me to? He nodded hard, I gave him a hug `Okay then,' He gave me a great big smile, Davy, shook his head and held up two fingers, pointing first at Carstairs and then at Downton. I stood back up and Downton took my hand. `Come on then let's go and see Daphne and Morag' I called out to Morag as we went under the arch into the stable yard, there was a whinny and her head appeared over the stable door along with a second smaller muzzle. I nipped down to the office and grabbed some carrots, while Davy waited with Edwin and Henry, I undid the bolt and opened the door, they both greedily snoffled the carrots. Carstairs and Davy both stood back, Henry came to my side. `Wow, she is huge...arrrr is that Daphne? She is lovely' I nodded, giving them both a welcoming snort up their nostrils. `Shall we take them both for a little walk? Do, you want to sit on Morag's back' Henry nodded, then added `You won't run away and leave me though will you' `No, daftie' I put a halter on Morag and led her out of the horse box, Daphne followed at her heels. `Up you go, Shall I come up too?' Henry nodded, with Davy holding Morag steady, I mounted up bareback, Henry sitting behind me, his arms tightly wrapped round my waist. `Come on Morag, click, click' I took, Henry for a little walk round the yard, I could feel him squeezing me tightly round the waist, I looked round at him. `You enjoying it' He nodded, grinning `Thank you, Forts' We got the horses back into their box and got some more carrots, spending the next thirty minutes, checking on all the other stabled horses. We all headed back to the Castle, Davy was lunch monitor, so had to get back, I whispered to him I was going to take Carstairs and Downton upstairs before dinner, he gave me a big kiss. `Come on then you two, but this is the only time, this happens' Carstairs looked at me `But you said' `Edwin, I was talking to Henry, not you' I led the way upstairs to my room, I could hear Edwin, both bigging me up and priming Henry. `And as your brother he lets you do things to him, remember you want him totally naked, first standing and then on the bed and then you want to see the white stuff' I glanced round at Edwin, he looked away sheepishly. When we got to the door, I turned to them both. `Okay in you come Henry, we will see you later Edwin' I turned away opening the door; there was that tugging on my sleeve again, I looked round, it was Edwin this time; just about to blub. I got down on my hunkers and held my arms open `Come here you; ...little Brother, but listen to me mustn't force Henry into doing things he doesn't want too' `Sorry Forts, but I am not forcing him, he wants to play with you too' `Well that's okay then, but no one else, you hear' He nodded as I gave him a hug; all smiles he turned to Henry and grinned, they both ran into the room, I followed them in, locking the door. I moved a couple of chairs into the centre of the room. `Right, I am just going to strip off? and then you can both have a good uninterrupted look, then I will lay down on the bed and if you want to touch you can, but only if you want too, understand? They both nodded, moments later I was naked standing in front of them. Edwin nudged Henry; henry stared his mouth hanging open. `See I told you, he's huge' I blushed, as I stood while both boys stared at me; well my cock and balls, I was still soft, my five-inch flaccid cock hanging over my large balls, the head of my bellend hanging out from under its foreskin polo neck just below the glans. `Do you want to come closer and have a proper look? Henry nodded, stopping about six inches in front of me, Edwin peering over his shoulder. `Do you want to touch it? Henry glanced back at Edwin who, was nodding madly, Henry turned back to me and began nodding too. `Hang on let my lie on the bed for you' I climbed on to the bed, suddenly aware of a bit of a commotion behind me. `What is it? Henry was shoved forward by Edwin, I gave Edwin a look, as henry barely audibly said `Can we get undressed too? I glanced at my watch, `Okay, but we don't have to long, it will be lunchtime soon' They both stripped off before I could say anything else and clambered onto the bed. I laid back, they were both watching me intently, I felt Downton's little hand land on my thigh, his eyes met mine, I nodded and his little hand slowly slid up my thigh, as he got close to my groin, he moved quickly up to my chest, he moved his hand threw my chest hair, he sat astride my leg, I could feel his hard little cock being pressed against me as he slid himself along my hairy leg, he hand worked its way down my chest, Edwin, copying what he was doing. He put his head on to my stomach and starred down my treasure trail at my now throbbing cock; I am human after all, and a horny sixteen-year-old. From the moment they had started touching me, I had begun getting turned on by these two little naked bodies rubbing against me, my cock had thickened and its flared head had pushed away from its foreskin collar; exposing that tongue sized ridge. I felt a little hand and then another lifting and wiggling my throbbing cock from side to side. I looked down, they were holding my cock vertically, the flared head looking light the lantern on a lighthouse, I couldn't hear what they were whispering to each other, little fingers were tracing my pulsing veins, I tensed my groin, causing my cock head to flare and a perfect bead of precum to form on my cock lips. `That's what I was telling you about, taste it, taste it' Edwin said excitedly, at Edwin's urging, Henry shuffled forward and I felt the most exquisite delicate touch on my bow string, I moaned realising it was Henrys tongue, he slowly licked his way up to my cock lips and then back down resting once more between the glans on the bowstring, my straining cock was adding to the bead of precum; it's perfect sphere broke and it began to trickle down towards his waiting tongue, onto my bow string between my glans, he lapped it up and the his tongue fluttered at the exact spot, stimulating more to dribble down toward him. `Tastes nice' `Let me get some too' Henry moved aside and Edwin's tongue began to lap at my cock head, Henry moved his attention to my balls, he reached out both hands and cup one ball in each, he gently weighted them `Wow they are huge. Will mine ever get this big?' `Yes, yours will get a lot bigger too, and soon, it's called growing up' I groaned as Edwin's tongue circumnavigated my glans ridge again; fuck should I really be enjoying this so much, well it was educational, well in a way. Henry looked up at me again his face a bit pensive as he glanced from my hens' egg sized balls to his own small marbles. `There is no need to worry about it, you can always come and ask me or Davy, if there is anything, you're not sure about' Henry grinned up at me again and then pushed his head alongside Edwin's, I hadn't had two little tongues licking my bellend since the twins last did it; and that was ages ago. I cupped both of the guys heads in my hands and manoeuvred them up and down my shaft and round and over my cock head; I was getting close. Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong Two little disappointed faces peered up at me; Davy's timing was impeccable. `We wanted the white stuff' Edwin, whined, Henry nodded. `Well it's lunch time, I will have to do the white stuff another time, come on get dressed, I am hungry' `Promise? It was Henry `Yes, I promise, but boys, no telling anyone else, okay? `Hurray' The boys and me were quickly dressed and on our way down the stairs. Davy was standing at the bottom, by the Gong watching us. `I hope I didn't interrupt anything' He winked at me `You sexy little devil, you timed that gong perfectly' I gave him a kiss and he followed me into lunch. **************** Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest