Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2022 10:02:13 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Ryan's New Life 35 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at This story is completely fictional. I hope you are enjoying this story. Please send any comments to and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill RYAN'S NEW LIFE Chapter 35 Ryan was excited by the thought of an overnight flight to Queensland. They were currently flying to Bangkok where a connecting flight at 8pm would take them to Singapore for the onward flight to Brisbane. "I don't think I will manage to sleep," he told Adrian. "I will be too excited by everything around me and by the thought of being in Australia." "I rarely sleep on overnight flights," said Adrian. "But that is because I can't get comfortable enough in a reclining seat. Fortunately there are usually a few movies I want to see and that helps pass the time." Ryan smiled. "Oh yeah. I forgot about movies on long flights," said Ryan. "We will get meals too, won't we?" "We will get a meal on the flight to Singapore and a light supper when we leave there," Adrian confirmed. "And then breakfast before we land." "That will be nice," said Ryan. Then he smiled and leaned closer to Adrian to whisper, "Chai told me about the Mile High Club. Will we be joining that?" Adrian laughed. "Definitely not! Have you seen the size of aircraft toilets? There's not enough room." "Okay," said Ryan with some disappointment. "I can wait until we reach our hotel." "If you're really horny, I'll give you a handjob after the lights go out on the flight from Singapore," said Adrian. "We can hide what we're doing under a blanket." Ryan smiled. "No, it's okay. I like being totally naked when you milk me. I'd prefer to wait and have you fuck me in Brisbane." "Fair enough. We'll have lots of sex during this trip," Adrian responded. *** Julie, Adrian's sister was waiting for the pair when they entered the arrivals hall at Brisbane airport. Adrian hugged his sister and introduced Ryan. "This is my darling boy, Ryan. The love of my life." Ryan was taken aback by Adrian's description but he smiled and held out his hand to Julie. "I'm very pleased to meet you," he said. "What a cutie!" Julie said as she gave Ryan a big hug. "I'm very happy to meet the one who has captured my older brother's heart." Ryan felt a bit crushed in the arms of the big woman but he was happy to receive such a warm welcome. "Thanks," he muttered. "He's not just very handsome," said Adrian. "He's very clever too." "You're adorable." Julie smiled as he moved back and looked at Ryan. "I heard you're doing some teaching and some modelling as well as working as a waiter." Ryan didn't know that Adrian had told his sister that he had posed for photos that were sold at the hotel so he just smiled and said nothing. "This way to the car park," Julie said. "I'll take you to your hotel and then you can come to my place for lunch." "You don't mind me booking into a hotel, do you?" Adrian asked. "I know you don't have a guest bedroom and I didn't want your boys to have to share a room to make space for us." "No, it's fine," said Julie. "I'm sure the boys wouldn't have minded sharing for a few days but this trip is almost like a honeymoon for you two. You will want some privacy." Ryan blushed slightly at the reference to a honeymoon and the reminder that she was aware that he was having a sexual relationship with her older brother. "How are the boys?" Adrian asked. "Mikey is doing fine at college. He's still living at home," replied Julie. "Ben has got himself a job in Sydney. He'll get here tomorrow." "That's good. I'm looking forward to seeing them again," responded Adrian. He turned to Ryan and said, "You'll like them both." Ryan wasn't sure that they would like him but he smiled and nodded. It didn't take long for them to reach the hotel in the city centre. Julie went for a coffee while Adrian and Ryan checked in, showered and changed. "No time for sex right now," said Adrian. "I don't want sex with your sister waiting downstairs," smiled Ryan. "We will have fun later." "I thought we'd have a barbie since this is Ryan's first time in Australia," Julie told her brother as they drove to her house. "That's fine by me," said Adrian before turning to Ryan and explaining that barbecues were very popular in Australia. "I've never had a barbecue meal before," Ryan said. "I like trying new things." "Mikey should be home by now but Tom won't finish work until six," Julie went on. Ryan knew that Tom was Julie's husband. He was happy learning that he wouldn't meet Adrian's family one all at once. Mikey hugged his uncle and then held out his hand to Ryan. "Welcome, mate. I heard you were eighteen but you look younger. OhÉI hope you don't mind me saying that." Ryan smiled. "No, it's okay. I hear that a lot." "It's because he doesn't drink booze or have any of your other bad habits," Adrian joked. Mikey laughed. "I can remember you sharing a coldie with me more than once in recent years." "A coldie is a beer," Adrian told Ryan. "And if he repeats that in front of his mother I'll deny it." Mikey grinned. "Let's go get some tucker." They joined Julie in the back garden where she was checking the food on the barbecue. "Put some more snags on, Mum. There's three hungry men here." Ryan looked puzzled so Adrian explained that snags were sausages. "I thought Australians spoke English," said Ryan. "Ooh, someone wants a spanking tonight," whispered Adrian. Ryan smiled and accepted a pineapple juice from Mikey. Mikey kept a straight face when he said, "I wasn't told how you two met. I guess that you were one of Uncle Adrian's pupils." "No!" said Ryan. "Of course not!" said Adrian at the same time. Mikey grinned. "Just teasing. I heard that you went to school in Malaysia." "That's correct," said Ryan. "I met Adrian when he came for a meal in the restaurant where I work and we got talking. We chatted a number of times before meeting up outside the restaurant." That was the story he and Adrian had decided upon." "And the rest, as they say, is history," said Adrian. Mikey smiled. "Nice! I bet you get teased a lot about the age difference though." "Not in Thailand. This is our first trip anywhere else," responded Adrian. "No doubt we will get some funny looks." "Do you like prawns, Ryan?" Julie shouted over. "I love them," replied Ryan so Julie added more to the barbecue. Mikey went into the kitchen to fetch some prepared salad and they soon sat down to a nice meal. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" Julie asked Adrian. "Ryan is eager to see a koala so I'm going to take him to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary," replied Adrian. "You'll like that," said Mikey. "You can get the chance to hold a koala there." Ryan smiled on hearing that. "You will see other Australian animals there too. Kangaroos, crocodiles, dingos, duck-billed platypuses and birds such as cockatoos and kookaburras," Julie added. "I can't wait!" Ryan said with a grin. "I will show Ryan a bit of the city too and then we'll join you at the restaurant at seven," said Adrian. "Are there many coming to your birthday dinner?" "Only the family and four others," replied Julie. "I didn't want a big fuss. You will remember the Kennedys and the Ramsays as we've known them for years." She smiled at Ryan and said, "We count you as family." Ryan blushed at being treated so warmly. They spent a few hours chatting in the garden and then Ryan started yawning. "That's because he didn't sleep a wink last night," explained Adrian. "Neither of us did." "Yeah, you'll need an early night," said Julie. "With the three hour time difference, you might be affected by jet lag too." Adrian nodded. "We'll have dinner in or close to the hotel and have an early night. We want to be on top form for tomorrow. It's your fiftieth birthday, isn't it?" "No need to rub it in, smiled Julie. "Anyway I'm still nearly eight years younger than you." Julie insisted on driving them back to the hotel. She hugged Ryan when she said goodbye. "What do you think?" Adrian asked as they waved Julie off. "I think she's lovely. I loved the way she and Mikey made me feel welcome," replied Ryan. "Good. Now I think we need a little nap," said Adrian. Ryan smiled as he walked into the hotel beside Adrian. He was determined to have sex before they went to sleep. *** Ryan enjoyed his day of sightseeing and of course Adrian took many photos of him. The restaurant for Julie's birthday dinner was within walking distance of the hotel and Adrian ensured that they were there just before seven. He was a stickler for punctuality. Tom welcomed Ryan with a big smile and a firm handshake. "Good to meet you at last, son. We thought Adrian would never settle down," he said. "Let me introduce you to my son, Ben." He turned and shouted to a dark-haired young man. "Hey, Ben. Come and say hello to Ryan." Ben smiled as he walked over to join them. "Hi, Uncle Adrian. Good to see you." He held out his hand to Ryan. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Ryan. I hope you will enjoy your time in Australia." Ryan smiled as he shook Ben's hand. "Nice to meet you, Ben. I love what I have seen of Australia so far. Everyone is so friendly." "It's not perfect. There are some racists and some homophobes around but thankfully they are in the minority," responded Ben. He looked up at Adrian and added, "There are even some people with ageist views. Isn't that right, old Uncle Adrian?" "Cheeky bugger!" Adrian grinned. "He's mature, not old," said Ryan. Tom shook his head. "Come and say hello to Mr and Mrs Kennedy before we sit down to dinner." Ryan was surprised but pleased when the Kennedys, and a short time later the Ramsays, didn't bat an eyelid when he was introduced as Adrian's partner. He guessed they had been warned that Adrian had a much younger partner but their smiles and words of welcome seemed genuine. Ryan enjoyed the meal and joined in singing `Happy Birthday' to Julie when a cake lit with candles was brought in at the end. He felt happy as he walked hand in hand back to the hotel with Adrian. Both were too full after the huge meal to think about sex but they kissed and cuddled for a while before drifting off to sleep. *** Ryan woke up horny on Sunday morning so he needed sex before breakfast. Afterwards Adrian took him to one of Brisbane's famous Sunday Markets before they went on to spend the rest of the day with Adrian's family. The next few days were spent sightseeing during the day and then meeting up with the family for dinner. Although Ryan loved being in a big city, he was happy when Adrian suggested they go out into the countryside and get away from the crowd. "I'm going to take you to Gold Creek Reservoir, a beautiful big lake. We can have our picnic there and follow one of the hiking trails." "Sounds good," smiled Ryan. "Can we swim in the lake?" "No, I'm afraid that's not allowed," replied Adrian. Ryan was disappointed but said, "Okay. The forecast suggests it will be warm and sunny so I can wear shorts and a t-shirt if there are likely to be few others around." "I like that idea," said Adrian. "Wear the shortest shorts you have brought with you. I like seeing your sexy legs." Ryan smiled. He liked the thought of dressing in skimpy clothes for Ryan. It always resulted in hot sex. Julie helped Adrian organise a picnic and loaned him her car. She raised an eyebrow at the length of Ryan's shorts but just smiled and said, "Sexy." The drive inland from the hotel to the reservoir took about 45 minutes. There were only a dozen or so other cars in the car park so Adrian was pleased about that. Having crossed a bridge over a creek near the pumping station, they came to some picnic tables and public toilets. "It's too early for lunch, isn't it?" Adrian suggested. "Yeah, but I need a pee." Ryan took his small rucksack off and hurried to the toilet. Adrian smiled, thinking back to his mother reminding him to go to the toilet before going out for the day. They followed one of the official trails for over an hour before Adrian led Ryan away to somewhere secluded for their picnic. He found a small sloping area surrounded by trees and shrubs and said, "This is perfect. We shouldn't be disturbed by others here." "It's hot so I'm going to take my t-shirt off," said Ryan. Adrian smiled. "You can take all your clothes off as far as I am concerned." Ryan laughed. "I don't think I should. Someone might see me. I wouldn't mind if it was a man but it could be a woman." They enjoyed their picnic and Adrian took a few photos of Ryan before they packed. "If we head in that directionÉ" Adrian pointed. "We should come to one of the streams feeding into the reservoir. If there's nobody around, we can have a paddle in the water and cool our feet." A thirty minute walk took them to a clear stream of fast flowing water. It wasn't very wide and probably little more than a metre (3 feet) deep. As a very young boy, Ryan had often swum naked with his friends in a pool not far from their homes. He felt a special bond with them as they dived and splashed about, their naked bodies colliding and sliding against each other in play. ÊOnly once did a boy deliberately grab his dick and he was so surprised and stunned that he pushed him away. However, afterwards, when he thought about it he hoped the boy might to do it again. He never did, even though Ryan put himself into situations where he was almost inviting a touch. Ryan looked around and saw no one. "There hasn't been anyone around for some time. Could I take a quick swim in the stream? A quick naked swim?" Adrian smiled. "Go ahead. I'll take some photos." Ryan hadn't put his t-shirt back on so it wasn't long before he was standing naked on a boulder by the edge of the stream.ÊAdrian stood nearby and took a photo of him preparing to dive into the water. Ryan smiled at him and his little cock began to stiffen. Though the air was warm, the stream was fed by a spring and the water was quite cold.Ê Ryan had been hot from the hike and when he dived into the stream, the shock to his body was dramatic. He arose gasping for breath and with a look of consternation on his face. He was hardly able to believe the merciless chill on his formerly sweating body. Not wishing to appear foolish in front of Adrian, he bravely made a few loud splashing strokes in the centre of the stream before heading for the bank. Having lived nowhere but tropical countries, Ryan's only experience of chilled water came from the refrigerator. His teeth chattered with the cold as he emerged from what he considered `freezing water'. Adrian could see that Ryan was unhappy and hurried towards him. Water ran off Ryan's body in glistening rivulets. His once satin smooth skin was now punctuated with what he later learned were called goosebumps. In contrast, his cock, small at the best of times, had shrunk to a tiny nubbin and his scrotum had contracted to the size of a small walnut.Ê Ê Ryan shivered uncontrollably so Adrian took him into his arms and hugged him. Then he whipped off his shirt and started to rub the boy dry. Adrian smiled when he saw Ryan's shrivelled cock and balls. "You know how I love your small cock. I must take a picture when it's much smaller than normal." Ryan's cock had shrunk to 3 cm (just over an inch) and his balls were drawn up into his body. Adrian took a couple of close-ups and then stood back to get a few full-length pictures. Ryan, who was starting to feel warm again in the sun, smiled for Adrian. Adrian lifted Ryan and laid him down in a patch of warm grass. The boy squealed with delight when Adrian took the tiny cock and ball sack into his mouth. Warm blood surged through his veins as Adrian sucked him and Ryan completely forgot his earlier discomfort from the cold. Ryan spread his legs wider, spurred on by Adrian's obvious glee. The tiny cock soon warmed and expanded in Adrian's hot mouth. Adrian sucked and licked the cock while his fingers gently toyed with the tiny balls. Ryan was soon whimpering in pleasure. Adrian held him tight even when he cried out in warning,Ê"I'm going to cum! I am going to cum!" Then almost instantaneously he ejaculated in vigorous bursts into Adrian's mouth. Ê "That was nice," Ryan said when he had recovered from the orgasm. "Almost worth freezing for." Then he noticed Adrian's erection and said, "Let me suck you off now." Having been so turned on by the sight and feel of Ryan's tiny cock, Adrian didn't argue. He pulled his shorts and briefs down to display his long, thick erection. He watched as Ryan licked his lips and reached out for the cockshaft. Ryan licked the pre-cum from the cockhead before taking it into his mouth. He sucked and licked before gradually take more and more into his mouth. Things didn't move fast enough for Adrian and he grabbed hold of Ryan's head and pushed his cock deeper. Ryan gagged for a moment but then remembered to hum when the cock touched the back of his throat. Soon Adrian was face-fucking Ryan and it only took a couple of minutes before he was feeding him a huge load of man-cum. Adrian felt guilty when he pulled his cock out. "Sorry. I got carried away there." Ryan smiled. "No need to apologise. I love it when you take control like that." He took the cock back into his mouth to lick it clean. Adrian gave Ryan a long, passionate kiss and then told him to put his clothes back on. He smiled and added, "I'm almost sorry that your cock is back to its normal size." "I'm not! It's still tiny," said Ryan. Adrian grinned. "I'm going to fuck you really hard tonight, thinking about it." "Can't wait!" smiled Ryan. "Maybe you should look at one of the photos you took while you fuck me if it turns you on so much." "Good idea! And maybe I should put the shower head on your cock and balls when it's set to cold. I'd love to see it shrink again." "No, please! Not twice in one day," begged Ryan. Adrian smiled. "Okay. I won't put you through that again today. Maybe another time." Ryan nodded. "Another time, when we're back home. You know you can do anything you want with me. I'll even sit in a basin of iced water if a cold shower doesn't shrink it enough for you." Adrian hugged and kissed the boy. "I really love you, Ryan." "I love you, Adrian. I will do anything to make you happy." Ryan kissed Adrian back. *** "Did you do anything special today?" Mikey asked while they were having dinner. Adrian and Ryan immediately thought of the same thing. Adrian reached over and squeezed Ryan's cock without being seen and said, "We had a nice long hike at Gold Creek Reservoir." "Cool!" said Mikey. "I must go back there with my buddies soon." Ryan shivered on hearing the word "cool" as he thought of the cold stream. "It's your final day tomorrow. Any plans?" Julie asked. "I thought we might take a trip south to Surfers Paradise," replied Adrian. "I've never seen surfing," said Ryan. "The sea will be too cold to swim in at this time of year but you might catch some surfers in wet-suits," said Tom. "Ben's into surfing. Perhaps you could visit him in Sydney next time you visit Australia. He'd be happy to give you some lessons." "I'd like that," smiled Ryan. He wondered if there were any nudist beaches near Sydney. To be continued