Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 21:15:03 +0100 (BST) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 85 IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. Guy's, I hear you, I hear you, this is the final chapter before Athol restamps his authority on the Castle and gets rid of the drugs. I appreciate this exploration has upset a lot of you and I warn that this chapter brings the final obscene decent into depravity that drugs can bring. It was never my intention to glamourise Drugs, only to highlight how easily it is to slide into that world and then how easy it is to end up doing things you will regret. ************************* `I have heard there are Russians at the Castle, we will see you there ourselves tonight, you can show us round' The MP pointed at me, his eyes, giving me the once over, the other one nodded and smirked. He opened the barrier `On you go' I clicked Baxter on. `What the hell was that all about? Davy said looking back towards the road block. I said I didn't know, but had an uneasy feeling. ******************* Operation Pied Piper – part 85 Gary Morris continues the story Everyone had arrived back at the Castle earlier; not being invited to hear what had gone on, I decided on a little spying. I spoke to Athol, telling him there was a problem with the electrics in Fort's and Davy's room, I had to ensure we had an escape route. Later after tea, Brookmeyer and I had met up in the Great Hall. I had popped open the panel next to the Organ control console; probably one of the more difficult to access, but I didn't want us spotted. "Come on Daniel, quickly" Brookmeyer squeezed through the narrow opening into the void behind, I pushed the panel closed, it clicked as the lock engaged, its closing plunging us both in to darkness. I flicked open my lighter and with the smell of petrol assaulting my nose, it burst into light. `Arrgh, something touched me' `For God's sake Brookmeyer, be quiet' `Something landed on me' Brookmeyer was hopping about brushing something from his face, he let out another shriek, knocking the lighter from my hands, it landed on the ground, flared and went out; that was strange. `Brookmeyer shut up, it's just cobwebs' He began to rub even harder `Cobwebs mean spiders' `Shoosh, you big Jessy' I got down on my knees to retrieve my lighter, laying my hand flat on the floor I could feel a draught. I allowed myself a little smile, without Brookmeyer's hysterics, it would never have been found; another hidden door was very nearby. With the lighter once more burning brightly, I turned to him, he was still spooked, his eyes darting around us. `Calm down and start looking, there is another hidden door, round here, watch this' I put the lighter onto the floor and once more the flame flared and blew out. `Quick, start having a feel of the bricks and in any holes' `I am not sticking my fingers in any holes; they will have spiders in them' `Brookmeyer you really are a wuss' I continued to feel the wall in front of me, which I had always thought was a dead end and finished at the Organ. `Brookmeyer, at least hold the torch up then so I can look' There was nothing no holes in the brickwork nothing; hang on, a rusty piece of chain was hanging hidden by cobwebs; that's got to be it. I reached out and brushed them away. Gripping the chain, I traced it to a hole in the wall, where it vanished; this had to be it. I gently pulled; a click, something had unlocked, I pushed at the wall nothing, that couldn't be right, I pulled the chain again, nothing. I tried to look over the rest of the wall, but Brookmeyer was all over the place `Brookmeyer, bloody stand still, I can't see anything with you waving the lighter about' With the lighter firmly back in my hands, Brookmeyer, now shuffled up very close behind me; normally that would have been enough for my cock to get over excited and he would have been shagged there and then, but, where was this other door? `Brookmeyer, just stand there against the wall, give me some room' He moaned but stood back, I continued to feel along the wall; another chain, I gave it a gentle pull; another click, but nothing else. I grabbed the other chain and pulled them both together, they both slackened in my hands. `Shit help...quick' I spun round `Brookmeyer shut the fuck up, do you want everyone to know we are here?' I held up the torch he was white as a sheet; the wall behind him had swung open, he was tittering on the top of something, his fingers gripping the stone either side of him, I grabbed his out stretched arm and pulled him back into the corridor; giving him a dirty look as I pushed past through this new opening. Directly behind where he had been standing was a spiral stone staircase; I turned round grinning. `We found it, come on' Brookmeyer was still looking shocked `I could have died' `Don't be silly, come on let's see where it leads' I set off down the stair case, the old stone felt damp, the air smelt and tasted musky, like old books. I heard Brookmeyer come scrabbling after me, he obviously didn't want to be left in the dark again. With his arm holding on to mine tightly we descended down; further than I imagined we would. `How far do you think it goes down? Brookmeyer whispered `I don't know, why are you whispering? `You keep telling me too' I felt him punch me in the back; then a draft of air and the flame flickered on the lighter, Brookmeyer's grip tightened, the light went out, we continued on, feeling our way, we seemed to be at the bottom; well, I couldn't feel any more steps. `Put the light back on, put the like back on' Brookmeyer was starting to hyperventilate `Hang on I am trying, I'm trying' I spun the flint wheel on the lighter producing nothing but sparks, I covered the flame basket and flicked the flint wheel again, this time the flame caught, I turned back to Brookmeyer and chuckled, his scream and flailing arms, knocked the lighter from my grasp. As the lighter tumbled through the air to the floor, its dying flame illuminated two suits of armour, each held a great long sword high above their heads. Brookmeyer had lost it, I heard him shrieking as he ran up the stairs blindly in the dark. `Brookmeyer, you idiot, they are only suits of armour' I was wasting my breath, he had gone, I felt around on the floor and found my lighter. I flicked the wheel and once more the area surrounding me was illuminated by the dancing yellow flame, I had a quick look at the two suits of armour, stifling my chuckles; they had certainly put the wind-up Brookmeyer. They stood either side of a corridor, I couldn't see the end of, at a guess it was six feet wide, with stone floor and walls; obviously another old long forgotten part of the Castle. Leaving the "guards" behind me I moved slowly forward along the corridor, immediately to my left was a black opening, I had a quick look more stairs spiralling downwards; the smell of damp over whelming. I decided to check out this level first, I could see what looked like a door frame coming up on my right-hand side; I was now completely disorientated, I tried to think which way I was facing, but all the twists and confusion caused by Brookmeyer meant I was none the wiser. It was definitely an oak door way, the door was studded with what looked like heavy headed iron nails, a third of the way down was a small iron grill, it looked like it had a small door behind it. I glanced at the door frame, just above the door carved into the beam was a coat of arms, I traced the carving with my fingers, it was the original Clan MacDonald Crest. A memory stirred, so it was true; what the old laird had told me all those years ago. He had spoken of a secret place, part of the old Castle where he went to work, the door frame carved with the old family crest. He had been drinking, we all had, Mr Finley, the old Laird and myself; I had thought it was just the Whisky talking, at the time they had refused to discuss it further. I calmed my now rapidly beating heart and took a deep breath, gripping the door handle I gave it a turn, the old rusty lock groaned and I pushed open the door, holding my lighter high. ** Davy takes up the story I was pleased to be back; our passengers had eventually passed out, Dima had squeezed himself up front next to me, his arm round me, his nodding head finally coming to rest on my shoulder, I could see it irritated Forts, but at least they weren't all still singing. Forts pulled up in front of the Castle and with his help we got Ouranoff, Dima and Niki down, luckily Archie came out to meet us. Forts grinned at him `We will leave them with you, Davy and I will put the wagon away and bed down Baxter' `Gee thanks...come on you three' Archie winked and shrugged his shoulders laughing. `Archie, my friend' Ouranoff threw his arms round Archie and kissed him, before turning to the others `Dima, Niki, its Archie, our friend' They all hugged and kissed a decidedly embarrassed looking Archie. `Come on all of you inside' Archie waved and disappeared inside the Castle. With a click from Fort's Baxter's ear twitched and he set off again, he knew the way, I think even he was pleased that the God-awful singing had stopped. Forts, squeezed my knee as we went under the arch into the stable yard, he glanced upwards to the room, we had had our first liaison in. `Fancy a quick one? I grinned back at him `Do you mind if we don't, my arse is still throbbing' `Bloody Dima' Forts huffed `Hey it wasn't just his cock, and you beat him for the number of loads shot into me' Fort's frown turned to a triumphal smile `I did, didn't I' As he pulled back on the reins and Baxter came to a stop, he turned to kiss me. `I love you; you know that don't you? He squeezed my hand `Christ Davy, where is your ring? `Oh, don't panic I left it here; I didn't want to risk losing it, have you just noticed I wasn't wearing it? He blushed `Maybe if you had, Dima would have seen your taken' I smiled. `Come here, my little green-eyed monster' I kissed him again. Our lips lingered on each other's, Fort's smiled and stroked my face. `Come on let's get sorted here, I am starving, then we can see what Gregor has for us to eat' `There is only one thing Gregor wants to eat on you' I gripped the front of my kilt as I jumped down, Forts blew me a kiss and with a swagger began unharnessing Baxter. `Well, if you have got it' I folded my arms, he doubled over `Now who is the green-eyed monster? I had to laugh, I began helping him unhitch the wagon, which we then pushed back under one of the wagon arches. Baxter seemed suitably pleased to be relieved of his burden and his harness. I walked him on his halter to the stable box next to Lightening, they greeted each other like old friends, then it started. Thump, Thump, Thump. `Fort's you have forgotten someone, well three folks actually' Pegasus, thumped his heavy foot into the door again, he must have been sleeping, but now he spotted Forts he wanted a hug. `I am coming boy' Forts ran over to his stall and did that special thing he did with horses; Then the whinnying started, Morag and Daphne, demanding their cuddles too. `See you are popular...well ...with the horses' I added mumbling the last bit. A clump of dried horse shit hit the back of my head, I turned and blew him another air kiss `Sorry, was that a bit loud? He broke into a run chasing me, we hugged and kissed: I loved him so much. We finished up and began to head arm in arm back to the Castle, he gave me a Fort's smile as we went under the arch again, he glanced upwards. `Are you sure you don't fancy it? `Later tiger' ** `There you are, Fort's, Davy, we are all in the staffroom, get yourselves sorted and join us' He sniffed the air `A shower wouldn't go a miss either. Oh, and another thing, there is something wrong with the electrics in your room according to Gary, so I have put you in the bunk room for tonight, with the two Military Police, be good chaps and look after them will you' Athol didn't wait for a reply; he had gone. I looked at Forts `Why us, they obviously have an issue with us' Fort's shrugged `Oh well, let's get showered and freshened up, maybe they won't be so bad once we speak to them normally' He wrapped his arm round me and led me up the stairs, pinned to our door was a hand written paper sign. "Danger Faulty Electrics", I was just about to open the door when Mr Evans came out of his room. `Careful guys, I wouldn't go in if I was you, Gary said it was serious' `But our clothes are in their' `Oh, no, sorry, your clothes are here, do you want to shower and get changed in my room? I am just heading downstairs' `Thank you, Mr Evans, that would be great' I turned to Forts, `I have to pop in and get my ring, hang on I won't be a minute' `Okay but don't touch anything' I opened the door, the room looked perfectly normal, apart from the bed had been pulled away from the wall; I couldn't remember anything there apart from the access to the priest hole; oh well. I retrieved the ring and put it back on my finger. We were both soon washed and dressed and heading down to the staffroom. `Come in chaps, meet Morgan and Robert the two Military Police Officers who will be staying with us at the Castle' They both held out their hands, their faces not letting on we all had met. Forts and I forced ourselves to shake hands. The one called Morgan barked `Bruno' heel, in a flash the black and tan Rottweiler we had also met before appeared by his side. It sat by his left leg, its great slobbery chops, dribbling as it licked its lips. I nudged Forts `He hasn't forgotten you' Athol got us all drinks and then left to join Percy and Nathan. The five of us stood looking at each other, the lack of initial conversation, probably accounting for the several drinks we ended up having. But as usual the booze began to loosen us all up. The guys apologised for being a bit officious with us and I apologised for being a bit sarcastic. As if he was feeling left out Bruno let out a bark. Morgan looked down `Hey you, what's that all about? Is everyone ignoring you? The dog looked excited at being spoken too, Morgan clapped his head and looked at me `He really is a softy; do you want to say hello? I nodded, and got down on my haunches, holding out my hand, Bruno sniffed it and then licked it, his smooth tongue, glided over my fingers, its tip exploring every crook and cranny, whether intentionally or not; it tickled, he then offered me a paw; I was in love. `Fort's look, he can give a paw' Forts gave one of his skywards looks at Morgan and then got down like me, Bruno moved towards him and sniffed his hands and then pushed himself up against Forts knees allowing his back to be rubbed. Robert got down on his knees and joined us clapping Bruno. `Do you guys mind if he sleeps in the room with us tonight? I don't like the look of the old Castle kennels' We both shook our heads. Robert turned to Morgan `That's great, thanks chaps' Morgan emptied his glass. `Oh, we met the Russians again earlier, Dima, gave me this and said we must party' Morgan held up the glass pipe and waved a bag of what looked like grass cuttings. `That sure sounds like Dima, but you had better put them away before Athol see's you with it' Morgan had just pushed them into his army trouser pocket, when the staff room door opens and Gregor's head popped round. `Archie, Forts, we seem to have escaped ponies out on the courtyard' Forts quickly went to the window and peered out, he turned to Archie. `Leave them to me' `Do you want a hand? I asked him `No, I will be fine, you stay and chat, get to know them a bit more' Forts was gone about thirty minutes; he came back in his black hair a bit windswept on top and sticking to his forehead with the sweat of exertion, luckily, he was laughing. `That bloody Shetland stallion, he has been chasing the ladies and somehow the gate into the paddock had come undone, little bastard, had me running all over the place, I am sweating like a farm animal now' Forts, bent his knees, in the time old manner of unsticking your nuts. Morgan nodded and winked at Robert. `Ah, your glasses are empty, I will get us all another drink' Forts nodded and mouthed "Thank you". With the new drinks in hand, I walked back to them, Morgan was stroking the side of Forts head `God you are sweating aren't you' Did he just smell his hand and then let Bruno do the same? No, I must have been mistaken. It turned out that Morgan and Robert, were only six or seven years older than us, both London boys, cockneys from their accents. Around nine O'clock, Morgan gave a bit of a yawn and then whispered conspiratorially `Shall the five of us continue this party in our room? I wasn't really wanting much more to drink, but I knew Forts wouldn't say no, so we said our goodnights and retired to the room. As we walked along to it Robert casually said `Oh, we moved the beds about a bit I hope you don't mind, I hate bunk beds' We just shrugged our shoulders, entering the room, I could see what he meant, it left very little room to get between the beds, all four of the beds had their head boards up against the rooms back wall, with only a maximum of a foot between them. Forts and I kicked off our shoes and Robert and Morgan their army boots, we all clambered up on to the beds, still dressed as we had been, Forts and me in our long kilts and Morgan and Rob in army fatigues. Morgan let out a chuckle and brought out the pipe and bag of stuff from his pocket. Forts not to be out done, pulled out a new bottle of Whisky from the folds of his kilt, he gave it a waggle `Sorry no glasses chaps' We all laughed and agreed we would manage without them. The Whisky went round first followed by the pipe; things all got a bit giggly. Morgan looked at Forts and me. `You two look really uncomfortable dressed up like that' Forts slurred `Ahh, see, it's not meant for lounging about in' `Well take them off then, get comfortable' `What with you both still dressed, I don't think so' `Come on Rob and I will get stripped off too, we will all be much more comfortable, what do you say Davy? He turned to me smiling, it must have been the booze `Sure, why not, come on Forts, let's get comfortable' We were soon all naked laying on the bed, Morgan quickly filled another pipe. `You don't mind if Bruno lays on the bed with us, do you' Before we could answer, he had already called him and Bruno was now laying at the foot of Forts bed, near his feet. Another deep long draw on the pipe, I was chilled watching the love of my life stretched out naked next to me, laughing and joking with two new friends. Bruno sat watching us, well Fort's feet really, he sniffed the air and crawled a bit closer to them. We all laughed as he edged nearer, I joked he would need a gas mask if he got much closer, Morgan, clapped Bruno on the back, `It's just the sweat, it's the salt he likes, they probably smell really nice to him, Dogs have over one hundred million scent sensors in their noses you know?' Forts had just taken another draw on the pipe; he lifted his foot nearest me and waggled his toes at me. `See Bruno loves the smell, see, someone loves me' He put his foot back down, Bruno moved his head and his tongue and licked across Fort's sole. Forts jumped back `Yuck, that tickles' `Oh, don't be so mean, he doesn't get much pleasure in is life' Morgan looked at me `Does he Davy' The drugs and drink had robbed me of my moral compass, only later did I realise he had been using me to put more pressure on Forts. `Yeah, Forts don't be so mean, let him lick your feet' Rob passed the Whisky bottle to me as they both playfully goaded Forts into letting the dog lick his feet. The pipe began another round. It was fascinating, I shuffled down beside Bruno's head watching him, he glanced at me and carried on earnestly, licking Fort's foot, his tongue was bigger and smoother than I originally imagined a dog's tongue would be; it was only earlier as he licked my hand and fingers; did it occur to me how flexible it was too. Bruno stopped licking as he got to Forts toes, I gave him a clap on the head and whispered to him `Get your tongue between his toes you will love it; I do' What was I doing, had I gone mad? I tumbled head long into the depravity to come. But surely it couldn't hurt anyone? Could it? I reached for one of Forts feet and eased his toes apart and held it to Bruno's nose, he obviously took that as permission, his tongue curled round and between Forts toes, as he began licking again. Another swig from the bottle, I heard Forts give a little moan, I looked up at him, he was laying back his eyes closed his head on the pillow, his arms across his hairy chest. Rob gave a chuckle `Looks like he is enjoying his foot bath' `Yeah, I agreed, he looks really chilled. Hearing us Forts opened his eyes and grinned, they were pretty glazed. I clapped Bruno again, Forts was well chilled that was for sure, then I noticed Rob lightly touch Morgan's arm and nod towards Fort's cock, it had definitely started to chub. With Forts laying back his eyes closed I watched as Rob encouraged Bruno to crawl up the bed, I couldn't believe it, the dog was soon sniffing at Forts groin, Rob winked at me, my head was screaming this is so wrong, yet another voice was desperate to see it. Morgan whispered to Rob and another pipe was filled and eased between Forts lips, his glazed eyes opened and he took a huge draw and then a second one, Morgan was whispering next to his ear `Hold it, hold it, hold it' Eventually Forts exhaled, Rob clamped his mouth over Forts' and breathed in the smoke he was exhaling. Fuck this was so hot, my head was buzzing, with a little chuckle Rob picked up Fort's swelling cock, the big weighty bellend was no longer partially covered with his foreskin, Rob waggled it at Bruno; whose tongue wrapped round the glans ridge and licked up the bow string and across the cock lips; Forts groaned `Fuck yes Rob' He thought it was Rob's tongue. obviously tasting something, he liked, Bruno's tongue began darting out across and round Forts rapidly swelling cock, I watched in shocked awe, my own hand stroking my rapidly growing cock. Forts moaned and squirmed, spreading his legs wider as Bruno's tongue licked down his shaft to his balls. ** Forts continues the story Fuck, Rob knew how to use his tongue, from the very first lick up my bow string; fuck, how did he do that with his tongue. I didn't want to open my eyes, this was too good, I didn't want to see Davy glaring at me disapprovingly, secretly I hoped Morgan would be working on him, while Rob worked on me. I took the smoke deep and as he whispered in my ear, I held it for as long as I could, enjoying the totally chilled state as it washed over me, combining with the alcohol. I felt his lips on mine taking the smoke, fuck this felt so good. Then his tongue again, I could feel my cock throbbing as he licked along the length of my shaft, it was so wet; how could his tongue wrap round me like that? my mind was screaming "yes now my balls, now my balls". I felt his hand ease my balls sac up as his tongue buried itself into the crease between my balls and thigh. I lay enjoying the overwhelming pleasure his tongue was giving me, vaguely aware the bed was rhythmically moving, good Davy must be getting fucked. Robs mouth licked my ear, my brain registering both sensations; hang on, what the fuck, who was that on my balls, I opened my eyes and glanced down. `Shit guys, what the fuck' Robs hand went to my chest and gently but firmly held me down, his voice soft and encouraging. `Hey lay back and enjoy it, Bruno is' I couldn't believe it; a fucking dog was licking my balls and cock. I glanced at Davy, he was wanking hard and fast, his eyes went from mine back to the scene in front of him. `Davy, this isn't right' He looked at me, still wanking his cock, `Fuck it is so horny though Forts, lay back' Another pipe was eased between my lips as my befuddled brain tried to make sense of things, a hand stroked my face, a voice encouraged me to breathe deeply, it was almost hypnotic; relax and enjoy, relax and enjoy. The tongue continued to lick my balls rolling them over and over in their sac, I submerged into the pleasurable feelings. I heard some brief words exchanged, but their meaning failed to register, next I felt each of my knees being raised, my feet were pushed back towards my arse, and then my knees were eased down and back. I glimpsed down again, Davy was holding one leg and Morgan the other, my pillow was pulled away, and my head fell back to the bed, then more pressure on my legs eased me further on to my back, rolling my hips upwards as Bruno's tongue found my taint. I squirmed against his tongue trying to force myself back to increase my pleasure, as he licked the delicate skin from thigh to thigh and ball sac to pucker, whatever it was he found there, it seemed his favourite place. A hand took hold of my shaft; gripping it tightly at the base and began to slowly wank me, I was rock hard, with my head now so drug fucked I was unable to lift it off the bed. I could hear myself moaning, I could feel the pleasure this tongue was giving me, its soft form, working its way into every spot, every crease of my ball sac. Every now and then the hand wanking me forced my hard cock downwards; offering my wet bellend to Bruno, his tongue lapped up the precum which was now pouring out of me, the tip of the tongue worming its way between my cock lips; Shit. With my shaft pulled away from that hungry slobbering mouth, the slow deliberate wanking resumed. I felt Bruno's wet nose push against my pucker, his sniff followed almost immediately by a lick of his tongue, more fevered discussion, and then my legs were forced back even more, exposing even more of me to Bruno's tongue. I felt a finger collect some precum from my cockhead, I opened my eyes; Davy was smiling at me, his eyes were as glazed as mine, he blew me a kiss and then I felt his finger smearing my precum on to my hole, he eased his finger gently into me, all the while a forceful tongue slivered in beside him, as he withdrew his finger the tip of that tongue, pushed into me, easing, twisting its way into me. I tensed up, overwhelmed as fireworks ignited in my head; fuck I have been rimmed loads of times, but this tongue did rimming honour. I felt myself forcing my hips up, I was moaning and fucking the hand that was wanking me, I was about to explode, a barked command `Bruno here' I felt the wet jowls and tongue just as I began to explode, groaning and thrusting my hips upwards. Bruno was jumping excitedly as he snapped in the air at my jets of cum, it splattered over his jowls, hanging from them for just a second before that amazing tongue licked it up and he looked for more. Rob smeared some onto my nipple and Bruno's tongue attacked it, sending even more spasms to my cock. Shit my orgasm went on for ages, with the spurts of cum, dying to pulsing oozes, rolling slowly like lava down my bellend, Bruno was watching my cock lips expectantly, waiting, letting out little eager yelps. once the pulses of cum stopped the spasms continued to rack my arse and balls, causing me to shudder into the hand still holding my cock. The hand offered my cock to Bruno once more, Bruno gave it a final clean, his tongue tip reaching all the nooks and crannies', I looked down as it vanished between my cock lips again, emerging with a small blob of white cum, it stood out against his blood red tongue, before it to was devoured. I suddenly felt panicked the realisation of what I had allowed to happen overwhelmed me, I felt a tear run down my cheek, fuck what had happened, then a gentle stroke to my face; as the tear was wiped away and then lips pushing against mine, a tongue pushing into my mouth, I kissed them back, more tears rolling down my cheeks. I opened my eyes and came face to face with my Davy. `I am sorry, Christ what have I done? Why did I let it happen?' I began sobbing, Davy kissed my cheeks and holding a finger to my lips, whispered in my ear. `Forts don't, it wasn't you, I still love you, I will always love you' I heard Davy telling Rob and Morgan, the fun was over and to get Bruno away, which they did, he then snuggled up to me pulling me over on to his bed. I looked into his eyes. `What the fuck have I done' He squeezed me tighter, `You should be saying what the fuck have we done! shoosh now and relax, we can talk about it tomorrow' Davy sorted out the sheets and covered me over, cradling me in his arms as sleep took me. Unseen by our eyes, only a few feet away the entire scene had been watched. The watcher, pumping his own hard eight-inch cock, blowing his load onto the grey stone of the old Castle. They thought to themselves, as they settled down to sleep; what would the morning bring, more of the same? certainly they didn't want to miss it. ** Davy continues the story The following morning, my head was throbbing, I managed to separate it from the hammering on the door. `Come in' The door opened, I sat up as four Military Police, one obviously an Officer, marched into the room, he was in front scanning the beds. I thought I recognised the Officer, I did, we did, he turned and said `Hello, Davy, hello Forts' It was Lieutenant Brandt, the blond-haired officer from Fort George `Him and him, hurry' He barked at the other soldiers, Robert and Morgan, were dragged from their beds naked. `You two pieces of shit, it's the guard house for you' I was now bolt upright in bed; Forts looked terrified, I mouthed at him "what's happening? Lieutenant Brandt, looked at Fort's `My Lord, I am sorry to have put you in danger, these two have been impersonating Military Police along with their dog all over the place, we have finally caught up with them, I do hope, nothing happened last night. Forts looked at me and then shook his head `No nothing Sir' `Well, good' He glanced at one of the other soldiers, `Get a lead on that dog' As Robert and Morgan were led out in handcuffs, Robert turned and winked at Forts mouthing "your secret is safe with us". Those words condemned him, his comment had been seen, not only by Forts and Davy, but by the figure secretly watching only feet away; was that a threat to the Castle and the Clan MacDonald? Unseen, the figure slipped away; work to be done. ** `It's Gary isn't it? `Yes, hello again Lieutenant Brandt' The Lieutenant, looked at Gary's, oily hands and then to where Gary had emerged from, behind the army prison van. `Is everything okay? `Yes Sir, I was just looking, I thought you had an oil leak, wouldn't want you to run out of oil' `Is it all okay? `Yes Sir, I was mistaken' `Good, Good, well thank you for checking' Brandt clambered into the other jeep and with a wave of his arm, the two vehicles set off, down the drive. The brake fluid, now no one had asked about that, that wax cap and the one next to it on the fuel line, wouldn't hold for long, just long enough to get them away from the Castle. **************** Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest