Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 16:50:55 +0100 (BST) From: blackscar01 Subject: Operation Pied Piper - Part 92a IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Remember you can make your donation in Honour of your favourite writer too. No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. ******************** As the Major screamed after me, I walked towards the gates, two of the escaping prisoners opening the gates. Maybe it was over confidence on my part as I walked through the gate, I heard a pistol crack, I was knocked forward a searing pain shooting up my arm, my hand instantly becoming wet, I looked down blood. I glanced back, Major Dieter was now on his feet he had taken the pistol off one of the escaping Prisoners, he pointed the gun at me again, I waited to be hit once more, but all I heard was a click, Dieter was pulling at the slide; it had jammed, I raised my pistol and fired, he fell backwards clutching his chest, the look of shock fading from his face as his life began to leave him. Shit, shit, I broke into a trot, and headed into the countryside; Now were to go? ******************* Operation Pied Piper – Part 92a Davy continues the story I wished I could have said no, I should have been snuggled up with Forts, continuing our shagging: but I owed Brookmeyer one; Gary and him were going to be having a nice meal for two. It was so like Gary to Lord it up when Athol's back was turned; me I was back on the roof, covering Brookmeyer's shift. I wished Forts was still with me, hopefully he would pop up later with some coco or something to warm me up. I heard the car doors below me in the courtyard, I peered over the side of the tower; through the battlements I could see Athol, Archie, Leahy, Torcall, Digbey and Brandt, were all getting into a couple of staff cars. Athol, hadn't wanted to go, he said he had an uneasy feeling about the night, but Torcall had talked him into going. I pulled my coat, up round my neck, Archie; good old Archie, I smiled and waved as he glanced up at me returning my wave; it gave me a little warm feeling knowing I hadn't been forgotten about. He put an invisible pair of binoculars to his eyes and pretended to scan the sky, momentarily, wildly pointing; he stretched out his arms and pretended to be a plane, before laughing loudly and getting into the car. I watch the cars set off down the drive and disappear into the trees by the stables; I wondered what time they would be back, I glanced at my watch seven o'clock. I sat down on the sandbags, suddenly feeling the wetness around my arse; I had showered after Forts and I made love, but that load of his had been buried deep up inside me; I grinned, he had been a bit of a tiger this afternoon. I loved him so much, I had finally got him to tell me what Gary was up too, I was sworn to secrecy; a pinkie promise, no less, apparently the three of them wanted to perfect the taste before sharing it with Athol and in Gary's case no doubt make, a few pounds selling it locally, duty free. I glanced round as the roof door creaked open, my heart leapt as I saw his grinning cheeky smile. `Forts' He winked at me and waggled to tin cups he was holding, using his bum, he pushed the door closed. `Something to warm you up' He winked again; It certainly was, I could smell the alcohol rising from the mugs as he reached me. I went to take the cup, but he pulled it away from me. `Oh, it costs a kiss, sorry it's the war' He laughed at his own joke `You soppy devil' He stood back his eyes closed; his lips pursed; what could I do? I gave him two pecks for luck. Having taken the cup, he joined me again on the sandbags. `Athol has cancelled the assembly tomorrow; it will be the next day now' I turned to him. `Really? Well, you must be pleased about that' `Me, why? `Well, he is telling everyone that you're a Russian Prince' Forts put down his cup and leapt up on to the sandbags and struck a pose. `But, I am a Russian Prince Darlink' He said throwing his arms out, and making a strange impression of an affected Russian accent. `Oh, so you won't mind the Marching Music he has planned as you walk in then? Forts, jumped down, his eyes on mine. `Marching Music? `Oh, I thought maybe he had told you about that too, your Highness? `Davy stop mucking around, what marching music? `Archie, has found a recording of that march they played as we entered the Ball in London' `What the March of the Life Guards Sankt-Petersburgsky; my regiment? `Forts, it's not real you know that' `Actually Davy, whether you like it or not, I am a Prince of the Imperial Blood and Colonel in Chief of ...' His voice faded out as the sound of the sirens reached us. I leapt up, `Christ, what's that' Forts grabbed the binoculars and began scanning the sky, `Davy, contact the Command Post at Inverurie, see if they know? `But Fort's the sound is coming from the opposite direction' I pointed out across the land in the rough direction the sound was coming from. `Shit, that's where the POW camp is, get the Command Point to ring the camp' How different this call to the Command Point was treated, the voice took my name and number and said they would ring us back as soon as they could. The metal door behind us clanged shut, it was Gary. `What's that siren about? Forts answered before I could `We don't know but it is coming from the direction of the POW camp' Gary stopped and thought for a moment `Sounds like there is trouble' Gary turned to me, `Davy can you go down and tell Mr Evans and get him to make sure everyone is inside the Castle and then have the doors all locked' I nodded and headed for the door, hearing as I left Gary saying to Forts `If it is the camp, all the Officers are at the meal in town' ** Archie continues the story We had barely got our starters, when the door burst open and the Hotel Manager ran in `The Prisoners are escaping' He babbled somewhat incoherently The Camp Commanding Officer stood up `What did you say? `Prisoners escaping' `For God sake man, pull yourself together and speak clearly' `The sirens are sounding; the Prisoners are escaping' `Christ' He ran from the table, the rest of us, momentarily stunned, seemed to just stare at each other, Athol reacted first `God; the boys, Archie ring the school tell them we are on our way back, have all the doors locked, until we get there' The meal ended before it really began, I rang the school and then ran out to the waiting car. `Did you speak to anyone? Athol shouted, closing the door `Yes, Davy, the Castle is already locked down, all the boys and staff in the main Hall, Masters and Prefects, by every door: Gary seems to have it all in hand' `Good; Driver, get us back to the Castle as quick as you can' `Sir, I have been told to go back to the camp first' `But' I put my hand on Athol's knee, `We will get back soon, like I said Gary seems to have done everything we would have' Athol nodded, but I could see he was far from happy. We arrived at the Camp gates, guns were levelled at the car; the guards now back in control and very jittery. The CO came running over to the car. `Guys, about nine have escaped led by one we thinks speaks English fluently, you had better get back to the Castle, I will let you know what's happening, don't stop on the way back, they have weapons, he actually shot a fellow prisoner who tried to stop them, luckily he will live' I saw Athol slump, I tapped the driver `Back to the Castle, now! We raced back to the Castle, it was strange to see so many lights on, the cars dropped us at the main entrance, Athol reached the door first, it was opened by Gary and a couple of Prefects. `Is everything okay here? Gary nodded `Yes, we haven't seen anyone, all the boys are in the Great Hall, maybe you should go up and speak to them? Athol nodded, we all followed him inside and the Heavy studded door was closed and bolted. Athol paused and hugged Gary `Thank you, excellent, just what I would have done, well done' Athol went to assure the boys everything was okay and what was happening was just a drill; no need to frighten anyone with the truth. With all of us back, Athol took the decision to get the boys all back to bed, the staff and Prefects would take shifts staying awake; It was going to be a long night. ** Davy Continues the Story The night dragged, I had volunteered to partner up with Forts; if anything was going to happen to me, I wanted him to be by my side. He joined me to finish my Observer shift; that was still an important role too and then we saw Athol and got our assignments for the rest of the night, this allowed some of the teachers to go back to bed, so the pupils would have lessons as normal tomorrow. We sat down by the back door of the Castle, it was very late or very early, I strained to see the face of my watch, but couldn't make out the time. `Fort's are you still awake? I felt him jump next to me, he had been nodding off, he took hold of my hand, stifling a yawn. `Yes, err, are you okay? `I am getting a bit cold' Forts snuggled closer to me and put his arm round my neck, pulling me closer. `Hang on let me undo my fly plaid, we can wrap that over your shoulders' `But what about you? `I will be fine snuggling up to you' I turned to face him, his face illuminated by the half-moon light filtering in through the window next to us, he gave me a Forts smile, and kissed me on the lips. Wrapping his fly plaid round me, he squeezed me again. `I love you, Davy' `And I love you too' We both must have drifted off to sleep, a loud cry woke us, I leapt up, waking Forts. `What is it? `Somebody is shouting' My face must have looked worried, I saw him strain to listen. Another cry or was it a cheer? `Come on, it's coming from upstairs' `Shouldn't we wait here? Forts checked the lock and bolts `It will be fine no one is getting through that without it being opened from inside, come on' I followed him up the stairs, the shouts and cheering just getting louder, Gregor came hobbling along the corridor from the staff room, Landers helping him, both of them smiling wildly. Fort's greeted them `What's happened? Gregor could barely contain himself `We got her; the Navy got her' Our faces, were obviously looking a bit blank `The Bismarck, has been sunk, it's just been announced on the radio' Now it was Forts and my turn to burst into smiles, we both ran down towards the staffroom, Athol, Archie, Torcall and Digbey, were all laughing and gabbling to each other. `Boys have you heard, great news, great news' Athol was opening a bottle of Champagne and poring its golden bubbles into tall glasses. Fort's and I both took one; joining the celebrations, it was only later as we lay in bed together it occurred to me, we had been celebrating the deaths of boys of Forts and my age; it made me feel quite cold. How fickle war is, just forty-eight hours ago we had been mourning the loss of our "Boys" on the Hood and Prince of Wales; now across Germany families would be feeling the loss we had. After a couple of drinks, Athol sent us all off to bed, to get some proper sleep after our night on watch; now snuggled under the covers of our double bed, we were certainly more comfortable than sitting on the stairs by the back door. `Fort's are you still awake? He snuggled up to me `What is it sausage? He spooned closer up behind me as he felt me sob, his strong arms pulling me to the warmth of his hairy chest. `Davy what is it? What's wrong? `I am just being silly; I was just thinking of all the guys our age who drowned on the Bismarck and we were celebrating it' `They celebrated sinking our ships' `I know, but, I couldn't live without you, or Gethin or Callum, or anyone, I hate this war' Forts pulled himself up and turned me towards him, he gently kissed my tear-filled eyes. `Hey, I am not going anywhere, come on, snuggle up' ** On the floor below Colin continues the story Colin heard the door to his and McPhee's room open and then close; he knew it was morning. He had been awake for some time now; he hadn't slept well, wondering where McPhee was. Alas, what he didn't know, his mind invented, so now, he was suspecting and already believing the worst. He sat up `There you are, there is no need to creep about, where have you been? `Hi darling' McPhee, slipped off his Kilt, shoes and socks and clambered into the bed, leaning over to give Colin a peck on the cheek, he missed as Colin, moved his head. `I asked you, where have you been? `Athol had a job for us to do' `All night?, What job? `Shoosh Colin, get back to sleep' `Not until you tell me where you were all night' `Colin, I can't, Athol asked us not to speak about it' `Was it about the siren we heard? `Colin please, back to sleep' McPhee, pushed up against me, my warm bum, soon had McPhee's nine-inch cock stirring. He pushed closer, his hands stroking my side. `What were you doing?' `Colin, come on, just a job for Athol' `Who were you with? `Colin it doesn't matter, I am with you now, come on back to sleep, or maybe you fancy some fun' McPhee chuckled and gave me a squeeze. `So, you aren't going to tell me? McPhee flopped on to his back and sighed `Colin, I can't, I have been told not too' `Fine, be like that then' I snapped as I got out of the bed. `Colin, come here, where are you going? `I am getting up; you should just have stayed with whoever you were with' I shouted at him and ran into the ensuite. I heard him sigh and call after me. `Well suit yourself' I washed and got myself dressed and went back into the room; McPhee was fast asleep. I thought about waking him up; pulling the covers off, but just left, slamming the door behind me. The Castle was quiet, maybe I had acted rashly, I crept down the stairs, the front door was all locked up, I wondered if Landers and Gregor were in the Kitchen. They were, so was Niki and Bruno the swarthy giant of a German. `Morning Colin, you're up early? `Yes, I couldn't sleep; well, it was partially true' Niki looked up and waved with a funny little rag thing he was holding; I smiled at him and nodded at Bruno; who nodded back. Landers offered me a cup of tea; Gregor was getting into full flow; it wouldn't be long before he had a hundred people for breakfast. `Colin, darling, can I put you in the Office, I don't want any accidents and we are going to be working with hot things soon' Without waiting for a reply, I was ushered into the Office and the door was pulled over as he left. I sat there for a while and then boredom got the better of me, I peered out the window and then tried the door, it clicked open and I went out into the kitchen garden. ** Oberleutnant Flieshler takes up the story where he left off My bloody arm was throbbing, that bloody idiot Major Dieter; lucky it was just a graze and it soon stopped bleeding, although by then the jacket of my arm was stained a dark red. I made my way towards a small copse of trees, I had to think fast, I had become separated from my fellow escapees; I thought I stood more chance alone. My problem was this opportunity to escape had come to soon, I hadn't had any chance to make any real plans, I sat on a log pondering my options. The sudden wailing of the camp sirens, told me someone was back in charge; probably thanks to that bloody Major Dieter. I fumed, I had hoped I had killed him; if there was any justice in the world, he would die of his wounds, I bet it was him who had released the guards; "VARRATER" (Traitor). I got myself moving again; well, I had no option the only place I had been able to look around was that Castle, maybe I could hide up in the stables? I began moving across fields as the roads seemed to come alive with vehicles; I was pleased I had decided to "go it alone", a bigger group stood more chance of being discovered. The darkness hid me at first; I probably didn't realise how far the Castle was when you were on foot. I stumbled on, the first rays of sunlight, sending chills down my back; far off in the distance, I heard gun shots; I hoped the guys had just given up and not been killed. I was close, sitting by the main entrance to the Castle drive, there was life in one of the gatehouse cottages; I decided to watch and wait. Sure enough, it wasn't long before, that fat cook and his side kick boy of his left the cottage and headed down the drive towards the Castle. I checked my pistol and set off following them at a reasonable distance behind. To my relief they went straight past the stables and continued along the drive, I decided to follow them up to the end of the tree's, I sat hidden in the bushes, as the door was opened for them; the Castle was lit up like a Christmas tree, lights burned in most of the windows on floors one and two; Then I heard it, "cheering, bloody cheering" what could that mean? I watched a bit longer; I couldn't work out why they were obviously celebrating. With it getting brighter, I snuck back into the trees and headed into the stables, I began searching, there must be something to eat or drink here, I finally found a door marked office and went in. It had a table some chairs and a sink and even better; a first aid box, I grabbed it and found a field dressing and some tape, I slipped off my jacket and shirt and examined my arm; luckily it was a graze; I applied the dressing, I could have done without this. I looked round, picking up a cup, I filled it with water and drank for the first time in hours; hey my luck was in, "a biscuit barrel"; how British, I ate several and then put the rest in my pockets. I grabbed a couple of the coats which were hanging up and filled a bottle with water, I would have to hide out during the day; this should keep me going. Now where to hide. I had an audience as I moved through the stable yard, horses watched me, as I hunted round for anything that might be useful to me. I heard whistling, Christ who was that, I ducked into one of the horse stalls and got myself into the corner, covering myself with hay, the occupant a young filly: she was beautiful, she viewed me nervously, the name plate above the door gave her name as "Daphne". She came over to me, `Hallo liebling' (Hello Darling) I stroked her muzzle and then breathed into it, her ears twitched, I then had to shoo her away as the whistling became louder. I froze as I heard a young boys voice. `Hello Daphne, do I get a cuddle' I heard the door bolt released and the groan as the old hinge allowed the door to swing open; I pushed myself deeper into the hay, luckily I was in the shadows. The young boy, was petting her side. `I've missed you; I am hoping Fort's will come down alone today, I think I love him as much as you do' The kids voice changed, he started to sound angrier `He is much nicer than McPhee, at least he doesn't lie all the time' I heard the boy start to cry, and watched him hug the young black horse even tighter. `Why does McPhee lie to me? More tears. I listened, as the boy poured out his heart to Daphne, I was actually starting to feel sorry for the kid. McPhee sounded a real bastard. I was daydreaming; thinking of my brother and family; the loud noise nearly had me jumping out of my skin; thank God the boy didn't see the straw move. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, this was followed by a loud whinny, I glanced up, fuck that horse was enormous; its head was straining down over the divide at me, our eyes met, it began to kick at the wooden stall wall again; "Shut up' I hissed, hoping the boy didn't hear me. He too had looked startled, when the horse started kicking, then broke into a big smile. `Hello Pegasus, boy' Pegasus? I could think of another name; the horse didn't stop its kicking and whinnying; Christ if it kept this up I was going to be discovered. The boy clapped Daphne once more and then turned and left the stall, pulling the door closed behind him. I listened, he had moved to the next stable door and was now speaking to The Black Beast next door. `Calm boy, calm, what's got you all worked up? Are you missing Fort's too? There was that name again; who was this Fort's? Unseen by me the boy felt his crutch and did a little dance. `Hang on boy, I need to pee' I heard running footsteps; I began to move, I crawled to the door and slowly stood up, peering over across the yard. Glancing round, all I could see were that Bloody horses eyes on me. It was giving me the Willys; I looked back at the boy, he was slight maybe only ten or eleven, he reminded me of my little brother, back home in Germany. I felt my pocket, feeling the photographic paper, good it was still there; it gave me a warm feeling just knowing it was safe. My mind drifted back there; I loved my little brother; probably more than I should. He had been so proud to have a brother in the Luftwaffe and especially a pilot, I hoped he knew I was safe, I prayed he was. The sound of the boy pissing into a bucket of water, brought me back to the present, I chuckled as he stopped and started his piss stream, waving his small cock about, splashing the water surface, laughing to himself; I leaned against the door; damn he hadn't shut it properly it moved and banged shut, the bolt automatically clicking locked, he spun round as I ducked down, then he began laughing again, that turning into a giggle. `No looking Daphne' I hid behind the door, suddenly feeling I was being closely watched, I looked up; my eyes meeting those of that bloody great horse in the next stall, it snorted, it's eyes never leaving me, another laugh from the boy, the Black Beast looked round and then straight back at me; Fuck it was watching me, those bloody eyes fixed me in its stare; now I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. I heard the boy whistling again, it grew fainter, he was obviously moving away, when I could no longer hear him, I decided to move, I slipped the bolt on the door and nipped out; I had to hide, I crept past the other stall doors; that bloody monster was now leaning out of his stall, still watching me; I felt for my pistol, bloody animal, shit more whistling, the boy was coming back; I ducked up the staircase nearest me and into what looked like an old hayloft, it had windows looking towards the Castle and was piled up with bales and junk, I appeared to be over the entrance arch. Moving quickly and quietly, I found a spot I could hide in, I moved a few bales and bits of old furniture; standing back I chuckled to myself, my little brother Claus, would be proud of the den I had built, I moved about the room, I had disguised it well amongst the bales and junk. No one would spot me unless they started moving stuff about. I crawled inside my temporary home; I needed to sleep. I lay thinking about the last twenty-four hours, my hand went to my jacket pocket, I pulled out the picture of Claus, unfortunately it now had a blood-stained corner; that Bloody Dieter, my arm throbbed like a bitch, but at least it had stopped bleeding; the dressing had helped. I stared at the picture, Claus' little face beamed back at me, standing proudly in his Hitler Youth uniform, he had only just been awarded it that day, having moved up from the `Young Folk' group. He looked so proud. His bare legs not yet with any definition, looked so funny in his shorts; I loved him so much. On my last trip home, he had been so pleased to see me and had me wearing my uniform so all his friends could see, it had been an amazing day, followed by a family meal of bockwurst and Kartoffelsalat (Sausage and potato salad): a real feast. There had been tears later when he was told to go to bed, unknown to me he was awake when I eventually followed him. I had stripped off and climbed into my old bed in the room we had shared. His little voice breaking the silence of the night a few moments later. `Karl, are you still awake? Can I sleep with you? He heard me pull back the covers, he was clambering into my bed before I knew it. He pressed his naked body next to mine; I wrapped my arm round him and kissed the top of his head. We had been sleeping in the same bed since I was in my late teens. I smelled his hair, that familiar comforting smell, I kissed his head again. I felt him look up at me, he stretched upwards pushing his lips to mine. His little tongue pushed into my mouth, I felt mine, return the favour, his little hand slipped down my chest, his fingers toying with my treasure trail, before arriving at my bushy pubes, I waited for the all to familiar feeling as he grasped my cock, his little fingers wrapped round my now hard six-inch shaft and gave a gentle squeeze. In the moonlight I saw him grin and then his head vanished under the covers, his warm breath soon had my cock throbbing even harder. His little hand slid down my foreskin and I felt a little kiss delivered to my cockhead, then a lick; my cock throbbed in appreciation. I knew what was coming and wasn't disappointed as he stretched his mouth wide and engulfed my cockhead, one of his hands dropped to my ball sac and pulled on my nuts in turn; my hands went to his head and I pushed him down, forcing him to take more of my shaft, I began to roll my hips, fucking his mouth. I heard him choke and give a little cough. `Come on you can take it' I held his head firm, my head pushed back into my pillow, my toes curled as, my nuts tightened to my shaft and I blew my load into his willing mouth; once I was quite drained, I let him up, he crawled up to my chest and kissed me, he smelt and tasted of my cum. I gave a start; back to reality, I had been day dreaming again; I looked down in the morning light, a wet patch had appeared on my old uniform trousers, my hard cock throbbed in my trousers; I would have to do something about that. ************************* Guy's Thank you for taking the time to let me know you're enjoying this story. There's nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you're enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun' – Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother' – Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series' - Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me' - Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom' – Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online' – Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre' – Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper' – Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster' - Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick' – Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party' – Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used' - Gay/Incest