Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 21:17:32 +0000 (GMT) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 83 IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. Digbey takes up the story `Shop' I banged on the breakfast counter. `Oh hello, Mr Digby Sir' `Hello again Landers, where is everyone? ******************* Operation Pied Piper – part 83 Digby continues the story The boy Landers shuffled about uncomfortably. `We haven't seen Athol or anyone this morning Sir. It's nor for me to say, but I think there might have been a bit of a party last night' `Ha, a party, what without me? Well let me wake them all up, maybe you should get some coffee on can you put it in the staffroom' Landers nodded as I headed upstairs. My nose following the sweetening air, a discarded towel, this must be the place, I tried the door handle, the door opened, I was engulfed in a blue haze, the room in gloomy darkness; I recognised that smell; giving my eyes a few moments to adjust, I slipped into the room, a pile of naked bodies met my eyes, entwined on a mattress on the floor; Clothing and cushions everywhere. I was half way across the room, when a head appeared, I couldn't make out who it was; but they appeared to be looking at their watch. I flung open the curtains and pulled up the window, feeling the fresh air hit me immediately. Ah, I recognised that face peering at his watch. `Davy, good morning' Davy leapt up `Air Vice Marshall, it's you' `Yes, did I miss the party? As I dragged open the other curtains and opened the second window, more of the bodies began to stir. A young voice cried out `Digbey' A naked Niki scrambled over the bodies and leapt into my arms. `Hello, gorgeous, how are you? He just hugged me. A loud voice boomed out `Who is dis waking us up' I recognised that voice `No, it can't be, Ouranoff! is that you under there? There was a bit of movement in the pile of bodies `Digbey, my friend, Athol wake up, wake up, it is my friend Digbey' Athol sat bolt upright, his face blank for a moment, then franticly looking around. `Christ what time is it? I waved at him smiling `Good morning Athol, it's just after nine in the morning' `Christ, Digbey, when did you get here?' Athol got to his feet, his morning wood sticking out at right angles, embarrassed he tried to conceal it, not easy when you have one nine inches and thick. He kicked the figure next to him `Archie, get up for fuck's sake its after nine in the morning, Digbey is here' He rubbed his head and stretched out his neck. `God, I feel rough' Athol turned to face me again, his brain slowly processing and catching up, what had been said. `Hang on, did you say you know this mad Russian? `Oh yes, Ouranoff and I go way back' `But you never said' `Athol, you couldn't even tell me the name of the new teacher last time I was here' Ouranoff sat smiling `Digbey, he still cannot pronounce it either' Athol chuckled, he looked a bit green, shaking his head he headed for the window, leaning out and breathing deeply. `Archie, Fort's and you Davy up and dressed as quick as you can, God what am I running here a bordello? Archie laughing clambered on top of Forts and pretended to hump him `Nothing wrong with that Athol' The sudden movement caused Archie's head to throb `God, I feel rough' It was Forts turn to laugh `No shag for me then old man' They both laughed as Archie, grabbed Forts and dug his fingers into him. Athol, was slowly coming back together `Enough fun you two, everyone up' Forts and Archie were slowly making moves to get up, both looked completely shattered. Davy, stretched and then ran for the toilet, `Sorry, I can't hold it in' He rushed past me; he let out a wet fart, now that smell was definitely cum. `Looking at you lot, I think I am glad I missed this party. Right, chaps Coffee is on downstairs see you all in Athol's sitting room in twenty minutes' I headed for the door, putting Niki down, I kissed his head `Now get dressed and see you down stairs, I have missed you' Niki nodded smiling, then gave me another kiss. Flicking on the lights as I left: more groans, I headed back downstairs. ** Davy continues the story Niki and I were ready first, and headed down to the private sitting room, Digbey was sitting in one of the big arms chairs by the fire place, Niki let go of me and jumped into his lap. `Hello, Niki have you missed me? Niki nodded enthusiastically. Digbey looked up at me `So, how are you Davy? how's things been since I left? `Oh, pretty quiet, it is a shame you missed the Easter Egg hunt' `I am sure I will hear all about it, what do you think of my friend Count Ouranoff? I laughed `Well, he has only just arrived, Niki seems to have taken to him, he is certainly different to what we are used too' Digbey looked at Niki, pretending shock `You haven't forgotten me already have you? Niki shook his head and began to laugh as Digbey started to tickle him. Cuddling him tightly, Digbey turned back to me `Has the Count told you much about himself yet? `I haven't really been in his company apart from last night and we didn't do much talking then' `I bet the old dog had his shisha pipe out' Digbey belly laughed `Both of them if I know him' I nodded, blushing, my bum was still tender. `He is one of the Romanoff's he was a young boy at the time of the revolution, he came to Britain with some of his family, lovely people; eccentric but lovely' `Refill? I asked as I poured myself some coffee, Digbey shook his head, I sat down, I have to admit to feeling bloody awful too. I had barely swallowed my first mouthful of coffee; relaxing back into the familiar comfortable feeling it gave me, when there was an urgent knocking on the door and it burst open, one of the third years poked his head round the door. `Thomas, can you come there is a bit of trouble' I jumped up and followed him out of the room I followed him downstairs to the courtyard, there was a group of boys in a circle, all shouting `Fight, fight, fight' I waded in pulling boys out of my way, practically fighting my way to the centre of the circle. `Right, both of you STOP! And STOP NOW!' I grabbed hold of the two boys, `Jones, Bryant, Stand still' `He started it' Bryant pointed at Colin, who was clutching the remnant of a fox's tail, the remainder appeared to be in Bryant's hand. I turned to face the rest of the boys. `All of you vanish, now! Any one still here after I count to three, I will ensure is belted, One, two, three' You all know how I feel about the belt, I wouldn't, ensure anything of the kind; but they didn't know that. I was left holding on to Bryant and Jones in a cloud of dust `So, what's going on? What's this all a about? `He tried to take my fox tail' Bryant blabbed pointing at Colin `It's not yours its mine, you stole it McPhee told me, you stole it from him' Colin cried back, his face red with anger. `No, I didn't he shagged me for it' Colin launched at him again, tears now streaming down his face `He did not, your lying, your lying, Davy tell him, he is lying, get him to stop lying' I managed to pull Jones off as Bryant curled into a ball. `What in God's name is going on here!? It was Athol, Forts was right behind him, he turned to me `Not here Thomas, take them to my study now! I obviously took too long; Athol, grabbed Bryant and Jones both of them, their feet barely touching the ground where marched back into the Castle, I was left, Forts looking at me. `I was dealing with it, why did he have to explode like that? Forts shook his head `I don't think he is feeling very well'. `Well, he doesn't have to take it out on me, I don't feel very well either' I could feel my own frustration and anger rising, just like my voice had. Fort's put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze. 'Come on, we had better get to the study, he is going to want to know what's going on' `Oh Davy' I looked round it was Mr Duncan `Are you still on for the cinema tonight, "Waterloo Bridge" remember with Vivien leigh and Robert Taylor, oh please say you will still come? `I had forgotten all about it, I will have to check with Mr Grumpy' I nodded towards the sitting room door, Mr Duncan nodded and whispered `He does look like he is in a mood again, let me know, hopefully we can still go' Forts put his arm round me, `You should go, if you want too' `What about you? Will you come with me? `Is it another soppy film? I kissed him `Yes it's a soppy film' I turned and knocked on the door, Athol barked `COME IN!' Forts and I entered, Athol's eyes were firmly fixed on me, I noticed Archie standing to one side, he nodded to me, his face fixed. `Oh ...right now you have finally decided to join us, what do you want to tell me about all this? `Mr MacDonald Sir, I was called to a fight outside and found Bryant and Jones fighting, it appears to be over a fox tail from yesterday's hunt' Bryant blubbed `It's my foxtail, it was McPhee's; he gave it to me' `No, he didn't, you stole it, you're a liar' Jones shouted back `No, I'm not he gave it to me after we had sex, your just jealous, he likes me more than you' `No, he doesn't' Colin cried out; Athol was forced to grab Jones again as once more he went for Bryant. `Thomas, find McPhee and bring him here' I glanced at Forts, mouthing "should I tell him?", Forts shook his head. I obviously wasn't moving fast enough `NOW DAVY NOW! I was pleased to get out of the room; Forts followed me out. `Why didn't you say something, he's your dad, now what am I to do? `Don't start on me, he is like a bear with a sore head, in case you hadn't noticed' I pushed past him `I noticed alright; he wasn't shouting at you' `Davy, you know I am nothing here now. You are the head boy and lead Prefect' Looking back; I was having a dramatic moment, maybe I had seen to many films as I responded, in a big flounce. `Oh, so that makes me responsible now, for how all the Prefects behave does it? `Davy, calm down, your being all dramatic' `Calm down? Fort's face began to crack up, he couldn't stop himself and he began laughing. `Come here, Scarlett and give me a hug' He grabbed me and held me until we were both laughing. We separated he gave me a last kiss `I do feel queer, do you think that stuff is still in me from last night? Forts winked `May be, right back into deal with grumpy "Daddy Bear"' Forts slipped back into Athol's study. I found McPhee holding court in the Prefects Common Room. `Davy, how's things, I was just telling the guys, how it's done; you know winning the Bunny Hunt' McPhee thrust his hips forward "fucking" the sky. `Great, well follow me, Athol wants to hear all about it too' `What? `I said, follow me McPhee! And if you have any sense, I would wipe that smile off your face too' He jumped up, glancing round the room at the other Prefects I turned and left. Once in the corridor, he grabbed hold of my arm `Davy, what's this all about? `Oh, you're just about to find out, I am not going to spoil the surprise for you' `Davy? I ignored him and strode down to Athol's sitting room, knocking loudly on the door. `COME IN' Was barked loudly from inside, McPhee glanced at me, his face for the first time displaying some concern. I opened the door and stood back, McPhee stepped forward and then stopped; as he came face to face with Bryant and Jones. McPhee glanced back at me, I just shoved him forward, entering the room I closed the door behind me. `Mr MacDonald Sir, you wanted to see me? McPhee, obviously decided to bluff his way out of whatever it was; he smiled at Athol; probably hoping that the "nobs" network would kick in. Athol turned away and picked up the remnants of a fox tail, McPhee briefly made eye contact with Bryant and Jones; both of their faces streaked with tears, I noticed him swallow. `Was this yours? McPhee lent forward, looking `Yes Sir, it has a white tip, none of the others had that' `Who did you give it too? McPhee glanced at Bryant and Jones and then back at Athol `Well? which one of these boys did you shag and give your tail too? McPhee, shuffled about, saying nothing. Athol, stepped forward, McPhee moved a step backwards. `WELL? `It wasn't quite like that Sir' `Wasn't it? Athol waved the remains of the tail at him `Well, you tell me quite what it was like, explain yourself boy! I was standing quietly; Forts obviously hadn't managed to calm Athol down. McPhee glanced at me again, now he was worried, the study door began to open behind me. Athol exploded `Get out' The door closed again, a little voice calling "sorry". `McPhee, I am waiting' `I had sex with Bryant; he got my tail' McPhee, was facing the floor, his voice barely a mumble, Colin let out a howl and leapt at McPhee, his little arms windmilling. `You told me he stole it, your nothing but a bloody liar' `Davy, can you get hold of Colin', I took hold of Colin, trying to wrap my arms round him to stop him flailing. McPhee initially tried to help, he bent down to Colin, trying to hug him `Colin, listen to me, it's you I love you know that' Colin turned to hug me, Athol spoke again `McPhee, now is not the time, you should have thought about this before, give Davy your Prefect badge, you are no longer a Prefect, this is the second time, you have shown yourself unfit to wear that badge' McPhee's face drained white `Athol, please' `It's Mr MacDonald from now on, young man, and I hope Colin here is not so stupid, that he falls for your nonsense again; you may go' McPhee turned to me, removing his Prefect badge and handing it to me. His eyes pleading. `Davy, please say something' I nodded, mouthing "I will", I took the badge `I will see you later' He turned to Colin, Colin turned away and buried his face in my shirt. McPhee left the room, Athol's voice following him as the door closed. `Oh, remember your no longer entitled to any of the Prefect's benefits and that includes using the Prefect common room' I looked at Forts, he remained silent, Athol turned to Bryant, getting down on his hunkers before speaking. `Little boys who play with fire, end up getting their fingers burnt, remember that. Now I want you to apologise to Jones and I don't expect to hear your name, or have you in front of me again' I had to say something. `Mr MacDonald Sir, it was Jones who started the fight, they should both apologise' Forts spoke for the first time `Colin can't be blamed for this' I looked at Forts, willing him to shut up; then back to Athol. `Sir, they can't be seen to get away with fighting, they should both be punished' Forts came straight back. `Colin was provoked by Bryant, boasting about getting McPhee's tail' I turned to him, he was practically inline with Archie, who was standing watching the whole affair, making eye contact with Archie; praying he wouldn't say anything as I mouthed to Forts "will you shut up, I know what I am doing", I took a breath and turned back to Athol `Mr MacDonald Sir' `What are you proposing as a punishment Thomas' `There is only one punishment for fighting Sir, as I understand it and that is the belt' I turned to Archie `I think I am correct in saying it was never officially rescinded' Archie nodded `That's correct' There was a gasp from Fort's `Are you fucking kidding? I looked at Forts again, once more mouthing "shut up" `Mr MacDonald, this doesn't concern Forts; he is not a member of staff' Forts practically choked `What? Have you gone mad? Has the power gone to your head? Athol, held up his hand to silence Forts. I noticed Archie, move behind Forts and whisper something in his ear. Athol fixed his eyes on me. `I want time to think about this, all of you leave, Thomas, I will get back to you' I opened the door and ushered Bryant and Jones out; Forts came out behind me, hot on my tail. I stopped Jones and Bryant and got down on my hunkers. `Right, look at me both of you, no more fighting, do you understand? They both nodded at me. `Right on you go' Forts stood silent as we watched them walk off together, Forts turned to me `I don't know what you're up too, but I hope it works, I don't want to see either of them belted' I smiled and stroked his arm `Davy, seriously what are you up too? `Athol, couldn't bring himself to belt fourth years, he certainly is not going to belt second years. Forts, I know McPhee can be a dick, but he is a good Prefect too; I need him, hopefully this way, will force Athol to reconsider'. Forts looked at me, taking hold of my arms `God, I hope your right, I love you' Forts reached for a door handle next to us, he grabbed my arm and opened the door; pulling me into the darkness of the Linen Cupboard; his lips pressing against mine as the light on us extinguished with the closing door. ** Archie takes up the story I had held my peace, in front of the boys, but now Athol and I were alone, well I had to speak. `What was all that about? Athol waved his hand dismissing me `I am not interested' `Don't you dare, dismiss me like that. Who do you think you are your father? That is exactly how he spoke to people.' `Archie, I don't need this' `Athol, just because you have a bloody hangover, you can't take it out on everyone else, leave this to me, let me sort it out' `Archie do you mind, I need to think about Davy's request' `What request? To have them both belted? Well, you can do it this time; because I am not'. Athol sat down at his desk, I crossed over and put my arm round him. `Go and have a lay down, we all feel like shit, let me sort it out with Davy' Athol didn't respond; back on the attack I went. `Fine ignore me, but I imagine you didn't only lose McPhee as a Prefect today, but also Davy too, I certainly wouldn't put up with this nonsense' I saw Athol's Shoulder's fall; victory. `Okay Archie I will leave it to you, I think I do need to have a lay down, thank you' He took my hand and squeezed it. I waited while he tidied his desk and giving me a kiss, he left the room. Right, now where was Davy? I began to head down to the Prefect Common Room. `Mr Campbell, I am sorry to bother you, but can I have a word in private? `McPhee, yes, no problem, shall we go outside? He nodded and I made my way down the stairs at the bottom, McPhee following me glanced behind us as we arrived at the Castle door; I imagined checking for anyone being near us. `Archie, I have fucked up again' `No shit sherlock' He looked up at me, suddenly smiling. I grabbed his head in an arm lock and ruffled his hair and let go of him. I liked McPhee, he had a cheeky streak about him sometimes, but I always felt when it mattered, you could rely on him. `And now you want my help to sort it out' He nodded `I do love Colin; you have to believe that' I made eye contact. McPhee shook his head, looking away `Seriously Archie, I love the little fella. How is it that Davy and Forts, sleep around and everyone thinks they are good eggs, and when I do it, I get into shit' I gave a little chuckle `Davy and Forts, never brag about it' `Is that what I did wrong? Brag about it? `That's a bit simplistic, but yes really' We walked along in silence `Why did Athol, take my Prefects badge, he never took Forts or Davy's when they did similar things, and I wasn't the only Prefect trying to win that competition' I didn't have an answer; the answer lay with Athol or maybe Davy all I could say was. `Let's wait and see, keep calm and don't gob off about it' ** Twenty minutes later Davy and Forts came out of the Linen Cupboard, both smiling and laughing to each other. Davy turned to Forts, quickly straightening his Kilt Badge. `I had better speak to Jones and Bryant, try and sort this mess out, will you try and speak to Athol? Forts, had a quick glance round and pushed Davy up against the wall, kissing him passionately again. `For you anything' He turned towards the staffroom and broke into song `Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye, cheerio here I go, on my way' Davy called back to him `I love you, you daft bugger' Davy found the two boys in their dormitory, both quietly sobbing on their beds. Davy went to Colin first, he sat on the bed and rubbed his back. `You okay Colin? He shook his head `Davy, he lied to me' `I know' Davy stroked his back some more, as he sat there, he realised he held in his hands the ability to either split them apart forever, or try and help them sort it out. `Do you love him Colin? Colin turned his head to face him; tears streaming down his face he nodded. `Well, I know McPhee loves you too, sometimes grown-ups do silly things, I think this was one of them, he got all caught up in winning that silly competition and forgot about you' Davy pinched his nose between his thumb and forefinger, Colin gave a little smile and got himself up and put his arms round Davy. `McPhee is very upset too' Colin's eyes concentrated on Davy's `I know I wouldn't want to lose Forts, because of some silly competition, maybe you should go and find McPhee and speak to him, you can tell him how what he did made you feel, that you don't like being lied too and you don't want it to happen again; is that worth a try? Colin gave Davy another big hug and clambered off the bed. `Go and wash your face first and pop back here, okay?' Colin headed out the door as Davy moved a few beds and sat down next to Bryant. `You look like you need a hug too?' Bryant shook his head, his face still buried in his pillow. Davy shuffled a bit closer. `Everyone likes hugs, Forts just gave me one and I feel a lot better already' `You're lucky, no one wants to hug me' `I do; you and I are more alike that you know' Bryant slowly turned to face Davy. `How do you mean? You have a boyfriend, I don't' Davy chuckled and took hold of Bryant's hand, he leaned forward `No, I mean, I love sex too' Bryant sat up and faced him. `You do? Davy nodded and put his arm round him `But you sometimes have to be careful other people aren't going to get hurt by what you do' `But it was McPhee, who said to me' Davy put his finger to Bryant's lip. `Shoosh, it takes two to have a dance, you knew Colin was his boyfriend and just because your jealous, that doesn't mean it's okay to hurt people, do you understand? Bryant nodded and hugged Davy `You should get the twins to show you the Linen Cupboard, no one gets hurt in there and if you ever want to talk to someone, come and find me, okay?' Bryant nodded, as Davy went to stand up, Colin came back into the dormitory. Davy smiled `Colin, can you come over here, now I want you two, to hug and be friends' They both looked at Davy `Come on kiss and make up' Bryant held out his hand, Colin and him hugged. Davy, patted them both on the head. `Come on Colin and you Bryant, let's find McPhee' ** Forts had knocked on the staffroom door, he waited for a response, nothing, he slowly began opening the door; expecting to hear Athol shouting at any moment, he peered into the room, it was empty, he breathed a sigh of relief; but where was Athol? Forts went to Athol's private sitting room, with his ear at the door he could hear voices inside. He knocked quietly part of him hoping he wouldn't be heard. `Come in, ... Ah, Forts, here you are' Athol wasn't there, Digbey waved Forts over smiling, Niki still in his arms. Digbey was on one couch and Count Ouranoff on the one opposite, they were both laughing. `Come and sit down' `Have you seen Dad? `He is sleeping' Ouranoff patted the chair beside him `Maybe later Count, I had better go and see he is okay' Ouranoff stood up `Fort's there is a party in my room tonight, with Digbey and a few others, you must come' `Aren't you both coming to the cinema with us? We are all going to see, Waterloo Bridge; with Vivien Leigh, in Inverurie' Ouranoff turned to Digbey `Of course, it will be marvellous, the party will begin when we get back' I nodded and quickly exited the room. ** Davy, Bryant and Colin, spotted Archie out in the courtyard. `Archie, have you seen McPhee? `Hello guys, he said he was going to sit down at Daphne's memorial, he needed to think' Colin turned to Davy `Can we go and see him? `The three of you aren't going to fight, again are you? The second years both shook their heads `Okay, let's go and find him, I need to speak to him anyway' Davy, turned back to Archie. `We seem to have a lot of people wanting to see the film tonight, any chance, you could take us all in the bus? Archie laughed `To see Waterloo bridge? Well make sure they all have hankies, it shouldn't be a problem Davy, I will check with Athol though' `Thanks Archie, come on then guys let's go and find McPhee' Davy stopped, `Err, you two go on ahead, I want a quick word with Archie, I will catch you up' They both nodded and headed off down the path, hand in hand, I looked at Archie and winked. He nodded `Well done, sorting them two out, now, what is it Davy? `Archie, I am going to give McPhee his Prefect Badge back, I want him as one of my Prefects, and as I understand it, its my job to select them' Archie nodded `Well, Does Athol know yet? Davy shook his head `Well Davy, you have my support and so does McPhee, tell him not to fuck it up this time... well done Davy'. Archie hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I set off after the two second years, Archie's chuckling sounding in my ears. I finally caught up with them at the Memorial, McPhee was laughing and roughhousing with them both, he stopped as I approached, stood and adjusted his kilt, making sure he was smart. `Davy' `Boys, I want a chat with McPhee, can you leave us for a few moments? The boys looked, between us all and then Colin said `McPhee, when your finished, Bryant and I are going to play hide and seek in the woods, come and find us' They both giggled and did that awkward attempt at a wink that youngsters do. McPhee nodded and waved as they ran off. `Davy, you wanted to speak to me' I nodded, McPhee looked miserable now, moments before he had been joking and laughing. I felt in my pocket and took out his Prefect badge `McPhee, I want to try for "third time lucky", I want you as one of my Prefects and in fact as my deputy' His mouth hung open as I pinned the badge to his lapel again `But, Davy, does Athol know? Are you sure? Me your deputy, I would be honoured' `Well, your better with the youngsters than I am, it would be good to know you have my back' `But Athol? `Leave Athol to me, now off you go and show those two a good time; both of them' McPhee, nodded, his bottom lip trembling, he threw his arms round me `Thank you, Davy, thank you, I won't let you down, I promise, not again' He kissed my cheek and with a `whoop' he ran off into the woods. ** So, after dinner, the school bus driven by Archie pulled up at the front of the Castle; It was going to be a lot of fun, in fact, realising the numbers wanting to go he had rung ahead and warned the cinema. Once we were all on board, Archie started up the engine and with a shout over his shoulders `I hope all you ladies have remembered your hankies' The bus set off. Davy was snuggled up to Forts, not hiding exactly, but definitely snuggled down. `Shit, Athol alert' Forts hissed Davy, peeked up practically into Athol's face. `Davy, Archie has spoken to me and told me what you have done, now...' `Athol, I am sorry, I was hoping to check with you first' `Davy stop, you did the right thing son, I am very proud of you' With that he ruffled Davy's hair like he always used too and moved back down the front of the bus to sit with Archie. The group split up in the cinema, Athol, Archie, Digbey, Niki and Ouranoff, in one row, Mr Duncan and Landers in another and a bit further back Davy and Forts. As the curtain fell, the sound of noses being blown and sobs, filled the theatre. Poor Mr Duncan, looked like he had lost one of his own family. Davy was clinging on to Forts, telling everyone he was fine, his face streaked with tears; the Count, Athol, Archie, Digbey and Niki, had slept through the whole thing. **************** Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used' (New Story) - Gay/Incest