Salvaging Simon

by James Eridani

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This story is a work of fiction. It takes place in a sci-fi universe of my own imagining, which includes fantastic technology, weird alien species, and other exotic aspects. It also contains romantic and consensual sexual encounters between an adult human man and a minor human boy (age nine).

If you would like to leave comments or discuss the story you can reach me at the following email address:

Lastly, if you're like me and enjoy spending time on Nifty then please consider making a donation:

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Chapter 5: Confessions of a Boy Lover

The temperature of the water was warmer than I had expected. Suddenly, I heard Simon's voice. He was calling my name, but I couldn't see him. I swam to the lake's edge where a fallen tree extended partially into the water, and I used it to pull myself up onto the shore. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye as something ran through the jungle's dense undergrowth. It was Josie. Simon's voice rang out again, and his cat dashed away into the bushes. I began walking along the path, searching for a way through the foliage. As I pushed against one of the trees its branches swayed against the hillside, which dislodged a large gray rock. I tried to move out of its path, but it tumbled painfully onto my arm, breaking the bone. Again, Simon called out to me. He was scared, and I needed to find him. I noticed something strange at the bottom of the tree. It looked like an electrical junction box. I drew my laser pistol and shot the box, which exploded into a shower of electrical sparks.

"Kyle, wake up!" whispered Simon, as he shook my shoulder. He sounded afraid.

I opened my eyes, confused about what was happening. Simon was starring down at me as he stood beside the bed. "Huh? What's wrong buddy?"

"There's a monster!" he breathed, while turning to gape at the the corridor. "I heard it eat Josie!"

My head was still reeling from the bizarre imagery of my dream as I climbed out of bed to investigate. Simon latched onto my arm and urged me toward the cabin door. Apparently I was being used as a human shield. I didn't mind one bit.

I opened the door all the way and glanced down both sides of the dimmed corridor. I didn't see a monster or Josie. However, as I was just about to ask Simon for more details there came a sudden crash, followed by a hiss and several thumping sounds in quick succession. The noise seemed to have come from the stairwell leading down to the engineering deck.

I moved across the corridor to the stairs. My frightened young ward maintained his death grip as he reluctantly followed closely behind. At first, I couldn't make out anything as I peered down into the darkened stairwell. Then a tiny pair of shining eyes peered back at me through the gloom.

Simon panicked and squeezed my arm even more tightly as he hastily stepped back, attempting to pull me along. At least he seemed to care if I survived. I was touched.

"Lights," I said, aiming my voice into the stairwell.

Josie was laying partially atop a triangle-shaped object, pinning it to the floor of the landing at the bottom of the stairs. Her tail flicked back and forth as she eyed us cautiously.

"What is that?" asked Simon, finally loosening his grip but not letting go.

"It looks like Josie's captured one of the ship's cleaning robots," I said, laughing.

The Lightning Bolt had a small army of the little maintenance bots that kept the the ship clean and tidy, collected dirty clothing to process, discarded waste, restocked the foodvacs, and performed most of the other tedious tasks onboard the ship. I rarely ever noticed them since they were programmed to work during the night or when rooms were unoccupied. They were efficient little buggers too. During my job interview, Marcus had even joked that if he ever had to murder someone he'd just leave their corpse laying in the corridor, and the maintenance bots would dispose of the all the evidence. Now, in retrospect, that comment seems a lot more sinister than it did at the time. Good ol' Marcus.

"Did she break it?" Simon asked.

"Maybe," I said, unconcerned. "But it's okay. The ship has other bots that will come to repair it."

"But what if Josie breaks them too?"

"Well, they'll eventually learn to avoid her." I was firmly on team Josie. I couldn't help it. I just loved this cat! The thought of her stalking the ship's cleaning bots in the wee hours of the night just made me smile.

Simon let go with one of his hands and slid his other down into mine. "Kyle, why didn't Isaac stop her?"

"Stop who?" asked Isaac, before I could respond. "You guys are up late."

"Josie was hunting one of the cleaning bots," I said, addressing Isaac's question first. "We heard the sounds of battle and came to investigate."

"Oh, okay," replied Isaac. "I see her now. The bot is reporting a damaged stabilizer. A repair unit is on its way. Shall I divert it?"

"No," I answered, chuckling. "I say we just let nature, or in this case science, take its course. The maintenance bots will have to adapt. Josie's doing us a favor by training them to be better at their jobs."

Next, I addressed Simon's question by explaining how Isaac routinely went into sleep mode during the night. Like us, he required downtime for his core to process his thoughts. Unlike us, he could actually delay sleeping far longer if there were ongoing tasks that required his attention, but generally he kept the same sleep schedule that we did. Even while asleep Isaac could still maintain basic ship functions, but he didn't actively watch or listen. Speaking his name, as Simon had done, or other triggers like shipwide alerts would wake him from sleep instantly.

"Isaac, do you dream?" asked Simon.

I was impressed. Simon definitely had a philosophical mind.

Isaac didn't answer right away. "No, Simon. I don't believe I do. However, Kyle has told me that he doesn't remember most of his dreams, so maybe I do dream and simply don't remember them when I wake up."

I found Isaac's initial hesitation intriguing, but I was also a little bit saddened by his response.

As we returned to my cabin Simon continued asking questions. Together, Isaac and I explained that he could hear and speak throughout the entire ship. He could see in most areas of the ship via optical sensors, except for the crew cabins and bathroom. Isaac also had the ability to see and hear through the drones and some of the maintenance bots, when necessary.

Having sated Simon's curiosity, Isaac once again bid us goodnight before resuming sleep mode. Simon and I climbed back into bed and snuggled together under the covers. He felt so warm and soft, and I was also quite ecstatic to discover that he now smelled like boy instead of stasis pod.

Suddenly, there was a distant crash, bang, and a nearly inaudible hiss that echoed from somewhere down the corridor! Simon sat up, alarmed, but he relaxed once I explained that it was just Josie successfully taking down the repair bot. Best. Cat. Ever.

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After breakfast the following morning, I left Simon alone in my cabin while I headed to the cargo bay. Simon had taken a liking to my collection of figurines that depicted various alien warriors and marines. Each figure was equipped with unique weapons and gear. They were also posable, and some could even launch projectiles at their enemies! My favorite was my Tulmoxian Galactic Ranger, with a button that would make his eyes light up and cause him to curse his enemies when you pressed it. Well, actually, I think he was really my second favorite. I had forgotten about Lord Brelgorn in his shining armor and flowing cape, and he also wielded a massive energy sword that could change color by turning a dial on his back. Yeah, he was definitely my favorite, but I digress. I'm a total nerd. I know it.

Simon was completely in his own world playing with my toys... figurines that I decided now would be a good time to tackle a sensitive project and discuss some things with Isaac in private. I could still hear Simon making his adorable pretend warcries and sounds of battle halfway down the corridor.

Once in the cargo bay, I walked over to examine the stasis pod's terminal. "Isaac, I'd like you to backup all of the terminal's files. Also see if it's possible to copy the software it uses to control and monitor the pod. Essentially, I'd like to scrap the terminal but still be able to utilize the pod should Simon ever need it."

"Already completed," Isaac responded, smugly.

"That was fast," I said, surprised. "So you can control the pod without needing the terminal?"

"Not yet. We'll need to connect it to the ship, but it doesn't require any special components. The pod is mostly self-sufficient."

"That's great news," I said. "Command the drones to cut away the pod and store it. Scrap the terminal."

I wanted to remove the pod and terminal from the cargo bay so that they weren't constant tragic reminders for Simon. I also needed to reclaim the work space they were occupying.

"Isaac, there's some other things I wanted to discuss with you as well." I pulled up the ship's schematic on my tablet.

"Certainly," he responded cheerily.

I highlighted the medical bay and the adjacent storage room, selecting the wall between them. "How much trouble would it be to remove this wall?"

"None," Isaac replied. "The wall between the storage room and your cabin is load-bearing, but this one just serves as a barrier. A drone could take care of it in less than an hour."

More good news. This was shaping up to be a pretty good day.

"Alright," I said, matching Isaac's cheerfulness. "Let's do that. Also have the drone relocate the storage room's contents and fabricate whatever materials it needs to renovate the space to match the medical bay's aesthetic. I'd like to have the room prepped before we reach Grenborne, if possible."

I explained to Isaac that I was hoping to purchase a surgical robot and other medical upgrades. I also asked him to review the data files that Simon's mother had supplied to find out what we would require in order to repair or replace his implants. Did they require specialized materials that we would need to purchase as well? Which robot models would be capable of performing the necessary surgeries if needed?

"I'm on it. Do you want..." Isaac began, then paused. "Kyle. You may want to go check on Simon."

"Why?" I asked, suddenly worried. "Did something happen?"

"One of your boy sex holovids is currently being played," said Isaac, with a slight snicker. "Its the one where the two boys are engaging in oral sex in null gravity."

I had already reached the corridor before Isaac had even finished his sentence! And as quickly as my legs were running, my mind was racing even faster. What would Simon think about the vid? What would I tell him? Should I confess to him that I'm a boy lover? What would he think about me?

I skidded to a halt but overshot the cabin doorway and nearly tripped. Grabbing onto the door's frame I peered into the room expecting the worst. Sure enough, the two holographic boys were projected into the air above the terminal. One was a young teenager and the other was a smaller boy close to Simon's age. The boys were floating in the air, slowly rotating, as they eagerly sucked on each other's penis.

Simon was standing in front of the terminal, watching the scene with keen interest. He didn't even turn to look at me as I walked into the room.

I noticed that several of my figurines were standing on the terminal near the control panel. He must have accidentally turned it on while playing. A few days ago I had been enjoying this particular holovid and had simply paused it instead of closing the file. It was a careless mistake, sure, but at the time I was the only person living on the ship. With the chaos of the past two days I had forgotten all about the holovid being paused.

Just then, the perspective of the vid changed to zoom in on the face and mouth of the younger boy. I knew what about to happen and considered trying to turn off the terminal, but I figured we were already past the point of no return. And besides, Simon had been curious about it anyway. So I just stood there and watched alongside Simon as the boy removed the penis from his mouth, began stroking it with his hand, and opened his mouth again as widely as he could.

Mentally, I counted down: three, two, one. The teenager's penis erupted into the youngster's mouth and onto his face, squirt after squirt after squirt! Cum was running down and dripping from the boy's tongue, cheeks, and chin, despite his eager attempts to lap it up. The perspective shifted briefly to show the teenager's face with his eyes closed and his mouth agape as he writhed in ecstasy. It then returned to the face of the younger boy as he began licking his friend's penis clean.

I stepped forward and paused the holovid. As a testament to how nervous I felt at that moment I realized I didn't even have an erection. However, it was clear that Simon did. He continued to stand there, absentmindedly fonding his obviously boner through his shorts. Neither of us spoke.

Then I burst out laughing! My nerves and the absurdity of the situation just made me lose it. I tried to stop, but that just made me laugh even harder.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Simon as he also began to giggle.

I crossed the room and sat on the bed as I struggled between laughs to breathe. My eyes were tearing up, and every time I tried to suppress the urge I ended up laughing harder!

I felt Simon sit down beside me. He tried to ask what was so funny, but his words were mangled by his own laughter.

Finally, after a minute or two, I managed to regain some modicum of composure.

"I'm sorry, Simon," I began, as I wiped my eyes. "I don't know why I found that so funny. I just couldn't stop laughing."

Then I glanced up at the holovid, which was still paused on the kid's cum-covered face. And I burst out laughing again!

Simon grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me down onto the bed, shaking me jokingly. "Stop laughing," he said, trying to sound tough but really just looking adorable.

The laughter overtook him again as well, and he rolled over onto the bed beside me. We just laid there in silence, staring up at the cabin's ceiling, as we slowly began to calm down.

Simon broke the silence first. "I didn't mean to turn on the vid. It just started playing."

"It's okay," I said. "It's my fault. I forgot to close the file."

Another pause. "You like boys?"

And there it was. The question. "I love them."

"How come?" he asked, sincerely.

I swear, this kid seemed to have a knack for asking the most profound questions. I thought about saying something like I don't really know or I've always been this way. I thought about trying to explain it in terms of biology. I laid there a long time, just thinking.

Then I decided to answer the question as if I were talking specifically about Simon himself: "I think they're beautiful. I love their innocence, their playfulness, their curiosity. I want to hug them and cuddle them, protect them, and make them feel happy and loved. I'm a boy lover."

Simon didn't respond. We just laid side by side. Suddenly, his little hand slipped into my own. "I'm glad you found me," he said gently, almost in a whisper.

I sat up and pulled him into a hug, which he returned lovingly. "Me too, Simon. Me too."

"What's that white stuff on his face?," Simon asked, glancing back at the holovid and completely shattering the tender moment.

Here we go again. "Well, you remember the pre-cum that a guy makes when his penis gets really hard? That white stuff is called cum. It shoots out of his penis when he has an orgasm--the good feeling."

I felt sure he was about to ask why or what cum was for. But he didn't.

"Why were they sucking each other's penis?" he asked, grinning.

My erection appeared so suddenly that it almost tore a hole in my pants. "Um... well, it feels really nice when someone else plays with it, or when they suck it."

"Oh," he replied. "Would you ever do that with me?"

Ah, I understood what was happening now. This had to be a dream! I was asleep and dreaming...

Simon looked at me. He was no longer grinning. His face was a mask of impassivity, but I thought I detected a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Simon," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, "I would love to do those kinds of things with you."

I paused briefly, thinking about how I wanted to proceed.

"But I would only do them if you wanted me to."

Eyeing Simon's stimulated condition, I was pretty sure what his response was going to be. However, as he opened his mouth to speak Isaac's mildly alarmed voice came through the cabin's speaker first.

"Boys, I'm really sorry to interrupt, but we're receiving an emergency distress broadcast. They're requesting immediate aid."

I sighed deeply. "We're on our way to the helm," I replied, a bit more harshly than I had intended.

To put it mildly, I was irritated. Not at Isaac but at the horrible fucking timing. This had better not be a pirate trap, because if so I was going to blow their asses out of the sky.

I gave Simon a regretful look and shrugged. He returned a pouting expression then smiled. It was both cute and erotic at the same time.

We stood up, and I turned off the terminal, forgetting once again to close the file. We then walked to the helm with our boners pointing the way.

"My apologies, Isaac," I said as we arrived. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he responded, warmly. "I understand."

How much did Isaac really understand? I assumed he had listened to our conversation, and although that felt a little awkward since it was such an intimate moment, it didn't truly bother me. I was still curious though as to what Isaac thought about me and Simon. I made a mental note to discuss this topic with him the next time we were alone.

"We're picking up an emergency distress broadcast. Shall I play it?"

"Yeah. Let's hear it."

A cracking noise issued from the helm's speakers. A gruff-sounding alien voice began talking in an unknown language, then the volume of its voice was lowered as the translation began: "This is Captain Jevinkardim of the Avlondoo. Our ship has suffered a coolant leak that resulted in our kemend crystals being contaminated. We have repaired the leak, but we are stranded without replacement crystals. To any ships within range, please send assistance. We will compensate you. Also, a warning to any pirates or thieves, the Avlondoo is armed and we will defend ourselves if necessary."

"The location only requires a short deviation from our current course," said Isaac. "ETA would be twelve minutes. My analysis of Captain Jevinkardim's voice indicates his species is most likely skonok. What would you like to do?"

Skonoks were generally an aggressive species with a notorious reputation for working as pirates and mercenaries. They were taller and more massive than humans, with red skin, long tails, and numerous bony protrusions all over their bodies. They were also extremely sexist toward females, regarding them as inferior and to be used exclusively for breeding. Skonoks would even refuse to deal or negotiate with females of other species. They tended to not be very smart, and their ships were often below average in tech except for vessels they had managed to steal or capture from other factions. However, they compensated for these deficiencies by hunting in larger groups.

"Trap?" I asked Isaac.

"Yes," he replied, "sounds like a trap."

I thought about just ignoring the message and staying on our original course. But I just couldn't do it. Even though it was almost certainly a trap, and even though we'd be putting the ship and our lives at risk, I couldn't just leave them out here to spring their trap on the next ship that came along. Plus, there might be a bounty involved, and some additional credits would come in very handy.

I assumed my confident captain's persona. "Okay Isaac. You know the drill. Bring us out of astral space a fair distance from their location so that we have enough time to get the drive recharged again before engaging."

"Yes sir," he replied.

I helped fasten Simon into the copilot's chair, before taking my place in the pilot's seat. Simon appeared to be getting a little bit nervous. "Don't worry, Simon. Our ship is more than a match for them if they want a fight. We're not really in much danger."

It was true. The Lightning Bolt was one hell of a tough ship. She had been an assault corvette for the Krenthor Alliance. Captain Marcus had sure been one lucky son of a bitch when he'd found her adrift with all of her crew having apparently abandoned ship via shuttle. He had found no significant damage, no holologs, and no personal effects of the crew. The computer reported that the crew had departed more than a month prior and, since he'd found the ship so far beyond the borders of alliance space, Marcus claimed her for himself. He gave her a new name, removed the alliance markings, added some additional structural components to help mask her original design, and eventually hired me to serve as his first officer.

As was typical of most alliance ships, the Lightning Bolt was high tech and relied more on her unconventional weapon systems and defenses. She still had a few autocannons for close range protection and a pair of missile launchers, but her deceiver array and thrall beam were the stars of the show. What the alliance may have lacked in physical might they more than made up for in the areas of infiltration, hacking, and subterfuge. The deceiver array tricked enemy sensors into thinking the ship was poorly armed and with minimal defenses, while its thrall beam projector could override an enemy's computer core and essentially enslave their vessel. These had been formidable technologies in their original alliance configuration, but now with Isaac's advanced AI behind their controls it made the Lightning Bolt into a truly terrifying ship to face in combat.

"Dropping into normal space now," said Isaac. "Sensors are picking up three ships. One larger vessel, likely a corvette of comparable size to us, and two smaller fighters. It is absolutely a trap. The fighters are attempting to hide on the surface of that asteroid." Little targeting reticules appeared on the cockpit glass that highlighted each of the ships as Isaac spoke. They were still very far away, and even the asteroid appeared as a tiny dot in the distance.

"Take us in," I said, as I initiated the startup sequence for the laser lance. It was a custom weapon of plugosian design that I'd added to the ship after Marcus had died.

"I'll send a greeting to our new friends." I pressed a button on the console.

"Avlondoo, I'm captain Simon of the cargo freighter Otter," I began, as I gave my cute little copilot a wink. "We have some kemend crystals we can spare. Approaching your position now."

Even though I was sitting in the pilot's chair Isaac was actually the one flying the ship. The beam projector required an unbroken line of sight to its target, so it was more important for him to have control. My laser lance was also slow and had to be locked onto its target, but it had a more forgiving firing arc and only had to maintain the connection until its pulse had been delivered.

"Activating thrall beam now," said Isaac. The beam was invisible so Simon and I couldn't see it.

Isaac began to giggle. "I'm in. This is going to be so easy. The Avlondoo is actually called the Grishollk'vor, which roughly translates to Death Biter. Weird name. Anyway, it has a crew compliment of sixteen, a single heavy laser cannon and two autocannons. It appears to be a troop ship, meant for boarding raids. There doesn't appear to be any slaves or prisoners onboard--only skonoks. The two fighters are launching from the asteroid now."

The two target reticules highlighting the fighters began to move. "Isaac, drop the corvette's shields and see if you can take out the closest fighter with the its heavy cannon. I'll fire a couple of missiles at the other."

I noticed Simon leaning forward in his seat as he watched the two missiles streak ahead of us. The corvette's main gun began firing blue laser blasts in quick succession, which took the unlucky fighter completely by surprise and caused it to explode in a brilliant flash. One down.

"Nice shooting, Isaac!" I said, as I took aim at the corvette with the lance. It took a few seconds to lock on as a thin green laser appeared between our ship and the enemy vessel, almost as if we were connected together by a string. Finally, a bulbous pulse of energy surged along the laser and ripped through the enemy corvette like it was made of paper!

"You as well, Kyle!" he replied.

Simon whooped with excitement!

The pair of missiles narrowly missed the other remaining fighter but quickly redirected for another pass. However, as the missiles were just about to hit their mark the fighter activated its astral drive and disappeared. Oh well. Two out of three was still pretty good, and the Lightning Bolt hadn't even taken a scratch.

Issac dispatched two of the drones to collect our errant missiles. As we drew nearer to the enemy corvette it suffered a reactor breach and also exploded. No loss there. It wouldn't have been worth the risk of trying to salvage anyway, plus our cargo bay was already at full capacity. The real prizes were the logs and vids we had recorded of the battle and the true identity of the pirates, so hopefully we'd be able to collect a nice juicy bounty once we arrived at Grenborne Station.

"Well done everyone!" I said haughtily, using my confident captain voice and striking a pose. "The Lightning Bolt and her valiant crew have once again dealt a righteous blow to the forces of darkness, hereby restoring justice and honor to our little corner of space!"

Simon laughed and clapped his hands, while Isaac played a sound clip of cheering multitudes over the helm's speakers. I helped Simon out of his harness, and we watched as the Lightning Bolt returned safely to astral space and resumed her original course.

The three of us spent much of the day playing games together in the lounge, then we had a nice big dinner to celebrate our victory. Josie refused to take part in the festivities and simply watched us from the corridor with a disapproving glare, as was her way.

Throughout the day my mind kept returning to Simon and what we had been discussing before the battle. Neither of us said anything about it, but I suspected that he was thinking about it too. Sure enough, once we climbed in bed that evening things took an interesting turn.

We were both lying under the covers, side by side. The room was lit only faintly by the dim light coming through from the corridor.

"Want to sleep without our underwear?" Simon asked, seemingly out of the blue.

My heart instantly began to double its pace. "Sure," I replied with a nervous chuckle.

Simon sat up and reached under the cover, removed his underwear, and tossed them onto the floor. He then waited expectantly for me to do the same. What else could I do but oblige him?

We laid back down again, and I began to rub my hand gently across his chest and belly. His skin felt unbelievably soft, and whenever I brushed near his sides he would giggle slightly in response.

"You can rub down there if you want," he said playfully.

"Okay," I replied dutifully. Pretending to misunderstand, I sat up and pulled the cover off of one of his feet, then I grabbed it and began to rub. His sole was nearly as soft as his belly, and I loved the feel of his little toes as I massaged them soothingly with my hands.

"No, I meant down here." Simon patted the cover directly above his penis and rested both of hands on his chest just below his chin.

I could see him smiling, and he was clearly very excited and eager with anticipation. I was pretty damn excited myself. In fact, I had been in a near-constant state of excitement for the last few days!

I leaned forward and kissed the top of his foot before releasing it back into the wild. I laid on my side with my head positioned near his belly button, and propped it up using my arm.

"Are you sure?" I asked, giving him a smile. I was so nervous that my hands were shaking slightly.

Simon just nodded in response.

With my free hand I pulled back the cover to reveal his stunning little penis. It was rock-hard and pointing straight up at the ceiling. Even in its aroused state its head remained fully concealed underneath his beautiful tapered foreskin. Simon's legs were squeezed together, partially concealing his scrotum.

I gently ran my hand down from his tummy to his abdomen, then around his groin and onto his upper thigh, deliberately getting as close to his penis as I could without actually touching it. I slid my hand between his legs and encouraged him to spread them farther apart to grant me access.

As my fingers made contact with the satiny skin of his balls I felt his entire body quiver. Or maybe it had been me.

I explored the delicate area, lightly caressing his scrotum up and down with the side of my hand, then gently swirling my fingers around each testicle in turn.

"That tickles," Simon whispered, giggling.

"Oops," I said, as I very gently tugged his sack. This caused his penis to pull forward slightly.

Finally I slid my hand back up and grasped Simon's penis for the first time. His legs tightened in response, then relaxed. I couldn't believe how warm it felt as I gave it a light squeeze.

I moved further up the shaft and brushed across the tip of his foreskin, causing it to wobble. I wanted so desperately to take his penis into my mouth, but that would need to wait. Tonight, I wanted to use my hand alone to help Simon experience his first orgasm.

With that goal in mind, I began to slowly stroke his penis up and down, while giving it a slight twist. His body shivered occasionally, and I could hear his breathing beginning to increase. I knew it wouldn't take long.

I glanced at his face. His eyes were closed and his little hands were still held firmly under his chin as he reveled in these wholly new and wondrous sensations.

And then it happened. Simon gasped and uttered a cute little moan as he tensed up. Even his legs and feet strained and shook as waves of bliss radiated throughout his body.

"Whoa..." he said, trying to catch his breath. "That really was a good feeling!"

I laughed and gave him a kiss on his belly, then scooted myself back into my original position so that I was laying beside him. I realized that my stomach and side were drenched in a lake of pre-cum, so I reached for my shirt from atop the nightstand and began wiping it up. Curious about what I was doing, Simon pulled down the cover. The next thing I knew, his hand had grasped my penis!

"Your turn!" he said gleefully. He began trying to imitate what I had done to him, but he was going too fast and apparently wanted to rip my penis off. I guided his hand and showed him how to do it properly.

After the past few days, I was genuinely shocked I had managed to last this long. After only a few seconds of contact with Simon's stroking hand I absolutely exploded! Streams of cum launched onto my chest and abdomen, and I struggled to maintain consciousness as euphoria overwhelmed me.

Simon didn't slow down or stop. He seemed to be trying to see how much cum he could pump out of me. The answer: a whole fucking lot. I had never ejaculated so hard in my entire life. It just wouldn't quit. Even after the major spurts had ceased more cum still continued to bubble out with every stroke, running down my penis and coating Simon's hand.

When I was finally spent, Simon just gaped in silence at the mess he had helped to make. He removed his hand and brought it close to his nose to sniff. "Smells weird," he said.

Then he surprised me by sticking out his tongue and tasting it with the tip. He gave a slight shrug, as I handed him my shirt. After he had cleaned his hand I used it to mop up my chest, but there was just too much of a mess for one measly shirt to contain, and so I ended up having to use my underwear to finish the job.

As we snuggled back into bed, Simon surprised me yet again.

"I love you, Kyle."

I raised my head and kissed him on his cheek. "I love you too, Simon."