Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 10:44:09 +0000 (GMT) From: "" Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 51b IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: There are references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the owner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There was nothing left for me to do, I put a call through to the Castle, Archie wasn't there, he was out with Gethin, Callum and Davy, Mr Duncan was very bubbly. `How's Forts? Op's, Drageon enjoying being back in the big city' I didn't answer; I couldn't I was going to be sick. Where was he? And was he safe? `Get Mr Campbell to ring me as soon as he gets back' I replaced the receiver and began to sob. ***************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 51b Athol continues the story My phone call to Archie had been traumatic; he wanted to come straight down, I told him not too, he was worried about what to say to Davy, I told him to say nothing; best not to worry him. Archie, said he would try to find out what was happening back in Inverurie; see if anyone knew the location of Mr Duff. I didn't go to bed, consumed by worry, I sat on the couch near the phone. I hadn't slept, then again, I must have dropped off at some point. `Your Lordship, excuse me, wake up' I jumped up in the chair, it was Francois the Butler, he looked grave. `What is it, what is it? I shook my head; I needed to wake up. `Give me a minute, can you? I slapped my face, dragging myself out of my stupor. `There are two Police Officers here to see you, my Lord' `God No! ...Please no, no, no' I felt my legs give way, I staggered and sat down, my head in my hands `Your Lordship, are you okay? They have the Young Gentleman with them, Sir' I looked up at Francois `They have him here? ... Is he okay? `Yes, my Lord, shall I bring them in' I stood up and brushed myself down; there is a god. `Yes, yes, please do' I wanted to run over and kiss him as soon as they walked into the room, Forts was between the two officers, one of them had hold of his arm, Forts was staring at the ground, he stole a glanced up at me, his face tear stained. One of the Officers spoke `Your Lordship, I am Inspector Brown from Great Scotland Yard, I understand you know this young man' He nodded towards Forts `I do, and you have found him, excellent, Inspector' `Err, I don't think you understand your Lordship' `Oh, I do Inspector, the impulsiveness of youth; running off alone to see London, but he is safe now and all thanks to you, well-done, Inspector... Francois, drinks for the two officers, I hope that's okay Inspector?' The Officer glanced back at his colleague, and then nodded, `Only a small one my Lord, we are on duty' I had to speak quickly, I had no idea what Forts had done, I didn't care, but for them to have him with them it can't have been that serious. I waved Francois over, he handed each of them a small tumbler of Whisky. `Officers, what can I say but, excellent, you have found him, well done, well done, I will thank the Commissioner personally tomorrow and bring to his attention your diligence and hard work' `You know the Commissioner, your Lordship? `Yes, yes Inspector, we were at school together' I fixed my smile, he was a bloody awful man, and been a terribly bully at school; who would have thought knowing him would one day, pay off. The Officer, opened his mouth as if to speak `Was there something you wished to add, Inspector? He seemed to think for a second, then shook his head. `Err, No, my Lord' The Inspector and Sergeant both finished their drinks, bowed and letting go of Forts, turned back to the door, the Inspector stopped. `If you could keep an eye on him in future, my Lord, oh, and thank you for the drink' I nodded, `Thank you again officers' I waited until the door closed behind them, before rushing over. `Drageon, Drageon, you're okay, where did you go? What happened to you? I stood holding him tightly, he looked into my eyes. `I am sorry Athol, but when I heard you didn't want me anymore, I just flipped and ran' `I never said those words, you know I love you' `But I heard Mr Mishcon say...and that stuff about Mr Duff' `Drageon stop! Mishcon, advises me; that's what he is paid to do. I decided what I am going to do, not him, come here and hug me, I have been worried sick, what on earth happened to your suit, it's in filthy tatters' `I fell running away from the Police' `Running from the Police? `Stop, I don't want to know, well your safe now, that's what is important' `But I won't be allowed to stay with you' `Drageon, watch my lips, your right, I am not going to become just your legal Guardian, if you agree, I want to adopt you, you will become my son and heir, I cannot think of anyone I would rather call my son' Tears were tripping me at this point, in fact both of us were sobbing. `You want me to become your son? `Yes, yes, I do, I even had this cleaned up and sized for you' Drageon, watched me as, I removed another box from my pocket. `What is it? I handed it to him `Open it? He slowly opened the box, his jaw dropped `But Athol this is your ring' I stopped him `No, it is yours now, well, if you want it, it is the heir to Castle Frasers ring, this is my new one' I held up my finger showing my near identical ring, `This Diamond, shows that this is the ring of the Laird of Castle Fraser, if you agree to becoming my son, it will be yours too one day' `But what about Mr Duff' `Don't you worry about Mr Duff; let him do his worse' Drageon, nodded. `Come on let's get you in the bath and see if Francois knows anyone who can rescue this suit' `I'm sorry Athol' `Stop, let's just move forward together' I cuddled up to him on the couch. `Francois, can you run a bath for the young Master please' Archie, take up the story The telephone call from Athol, on our return to the Castle, had stripped the shine away from our wonderful afternoon with Davy. I managed to speak to Gethin and Callum, both agreed that the news should be kept from Davy; at least until we had a concrete update and knew where Forts was, and that he was safe. We all wanted to join Athol in London, Gethin had even managed to sort out a plane, that he could fly us all down in, but Athol, wanted us to stay with Davy. Bless him, none the wiser, Davy, had gone for an early night, Callum and Gethin had joined me in the staffroom for `one for the road'. With all possible scenarios discussed, we sat in silence; each to our own thoughts; the ancient walls of the Castle, listening in silence as we discussed the possible fall of the Laird of MacDonald. Callum had noticed a change in the weather, we were pleased to be safely inside, the beautiful weather of earlier, was gone, replaced by foreboding black clouds; all racing across the sky, towards the Castle, a storm was coming and a bad one at that. I had managed to speak to Gregor Duncan, to see if he knew the current whereabouts of Mr Duff. I had, had to tell him what it was about; they had been good friends, but even he was distraught to hear that Mr Duff was determined on causing trouble for Athol and indeed everyone at the Castle. Unfortunately, he hadn't heard where Mr Duff now resided. I should have said to Gregor; but I hadn't, hoping he would keep it to himself, but when the door burst open and Gary ran into the staffroom, it was obvious he knew. He stopped in his tracks as he saw Callum and Gethin, he looked at me. `Archie, is it true, he is going to try and destroy Athol? I nodded, he shook his head, he turned to leave then stopped. `I know where he is staying, leave it to me' I leapt up, `Gary, no, Gary' But he had gone, I ran down the stairs, but there was no sign of him, I stood looking out into the blackness, as the first fork of lightening illuminated the Castle and surrounding trees, followed by the growing rumble of thunder, which seemed to reach a crescendo right above us. I had better check on the horses, I grabbed my overcoat and headed out into the night. Barely twenty feet from the Castle the heavens opened and the rain came down in stair rods, the wind screamed through the trees, their boughs groaning and shrieking as I stumbled towards the stables, great flashes of lightening, followed by deafening claps of thunder; hell, itself was tearing open. I got under the stable entrance arch, water pouring off my coat, the whinnying of the horses, adding to the general eeriness and uncomfortableness I was feeling; I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck tingling; for fuck sake calm down. Why, was it always at times like this, that the story of the Castle Fraser ghost came back to you? Another great flash of lightening illuminated the stable yard, Christ, one of the horses was out, who was that on it, the huge black horse was whinnying and snorting it pranced about, its hooves throwing up sparks from the cobbles, I watched it rear up, the rider, holding on for grim death. `Who's there, get off that horse, before you get hurt' I shouted into the wind, the horse reared up again, another flash of lightening, the horse man turned to face me; who was it? A young face, but I have no idea who it was, but those clothes; they weren't modern. With the next crash of thunder knocking the breath out of me, and a great clattering of hooves and snorting the horse cantered out past me; its eyes red coals; I threw myself against the brick wall. For Christ sake Archie, get a grip of yourself, eyes like red coals indeed, I stared out the way the horse had gone, another flash of lightening, revealed it was heading towards the Castle; what the fuck, Archie; get a grip now. I became aware my heart was racing, that had really shit me up. I carried on into the stable yard, all the horses were here; none were missing. I closed up the top halves of the stable doors, I was just turning back to the entrance arch. `Archie, is that you? `What the fuck' I nearly collapsed `Archie, it's me Gethin, thank god you're okay, who was on that horse, they were riding like the devil himself? `Gethin! you frightened the bloody life out of me, fuck,' I started chuckling, realising how silly I sounded. `Who was it? `Gethin, I don't know, all our horses are here' `Your shitting me' `What did you see? `Nothing, ...I just allowed myself to get spooked' `But you saw the horse with the red eyes, I know you did and heard it too, so did I' `I don't know what I saw, just the wind and thunder and lightning playing tricks on me' Gethin, gave me a sideways glance `Well if you say so, come on let's get back to the Castle' Some distance away, in an isolated cottage, Mr Duff, had just put some more wood on the fire, he had seen the storm coming; that wasn't forecast. Within minutes the sky had turned black, great forks of lightening accompanying the rain, he hated weather like this, especially when he was on his own; his good friend Mr Finlay had died on just such a night. Best to distract himself, he picked up his paper, just as the electric went off; the house plunged into shadows, he fumbled in the dark, first looking for candles and then matches; only two left, that's what he had forgotten to buy, when he posted his letter. He smiled to himself, that letter would teach that stuck up Lord; he chuckled, Athol, would never agree to him returning to the Castle especially with that arse of a Factor of his, subservient to him. He Donald Duff, would get his day in court and watch the destruction of the Laird MacDonald. He tried to strike the first match, nothing, a brief flash, but it didn't catch, he tried the second, ah that was better, he held it to the candle wick, it flickered and flared, as an invisible breath blew it out, the darkness returned. He made his way into the kitchen for some tapers. The lightening was intensifying outside, the crash just outside, drew his eyes to the door, horses' hooves, no he must be hearing things no one would be out on a night like this, he turned back to the sitting room and the friendly glow of the fire. The whinnying screams of the horse, stopping him in his tracks, he spun round, the flash of lightening revealing a figure behind the glass at the door. `Who is it, who is it, this isn't funny' He thought he heard the words `Don't hurt my Lord, you can't hurt my Lord MacDonald' Another flash of lightening, there was no one there, his mind was playing tricks on him; that and the wind, he hurried into the sitting room and lit a taper from the fire; now he would have some light, he felt better as he lit each of the candles in the room. He snuffed out the taper, and sat back down in his chair, the kitchen door burst open, the candles all went out, he leapt up, just as the lightening illuminated the young stable boy before him. Not a sound escaped Mr Duff's mouth, his life ended the instant the blood vessel in his brain burst; he was dead before he hit the floor. Archie, continues the story. Bloody Gethin, had frightened the life out of me, we could laugh about it now back in the staffroom and another whisky, warming out hearts. Callum stood at the window `It's a bloody wild night out there' He began rubbing the glass, `What's that? `Yes, very funny Callum' I grinned at him and went `Wooo, wooo, wooo...There is no ghost of Castle Fraser' He glanced back at me `Now I never said it was a ghost...just a galloping horse with red eyes...' `Oh, very good, what are you two a double act? I glanced at Gethin, raising my glass to him `So, you told him about the red eyed horse, well done' Gethin looked very pale and shook his head, we both jumped up and joined Callum by the window, the horse was standing by the Castle door a figure dismounted and headed into the Castle. `Shit, what is this' I opened the door, looking round for support, Gethin put down his glass and joined me. I called down the corridor `Is there anyone there? Nothing `Hello, this isn't funny anymore' I turned to Gethin, he just shrugged his shoulders, another flash of lightening illuminated the Castle followed by a roll of thunder. `Err Guys, you're not going to believe this, that horse has vanished' Callum appeared at the door. `What was that? Gethin stared towards the old spiral stone staircase, it was never used now, not since the new wooden staircase had been installed, downstairs, its entrance had been boxed in, from this floor it was a staircase to nowhere, a platted rope closing it off. `Did you hear that? I wished I hadn't, but there were definitely footsteps on the stone stairs, I am not sure who jumped highest as the Castles electricity failed and we were plunged into darkness. `Hang on, I have a lamp' Callum came down the corridor towards us, I gingerly undid the rope and started down the stairs, Callum and Gethin, close behind me, I realised as I crept slowly downwards, how much I disliked spiral staircases, we arrived at the wooded wall at the bottom; nothing, no one. `Guys look at this' Callum bent down with the lamp, shit, wet footprints. `How do you account for them then? `I am not even going to try, come on back upstairs to the staff room' We started making our way back up the stairs, now all chuckling and making spooky noises, we rounded the corner out onto the first floor. `What are you looking for! The lamp hit the floor as Callum jumped and cried out, the lights flickered back on, Davy was standing in his white nightshirt staring at us. `For God sake Davy, you frightened the bloody life out of us' `Did one of you bang on my bedroom door? Cos that wasn't funny either' `Sorry Davy... how do you mean? `Banging on the door and moaning the house of MacDonald is safe, it's not funny you know I am frightened by the ghost story and who did the wet foot prints outside the door? `Davy, I think you have been dreaming, come and sit with us, I will be heading for bed shortly, myself'. **************** Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest