Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 02:45:51 +0000 (GMT) From: Mason D Subject: Save The Day Save The Day - Chapter 1 Wikipedia: Fiction (Latin: fictum, "created") is any form of narrative which deals, in part or in whole, with events that are not factual, but rather, imaginary and invented by its author(s). Although fiction often describes a major branch of literary work, it is also applied to theatrical, cinematic, documental, and musical work. This story is an example of `fiction'. Therefore, it didn't happen, never will and I don't condone that it ever should. The characters DO NOT exist and more importantly are not me, nor anything to do with me. I merely wrote this one boring Friday night when I cba to go out with mates. Needless to say, any mention or description of any real persons, places or identities is strictly coincidental. Hope ya like! ~ Obviously when the card came through the mailbox, it wasn't the first I'd heard of the occasion. My brother, Matt, had called me about two weeks ago telling me of his engagement. I'd never met the girl, apparently he'd met her at the company's Christmas party. She'd gone along with her sister who had just gone through a messy break-up and wanted nothing to do with men for a while. Turning up alone at the Christmas party clearly would have been total social suicide for her. This was eight months ago, and since then I still hadn't visited. Not that it mattered; I mainly keep myself to myself as it is. My name's Sam, born and raised in the UK. At twenty-one years old I've worked as a flight attendant since turning eighteen. It wasn't a dream or anything; I just couldn't be bothered to get a real man's job. Paid good though and after a year and a half I put in a request to transfer to Barcelona, Spain and work from there. Within a month it was granted and I moved almost immediately. It was the right move; I was still suffering badly after losing both parents at sixteen. My brother Matt did a great job getting me through it, but I was leeching on him too much. I needed to get away and let him get on with his own life. Getting by wasn't too much of a problem we'd holidayed to Spain every year growing up, so the language came pretty quickly to me. That and a lot of people know English here anyway. So that was the formal invitation, sent to all the guests, and as a formality to me. I'd already been invited to arrive a few days early so as to meet the family. Apparently she had some kids from a previous marriage, and her parents were set on a get together. Four weeks later I was on a flight back to London, and how refreshing it was to be the passenger for once. I was greeted at London Heathrow Airport by my brother and then almost not even noticeable, two tiny blonde girls. I gave him an awkward brotherly hug and he seemed relieved. I'm still not sure whether it was because I was still alive or that I'd actually turned up. He then introduced the two little toe-rags as Meghan and Teegan. Ironically they were twins; clearly the previous marriage at least had some sense of humour in it. They both said `hello' shyly and peered from behind the safety of Matt's legs. He also explained there was one more child, but that the kid wasn't overly fond of Matt so kept his distance. Matt and I chatted in the car about various happenings since we last spoke properly. He usually calls me for a long chat once or twice a fortnight. This talk in particular, I'm pleased to say was mainly about him. I'm not a big fan of discussing myself, mainly due to one rather big factor, probably similar to the majority of you reading. We soon pulled up at a nice house in a suburb of London. I say nice, it was massive. A two-entrance drive, double front door, the works! It was good to know she wasn't marrying Matt for his money then, and to be fair on the kids they hadn't made them move to a new house. The good thing about Matt was he was adamant he was not going to step in and change their lives. Too many parents re-marry and re-write the kids' lives without a care for the fact they might not want to leave it behind. Just because a `new man' steps in, why should he suddenly have control of a family that was originally never his? Ah well I digress. The girls ran straight inside, it was one of those neighbourhoods where most people left their front doors unlocked when inside. Even before I had retrieved my case from the back of the car, Maria as I was then introduced had already come outside to greet me. The inside of the house was even more stunning than the out, high ceilings, elegant furniture. How she kept it in such good condition with three kids I have no idea. We went to the kitchen first which was an open plan and well-lit room with a large marble counter and gorgeous dark wood cupboards. The second half of the room was raised slightly and one wall was curved with large glass panelling overlooking the extensive garden and decking. Sofas lined these windows. My apologies, I know you don't really give a damn about what the house looked like. Maria reintroduced the girls, "have you met these monsters?" I felt like saying something quirky like "no I went the whole car journey ignoring them", but to be honest I'm not really that confident or even funny. As dinner was being prepared I was given the tour of the house, lead by the two `monsters' who seemed more content with showing me their entire teddy bear collection rather than the house. I quickly ushered on the tour before I had to sit and witness the upcoming fashion show of how ever many millions of teddy bear outfits there may be in the world. We went past once closed door and the girls whispered, "don't go in there or he shouts at you" and then they ran off giggling. Not wanting to tour the house alone I returned to the kitchen with the girls. Following this the front door slammed and there was a frantic scraping of claws on the pristine marble flooring, shortly followed by two energetic Beagle puppies. I say puppies but I think the correct term is Juniors. They jumped up at Matt and Maria and gave the girls a lick, to more giggles, and then noticed the presence of a stranger in the house. Fortunately Maria must have often had guests as they weren't bothered in the slightest, just giving me a quick sniff and then running off into the garden. Two seconds later my world changed. They say in the movies that the first time you see him, your breathing stops, your heart races, and the hairs on the back of your neck tingle. I always thought it was a pathetic Hollywood lie to make people believe in the magic of love, but when this figure entered the room and looked directly into my eyes, I felt every one of those feelings rush through me with the intensity of a lightning strike. I honestly knew on the spot, from that moment on I would never get him out of my head. His sea-blue eyes flashed as they met the light coming through the large windows, and his golden hair, cut like Justin Bieber's but slightly longer and perfectly straight, flicked to the side with his well practiced head movement. Looking about ten or eleven years old, he wore white converse low-tops with the laces tucked in, one pink and one green ankle socks, black Adidas running shorts and a navy blue polo shirt unbuttoned at the top. The boy looked flustered from his recent escapade with the energetic canines. I snapped back to reality as Maria stepped forward and introduced the perfected carving of human form as Mason. I'd never heard that name before but it suited him to a tee. I look back on it now and think it must have been so obvious how captured I was by his presence but hopefully my shyness and earlier quiet arrival had helped it to blend in unnoticed. He nodded his head towards me in a most uninterested way, and then asked his mother if he could go to collect something but I had no idea what. "No Mason, we're going out for dinner tonight with Matt, Sam, Pops and Nanna. Go and get showered", she said to a look of disappointment upon the boy. His eyes met his feet and he shuffled out of the room to shower. I was slightly confused as to why Maria was cooking if we were going out for dinner. It turned out they were only a large selection of hors d'oeuvres. It was decided we'd use this moment to all go and get ready and I was re-shown to my room, a large double with en-suite facilities. My facilities at the time were however non-facilitable as they appeared to be occupied by someone in the shower. Hearing this Maria banged on the door and instructed the intruder to sharply remove himself from my room and use the communal shower in the bathroom. It was then explained to me that usually Mason used that bathroom as it was right next to his room and a bit more private for a growing boy. I quickly offered to let him finish, obviously just being polite, not hoping to see anything in the process of course. Either way the showering continued whether the instruction had been heard or not. Maria shrugged and left with the instruction to go in there and kick him out if he takes too long. As much as I wanted to dive straight in there now I had an excuse, I didn't. Having never actually met a boy in this sort of situation I didn't want to do anything to risk him disliking Matt's and probably mine, intrusions on his life. I settled for unpacking my suitcase, and soon enough the shower shut off, and a few minutes later the dripping blonde haired angel came out with a towel wrapped incredibly low around his waste. He looked at me semi-shocked but quickly realising it wasn't so shocking that the guest would be in the guest room, and apologised. I nodded my approval and he left quickly as I stared almost jaw-to-the-floor at his perfect torso. He was tanned from summer activities and even had a mini six-pack going on. When I stepped into the bathroom, just the thought that he'd been in there naked a few seconds ago made me hard. I started the shower, but before stepping in I noticed his clothes were still on the floor, including his boxers. They were the tight fit space invaders kind. I nervously picked them up and sat on the toilet seat. I'd read about this a few times in stories online. The door was locked so I was safe, I hoped. Lifting his boxers to my face, and wrapping my free hand around my dick I began to jack off as I sniffed the scent from the boy's underwear. Also on the floor were his socks. I picked them up and began to smell them as well, they were slightly damp with sweat. I stuck my tongue out and tasted them. I could taste the fresh sweat from his little boy feet on them. That was enough for me, I shot all over the shiny white tile flooring, fortunately missing his remaining clothes. The rest of my shower was thankfully uneventful and I did my best to place his clothes in their original position on the floor before leaving. In my room I picked out my first dinner outfit, and the first thing that came into my head was, I wonder if Mason would like it. Here I was about to meet the parents of my future sister-in-law, and I was worried about what a kid would think of my outfit. Needless to say, I went with the slightly more casual look that I hoped Mason would approve of. After all it wasn't me marrying their daughter. Stepping out of my room I almost walked straight into Mason, who had just been about to knock on my door. "Erm hey, sorry I left my phone in my shorts, can I like get it quickly please?" he asked. I of course agreed and he ran in and was back out again in a flash, much to my surprise not carrying his clothes. He'd left them in there, mental note for later. I tried to make a nice approach to him and apologised for stealing his bathroom. He blushed and apologised for forgetting that I'd be in that room. I offered that he could still use it whenever, and he looked at me smiling politely but clearly with a hint of awkwardness and `yeah right I'm just gonna shower in front of you'. We went downstairs together and Maria wolf-whistled at our entrance. Mason and I looked at each other and as I blushed he rolled his eyes and whispered "please ignore her" to me. Shortly following this the front door once again played entrance to the next batch of guests as `Pops and Nanna' arrived. `Pops' or then re-introduced as Caleb was a tall, well defined and just as well-spoken former Commodore in the Royal Navy and therefore was by all means incredibly scary. He shook my hand with the purpose of ensuring I never used it again, but apart from that barely noticed me. Obviously his main focus was on the wretch stealing away his eldest daughter, for the second time. I didn't know anything about Maria's previous husband only that he had died of cancer two years ago. `Nanna' also known as Mary, not to be at all confusing with a daughter called Maria, was as equally well spoken and could have done well playing the role of The Queen if she'd wanted. She was one of those women, that although seemed friendly and loving, that you could come to with all of your problems and she'd nurse them better, she'd do it with the posture and etiquette of a Baroness. She also seemed to be the only person in the world who had complete control over that terrifying husband of hers. Small talk ensued as hors d'oeuvres were consumed, however as the grilling was mainly on Matt, I was left standing awkwardly in silence thankfully. If only there was a blonde haired eleven year old running around to pass the time with. Sadly he was in the garden with the twins and the slightly hairier twins. After a good hour of conversation and getting to know, well just Matt really, the cars arrived to take us to the restaurant. I cleverly managed to end up in a seat next to Mason both in the car and at the restaurant, but he barely spoke the entire time. All of his answers were as short as they possibly could be until at one point he was reprimanded for simply grunting an answer to a question of Caleb's. He apologised, his head lowered and then excused himself to leave the table but without waiting around for an answer. The poor kid looked close to tears with whatever was bothering him. The restaurant was situated along a quiet stream across a small passing of grass where some kids were playing tag. We were seated outside at what clearly was the `main' table of the restaurant and from here I watched Mason pass these kids and seat himself on the grass facing the stream. He began throwing some stones in for a bit and then just sat there motionless. I wanted to go over there and just hug it all better for him, but I obviously couldn't just do that. After starters I leant over to Maria and quietly asked if she would mind me going over there and seeing him, as I didn't know much about weddings, the topic of discussion at the table. Excusing myself from the table I took a stroll over to the hunched up boy. "Hey matey what's going on, did I get too boring for you to handle?" I said trying to be funny. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not and was therefore met with a semi-annoyed, semi-go away look. Not giving up that easily I sat down next to him, but keeping a good enough distance so as to not hopefully annoy him further and grabbed a handful of stones and one by one threw them in, failing to make them skip across the water. I grabbed another handful and offered some to him. He stared at them for a minute then looked into my eyes. He had been crying, his blue sapphires were wet and pained. I felt for him big time. I knew exactly what was upsetting him. Everyone was sat at that table discussing a wedding that he didn't want to be part of. Two years ago his dad died and now everyone was ready to move on and forget him, or that's what it seemed to Mason, I could see it in those eyes. We chucked stones for a bit. I went for a new approach. "I hear you wanna be a pilot Mason, that's pretty cool how long have you wanted to do that?" I asked. "I dunno, all my life I guess, don't wanna do anything else" he mumbled back. `Crack', ice breaking I thought to myself. I'd just like to point out that getting into his pants was as far from my mind as possible at this point, I genuinely felt for him and just wanted him to feel better, and even if nothing ever happened I know I'd still treasure getting to know him. "Do you know I fly for my job, I'm a flight attendant for EU Airways, I know it's not the same as being a pilot but I like it" I added. He looked up at me for the first time today with genuine interest. "That's awesome, if I couldn't become a pilot that's what I'd do just so I could be up there, do you get to go in the cockpit and stuff?" he asked starting to perk up a little. "Yeah all the time, the pilots are really friendly we go and visit them like every half an hour. Bring them coffee and stuff. And I've done a couple of flights were I've sat in the cockpit for the whole flight even take off and landing." I added remembering how terrified I was on my first day having to do that. "No way! That's sick! I'd love to do that, it sucks not being allowed in their if you're a passenger. My mum said when she was a kid you could go in there and they'd show you stuff." I laughed to myself at a sudden reference in my head to the spoof film "Airplane" where little Johnny goes in to visit the Captain. "Oh actually remind me when we get back I've got something for you," I told him remembering the model aircraft present I'd brought for him from our airline, after hearing about his interest. We talked about planes a bit more and he told me which his favourites were, fortunately his favourite was one of our fleet so I made a quick promise to take him on one one-day and arrange for him to go in the cockpit after landing. I didn't realise how long we were sat there, but soon we were being called back for the main course. I put my arm on his shoulders and gently nudged him to stand up. He looked unsure, so I said "Mason I think I know what you're upset about and it's perfectly normal to feel like that, I'd feel exactly the same way and you have every right to. How about we go and have dinner and be nice and get it over with, coz I don't really wanna talk about weddings either, then we'll come back here and chat some more yeah?" He nodded and thanked me, then unexpectedly gently squeezed my hand and let go again. The rest of dinner went uneventfully and Mason acted nicely enough although clearly it was still getting to him, but I felt proud that he did a better job of trying to not let it show. Whilst the other adults drank their after dinner drinks, Mason and I went back to the stream only instead of sitting by the bank we just carried on walking really slowly around the complex. This time the discussion turned to what was getting him down. He informed me that it was mainly about his dad, as I suspected. "You know Mason, Matt's actually just as scared of doing something that'll upset you as you are that he'll take over. I promise you, all he wants is to be with your mum and make her happy. He doesn't want to step in your life and replace your dad, your dad will always be your dad and he even knows that your dad will always be your mum's real husband. He's terrified that he's done anything to make you think he wants to take over and become the man of the house. I know you'd just want to stay with you, your mum and your sisters forever though." I tried to explain. "Sam I do want mum to be happy, and I know she should find someone because when we grow up and leave she'll be alone, I just don't get why they've got to marry. It doesn't make any difference to how much they love each other, it's just an official way of kicking my dad out. And how do I know he's not just gonna change his mind and suddenly start telling me what to do or changing stuff that's not his job to change? I was happy with him seeing my mum until they said they were getting married. He didn't even ask me what I felt about it first, and it really hurt me that I should just have to deal with it now they've made their decision, so I just don't like him anymore, I just wanna..." the rest was broken off as he burst into tears and knelt down to the floor. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards me gently, giving the option to pull away at any time. He didn't and amazingly he half put his arms around me too. I just held him there for ages, possibly twenty minutes or more, until he finally calmed down. "You know everything you've just said to me makes sense, and not only do I agree but I know that he would too. Just the thought of ever having a baby scares him to death, he always told me he'd be petrified to ever have kids. So he isn't just suddenly gonna change his mind and be like I'm your dad now, do as I say. And you know what? Guess who has ultimate control over him?" I asked. Mason shrugged and looked at me. "Yeah me, if he ever steps out of line or does anything that he doesn't realise is stepping on your territory as Mason the Man of the Mansion then you tell me and I'll bitchslap some sense into him. Oops excuse the language." I hoped he wouldn't pass that comment onto his mother. "Promise?" he asked. "Promise" I replied. With that we returned to the table just as everyone was getting ready to leave. The restaurant was about forty five minutes away from the house and as Mason sat next to me again I got the pleasure of him falling asleep and leaning his head against me shoulder. A couple of times he woke up and apologised. I just smiled and offered to put my arm around him, cinema style. To my shock he didn't pull away, but snuggled into my armpit. It was the warmest feeling I've ever felt. I too almost drifted off being so content. When we got home all three kids were fast asleep. Caleb and Matt picked the girls up and carried them towards the house. Maria and I were left with Mason, she told me to wake him up and that it would be fine, I offered to carry him but was slightly concerned as to how much an eleven year old might weigh. Fortunately he was small for his age and I had no problem lifting him cradle style into the house. I carried him up to his bedroom and laid him on his bed. Maria poked her head in the door and asked if I would mind removing his suit trousers so that they wouldn't get creased in his sleep. Then she left I was sat with the dilemma that I would now have to partly undress my ultimate dream laying fast asleep in front of me. As much as I wanted to just get on and do it, I equally didn't want him waking up and getting freaked out or waking up in the morning and feeling weird that someone had undressed him. I took his smart shoes off first sliding them off his tiny feet. I say tiny they were probably normal size for an eight to nine year old, with him being small for his age. Next I leaned in and undid his trousers. As I zipped his fly my hand gently grazed his little package and he stirred. I panicked and quickly pulled them the rest of the way before he woke up making sure not to touch him there again. His boxers were slightly bigger this time so I couldn't see much definition and it was quite dark in the room as everyone else had gone off to bed leaving minimal lighting on. I watched him lay there for a while in his shirt, boxers and socks looking at how stunningly beautiful he actually was. Within minutes he had rolled onto his side with his hands tucked between his legs giving me no chance at getting another feel of his package. I did however notice his little socked feet, and thought there would be no harm in removing the socks. Gently I slipped my fingers in and pulled them off one by one. His feet were golden tanned, with perfectly cut toenails, and everything proportionately beautiful. I began stroking them gently, then digging my finger in between his toes and playing with them. I knelt down to their level and ran my nose along them. Then my lips. Then my tongue. I was rock hard. Even harder than before and I thought that was the hardest I'd ever been. My free hand slipped back down into my trousers. I grasped my erection as my tongue ran along the soles of his feet and then back up around the heel and along the top. I sucked all ten toes individually starting at the littlest first on each foot and working my way to the big one. By the last big toe I went to town sucking away, my fist was pounding rapidly on my cock inside my trousers. The taste was unbelievable, slightly sweaty and just pure boy. That was enough, I came, hard! About nine shots fired into my boxers as my head collapsed onto the bed next to his feet. It was such a powerful orgasm I fell asleep and woke up five minutes later in a panic. How could I have let myself be that stupid, thoughts of guilt wrecking through my body, the after effects of a sinful cum. I ensured he was safely tucked into his bed and then left quickly for my room. All was quiet in the house. I lay on my bed and removed my clothes, my boxers were sodden with sweat and cum from the manic session they had just captured. I fell asleep feeling guilty as hell. This was going to be a very long week. End of chapter. Thanks for reading, Chapter 2 on the way. Sorry if you don't have a boy foot fetish, I didn't want to jump straight into the full on stuff as it usually ruins the believability of a story, this seemed more realistic whilst still giving it some action. I promise more of what you want in future chapters. Please write me with comments. No haters plz. Masonheartsu @ yahoo . com (remove spaces) Mason