Something About Julian

By: Eric Case

(January 2nd 1999)

Here's the Epilogue I promised, and will be the final writing of "Something About Julian". I've begun replying to the email I owe people and I'm up to the beginning of December so hopefully everyone who wrote in November now has a reply. If not I think I lost your email so I apologize in advance to anyone with whom that is the case. To all the people who have signed the guest book on my web page, I gotta say thanks to you guys too cause it's up to 41 and I have yet to respond to ya about it.


Hopefully you have all had a safe and happy holiday season. I for one have really enjoyed my break from writing as the email poured in and the hits on the web page grew by 4x! As I have said in the past I only intended to make Julian into a 5-part miniseries that would have totaled maybe 65k, but the demand for "Julian" grew quickly. It ended up at around 190k which is a step up from my original intention.

I'll be honest that I wrote this story for the sole purpose of "brightening up" the nifty archive adult-youth section. A lot of the stories at the time I began writing "Something About Julian" were really sex-based, and I tried to write a story about love rather than sex. When I released the first chapter, I got a lot of support from you all, and that was one of the main reasons I made the story bigger. Many of you wrote heartfelt thank-you notes to me for writing "Something About Julian" and these helped to get me through the writing and even made me enjoy it more.

"Something About Julian" gave me the chance to experiment a little more with my writing and to dig a little deeper into simple story-telling. I have had so many "thank you"s sent to me, but I would like to thank all of you who have read this story and allowed me to share a part of myself with you. As for where this all comes from, I have absolutely no idea lol. It has been my attempt at writing a "boy love" story about love rather than about sex. I'd like to remind everyone that love is something shared between people.

My output will over the next few months will decline slightly as I have decided to pick up writing something "non-pornographic". I'll be starting it later this month, and hope to finish it as a short story and submit it to a few friends I have who know publishers, so with a lot of luck (and work) maybe some of you will be able to buy then read something of mine of mine from a book store! That would be a trip ;-) . All the same, I'll fill you all in on the so called future of "Julian".

Well I guess that's it! To everyone again, this has been one of the best stories I've ever written on a personal level in what it's given me. To everyone who supported me, thank you so much from the very bottom of my heart. To my close "net" friends (that equals pretty much anyone I talk to on aol, pager, etc.) thanks so much for your friendships and in many cases your trust. You guys know who you are. So everyone I hope you've enjoyed "Something About Julian" and here's a little something in closing that I wrote for you all:

"To be, or not to be? That is the question."

LOL yeah okay so that wasn't by me, but hey I bear a striking resemblance to a young Shakespeare. lol okay so I don't.. anyways I love you guys and thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Peace and much love,


Well, that's it; "Something About Julian". Comments, suggestions, and just hellos are always welcome to me at