Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 18:29:43 +0000 (GMT) From: "" Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 51c IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: There are references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the owner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The lamp hit the floor as Callum jumped and cried out, the lights flickered back on, Davy was standing in his white nightshirt staring at us. `For God sake Davy, you frightened the bloody life out of us' `Did one of you bang on my bedroom door? Cos that wasn't funny either' `Sorry Davy... how do you mean? `Banging on the door and moaning the house of MacDonald is safe, it's not funny you know I am frightened by the ghost story and who did the wet foot prints outside the door? `Davy, I think you have been dreaming, come and sit with us, I will be heading for bed shortly, myself'. ***************** Operation Pied Piper – Part 51c Archie continues the story I had just sat down to enjoy my breakfast, the sun was steaming in through the windows of the Castle, it was a beautiful morning, considering last night's violent storm. Davy had insisted I slept with him again; I was rather glad he did. I had been pretty spooked by last night's events too, although the great news from Athol that Forts had come back safe and well was amazing, I couldn't say much as we had never told Davy he had been missing, Athol and I had been blubbing on the phone, while Davy had been giving me the oddest looks. `Mr Campbell, Mr Campbell' Gregor Duncan came over and whispered into my ear `There are Police in the staffroom, they wanted to speak to his Lordship, but I told them he is away, will you speak to them? `Yes, okay Gregor, thank you' I shovelled in the last spoonsful of my porridge and asked Davy to get rid of my plate and cup and made my way to the staffroom. `Officers, how may I help you? One of them looked at me over his glasses; I hated that. `And you are? `I am Archie Campbell, Factor of the Fraser Castle Estates, his Lordship is in London on business, can I help you? `What would be taking his Lordship to London? `With the greatest of respect, I don't think that has anything to do with you, Officer' The Police Sergeant glared at me. `Do you know Donald Duff, Mr Campbell? `He used to work here, yes' `Do you have a black horse at the Castle? `A black horse, no Officer, why? `Mr Duff was found dead this morning; it appears he died of fright' `Fright? `Yes Mr Campbell, one of his neighbours stated that they saw a black horse galloping through the storm to Mr Duff's house last night' `Officer, I won't lie; I didn't like the man, but I am at a loss as to what this has to do with us at the Castle? `Where were you last night Mr Campbell? `Here at the Castle, with Group Captain Evans and Squadron Leader Tremblay, they can both verify that, I can have them called for you, if you would like' `No that won't be necessary...are you aware of any issues ongoing between his Lordship and Mr Duff' I thought for a second, was he just on a fishing trip or did he know something, I went for the former. `No officer, nothing I am aware of...Is there anything else Officer? Otherwise I will have to get on, with my duties' `No that will be all, Mr Campbell; for the moment, thank you, we can see ourselves out' I nodded and opened the door for them, Davy was standing by the Gong, I gestured for him to come over. `Go and find Callum and Gethin, get them both here as soon as possible' `Is everything okay Archie? `Oh Davy; way better than okay' I grabbed him and kissed him `Off you go, get them here now' Davy headed off, he didn't have far to look they were both now in the dining room, they came hurrying along, Davy following them. `In here quick' I closed the door of the staffroom. They stood watching me `It's Mr Duff, he was found dead this morning, he can't cause trouble for Athol any more' `Yes, yes' Gethin punched the sky, Davy looked at me `What trouble? `Oh, don't worry Davy, it doesn't matter now' `What did he die of? `You're not going to believe this, fright, something or someone scared him to death' As the words left my lips, I wasn't the only one who had a shuddered run down my neck and felt all those little hairs tingle. `Have you told Athol yet? `No, I was just going to ring him' `Hang on I have a better idea, lets tell him in person, come on, I can still get that plane and I need to see some of the big wigs in London anyway, what do you say? `Okay Gethin, sounds good to me, Davy, off you go and get packed, not a word to anyone' So, there it was, I left Mr Evans in charge and two hours later, Gethin, Callum, Davy and myself were boarding an RAF DC3 transport plane at RAF Dyce in Aberdeen bound for RAF Biggin Hill. Athol takes up the story I was still on cloud nine, phoning Archie last night to tell him Forts was back, had turned us both into blubbing lumps, of happiness. However, I sensed something was a foot, and he wasn't telling me everything, oh well, I am sure it was nothing that couldn't wait until I got back. It hadn't helped that the line was so bad, he had shouted, it was awful weather there; that explained the poor line then. Francois had managed to get Drageon's suit cleaned and fixed and after a bath, he looked his old self, I gave him back the Rolex and was pleased to see he was wearing the family signet ring. `Drageon, I have asked Mr Mishcon, to come here this afternoon to finish off the paper work, will you be okay? He nodded `I feel so silly, Athol, sorry' `Don't be ridiculous, come on, let's go down and eat, I want to show off my son and heir' Drageon blushed and hugged me `Okay Dad' We were soon seated in the Grill Room once more, enjoying another amazing meal. I was seated with my back to the door. I heard the commotion and gasps from the surrounding tables, Drageon's jaw dropped open, and he pointed behind me, I looked round, my goodness. As one, all the seated dinners stood and began clapping, as none other than Winston Churchill came into the Grill Restaurant, his signature bowler and cigar in his hands, he gestured for everyone to sit down, and then with the rest of his Cabinet following he came to the table next to ours. I was going to have to tell Forts to close his mouth, he just sat staring, then it happened, one of his flunkies whispered in his ear, next Mr Churchill, was crossing to our table. Drageon and I stood, and bowed our heads. `My Lord MacDonald, how good to meet you, I knew your father' He held out his hand, which I took' `And who is this fine young Gentleman? He turned to face Drageon. `Prime Minister, please allow me to introduce my adopted son and heir, Drageon' `Very pleased to meet you, young man, I do hope, my Cabinet and I won't ruin your meal, I will try to make sure they keep the noise down' He shook Drageon's hand warmly and chuckled returning to his table. Drageon sat grinning for the rest of the meal, he leaned over to me excitedly. `Davy will never believe this' There was going to be a lot that Davy wouldn't believe. To be honest, I didn't believe it myself, I had heard that Churchill and his Cabinet occasionally ate at the Savoy, but I never expected to see them, while we were here. The meal finished, we both stood up, turned to Churchills table and gave a bow, he acknowledged us and we left. Back in our room, I tried to ring the Castle, Mr Evans answered. `Hello Athol, how's it going? `Good, thank you, can I speak to Archie' `Oh, sorry he is out' `Okay can you put Gethin on then please' `Sorry he is out too; in fact, they are all out' `Okay, oh hang on is Davy there? `Afraid not he is out too' I shrugged my shoulders at Drageon, mouthing `he's out'. He nodded `Okay well when someone gets back can you ask them to ring me urgently, thank you' I put down the phone, Drageon looked a bit disappointed, I knew he wanted to tell Davy, he had met the Prime Minister. `God knows where they all are, its bloody true, while the cats away the mice will play' There was a cough from behind me. `Yes Francois' `Your Lordship, Mr Mishcon is here' `Excellent please show him in' Mr Mishcon followed Francois to the main table where we sat, `Your Lordship' He turned to Drageon. `So good to see you safe and well young man, my profuse apologies for yesterday' Good, Drageon just nodded at him. `Okay, Mr Mishcon, I have decided to abandon becoming just Drageon's legal guardian, instead, I want you to draw up adoption papers and I want them presented to the courts at the earliest opportunity' `Adoption? `Yes, you heard me Mr Mishcon' `Drageon is going to become my son and legal heir' `Err, certainly Sir...Err Drageon, is that what you want too?' `Yes Mr Mishcon, more than anything' Drageon smiled at me and gave a little wink, mouthing `dad' `Your Lordship, what about Mr Duff? `Let him do his worst' `As long as you understand the consequences, My Lord' I stopped him before he could speak any further. `Have the papers drawn up, I will sign them Monday morning before I leave' `Certainly, my Lord' `Good, now I am taking Drageon shopping' I stood up from the table, followed by Mr Mishcon and Drageon. The next few hours we spent going from shop to shop; at John Lobb's, Drageon's feet were measured so custom-made wooden lasts could be made, then a range of shoes and boots ordered including some beautiful black riding boots. Then to Henry Bailey in Saville row for some more clothes, he would be the best dressed man in Inverurie. `Getting tired yet? He nodded, `I am a bit' `Okay back to the Savoy it is and let us hit the American Bar, for a few cocktails' We were soon back at the Hotel and with our shopping bags sent up to the suite, we made our way into the American Bar. `Your Lordship, welcome to the American Bar, what can I get you?' `Two Hanky Panky cocktail's please' `An excellent choice, my Lord' Drageon looked at me. `Hanky Panky Cocktails? `Well that will have to stop, I am your son' He giggled, I whispered back. `Oh, I don't think so' I so wanted to kiss that cheeky smiling face, but a gentle squeeze of his fingers under the table would have to do; while we were in public. I felt a tap on my shoulder `Your Lordship, there is a Group Captain and a Squadron Leader outside, who claim to be part of your party, is it okay if I bring them in? `I don't think I know a Group Captain' The words had barely left my lips, when a booming voice announced `Oh, yes you bloody do' Gethin and Callum burst through the door, both in full uniform, closely followed by Archie and Davy. Drageon leapt up and threw himself at Davy, they hugged for ages, before the rest of them got a hug. `Did you hear that Archie, bloody cheek, claimed he didn't know a Group Captain' Gethin waved his uniform cuff with its four broad strips at me `But you have been promoted again' Gethin pulled a face `Yes, err, seems to happen quickly in war, oh well' `And me' Callum, waved his cuff, showing two broads strips either side of a narrower one. `I will catch up with him one day' Gethin laughed, the look they gave each other showed how much they cared for each other. Gethin winked at Callum `Yes, but you haven't got one of these' Gethin tapped at his Air Force Cross Medal. `What did you get that for? Drageon smiled up at him, but before he could reply Callum had leapt in `Flying a desk, not like mine...real Medals' Callum tapped his medal ribbons `What are they, Callum? `I have those too' They sounded like two school boys, Gethin, patted his chest, Callum, manoeuvred in front of him, pointing to his chest. `This one is the Distinguished Flying Medal; I got that while an NCO, this one is the, Distinguished Flying Cross, only awarded to commissioned officers, not everyone gets both' He winked at Drageon, sarcastically adding `I have never flown a desk, so haven't got that other one' Gethin laughed `Oh, it's not an easy thing to fly Drageon they don't just let anyone take those `desk' crates up; and You Squadron Leader will be doing a lot more of it now, I will see to that' Gethin, knocked Callum's hat off, they both laughed; obviously so happy together. `Right, what's that your both drinking' Drageon burst out laughing `It's a Hanky Panky Cocktail' `Barman, four more Hanky Panky Cocktails please...Oh, on his Lordships tab, of course' They all began laughing. I was still in shock, seeing my closest friends appear before me. `It's great to see you all, but why are you all here? `Because I have some amazing news, Barman a bottle of champagne too' Archie was grinning broadly, `Go on then, tell me' `Mr Duff is dead' `Dead? `Yes, frightened to death last night, ...apparently...' `Really? Davy looked all serious and whispered `The ghost of Castle Fraser killed him' Archie, gripped Davy's hand, while he made eye contact with me. `I will explain all later' `Your Champagne Gentlemen, your Lordship' The waiter, set down an ice bucket and proceeded to pour six glasses. `Err, okay, well, I am not sure we should really be celebrating that, but hey why not, also Gentlemen' I stood and tapped my glass, all faces looked to me. `I want to announce that, Drageon has agreed to me adopting him' I raised my Champagne glass `Gentlemen, a toast, to my son and heir, Drageon' Davy, grinned and squeezed Drageon's hand; Drageon gave him one of those amazing smiles. The party really got started, after everyone hugged Drageon, several hours later, we were all pretty merry; pissed really, Callum picked up the cocktail menu. `The only thing we haven't had a ...slow screw against the wall' I grabbed the menu off him, `There's not one called that, not at the Savoy, surely' `Nope, but had you going' I looked at my watch. `Gentlemen, I think it is time we all retired to our suite' I called over the Barman and asked that he send up some bottles of champagne to the suite. I also asked the Barman to get everyone else in the American Bar a drink on me; we had been rather rowdy. Back upstairs the party continued long into the night, with many toasts to Mr Duff; may he burn in hell; and finally, after Archie related the whole story `to the ghost', `the protector of Castle Fraser'. I dismissed Francois; he didn't need to be a witness to anything else. `Athol, err Dad, do you mind if Davy and I head to bed' Drageon, winked at me `As long as you leave enough room for the rest of us, looks like we will all be sharing that bed tonight' Davy and Drageon, gave us all a hug and headed off through the door to the bedroom. I sat looking at my friends, Gethin and Callum were cuddled up on the couch opposite, their jackets long since discarded along with their shoes and socks, they sat shirts undone, their braces still gripping their trousers, Callum's legs up over Gethin's knees. Archie had joined me, he kissed me tenderly. `I am so proud of you, what you have done for Drageon it is just amazing' I kissed him back `Hey, you will be Dad number two I hope; its not going to be easy raising a sex mad teenager, and I don't want ever to lose you again either' `Is it time for us all to join them, in that great big bed? Archie stood up, I nodded. `Are we invited? Callum grinned at me `Oh, I think so, Drageon's two uncles, come on' With our filled Champagne glasses, and two others recharged, we all stripped off and headed through into the bedroom. The bedroom was in darkness. Gethin sighed. `So much for two sex starved teenagers, they are both asleep' Simultaneously, both bedside lights switched on, two smiling faces greeted us and flung back the sheet, revealing two hard teenage cocks pointing skywards. `Oh no we're not, what kept you all? `Last one on the beds a Mary' Callum launched himself between Davy and Drageon, closely followed by the rest of us. I got on next to Drageon, Archie squeezed himself in on the other side, I locked eyes with Drageon. `Can I? He nodded, as I pushed my lips to his, our tongues met and pushed passionately into each other's mouths. `Room for a little one' Archie pushed his mouth in beside ours, our three tongues intwining, I dropped my hand down to Drageon's hard cock, meeting Archies, hand cupping his balls, I gripped the thick shaft and eased back the foreskin, Drageon moaned. I broke from our tongue fest and kissed down his hairy chest, licking each nipple while my hand continued to work his cock. Archie and him continued kissing as I took his flared cockhead into my mouth, immediately sighing as I tasted his youth dew on my tongue, I gripped him tightly working his shaft and cock head, Archies cock began tapping on my chin, I took hold of them both, just getting my fingers round both. I squashed their cock heads together, their precum merging over their joined bellend's, I sat up and licked at the two sets of cock lips, each oozing out precum for me, a tongue in my ear, let me know I was not alone, I looked up into Davys eyes, I kissed him, our mouths only just above the two oozing bellend's, we broke apart. I nodded down at the two cock heads and licked across the top of them, his tongue joined mine, with out eyes closed it took a little `hmmm' for us to open them, two more cockheads eased between us, and pressed against Drageon's and Archies. I felt Gethin's hand on my head guiding me to his cock head, Callum was doing the same to Davy, my senses soon overwhelmed with the subtle taste differences of four types of precum, I licked and worshipped the four hard cockheads before me, `Shit, sorry guys, I am an amateur' I looked up at Gethin as his cock spurted out his cum, coating the other three cocks, Davy and I eagerly lapped it up, cleaning it all off the other two cocks, the next to blow was Drageon, he moaned and gabbled `I'm cumming' I winked at Davy and moved back, he pushed his mouth over Drageon's cock, I stroked Davys face as he swallowed down spurt after spurt from Drageon's cock. With cum still on his lips Davy turned to Callum's cock and began to wank and suck it. Callum shuffled his hips, allowing Davy a better access to his cock, I concentrated on Archie's stretching back his foreskin and letting my tongue worship his glans and cock lips, neither lasted much longer, their cum falling and mixing in Archies belly button, Davy and I took turns lapping it up and swapping it back and forwards, a bit of body reorganisation took place as Drageon and Callum, Gethin and Archie now began snogging, the four of them laying across and alongside each other. Drageon, looked up, that smile of his aimed at both Davy and me. `What about you two, you haven't cum yet' I winked at him, `Well with your permission, can I rectify that with your boyfriend? Drageon nodded enthusiastically and returned to snogging Callum. I looked at Davy, mouthing `well' He shuffled on top of me, his legs astride my groin, our mouths meeting once more, both able to taste the cum of the other guys from each other's lips. I felt Davy's hand reach back and grip my throbbing cock, he tapped it against his hole and winked at me, he held it firm as he eased himself back on to me, his pucker, opening slowly to swallow my large cockhead, he gasped and grinned. `It's getting easier' I nodded and little voice to out left mumbled `Slag' Drageon's head, lifted and peered at us again; oh, and that smile, followed by a seriously sexy wink. The morning light revealed a bed covered with six sweaty naked men, bodies variously entangled, the smell of sex, heavy in the air and more than one morning glory. **************** Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest