Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 21:13:38 +0100 (BST) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 86a IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. The Lieutenant, looked at Gary's, oily hands and then to where Gary had emerged from, behind the army prison van. `Is everything okay? `Yes Sir, I was just looking, I thought you had an oil leak, wouldn't want you to run out of oil' `Is it all okay? `Yes Sir, I was mistaken' `Good, Good, well thank you for checking' Brandt clambered into the other jeep and with a wave of his arm, the two vehicles set off, down the drive. The brake fluid, now no one had asked about that, that wax cap and the one next to it on the fuel line, wouldn't hold for long, just long enough to get them away from the Castle. ******************* Operation Pied Piper – part 86a Archie takes up the story I followed Athol down the stairs, we had just been woken by Mr Evans, apparently there were yet more Military Policemen at the door of the Castle, they stood next to the gong, awaiting us. A blond-haired Officer who looked vaguely familiar smiled on our approach, three enormous looking Red Caps next to him. `My Lord, we have met, I am Lieutenant Brandt, we met at Fort George' `But of course, how are you? And how's that old dog Torcall? Can we get you and your men breakfast Lieutenant? `My Lord, I am sorry, normally I would love to have availed of your hospitality, but I am not here on a social call, but a very serious matter' Athol looked at me and then back at Brandt. `Which is? `I understand you have two men staying here, claiming to be Military Police dog handlers? Athol nodded `Yes, that's correct they are in the bunk room with Forts and Davy, what's the problem?' `I am sorry to say, they are imposters, escapees from the Military Prison at Fort George' `Christ are they dangerous? Athol broke into a run towards the bunk room, followed by the Red Caps and myself. Lieutenant Brandt caught hold of his arm `My Lord, please let us go in first' `But my son is in there' `My lord I must insist' I took hold of Athol's arm `Athol, come on, let the man do his job' `Yes, yes' Athol's eyes looked desperately at mine `I will never forgive myself, I asked them to look after them and entertain them' I squeezed his arm; I couldn't say anything until we knew more. We stood to the side while the lieutenant hammered on the door, it was kicked open by one of his MP's, the smell of Cannabis poured from the room, the lieutenant glanced at Athol, he looked like he was going to ask a question, instead he shook his head and marched into the room. Athol seemed to slump, then pulled himself to his full six feet plus, his face getting angrier and angrier. `Can you fucking smell that? Did you see the way he looked at me? My own bloody son, what's this place turning into some kind of drugs den?' He went to move forward `Wait, let the man do his job' `Archie, that's the last time, I smell that in this Castle, it's use stops here and it stops now' We could hear a conversation taking place in the room, but could not make it out, next the three MPs came out, two with handcuffed prisoners both still naked; Morgan and Roberts, they sneered at Athol as they passed, the third had the dog on a tight lead' `What's the dog doing in there, it was supposed to be in the Castle kennels' Brandt came back out of the room and closed the door. `My Lord, I need to have a word with you in private' Athol led him down to his private sitting room, Brandt looked at me as I followed them in. `Lieutenant, there is nothing you can't say in front of Archie' Brandt nodded `My Lord, there is no easy way to say this, Morgan and Roberts both have convictions for having sex with animals, that is their dog; it is trained, they have been going round the countryside seducing young males, getting them too...' He never finished his sentence, Athol, let out an anguished cry `God no, are they okay? I had better go to them, I put them in the room altogether, oh God' `I cannot say if anything has happened or not Sir, but the smell of alcohol and drugs in the room; well, that's their usual method of operating' Athol, pulled himself together `Err, thank you Lieutenant, what happens now? `Well, they will be returned to the guard house and then to prison, if nothing happened, I doubt you will hear anymore, on the other hand, with who you are Sir...' Brandt's voice tailed off, Athol began nodding he knew exactly what it could mean and lead too. Athol took the Lieutenants hand `Lieutenant Brandt, thank you, for dealing with it in such a discreet manner, you must be busy and wishing to get on, please give my regards to Torcall' Brandt snapped to attention and saluted. `I will Sir, thank you' I followed him out of the room, turning to Athol, I gave him an understanding smile. `Wait here I will be back in a minute' Athol nodded, collapsing into a chair his head in his hands. I said good bye and watched as the MP's drove off down the driveway. `Gary? Good morning, you're up early' His hands were covered in oil and grease. `You okay there? `Oh yes, everything will be fine now' He turned away `Everything will be fine' I made my way back into the Castle and back to Athol. He stood up as I entered `Come on then, we had better find out what happened' The conversation with Davy and Fort's was fraught and anguished, the three of them sobbing and holding each other, while I attempted to comfort them all. It ended with Athol, assuring them that drugs would no longer be tolerated in the Castle and asking them for forgiveness, for having put them in danger; Forts responding, how sad he was he had let his father down. `Come on, let's all have breakfast in my private sitting room' Forts was holding on to Davy, his hair a mess, his face streaked with tears. `Dad, I want to have a shower first, is that okay? Athol nodded `Of course it is, of course' He turned to me `Right, I want, the Air Vice Marshall, Ouranoff and Dima, here for a meeting' I nodded and set off to round them up. ** Forts takes up the story I never wanted to let Athol down again, how had I allowed it to happen? Davy had tried to assure me that, it was the drugs combined with the alcohol and that we couldn't really be blamed; I wasn't sure that I really accepted that. We stripped off the towels we had worn upstairs and turned on the shower in Athol's room, `Help me get clean Davy' He knew what I meant, luckily the cascade of water washed away my tears. Davy cuddled me tight and kept telling me he loved me, I could only nod. Maybe sensing I was not in a good place, Davy moved in front of me and kissed me, his hand dropping to my cock, he gripped it and gave it a squeeze, he kissed down my chest and got to his knees before me, I took hold of his head `No Davy, no, I am dirty, please' He forced my hands away and began to suck on my cockhead, he soon had me hard, he looked up `Enough now, I love you, forget it' I placed my hands on his head and began to slowly fuck his mouth, if he could do that, I could try and forgive myself. Finally washed and dressed we made our way back to Athol and Archie, Gregor had quickly made up four fried breakfasts, they smelt and tasted delicious. The trill ringing of the phone on Athol's desk, startled us out of our post breakfast relaxation. Archie, picked up the phone `Yes certainly, who may I say is calling? Sorry did you say Police Inspector Blyth? I felt my heart jump, Archie covered the receiver and handed the phone to Athol, his face dropped. "He mouthed what does he want? Archie shook his head. `Police Inspector, how may I help? `What? Yes of course bring them here, are they okay? do they need to go to hospital? Oh God, no, the others? just shaken up; a few cuts and bruises, yes bring them here, yes straight away, I know Lieutenant Brandt well' White as a sheet Athol replaced the receiver. `The prison van lost control and crashed, the two guards managed to leap free before it over turned and burst into flames, they are bringing Lieutenant Brandt and the MP's here, Morgan and Robert are dead'. As they all took in the news, unseen the figure moved off down deeper inside the Castle walls; The Laird and Clan MacDonald, could sleep peacefully. The Police arrived a short time later with Lieutenant Brandt and his men, Athol met them in the courtyard. `My God Lieutenant Brandt, thank goodness you and your men are okay, come in, come in' As he led them upstairs, Gregor popped his head out of the kitchen, Athol turned to him. `Oh Gregor, can you rustle up some food for the MP's please and some strong tea' Gregor nodded and vanished back into the kitchen. Athol escorted them along to the staffroom, where Davy and I joined them. Davy crossed to Lieutenant Brandt. `Sir, Thank God your safe' `Davy, how are you, call me James please, would it be possible for you to sort out a bath and maybe a change of clothes for my men after we eat? `Certainly' Luckily. as soon as Morgan and Robert had been taken away, Archie had immediately aired and put the bunk room back into just that a room with two sets of bunk beds, Davy would show the MPs to that, after they had eaten. Gregor arrived with four more plates of food seconds later, they all tucked into it heartily and after a coffee fortified by a Whisky shot, Davy took the MPs to get washed and changed. Athol waited until the door closed and then turned to Brandt. `James, I have had a call from Major Farquharson, he is on his way here now' Lieutenant Brandt, held it together until Athol said this, and then broke down. `I'm sorry, but even with what they did, the screams as the vehicle burst into flames was awful, they didn't deserve to die like that, the police say the vehicle is totally destroyed, they will never know what caused it' Close by; hearing this, a head nodded in satisfaction and then headed off through the walls, back towards the walled garden. Athol crossed to Brandt and handed him another Whisky, which he downed in one. Brandt, gave a mouthed "Thank you" `Is there somewhere I can lie down for a while?' I stepped forward `You can use Davy's and my room, let me take you up there' Brandt nodded `Thank you, can you come and get me when the Major gets here? `Of course,' Athol shook Brandt's hand and I took him off up to our room. ** Athol takes over the story Lieutenant Brandt, looked pretty shattered, a lie down was just what he needed. The knock on the door, got my attention again, Archie's head appeared. `I have Digbey the Count and Dima, if your free? `Yes, send them in' The staff room door burst open. `I am here, you wanted to see me my friend' I stood silently. Ouranoff came in his arms wide in greeting, closely followed by Digbey, then Prince Dima; he was always the quiet one, he just watched me, through emotionless eyes. Archie was just about to join us, when he was barged out of the way and Niki came running into the room. He didn't stop running, he beat Ouranoff to me and leapt into my arms smiling. He kissed my cheek. `Artthol' The Russian tongue had a problem with Athol, Niki made me laugh as he earnestly tried to pronounce it. I kissed him and gave him a squeeze as I put him down. `Niki, I want to speak to the Prince and the Count in private is that okay? Niki, looked at them and then back at me, he shoved his fingers in his ears. `No, can you leave for a few minutes, then you can come back, why not go and find Davy or Forts' With Archie's guiding hand on his shoulder Niki was shown out of the room the door closing behind them both. Now, obviously realising it was to be a serious conversation, Ouranoff had abandoned his wide armed greeting, he now stood arms folded. `Prince, Count, Air Vice Marshall, I have to speak to you about a serious matter, I had hoped it would fade away on its own, but it hasn't' Ouranoff turned and said something in Russian to the Prince; who shrugged his shoulders. Digbey looked at me `I think they want you to go on' `It's the drugs, shisha pipe and glass pipe, I want them to stop, I do not want them being offered to any of the staff or pupils from now on and especially not to members of my family' More heated Russian discussion, between Dima and Ouranoff. `Gentlemen, I don't care, I don't want to see or smell it anymore in the Castle. I am not going to have a discussion about it, it stops here and now, do you both understand? If you have to use it, it is confined to your rooms, nowhere else, do you understand? Ouranoff and Dima, continued their wild conversation and gesticulating, Athol turned to Digbey. `Are they listening? `Oh, I think they are doing that, I am not sure they agree with you though' `Well can you make sure they understand, and Digbey, I am bloody serious, if they can't control themselves one or both of them will be leaving' Digbey nodded and joined in what appeared to be a shouting free for all in Russian. I could feel myself about to lose it again when the staffroom door opened. `Christ, it's like Piccadilly Circus in here' Forts, face peered round the door followed by Davy's `Is it not a good time dad? I had to laugh `To be honest I am not sure, I was just telling our crazy friends no more drugs in the Castle apart from in their rooms or they are leaving' `Oh, Sorry Dad' I saw Fort's face drop `Son come here I didn't mean you' Davy was about to close the door when, it hit him in the back as Niki came bowling back into the room, followed by Archie, who's hands grabbed a handful of air as he attempted to stop Niki. `Forts, Davy, you are my friends' Ouranoff threw open his arms, giving me a dirty look, he scurried over, the Count greeting everyone like long lost friends. `Forts, my friend' A big bear hug and another dirty look at me `Davy' Another bear hug this time for Davy, and a sly look back in my direction. I stood watching this must be some crazy Russian thing: the loud voice the over enthusiastic greetings, I watched as Dima joined him, Archie, now cottoned on to what was happening and winked at me, mouthing "I think you upset them". Ouranoff reached for Archie `Archie my friend' Archie grabbed Ouranoff back. `Count, how lovely to see you' I turned back to my desk, trying not to laugh. ** Davy picks up the story Ouranoff had hugged Fort's first, then it was my turn, as he moved to hug and greet Archie, Dima grabbed me by both hands and went to kiss them, but his expression, everything about his demeanour changed in a fraction of a second as he looked at the ring I was now wearing. He examined it closely and then looked at me, practically studying my face. `Dima, what is it? Forts, what's wrong with him? I looked to Fort's, he shook his head as Dima barked in Russian at Ouranoff; in that instant it was clear who out ranked who, though ninety percent of the time you would never have guessed; indeed, Ouranoff looked shocked and hurried over, Niki's head flashed between Digbey's and over at Dima. Athol began to sidle over as yet another heated discussion erupted between Dima and Ouranoff, Athol looked to Digbey, he put down Niki and joined us. `What's happening? `It is something to do with the ring Davy is wearing' Dima took hold of my hand and began to work the ring off, I was so shocked I just let him, I looked to Forts, he stepped forward. `Dima, what's going on? Dima ignored him; he held the ring in front of my face `Is this yours? Where did you get it? Dima turned back to Ouranoff who was now examining the ring too, their conversation went back and forwards. Athol had had enough, so had Forts and I. `Right, what's wrong? Athol took the ring off of Ouranoff and turned to Digbey `What are they saying? Digbey swallowed `Well, they are speaking very fast, but it appears that it is a Royal ring, from one of the great Tsarist Russian aristocratic families, they are saying it can't be Davy's as he looks nothing like the last Prince of the Blood Imperial, Prince Drageonivanov `Prince of the Blood Imperial? Athol stood his mouth hanging open `What on earth is that? `Hang on Athol, one moment' Digbey held up his hand as he listened to the rapid exchanges taking place between Dima and Ouranoff, Digbey spoke quietly still listening to them both. `Dima is himself a Prince of the Blood Imperial, he is saying Davy's colouring is all wrong. Apparently, it was believed the whole Drageonivnov family; the Prince, his wife and baby son and the Princes brother, had all been slaughtered by the Communists, although some rumours persisted that they had escaped to Eastern Europe and had abandoned their Russian heritage going into hiding' `Oh my God, but what does that mean, Prince of the Blood Imperial? Digbey spoke again `Well, if my history is right, to save their being too many Grand Dukes, Tsar Alexander the 3rd, made a new tier of the Russian nobility, just below Grand Duke, it applies to male line great grandchildren of the Romanov Emperors, they hold the title of Prince of the Blood Imperial, this ring belonged to Prince Drageonivanov's family, the family took the constellation Draco as their guardian Constellation' Athol glanced at Fort's and then back at Digbey. `But Digbey this was Fort's ring, he gave it to Davy, it was the only thing he was left by his family, well that and a little...' Athol didn't finish his sentence, Digbey did it for him `Don't say a red dragon figure, the family crest is a blood red dragon. Family members carried small figures with them when they travelled, so the illiterate peasants would know who they were, it will be beautifully crafted, red enamel on a platinum base; more than likely with diamonds for eyes, the royal jeweller Carl Faberge crafted many of them' Athol gasped `We thought it was a led toy' Digbey excitedly spoke in Russian to Dima and Ouranoff, Dima, gripped Fort's face and turned it left and right. Athol barked at Dima as Fort's tried to pull away. `Let go of him' Digbey interrupted, as Dima glared at Athol and then began talking to Ouranoff again. `Fort's, where is the Red Dragon figure? Athol looked at me and then at Forts, `Err Colin has it, I gave it to him to keep, it is a toy, isn't it?' Forts looked stunned. Athol turned to Archie, `Archie, he is a second year, go and find him, bring the figure here, if he still has it' Archie nodded and hurried out of the room. I had to speak `So, are they saying Forts is Russian nobility?' Digbey nodded `Not just Russian nobility Davy, a direct male line descendent of the Romanov line, well, that is if the ring is rightfully his' Athol spoke again `Digbey, ask Dima, how he knows so much about the Drageonivanov family? Digbey spoke again to Dima `Prince Drageonivanov and Dima's father were first cousins' I was gobsmacked, from the moment I had first seen Dima, I had been saying he was a hairless Forts double; now it appeared that might well be the case. The room had now gone silent and we all awaited the return of Archie with the figure, Forts was now sitting with Athol, Athol gently squeezing one of his hands. Fort's glanced over at me, his eyes watering, he looked at me and mouthed "I love you". I nodded. All eyes turned to the door as Archie returned, something clasped in his hand, Dima rushed over to him demanding to see the figure. He gasped as Archie opened his hand, Dima took hold of the two pieces, the broken wing and the body, he spun round and looked at Forts again and then at Ouranoff, showing him the dragon figure. Dima staggered and collapsed to his knees, kissing the broken pieces. `Hey what am I missing? In the drama taking place none of us had heard the staff car pull up and its occupant get out, now he was standing with us. `Torcall' I ran to him and hugged him' `Davy, great to see you but what's going on? I was about to tell him when Dima, crawled the short distance to where Forts was seated, gripping both of Fort's hands, he pressed his forehead to them and then looked into Fort's eyes. `bratt, moi davno poteryanny, bratt' (Bother, my long-lost brother) Ouranoff and Niki, dropped to one knee and bowed their heads and raised one hand. `Vashe Vysochestvo' Torcall turned to me, `Now, I understand that. But why are they calling Fort's "Your Highness"? **************** Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest